コード例 #1
def main():
    Main show EPGs routine
    :return: None
    # Login to APIC
    description = ('Simple application that logs on to the APIC'
                   ' and displays all of the EPGs.')
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
    args = creds.get()
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    # Download all of the tenants, app profiles, and EPGs
    # and store the names as tuples in a list
    data = []
    tenants = aci.Tenant.get(session)
    for tenant in tenants:
        apps = aci.AppProfile.get(session, tenant)
        for app in apps:
            epgs = aci.EPG.get(session, app, tenant)
            for epg in epgs:
                data.append((tenant.name, app.name, epg.name))

    # Display the data downloaded
    template = "{0:19} {1:20} {2:15}"
    print(template.format("TENANT", "APP_PROFILE", "EPG"))
    print(template.format("------", "-----------", "---"))
    for rec in data:
コード例 #2
def main():
    description = (
        'Simple application that logs on to the APIC and displays the'
        ' response of a given query')
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
                       help='The class which is to be queried',
        help=('This restricts the scope of the query,query_target takes self'
              '| children | subtree. ex: -q self.  The default is self.'))
    args = creds.get()

    if not args.class_name:
        args.class_name = raw_input("Class Name: ")

    # Login to APIC
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    class_url = '/api/node/class/' + args.class_name + '.json?query-target=' + args.query_target
    print("class_url is " + class_url)
    ret = session.get(class_url)
    response = ret.json()
    imdata = response['imdata']
コード例 #3
def main():
    Main create tenant routine
    :return: None
    # Get all the arguments
    description = 'It logs in to the APIC and will create the vlan pool.'
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
                       help='The name of vlan pool',
    args = creds.get()

    # Login to the APIC
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    # Create the VLAN pool
    vlan_pool = aci.NetworkPool(args.vlan, 'vlan', '222', '223', 'dynamic')

    # Push the VLAN pool to the APIC
    resp = session.push_to_apic(vlan_pool.get_url(), vlan_pool.get_json())
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Error: Could not push configuration to APIC')
コード例 #4
def main():
    Main execution routine

    :return: None
    # Take login credentials from the command line if provided
    # Otherwise, take them from your environment variables file ~/.profile
    description = 'Simple application that logs on to the APIC and displays all of the Tenants.'
    creds = ACI.Credentials('apic', description)
    args = creds.get()

    # Login to APIC
    session = ACI.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    # Download all of the tenants
    tenants = ACI.Tenant.get(session)
    for tenant in tenants:
コード例 #5
def main():
    Main create tenant routine
    :return: None
    # Get all the arguments
    description = 'It logs in to the APIC and will create the tenant.'
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
                       help='The name of tenant',
    args = creds.get()

    # Login to the APIC
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    # Create the Tenant
    tenant = aci.Tenant(args.tenant)

    # Push the tenant to the APIC
    resp = session.push_to_apic(tenant.get_url(), tenant.get_json())
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Error: Could not push configuration to APIC')
コード例 #6
ファイル: aci-show-endpoints2.py プロジェクト: capcop/scripts
def main():
    Main Show Endpoints Routine
    :return: None
    # Take login credentials from the command line if provided
    # Otherwise, take them from your environment variables file ~/.profile
    description = ('Simple application that logs on to the APIC'
                   ' and displays all of the Endpoints.')
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
    args = creds.get()

    # Login to APIC
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    # Download all of the interfaces
    # and store the data as tuples in a list
    data = []
    endpoints = aci.Endpoint.get(session)
    for ep in endpoints:
        epg = ep.get_parent()
        app_profile = epg.get_parent()
        tenant = app_profile.get_parent()
        data.append((ep.if_name, tenant.name))

    # Display the data downloaded
    print(tabulate(data, headers=["INTERFACE", "TENANT"]))
コード例 #7
def main():
    Main show EPGs routine
    :return: None
    # Login to APIC
    description = ('Simple application that logs on to the APIC'
                   ' and add static-binding-leaves.')
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
    creds.add_argument('-t', '--tenant', help='Tenant name', default=DEFAULT_TENANT)
    creds.add_argument('-a', '--app', help='Application profile name', default=DEFAULT_APP)
    creds.add_argument('-e', '--epg', help='EPG name', default=DEFAULT_EPG)
    creds.add_argument('-n', '--node', help='Node ID (e.g. 101)', default=DEFAULT_NODE_ID)
    creds.add_argument('-y', '--type', help='Encapsulation type (vlan | vxlan | nvgre)', default=DEFAULT_ENCAP_TYPE)
    creds.add_argument('-i', '--id', help='Specific identifier representing the virtual L2 network (e.g. 100)', default=DEFAULT_ENCAP_ID)
    creds.add_argument('-m', '--mode', help='Encapsulation mode (regular | untagged | native)', default=DEFAULT_ENCAP_MODE)
    creds.add_argument('-d', '--deploy', help='Deployment immediacy (immediate | lazy)', default=DEFAULT_IMMEDIACY)
    creds.add_argument('-o', '--pod', help='Pod number (e.g. 1)', default=DEFAULT_POD)

