コード例 #1
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the Integer Generator."""
        self.options = Options()
        self.options.add_option('min_value', 0, 'Minimum integer allowed')
        self.options.add_option('max_value', 255, 'Maximum integer allowed')

        self._min = 0
        self._max = 255
コード例 #2
ファイル: stdout.py プロジェクト: IMULMUL/acsploit
 def __init__(self):
     """Initialize the Stdout class."""
     self.options = Options()
     self.options.add_option('separator', 'newline',
                             'Separator between elements',
                             list(self._SEPARATORS.keys()), True)
     self.options.add_option('number_format', 'decimal',
                             'Format for numbers',
                             ['decimal', 'hexadecimal', 'octal'])
コード例 #3
ファイル: floats.py プロジェクト: IMULMUL/acsploit
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the Float Generator."""
        self.options = Options()
        self.options.add_option('min_value', 0.0,
                                'Minimum floating point value allowed')
        self.options.add_option('max_value', 255.0,
                                'Maximum floating point value allowed')

        self._min = 0.0
        self._max = 255.0
コード例 #4
 def __init__(self):
     """Initialize the File class."""
     self.options = Options()
     self.options.add_option('filename', 'acsploit_output.dat', 'The name of the file to write to')
     # TODO: add more formats
     self.options.add_option('separator', 'newline', 'Separator between elements',
                             list(self._SEPARATORS.keys()), True)
     self.options.add_option('format', 'plaintext', 'The format to write output in', ['plaintext', 'binary', 'sv', 'template'])
     self.options.add_option('final_newline', True, 'Whether to end the file with a newline')
     self.options.add_option('number_format', 'decimal', 'Format for numbers', ['decimal', 'hexadecimal', 'octal'])
     self.options.add_option('template_file', None, 'Template file to use when "format" is "template"')
     self.options.add_option('template_pattern', '<ACSPLOIT>',
                             'Replacement pattern in template file, marks where the payload will be copied')
     self.options.add_option('replace_first_only', False,
                             'Whether to replace only the first occurrence of template_pattern or all occurrences')
コード例 #5
ファイル: __main__.py プロジェクト: IMULMUL/acsploit
    def __init__(self, hist_file):
        """Initialization and setup of ACsploit."""

        self.prompt = self.make_prompt()

        self.exploit = None
        self.exploit_name = ''
        self.input = None
        self.output = None
        self.options = Options()
        self.defaulted_options = []

        self.script_mode = False
        self.shortcuts = cmd2.DEFAULT_SHORTCUTS
コード例 #6
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the Chracter generator."""
        self.options = Options()
        self.options.add_option('min_value', 'a',
                                'Minimum ASCII character to use')
        self.options.add_option('max_value', 'z',
                                'Maximum ASCII character to use')
        self.options.add_option('restrictions', '',
                                'String of characters to exclude')
            'use_whitelist', False,
            'If true, only generate characters from the whitelist')
            'whitelist', '',
            'String of characters to generate from if use_whitelist is True')

        # char_set will be a sorted valid set of characters given the constraints set in options
        # char_set must be updated by calling prepare() if options change
        self._char_set = string.ascii_lowercase
コード例 #7
 def __init__(self):
     """Initialize the Socket class."""
     self.options = Options()
     self.options.add_option('host', '', 'Host to connect to')
     self.options.add_option('port', 80, 'Port to connect to')
     self.options.add_option('ip_version', 'IPv4', 'Version of IP to use',
                             ['IPv4', 'IPv6'])
     self.options.add_option('separator', 'newline',
                             'Separator between elements',
                             list(self._SEPARATORS.keys()), True)
         'final_separator', False,
         'Whether to end output with an instance of the separator')
         'await_banner', False,
         'Receive a banner message from the server before sending data')
     self.options.add_option('number_format', 'decimal',
                             'Format for numbers',
                             ['decimal', 'hexadecimal', 'octal'])
コード例 #8
ファイル: strings.py プロジェクト: IMULMUL/acsploit
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the String Generator."""
        self.options = Options()
        self.options.add_option('min_length', 1, 'Minimum string length')
        self.options.add_option('max_length', 10, 'Maximum string length')
        self.options.add_option('min_value', 'a',
                                'Minimum ASCII character to use')
        self.options.add_option('max_value', 'z',
                                'Maximum ASCII character to use')
        self.options.add_option('restrictions', '',
                                'String of characters to exclude')
            'use_whitelist', False,
            'If True, only generate characters from the whitelist')
            'whitelist', '',
            'String of characters to generate from if use_whitelist is True')

        self.char_gen = CharGenerator()
コード例 #9
ファイル: http.py プロジェクト: IMULMUL/acsploit
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize the Http class."""
        self.options = Options()
        self.options.add_option('url', '',
                                'Host to connect to')
        self.options.add_option('separator', 'newline',
                                'Separator between elements',
                                list(self._SEPARATORS.keys()), True)
            'final_separator', False,
            'Whether to end output with an instance of the separator')
        self.options.add_option('number_format', 'decimal',
                                'Format for numbers',
                                ['decimal', 'hexadecimal', 'octal'])

