コード例 #1
ファイル: nth_action.py プロジェクト: Yvaine/nifti_ros_utils
class ScanningService(object):
	'''Handle the motion of the rolling laser for taking a single 3D scan.

	## Instantiate the ScanningService class
	def __init__(self):
		## scanning speed command publisher
		self.scanning_speed_pub = rospy.Publisher('/scanning_speed_cmd', Float64)
		## laser center command publisher
		self.laser_center_pub = rospy.Publisher('/laser_center', Bool)
		## robot status subscriber (to get the current speed of the laser)
		rospy.Subscriber('/robot_status', RobotStatusStamped, self.status_cb)
		## scanning_once subscriber
		rospy.Subscriber('/scanning_once', Float64, self.scanning_once_cb)
		## point cloud control publisher
		self.ptcld_ctrl_pub = rospy.Publisher('/pointcloud_control', Bool)
		## scanning state
		self.scanning_state = ScanningFeedback.READY
		## last goal time set, to avoid race condition
		self.last_goal_time = get_time()
		## action server
		self.goal = ServerGoalHandle()
		self.action_server = actionlib.ActionServer('ScanningOnceAS',
				ScanningAction, self.goal_cb, auto_start=False)
		## action client
		self.action_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient('ScanningOnceAS',

		self.last_angle = 0
		self.last_direction = 0
		rospy.Subscriber('/joint_states', JointState, self.joint_states_cb)
		# tf listener for laser scanner angle
		#self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener()

	## joint state callback to get the current position of the laser
	def joint_states_cb(self, joint_states):
			laser_idx = joint_states.name.index('laser_j')
		except ValueError:
			rospy.logwarn("NTH - laser joint angle not found in joint_state \
		angle = joint_states.position[laser_idx]
		if angle>self.last_angle:
			direction = 1
		elif angle<self.last_angle:
			direction = -1
			direction = 0
		if self.scanning_speed*direction*self.last_direction < 0 and\
				abs(angle)>pi/3:	# TODO might be problematic
			# End of swipe event
			rospy.logdebug("NTH - End of swipe")
			if self.scanning_state == ScanningFeedback.WAITING_FOR_FIRST_SWIPE:
				# no end of swipe received before
				rospy.logdebug("NTH - Detected first end of swipe: waiting for a \
second one and activating point cloud publication.")
				self.scanning_state = ScanningFeedback.WAITING_FOR_COMPLETE_SWIPE
			elif self.scanning_state == ScanningFeedback.WAITING_FOR_COMPLETE_SWIPE:
				# first end of swipe received before
				rospy.logdebug("NTH - Detected second end of swipe: stopping laser and \
centering it.")
				self.scanning_state = ScanningFeedback.READY
				#self.scanning_speed_pub.publish(0.0) # may be unnecessary
						"Scan succeeded")
				rospy.loginfo("NTH - Scan ended")
				rospy.logdebug("NTH - end of swipe received and ignored.")
		self.last_direction = direction
		self.last_angle = angle
	## robot status callback to get the current speed of the laser
	def status_cb(self, robot_status):
		self.scanning_speed = robot_status.scanning_speed
		if (self.scanning_speed == 0.0) and \
				(get_time() - self.last_goal_time>0.5):	
			# if not moving, updating state
			rospy.logdebug('NTH - Laser speed 0: setting state to "Not scanning".')
			if self.scanning_state != ScanningFeedback.READY:
				self.scanning_state = ScanningFeedback.READY
						"Aborting as laser is not moving")

	def cancel_cb(self, goal):
		if goal==self.goal:
			self.stop_scanning()	# Temporary

	## callback when a goal is received
	def goal_cb(self, goal):
		if self.goal.get_goal() and \
				self.goal.get_goal_status().status == GoalStatus.ACTIVE:
				"Can only do one scan at a time")
		scanning_goal = goal.get_goal()
		if scanning_goal.action == ScanningGoal.START_SCANNING:
			if self.scanning_state == ScanningFeedback.READY and\
				self.goal = goal
				self.goal.set_accepted("Scan accepted")
						"Already scanning")
		elif scanning_goal.action == ScanningGoal.STOP_SCANNING:
			self.goal = goal
			self.goal.set_accepted("Stop accepted")
					"Unknown action")

	def stop_scanning(self):
		rospy.loginfo("NTH - Stopping and centering laser")
		if self.goal.get_goal().action==ScanningGoal.STOP_SCANNING:
					"Success in stopping laser")
					"Scan aborted")
		self.scanning_state = ScanningFeedback.READY

	## forwarding scanning_once topic to a new goal
	def scanning_once_cb(self, speed):

		goal = ScanningGoal()
		goal.action = ScanningGoal.START_SCANNING
		goal.speed = speed.data

	def start_scanning(self, speed):
		# clip speed
		speed = max(min(speed, 0.1), 1.2)
		# send command
		rospy.loginfo("NTH - Starting scan")
		rospy.logdebug("NTH - Sending scanning speed command: %f and disabling \
publication of the messy point cloud."%speed)
		self.last_goal_time = get_time()
		# update state
		self.scanning_state = ScanningFeedback.WAITING_FOR_FIRST_SWIPE
コード例 #2
class QueuedActionServer:
    ## @brief Constructor for a QueuedActionServer
    ## @param name A name for the action server
    ## @param execute_cb Optional callback that gets called in a separate thread whenever
    ## a new goal is received, allowing users to have blocking callbacks.
    ## Adding an execute callback also deactivates the goalCallback.
    ## @param  auto_start A boolean value that tells the ActionServer wheteher or not to start publishing as soon as it comes up. THIS SHOULD ALWAYS BE SET TO FALSE TO AVOID RACE CONDITIONS and start() should be called after construction of the server.

	def __init__(self, name, ActionSpec, execute_cb = None, auto_start = True):

		self.new_goal = False
		self.preempt_request = False
		self.new_goal_preempt_request = False
		self.maxlen = 5

