コード例 #1
    def testsimple(self):
        client = SimpleActionClient('reference_action', TestAction)
                     'Could not connect to the action server')

        goal = TestGoal(1)
                     "Goal didn't finish")
        self.assertEqual(GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED, client.get_state())
        self.assertEqual("The ref server has succeeded", client.get_goal_status_text())

        goal = TestGoal(2)
                     "Goal didn't finish")
        self.assertEqual(GoalStatus.ABORTED, client.get_state())
        self.assertEqual("The ref server has aborted", client.get_goal_status_text())
コード例 #2
    def testsimple(self):
        client = SimpleActionClient('reference_action', TestAction)
                     'Could not connect to the action server')

        goal = TestGoal(1)
                     "Goal didn't finish")
        self.assertEqual(GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED, client.get_state())
        self.assertEqual("The ref server has succeeded", client.get_goal_status_text())

        goal = TestGoal(2)
                     "Goal didn't finish")
        self.assertEqual(GoalStatus.ABORTED, client.get_state())
        self.assertEqual("The ref server has aborted", client.get_goal_status_text())
コード例 #3
ファイル: states.py プロジェクト: Forichael/brain
    def execute(self, userdata):
        # TODO: Make it look less stupid when stuck
        while True:  # absolutely need to get the transforms.
                # TODO: make sure we can get a tf even with time lag
                t, r = tf_listener.lookupTransform('map', 'base_link',
        p = self.initial_pose.position
        o = self.initial_pose.orientation
        p.x, p.y, p.z = t
        o.x, o.y, o.z, o.w = r

        client = SimpleActionClient('move_base', MoveBaseAction)
        rospy.loginfo('Waiting for MOVE_BASE SERVER ...')
        rospy.loginfo('MOVE_BASE SERVER IS UP!')
        for i in range(self.n_attempts):
            if rospy.is_shutdown():

            rospy.loginfo("Attempting Unstuck, {} / {}".format(
                i + 1, self.n_attempts))
            goal = self.make_goal()
            start = rospy.Time.now()
            while (rospy.Time.now() -
                   start).to_sec() < 30.0:  # wait 30 sec. for success
                if rospy.is_shutdown():

                if client.wait_for_result(
                ):  # if move_base decides earlier that a goal is impossible...
                    res = client.get_state()
                    text = client.get_goal_status_text()
                    print text
                    if res == 3:  ## SUCCEEDED
                        return 'succeeded'
        return 'aborted'
コード例 #4
class Pick_Place:
    def __init__(self):
        # Retrieve params:
        self._table_object_name = rospy.get_param('~table_object_name', 'Grasp_Table')
        self._grasp_object_name = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_name', 'Grasp_Object')

        self._grasp_object_width = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_width', 0.01)

        self._arm_group     = rospy.get_param('~manipulator', 'manipulator')
        self._gripper_group = rospy.get_param('~gripper', 'gripper')

        self._approach_retreat_desired_dist = rospy.get_param('~approach_retreat_desired_dist', 0.2)
        self._approach_retreat_min_dist = rospy.get_param('~approach_retreat_min_dist', 0.1)

        # Create (debugging) publishers:
        self._grasps_pub = rospy.Publisher('grasps', PoseArray, queue_size=1, latch=True)
        self._places_pub = rospy.Publisher('places', PoseArray, queue_size=1, latch=True)

        # Create planning scene and robot commander:
        self._scene = PlanningSceneInterface()
        self._robot = RobotCommander()


        # Retrieve groups (arm and gripper):
        self._arm     = self._robot.get_group(self._arm_group)
        self._gripper = self._robot.get_group(self._gripper_group)
        # self._pose_table = self._scene.get_object_poses(self._table_object_name)
        # self._pose_coke_can = self._scene.get_object_poses(self._grasp_object_name)

        # self.setup()
        # Clean the scene:

        # # Add table and Coke can objects to the planning scene:
        self._pose_table    = self._add_table(self._table_object_name)
        self._pose_coke_can = self._add_grasp_block_(self._grasp_object_name)
        # rospy.sleep(1.0)

        # Define target place pose:
        self._pose_place = Pose()

        self._pose_place.position.x = self._pose_coke_can.position.x
        self._pose_place.position.y = self._pose_coke_can.position.y - 0.06
        self._pose_place.position.z = self._pose_coke_can.position.z

        self._pose_place.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))

        # Create grasp generator 'generate' action client:
        self._grasps_ac = SimpleActionClient('/moveit_simple_grasps_server/generate', GenerateGraspsAction)
        if not self._grasps_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5.0)):
            rospy.logerr('Grasp generator action client not available!')
            rospy.signal_shutdown('Grasp generator action client not available!')

        # Create move group 'pickup' action client:
        self._pickup_ac = SimpleActionClient('/pickup', PickupAction)
        if not self._pickup_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5.0)):
            rospy.logerr('Pick up action client not available!')
            rospy.signal_shutdown('Pick up action client not available!')

        # Create move group 'place' action client:
        self._place_ac = SimpleActionClient('/place', PlaceAction)
        if not self._place_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5.0)):
            rospy.logerr('Place action client not available!')
            rospy.signal_shutdown('Place action client not available!')

        # Pick Coke can object:
        while not self._pickup(self._arm_group, self._grasp_object_name, self._grasp_object_width):
            rospy.logwarn('Pick up failed! Retrying ...')

        rospy.loginfo('Pick up successfully')

        # Place Coke can object on another place on the support surface (table):
        # while not self._place(self._arm_group, self._grasp_object_name, self._pose_place):
        #     rospy.logwarn('Place failed! Retrying ...')
        #     rospy.sleep(1.0)
        # rospy.loginfo('Place successfully')

    def setup():
        # Clean the scene:

        # Add table and Coke can objects to the planning scene:
        self._pose_table    = self._add_table(self._table_object_name)
        self._pose_coke_can = self._add_grasp_block_(self._grasp_object_name)

    def __del__(self):
        # Clean the scene:

    def _add_table(self, name):
        rospy.loginfo("entered table")
        p = PoseStamped()
        p.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()
        p.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

        p.pose.position.x = 0.0
        p.pose.position.y = 0.0
        p.pose.position.z = -0.2

        q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, numpy.deg2rad(90.0))
        p.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q)

        # Table size from ~/.gazebo/models/table/model.sdf, using the values
        # for the surface link.
        self._scene.add_box(name, p, (9 , 9, 0.02))

        return p.pose

    def _add_grasp_block_(self, name):
        rospy.loginfo("entered box grabber")
        p = PoseStamped()
        p.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()
        p.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

        p.pose.position.x = 0.5
        p.pose.position.y = 0.05
        p.pose.position.z = 0.32

        q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        p.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q)

        # Coke can size from ~/.gazebo/models/coke_can/meshes/coke_can.dae,
        # using the measure tape tool from meshlab.
        # The box is the bounding box of the coke cylinder.
        # The values are taken from the cylinder base diameter and height.
        self._scene.add_box(name, p, (0.1, 0.1, 0.1))

        return p.pose

    def _generate_grasps(self, pose, width):
        Generate grasps by using the grasp generator generate action; based on
        server_test.py example on moveit_simple_grasps pkg.

        # Create goal:
        goal = GenerateGraspsGoal()

        goal.pose  = pose
        goal.width = width

        options = GraspGeneratorOptions()
        # simple_graps.cpp doesn't implement GRASP_AXIS_Z!
        #options.grasp_axis      = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_AXIS_Z
        options.grasp_direction = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_DIRECTION_UP
        options.grasp_rotation  = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_ROTATION_FULL

        # @todo disabled because it works better with the default options

        # Send goal and wait for result:
        state = self._grasps_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
        if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            rospy.logerr('Grasp goal failed!: %s' % self._grasps_ac.get_goal_status_text())
            return None

        grasps = self._grasps_ac.get_result().grasps

        # Publish grasps (for debugging/visualization purposes):

        return grasps

    def _generate_places(self, target):
        Generate places (place locations), based on

        # Generate places:
        places = []
        now = rospy.Time.now()
        for angle in numpy.arange(0.0, numpy.deg2rad(360.0), numpy.deg2rad(1.0)):
            # Create place location:
            place = PlaceLocation()

            place.place_pose.header.stamp = now
            place.place_pose.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()

            # Set target position:
            place.place_pose.pose = copy.deepcopy(target)

            # Generate orientation (wrt Z axis):
            q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, angle )
            place.place_pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q)

            # Generate pre place approach:
            place.pre_place_approach.desired_distance = self._approach_retreat_desired_dist
            place.pre_place_approach.min_distance = self._approach_retreat_min_dist

            place.pre_place_approach.direction.header.stamp = now
            place.pre_place_approach.direction.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()

            place.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.x =  0
            place.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.y =  0
            place.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.z = 0.2

            # Generate post place approach:
            place.post_place_retreat.direction.header.stamp = now
            place.post_place_retreat.direction.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()

            place.post_place_retreat.desired_distance = self._approach_retreat_desired_dist
            place.post_place_retreat.min_distance = self._approach_retreat_min_dist

            place.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.x = 0
            place.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.y = 0
            place.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.z = 0.2

            # Add place:

        # Publish places (for debugging/visualization purposes):

        return places

    def _create_pickup_goal(self, group, target, grasps):
        Create a MoveIt! PickupGoal

        # Create goal:
        goal = PickupGoal()

        goal.group_name  = group
        goal.target_name = target



        goal.support_surface_name = self._table_object_name

        # Configure goal planning options:
        goal.allowed_planning_time = 7.0

        goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.is_diff = True
        goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.robot_state.is_diff = True
        goal.planning_options.plan_only = False
        goal.planning_options.replan = True
        goal.planning_options.replan_attempts = 20

        return goal

    def _create_place_goal(self, group, target, places):
        Create a MoveIt! PlaceGoal

        # Create goal:
        goal = PlaceGoal()

        goal.group_name           = group
        goal.attached_object_name = target


        # Configure goal planning options:
        goal.allowed_planning_time = 7.0

        goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.is_diff = True
        goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.robot_state.is_diff = True
        goal.planning_options.plan_only = False
        goal.planning_options.replan = True
        goal.planning_options.replan_attempts = 20

        return goal

    def _pickup(self, group, target, width):
        Pick up a target using the planning group

