def __init__(self, tc_name, global_config): """ Constructor :type tc_name: BaseConf :param tc_name: Configuration of the usecase :type global_config: Dictionary :param global_config: Global configuration of the campaign """ # Call UseCase base constructor self._device = DeviceManager().get_device("PHONE1") self.__adbConnectionTimeout = self._device.get_config( "adbConnectTimeout", 30, float) self._device_uptime_begin = None self._sleep_duration = None # If the device was disconnected before due to an error # we must reconnect it explicitly at the beginning of the test # else some commands will not be executed and the test will be blocked self._system_api = self._device.get_uecmd("System") return_code = self._system_api.wait_for_device( self.__adbConnectionTimeout) if not return_code: time.sleep(30) if not self._device.is_available(): self._device.connect_board() # Call SystemSleepBase base Init function SystemSleepBase.__init__(self, tc_name, global_config) self._report_tree = global_config.campaignConfig.get( "campaignReportTree") self._sysdebug_apis = self._device.get_uecmd("SysDebug") self._tc_name = os.path.basename(self.get_name()) self._tc_date = "" attributes = {"id": self._tc_name, "date": self._tc_date} self.__results = PnPResults(self._report_tree, self._dut_config.get("Name"), self._failure_file, None, attributes)
def __init__(self, tc_name, global_config): """ Constructor :type tc_name: BaseConf :param tc_name: Configuration of the usecase :type global_config: Dictionnary :param global_config: Global configuration of the campaign """ # Call power measurement base Init function UseCaseBase.__init__(self, tc_name, global_config) self._artifact_manager = self._em.get_artifact_manager( "ARTIFACT_MANAGER") self.__failure_file = os.path.join( self._execution_config_path, self._device.get_config("FailureFile")) self.__target_file = os.path.join( self._execution_config_path, self._device.get_config("TargetFile")) self._report_tree = global_config.campaignConfig.get( "campaignReportTree") self._tc_name = os.path.basename(self.get_name()) self._tc_date = "" self._secondary_report = SecondaryTestReport( self._device.get_report_tree().get_report_path()) self._sysdebug_apis = self._device.get_uecmd("SysDebug") self.screen_off_time = 0 attributes = { "id": self._tc_name, "date": self._tc_date, "verdict": "NOT EXECUTED" } self._secondary_report = SecondaryTestReport( self._device.get_report_tree().get_report_path()) self.__results = PnPResults(self._report_tree, self._dut_config.get("Name"), self.__failure_file, self.__target_file, attributes) self._results = {}
def run(self, context): """ Runs the test step """ attributes = dict() attributes["date"] = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") attributes["id"] = os.path.basename(self._testcase_name) failure_file = os.path.join(Paths.EXECUTION_CONFIG, self._device.get_config("FailureFile")) target_file = os.path.join(Paths.EXECUTION_CONFIG, self._device.get_config("TargetFile")) iteration = False if self._tc_parameters.get_b2b_iteration() > 1: iteration = True # init pnp result object pnp_results = PnPResults(self._report_tree, self._dut_name, failure_file, target_file, attributes, iteration) # store object into the context context.set_info(self._pars.save_as, pnp_results)
def _verdict(self): """ Compute verdict for the test """ attributes = { "id": self._tc_name, "date": self._tc_date, "residency_mode": self._sleep_mode_api.get_sleep_mode(), "duration": str(self._test_meas_duration), "verdict_rail": str(self._verdict_rail), "verdict": "UNDEFINED" } results = PnPResults(self._report_tree, self._dut_config.get("Name"), self.__failure_file, self.__target_file, attributes) raw_pat_file = None dat_pat_file = None js_out_file = None if self._is_raw_data_saved: raw_pat_file = os.path.join( self._report_tree.get_report_path(), "PowerMeasurementData_%s_%s.xml" % (self._tc_date.replace( " ", "_").replace(":", ""), self._tc_name)) dat_pat_file = os.path.join( self._report_tree.get_report_path(), "PowerMeasurementData_%s_%s" % (self._tc_date.replace( " ", "_").replace(":", ""), self._tc_name), self._verdict_rail + ".dat") js_out_file = os.path.join( self._report_tree.get_report_path(), "PowerMeasurementData_%s_%s" % (self._tc_date.replace( " ", "_").replace(":", ""), self._tc_name), "graph_values.js") # Add power measure only if test has finished if self.