		#self.goals_buf = deque(maxlen=5)
		self.goals_buf = Queue.Queue(maxsize=self.maxlen)
		self.current_indexA = 0
		self.current_indexP = 0

		#self.maxlen = self.goals_buf.maxlen

		self.execute_callback = execute_cb
		self.goal_callback = None
		self.preempt_callback = None

		self.need_to_terminate = False
		self.terminate_mutex = threading.RLock()
		self.lock = threading.RLock()

		self.execute_condition = threading.Condition(self.lock)

		self.current_goal = ServerGoalHandle()
		self.next_goal = ServerGoalHandle()

		if self.execute_callback:
			self.execute_thread = threading.Thread(None, self.executeLoop)
			self.execute_thread = None

		#create the action server
		self.action_server = ActionServer(name, ActionSpec, self.internal_goal_callback,self.internal_preempt_callback,auto_start)

	def __del__(self):
		if hasattr(self, 'execute_callback') and self.execute_callback:
			with self.terminate_mutex:
				self.need_to_terminate = True


    ## @brief Accepts a new goal when one is available The status of this
    ## goal is set to active upon acceptance, and the status of any
    ## previously active goal is set to preempted. Preempts received for the
    ## new goal between checking if isNewGoalAvailable or invokation of a
    ## goal callback and the acceptNewGoal call will not trigger a preempt
    ## callback.  This means, isPreemptReqauested should be called after
    ## accepting the goal even for callback-based implementations to make
    ## sure the new goal does not have a pending preempt request.
    ## @return A shared_ptr to the new goal.
	def accept_new_goal(self):

		with self.lock:
			if not self.new_goal or not self.next_goal.get_goal():
				rospy.logerr("Attempting to accept the next goal when a new goal is not available")
				return None

			rospy.logdebug("Accepting a new goal")

			#accept the next goal
			self.current_goal = self.next_goal
			self.new_goal = False

			#set preempt to request to equal the preempt state of the new goal
			self.preempt_request = self.new_goal_preempt_request
			self.new_goal_preempt_request = False

			#set the status of the current goal to be active
			self.current_goal.set_accepted("This goal has been accepted by the queued action server")

			return self.current_goal.get_goal()

    ## @brief Allows  polling implementations to query about the availability of a new goal
    ## @return True if a new goal is available, false otherwise
	def is_new_goal_available(self):
		return self.new_goal

    ## @brief Allows  polling implementations to query about preempt requests
    ## @return True if a preempt is requested, false otherwise
	def is_preempt_requested(self):
		return self.preempt_request

    ## @brief Allows  polling implementations to query about the status of the current goal
    ## @return True if a goal is active, false otherwise
	def is_active(self):
		if not self.current_goal.get_goal():
			return False

		status = self.current_goal.get_goal_status().status
		return status == actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus.ACTIVE or status == actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus.PREEMPTING

    ## @brief Sets the status of the active goal to succeeded
    ## @param  result An optional result to send back to any clients of the goal
	def set_succeeded(self,result=None, text=""):
		with self.lock:
			if not result:
			self.current_goal.set_succeeded(result, text)

    ## @brief Sets the status of the active goal to aborted
    ## @param  result An optional result to send back to any clients of the goal
	def set_aborted(self, result = None, text=""):
		with self.lock:
			if not result:
			self.current_goal.set_aborted(result, text)

    ## @brief Publishes feedback for a given goal
    ## @param  feedback Shared pointer to the feedback to publish
	def publish_feedback(self,feedback):

	def get_default_result(self):
		return self.action_server.ActionResultType()

    ## @brief Sets the status of the active goal to preempted
    ## @param  result An optional result to send back to any clients of the goal
	def set_preempted(self,result=None, text=""):
		if not result:
		with self.lock:
			rospy.logdebug("Setting the current goal as canceled")
			self.current_goal.set_canceled(result, text)

    ## @brief Allows users to register a callback to be invoked when a new goal is available
    ## @param cb The callback to be invoked
	def register_goal_callback(self,cb):
		if self.execute_callback:
			rospy.logwarn("Cannot call QueuedActionServer.register_goal_callback() because an executeCallback exists. Not going to register it.")
			self.goal_callback = cb

    ## @brief Allows users to register a callback to be invoked when a new preempt request is available
    ## @param cb The callback to be invoked
	def register_preempt_callback(self, cb):
		self.preempt_callback = cb

    ## @brief Explicitly start the action server, used it auto_start is set to false
	def start(self):

    ## @brief Callback for when the ActionServer receives a new goal and passes it on
	def internal_goal_callback(self, goal):


			rospy.logdebug("A new goal %shas been recieved by the Queued goal action server",goal.get_goal_id().id)

				self.new_goal = True
				self.next_goal = goal
				self.goals_buf.put(goal, timeout=1)
				self.goals_buf.put(goal, timeout=1)

			rospy.loginfo("Queued New Goal")

			if self.goal_callback:

			#rospy.loginfo("Goals List-----------------------------------------------")

			#for item in self.goals_buf:		

			#	rospy.loginfo("Goals Buffer%s" %item.get_goal_status())

			#rospy.loginfo("End of the Goals List-------------------------------------")

	#if the user has defined a goal callback, we'll call it now
	#Trigger runLoop to call execute()
		except Exception, e:
			rospy.logerr("QueuedActionServer.internal_goal_callback - exception %s",str(e))
コード例 #3
class SimpleActionServer:
    ## @brief Constructor for a SimpleActionServer
    ## @param name A name for the action server
    ## @param execute_cb Optional callback that gets called in a separate thread whenever
    ## a new goal is received, allowing users to have blocking callbacks.
    ## Adding an execute callback also deactivates the goalCallback.
    ## @param  auto_start A boolean value that tells the ActionServer wheteher or not to start publishing as soon as it comes up. THIS SHOULD ALWAYS BE SET TO FALSE TO AVOID RACE CONDITIONS and start() should be called after construction of the server.
    def __init__(self, name, ActionSpec, execute_cb = None, auto_start = True):

        self.new_goal = False
        self.preempt_request = False
        self.new_goal_preempt_request = False

        self.execute_callback = execute_cb;
        self.goal_callback = None;
        self.preempt_callback = None;

        self.need_to_terminate = False
        self.terminate_mutex = threading.RLock();