        # Obtain possible grasps from the grasp generator server:
        grasps = self._generate_grasps(self._pose_coke_can, width)

        # Create and send Pickup goal:
        goal = self._create_pickup_goal(group, target, grasps)

        state = self._pickup_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
        if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            rospy.logerr('Pick up goal failed!: %s' % self._pickup_ac.get_goal_status_text())
            return None

        result = self._pickup_ac.get_result()

        # Check for error:
        err = result.error_code.val
        if err != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
            rospy.logwarn('Group %s cannot pick up target %s!: %s' % (group, target, str(moveit_error_dict[err])))

            return False

        return True

    def _place(self, group, target, place):
        Place a target using the planning group

        # Obtain possible places:
        places = self._generate_places(place)

        # Create and send Place goal:
        goal = self._create_place_goal(group, target, places)

        state = self._place_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
        if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            rospy.logerr('Place goal failed!: %s' % self._place_ac.get_goal_status_text())
            return None

        result = self._place_ac.get_result()

        # Check for error:
        err = result.error_code.val
        if err != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
            rospy.logwarn('Group %s cannot place target %s!: %s' % (group, target, str(moveit_error_dict[err])))

            return False

        return True

    def _publish_grasps(self, grasps):
        Publish grasps as poses, using a PoseArray message

        if self._grasps_pub.get_num_connections() > 0:
            msg = PoseArray()
            msg.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()
            msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

            for grasp in grasps:
                p = grasp.grasp_pose.pose

                msg.poses.append(Pose(p.position, p.orientation))


    def _publish_places(self, places):
        Publish places as poses, using a PoseArray message

        if self._places_pub.get_num_connections() > 0:
            msg = PoseArray()
            msg.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()
            msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

            for place in places:


    def _add_objects(self):
        Here add all the objects that you want to add to the _scene
        self._pose_table    = self._add_table(self._table_object_name)
        self._pose_coke_can = self._add_grasp_block_(self._grasp_object_name)
コード例 #5
class PathPlannerNode(object):
    This is a ROS node that is responsible for planning and executing
    the a path through the field.
    def __init__(self):
        # Setup ROS node

        # ROS params
        self.cut_spacing = rospy.get_param("~coverage_spacing", 0.4)

        # Setup publishers and subscribers
        rospy.Subscriber('heatmap_area', PolygonStamped, self.field_callback)
        self.path_marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('visualization_marker',
        rospy.Subscriber('/odom', Odometry, self.odom_callback)

        # Setup initial variables
        self.field_shape = None
        self.field_frame_id = None
        self.path = None
        self.path_status = None
        self.path_markers = None
        self.start_path_following = False
        self.robot_pose = None
        self.goal_state = None
        self.current_destination = None
        self.testing = False
        self.current_distance = None
        self.previous_destination = None
        self.clear_costmaps = rospy.ServiceProxy('move_base/clear_costmaps', Empty)
        self.just_reset = False
        self.timeout = False
        self.heading = 0

        # Spin until shutdown or we are ready for path following
        rate = rospy.Rate(10.0)
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            if self.start_path_following:
                # Run until stopped
                # Setup path following
                # Iterate on path following
                while not rospy.is_shutdown():
                    if not self.step_path_following():
                self.start_path_following = False

    def field_callback(self, msg):
        Handles new field polygons, has to be called
        at least once before planning happens.
        # Convert the PolygonStamped into a shapely polygon
        temp_points = []
        for point in msg.polygon.points:
            temp_points.append( (float(point.x), float(point.y)) )
        self.field_shape = geo.Polygon(temp_points)
        self.field_frame_id = msg.header.frame_id
        self.start_path_following = True

    def odom_callback(self, msg):
        Watches for the robot's Odometry data, which is used in the path
        planning as the initial robot position.
        self.robot_pose = msg

    def plan_path(self, field_polygon, origin=None, degrees=0):
        This is called after a field polygon has been received.

        This uses the automow_planning.coverage module to plan a
        coverage path using the field geometry.  The path consists of
        a series of waypoints.
        # Get the rotation to align with the longest edge of the polygon
        from maptools import rotation_tf_from_longest_edge, RotationTransform
        rotation = rotation_tf_from_longest_edge(field_polygon)
        rotation = RotationTransform(rotation.angle + degrees)
        # Rotate the field polygon
        print "Rotate the field polygon"
        from maptools import rotate_polygon_from, rotate_polygon_to
        transformed_field_polygon = rotate_polygon_from(field_polygon, rotation)
        # Decompose the rotated field into a series of waypoints
        from coverage import decompose
        print origin
        if origin is not None:
            point_mat = np.mat([[origin[0], origin[1], 0]], dtype='float64').transpose()
            origin = rotation.irm * point_mat
            origin = (origin[0,0], origin[1,0])
        transformed_path = decompose(transformed_field_polygon,
                                     origin=(origin[0], origin[1]),
        # Rotate the transformed path back into the source frame
        from maptools import rotate_from, rotate_to
        self.path = rotate_to(np.array(transformed_path), rotation)
        # Calculate headings and extend the waypoints with them
        self.path = self.calculate_headings(self.path, rotation)
        # Set the path_status to 'not_visited'
        self.path_status = []
        for waypoint in self.path:
        # Visualize the data
        self.visualize_path(self.path, self.path_status)

    def calculate_headings(self, path, rotation):
        Calculates the headings between paths and adds them to the waypoints.
        new_path = []
        for index, waypoint in enumerate(path):
            # If the end, copy the previous heading
            if index == 0:
            # Calculate the angle between this waypoint and the next
            dx = path[index][0] - path[index-1][0]
            dy = path[index][1] - path[index-1][1]
            from math import atan2, pi
            #if you want to use turning path, use atan
            #heading = atan2(dy, dx)
            heading = rotation.w + 1.5708
        return new_path

    def visualize_path(self, path, path_status=None):
        Convenience function, calls both visualize_path{as_path, as_marker}
        # TODO: finish this (path as path viz)
        # self.visualize_path_as_path(path, path_status)
        self.visualize_path_as_marker(path, path_status)

    def visualize_path_as_path(self, path, path_status=None):
        Publishes a nav_msgs/Path msg containing the planned path.

        If path_status is not None then the only waypoints put in the
        nav_msgs/Path msg will be ones that are 'not_visited' or 'visiting'.
        now = rospy.Time.now()
        msg = Path()
        msg.header.stamp = now
        msg.header.frame_id = self.field_frame_id
        for index, waypoint in enumerate(path):
            # Only put 'not_visited', 'visiting', and the most recent 'visited'
            # in the path msg
            if path_status != None: # If not set, ignore
                if path_status[index] == 'visited': # if this one is visited
                        # if the next one is visited too
                        if path_status[index+1] == 'visited':
                            # Then continue, because this one doesn't belong
                            # in the path msg
                    except KeyError as e: # incase index+1 is too big
            # Otherwise if belongs, put it in
            pose_msg = PoseStamped()
            pose_msg.header.stamp = now
            pose_msg.header.frame_id = self.field_frame_id
            pose_msg.pose.position.x = waypoint[0]
            pose_msg.pose.position.y = waypoint[1]

    def visualize_path_as_marker(self, path, path_status):
        Publishes visualization Markers to represent the planned path.

        Publishes the path as a series of spheres connected by lines.
        The color of the spheres is set by the path_status parameter,
        which is a list of strings of which the possible values are in
        ['not_visited', 'visiting', 'visited'].
        # Get the time
        now = rospy.Time.now()
        # If self.path_markers is None, initialize it
        if self.path_markers == None:
            self.path_markers = MarkerArray()
        # # If there are existing markers, delete them
        # markers_to_delete = MarkerArray()
        # if len(self.path_markers.markers) > 0:
        #     for marker in self.path_markers.markers:
        #         marker.action = Marker.DELETE
        #         markers_to_delete.markers.append(marker)
        #     self.path_marker_pub.publish(markers_to_delete)
        # Clear the path_markers
        self.path_markers = MarkerArray()
        line_strip_points = []
        # Create the waypoint markers
        for index, waypoint in enumerate(path):
            waypoint_marker = Marker()
            waypoint_marker.header.stamp = now
            waypoint_marker.header.frame_id = self.field_frame_id
            waypoint_marker.ns = "waypoints"
            waypoint_marker.id = index
            waypoint_marker.type = Marker.ARROW
            if index == 0:
                waypoint_marker.type = Marker.CUBE
            waypoint_marker.action = Marker.MODIFY
            waypoint_marker.scale.x = 1
            waypoint_marker.scale.y = 1
            waypoint_marker.scale.z = 0.25
            point = Point(waypoint[0], waypoint[1], 0)
            waypoint_marker.pose.position = point
            # Store the point for the line_strip marker
            # Set the heading of the ARROW
            quat = qfe(0, 0, waypoint[2])
            waypoint_marker.pose.orientation.x = quat[0]
            waypoint_marker.pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
            waypoint_marker.pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
            waypoint_marker.pose.orientation.w = quat[3]
            # Color is based on path_status
            status = path_status[index]
            if status == 'not_visited':
                waypoint_marker.color = ColorRGBA(1,0,0,0.5)
            elif status == 'visiting':
                waypoint_marker.color = ColorRGBA(0,1,0,0.5)
            elif status == 'visited':
                waypoint_marker.color = ColorRGBA(0,0,1,0.5)
                rospy.err("Invalid path status.")
                waypoint_marker.color = ColorRGBA(1,1,1,0.5)
            # Put this waypoint Marker in the MarkerArray
        # Create the line_strip Marker which connects the waypoints
        line_strip = Marker()
        line_strip.header.stamp = now
        line_strip.header.frame_id = self.field_frame_id
        line_strip.ns = "lines"
        line_strip.id = 0
        line_strip.type = Marker.LINE_STRIP
        line_strip.action = Marker.ADD
        line_strip.scale.x = 0.1
        line_strip.color = ColorRGBA(0,0,1,0.5)
        line_strip.points = line_strip_points
        # Publish the marker array

    def setup_path_following(self, degrees=0):
        Sets up the node for following the planned path.