__finish_test: results.append(, raw_pat_file, dat_pat_file, js_out_file)) # Add power_graph.html into folder if js_out_file: srcname = os.path.join(Paths.TEST_SUITES, "FT", "pnp", "REPORT", "power_graph.html") destname = os.path.join( self._report_tree.get_report_path(), "PowerMeasurementData_%s_%s" % (self._tc_date.replace( " ", "_").replace(":", ""), self._tc_name)) shutil.copy(srcname, destname) results.append( ver_pwr, msg_pwr = results.get_power_verdict(self._verdict_rail) ver_res, msg_res = results.get_residency_verdict( self._sleep_mode_api.get_sleep_mode(), self._sleep_duration, self._test_meas_duration) if Global.FAILURE in [ver_pwr, ver_res]: results.update({"verdict": "FAIL"}) else: results.update({"verdict": "PASS"}) results.write() if Global.FAILURE in [ver_pwr, ver_res]: return Global.FAILURE, msg_pwr + ";" + msg_res else: return Global.SUCCESS, msg_pwr + ";" + msg_res
class CameraToCamcorderSwitching(UseCaseBase): """ Class live to run benchmarks application """ def __init__(self, tc_name, global_config): """ Constructor :type tc_name: BaseConf :param tc_name: Configuration of the usecase :type global_config: Dictionnary :param global_config: Global configuration of the campaign """ # Call power measurement base Init function UseCaseBase.__init__(self, tc_name, global_config) self._artifact_manager = self._em.get_artifact_manager("ARTIFACT_MANAGER") self.__failure_file = os.path.join(self._execution_config_path, self._device.get_config("FailureFile")) self.__target_file = os.path.join(self._execution_config_path, self._device.get_config("TargetFile")) self._report_tree = global_config.campaignConfig.get("campaignReportTree") self._tc_name = os.path.basename(self.get_name()) self._tc_date = "" self._secondary_report = SecondaryTestReport( self._device.get_report_tree().get_report_path()) self._sysdebug_apis = self._device.get_uecmd("SysDebug") self.screen_off_time = 0 attributes = {"id": self._tc_name, "date": self._tc_date, "verdict": "NOT EXECUTED"} self._secondary_report = SecondaryTestReport( self._device.get_report_tree().get_report_path()) self.__results = PnPResults(self._report_tree, self._dut_config.get("Name"), self.__failure_file, self.__target_file, attributes) self._results = {} def get_score(self, stat_type="MEDIAN"): """ Get the score of the application """ if stat_type == "ARITHMETIC_MEAN": functor = numpy.mean elif stat_type == "GEOMETRIC_MEAN": functor = scipy.stats.mstats.gmean else: stat_type = "MEDIAN" functor = numpy.median xmlresult = etree.Element("scores") keys = sorted(self._results.keys()) if "score" in keys: keys.remove("score") keys.insert(0, "score") for key in keys: value = self._results[key] xmlnode = etree.Element("item") result = str(functor(value)) runs = ";".join([str(x) for x in value]) xmlnode.attrib["name"] = key xmlnode.attrib["value"] = str(result) xmlnode.attrib["runs"] = runs self._device.get_logger().debug("%s: %s => %s" % (key, str(value), result)) xmlresult.append(xmlnode) if key == "score": self._device.get_logger().info("Result Contacts score : %s (%s)"% (result, stat_type)) return xmlresult def runBashCommand(self, command): ''' Brief: Runs a bash command and waits for it Param: command - the command to be executed Atention!: Take care to escape properly the special characters ''' p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) retval = p.wait() return p.stdout.readlines() def set_up(self): """ Set up the test configuration :rtype: tuple :return: tuple of Verdict and comment """ #Download and push uiautomator jar on the device arguments = self._tc_parameters.get_param_value("ARGUMENTS") local_artifact = self._artifact_manager.get_artifact(artifact_name=arguments, transfer_timeout=3600) if os.path.isfile(local_artifact): result, output = self._device.push(local_artifact, "/data/local/tmp/", 60) if result != Global.SUCCESS: return result, output else: return Global.BLOCKED, "Cannot find {0}".format(local_artifact) return Global.SUCCESS, "No errors" def run_test(self): """ Run the test :rtype: tuple :return: tuple of Verdict and comment """ ITERATIONS = 3 CtoCCavg = 0 self.runBashCommand("adb shell uiautomator runtest Performance.jar -c other.StartCamera") for x in range(0, ITERATIONS): self.runBashCommand("adb shell uiautomator runtest Performance.jar -c other.CameraCamcorderSwitch") time.sleep(3) out = self.runBashCommand("adb logcat -d -v time | grep \"startDevice\\|camera_cancel_auto_focus\\|closeCamera\"") rawtimestamps = [] for line in out: res = re.findall( r'[0-9]+:[0-9]+:[0-9]+.