        # since the internal_goal/preempt_callbacks are invoked from the
        # ActionServer while holding the self.action_server.lock
        # self.lock must always be locked after the action server lock
        # to avoid an inconsistent lock acquisition order
        self.lock = threading.RLock();

        self.execute_condition = threading.Condition(self.lock);

        self.current_goal = ServerGoalHandle();
        self.next_goal = ServerGoalHandle();

        if self.execute_callback:
            self.execute_thread = threading.Thread(None, self.executeLoop);
            self.execute_thread = None

        #create the action server
        self.action_server = ActionServer(name, ActionSpec, self.internal_goal_callback,self.internal_preempt_callback,auto_start);

    def __del__(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'execute_callback') and self.execute_callback:
            with self.terminate_mutex:
                self.need_to_terminate = True;


    ## @brief Accepts a new goal when one is available The status of this
    ## goal is set to active upon acceptance, and the status of any
    ## previously active goal is set to preempted. Preempts received for the
    ## new goal between checking if isNewGoalAvailable or invokation of a
    ## goal callback and the acceptNewGoal call will not trigger a preempt
    ## callback.  This means, isPreemptReqauested should be called after
    ## accepting the goal even for callback-based implementations to make
    ## sure the new goal does not have a pending preempt request.
    ## @return A shared_ptr to the new goal.
    def accept_new_goal(self):
        with self.action_server.lock, self.lock:
            if not self.new_goal or not self.next_goal.get_goal():
                rospy.logerr("Attempting to accept the next goal when a new goal is not available");
                return None;

            #check if we need to send a preempted message for the goal that we're currently pursuing
            if self.is_active() and self.current_goal.get_goal() and self.current_goal != self.next_goal:
                self.current_goal.set_canceled(None, "This goal was canceled because another goal was received by the simple action server");

            rospy.logdebug("Accepting a new goal");

            #accept the next goal
            self.current_goal = self.next_goal;
            self.new_goal = False;

            #set preempt to request to equal the preempt state of the new goal
            self.preempt_request = self.new_goal_preempt_request;
            self.new_goal_preempt_request = False;

            #set the status of the current goal to be active
            self.current_goal.set_accepted("This goal has been accepted by the simple action server");

            return self.current_goal.get_goal();

    ## @brief Allows  polling implementations to query about the availability of a new goal
    ## @return True if a new goal is available, false otherwise
    def is_new_goal_available(self):
        return self.new_goal;

    ## @brief Allows  polling implementations to query about preempt requests
    ## @return True if a preempt is requested, false otherwise
    def is_preempt_requested(self):
        return self.preempt_request;

    ## @brief Allows  polling implementations to query about the status of the current goal
    ## @return True if a goal is active, false otherwise
    def is_active(self):
       if not self.current_goal.get_goal():
           return False;

       status = self.current_goal.get_goal_status().status;
       return status == actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus.ACTIVE or status == actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus.PREEMPTING;

    ## @brief Sets the status of the active goal to succeeded
    ## @param  result An optional result to send back to any clients of the goal
    def set_succeeded(self,result=None, text=""):
      with self.action_server.lock, self.lock:
          if not result:
          self.current_goal.set_succeeded(result, text);

    ## @brief Sets the status of the active goal to aborted
    ## @param  result An optional result to send back to any clients of the goal
    def set_aborted(self, result = None, text=""):
        with self.action_server.lock, self.lock:
            if not result:
            self.current_goal.set_aborted(result, text);

    ## @brief Publishes feedback for a given goal
    ## @param  feedback Shared pointer to the feedback to publish
    def publish_feedback(self,feedback):

    def get_default_result(self):
        return self.action_server.ActionResultType();

    ## @brief Sets the status of the active goal to preempted
    ## @param  result An optional result to send back to any clients of the goal
    def set_preempted(self,result=None, text=""):
        if not result:
        with self.action_server.lock, self.lock:
            rospy.logdebug("Setting the current goal as canceled");
            self.current_goal.set_canceled(result, text);

    ## @brief Allows users to register a callback to be invoked when a new goal is available
    ## @param cb The callback to be invoked
    def register_goal_callback(self,cb):
        if self.execute_callback:
            rospy.logwarn("Cannot call SimpleActionServer.register_goal_callback() because an executeCallback exists. Not going to register it.");
            self.goal_callback = cb;

    ## @brief Allows users to register a callback to be invoked when a new preempt request is available
    ## @param cb The callback to be invoked
    def register_preempt_callback(self, cb):
        self.preempt_callback = cb;

    ## @brief Explicitly start the action server, used it auto_start is set to false
    def start(self):

    ## @brief Callback for when the ActionServer receives a new goal and passes it on
    def internal_goal_callback(self, goal):

              rospy.logdebug("A new goal %shas been recieved by the single goal action server",goal.get_goal_id().id);

              #check that the timestamp is past that of the current goal and the next goal
              if((not self.current_goal.get_goal() or goal.get_goal_id().stamp >= self.current_goal.get_goal_id().stamp)
                 and (not self.next_goal.get_goal() or goal.get_goal_id().stamp >= self.next_goal.get_goal_id().stamp)):
                  #if next_goal has not been accepted already... its going to get bumped, but we need to let the client know we're preempting
                  if(self.next_goal.get_goal() and (not self.current_goal.get_goal() or self.next_goal != self.current_goal)):
                      self.next_goal.set_canceled(None, "This goal was canceled because another goal was received by the simple action server");

                  self.next_goal = goal;
                  self.new_goal = True;
                  self.new_goal_preempt_request = False;

                  #if the server is active, we'll want to call the preempt callback for the current goal
                      self.preempt_request = True;
                      #if the user has registered a preempt callback, we'll call it now