        Will wait until the initial robot pose is set and until
        the move_base actionlib service is available.
        # Create the actionlib service
        self.move_base_client = SimpleActionClient('move_base', MoveBaseAction)
        connected_to_move_base = False
        dur = rospy.Duration(1.0)
        # If testing prime the robot_pose
        if self.testing:
            self.robot_pose = Odometry()
            self.robot_pose.pose.pose.position.x = 0
            self.robot_pose.pose.pose.position.y = 0
        # Wait for the field shape
        while self.field_shape == None:
            # Check to make sure ROS is ok still
            if rospy.is_shutdown(): return
            # Print message about the waiting
            msg = "Qualification: waiting on the field shape."
        # Wait for the robot position
        while self.robot_pose == None:
            # Check to make sure ROS is ok still
            if rospy.is_shutdown(): return
            # Print message about the waiting
            msg = "Qualification: waiting on initial robot pose."
        # Now we should plan a path using the robot's initial pose
        origin = (self.robot_pose.pose.pose.position.x,
        degrees = 90
        self.plan_path(self.field_shape, origin, degrees)
        rospy.loginfo("Path Planner: path planning complete.")
        # Now wait for move_base
        while not connected_to_move_base:
            # Wait for the server for a while
            connected_to_move_base = self.move_base_client.wait_for_server(dur)
            # Check to make sure ROS is ok still
            if rospy.is_shutdown(): return
            # Update the user on the status of this process
            msg = "Path Planner: waiting on move_base."
        # Now we are ready to start feeding move_base waypoints

    def get_next_waypoint_index(self):
        Figures out what the index of the next waypoint is.

        Iterates through the path_status's and finds the visiting one,
        or the next not_visited one if not visiting on exists.
        for index, status in enumerate(self.path_status):
            if status == 'visited':
            if status == 'visiting':
                return index
            if status == 'not_visited':
                return index
        # If I get here then there are no not_visited and we are done.
        return None

    def distance(self, p1, p2):
        """Returns the distance between two points."""
        from math import sqrt
        dx = p2.target_pose.pose.position.x - p1.target_pose.pose.position.x
        dy = p2.target_pose.pose.position.y - p1.target_pose.pose.position.y
        return sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)

    def step_path_following(self):
        Steps the path following system, checking if new waypoints
        should be sent, if a timeout has occurred, or if path following
        needs to be paused.
        # Visualize the data
        self.visualize_path(self.path, self.path_status)
        # Get the next (or current) waypoint
        current_waypoint_index = self.get_next_waypoint_index()
        # If the index is None, then we are done path planning
        if current_waypoint_index == None:
            rospy.loginfo("Path Planner: Done.")
            return False
        if current_waypoint_index == 0:
            self.path_status[current_waypoint_index] = 'visited'
        # Get the waypoint and status
        current_waypoint = self.path[current_waypoint_index]
        current_waypoint_status = self.path_status[current_waypoint_index]
        # If the status is visited
        print current_waypoint
        if current_waypoint_status == 'visited':
            # This shouldn't happen...
            return True
        # If the status is not_visited then we need to push the goal
        if current_waypoint_status == 'not_visited':
            # Cancel any current goals
            # Set it to visiting
            self.path_status[current_waypoint_index] = 'visiting'
            # Push the goal to the actionlib server
            destination = MoveBaseGoal()
            destination.target_pose.header.frame_id = self.field_frame_id
            destination.target_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            # Set the target location
            destination.target_pose.pose.position.x = current_waypoint[0]
            destination.target_pose.pose.position.y = current_waypoint[1]
            # Calculate the distance
            if self.previous_destination == None:
                self.current_distance = 5.0
                self.current_distance = self.distance(self.previous_destination, destination)
            # Set the heading
            quat = qfe(0, 0, current_waypoint[2])
            destination.target_pose.pose.orientation.x = quat[0]
            destination.target_pose.pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
            destination.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
            destination.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = quat[3]
            # Send the desired destination to the actionlib server
            rospy.loginfo("Sending waypoint (%f, %f)@%f" % tuple(current_waypoint))
            self.current_destination = destination
            if self.current_distance < self.cut_spacing + 0.1:
            self.previous_destination = destination
        # If the status is visiting, then we just need to monitor the status
        temp_state = self.move_base_client.get_goal_status_text()
        if current_waypoint_status == 'visiting':
            if temp_state in ['ABORTED', 'SUCCEEDED']:
                self.path_status[current_waypoint_index] = 'visited'
                duration = rospy.Duration(2.0)
                from math import floor
                count = 0
                if self.timeout == True:
                    if count == 6+int(self.current_distance*4):
                        rospy.logwarn("Path Planner: move_base goal timeout occurred, clearing costmaps")
                        # Cancel the goals
                        # Clear the cost maps
                        # Wait 1 second
                        # Then reset the current goal
                        if not self.just_reset:
                            self.just_reset = True
                            self.path_status[current_waypoint_index] = 'not_visited'
                            self.just_reset = False
                            self.path_status[current_waypoint_index] = 'visited'
                        return True
                self.path_status[current_waypoint_index] = 'visited'
        return True
コード例 #6
class CokeCanPickAndPlace:
    def __init__(self):
        # Retrieve params:
        self._table_object_name = rospy.get_param('~table_object_name', 'Grasp_Table')
        self._grasp_object_name = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_name', 'Grasp_Object')

        self._grasp_object_width = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_width', 0.01)

        self._arm_group     = rospy.get_param('~arm', 'arm')
        self._gripper_group = rospy.get_param('~gripper', 'gripper')

        self._approach_retreat_desired_dist = rospy.get_param('~approach_retreat_desired_dist', 0.6)
        self._approach_retreat_min_dist = rospy.get_param('~approach_retreat_min_dist', 0.4)

        # Create (debugging) publishers:
        self._grasps_pub = rospy.Publisher('grasps', PoseArray, queue_size=1, latch=True)
        self._places_pub = rospy.Publisher('places', PoseArray, queue_size=1, latch=True)

        # Create planning scene and robot commander:
        self._scene = PlanningSceneInterface()
        self._robot = RobotCommander()


        # Clean the scene:

        # Add table and Coke can objects to the planning scene:
        self._pose_table    = self._add_table(self._table_object_name)
        self._pose_coke_can = self._add_coke_can(self._grasp_object_name)


        # Define target place pose:
        self._pose_place = Pose()

        self._pose_place.position.x = self._pose_coke_can.position.x 
        self._pose_place.position.y = self._pose_coke_can.position.y + 0.02
        self._pose_place.position.z = self._pose_coke_can.position.z

        self._pose_place.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))

        # Retrieve groups (arm and gripper):
        self._arm     = self._robot.get_group(self._arm_group)
        self._gripper = self._robot.get_group(self._gripper_group)

        # Create grasp generator 'generate' action client:
        self._grasps_ac = SimpleActionClient('/moveit_simple_grasps_server/generate', GenerateGraspsAction)
        if not self._grasps_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5.0)):
            rospy.logerr('Grasp generator action client not available!')
            rospy.signal_shutdown('Grasp generator action client not available!')

        # Create move group 'pickup' action client:
        self._pickup_ac = SimpleActionClient('/pickup', PickupAction)
        if not self._pickup_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5.0)):
            rospy.logerr('Pick up action client not available!')
            rospy.signal_shutdown('Pick up action client not available!')

        # Create move group 'place' action client:
        self._place_ac = SimpleActionClient('/place', PlaceAction)
        if not self._place_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5.0)):
            rospy.logerr('Place action client not available!')
            rospy.signal_shutdown('Place action client not available!')

        # Pick Coke can object:
        while not self._pickup(self._arm_group, self._grasp_object_name, self._grasp_object_width):
            rospy.logwarn('Pick up failed! Retrying ...')

        rospy.loginfo('Pick up successfully')

        # Place Coke can object on another place on the support surface (table):
        while not self._place(self._arm_group, self._grasp_object_name, self._pose_place):
            rospy.logwarn('Place failed! Retrying ...')

        rospy.loginfo('Place successfully')

    def __del__(self):
        # Clean the scene:

    def _add_table(self, name):
        p = PoseStamped()
        p.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()
        p.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

        p.pose.position.x = 0.5
        p.pose.position.y = 0.0
        p.pose.position.z = 0.22

        q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, numpy.deg2rad(90.0))
        p.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q)

        # Table size from ~/.gazebo/models/table/model.sdf, using the values
        # for the surface link.
        self._scene.add_box(name, p, (0.5, 0.4, 0.02))

        return p.pose

    def _add_coke_can(self, name):
        p = PoseStamped()
        p.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()
        p.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

        p.pose.position.x = 0.25   
        p.pose.position.y = 0
        p.pose.position.z = 0.32

        q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        p.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q)

        # Coke can size from ~/.gazebo/models/coke_can/meshes/coke_can.dae,
        # using the measure tape tool from meshlab.
        # The box is the bounding box of the coke cylinder.
        # The values are taken from the cylinder base diameter and height.
        self._scene.add_box(name, p, (0.01, 0.01, 0.009))

        return p.pose

    def _generate_grasps(self, pose, width):
        Generate grasps by using the grasp generator generate action; based on
        server_test.py example on moveit_simple_grasps pkg.