    args = creds.get()
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')
    tenant = aci.Tenant(args.tenant)
    app = aci.AppProfile(args.app, tenant)
    epg = aci.EPG(args.epg, app)
    epg.add_static_leaf_binding(args.node, args.type, args.id, args.mode, args.deploy, args.pod)
    # Push it all to the APIC
    resp = session.push_to_apic(tenant.get_url(), tenant.get_json())
コード例 #8
def main():
    Main create tenant routine
    :return: None
    # Get all the arguments
    description = 'It logs in to APIC and will create the physical domain.'
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
    creds.add_argument('-p', '--phy_domain', 
                       help='The name of physical domain',
    args = creds.get()

    # Login to the APIC
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    # Create the physical Domain
    phy_dmn = aci.PhysDomain(args.phy_domain)

    # Push the physical domain to the APIC
    resp = session.push_to_apic(phy_dmn.get_url(),
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Error: Could not push configuration to APIC')
コード例 #9
def main():
    Main execution routine

    :return: None
    # Take login credentials from the command line if provided
    # Otherwise, take them from your environment variables file ~/.profile
    description = 'Simple application that logs on to the APIC and displays \
                   all of the Bridge domains.'

    creds = ACI.Credentials('apic', description)
    args = creds.get()

    # Login to APIC
    session = ACI.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    # Download all of the tenants
    template = '{0:20} {1:20}'
    print template.format("TENANT", "BRIDGE DOMAIN")
    print template.format("------", "-------------")
    tenants = ACI.Tenant.get(session)
    for tenant in tenants:
        bds = ACI.BridgeDomain.get(session, tenant)
        for bd in bds:
            print template.format(tenant.name, bd.name)
コード例 #10
def main():
    Main subscribe tenants routine
    :return: None
    # Take login credentials from the command line if provided
    # Otherwise, take them from your environment variables file ~/.profile
    description = ('Simple application using event subscription for the'
                   'Tenant class. When run, this application will log '
                   'into the APIC and subscribe to events on the Tenant '
                   'class.  If a new tenant is created, the event will be'
                   'printed on the screen. Likewise, if an existing tenant'
                   'is deleted.')
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
    args = creds.get()

    # Login to APIC
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')


    while True:
        if aci.Tenant.has_events(session):
            tenant = aci.Tenant.get_event(session)
            if tenant.is_deleted():
                print('Tenant', tenant.name, 'has been deleted.')
                print('Tenant', tenant.name, 'has been created or modified.')
コード例 #11
def main():

    # Get the APIC login credentials
    description = 'testing tags'
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
    args = creds.get()

    # Login to APIC and push the config
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')
    # get all physical domains
    phydms = aci.PhysDomain.get(session)
    template = "{0:30} {1:30} {2:25}"
    if len(phydms) > 0:
        print(template.format("Physical Domain", "Network", "encap_type"))
    for p in phydms:
        pool_name = ""
        encap_type = ""
        if p.has_network():
            net = p.get_network()
            pool_name = net.name
            encap_type = net.encap_type
        print(template.format(p.name, pool_name, encap_type))
コード例 #12
def main():
    Main Endpoint Tracker routine
    :return: None
    # Take login credentials from the command line if provided
    # Otherwise, take them from your environment variables file ~/.profile
    description = ('Application that logs on to the APIC and tracks'
                   ' all of the Endpoints in a MySQL database.')
    creds = aci.Credentials(qualifier=('apic', 'mysql', 'daemon'),
    args = creds.get()

    if args.daemon or args.kill or args.restart:
        args.daemon = True
        pid = '/var/run/endpointtracker.pid'
        daemon = Daemonize(args, pid)

    if args.kill:
    elif args.restart:
    elif args.daemon:
コード例 #13
def main():
    Main common routine for show interface description
    :return: None
    # Set up the command line options
    description = ('Simple application that logs in to the APIC'
                   'and displays the Interface Optics and Neighbors')
    creds = ACI.Credentials('apic', description)
    args = creds.get()