                  #if the user has defined a goal callback, we'll call it now
                  if self.goal_callback:

                  #Trigger runLoop to call execute()
                  #the goal requested has already been preempted by a different goal, so we're not going to execute it
                  goal.set_canceled(None, "This goal was canceled because another goal was received by the simple action server");
          except Exception, e:
              rospy.logerr("SimpleActionServer.internal_goal_callback - exception %s",str(e))
コード例 #4
class SimpleActionServer:
    ## @brief Constructor for a SimpleActionServer
    ## @param name A name for the action server
    ## @param execute_cb Optional callback that gets called in a separate thread whenever
    ## a new goal is received, allowing users to have blocking callbacks.
    ## Adding an execute callback also deactivates the goalCallback.
    ## @param  auto_start A boolean value that tells the ActionServer wheteher or not to start publishing as soon as it comes up. THIS SHOULD ALWAYS BE SET TO FALSE TO AVOID RACE CONDITIONS and start() should be called after construction of the server.
    def __init__(self, name, ActionSpec, execute_cb=None, auto_start=True):

        self.new_goal = False
        self.preempt_request = False
        self.new_goal_preempt_request = False

        self.execute_callback = execute_cb
        self.goal_callback = None
        self.preempt_callback = None

        self.need_to_terminate = False
        self.terminate_mutex = threading.RLock()

        # since the internal_goal/preempt_callbacks are invoked from the
        # ActionServer while holding the self.action_server.lock
        # self.lock must always be locked after the action server lock
        # to avoid an inconsistent lock acquisition order
        self.lock = threading.RLock()

        self.execute_condition = threading.Condition(self.lock)

        self.current_goal = ServerGoalHandle()
        self.next_goal = ServerGoalHandle()

        if self.execute_callback:
            self.execute_thread = threading.Thread(None, self.executeLoop)
            self.execute_thread = None

        #create the action server
        self.action_server = ActionServer(name, ActionSpec,

    def __del__(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'execute_callback') and self.execute_callback:
            with self.terminate_mutex:
                self.need_to_terminate = True

            assert (self.execute_thread)

    ## @brief Accepts a new goal when one is available The status of this
    ## goal is set to active upon acceptance, and the status of any
    ## previously active goal is set to preempted. Preempts received for the
    ## new goal between checking if isNewGoalAvailable or invokation of a
    ## goal callback and the acceptNewGoal call will not trigger a preempt
    ## callback.  This means, isPreemptReqauested should be called after
    ## accepting the goal even for callback-based implementations to make
    ## sure the new goal does not have a pending preempt request.
    ## @return A shared_ptr to the new goal.
    def accept_new_goal(self):
        with self.action_server.lock, self.lock:
            if not self.new_goal or not self.next_goal.get_goal():
                    "Attempting to accept the next goal when a new goal is not available"
                return None

            # check if we need to send a preempted message for the goal that we're currently pursuing
            if self.is_active() and self.current_goal.get_goal(
            ) and self.current_goal != self.next_goal:
                    "This goal was canceled because another goal was received by the simple action server"

            rospy.logdebug("Accepting a new goal")

            # accept the next goal
            self.current_goal = self.next_goal
            self.new_goal = False

            # set preempt to request to equal the preempt state of the new goal
            self.preempt_request = self.new_goal_preempt_request
            self.new_goal_preempt_request = False

            # set the status of the current goal to be active
                "This goal has been accepted by the simple action server")

            return self.current_goal.get_goal()

    ## @brief Allows  polling implementations to query about the availability of a new goal
    ## @return True if a new goal is available, false otherwise
    def is_new_goal_available(self):
        return self.new_goal

    ## @brief Allows  polling implementations to query about preempt requests
    ## @return True if a preempt is requested, false otherwise
    def is_preempt_requested(self):
        return self.preempt_request

    ## @brief Allows  polling implementations to query about the status of the current goal
    ## @return True if a goal is active, false otherwise
    def is_active(self):
        if not self.current_goal.get_goal():
            return False

        status = self.current_goal.get_goal_status().status
        return status == actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus.ACTIVE or status == actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus.PREEMPTING

    ## @brief Sets the status of the active goal to succeeded
    ## @param  result An optional result to send back to any clients of the goal
    def set_succeeded(self, result=None, text=""):
        with self.action_server.lock, self.lock:
            if not result:
                result = self.get_default_result()
            self.current_goal.set_succeeded(result, text)

    ## @brief Sets the status of the active goal to aborted
    ## @param  result An optional result to send back to any clients of the goal
    def set_aborted(self, result=None, text=""):
        with self.action_server.lock, self.lock:
            if not result:
                result = self.get_default_result()
            self.current_goal.set_aborted(result, text)

    ## @brief Publishes feedback for a given goal
    ## @param  feedback Shared pointer to the feedback to publish
    def publish_feedback(self, feedback):

    def get_default_result(self):
        return self.action_server.ActionResultType()

    ## @brief Sets the status of the active goal to preempted
    ## @param  result An optional result to send back to any clients of the goal
    def set_preempted(self, result=None, text=""):
        if not result:
            result = self.get_default_result()
        with self.action_server.lock, self.lock:
            rospy.logdebug("Setting the current goal as canceled")
            self.current_goal.set_canceled(result, text)

    ## @brief Allows users to register a callback to be invoked when a new goal is available
    ## @param cb The callback to be invoked
    def register_goal_callback(self, cb):
        if self.execute_callback:
                "Cannot call SimpleActionServer.register_goal_callback() because an executeCallback exists. Not going to register it."
            self.goal_callback = cb

    ## @brief Allows users to register a callback to be invoked when a new preempt request is available
    ## @param cb The callback to be invoked
    def register_preempt_callback(self, cb):
        self.preempt_callback = cb

    ## @brief Explicitly start the action server, used it auto_start is set to false
    def start(self):

    ## @brief Callback for when the ActionServer receives a new goal and passes it on
    def internal_goal_callback(self, goal):