        # Create goal:
        goal = GenerateGraspsGoal()

        goal.pose  = pose
        goal.width = width

        options = GraspGeneratorOptions()
        # simple_graps.cpp doesn't implement GRASP_AXIS_Z!
        #options.grasp_axis      = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_AXIS_Z
        options.grasp_direction = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_DIRECTION_UP
        options.grasp_rotation  = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_ROTATION_FULL

        # @todo disabled because it works better with the default options

        # Send goal and wait for result:
        state = self._grasps_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
        if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            rospy.logerr('Grasp goal failed!: %s' % self._grasps_ac.get_goal_status_text())
            return None

        grasps = self._grasps_ac.get_result().grasps

        # Publish grasps (for debugging/visualization purposes):

        return grasps

    def _generate_places(self, target):
        Generate places (place locations), based on

        # Generate places:
        places = []
        now = rospy.Time.now()
        for angle in numpy.arange(0.0, numpy.deg2rad(360.0), numpy.deg2rad(1.0)):
            # Create place location:
            place = PlaceLocation()

            place.place_pose.header.stamp = now
            place.place_pose.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()

            # Set target position:
            place.place_pose.pose = copy.deepcopy(target)

            # Generate orientation (wrt Z axis):
            q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, angle)
            place.place_pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q)

            # Generate pre place approach:
            place.pre_place_approach.desired_distance = self._approach_retreat_desired_dist
            place.pre_place_approach.min_distance = self._approach_retreat_min_dist

            place.pre_place_approach.direction.header.stamp = now
            place.pre_place_approach.direction.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()

            place.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.x =  0
            place.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.y =  0
            place.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.z = -1

            # Generate post place approach:
            place.post_place_retreat.direction.header.stamp = now
            place.post_place_retreat.direction.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()

            place.post_place_retreat.desired_distance = self._approach_retreat_desired_dist
            place.post_place_retreat.min_distance = self._approach_retreat_min_dist

            place.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.x = 0
            place.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.y = 0
            place.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.z = 1

            # Add place:

        # Publish places (for debugging/visualization purposes):

        return places

    def _create_pickup_goal(self, group, target, grasps):
        Create a MoveIt! PickupGoal

        # Create goal:
        goal = PickupGoal()

        goal.group_name  = group
        goal.target_name = target



        goal.support_surface_name = self._table_object_name

        # Configure goal planning options:
        goal.allowed_planning_time = 7.0

        goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.is_diff = True
        goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.robot_state.is_diff = True
        goal.planning_options.plan_only = False
        goal.planning_options.replan = True
        goal.planning_options.replan_attempts = 20

        return goal

    def _create_place_goal(self, group, target, places):
        Create a MoveIt! PlaceGoal

        # Create goal:
        goal = PlaceGoal()

        goal.group_name           = group
        goal.attached_object_name = target


        # Configure goal planning options:
        goal.allowed_planning_time = 7.0

        goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.is_diff = True
        goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.robot_state.is_diff = True
        goal.planning_options.plan_only = False
        goal.planning_options.replan = True
        goal.planning_options.replan_attempts = 20

        return goal

    def _pickup(self, group, target, width):
        Pick up a target using the planning group

        # Obtain possible grasps from the grasp generator server:
        grasps = self._generate_grasps(self._pose_coke_can, width)

        # Create and send Pickup goal:
        goal = self._create_pickup_goal(group, target, grasps)

        state = self._pickup_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
        if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            rospy.logerr('Pick up goal failed!: %s' % self._pickup_ac.get_goal_status_text())
            return None

        result = self._pickup_ac.get_result()

        # Check for error:
        err = result.error_code.val
        if err != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
            rospy.logwarn('Group %s cannot pick up target %s!: %s' % (group, target, str(moveit_error_dict[err])))

            return False

        return True

    def _place(self, group, target, place):
        Place a target using the planning group

        # Obtain possible places:
        places = self._generate_places(place)

        # Create and send Place goal:
        goal = self._create_place_goal(group, target, places)

        state = self._place_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
        if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            rospy.logerr('Place goal failed!: %s' % self._place_ac.get_goal_status_text())
            return None

        result = self._place_ac.get_result()

        # Check for error:
        err = result.error_code.val
        if err != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
            rospy.logwarn('Group %s cannot place target %s!: %s' % (group, target, str(moveit_error_dict[err])))

            return False

        return True

    def _publish_grasps(self, grasps):
        Publish grasps as poses, using a PoseArray message

        if self._grasps_pub.get_num_connections() > 0:
            msg = PoseArray()
            msg.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()
            msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

            for grasp in grasps:
                p = grasp.grasp_pose.pose

                msg.poses.append(Pose(p.position, p.orientation))


    def _publish_places(self, places):
        Publish places as poses, using a PoseArray message

        if self._places_pub.get_num_connections() > 0:
            msg = PoseArray()
            msg.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()
            msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

            for place in places:

コード例 #7
ファイル: path_executor.py プロジェクト: VinArt/stagetest2
class PathExecutor:
    def __init__(self):
        self._result = ExecutePathResult()
        self._feedback = ExecutePathFeedback()
        self._action_name = "/path_executor/execute_path"
        self._as = SimpleActionServer(
            self._action_name, ExecutePathAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start=False

        rospy.loginfo("Server start")

        # initialise current path publisher
        self._path_publisher = rospy.Publisher("/path_executor/current_path", Path)

        # initialise Bug2 client
        if rospy.get_param("~use_obstacle_avoidance"):
            MOVE_SERVER = "/bug2/move_to"
            MOVE_SERVER = "/motion_controller/move_to"
        print MOVE_SERVER
        self._move_client = SimpleActionClient(MOVE_SERVER, MoveToAction)
        print "Connecting to bug server...", MOVE_SERVER

    def move_to_next_node(self):
        print "moveto next node"
        if len(self._poses_chain):
            bug_goal = MoveToGoal()
            bug_goal.target_pose = self._poses_chain.pop(0)
            self._move_client.send_goal(bug_goal, done_cb=self.move_to_done_cb, feedback_cb=self.move_to_feedback_cb)
            # self._result.visited = [True]
            # self._as.set_succeeded(self._result)

    def execute_cb(self, goal):
        # rospy.loginfo('CALLBACK')
        # self._feedback.reached = True
        # self._as.publish_feedback(self._feedback)
        rospy.loginfo("----- ----- -----")
        rospy.loginfo("Path acquired")

        r = rospy.Rate(10)

        self.MOVING = True

        self._poses_chain = goal.path.poses

        while self.MOVING:

        if self._as.is_preempt_requested():
            self._poses_chain = []

        # self._path_publisher.publish(goal.path)

    Callbacks of MOVETO client

    def move_to_done_cb(self, state, result):
        print "MOVETO DONE CALLBACK"
        # for i in result:
        #    print i
        # rospy.loginfo(type(result))
        # print dir(state)
        # print type(state)
        print "STATE", state

    def move_to_feedback_cb(self, feedback):

        print self._move_client.get_goal_status_text()
        # print dir(feedback)
        print type(feedback)
        # rospy.loginfo('FEEDBACK: '%feedback.status)
コード例 #8
class PathPlannerNode(object):
    This is a ROS node that is responsible for planning and executing
    the a path through the field.
    def __init__(self):
        # Setup ROS node

        # ROS params
        self.cut_spacing = rospy.get_param("~cut_spacing", 0.25)

        # Setup publishers and subscribers
        rospy.Subscriber('/field/cut_area', PolygonStamped, self.field_callback)
        self.path_marker_pub = rospy.Publisher('visualization_marker',
        rospy.Subscriber('/odom', Odometry, self.odom_callback)

        # Setup initial variables
        self.field_shape = None
        self.field_frame_id = None
        self.path = None
        self.path_status = None
        self.path_markers = None
        self.start_path_following = True
        self.robot_pose = None
        self.goal_state = None
        self.current_destination = None
        self.testing = False
        self.current_distance = None
        self.previous_destination = None
        self.clear_costmaps = rospy.ServiceProxy('/move_base/clear_costmaps', Empty)
        self.just_reset = False

        # Spin until shutdown or we are ready for path following
        rate = rospy.Rate(10.0)
        while not rospy.is_shutdown() and not self.start_path_following:
        # If shutdown, return now
        if rospy.is_shutdown():
        # Run until stopped
        heading = 0
        while not rospy.is_shutdown():
            # Setup path following
            # Iterate on path following
            while not rospy.is_shutdown():
                if not self.step_path_following():
            # Rotate 90 degrees, repeat
            if heading == 0:
                heading = 90
                heading = 0

    def field_callback(self, msg):
        Handles new field polygons, has to be called
        at least once before planning happens.
        # Convert the PolygonStamped into a shapely polygon
        temp_points = []
        for point in msg.polygon.points:
            temp_points.append( (float(point.x), float(point.y)) )
        self.field_shape = geo.Polygon(temp_points)
        self.field_frame_id = msg.header.frame_id

    def odom_callback(self, msg):
        Watches for the robot's Odometry data, which is used in the path
        planning as the initial robot position.
        self.robot_pose = msg

    def plan_path(self, field_polygon, origin=None, degrees=0):
        This is called after a field polygon has been received.

        This uses the automow_planning.coverage module to plan a
        coverage path using the field geometry.  The path consists of
        a series of waypoints.
        # Get the rotation to align with the longest edge of the polygon
        from automow_planning.maptools import rotation_tf_from_longest_edge, RotationTransform
        rotation = rotation_tf_from_longest_edge(field_polygon)
        rotation = RotationTransform(rotation.w + degrees)
        # Rotate the field polygon
        from automow_planning.maptools import rotate_polygon_to
        transformed_field_polygon = rotate_polygon_to(field_polygon, rotation)
        # Decompose the rotated field into a series of waypoints
        from automow_planning.coverage import decompose
        print origin
        if origin is not None:
            point_mat = np.mat([[origin[0], origin[1], 0]], dtype='float64').transpose()
            origin = rotation.irm * point_mat
            origin = (origin[0,0], origin[1,0])
        transformed_path = decompose(transformed_field_polygon,
                                     origin=(origin[0], origin[1]),
        # Rotate the transformed path back into the source frame
        from automow_planning.maptools import rotate_from
        self.path = rotate_from(np.array(transformed_path), rotation)
        # Calculate headings and extend the waypoints with them
        self.path = self.calculate_headings(self.path)
        # Set the path_status to 'not_visited'
        self.path_status = []
        for waypoint in self.path:
        # Visualize the data
        self.visualize_path(self.path, self.path_status)

    def calculate_headings(self, path):
        Calculates the headings between paths and adds them to the waypoints.
        new_path = []
        for index, waypoint in enumerate(path):
            # If the end, copy the previous heading
            if index == 0:
            # Calculate the angle between this waypoint and the next
            dx = path[index][0] - path[index-1][0]
            dy = path[index][1] - path[index-1][1]
            from math import atan2, pi
            heading = atan2(dy, dx)
        return new_path

    def visualize_path(self, path, path_status=None):
        Convenience function, calls both visualize_path{as_path, as_marker}
        # TODO: finish this (path as path viz)
        # self.visualize_path_as_path(path, path_status)
        self.visualize_path_as_marker(path, path_status)

    def visualize_path_as_path(self, path, path_status=None):
        Publishes a nav_msgs/Path msg containing the planned path.