    # Login to APIC
    apic = ACI.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = apic.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    # Show interface Optic & LLDP Neighbor
    #print('starting node_ids')
    switch_attributes = get_switch_attributes(apic, args)
    #print('starting intf_ids')
    intf_ids = get_intf_ids(apic, args, switch_attributes)
    #print('starting Section for Optics and Neighbors')
    interface_detail(apic, args, switch_attributes, intf_ids)
コード例 #14
def main():
    description = ('Simple application that logs on to the APIC'
                   ' and displays all of the Endpoints.')
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
    args = creds.get()

    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    data = []
    endpoints = aci.IPEndpoint.get(session)
    for ep in endpoints:
        epg = ep.get_parent()
        app_profile = epg.get_parent()
        tenant = app_profile.get_parent()
        if (tenant.name == 'Devops' and ((epg.name == 'web'))):
            data.append((ep.mac, ep.ip, epg.name))
    #print "Test here\n"
    y = len(data)
    print "[WEB]"
    print data[y - 1][1]
コード例 #15
def main():
    Main Show Physical Domains Routine
    :return: None
    # Take login credentials from the command line if provided
    # Otherwise, take them from your environment variables file ~/.profile
    description = ('Simple application that logs on to the APIC'
                   ' and displays all of the Physical Domains.')
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
    args = creds.get()

    # Login to APIC
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    domains = aci.PhysDomain.get(session)

    if len(domains) > 0:
        print ('---------------')
        print ('Physical Domain')
        print ('---------------')

    for domain in domains:
        print domain.name

    if len(domains) > 0:
        print '\n'

    domains = aci.VmmDomain.get(session)
コード例 #16
ファイル: aci-add-tags.py プロジェクト: bmbigel02/acitest1
def main():
    # Get the APIC login credentials
    description = 'testing tags'
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
                       help='Add tag to all objects in this configuration')
    creds.add_argument('--tenant', help='Tenant name to be created')
    args = creds.get()

    #Create the Tenant
    if args.tenant:
        tenant = aci.Tenant(args.tenant)
        tenant = aci.Tenant('tutorial-tag')

    # Create the Application Profile
    app = aci.AppProfile('myapp', tenant)

    # Create the EPG
    epg1 = aci.EPG('myepg1', app)
    epg2 = aci.EPG('myepg2', app)

    # Create a Context and BridgeDomain
    context = aci.Context('myvrf', tenant)
    bd = aci.BridgeDomain('mybd', tenant)

    # Place the EPG in the BD

    # Add Tag to the EPGs
    epg1.add_tag("web server")

    # test
    app2 = aci.AppProfile('myapp2', tenant)
    epg21 = aci.EPG('myepg21', app2)
    epg22 = aci.EPG('myepg22', app2)

    # Add Tag to all objects in this configuration
    if args.tag:

    # Login to APIC and push the config
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session)
    if resp.ok:

    # Print what was sent
    print('Pushed the following JSON to the APIC')
    print('URL:', tenant.get_url())
    print('JSON:', tenant.get_json())
コード例 #17
def main():
    Main Routine
    # Take login credentials from the command line if provided
    description = ('Simple application to display details about faults in an ACI Fabric')
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
    creds.add_argument('--sort', choices=["asc", "desc"], default="desc", help='Specify the sort order within each severity based on time/date. Default is Descending order. i.e. Newest faults at the top of each category')

    args = creds.get()

    # Login to APIC
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    # Available severity codes for ACI Fault Instances
    fault_severity = ["critical", "major", "minor", "warning", "info", "cleared"]

    fault_lookup = {} # Dictionary to be used to store the returned MO's, with the key being the severity
    fault_severity_count = {} # Dictionary to track total faults per severity

    # Loop through all fault severity types, perform a fault lookup in the system and return the list of MO's.
    # Assign to the fault_lookup dictionary, with severity as the key
    for fault_type in fault_severity:
        resp = query_fault(session, fault_type, args.sort)
        resp2 = resp['imdata']
        faultInst = []
        for entry in resp2:

        #print faultInst
        fault_lookup[fault_type] = faultInst
        # Find out the length of the inner list, based off the fault severity in the lookup
        # eg: fault_lookup["critical"] = [x,y,z]
        fault_severity_count[fault_type] = len(fault_lookup[fault_type])

    # Loop through each severity, sort by faultCode and then print it out
    for item in fault_severity:
        print_fault(item, fault_lookup[item])

    print "=" * 80
    print ("Summary of total faults")
    print "-" * 80
    for fault_summary in fault_severity:
        print (fault_summary + " = " + str(fault_severity_count[fault_summary]))
    print "=" * 80
コード例 #18
ファイル: cableplan.py プロジェクト: samzehnder/acitoolkit
def main():
    description = 'Simple application that logs on to the APIC and displays stats for all of the Interfaces.'
    creds = ACI.Credentials('apic', description)
    # group = creds.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    group1 = creds.add_argument_group('Export', 'Export a cable plan')
    group1.add_argument('-e', '--export_file', default=None, const='export text', dest='export_file', nargs='?',
                        help='Export cableplan from running fabric.  If EXPORT_FILE is specified, the '
                             'cableplan will be written to EXPORT_FILE')
    group2 = creds.add_argument_group('Compare', 'Compare cable plans')
    group2.add_argument('-c1', '--cableplan1',
                        type=str, nargs=1,
                        help="Name of cableplan xml file.  If only CABLEPLAN1 is specified, "
                             "it will be compared to the running fabric.  If it is specified with "
                             "CABLEPLAN2 (the -c2 option), then it will compare CABLEPLAN1 with CABLEPLAN2")
    group2.add_argument('-c2', '--cableplan2',
                        type=str, nargs=1,
                        help="Name of second cableplan xml file.  The second cableplan file.  This file will "
                             "be compared to CABLEPLAN1.  This option must only be used "
                             "in conjunction with the -c1 option.")

    args = creds.get()

    session = ACI.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)

    if args.export_file and (args.cableplan1 or args.cableplan2):
        print '\nError: export and compare operations are mutually exclusive'

    if args.cableplan2 and not args.cableplan1:
        print '\nError: -c2 option only valid with -c1 option'

    if not args.export_file and not args.cableplan1:
        print '\nError: Either export (-e) or compare (-c1) is required'

    if args.export_file:
        if args.export_file == 'export text':
            export_to_file(session, args.export_file)

    if args.cableplan1:
        if args.cableplan2:
            compare_cable_plans(session, args.cableplan1[0], args.cableplan2[0])
            compare_cable_plans(session, args.cableplan1[0])
コード例 #19
def main():

    #################### CONFIGURATION MENU #################################################################
    print("\n ********* Welcome to the LAB-MANAGER configurator! ********* ")
    print(" Please provide the following information to set up the labs on the Cisco APIC Sandbox. ")
    course_partecipants = int(input(' COURSE PARTECIPANTS NUMBER: '))
    lab_id = int(input(' RESTORE TO LAB #: '))
    #################### DEFINE LAB LIST ####################################################################
    lab = [lab1, lab2, lab3, lab4]
    #################### GET CREDENTIALS & APIC LOGIN #######################################################
    ## Credentials
    description = 'ACI Fabric Setup'
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
    creds.add_argument('--delete', action='store_true',
                    help='Delete the configuration from the APIC')
    args = creds.get()
    ## Login to the APIC
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')
    #################### CREATE & PUSH ACI CONFIG ###########################################################
    ## Define ACI config per lab
    tenant_list = []
    for l in range(lab_id):
        tenant_list = lab[l](course_partecipants, tenant_list)
    ## Push to APIC
    for cp in range(course_partecipants):
        tenant = tenant_list[cp]
        resp = session.push_to_apic(tenant.get_url(),
        if not resp.ok:
            print('%% Error: Could not push {} configuration to APIC'.format(tenant.name))

    print("\n ********* LABS RESTORED! ********* \n")
コード例 #20
def main():
    Main Show Endpoints Routine
    # Take login credentials from the command line if provided
    # Otherwise, take them from your environment variables file ~/.profile

    description = ('Simple application to display details about endpoints')
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
    args = creds.get()

    # Login to APIC
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    # session = aci.Session(URL1, LOGIN1, PASSWORD1)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    # Start time count at this point, otherwise takes into consideration the amount of time taken to input the password
    start_time = time.time()

    # Download all of the interfaces and store the data as tuples in a list
    data = []
    endpoints = aci.Endpoint.get(session)
    for ep in endpoints:
        epg = ep.get_parent()
        app_profile = epg.get_parent()
        tenant = app_profile.get_parent()