        # TODO - eventually support PUT, DELETE, HEAD, and OPTIONS, since requests easily handles those
        self.options.add_option('http_method', 'GET',
                                'Type of HTTP request to make',
                                ['POST', 'GET'])
        self.options.add_option('content_type', '',
                                'Content-Type header for the HTTP request')
        self.options.add_option('url_param_name', 'param',
                                'Name of URL arg(s) to use')
            'spread_params', True,
            'Put each output in its own URL arg, as opposed to all in one')
        self.options.add_option('use_body', False,
                                'Put exploit output in body, not URL args')

        self.options.add_option('print_request', False, 'Print HTTP request')
        self.options.add_option('send_request', True, 'Send HTTP request')

        self.options.add_option('n_requests', 1,
                                'Total number of times to send the request')
        self.options.add_option('n_parallel', 1,
                                'Number of requests to send simultaneously')
コード例 #10
import os

from acsploit.options import Options

options = Options()
options.add_option('file_format', 'sh', 'Format for fork bomb', [
    'bash', 'bat', 'c', 'cc', 'cs', 'erl', 'fasm', 'go', 'hs', 'html', 'java',
    'js', 'lsp', 'lua', 'mdb', 'php', 'pl', 'py', 'r', 'rb', 'rs', 's', 'scm',
    'sh', 'vbs'

DESCRIPTION = 'Produces a fork bomb in one of many formats.\n\n  Fork bombs cause denial of service by forking processes' \
              'infinitely, depleting available system resources. Fork bombs are also known as "rabbit viruses" or ' \
              '"wabbits". ACsploit provides canned fork bombs in ' \
              'a variety of programming languages shown through the "file_format" option.'

DEFAULT_OUTPUT_OPTIONS = {'final_newline': False}

def run(output):
    ret = fork_bomb(options['file_format'])

# Returns contents of fork bomb with the given format. Fork bombs found at https://github.com/aaronryank/fork-bomb/
def fork_bomb(file_format):
    filename = 'fork-bomb.' + file_format
    with open(
コード例 #11
 def __init__(self):
     """Initialize the Regex Generator."""
     self.options = Options()
     self.options.add_option('regex', '.*',
                             'Generated strings will match this regex')
コード例 #12
ファイル: __main__.py プロジェクト: IMULMUL/acsploit
    def update_exploit(self, exploit_name):
        """Sets the exploit name as the current exploit and restores saved settings or sets default values."""
        if exploit_name not in ACsploit.exploits:
            eprint((colorize('Exploit ' + exploit_name + ' does not exist',

        # save current input/output and  to current exploit in private variables
        # this allows restoration of the current settings if the exploit is used again
        if self.exploit is not None:
            self.exploit._ACsploit_exploit_settings = {
                'input': self.input,
                'output': self.output,
                'options': self.options,
                'defaulted_options': self.defaulted_options,

        # set the new exploit; restore previous input/output
        self.exploit_name = exploit_name
        self.exploit = ACsploit.exploits[exploit_name]
        self.prompt = self.make_prompt(exploit_name)

        eprint(colorize('exploit => %s' % exploit_name, 'cyan'))

        if hasattr(self.exploit, '_ACsploit_exploit_settings'):
            self.input = self.exploit._ACsploit_exploit_settings['input']
            self.output = self.exploit._ACsploit_exploit_settings['output']
            self.options = self.exploit._ACsploit_exploit_settings['options']
            self.defaulted_options = self.exploit._ACsploit_exploit_settings[

            input_desc = 'Input generator to use with exploits'
            output_desc = 'Output generator to use with exploits'
            self.defaulted_options = []
            self.options = Options()

            # set default input and output for new exploit, if any
            if hasattr(self.exploit, 'NO_INPUT') and self.exploit.NO_INPUT:
                self.input = None
            elif hasattr(self.exploit, 'DEFAULT_INPUT'):
                                        self.exploit.DEFAULT_INPUT, input_desc,
                self.input = ACsploit.inputs[self.exploit.DEFAULT_INPUT]()
                # We set string as the default input, but do not warn if this option is changed
                self.options.add_option('input', 'string', input_desc,
                self.input = ACsploit.inputs['string']()

            if hasattr(self.exploit, 'NO_OUTPUT') and self.exploit.NO_OUTPUT:
                self.output = None
            elif hasattr(self.exploit, 'DEFAULT_OUTPUT'):
                self.options.add_option('output', self.exploit.DEFAULT_OUTPUT,
                self.output = ACsploit.outputs[self.exploit.DEFAULT_OUTPUT]()
                # We set stdout as the default output, but do not warn if this option is changed
                self.options.add_option('output', 'stdout', output_desc,
                self.output = ACsploit.outputs['stdout']()

            # set defaults for input and output settings for new exploit, if any
            if hasattr(self.exploit, 'DEFAULT_INPUT_OPTIONS'):
                for option, value in self.exploit.DEFAULT_INPUT_OPTIONS.items(
                    self.input.set_option(option, value)
                    self.defaulted_options.append('input.%s' % option)
            if hasattr(self.exploit, 'DEFAULT_OUTPUT_OPTIONS'):
                for option, value in self.exploit.DEFAULT_OUTPUT_OPTIONS.items(
                    self.output.options.set_value(option, value)
                    self.defaulted_options.append('output.%s' % option)