        If path_status is not None then the only waypoints put in the
        nav_msgs/Path msg will be ones that are 'not_visited' or 'visiting'.
        now = rospy.Time.now()
        msg = Path()
        msg.header.stamp = now
        msg.header.frame_id = self.field_frame_id
        for index, waypoint in enumerate(path):
            # Only put 'not_visited', 'visiting', and the most recent 'visited'
            # in the path msg
            if path_status != None: # If not set, ignore
                if path_status[index] == 'visited': # if this one is visited
                        # if the next one is visited too
                        if path_status[index+1] == 'visited':
                            # Then continue, because this one doesn't belong
                            # in the path msg
                    except KeyError as e: # incase index+1 is too big
            # Otherwise if belongs, put it in
            pose_msg = PoseStamped()
            pose_msg.header.stamp = now
            pose_msg.header.frame_id = self.field_frame_id
            pose_msg.pose.position.x = waypoint[0]
            pose_msg.pose.position.y = waypoint[1]

    def visualize_path_as_marker(self, path, path_status):
        Publishes visualization Markers to represent the planned path.

        Publishes the path as a series of spheres connected by lines.
        The color of the spheres is set by the path_status parameter,
        which is a list of strings of which the possible values are in
        ['not_visited', 'visiting', 'visited'].
        # Get the time
        now = rospy.Time.now()
        # If self.path_markers is None, initialize it
        if self.path_markers == None:
            self.path_markers = MarkerArray()
        # # If there are existing markers, delete them
        # markers_to_delete = MarkerArray()
        # if len(self.path_markers.markers) > 0:
        #     for marker in self.path_markers.markers:
        #         marker.action = Marker.DELETE
        #         markers_to_delete.markers.append(marker)
        #     self.path_marker_pub.publish(markers_to_delete)
        # Clear the path_markers
        self.path_markers = MarkerArray()
        line_strip_points = []
        # Create the waypoint markers
        for index, waypoint in enumerate(path):
            waypoint_marker = Marker()
            waypoint_marker.header.stamp = now
            waypoint_marker.header.frame_id = self.field_frame_id
            waypoint_marker.ns = "waypoints"
            waypoint_marker.id = index
            waypoint_marker.type = Marker.ARROW
            if index == 0:
                waypoint_marker.type = Marker.CUBE
            waypoint_marker.action = Marker.MODIFY
            waypoint_marker.scale.x = 1
            waypoint_marker.scale.y = 1
            waypoint_marker.scale.z = 0.25
            point = Point(waypoint[0], waypoint[1], 0)
            waypoint_marker.pose.position = point
            # Store the point for the line_strip marker
            # Set the heading of the ARROW
            quat = qfe(0, 0, waypoint[2])
            waypoint_marker.pose.orientation.x = quat[0]
            waypoint_marker.pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
            waypoint_marker.pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
            waypoint_marker.pose.orientation.w = quat[3]
            # Color is based on path_status
            status = path_status[index]
            if status == 'not_visited':
                waypoint_marker.color = ColorRGBA(1,0,0,0.5)
            elif status == 'visiting':
                waypoint_marker.color = ColorRGBA(0,1,0,0.5)
            elif status == 'visited':
                waypoint_marker.color = ColorRGBA(0,0,1,0.5)
                rospy.err("Invalid path status.")
                waypoint_marker.color = ColorRGBA(1,1,1,0.5)
            # Put this waypoint Marker in the MarkerArray
        # Create the line_strip Marker which connects the waypoints
        line_strip = Marker()
        line_strip.header.stamp = now
        line_strip.header.frame_id = self.field_frame_id
        line_strip.ns = "lines"
        line_strip.id = 0
        line_strip.type = Marker.LINE_STRIP
        line_strip.action = Marker.ADD
        line_strip.scale.x = 0.1
        line_strip.color = ColorRGBA(0,0,1,0.5)
        line_strip.points = line_strip_points
        # Publish the marker array

    def setup_path_following(self, degrees=0):
        Sets up the node for following the planned path.

        Will wait until the initial robot pose is set and until
        the move_base actionlib service is available.
        # Create the actionlib service
        self.move_base_client = SimpleActionClient('move_base', MoveBaseAction)
        connected_to_move_base = False
        dur = rospy.Duration(1.0)
        # If testing prime the robot_pose
        if self.testing:
            self.robot_pose = Odometry()
            self.robot_pose.pose.pose.position.x = 0
            self.robot_pose.pose.pose.position.y = 0
        # Wait for the field shape
        while self.field_shape == None:
            # Check to make sure ROS is ok still
            if rospy.is_shutdown(): return
            # Print message about the waiting
            msg = "Qualification: waiting on the field shape."
        # Wait for the robot position
        while self.robot_pose == None:
            # Check to make sure ROS is ok still
            if rospy.is_shutdown(): return
            # Print message about the waiting
            msg = "Qualification: waiting on initial robot pose."
        # Now we should plan a path using the robot's initial pose
        origin = (self.robot_pose.pose.pose.position.x,
        self.plan_path(self.field_shape, origin, degrees)
        rospy.loginfo("Path Planner: path planning complete.")
        # Now wait for move_base
        while not connected_to_move_base:
            # Wait for the server for a while
            connected_to_move_base = self.move_base_client.wait_for_server(dur)
            # Check to make sure ROS is ok still
            if rospy.is_shutdown(): return
            # Update the user on the status of this process
            msg = "Path Planner: waiting on move_base."
        # Now we are ready to start feeding move_base waypoints

    def get_next_waypoint_index(self):
        Figures out what the index of the next waypoint is.

        Iterates through the path_status's and finds the visiting one,
        or the next not_visited one if not visiting on exists.
        for index, status in enumerate(self.path_status):
            if status == 'visited':
            if status == 'visiting':
                return index
            if status == 'not_visited':
                return index
        # If I get here then there are no not_visited and we are done.
        return None

    def distance(self, p1, p2):
        """Returns the distance between two points."""
        from math import sqrt
        dx = p2.target_pose.pose.position.x - p1.target_pose.pose.position.x
        dy = p2.target_pose.pose.position.y - p1.target_pose.pose.position.y
        return sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2)

    def step_path_following(self):
        Steps the path following system, checking if new waypoints
        should be sent, if a timeout has occurred, or if path following
        needs to be paused.
        # Visualize the data
        self.visualize_path(self.path, self.path_status)
        # Get the next (or current) waypoint
        current_waypoint_index = self.get_next_waypoint_index()
        # If the index is None, then we are done path planning
        if current_waypoint_index == None:
            rospy.loginfo("Path Planner: Done.")
            return False
        if current_waypoint_index == 0:
            self.path_status[current_waypoint_index] = 'visited'
        # Get the waypoint and status
        current_waypoint = self.path[current_waypoint_index]
        current_waypoint_status = self.path_status[current_waypoint_index]
        # If the status is visited
        if current_waypoint_status == 'visited':
            # This shouldn't happen...
            return True
        # If the status is not_visited then we need to push the goal
        if current_waypoint_status == 'not_visited':
            # Cancel any current goals
            # Set it to visiting
            self.path_status[current_waypoint_index] = 'visiting'
            # Push the goal to the actionlib server
            destination = MoveBaseGoal()
            destination.target_pose.header.frame_id = self.field_frame_id
            destination.target_pose.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
            # Set the target location
            destination.target_pose.pose.position.x = current_waypoint[0]
            destination.target_pose.pose.position.y = current_waypoint[1]
            # Calculate the distance
            if self.previous_destination == None:
                self.current_distance = 5.0
                self.current_distance = self.distance(self.previous_destination, destination)
            # Set the heading
            quat = qfe(0, 0, current_waypoint[2])
            destination.target_pose.pose.orientation.x = quat[0]
            destination.target_pose.pose.orientation.y = quat[1]
            destination.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = quat[2]
            destination.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = quat[3]
            # Send the desired destination to the actionlib server
            rospy.loginfo("Sending waypoint (%f, %f)@%f" % tuple(current_waypoint))
            self.current_destination = destination
            self.previous_destination = destination
        # If the status is visiting, then we just need to monitor the status
        temp_state = self.move_base_client.get_goal_status_text()
        if current_waypoint_status == 'visiting':
            if temp_state in ['ABORTED', 'SUCCEEDED']:
                self.path_status[current_waypoint_index] = 'visited'
                duration = rospy.Duration(1.0)
                from math import floor
                count = 0
                while not self.move_base_client.wait_for_result(duration) and count != 6+int(self.current_distance*4):
                    if rospy.is_shutdown(): return False
                    count += 1
                if count == 6+int(self.current_distance*4):
                    rospy.logwarn("Path Planner: move_base goal timeout occurred, clearing costmaps")
                    # Cancel the goals
                    # Clear the cost maps
                    # Wait 1 second
                    # Then reset the current goal
                    if not self.just_reset:
                        self.just_reset = True
                        self.path_status[current_waypoint_index] = 'not_visited'
                        self.just_reset = False
                        self.path_status[current_waypoint_index] = 'visited'
                    return True
                self.path_status[current_waypoint_index] = 'visited'
        return True
コード例 #9
class Pick_Place:
    def __init__(self):
        # 检索参数:
        self._table_object_name = rospy.get_param('~table_object_name', 'Grasp_Table')
        self._table2_object_name = rospy.get_param('~table_object_name', 'Grasp_Table2')
        self._grasp_object_name = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_name', 'Grasp_Object')
        self._grasp_object2_name = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_name', 'Grasp_Object2')

        self._grasp_object_width = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_width', 0.01)

        self._arm_group     = rospy.get_param('~manipulator', 'manipulator')
        self._gripper_group = rospy.get_param('~gripper', 'gripper')

        self._approach_retreat_desired_dist = rospy.get_param('~approach_retreat_desired_dist', 0.2)
        self._approach_retreat_min_dist = rospy.get_param('~approach_retreat_min_dist', 0.1)

