コード例 #1
ファイル: car.py プロジェクト: berickson/car
 def reset_odometry(self):
   self.reading_count = 0
   self.dynamics = Dynamics()
   self.velocity = 0.0
   self.last_velocity = 0.0
   self.heading_adjustment = 0.
   self.odometer_start = 0
   self.odometer_front_left_start = 0
   self.odometer_front_right_start = 0
   self.odometer_back_left_start = 0
   self.odometer_back_right_start = 0
   self.ackerman = Ackerman(
     front_wheelbase_width = self.front_wheelbase_width_in_meters, 
     wheelbase_length = self.wheelbase_length_in_meters)
コード例 #2
ファイル: car.py プロジェクト: berickson/car
class Car:
  def __init__(self, online = True):
    self.config_path = 'car.ini'
    self.online = online
    self.listener = None
    self.last_verified_velocity = 0.0
    self.lcd = None
    self.usb_error_count = 0
    self.input_recording_file = None
    self.commands_recording_file = None
    if self.online:
      from lcd import Lcd
      self.lcd = Lcd()
      self.quit = False
      self.write_command('td+') # first command normally fails, so write a blank command
      self.output_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._monitor_output, args = ())
      self.output_thread.daemon = True
      while self.dynamics.reading_count == 0:

  def display_text(self, s):
    if self.lcd is not None:
  # records all input from the pi
  def begin_recording_input(self, recording_file_path):
    if self.input_recording_file is not None:
    self.input_recording_file = open(recording_file_path,'w')
  def end_recording_input(self):
    if self.input_recording_file is not None:
      self.input_recording_file = None
  # records all commands to the pi
  def begin_recording_commands(self, commands_recording_file_path):
    if self.commands_recording_file is not None:
    self.commands_recording_file = open(commands_recording_file_path,'w')
  def end_recording_commands(self):
    if self.commands_recording_file is not None:
      self.commands_recording_file = None

  def reset_odometry(self):
    self.reading_count = 0
    self.dynamics = Dynamics()
    self.velocity = 0.0
    self.last_velocity = 0.0
    self.heading_adjustment = 0.
    self.odometer_start = 0
    self.odometer_front_left_start = 0
    self.odometer_front_right_start = 0
    self.odometer_back_left_start = 0
    self.odometer_back_right_start = 0
    self.ackerman = Ackerman(
      front_wheelbase_width = self.front_wheelbase_width_in_meters, 
      wheelbase_length = self.wheelbase_length_in_meters)

  def read_configuration(self):
    # odometry
    self.meters_per_odometer_tick = float(self.get_option('calibration','meters_per_odometer_tick'))
    self.gyro_adjustment_factor = float(self.get_option('calibration','gyro_adjustment_factor'))
    # esc and steering
    self.center_steering_us = int(self.get_option('calibration','center_steering_us'))
    self.min_forward_esc = int(self.get_option('calibration','min_forward_esc'))
    self.min_reverse_esc = int(self.get_option('calibration','min_reverse_esc'))
    self.reverse_center_steering_us = int(self.get_option('calibration','reverse_center_steering_us'))
    # car dimensions
    self.front_wheelbase_width_in_meters = float(self.get_option('calibration','front_wheelbase_width_in_meters'))
    self.rear_wheelbase_width_in_meters = float(self.get_option('calibration','rear_wheelbase_width_in_meters'))
    self.wheelbase_length_in_meters = float(self.get_option('calibration','wheelbase_length_in_meters'))
    # infer general dimensions
    # todo: put these in config to get complete shape of car
    self.length = self.wheelbase_length_in_meters
    self.width = self.front_wheelbase_width_in_meters

  def add_listener(self, listener):
    if self.listener is not None:
      raise Exception("only one listener allowed")
    self.listener = listener    

  def remove_listener(self, listener):
    if self.listener is not listener:
     raise Exception("Unknown listener")
    self.listener = None

  def __exit__(self, type_unused, value_unused, traceback_unused):
    self.quit = True
    if self.online:

  def get_option(self,section,option):
    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    with open(self.config_path, 'rwb+') as configfile:
    return config.get(section, option)
  def set_option(self,section,option,value):
    config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    with open(self.config_path, 'rwb+') as configfile:

    with open(self.config_path, 'rwb+') as configfile:
  def write_command(self, s):
    if not self.online:
      raise Exception("must be online")
    l = "{0}\n".format(s)
    with open('/dev/car','w') as command:
    if self.commands_recording_file is not None:
  def _monitor_output(self):
    self.output = open('/var/log/car','r')
    self.output.seek(0,2) # go to end of file
    line_start = None
    while not self.quit:
      s = self.output.readline()
      if s:
        if line_start is not None:
          s = line_start + s
          line_start = None
        if not s.endswith('\n'):
          line_start = s

  def process_line_from_log(self, s):
    # sanity check.  Only process valid TRACE_DYNAMICS log lines
    fields = s.split(',')
    if fields == None:
    if len(fields) < 10:
    if fields[1] != 'TD':
    if len(fields) != 39:
      self.usb_error_count = self.usb_error_count + 1
      #print 'invalid TD packet with {} fields: {}'.format(len(fields),s)
    if self.input_recording_file is not None:
    # todo, handle contention with different threads
    # for now, make changeover quick and don't mess
    # with existing structures, maybe by keeping a big list
    current = Dynamics()
    previous = self.dynamics
    self.dynamics = current
    self.reading_count += 1
    if self.reading_count > 1:
      self.apply_dynamics(current, previous)
      self.original_dynamics = current
    if self.listener != None:
  def get_usb_error_count(self):
    return self.usb_error_count
  # returns ping distance in meters
  def ping_inches(self):
    return self.ping_meters()/0.0254

  def ping_distance(self):
    return self.ping_meters()

  def ping_meters(self):
    return self.dynamics.ping_millimeters / 1000.
  def battery_voltage(self):
    return self.dynamics.battery_voltage
  def apply_dynamics(self, current, previous):
    # correct heading with adjustment factor
    self.heading_adjustment += (1. - self.gyro_adjustment_factor) * standardized_degrees(current.heading - previous.heading)
    # if wheels have moved, update ackerman
    wheel_distance_meters = (current.odometer_ticks-previous.odometer_ticks)  * self.meters_per_odometer_tick
    if abs(wheel_distance_meters) > 0.:
      outside_wheel_angle = radians(self.angle_for_steering(previous.str))
      self.ackerman.move_left_wheel(outside_wheel_angle, wheel_distance_meters, self.heading_radians())
    # update velocity
    if current.odometer_last_us != previous.odometer_last_us:
      elapsed_seconds = (current.odometer_last_us - previous.odometer_last_us) / 1000000.
      self.velocity = wheel_distance_meters / elapsed_seconds
      self.last_verified_velocity = self.velocity
      # no tick this time, how long has it been?
      seconds_since_tick = ( current.us - current.odometer_last_us ) / 1000000.
      if seconds_since_tick > 0.1:
        # it's been a long time, let's call velocity zero
        self.velocity = 0.0
        # we've had a tick recently, fastest possible speed is when a tick is about to happen
        # let's use smaller of that and previously certain velocity
        max_possible = self.meters_per_odometer_tick / seconds_since_tick
        if max_possible > abs(self.last_verified_velocity):
          self.velocity = self.last_verified_velocity
          if self.last_verified_velocity > 0:
            self.velocity = max_possible
            self.velocity = -max_possible

    #print("x:{:.2f} y:{:.2f} heading:{:.2f}".format(self.ackerman.x, self.ackerman.y, relative_heading))
  # returns the velocity in meters/sec
  # if the car is reversing, velocity will be negative
  def get_velocity_meters_per_second(self):
    return self.velocity;
  # returns position of rear of car (between two rear wheels), this starts at -wheelbase_length_in_meters,0
  def rear_position(self):
    return (self.ackerman.x - self.wheelbase_length_in_meters, self.ackerman.y)
  # returns position of front of car (between two front wheels), this starts at 0,0
  def front_position(self):
    h = radians(self.heading_degrees());
    l = self.wheelbase_length_in_meters
    return (self.ackerman.x + l * cos(h) - l , self.ackerman.y + l * sin(h))
  def heading_degrees(self):
    return standardized_degrees(self.dynamics.heading - self.original_dynamics.heading + self.heading_adjustment)
  def heading_radians(self):  
    return radians(self.heading_degrees())
  def set_rc_mode(self):