[0-9]+', line) rawtimestamps.append(res[0]) numericTimestamp = re.findall( r'[0-9]+', rawtimestamps[0]) initialTimestamp = 3600 * 1000 * int(numericTimestamp[0]) + 60 * 1000 * int(numericTimestamp[1]) + 1000 * int(numericTimestamp[2]) + int(numericTimestamp[3]); numericTimestamp = re.findall( r'[0-9]+', rawtimestamps[1]) finalTimestamp = 3600 * 1000 * int(numericTimestamp[0]) + 60 * 1000 * int(numericTimestamp[1]) + 1000 * int(numericTimestamp[2]) + int(numericTimestamp[3]); CtoCCavg += (finalTimestamp - initialTimestamp) self._device.get_logger().info("Result Camera to preview launch time : %s MEDIAN", str(CtoCCavg/ITERATIONS)) stat_type = self._tc_parameters.get_param_value("STAT_TYPE") scores = self.get_score(stat_type) xmltree = self.__results.append(scores) self.__results.append(xmltree) try: ilb = True verdict, output = self.__results.get_performance_verdict(scores, ilb, self._secondary_report, self.tc_order) self._device.get_logger().info(output) finally: self.__results.write() return verdict, output def tear_down(self): """ Tear down :rtype: tuple :return: tuple of Verdict and comment """ self._device.run_cmd("adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_ESCAPE", 5) self._device.run_cmd("adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_ESCAPE", 5) return Global.SUCCESS, "No errors"
class BrowserLaunchTime(UseCaseBase): """ Class live to run benchmarks application """ def __init__(self, tc_name, global_config): """ Constructor :type tc_name: BaseConf :param tc_name: Configuration of the usecase :type global_config: Dictionnary :param global_config: Global configuration of the campaign """ # Call power measurement base Init function UseCaseBase.__init__(self, tc_name, global_config) self.__failure_file = os.path.join(self._execution_config_path, self._device.get_config("FailureFile")) self.__target_file = os.path.join(self._execution_config_path, self._device.get_config("TargetFile")) self._report_tree = global_config.campaignConfig.get("campaignReportTree") self._tc_name = os.path.basename(self.get_name()) self._tc_date = "" self._secondary_report = SecondaryTestReport( self._device.get_report_tree().get_report_path()) self._sysdebug_apis = self._device.get_uecmd("SysDebug") self.screen_off_time = 0 attributes = {"id": self._tc_name, "date": self._tc_date, "verdict": "NOT EXECUTED"} self._secondary_report = SecondaryTestReport( self._device.get_report_tree().get_report_path()) self.__results = PnPResults(self._report_tree, self._dut_config.get("Name"), self.__failure_file, self.__target_file, attributes) self._results = {} def __fetch_artifactory_file(self, appuri): """ Retrieve a file from artifactory """ artifact_url_base = "" artifact_url = artifact_url_base + appuri local_path = os.path.join(self._execution_config_path, "EMBD") local_filename = os.path.join(local_path, os.path.basename(appuri)) local_filename = local_filename.split(";")[0] if not os.path.exists(local_path): os.mkdir(local_path) if os.path.exists(local_filename): return local_filename self._device.get_logger().info("Download %s => %s" % (artifact_url, local_filename)) start = time.time() r = requests.get(artifact_url, proxies={'http': ''}) r.raise_for_status() length = float(r.headers['content-length']) progressize = 0 with open(local_filename, "wb") as f: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=1024000): if chunk: progressize += len(chunk) percent = int(progressize / length * 100) self._logger.debug("progress of downloading %s file: %d%%" % (appuri, percent)) f.write(chunk) dlduration = time.time() - start self._device.get_logger().info("Download %s in %f seconds (birate: %d MiO/s)" % (appuri, dlduration, length / (dlduration * 8000000))) return local_filename def get_score(self, stat_type="MEDIAN"): """ Get the score of the application """ if stat_type == "ARITHMETIC_MEAN": functor = numpy.mean