        # 创建(调试)发布者:
        self._grasps_pub = rospy.Publisher('grasps', PoseArray, queue_size=1, latch=True)
        self._places_pub = rospy.Publisher('places', PoseArray, queue_size=1, latch=True)

        # 创建规划现场,机器人指挥官:
        self._scene = PlanningSceneInterface()
        self._robot = RobotCommander()


        # 清理现场:

        # 将表和可乐罐对象添加到计划场景:
        self._pose_table    = self._add_table(self._table_object_name)
        self._pose_table    = self._add_table2(self._table2_object_name)
        self._pose_coke_can = self._add_grasp_block_(self._grasp_object_name)
        self._pose_coke_can2 = self._add_grasp_block2_(self._grasp_object2_name)


        # 定义目标位置姿势:
        self._pose_place = Pose()

        self._pose_place.position.x = self._pose_coke_can.position.x-0.5
        self._pose_place.position.y = self._pose_coke_can.position.y-0.85
        self._pose_place.position.z = self._pose_coke_can.position.z-0.3
        self._pose_place.orientation = Quaternion(*quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))

        self._pose_coke_can.position.z = self._pose_coke_can.position.z - 0.9 # base_link is 0.9 above
        self._pose_place.position.z = self._pose_place.position.z + 0.05 # target pose a little above

        # 检索组 (arm and gripper):
        self._arm     = self._robot.get_group(self._arm_group)
        self._gripper = self._robot.get_group(self._gripper_group)

        print("Pickup pose")

        # 创建抓取生成器“生成”动作客户端:
        self._grasps_ac = SimpleActionClient('/moveit_simple_grasps_server/generate', GenerateGraspsAction)
        if not self._grasps_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(1.0)):
            rospy.logerr('Grasp generator action client not available!')
            rospy.signal_shutdown('Grasp generator action client not available!')

        # 创建移动组“zhua取”操作客户端:
        self._pickup_ac = SimpleActionClient('/pickup', PickupAction)
        if not self._pickup_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(1.0)):
            rospy.logerr('Pick up action client not available!')
            rospy.signal_shutdown('Pick up action client not available!')

        # 创建移动组“放置”动作客户端:
        self._place_ac = SimpleActionClient('/place', PlaceAction)
        if not self._place_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(1.0)):
            rospy.logerr('Place action client not available!')
            rospy.signal_shutdown('Place action client not available!')

        # Pick Coke can object:
        while not self._pickup(self._arm_group, self._grasp_object_name, self._grasp_object_width):
            rospy.logwarn('Pick up failed! Retrying ...')

        rospy.loginfo('Pick up successfully')
        print("pose_place: ", self._pose_place)

        # 放置可乐可能会在支撑表面(桌子)上的其他地方产生异物:
        while not self._place(self._arm_group, self._grasp_object_name, self._pose_place):
            rospy.logwarn('Place failed! Retrying ...')

        rospy.loginfo('Place successfully')
        print "-------------test1--------------"

    def __del__(self):
        # Clean the scene:
        print "-------------test2------------------"

    def _add_table(self, name):
        p = PoseStamped()
        p.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()
        p.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

        p.pose.position.x = 0.85
        p.pose.position.y = 0.0
        p.pose.position.z = 0.70

        q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, numpy.deg2rad(90.0))
        p.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q)

        # Table size from ~/.gazebo/models/table/model.sdf, using the values
        # for the surface link.
        self._scene.add_box(name, p, (1, 1, 0.05))
        print "-------------test3------------------"
        return p.pose
    def _add_table2(self, name):
        p = PoseStamped()
        p.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()
        p.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

        p.pose.position.x = 0.0
        p.pose.position.y = 0.85
        p.pose.position.z = 0.40

        q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, numpy.deg2rad(90.0))
        p.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q)

        # Table size from ~/.gazebo/models/table/model.sdf, using the values
        # for the surface link.
        self._scene.add_box(name, p, (0.5, 0.5, 0.05))
        print "-------------test4------------------"
        return p.pose
    def _add_grasp_block_(self, name):
        p = PoseStamped()
        p.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()
        p.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

        p.pose.position.x = 0.5
        p.pose.position.y = 0.0
        p.pose.position.z = 0.74

        q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        p.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q)

        # Coke can size from ~/.gazebo/models/coke_can/meshes/coke_can.dae,
        # using the measure tape tool from meshlab.
        # The box is the bounding box of the coke cylinder.
        # The values are taken from the cylinder base diameter and height.
        self._scene.add_box(name, p, (0.045, 0.045, 0.045))
        print "-------------test5------------------"
        return p.pose
    def _add_grasp_block2_(self, name):
        p = PoseStamped()
        p.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()
        p.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

        p.pose.position.x = 0.5
        p.pose.position.y = 0.3
        p.pose.position.z = 0.74

        q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        p.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q)

        # Coke can size from ~/.gazebo/models/coke_can/meshes/coke_can.dae,
        # using the measure tape tool from meshlab.
        # The box is the bounding box of the coke cylinder.
        # The values are taken from the cylinder base diameter and height.
        self._scene.add_box(name, p, (0.045, 0.045, 0.045))
        print "-------------test6------------------"
        return p.pose
    def _generate_grasps(self, pose, width):
        Generate grasps by using the grasp generator generate action; based on
        server_test.py example on moveit_simple_grasps pkg.
        使用抓握生成器生成动作来生成抓握; 基于moveit_simple_grasps pkg上的server_test.py示例

        Generate the grasp Pose Array data for visualization, 
        and then send the grasp goal to the grasp server.

        # Create goal:
        goal = GenerateGraspsGoal()

        goal.pose  = pose
        goal.width = width

        options = GraspGeneratorOptions()
        # simple_graps.cpp doesn't implement GRASP_AXIS_Z!
        #options.grasp_axis      = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_AXIS_Z
        options.grasp_direction = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_DIRECTION_UP
        options.grasp_rotation  = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_ROTATION_FULL

        # @todo disabled because it works better with the default options

        # 发送目标并等待结果:
        # 将目标发送到ActionServer,等待目标完成,并且必须抢占目标.
        state = self._grasps_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
        if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            rospy.logerr('Grasp goal failed!: %s' % self._grasps_ac.get_goal_status_text())
            return None

        grasps = self._grasps_ac.get_result().grasps

        # 发布掌握(用于调试/可视化目的):
        print "-------------test7------------------"
        return grasps

    def _generate_places(self, target):
        Generate places (place locations), based on


        # Generate places:
        places = []
        now = rospy.Time.now()
        for angle in numpy.arange(0.0, numpy.deg2rad(360.0), numpy.deg2rad(1.0)):
            # Create place location:
            place = PlaceLocation()

            place.place_pose.header.stamp = now
            place.place_pose.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()

            # Set target position:
            place.place_pose.pose = copy.deepcopy(target)

            # Generate orientation (wrt Z axis):
            q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, angle )
            place.place_pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q)

            # 生成预安置方法:
            place.pre_place_approach.desired_distance = self._approach_retreat_desired_dist
            place.pre_place_approach.min_distance = self._approach_retreat_min_dist

            place.pre_place_approach.direction.header.stamp = now
            place.pre_place_approach.direction.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()

            place.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.x =  0
            place.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.y =  0
            place.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.z = 0.1

            # Generate post place approach:
            place.post_place_retreat.direction.header.stamp = now
            place.post_place_retreat.direction.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()

            place.post_place_retreat.desired_distance = self._approach_retreat_desired_dist
            place.post_place_retreat.min_distance = self._approach_retreat_min_dist

            place.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.x = 0
            place.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.y = 0
            place.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.z = 0.1

            # Add place:

        # Publish places (for debugging/visualization purposes):
        print "-------------test8------------------"
        return places

    def _create_pickup_goal(self, group, target, grasps):
        创建一个MoveIt! 接送目标

        # Create goal:
        goal = PickupGoal()

        goal.group_name  = group
        goal.target_name = target



        goal.support_surface_name = self._table_object_name

        # 配置目标计划选项:
        goal.allowed_planning_time = 7.0

        goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.is_diff = True
        goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.robot_state.is_diff = True
        goal.planning_options.plan_only = False
        goal.planning_options.replan = True
        goal.planning_options.replan_attempts = 20
        print "-------------test9------------------"
        return goal

    def _create_place_goal(self, group, target, places):
        Create a MoveIt! PlaceGoal
        Create a place goal for MoveIt!

