コード例 #1
def get_challenges(client, regr, domain, challenges_file, log):
    # Load any existing challenges we've requested for domains so we
    # can track the challenges we've requested across sessions.
    existing_challenges = []
    if os.path.exists(challenges_file):
        with open(challenges_file) as f:
            existing_challenges = json.load(f)

    # Load.
    for i in range(len(existing_challenges)):
        existing_challenges[i] = \

    # Drop any challenges that have expired.
    existing_challenges = list(filter(lambda challg: is_still_valid(challg.body.expires), existing_challenges))

    # If challenges exist for this domain, reuse it.
    for i, challg in enumerate(existing_challenges):
        if challg.body.identifier.typ.name == "dns" and challg.body.identifier.value == domain:
            log("Reusing existing challenges for %s." % domain)

            # Refresh the record because it may have been updated with validated challenges.
            challg, resp = client.poll(challg)
            existing_challenges[i] = challg
        # None found.
        challg = None

    if challg is None:
        # Get new challenges for a domain.
        log("Requesting new challenges for %s." % domain)
        challg = client.request_domain_challenges(domain, regr.new_authzr_uri)

        # Add into our existing challenges.

    # Save new set of challenges.
    with open(challenges_file, 'w') as f:
        f.write(json.dumps([c.to_json() for c in existing_challenges], sort_keys=True, indent=4))

    # Return the new challenges for this domain.
    return challg
コード例 #2
def get_challenges(client, regr, domain, challenges_file, log):
    # Load the cache of challenges.
    challenges = load_challenges_file(challenges_file)

    # If challenges exist for this domain, reuse it.
    # We've already dropped expired and revoked challenges, so we don't have
    # to check that here.
    for i, challg in enumerate(challenges):
        if challg.body.identifier.typ.name == "dns" and challg.body.identifier.value == domain:
            log("Reusing existing challenges for %s." % domain)

            # Refresh the record because it may have been updated with validated challenges.
                challg, resp = client.poll(challg)
            except acme.messages.Error as e:
                if e.typ in ("urn:acme:error:unauthorized",
                    # There is a problem accessing our own account. This probably
                    # means the stored registration information is not valid.
                    raise AccountDataIsCorrupt(challenges_file)

            # Check that the refreshed record is not expired/revoked. Those
            # aren't helpful. It might be "invalid", meaning a challenge
            # failed. We'll percolate up an invalid challenge so the user
            # gets a ChallengeFailed exception, but we'll also drop it from
            # the cache so that it doesn't prevent further attempts to get
            # a certificate from proceeding.
            if is_still_valid_challenge(challg):
                if challg.body.status.name != "invalid":
                    # Update cache.
                    challenges[i] = challg
                    # Drop from cache.

                # Stop loop here: Use this challenge.
        # None found.
        challg = None
        resp = None

    if challg is None:
        # Get new challenges for a domain.
        log("Requesting new challenges for %s." % domain)
            challg = client.request_domain_challenges(domain,
        except acme.messages.Error as e:
            if e.typ == "urn:acme:error:malformed":
                raise InvalidDomainName(domain, e.detail)

        # Add into our existing challenges.

    # Write a cache of challenges.
    save_challenges_file(challenges, challenges_file)

    # Return the new challenges for this domain, and if we updated it,
    # then the response object so we can know how long to wait before
    # polling again.
    return (challg, resp)
コード例 #3
ファイル: letsencrypt.py プロジェクト: gitter-badger/embyDDNS
def _getChallenges(hostname):
	# Load the cache of challenges.
	# Load any existing challenges we've requested for domains so we
	# can track the challenges we've requested across sessions.
	challenges = []
	domain = hostname + DOMAIN
	info = _recallHost(hostname)
	key = serialization.load_pem_private_key(base64.b64decode(info['acct_privkey']),password=None, backend=default_backend())
	client = acme.client.Client(CA,jose.JWKRSA(key=jose.ComparableRSAKey(key)))
	regr = acme.messages.RegistrationResource.json_loads(info['reg_json'])
	if not info['authz_json'] == None:
		challenges = json.loads(info['authz_json'])

	# Convert from JSON to ACME objects.
	for i in range(len(challenges)):
		challenges[i] = acme.messages.AuthorizationResource.from_json(challenges[i])