  def set_manual_mode(self):
  def wheels_angle(self):
    return self.angle_for_steering(self.dynamics.str) 
  def esc_for_velocity(self, v):
    data = [
      (-2., 1200), # made up numbers for negative v: todo: find empirically
      (-1., 1250),
      (0.0,  1500),
      (0.1, 1645),
      (0.34, 1659),
      (0.85, 1679),
      (1.2, 1699),
      (1.71, 1719),
      (1.88, 1739),
      (2.22, 1759),
      (2.6, 1779),
      (3.0, 1799),
      (14.0, 2000)
    return table_lookup(data, v)
  def angle_for_steering(self, str):
    data = [
      (5, 1390),
      (0, 1450),
      (-5, 1528),
      (-10, 1607),
      (-20, 1723),
      (-25, 1768),
      (-30, 1858)]
    last = len(data)-1
    if str <= data[0][1]:
      return data[0][0]
    if str >= data[last][1]:
      return data[last][0]
    for i in range(0,last):
      if str <= data[i+1][1]:
        return interpolate(
          str, data[i][1], data[i][0], data[i+1][1], data[i+1][0])
  # returns the steering pulse for give steering angle
  # of the outside wheel
  def steering_for_angle(self, theta):
    data = [
      (5, 1390),
      (0, 1450),
      (-5, 1528),
      (-10, 1607),
      (-20, 1723),
      (-25, 1768),
      (-30, 1858)]
    last = len(data)-1
    if theta >= data[0][0]:
      return data[0][1]
    if theta <= data[last][0]:
      return data[last][1]
    for i in range(0,last):
      if theta >= data[i+1][0]:
        return interpolate(
          theta, data[i][0], data[i][1], data[i+1][0], data[i+1][1])
  def set_esc_and_str(self, speed, steering):
     self.write_command('pse {0},{1}'.format(int(steering), int(speed)))
  def zero_odometer(self):
    self.odometer_start = self.dynamics.odometer_ticks
    self.odometer_front_left_start = self.dynamics.odometer_front_left
    self.odometer_front_right_start = self.dynamics.odometer_front_right
    self.odometer_back_left_start = self.dynamics.odometer_back_left
    self.odometer_back_right_start = self.dynamics.odometer_back_right

  def odometer_meters(self):
    return (self.dynamics.odometer_ticks - self.odometer_start) * self.meters_per_odometer_tick
  def odometer_front_left(self):
    return self.dynamics.odometer_front_left - self.odometer_front_left_start
  def odometer_front_right(self):
    return self.dynamics.odometer_front_right - self.odometer_front_right_start
  def odometer_back_left(self):
    return self.dynamics.odometer_back_left - self.odometer_back_left_start
  def odometer_back_right(self):
    return self.dynamics.odometer_back_right - self.odometer_back_right_start
  # returns where you should steer to if you wish to go to goal_heading
  def steering_for_goal_heading_degrees(self, goal_heading, reverse = False):
    direction = -1 if reverse else 1
    heading_error = degrees_diff(goal_heading, self.heading_degrees())
    steering = self.steering_for_angle(-direction * heading_error)
    return steering
  def is_drifting(self):
    return self.ackerman.is_drifting()

  def forward(self, meters, goal_heading = None, fixed_steering_us = None, max_speed = 2.0):
    ticks = int(meters/self.meters_per_odometer_tick)
    if fixed_steering_us != None:
      steering = fixed_steering_us
    if goal_heading == None:
      goal_heading = self.dynamics.heading
    #use a direction of 1 / -1 to help with the math for forward / reverse
    if ticks > 0:
      direction = 1
      min_esc = 1500
      max_esc = self.esc_for_velocity(max_speed)
      direction = -1
      min_esc = 1500
      max_esc = self.esc_for_velocity(-max_speed) 
    goal_odometer = self.dynamics.odometer_ticks + ticks

    while self.dynamics.odometer_ticks * direction < goal_odometer * direction:
      esc = max_esc
      # adjust steering if fixed steering wasn't selected
      if fixed_steering_us == None:
        heading_error = degrees_diff(goal_heading, self.dynamics.heading)
        steering = self.steering_for_angle(-direction * heading_error)
      # adjust speed
      if abs(self.get_velocity_meters_per_second()) > max_speed:
        esc = min_esc
      self.set_esc_and_str(esc, steering)
    slowdown_start = time.time()
    while (time.time()-slowdown_start < 3):
      if fixed_steering_us == None:
        heading_error = degrees_diff(goal_heading, self.dynamics.heading)
        steering = self.steering_for_angle(-direction * heading_error * 1.5)