        # Create goal:
        goal = PlaceGoal()

        goal.group_name           = group
        goal.attached_object_name = target


        # Configure goal planning options:
        goal.allowed_planning_time = 7.0

        goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.is_diff = True
        goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.robot_state.is_diff = True
        goal.planning_options.plan_only = False
        goal.planning_options.replan = True
        goal.planning_options.replan_attempts = 20
        print "-------------test10------------------"
        return goal

    def _pickup(self, group, target, width):

        # 从掌握生成器服务器获取可能的掌握:
        grasps = self._generate_grasps(self._pose_coke_can, width)

        # 创建并发送提货目标:
        goal = self._create_pickup_goal(group, target, grasps)

        state = self._pickup_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
        if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            rospy.logerr('Pick up goal failed!: %s' % self._pickup_ac.get_goal_status_text())
            return None

        result = self._pickup_ac.get_result()

        # Check for error:
        err = result.error_code.val
        if err != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
            rospy.logwarn('Group %s cannot pick up target %s!: %s' % (group, target, str(moveit_error_dict[err])))

            return False
        print "-------------test11------------------"
        return True

    def _place(self, group, target, place):

        # Obtain possible places:
        places = self._generate_places(place)

        # Create and send Place goal:
        goal = self._create_place_goal(group, target, places)

        state = self._place_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
        if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            rospy.logerr('Place goal failed!: %s' % self._place_ac.get_goal_status_text())
            return None

        result = self._place_ac.get_result()

        # Check for error:
        err = result.error_code.val
        if err != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
            rospy.logwarn('Group %s cannot place target %s!: %s' % (group, target, str(moveit_error_dict[err])))

            return False
        print "-------------test12------------------"
        return True

    def _publish_grasps(self, grasps):

        if self._grasps_pub.get_num_connections() > 0:
            msg = PoseArray()
            msg.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()
            msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

            for grasp in grasps:
                p = grasp.grasp_pose.pose

                msg.poses.append(Pose(p.position, p.orientation))

        print "-------------test13------------------"
    def _publish_places(self, places):

        if self._places_pub.get_num_connections() > 0:
            msg = PoseArray()
            msg.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()
            msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

            for place in places:

        print "-------------test14------------------"
コード例 #10
class Pick_Place:
    def __init__(self, x, y, z):
        self._x = x
        self._y = y
        self._z = z

        # Retrieve params:
        self._table_object_name = rospy.get_param('~table_object_name',
        self._grasp_object_name = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_name',

        self._grasp_object_width = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_width', 0.01)

        self._arm_group = rospy.get_param('~manipulator', 'manipulator')
        self._gripper_group = rospy.get_param('~gripper', 'gripper')

        self._approach_retreat_desired_dist = rospy.get_param(
            '~approach_retreat_desired_dist', 0.2)
        self._approach_retreat_min_dist = rospy.get_param(
            '~approach_retreat_min_dist', 0.1)

        # Create (debugging) publishers:创建(调试)发布者:
        self._grasps_pub = rospy.Publisher('grasps',
        self._places_pub = rospy.Publisher('places',

        # Create planning scene and robot commander:创建规划场景和机器人命令:
        self._scene = PlanningSceneInterface()  #未知
        self._robot = RobotCommander()  #未知
        self._pose_coke_can = self._add_grasp_block_(self._grasp_object_name,
                                                     self._x, self._y, self._z)

        # Define target place pose:定义目标位置姿势
        self._pose_place = Pose()

        self._pose_place.position.x = 0  #self._pose_coke_can.position.x
        self._pose_place.position.y = -0.85  #self._pose_coke_can.position.y - 0.20
        self._pose_place.position.z = 0.7  #self._pose_coke_can.position.z
        self._pose_place.orientation = Quaternion(
            *quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0))

        self._pose_coke_can.position.z = self._pose_coke_can.position.z - 0.9  #self._pose_coke_can.position.z - 0.9 # base_link is 0.9 above
        self._pose_place.position.z = self._pose_place.position.z + 0.05  # target pose a little above

        # Retrieve groups (arm and gripper):
        self._arm = self._robot.get_group(self._arm_group)
        self._gripper = self._robot.get_group(self._gripper_group)

        print("up pose")

        # Create grasp generator 'generate' action client:
        # #创建抓取生成器“生成”动作客户端:
        self._grasps_ac = SimpleActionClient(
            '/moveit_simple_grasps_server/generate', GenerateGraspsAction)
        if not self._grasps_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(0.5)):
            rospy.logerr('Grasp generator action client not available!')
                'Grasp generator action client not available!')
        # Create move group 'pickup' action client:
        # 创建移动组“抓取”操作客户端:
        self._pickup_ac = SimpleActionClient('/pickup', PickupAction)
        if not self._pickup_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(0.5)):
            rospy.logerr('Pick up action client not available!')
            rospy.signal_shutdown('Pick up action client not available!')
        # Create move group 'place' action client:
        # 创建移动组“放置”动作客户端:
        self._place_ac = SimpleActionClient('/place', PlaceAction)
        if not self._place_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(0.5)):
            rospy.logerr('Place action client not available!')
            rospy.signal_shutdown('Place action client not available!')
        # Pick Coke can object:抓取快
        while not self._pickup(self._arm_group, self._grasp_object_name,
            rospy.logwarn('Pick up failed! Retrying ...')
        rospy.loginfo('Pick up successfully')
        print("pose_place: ", self._pose_place)

        # Place Coke can object on another place on the support surface (table):
        while not self._place(self._arm_group, self._grasp_object_name,
            rospy.logwarn('Place failed! Retrying ...')

        rospy.loginfo('Place successfully')

    def _generate_grasps(self, pose, width):
        使用抓握生成器生成动作来生成抓握; 基于moveit_simple_grasps pkg上的server_test.py示例。

        rospy.loginfo("Successfully connected!")
        # Create goal:
        goal = GenerateGraspsGoal()

        goal.pose = pose
        goal.width = width

        options = GraspGeneratorOptions()
        # simple_graps.cpp doesn't implement GRASP_AXIS_Z!
        #options.grasp_axis      = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_AXIS_Z
        options.grasp_direction = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_DIRECTION_UP
        options.grasp_rotation = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_ROTATION_FULL

        # @todo disabled because it works better with the default options

        # Send goal and wait for result:
        # Sends a goal to the ActionServer, waits for the goal to complete, and preempts goal is necessary.
        rospy.loginfo("Sent goal,waiting,目标物体的位置:\n " + str(goal))


        # #将目标发送到ActionServer,等待目标完成,然后抢占目标是必要的。
        t_start = rospy.Time.now()
        state = self._grasps_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
        t_end = rospy.Time.now()
        t_toal = t_end - t_start
        rospy.loginfo("发送时间Result received in " + str(t_toal.to_sec()))
        if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            rospy.logerr('Grasp goal failed!: %s' %
            return None

        grasps = self._grasps_ac.get_result().grasps

        # Publish grasps (for debugging/visualization purposes):
        return grasps

    def _generate_places(self, target):
        Generate places (place locations), based on


        # Generate places:
        places = []
        now = rospy.Time.now()
        for angle in numpy.arange(0.0, numpy.deg2rad(360.0),
            # Create place location:
            place = PlaceLocation()

            place.place_pose.header.stamp = now
            place.place_pose.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()

            # Set target position:
            place.place_pose.pose = copy.deepcopy(target)

            # Generate orientation (wrt Z axis):
            q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, angle)
            place.place_pose.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q)

            # Generate pre place approach:生成前置位置方法:
            place.pre_place_approach.desired_distance = self._approach_retreat_desired_dist
            place.pre_place_approach.min_distance = self._approach_retreat_min_dist

            place.pre_place_approach.direction.header.stamp = now
            place.pre_place_approach.direction.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame(

            place.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.x = 0
            place.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.y = 0
            place.pre_place_approach.direction.vector.z = 0.1
            # Generate post place approach:
            place.post_place_retreat.direction.header.stamp = now
            place.post_place_retreat.direction.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame(

            place.post_place_retreat.desired_distance = self._approach_retreat_desired_dist
            place.post_place_retreat.min_distance = self._approach_retreat_min_dist

            place.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.x = 0
            place.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.y = 0
            place.post_place_retreat.direction.vector.z = 0.06
            # Add place:

        # Publish places (for debugging/visualization purposes):
        return places

    def _create_pickup_goal(self, group, target, grasps):
        Create a MoveIt! PickupGoal
        Create a goal for picking up the grasping object创建一个捡起抓取物体的目标

        # Create goal:
        goal = PickupGoal()

        goal.group_name = group  #规划的组
        goal.target_name = target  #要拾取的对象的名称(
        #可能使用的抓握列表。 必须至少填写一个掌握
        #障碍物的可选清单,我们掌握有关语义的信息,可以在抓取过程中触摸/推动/移动这些障碍物; 注意:如果使用对象名称“ all”,则在进近和提升过程中禁止与所有对象发生碰撞。
        goal.support_surface_name = self._table_object_name

        # Configure goal planning options:配置目标计划选项:
        goal.allowed_planning_time = 7.0

        goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.is_diff = True
        goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.robot_state.is_diff = True
        goal.planning_options.plan_only = False
        goal.planning_options.replan = True
        goal.planning_options.replan_attempts = 20
        return goal

    def _create_place_goal(self, group, target, places):
        Create a MoveIt! PlaceGoal
        Create a place goal for MoveIt!

        # Create goal:
        goal = PlaceGoal()

        goal.group_name = group
        goal.attached_object_name = target


        # Configure goal planning options:
        goal.allowed_planning_time = 7.0

        goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.is_diff = True
        goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.robot_state.is_diff = True
        goal.planning_options.plan_only = False
        goal.planning_options.replan = True
        goal.planning_options.replan_attempts = 20

        return goal

    def _add_grasp_block_(self, name, _x, _y, _z):
        Create and add block to the scene创建场景并将其添加到场景
        p = PoseStamped()
        p.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()
        p.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

        p.pose.position.x = _x
        p.pose.position.y = _y
        p.pose.position.z = _z

        q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        p.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q)

        # Coke can size from ~/.gazebo/models/coke_can/meshes/coke_can.dae,
        # using the measure tape tool from meshlab.
        # The box is the bounding box of the coke cylinder.
        # The values are taken from the cylinder base diameter and height.
        #self._scene.add_box(name, p, (0.045, 0.045, 0.045))

        return p.pose

    def _pickup(self, group, target, width):
        Pick up a target using the planning group使用规划小组选择目标

        # Obtain possible grasps from the grasp generator server:从掌握生成器服务器获取可能的抓握:
        grasps = self._generate_grasps(self._pose_coke_can, width)
        # Create and send Pickup goal:创建并发送zhua取目标:
        goal = self._create_pickup_goal(group, target, grasps)
        state = self._pickup_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal)

        if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            rospy.logerr('Pick up goal failed!: %s' %
            return None

        result = self._pickup_ac.get_result()
        # Check for error:
        err = result.error_code.val
        if err != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
            rospy.logwarn('Group %s cannot pick up target %s!: %s' %
                          (group, target, str(moveit_error_dict[err])))

            return False
        return True

    def _place(self, group, target, place):
        Place a target using the planning group