                "A new goal %shas been recieved by the single goal action server",

            # check that the timestamp is past that of the current goal and the next goal
            if ((not self.current_goal.get_goal() or goal.get_goal_id().stamp
                 >= self.current_goal.get_goal_id().stamp) and
                (not self.next_goal.get_goal() or goal.get_goal_id().stamp >=
                # if next_goal has not been accepted already... its going to get bumped, but we need to let the client know we're preempting
                if (self.next_goal.get_goal()
                        and (not self.current_goal.get_goal()
                             or self.next_goal != self.current_goal)):
                        "This goal was canceled because another goal was received by the simple action server"

                self.next_goal = goal
                self.new_goal = True
                self.new_goal_preempt_request = False

                # if the server is active, we'll want to call the preempt callback for the current goal
                if (self.is_active()):
                    self.preempt_request = True
                    # if the user has registered a preempt callback, we'll call it now
                    if (self.preempt_callback):

                # if the user has defined a goal callback, we'll call it now
                if self.goal_callback:

                # Trigger runLoop to call execute()
                # the goal requested has already been preempted by a different goal, so we're not going to execute it
                    "This goal was canceled because another goal was received by the simple action server"
        except Exception as e:
                "SimpleActionServer.internal_goal_callback - exception %s",

    ## @brief Callback for when the ActionServer receives a new preempt and passes it on
    def internal_preempt_callback(self, preempt):
        with self.lock:
                "A preempt has been received by the SimpleActionServer")

            #if the preempt is for the current goal, then we'll set the preemptRequest flag and call the user's preempt callback
            if (preempt == self.current_goal):
                    "Setting preempt_request bit for the current goal to TRUE and invoking callback"
                self.preempt_request = True

                #if the user has registered a preempt callback, we'll call it now
                if (self.preempt_callback):
            #if the preempt applies to the next goal, we'll set the preempt bit for that
            elif (preempt == self.next_goal):
                    "Setting preempt request bit for the next goal to TRUE")
                self.new_goal_preempt_request = True

    ## @brief Called from a separate thread to call blocking execute calls
    def executeLoop(self):
        loop_duration = rospy.Duration.from_sec(.1)

        while (not rospy.is_shutdown()):
            with self.terminate_mutex:
                if (self.need_to_terminate):

            # the following checks (is_active, is_new_goal_available)
            # are performed without locking
            # the worst thing that might happen in case of a race
            # condition is a warning/error message on the console
            if (self.is_active()):
                    "Should never reach this code with an active goal")

            if (self.is_new_goal_available()):
                # accept_new_goal() is performing its own locking
                goal = self.accept_new_goal()
                if not self.execute_callback:
                        "execute_callback_ must exist. This is a bug in SimpleActionServer"


                    if self.is_active():
                            "Your executeCallback did not set the goal to a terminal status.  "
                            "This is a bug in your ActionServer implementation. Fix your code!  "
                            "For now, the ActionServer will set this goal to aborted"
                        self.set_aborted(None, "No terminal state was set.")
                except Exception as ex:
                    rospy.logerr("Exception in your execute callback: %s\n%s",
                                 str(ex), traceback.format_exc())
                        None, "Exception in execute callback: %s" % str(ex))

            with self.execute_condition:
コード例 #5
class ComplexActionServer:
    ## @brief Constructor for a ComplexActionServer
    ## @param name A name for the action server
    ## @param execute_cb Optional callback that gets called in a separate thread whenever
    ## a new goal is received, allowing users to have blocking callbacks.
    ## Adding an execute callback also deactivates the goalCallback.
    ## @param  auto_start A boolean value that tells the ActionServer wheteher or not to start publishing as soon as it comes up. THIS SHOULD ALWAYS BE SET TO FALSE TO AVOID RACE CONDITIONS and start() should be called after construction of the server.
    def __init__(self, name, ActionSpec, execute_cb = None, auto_start = True):

        self.goals_received_ = 0;
        self.goal_queue_ = six.moves.queue.Queue()

        self.new_goal = False

        self.execute_callback = execute_cb;
        self.goal_callback = None;

        self.need_to_terminate = False
        self.terminate_mutex = threading.RLock();

        # since the internal_goal/preempt_callbacks are invoked from the
        # ActionServer while holding the self.action_server.lock
        # self.lock must always be locked after the action server lock
        # to avoid an inconsistent lock acquisition order
        self.lock = threading.RLock();

        self.execute_condition = threading.Condition(self.lock);

        self.current_goal = ServerGoalHandle();
        self.next_goal = ServerGoalHandle();

        if self.execute_callback:
            self.execute_thread = threading.Thread(None, self.executeLoop);
            self.execute_thread = None

        #create the action server
        self.action_server = ActionServer(name, ActionSpec, self.internal_goal_callback,self.internal_preempt_callback,auto_start);

    def __del__(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'execute_callback') and self.execute_callback:
            with self.terminate_mutex:
                self.need_to_terminate = True;


    ## @brief Accepts a new goal when one is available The status of this
    ## goal is set to active upon acceptance, 
    def accept_new_goal(self):
        with self.action_server.lock, self.lock:

            rospy.logdebug("Accepting a new goal");

            self.goals_received_ -= 1;

			#get from queue 
            current_goal = self.goal_queue_.get() 

            #set the status of the current goal to be active
            current_goal.set_accepted("This goal has been accepted by the simple action server");

            return current_goal#.get_goal();

    ## @brief Allows  polling implementations to query about the availability of a new goal
    ## @return True if a new goal is available, false otherwise
    def is_new_goal_available(self):
        return self.goals_received_ > 0

    ## @brief Allows  polling implementations to query about the status of the current goal
    ## @return True if a goal is active, false otherwise
    def is_active(self):
       if not self.current_goal.get_goal():
           return False;

       status = self.current_goal.get_goal_status().status;
       return status == actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus.ACTIVE #or status == actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus.PREEMPTING;