elif stat_type == "GEOMETRIC_MEAN": functor = scipy.stats.mstats.gmean else: stat_type = "MEDIAN" functor = numpy.median xmlresult = etree.Element("scores") keys = sorted(self._results.keys()) if "score" in keys: keys.remove("score") keys.insert(0, "score") for key in keys: value = self._results[key] xmlnode = etree.Element("item") result = str(functor(value)) runs = ";".join([str(x) for x in value]) xmlnode.attrib["name"] = key xmlnode.attrib["value"] = str(result) xmlnode.attrib["runs"] = runs self._device.get_logger().debug("%s: %s => %s" % (key, str(value), result)) xmlresult.append(xmlnode) if key == "score": self._device.get_logger().info("Result Browser score : %s (%s)"% (result, stat_type)) return xmlresult def set_up(self): """ Set up the test configuration :rtype: tuple :return: tuple of Verdict and comment """ #Download and push uiautomator jar on the device arguments = self._tc_parameters.get_param_value("ARGUMENTS") addr = self.__fetch_artifactory_file(arguments.split("artifact://")[1]) result, output = self._device.push(addr.split(";")[0], "/data/local/tmp/", 60) res, output = self._device.run_cmd("adb shell sqlite3 /data/data/\ \"select value from system where name='screen_off_timeout'\"", 5) if not res == Global.SUCCESS: return Global.FAILURE, "No output detected" self.screen_off_time = int(output) #Set screen off timeout to 30 min self._device.run_cmd("adb shell sqlite3 /data/data/\ \"update system set value='1800000' where name='screen_off_timeout'\"", 5) #Cold measurement, reboot before measure self._device.reboot() #unlock screen self._device.run_cmd("adb shell input keyevent 82", 5) return Global.SUCCESS, "No errors" def run_test(self): """ Run the test :rtype: tuple :return: tuple of Verdict and comment """ #Launch Browser as user self._device.run_cmd("adb shell uiautomator runtest Performance.jar -c other.BrowserLaunch", 120) #Filter the output res, out = self._device.run_cmd("adb logcat -d | \ grep \"Displayed\" | cut -d ' ' -f5-", 5) if not res == Global.SUCCESS: return Global.FAILURE, "No output detected" out = out.replace("\r\n", "\n") err = r'Exception', out) if not err == None: return Global.FAILURE, "uiautomator test faield" #Get raw result out = r'[0-9]+', out) if out == None: return Global.FAILURE, "No answer detected" #Compare result with the target file's entry self._device.get_logger().info("Result Settings score : %s MEDIAN", stat_type = self._tc_parameters.get_param_value("STAT_TYPE") scores = self.get_score(stat_type) xmltree = self.__results.append(scores) self.__results.append(xmltree) try: ilb = True verdict, output = self.__results.get_performance_verdict(scores, ilb, self._secondary_report, self.tc_order) self._device.get_logger().info(output) finally: self.__results.write() return verdict, output def tear_down(self): """ Tear down :rtype: tuple :return: tuple of Verdict and comment """ self._device.run_cmd("adb shell sqlite3 /data/data/\ \"update system set value='"+ str(self.screen_off_time) + "' where name='screen_off_timeout'\"", 5) return Global.SUCCESS, "No errors"
def __init__(self, tc_name, global_config): """ Constructor :type tc_name: BaseConf :param tc_name: Configuration of the usecase :type global_config: Dictionnary :param global_config: Global configuration of the campaign """ # Call power measurement base Init function UseCaseBase.__init__(self, tc_name, global_config) # Call verdict management instance self.__failure_file = os.path.join( self._execution_config_path, self._device.get_config("FailureFile")) self.__target_file = os.path.join( self._execution_config_path, self._device.get_config("TargetFile")) self.__application = None self._global_config = global_config self.__adbConnectionTimeout = self._device.get_config( "adbConnectTimeout", 30, float) # If the device was disconnected before due to an error # we must reconnect it explicitly at the beginning of the test # else the commands will fail and the test will be blocked self._system_api = self._device.get_uecmd("System") return_code = self._system_api.wait_for_device( self.