        # Obtain possible places:获取可能的位置:
        places = self._generate_places(place)

        # Create and send Place goal:创建并发送地方目标:
        goal = self._create_place_goal(group, target, places)

        state = self._place_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
        if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            rospy.logerr('Place goal failed!: %s' %
            return None

        result = self._place_ac.get_result()
        # Check for error:
        err = result.error_code.val
        if err != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
            rospy.logwarn('Group %s cannot place target %s!: %s' %
                          (group, target, str(moveit_error_dict[err])))

            return False

        return True

    def _publish_grasps(self, grasps):
        Publish grasps as poses, using a PoseArray message使用PoseArray消息将抓取发布为姿势
        if self._grasps_pub.get_num_connections() != 1:

            msg = PoseArray()
            msg.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()
            msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

            for grasp in grasps:
                p = grasp.grasp_pose.pose

                msg.poses.append(Pose(p.position, p.orientation))
                rospy.loginfo('Publisher ' + str(len(msg.poses)) + ' poses')


    def _publish_places(self, places):
        Publish places as poses, using a PoseArray message

        if self._places_pub.get_num_connections() > 0:
            msg = PoseArray()
            msg.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()
            msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

            for place in places:

コード例 #11
ファイル: states.py プロジェクト: Forichael/brain
    def execute_inner(self, userdata):
        global ms
        self.last_mv = rospy.Time.now()

        rospy.loginfo('Beginning Exploration')
        client = SimpleActionClient('explore_server', ExploreTaskAction)
        rospy.loginfo('WAITING FOR EXPLORE SERVER...')
        rospy.loginfo('EXPLORE SERVER IS NOW UP!')

        boundary = PolygonStamped()
        boundary.header.frame_id = "map"
        boundary.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        r = userdata.boundary / 2.0
        rospy.loginfo('boundary : {}'.format(r))
        x, y, _ = userdata.initial_point

        boundary.polygon.points.append(Point(x + r, y + r, 0))
        boundary.polygon.points.append(Point(x - r, y + r, 0))
        boundary.polygon.points.append(Point(x - r, y - r, 0))
        boundary.polygon.points.append(Point(x + r, y - r, 0))

        center = PointStamped()
        center.header.frame_id = "map"
        center.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        center.point.x = x
        center.point.y = y
        center.point.z = 0.0

        goal = ExploreTaskGoal()
        goal.explore_boundary = boundary
        goal.explore_center = center


        while True:
            if rospy.is_shutdown():

            if client.wait_for_result(
                    rospy.Duration(0.3)):  # 0.3 sec. timeout to check for cans
                # The exploration node has finished
                res = client.get_state()
                rospy.loginfo('EXPLORE SERVER STATE:{}'.format(res))
                if res == 3:  ## SUCCEEDED
                    # if exploration is complete...
                    userdata.boundary += 1.0  # explore a larger area
                    return 'succeeded'  # finished! yay!
                    print client.get_goal_status_text()
                    print 'explore server failed : {}'.format(res)
                    # when explore server gives up, can't explore
                    return 'stuck'

            now = rospy.Time.now()

            if self.objective == 'discovery':
                t = ms.dis_data.time
                p = ms.dis_pt()
            elif self.objective == 'delivery':
                t = ms.del_data.time
                p = ms.del_pt()
                rospy.logerr('Invalid objective passed to Explore state')
                return 'aborted'

            # if we're here, exploration is not complete yet...
            if t != None:  # check initialized
                dt = (now - t).to_sec()
                discovered = (dt < 2.0)  # last seen within the last 2 seconds
                if discovered:
                    # if can was found ...
                    userdata.destination = p
                    return 'discovered'

            # more than 20 seconds have passed while completely still
            # we're probably stuck
            if (now - self.last_mv).to_sec() > 20.0:
                print 'haven\'t been moving for a while!'
                return 'stuck'  # bad name... "stuck" would be better
コード例 #12
class PigeonPickAndPlace:
    #Class constructor (parecido com java, inicializa o que foi instanciado)
    def __init__(self):
        # Retrieve params:
        self._grasp_object_name = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_name', 'lego_block')
        self._grasp_object_width = rospy.get_param('~grasp_object_width', 0.016)

        self._arm_group     = rospy.get_param('~arm', 'arm_move_group')
        self._gripper_group = rospy.get_param('~gripper', 'gripper')

        self._approach_retreat_desired_dist = rospy.get_param('~approach_retreat_desired_dist', 0.01)
        self._approach_retreat_min_dist = rospy.get_param('~approach_retreat_min_dist', 0.4)

        # Create (debugging) publishers:
        self._grasps_pub = rospy.Publisher('grasps', PoseArray, queue_size=1, latch=True)
        # Create planning scene where we will add the objects etc.
        self._scene = PlanningSceneInterface()
        # Create robot commander: interface to comand the manipulator programmatically (get the planning_frame for exemple
        self._robot = RobotCommander()


        # Clean the scene (remove the old objects:

        # Add table and Coke can objects to the planning scene:
        # TODO get the position of the detected object
        self._pose_object_grasp = self._add_object_grasp(self._grasp_object_name)


        # Retrieve groups (arm and gripper):
        self._arm     = self._robot.get_group(self._arm_group)
        self._gripper = self._robot.get_group(self._gripper_group)

        # Create grasp generator 'generate' action client:
        self._grasps_ac = SimpleActionClient('/moveit_simple_grasps_server/generate', GenerateGraspsAction)
        if not self._grasps_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5.0)):
            rospy.logerr('Grasp generator action client not available!')
            rospy.signal_shutdown('Grasp generator action client not available!')

        # Create move group 'pickup' action client:
        self._pickup_ac = SimpleActionClient('/pickup', PickupAction)
        if not self._pickup_ac.wait_for_server(rospy.Duration(5.0)):
            rospy.logerr('Pick up action client not available!')
            rospy.signal_shutdown('Pick up action client not available!')

        # Pick object:
        while not self._pickup(self._arm_group, self._grasp_object_name, self._grasp_object_width):
            rospy.logwarn('Pick up failed! Retrying ...')

        rospy.loginfo('Pick up successfully')
    def __del__(self):
        # Clean the scene

    def _add_object_grasp(self, name):

        p = PoseStamped()
        p.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame() #pose
        p.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
        p.pose.position.x = 0.11 # 0.26599 # antigo = 0.75 - 0.01
        p.pose.position.y = -0.31 # -0.030892 #antigo = 0.25 - 0.01
        p.pose.position.z = 0.41339 #antigo = 1.00 + (0.3 + 0.03) / 2.0
        #p.pose.orientation.x = 0.0028925
        #p.pose.orientation.y = -0.0019311
        #p.pose.orientation.z = -0.71058
        #p.pose.orientation.w = 0.70361

        q = quaternion_from_euler(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        p.pose.orientation = Quaternion(*q)

        # Coke can size from ~/.gazebo/models/coke_can/meshes/,
        # using the measure tape tool from meshlab.
        # The box is the bounding box of the lego cylinder.
        # The values are taken from the cylinder base diameter and height.
        # the size is length (x),thickness(y),height(z)
        # I don't know if the detector return this values of object
        self._scene.add_box(name, p, (0.032, 0.016, 0.020))

        return p.pose

    def _generate_grasps(self, pose, width):
        Generate grasps by using the grasp generator generate action; based on
        server_test.py example on moveit_simple_grasps pkg.

        # Create goal:
        goal = GenerateGraspsGoal()

        goal.pose  = pose
        goal.width = width

        options = GraspGeneratorOptions()
        # simple_graps.cpp doesn't implement GRASP_AXIS_Z!
        #options.grasp_axis      = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_AXIS_Z
        options.grasp_direction = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_DIRECTION_UP
        options.grasp_rotation  = GraspGeneratorOptions.GRASP_ROTATION_FULL

        # @todo disabled because it works better with the default options

        # Send goal and wait for result:
        state = self._grasps_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
        if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            rospy.logerr('Grasp goal failed!: %s' % self._grasps_ac.get_goal_status_text())
            return None

        grasps = self._grasps_ac.get_result().grasps
        #rospy.logerr('Generated: %f grasps:' % grasps.size)

        # Publish grasps (for debugging/visualization purposes):

        return grasps

    def _create_pickup_goal(self, group, target, grasps):
        Create a MoveIt! PickupGoal

        # Create goal:
        goal = PickupGoal()

        goal.group_name  = group
        goal.target_name = target



        #goal.support_surface_name = self._table_object_name

        # Configure goal planning options:
        goal.allowed_planning_time = 5.0

        goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.is_diff = True
        goal.planning_options.planning_scene_diff.robot_state.is_diff = True
        goal.planning_options.plan_only = False
        goal.planning_options.replan = True
        goal.planning_options.replan_attempts = 10

        return goal

    def _pickup(self, group, target, width):
        Pick up a target using the planning group

        # Obtain possible grasps from the grasp generator server:
        grasps = self._generate_grasps(self._pose_object_grasp, 0.016)

        # Create and send Pickup goal:
        goal = self._create_pickup_goal(group, target, grasps)

        state = self._pickup_ac.send_goal_and_wait(goal)
        if state != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED:
            rospy.logerr('Pick up goal failed!: %s' % self._pickup_ac.get_goal_status_text())
            return None

        result = self._pickup_ac.get_result()

        # Check for error:
        err = result.error_code.val
        if err != MoveItErrorCodes.SUCCESS:
            rospy.logwarn('Group %s cannot pick up target %s!: %s' % (group, target, str(moveit_error_dict[err])))

            return False

        return True

    def _publish_grasps(self, grasps):
        Publish grasps as poses, using a PoseArray message

        if self._grasps_pub.get_num_connections() > 0:
            msg = PoseArray()
            msg.header.frame_id = self._robot.get_planning_frame()
            msg.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()

            for grasp in grasps:
                p = grasp.grasp_pose.pose

                msg.poses.append(Pose(p.position, p.orientation))