        # Check each MAC address via API call to macvendors.com to identify hardware vendor
        url = "http://api.macvendors.com/" + ep.mac
        response = requests.request("GET", url)
        mac_vendor = response.text

        # Store in list as tuple, that will be printed in the tabulate format
        data.append((ep.mac, mac_vendor, ep.ip, ep.if_name, ep.encap,
                    tenant.name, app_profile.name, epg.name))

    # Display the data downloaded
    print tabulate(data, headers=["MACADDRESS", "MAC VENDOR", "IPADDRESS", "INTERFACE",
                                  "ENCAP", "TENANT", "APP PROFILE", "EPG"], tablefmt="simple")

    print ("#" * 80)
    finish_time = time.time()
    print ("Started @ {}".format(time.asctime(time.localtime(start_time))))
    print ("Ended @ {}".format(time.asctime(time.localtime(finish_time))))
    print("--- Total Execution Time: %s seconds ---" % (finish_time - start_time))
    print ("#" * 80)
コード例 #21
def main():
    Main show Subnets routine
    :return: None
    # Take login credentials from the command line if provided
    # Otherwise, take them from your environment variables file ~/.profile
    description = ('Simple application that logs on to the APIC'
                   ' and displays all of the Subnets.')
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
    creds.add_argument('--tenant', help='The name of Tenant')
    args = creds.get()

    # Login to APIC
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    # Download all of the tenants, app profiles, and Subnets
    # and store the names as tuples in a list
    tenants = aci.Tenant.get(session)
    for tenant in tenants:
        check_longest_name(tenant.name, "Tenant")
        if args.tenant is None:
            get_subnet(session, tenant)
            if tenant.name == args.tenant:
                get_subnet(session, tenant)

    # Display the data downloaded
    template = '{0:' + str(longest_names["Tenant"]) + '} ' \
               '{1:' + str(longest_names["Application Profile"]) + '} ' \
               '{2:' + str(longest_names["Bridge Domain"]) + '} ' \
               '{3:' + str(longest_names["Subnet"]) + '} ' \
               '{4:' + str(longest_names["Scope"]) + '}'
        template.format("Tenant", "Application Profile", "Bridge Domain",
                        "Subnet", "Scope"))
        template.format('-' * longest_names["Tenant"],
                        '-' * longest_names["Application Profile"],
                        '-' * longest_names["Bridge Domain"],
                        '-' * longest_names["Subnet"],
                        '-' * longest_names["Scope"]))
    for rec in sorted(data):
コード例 #22
def main():
    Main execution routine

    :return: None
    # Take login credentials from the command line if provided
    # Otherwise, take them from your environment variables file ~/.profile
    description = 'Simple application that logs on to the APIC and displays stats for all of the Interfaces.'
    creds = ACI.Credentials('apic', description)
    creds.add_argument('-i', '--interface',
                       help='Specify a particular interface node/pod/module/port e.g. 1/201/1/21')
    creds.add_argument('-e', '--epoch', type=int,
                       help='Show a particular epoch (default=0)')
    creds.add_argument('-g', '--granularity', type=str,
                       help='Show a particular granularity (default="5min")')
    creds.add_argument('-f', '--full', action="store_true",
                       help='Show full statistics - only available if interface is specified')
    creds.add_argument('-n', '--nonzero', action='store_true',
                       help='Show only interfaces where the counters are not zero. - only available if interface is NOT specified')
    args = creds.get()

    # Login to APIC
    session = ACI.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    # Download all of the interfaces and get their stats
    # and display the stats
    if args.interface:
        interface = args.interface
        if 'eth ' in interface:
            interface = interface[4:]
        (pod, node, module, port) = interface.split('/')
        interfaces = ACI.Interface.get(session, pod, node, module, port)
        interfaces = ACI.Interface.get(session)

    if not args.full or not args.interface:
        show_stats_short(args, interfaces)
        show_stats_long(args, interfaces)
コード例 #23
def main():
    Main create tenant routine
    :return: None
    # Get all the arguments
    description = 'It logs in to the APIC and will create the tenant.'
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
                       help='The name of tenant',
                       help='The name of contract',
                       help='The name of contract \
                       help='The name of filter',
    args = creds.get()

    # Login to the APIC
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    # Create the Tenant
    tenant = aci.Tenant(args.tenant)