    ## @brief Sets the status of the active goal to succeeded
    ## @param  result An optional result to send back to any clients of the goal
    def set_succeeded(self,result=None, text="", goal_handle=None):
      with self.action_server.lock, self.lock:
          if not result:
          #self.current_goal.set_succeeded(result, text);

    ## @brief Sets the status of the active goal to aborted
    ## @param  result An optional result to send back to any clients of the goal
    def set_aborted(self, result = None, text="" , goal_handle=None):
        with self.action_server.lock, self.lock:
            if not result:
            #self.current_goal.set_aborted(result, text);

    ## @brief Publishes feedback for a given goal
    ## @param  feedback Shared pointer to the feedback to publish
    def publish_feedback(self,feedback):

    def get_default_result(self):
        return self.action_server.ActionResultType();

    ## @brief Allows users to register a callback to be invoked when a new goal is available
    ## @param cb The callback to be invoked
    def register_goal_callback(self,cb):
        if self.execute_callback:
            rospy.logwarn("Cannot call ComplexActionServer.register_goal_callback() because an executeCallback exists. Not going to register it.");
            self.goal_callback = cb;

    ## @brief Explicitly start the action server, used it auto_start is set to false
    def start(self):

    ## @brief Callback for when the ActionServer receives a new goal and passes it on
    def internal_goal_callback(self, goal):

              rospy.logdebug("A new goal %shas been recieved by the single goal action server",goal.get_goal_id().id);

              print("got a goal")
              self.next_goal = goal;
              self.new_goal = True;
              self.goals_received_ += 1
              #add goal to queue

                  #Trigger runLoop to call execute()

          except Exception as e:
              rospy.logerr("ComplexActionServer.internal_goal_callback - exception %s",str(e))

    ## @brief Callback for when the ActionServer receives a new preempt and passes it on
    def internal_preempt_callback(self,preempt):

    ## @brief Called from a separate thread to call blocking execute calls
    def executeLoop(self):
          loop_duration = rospy.Duration.from_sec(.1);

          while (not rospy.is_shutdown()):
              rospy.logdebug("SAS: execute");

              with self.terminate_mutex:
                  if (self.need_to_terminate):

              if (self.is_new_goal_available()):
                  # accept_new_goal() is performing its own locking
                  goal_handle = self.accept_new_goal();
                  if not self.execute_callback:
                      rospy.logerr("execute_callback_ must exist. This is a bug in ComplexActionServer");

                      print("run new executecb")
                      thread = threading.Thread(target=self.run_goal,args=(goal_handle.get_goal(),goal_handle));

                  except Exception as ex:
                      rospy.logerr("Exception in your execute callback: %s\n%s", str(ex),
                      self.set_aborted(None, "Exception in execute callback: %s" % str(ex))

              with self.execute_condition:
    def run_goal(self,goal, goal_handle):
       print('new thread')

コード例 #6
class QueuedActionServer:
    ## @brief Constructor for a QueuedActionServer
    ## @param name A name for the action server
    ## @param execute_cb Optional callback that gets called in a separate thread whenever
    ## a new goal is received, allowing users to have blocking callbacks.
    ## Adding an execute callback also deactivates the goalCallback.
    ## @param  auto_start A boolean value that tells the ActionServer wheteher or not to start publishing as soon as it comes up. THIS SHOULD ALWAYS BE SET TO FALSE TO AVOID RACE CONDITIONS and start() should be called after construction of the server.

    def __init__(self, name, ActionSpec, execute_cb=None, auto_start=True):

        self.new_goal = False
        self.preempt_request = False
        self.new_goal_preempt_request = False
        self.maxlen = 5

        #self.goals_buf = deque(maxlen=5)
        self.goals_buf = Queue.Queue(maxsize=self.maxlen)
        self.current_indexA = 0
        self.current_indexP = 0

        #self.maxlen = self.goals_buf.maxlen

        self.execute_callback = execute_cb
        self.goal_callback = None
        self.preempt_callback = None

        self.need_to_terminate = False
        self.terminate_mutex = threading.RLock()
        self.lock = threading.RLock()

        self.execute_condition = threading.Condition(self.lock)

        self.current_goal = ServerGoalHandle()
        self.next_goal = ServerGoalHandle()

        if self.execute_callback:
            self.execute_thread = threading.Thread(None, self.executeLoop)
            self.execute_thread = None

        #create the action server
        self.action_server = ActionServer(name, ActionSpec,

    def __del__(self):
        if hasattr(self, 'execute_callback') and self.execute_callback:
            with self.terminate_mutex:
                self.need_to_terminate = True

            assert (self.execute_thread)

## @brief Accepts a new goal when one is available The status of this
## goal is set to active upon acceptance, and the status of any
## previously active goal is set to preempted. Preempts received for the
## new goal between checking if isNewGoalAvailable or invokation of a
## goal callback and the acceptNewGoal call will not trigger a preempt
## callback.  This means, isPreemptReqauested should be called after
## accepting the goal even for callback-based implementations to make
## sure the new goal does not have a pending preempt request.
## @return A shared_ptr to the new goal.

    def accept_new_goal(self):

        with self.lock:
            if not self.new_goal or not self.next_goal.get_goal():
                    "Attempting to accept the next goal when a new goal is not available"
                return None

            rospy.logdebug("Accepting a new goal")

            #accept the next goal
            self.current_goal = self.next_goal
            self.new_goal = False

            #set preempt to request to equal the preempt state of the new goal
            self.preempt_request = self.new_goal_preempt_request
            self.new_goal_preempt_request = False

            #set the status of the current goal to be active
                "This goal has been accepted by the queued action server")

            return self.current_goal.get_goal()

## @brief Allows  polling implementations to query about the availability of a new goal
## @return True if a new goal is available, false otherwise

    def is_new_goal_available(self):
        return self.new_goal

## @brief Allows  polling implementations to query about preempt requests
## @return True if a preempt is requested, false otherwise

    def is_preempt_requested(self):
        return self.preempt_request

## @brief Allows  polling implementations to query about the status of the current goal
## @return True if a goal is active, false otherwise

    def is_active(self):
        if not self.current_goal.get_goal():
            return False

        status = self.current_goal.get_goal_status().status
        return status == actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus.ACTIVE or status == actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus.PREEMPTING

