def setUpClass(self): self.configs = generate_acme_account_deactivate_config() try: acme_dns_tiny.main([self.configs['config']]) except ValueError as err: if str(err).startswith("Error register"): raise ValueError( "Fail test as account has not been registered correctly: {0}" .format(err)) super(TestACMEAccountDeactivate, self).setUpClass()
def test_success_wild_cn(self): """ Successfully issue a certificate via a wildcard common name """ old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() acme_dns_tiny.main([self.configs['wildCName'], "--verbose"]) certchain = sys.stdout.getvalue() sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = old_stdout self.assertCertificateChain(certchain)
def test_success_wildsan(self): """ Successfully issue a certificate via wildcard in subject alt name """ old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() acme_dns_tiny.main([self.configs['wildSAN']]) certchain = sys.stdout.getvalue() sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = old_stdout self.assertCertificateChain(certchain)
def test_success_cn_with_csr_option(self): """ Successfully issue a certificate using CSR option outside from the config file""" old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() acme_dns_tiny.main([ "--csr", self.configs['cnameCSR'], self.configs['goodCNameWithoutCSR'], "--verbose" ]) certchain = sys.stdout.getvalue() sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = old_stdout self.assertCertificateChain(certchain)
def test_success_dnshost_ip(self): """ When DNS Host is an IP, DNS resolution have to fail without error """ old_stdout = sys.stdout sys.stdout = StringIO() with self.assertLogs(level='INFO') as adnslog: acme_dns_tiny.main([self.configs['dnsHostIP'], "--verbose"]) self.assertIn( "INFO:acme_dns_tiny:A and/or AAAA DNS resources not found for configured dns host: we will use either resource found if one exists or directly the DNS Host configuration.", adnslog.output) certchain = sys.stdout.getvalue() sys.stdout.close() sys.stdout = old_stdout self.assertCertificateChain(certchain)
def setUpClass(self): self.configs = generate_acme_account_rollover_config() acme_dns_tiny.main([self.configs['config']]) super(TestACMEAccountRollover, self).setUpClass()