__adbConnectionTimeout) if not return_code: time.sleep(30) if not self._device.is_available(): self._device.connect_board() self._phonesystem_api = self._device.get_uecmd("PhoneSystem") self._networking_api = self._device.get_uecmd("Networking") self._localconnectivity_api = self._device.get_uecmd( "LocalConnectivity") self._localization_api = self._device.get_uecmd("Location") self._sensor_api = self._device.get_uecmd("Sensor") self._sysdebug_apis = self._device.get_uecmd("SysDebug") self._system_apis = self._device.get_uecmd("System") self._report_tree = global_config.campaignConfig.get( "campaignReportTree") self._tc_name = os.path.basename(self.get_name()) self._tc_date = "" self._secondary_report = SecondaryTestReport( self._device.get_report_tree().get_report_path()) attributes = { "id": self._tc_name, "date": self._tc_date, "verdict": "NOT EXECUTED" } self.__results = PnPResults(self._report_tree, self._dut_config.get("Name"), self.__failure_file, self.__target_file, attributes)
class LivePerfMeasApplication(UseCaseBase): """ Class live to run benchmarks application """ def __init__(self, tc_name, global_config): """ Constructor :type tc_name: BaseConf :param tc_name: Configuration of the usecase :type global_config: Dictionnary :param global_config: Global configuration of the campaign """ # Call power measurement base Init function UseCaseBase.__init__(self, tc_name, global_config) # Call verdict management instance self.__failure_file = os.path.join( self._execution_config_path, self._device.get_config("FailureFile")) self.__target_file = os.path.join( self._execution_config_path, self._device.get_config("TargetFile")) self.__application = None self._global_config = global_config self.__adbConnectionTimeout = self._device.get_config( "adbConnectTimeout", 30, float) # If the device was disconnected before due to an error # we must reconnect it explicitly at the beginning of the test # else the commands will fail and the test will be blocked self._system_api = self._device.get_uecmd("System") return_code = self._system_api.wait_for_device( self.__adbConnectionTimeout) if not return_code: time.sleep(30) if not self._device.is_available(): self._device.connect_board() self._phonesystem_api = self._device.get_uecmd("PhoneSystem") self._networking_api = self._device.get_uecmd("Networking") self._localconnectivity_api = self._device.get_uecmd( "LocalConnectivity") self._localization_api = self._device.get_uecmd("Location") self._sensor_api = self._device.get_uecmd("Sensor") self._sysdebug_apis = self._device.get_uecmd("SysDebug") self._system_apis = self._device.get_uecmd("System") self._report_tree = global_config.campaignConfig.get( "campaignReportTree") self._tc_name = os.path.basename(self.get_name()) self._tc_date = "" self._secondary_report = SecondaryTestReport( self._device.get_report_tree().get_report_path()) attributes = { "id": self._tc_name, "date": self._tc_date, "verdict": "NOT EXECUTED" } self.__results = PnPResults(self._report_tree, self._dut_config.get("Name"), self.__failure_file, self.__target_file, attributes) def _verdict(self): """ Get verdict """ stat_type = self._tc_parameters.get_param_value("STAT_TYPE") scores = self.__application.get_score(stat_type) sysreport = self.__results.append(scores) self.__results.append(sysreport) try: ilb = self.__application.is_lower_better verdict, output = self.__results.get_performance_verdict( scores, ilb, self._secondary_report, self.tc_order) finally: self.__results.write() return verdict, output def set_up(self): """ Set up the test configuration :rtype: tuple :return: tuple of Verdict and comment """ # Call power measurement base setup function UseCaseBase.set_up(self) sysdbg_modules_config = self._tc_parameters.get_param_value( "SYSDEBUG_MODULES") self._sysdebug_apis.init(sysdbg_modules_config) self._networking_api.set_wifi_power("off") self._localconnectivity_api.set_bt_power("off") self._localization_api.set_gps_power("off") self._networking_api.set_flight_mode("on") application_name = self._tc_parameters.get_param_value( "APPLICATION_NAME") # appuri contains the app name to retrieve in pnp module config app_key = self._tc_parameters.get_param_value("APP_NAME") main_app_full_name = self.__retrieve_value_from_module_config(app_key) if not main_app_full_name: # specified key is not in config, it could be a real app name main_app_full_name = app_key # additional contains additional app name to install to retrieve in pnp module config additionnals = self._tc_parameters.get_param_value("ADDITIONALS") additional_app_full_name = self.