## @brief Sets the status of the active goal to succeeded
## @param  result An optional result to send back to any clients of the goal

    def set_succeeded(self, result=None, text=""):
        with self.lock:
            if not result:
                result = self.get_default_result()
            self.current_goal.set_succeeded(result, text)

## @brief Sets the status of the active goal to aborted
## @param  result An optional result to send back to any clients of the goal

    def set_aborted(self, result=None, text=""):
        with self.lock:
            if not result:
                result = self.get_default_result()
            self.current_goal.set_aborted(result, text)

## @brief Publishes feedback for a given goal
## @param  feedback Shared pointer to the feedback to publish

    def publish_feedback(self, feedback):

    def get_default_result(self):
        return self.action_server.ActionResultType()

## @brief Sets the status of the active goal to preempted
## @param  result An optional result to send back to any clients of the goal

    def set_preempted(self, result=None, text=""):
        if not result:
            result = self.get_default_result()
        with self.lock:
            rospy.logdebug("Setting the current goal as canceled")
            self.current_goal.set_canceled(result, text)

## @brief Allows users to register a callback to be invoked when a new goal is available
## @param cb The callback to be invoked

    def register_goal_callback(self, cb):
        if self.execute_callback:
                "Cannot call QueuedActionServer.register_goal_callback() because an executeCallback exists. Not going to register it."
            self.goal_callback = cb

## @brief Allows users to register a callback to be invoked when a new preempt request is available
## @param cb The callback to be invoked

    def register_preempt_callback(self, cb):
        self.preempt_callback = cb

## @brief Explicitly start the action server, used it auto_start is set to false

    def start(self):

## @brief Callback for when the ActionServer receives a new goal and passes it on

    def internal_goal_callback(self, goal):


                "A new goal %shas been recieved by the Queued goal action server",

            if (self.goals_buf.empty()):
                self.new_goal = True
                self.next_goal = goal
                self.goals_buf.put(goal, timeout=1)

                self.goals_buf.put(goal, timeout=1)

            rospy.loginfo("Queued New Goal")

            if self.goal_callback:

            #rospy.loginfo("Goals List-----------------------------------------------")

            #for item in self.goals_buf:

            #	rospy.loginfo("Goals Buffer%s" %item.get_goal_status())

            #rospy.loginfo("End of the Goals List-------------------------------------")

    #if the user has defined a goal callback, we'll call it now

    #Trigger runLoop to call execute()

        except Exception, e:
                "QueuedActionServer.internal_goal_callback - exception %s",
コード例 #7
class ComplexActionServer:
    ## @brief Constructor for a ComplexActionServer
    ## @param name A name for the action server
    ## @param execute_cb Optional callback that gets called in a separate thread whenever
    ## a new goal is received, allowing users to have blocking callbacks.
    ## Adding an execute callback also deactivates the goalCallback.
    ## @param  auto_start A boolean value that tells the ActionServer wheteher or not to start publishing as soon as it comes up. THIS SHOULD ALWAYS BE SET TO FALSE TO AVOID RACE CONDITIONS and start() should be called after construction of the server.
    def __init__(self, name, ActionSpec, execute_cb=None, auto_start=True):

        self.goals_received_ = 0
        self.goal_queue_ = Queue.Queue()

        self.new_goal = False

        self.execute_callback = execute_cb
        self.goal_callback = None

        self.need_to_terminate = False
        self.terminate_mutex = threading.RLock()

        # since the internal_goal/preempt_callbacks are invoked from the
        # ActionServer while holding the self.action_server.lock
        # self.lock must always be locked after the action server lock
        # to avoid an inconsistent lock acquisition order
        self.lock = threading.RLock()

        self.execute_condition = threading.Condition(self.lock)

        self.current_goal = ServerGoalHandle()
        self.next_goal = ServerGoalHandle()

        if self.execute_callback:
            self.execute_thread = threading.Thread(None, self.executeLoop)
            self.execute_thread = None

        # create the action server
        self.action_server = ActionServer(
            name, ActionSpec, self.internal_goal_callback, self.internal_preempt_callback, auto_start

    def __del__(self):
        if hasattr(self, "execute_callback") and self.execute_callback:
            with self.terminate_mutex:
                self.need_to_terminate = True

            assert self.execute_thread

    ## @brief Accepts a new goal when one is available The status of this
    ## goal is set to active upon acceptance,
    def accept_new_goal(self):
        with self.action_server.lock, self.lock:

            rospy.logdebug("Accepting a new goal")

            self.goals_received_ -= 1

            # get from queue
            current_goal = self.goal_queue_.get()

            # set the status of the current goal to be active
            current_goal.set_accepted("This goal has been accepted by the simple action server")

            return current_goal  # .get_goal();

    ## @brief Allows  polling implementations to query about the availability of a new goal
    ## @return True if a new goal is available, false otherwise
    def is_new_goal_available(self):
        return self.goals_received_ > 0

    ## @brief Allows  polling implementations to query about the status of the current goal
    ## @return True if a goal is active, false otherwise
    def is_active(self):
        if not self.current_goal.get_goal():
            return False

        status = self.current_goal.get_goal_status().status
        return status == actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus.ACTIVE  # or status == actionlib_msgs.msg.GoalStatus.PREEMPTING;

    ## @brief Sets the status of the active goal to succeeded
    ## @param  result An optional result to send back to any clients of the goal
    def set_succeeded(self, result=None, text="", goal_handle=None):
        with self.action_server.lock, self.lock:
            if not result:
                result = self.get_default_result()
            # self.current_goal.set_succeeded(result, text);
            goal_handle.set_succeeded(result, text)

    ## @brief Sets the status of the active goal to aborted
    ## @param  result An optional result to send back to any clients of the goal
    def set_aborted(self, result=None, text="", goal_handle=None):
        with self.action_server.lock, self.lock:
            if not result:
                result = self.get_default_result()
            # self.current_goal.set_aborted(result, text);
            goal_handle.set_aborted(result, text)