	# Drop any challenges that have expired or have been revoked.
	challenges = [challg for challg in challenges if not challg.body.status.name == "revoked" and ((challg.body.expires.replace(tzinfo=None)-datetime.now()) > timedelta(seconds=60))]

	# If challenges exist for this domain, reuse it.
	# We've already dropped expired and revoked challenges, so we don't have
	# to check that here.
	for i, challg in enumerate(challenges):
		if challg.body.identifier.typ.name == "dns" and challg.body.identifier.value == domain:
			print ("Reusing existing challenges for %s." % domain)

			# Refresh the record because it may have been updated with validated challenges.
				challg, resp = client.poll(challg)
			except acme.messages.Error as e:
				if e.typ in ("urn:acme:error:unauthorized", "urn:acme:error:malformed"):
					# There is a problem accessing our own account. This probably
					# means the stored registration information is not valid.
					raise AccountDataIsCorrupt(challenges_file)

			# Check that the refreshed record is still valid.
			if  not challg.body.status.name == "revoked" and ((challg.body.expires.replace(tzinfo=None)-datetime.now()) > timedelta(seconds=60)):
				# If so, keep it.
				challenges[i] = challg
		# None found.
		challg = None
		resp = None

	if challg is None:
		# Get new challenges for a domain.
		print ("Requesting new challenges for %s." % domain)
			challg = client.request_domain_challenges(domain, regr.new_authzr_uri)
		except acme.messages.Error as e:
			#if e.typ == "urn:acme:error:malformed":
				#print e.detail
			print e.detail

		# Add into our existing challenges.

	# Write a cache of challenges.
	_updateHost(hostname, 'authz_json', json.dumps([c.to_json() for c in challenges], sort_keys=True, indent=4))

	# Return the new challenges for this domain, and if we updated it,
	# then the response object so we can know how long to wait before
	# polling again.
	return (challg, resp)
コード例 #4
def get_authorization(client, domain):
    authorization_resource = client.request_domain_challenges(domain['name'])
    return authorization_resource
コード例 #5
ファイル: utils.py プロジェクト: samjy/acmeclient
def get_authorization(client, domain):
    """Get autorization object
    return client.request_domain_challenges(
        domain, new_authzr_uri=client.directory.new_authz)
コード例 #6
def get_challenges(client, regr, domain, challenges_file, log):
    # Load the cache of challenges.
    challenges = load_challenges_file(challenges_file)

    # If challenges exist for this domain, reuse it.
    # We've already dropped expired and revoked challenges, so we don't have
    # to check that here.
    for i, challg in enumerate(challenges):
        if challg.body.identifier.typ.name == "dns" and challg.body.identifier.value == domain:
            log("Reusing existing challenges for %s." % domain)

            # Refresh the record because it may have been updated with validated challenges.
                challg, resp = client.poll(challg)
            except acme.messages.Error as e:
                if e.typ in ("urn:acme:error:unauthorized", "urn:acme:error:malformed"):
                    # There is a problem accessing our own account. This probably
                    # means the stored registration information is not valid.
                    raise AccountDataIsCorrupt(challenges_file)

            # Check that the refreshed record is not expired/revoked. Those
            # aren't helpful. It might be "invalid", meaning a challenge
            # failed. We'll percolate up an invalid challenge so the user
            # gets a ChallengeFailed exception, but we'll also drop it from
            # the cache so that it doesn't prevent further attempts to get
            # a certificate from proceeding.
            if is_still_valid_challenge(challg):
                if challg.body.status.name != "invalid":
                    # Update cache.
                    challenges[i] = challg
                    # Drop from cache.

                # Stop loop here: Use this challenge.
        # None found.
        challg = None
        resp = None

    if challg is None:
        # Get new challenges for a domain.
        log("Requesting new challenges for %s." % domain)
            challg = client.request_domain_challenges(domain, regr.new_authzr_uri)
        except acme.messages.Error as e:
            if e.typ == "urn:acme:error:malformed":
                raise InvalidDomainName(domain, e.detail)

        # Add into our existing challenges.

    # Write a cache of challenges.
    save_challenges_file(challenges, challenges_file)

    # Return the new challenges for this domain, and if we updated it,
    # then the response object so we can know how long to wait before
    # polling again.
    return (challg, resp)