__retrieve_value_from_module_config( additionnals) if not additional_app_full_name: # specified key is not in config, it could be a real app name additional_app_full_name = additionnals arguments = self._tc_parameters.get_param_value("ARGUMENTS") arguments_full_name = self.__retrieve_value_from_module_config( arguments) if not arguments_full_name: arguments_full_name = arguments self.__loop_mode = self._tc_parameters.get_param_value("LOOP_MODE") url = self._tc_parameters.get_param_value("URL") self.__application = self._device.get_application_instance( application_name) self.__application.pre_install(self._execution_config_path, self._global_config, self._dut_config, self._sysdebug_apis) self.__application.install(main_app_full_name, additional_app_full_name, arguments_full_name, url) self.__application.post_install() self._system_apis.clear_cache() self._phonesystem_api.display_on() stabilization_time = 5 self._logger.debug("Wait for %s seconds after display_on." % str(stabilization_time)) time.sleep(stabilization_time) return Global.SUCCESS, "No errors" def __retrieve_value_from_module_config(self, app_key): """ Retrieve the apk to install from PnpModule configuration """ if app_key is None: return None # get all configuration for pnp module apk_full_name = None module_name = "PnpModule" module_configs = [ module.configuration for module in self._device.get_device_modules(module_name) ] for module_config in module_configs: if app_key.strip() in module_config: apk_full_name = module_config.get(app_key.strip()) return apk_full_name def run_test(self): """ Run the test :rtype: tuple :return: tuple of Verdict and comment """ UseCaseBase.run_test(self) self._tc_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") self.__results.update({"date": self._tc_date}) self._sysdebug_apis.reset() self._sysdebug_apis.start() self._sysdebug_apis.fetch() self._sysdebug_apis.stop() return self._verdict() def tear_down(self): """ Tear down :rtype: tuple :return: tuple of Verdict and comment """ UseCaseBase.tear_down(self) if self.__application is not None: self.__application.uninstall() #some application may have change the brightness value brightness = int(self._dut_config.get("displayBrightness")) if brightness is not None: new_brightness = int( self._phonesystem_api.set_display_brightness(brightness)) if abs(new_brightness - brightness) > 1: self._logger.warning( "Requested brightness was %s, brightness has been set to %s" % (brightness, new_brightness)) self._phonesystem_api.display_off() return Global.SUCCESS, "No errors"
class LiveSystemSleepResidencyMeasurement(SystemSleepBase): """ Sleep mode residency measurement class. """ def __init__(self, tc_name, global_config): """ Constructor :type tc_name: BaseConf :param tc_name: Configuration of the usecase :type global_config: Dictionary :param global_config: Global configuration of the campaign """ # Call UseCase base constructor self._device = DeviceManager().get_device("PHONE1") self.__adbConnectionTimeout = self._device.get_config( "adbConnectTimeout", 30, float) self._device_uptime_begin = None self._sleep_duration = None # If the device was disconnected before due to an error # we must reconnect it explicitly at the beginning of the test # else some commands will not be executed and the test will be blocked self._system_api = self._device.get_uecmd("System") return_code = self._system_api.wait_for_device( self.__adbConnectionTimeout) if not return_code: time.sleep(30) if not self._device.is_available(): self._device.connect_board() # Call SystemSleepBase base Init function SystemSleepBase.__init__(self, tc_name, global_config) self._report_tree = global_config.campaignConfig.get( "campaignReportTree") self._sysdebug_apis = self._device.get_uecmd("SysDebug") self._tc_name = os.path.basename(self.get_name()) self._tc_date = "" attributes = {"id": self._tc_name, "date": self._tc_date} self.