    ## @brief Publishes feedback for a given goal
    ## @param  feedback Shared pointer to the feedback to publish
    def publish_feedback(self, feedback):

    def get_default_result(self):
        return self.action_server.ActionResultType()

    ## @brief Allows users to register a callback to be invoked when a new goal is available
    ## @param cb The callback to be invoked
    def register_goal_callback(self, cb):
        if self.execute_callback:
                "Cannot call ComplexActionServer.register_goal_callback() because an executeCallback exists. Not going to register it."
            self.goal_callback = cb

    ## @brief Explicitly start the action server, used it auto_start is set to false
    def start(self):

    ## @brief Callback for when the ActionServer receives a new goal and passes it on
    def internal_goal_callback(self, goal):

            rospy.logdebug("A new goal %shas been recieved by the single goal action server", goal.get_goal_id().id)

            print "got a goal"
            self.next_goal = goal
            self.new_goal = True
            self.goals_received_ += 1

            # add goal to queue

            # Trigger runLoop to call execute()

        except Exception, e:
            rospy.logerr("ComplexActionServer.internal_goal_callback - exception %s", str(e))
コード例 #8
class ScanningService(object):
    '''Handle the motion of the rolling laser for taking a single 3D scan.

    ## Instantiate the ScanningService class
    def __init__(self):
        ## scanning speed command publisher
        self.scanning_speed_pub = rospy.Publisher('scanning_speed_cmd',
        ## laser center command publisher
        self.laser_center_pub = rospy.Publisher('laser_center',
        ## robot status subscriber (to get the current speed of the laser)
        ## scanning_once subscriber
        ## point cloud control publisher
        self.ptcld_ctrl_pub = rospy.Publisher('pointcloud_control',
        ## scanning state
        self.scanning_state = ScanningFeedback.READY
        ## last goal time set, to avoid race condition
        self.last_goal_time = get_time()
        ## action server
        self.goal = ServerGoalHandle()
        self.action_server = actionlib.ActionServer('ScanningOnceAS',
        ## action client
        self.action_client = actionlib.SimpleActionClient(
            'ScanningOnceAS', ScanningAction)

        self.last_angle = 0
        self.last_direction = 0
        # tf listener for laser scanner angle
        #self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener()

    ## joint state callback to get the current position of the laser
    def joint_states_cb(self, joint_states):
        if not "laser_j" in joint_states.name:

        laser_idx = joint_states.name.index('laser_j')
        angle = joint_states.position[laser_idx]
        if angle > self.last_angle:
            direction = 1
        elif angle < self.last_angle:
            direction = -1
            direction = 0
        if self.scanning_speed*direction*self.last_direction < 0 and\
          abs(angle)>pi/3: # TODO might be problematic
            # End of swipe event
            rospy.logdebug("NTH - End of swipe")
            if self.scanning_state == ScanningFeedback.WAITING_FOR_FIRST_SWIPE:
                # no end of swipe received before
                    "NTH - Detected first end of swipe: waiting for a \
second one and activating point cloud publication.")
                self.scanning_state = ScanningFeedback.WAITING_FOR_COMPLETE_SWIPE
            elif self.scanning_state == ScanningFeedback.WAITING_FOR_COMPLETE_SWIPE:
                # first end of swipe received before
                    "NTH - Detected second end of swipe: stopping laser and \
centering it.")
                self.scanning_state = ScanningFeedback.READY
                #self.scanning_speed_pub.publish(0.0) # may be unnecessary
                                        "Scan succeeded")
                rospy.loginfo("NTH - Scan ended")
                rospy.logdebug("NTH - end of swipe received and ignored.")
        self.last_direction = direction
        self.last_angle = angle

    ## robot status callback to get the current speed of the laser
    def status_cb(self, robot_status):
        self.scanning_speed = robot_status.scanning_speed
        if (self.scanning_speed == 0.0) and \
          (get_time() - self.last_goal_time>0.5):
            # if not moving, updating state
                'NTH - Laser speed 0: setting state to "Not scanning".')
            if self.scanning_state != ScanningFeedback.READY:
                self.scanning_state = ScanningFeedback.READY
                                        "Aborting as laser is not moving")

    def cancel_cb(self, goal):
        if goal == self.goal:
            self.stop_scanning()  # Temporary

    ## callback when a goal is received
    def goal_cb(self, goal):
        if self.goal.get_goal() and \
          self.goal.get_goal_status().status == GoalStatus.ACTIVE:
                              "Can only do one scan at a time")
        scanning_goal = goal.get_goal()
        if scanning_goal.action == ScanningGoal.START_SCANNING:
            if self.scanning_state == ScanningFeedback.READY and\
                self.goal = goal
                self.goal.set_accepted("Scan accepted")
                                  "Already scanning")
        elif scanning_goal.action == ScanningGoal.STOP_SCANNING:
            self.goal = goal
            self.goal.set_accepted("Stop accepted")
                              "Unknown action")

    def stop_scanning(self):
        rospy.loginfo("NTH - Stopping and centering laser")
        if self.goal.get_goal().action == ScanningGoal.STOP_SCANNING:
                               "Success in stopping laser")
                               "Scan aborted")
        self.scanning_state = ScanningFeedback.READY

    ## forwarding scanning_once topic to a new goal
    def scanning_once_cb(self, speed):

        goal = ScanningGoal()
        goal.action = ScanningGoal.START_SCANNING
        goal.speed = speed.data

    def start_scanning(self, speed):
        # clip speed
        speed = max(min(speed, 0.1), 1.2)
        # send command
        rospy.loginfo("NTH - Starting scan")
            "NTH - Sending scanning speed command: %f and disabling \
publication of the messy point cloud." % speed)
        self.last_goal_time = get_time()
        # update state
        self.scanning_state = ScanningFeedback.WAITING_FOR_FIRST_SWIPE