    # Create Contract
    contract = aci.Contract(args.contract, tenant)
    contract_sub = aci.ContractSubject(args.contract_sub, contract)
    # Create Filter
    filter = aci.Filter(args.filter, contract_sub)

    # Push the Contract to the APIC
    resp = session.push_to_apic(tenant.get_url(), tenant.get_json())
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Error: Could not push configuration to APIC')
コード例 #24
def main():
    Main create tenant routine
    :return: None
    # Get all the arguments
    description = 'It logs in to the APIC and will create the tenant.'
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
                       help='The name of tenant',
                       help='The name of contract',
    args = creds.get()

    # Login to the APIC
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    # Create the Tenant
    tenant = aci.Tenant(args.tenant)

    # Create Filter
    filter = aci.Filter(args.filter, tenant)

    entry1 = aci.FilterEntry(args.filter,

    # Push the Contract to the APIC
    resp = session.push_to_apic(tenant.get_url(), tenant.get_json())
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Error: Could not push configuration to APIC')
コード例 #25
def main():
    description = (
        'Simple application that logs on to the APIC'
        ' and displays all the tenant info of the contract_interface related to the imported contract.'
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
                       help="Tenant Name of where the contract is created")
    creds.add_argument("-i", "--contract_name", help="Imported Contract Name")
    args = creds.get()

    if (args.tenant_name is not None) and (args.contract_name is None):
        args.contract_name = raw_input("Contract Name: ")

    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    data = []
    tenants = aci.Tenant.get_deep(session)
    for tenant in tenants:
        contracts_interfaces = tenant.get_children(
        for contractInterface in contracts_interfaces:
            importedContract = contractInterface.get_import_contract()
            if importedContract is not None:
                if args.tenant_name is not None:
                    if (importedContract.name == args.contract_name) and (
                            == args.tenant_name):
                        apps = aci.AppProfile.get(session, tenant)
                        for app in apps:
                            epgs = aci.EPG.get(session, app, tenant)
                            for epg in epgs:
                                             tenant.name, app.name, epg.name))
                    apps = aci.AppProfile.get(session, tenant)
                    for app in apps:
                        epgs = aci.EPG.get(session, app, tenant)
                        for epg in epgs:
                            data.append((importedContract.name, tenant.name,
                                         app.name, epg.name))
    print tabulate(
        data, headers=["IMPORTED_CONTRACT", "TENANT", "APP_PROFILE", "EPG"])
コード例 #26
def main():

    # Get the APIC login credentials
    description = 'testing tags'
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
    creds.add_argument('--tenant', help='show tags of this tenant if specify')
    args = creds.get()

    # Login to APIC and push the config
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')
    # Get tenants from the APIC
    if args.tenant:
        tenants = aci.Tenant.get_deep(session, limit_to=['fvTenant'], names=[args.tenant])
        tenants = aci.Tenant.get(session)
    # get all EPGs with their tag
    data = []
    for tenant in tenants:
        apps = aci.AppProfile.get(session, tenant)
        for app in apps:
            epgs = aci.EPG.get(session, app, tenant)
            for epg in epgs:
                tag_list = aci.Tag.get(session, parent=epg, tenant=tenant)
                if len(tag_list):
                    tag_list = [tag.name for tag in tag_list]
                    if len(tag_list):
                        data.append((tenant.name, app.name, epg.name, ",".join(tag_list)))

    template = "{0:20} {1:20} {2:20} {3:20}"
    if len(data):

        print(template.format("-" * 20,
                              "-" * 20,
                              "-" * 20,
                              "-" * 20))
        for d in data:
コード例 #27
def main():

    # Get the APIC login credentials
    description = 'testing tags'
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
                       help='delete this tag from epgs of the given tenant')
    creds.add_argument('--tag', help='the tag to be deleted')
    args = creds.get()

    if not args.tag:
        print("please pass tag argument")
    # Login to APIC and push the config
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')
    # Get tenants from the APIC
    if args.tenant:
        tenants = aci.Tenant.get_deep(session,
                                      limit_to=['fvAp', 'fvAEPg', 'tagInst'],
        # Get all Tenants within APIC
        tenants = aci.Tenant.get(session)
        names_tenants = [tenant.name for tenant in tenants]
        tenants = aci.Tenant.get_deep(session,
                                      limit_to=['fvAp', 'fvAEPg', 'tagInst'],
    # get all EPGs with their tag
    for tenant in tenants:
        apps = tenant.get_children(only_class=aci.AppProfile)
        for app in apps:
            epgs = app.get_children(only_class=aci.EPG)
            for epg in epgs:
        resp = tenant.push_to_apic(session)
        if resp.ok:

        # Print what was sent
        print('Pushed the following JSON to the APIC')
        print('URL:', tenant.get_url())
        print('JSON:', tenant.get_json())
コード例 #28
def main():
    Main show Subnets routine
    :return: None
    # Login to APIC
    description = ('Simple application that logs on to the APIC'
                   ' and displays all of the Subnets.')
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
    args = creds.get()
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    # Download all of the tenants, app profiles, and Subnets
    # and store the names as tuples in a list
    data = []
    tenants = aci.Tenant.get(session)
    for tenant in tenants:
        apps = aci.AppProfile.get(session, tenant)
        for app in apps:
            bds = aci.BridgeDomain.get(session, tenant)
            for bd in bds:
                subnets = aci.Subnet.get(session, bd, tenant)
                if len(subnets) == 0:
                    data.append((tenant.name, app.name, bd.name, "", ""))
                    for subnet in subnets:
                            (tenant.name, app.name, bd.name, subnet.addr,

    # Display the data downloaded
    template = "{0:20} {1:20} {2:20} {3:18} {4:15}"
        template.format("Tenant              ", "AppProfile          ",
                        "BridgeDomain        ", "Subnet            ",
                        "Scope          "))
        template.format("--------------------", "--------------------",
                        "--------------------", "------------------",
    for rec in data:
コード例 #29
def main():
    Main routine
    :return: None
    # Login to APIC
    description = ('Simple application that logs on to the APIC'
                   ' and displays all of the External Subnets.')
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
    creds.add_argument('--tenant', help='The name of Tenant')
    args = creds.get()

    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    # Download all of the tenants, app profiles, and Subnets
    # and store the names as tuples in a list
    tenants = aci.Tenant.get_deep(session, limit_to=['fvTenant',
    for tenant in tenants:
        check_longest_name(tenant.name, "Tenant")
        if args.tenant is None:
            get_external_epg(session, tenant)
            if tenant.name == args.tenant:
                get_external_epg(session, tenant)

    # Display the data downloaded
    template = '{0:' + str(longest_names["Tenant"]) + '} ' \
               '{1:' + str(longest_names["L3Out"]) + '} ' \
               '{2:' + str(longest_names["External EPG"]) + '} ' \
               '{3:' + str(longest_names["Subnet"]) + '} ' \
               '{4:' + str(longest_names["Scope"]) + '}'
    print(template.format("Tenant", "L3Out", "External EPG", "Subnet", "Scope"))
    print(template.format('-' * longest_names["Tenant"],
                          '-' * longest_names["L3Out"],
                          '-' * longest_names["External EPG"],
                          '-' * longest_names["Subnet"],
                          '-' * longest_names["Scope"]))
    for rec in sorted(data):
コード例 #30
def main():
    Main execution routine

    :return: None
    # Take login credentials from the command line if provided
    # Otherwise, take them from your environment variables file ~/.profile
    description = 'Simple application that logs on to the APIC and displays all of the Interfaces.'
    creds = aci.Credentials('apic', description)
    args = creds.get()

    # Login to APIC
    session = aci.Session(args.url, args.login, args.password)
    resp = session.login()
    if not resp.ok:
        print('%% Could not login to APIC')

    resp = session.get('/api/class/ipv4Addr.json')
    intfs = json.loads(resp.text)['imdata']
    data = {}

    for i in intfs:
        ip = i['ipv4Addr']['attributes']['addr']
        op = i['ipv4Addr']['attributes']['operSt']
        cfg = i['ipv4Addr']['attributes']['operStQual']
        dn = i['ipv4Addr']['attributes']['dn']
        node = dn.split('/')[2]
        intf = re.split(r'\[|\]', dn)[1]
        vrf = re.split(r'/|dom-', dn)[7]
        if vrf not in data.keys():
            data[vrf] = []
            data[vrf].append((node, intf, ip, cfg, op))

    for k in data.keys():
        header = 'IP Interface Status for VRF "{}"'.format(k)
        print header
        template = "{0:15} {1:10} {2:20} {3:8} {4:10}"
            template.format("Node", "Interface", "IP Address ", "Admin Status",
        for rec in sorted(data[k]):