__results = PnPResults(self._report_tree, self._dut_config.get("Name"), self._failure_file, None, attributes) def run_test(self): """ Execute the test """ sysdbg_modules_config = self._tc_parameters.get_param_value( "SYSDEBUG_MODULES") self._sysdebug_apis.init(sysdbg_modules_config) sleep_parameter = self._tc_parameters.get_param_value("SLEEP_DURATION") if sleep_parameter is not None and sleep_parameter != "" and sleep_parameter.isdigit( ): self._sleep_duration = int(sleep_parameter) # Call live sleep use case base SystemSleepBase.run_test(self) self._tc_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") self.__results.update({"date": self._tc_date}) while not self._sysdebug_apis.synchronize(): time.sleep(10) adbConnectTimeout = self._device.get_config("adbConnectTimeout", 10, float) usbReplugRetries = self._device.get_config("usbReplugRetries", 1, int) if self._io_card is not None: self._device.disconnect_board() self._sysdebug_apis.reset() # will clear mid_pmu_states self._residency_api.clear( self._sleep_duration) # will also clear mid_pmu_states # but this is needed to do the fetch on this instance self._io_card.usb_host_pc_connector(False) # Unplug wall charger only if it is AC_CHGR if self._device.get_default_wall_charger( ) == self._io_card.AC_CHGR: self._io_card.wall_charger_connector(False) # Update device uptime updated, self._device_uptime_begin = self._device._update_device_up_state( 0) if not updated: self._device_uptime_begin = None if self._sleep_duration: "Wait for %s s before measurement (sleep duration before %s)" % (str(self._sleep_duration), self._sleep_mode)) time.sleep(self._sleep_duration) self._sysdebug_apis.start()"Wait for %s s to enter in %s" % (str(self._duration), self._sleep_mode)) time.sleep(self._duration) self._sysdebug_apis.stop() residency_spent = 0 ret_code = None if self._io_card is not None: for cnt in range(0, usbReplugRetries + 1): self._logger.debug("Loop Iteration: %d" % cnt) # plug wall charger only if it is AC_CHGR if self._device.get_default_wall_charger( ) == self._io_card.AC_CHGR: self._io_card.wall_charger_connector(True) self._io_card.usb_host_pc_connector(True) self._logger.debug("Wait for device %s seconds" % self.__adbConnectionTimeout) ret_code = self._system_api.wait_for_device( self.__adbConnectionTimeout) self._logger.debug("Wait for device return code: %s" % ret_code) if not ret_code: if cnt < usbReplugRetries: self._logger.warning( "timeout on wait-for-device, trying to unplug/replug (try %s/%s)" % (str(cnt + 1), str(usbReplugRetries))) self._io_card.usb_host_pc_connector(False) # Unplug wall charger only if it is AC_CHGR if self._device.get_default_wall_charger( ) == self._io_card.AC_CHGR: self._io_card.wall_charger_connector(False) time.sleep(10) continue residency_spent = self._residency_api.get_value( "residency", self._sleep_mode_api.get_sleep_mode()) self._sysdebug_apis.fetch() self._device.connect_board() self._logger.debug("device retrieved after %s tries" % str(cnt + 1)) break if not ret_code: raise DeviceException( DeviceException.OPERATION_FAILED, "Could not retrieve the device after %s plug/unplug cycles" % str(usbReplugRetries)) if residency_spent is None: raise DeviceException( DeviceException.INVALID_PARAMETER, "There is no %s sleep mode for this device model" % self._sleep_mode_api.get_sleep_mode()) # Get device uptime and raise an exception if the device rebooted if self._device_uptime_begin: updated, uptime = self._device._update_device_up_state( self._device_uptime_begin) if updated and not self._device.is_up: self._logger.warning( "the device uptime was %s before the measurement, %s now !" % (str(self._device_uptime_begin), str(uptime))) raise DeviceException( DeviceException.OPERATION_FAILED, "Device rebooted during the measurement") sysreport = self.__results.append(sysreport) self.__results.write() return self._residency_verdict(residency_spent)
class VideoRecordingFPS(UseCaseBase): """ Class live to run benchmarks application """ def __init__(self, tc_name, global_config): """ Constructor :type tc_name: BaseConf :param tc_name: Configuration of the usecase :type global_config: Dictionnary :param global_config: Global configuration of the campaign """ # Call power measurement base Init function UseCaseBase.__init__(self, tc_name, global_config) self._artifact_manager = self._em.get_artifact_manager( "ARTIFACT_MANAGER") self.__failure_file = os.path.join( self._execution_config_path, self._device.get_config("FailureFile")) self.__target_file = os.path.join( self._execution_config_path, self._device.get_config("TargetFile")) self._report_tree = global_config.campaignConfig.get( "campaignReportTree") self._tc_name = os.path.basename(self.get_name()) self._tc_date = "" self._secondary_report = SecondaryTestReport( self._device.get_report_tree().get_report_path()) self._sysdebug_apis = self._device.get_uecmd("SysDebug") self.screen_off_time = 0 attributes = { "id": self._tc_name, "date": self._tc_date, "verdict": "NOT EXECUTED" } self._secondary_report = SecondaryTestReport( self._device.get_report_tree().get_report_path()) self.__results = PnPResults(self._report_tree, self._dut_config.get("Name"), self.__failure_file, self.__target_file, attributes) self._results = {} def get_score(self, stat_type="MEDIAN"): """ Get the score of the application """ if stat_type == "ARITHMETIC_MEAN": functor = numpy.mean elif stat_type == "GEOMETRIC_MEAN": functor = scipy.stats.mstats.gmean else: stat_type = "MEDIAN" functor = numpy.median xmlresult = etree.Element("scores") keys = sorted(self._results.keys()) if "score" in keys: keys.remove("score") keys.insert(0, "score") for key in keys: value = self._results[key] xmlnode = etree.Element("item") result = str(functor(value)) runs = ";".join([str(x) for x in value]) xmlnode.attrib["name"] = key xmlnode.attrib["value"] = str(result) xmlnode.attrib["runs"] = runs self._device.get_logger().debug("%s: %s => %s" % (key, str(value), result)) xmlresult.append(xmlnode) if key == "score": self._device.get_logger().info( "Result Contacts score : %s (%s)" % (result, stat_type)) return xmlresult def runBashCommand(self, command): ''' Brief: Runs a bash command and waits for it Param: command - the command to be executed Atention!: Take care to escape properly the special characters ''' p = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) retval = p.wait() return p.stdout.readlines() def set_up(self): """ Set up the test configuration :rtype: tuple :return: tuple of Verdict and comment """ #Download and push uiautomator jar on the device arguments = self._tc_parameters.get_param_value("ARGUMENTS") local_artifact = self._artifact_manager.get_artifact( artifact_name=arguments, transfer_timeout=3600) if os.path.isfile(local_artifact): result, output = self._device.push(local_artifact, "/data/local/tmp/", 60) if result != Global.SUCCESS: return result, output else: return Global.BLOCKED, "Cannot find {0}".format(local_artifact) return Global.SUCCESS, "No errors" def run_test(self): """ Run the test :rtype: tuple :return: tuple of Verdict and comment """ #Removes all videos recorded previously res, out = self._device.run_cmd( "adb shell rm /sdcard/DCIM/Camera/* 2> /dev/null", 30) #print "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" + out #Record new video self._device.run_cmd( "adb shell uiautomator runtest Performance.jar -c other.VideoRecording", 330) self._device.run_cmd("sleep 3", 5) #Removes all previous videos from /tmp self.runBashCommand("rm /tmp/VID*") #pull the video self._device.pull("/sdcard/DCIM/Camera/", "/tmp/", 120) #analyze the video command = "mediainfo " + "/tmp/VID*" + " 2> /dev/null | grep 'Frame rate ' | tr -d ' ' | cut -d ':' -f2-2" out = self.runBashCommand(command) print out if out == []: return Global.FAILURE, "mediainfo is not installed,\ please install mediainfo(sudo apt-get install mediainfo)" #extract the result out ='[0-9]+(\.[0-9][0-9]?)?', out[0]) self._device.get_logger().info( "Result VideoRecording score : %s MEDIAN", stat_type = self._tc_parameters.get_param_value("STAT_TYPE") scores = self.get_score(stat_type) xmltree = self.__results.append(scores) self.__results.append(xmltree) try: ilb = True verdict, output = self.__results.get_performance_verdict( scores, ilb, self._secondary_report, self.tc_order) self._device.get_logger().info(output) finally: self.__results.write() return verdict, output def tear_down(self): """ Tear down :rtype: tuple :return: tuple of Verdict and comment """ self._device.run_cmd("adb shell rm /sdcard/DCIM/Camera/* 2> /dev/null", 30) self._device.run_cmd("adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_ESCAPE", 2) self._device.run_cmd("adb shell input keyevent KEYCODE_ESCAPE", 2) return Global.SUCCESS, "No errors"