class PipolFollower(): def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Creating Pipol follower AS: '" + PIPOL_FOLLOWER_AS + "'") self._as = SimpleActionServer(PIPOL_FOLLOWER_AS, PipolFollowAction, execute_cb = self.execute_cb, preempt_callback = self.preempt_cb, auto_start = False) rospy.loginfo("Starting " + PIPOL_FOLLOWER_AS) self._as.start() def execute_cb(self, goal): print "goal is: " + str(goal) # helper variables success = True # start executing the action for i in xrange(1, goal.order): # check that preempt has not been requested by the client if self._as.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo('%s: Preempted' % self._action_name) self._as.set_preempted() success = False break self._feedback.sequence.append(self._feedback.sequence[i] + self._feedback.sequence[i-1]) # publish the feedback self._as.publish_feedback(self._feedback) # this step is not necessary, the sequence is computed at 1 Hz for demonstration purposes r.sleep() if success: self._result.sequence = self._feedback.sequence rospy.loginfo('%s: Succeeded' % self._action_name) self._as.set_succeeded(self._result)
class MockExplorer(): def __init__(self, exploration_topic): self.robot_pose_ = PoseStamped() self.listener = tf.TransformListener() self.navigation_succedes = True self.reply = False self.preempted = 0 self.entered_exploration = False self.do_exploration_as_ = SimpleActionServer( exploration_topic, DoExplorationAction, execute_cb=self.do_exploration_cb, auto_start=False) self.do_exploration_as_.start() def __del__(self): self.do_exploration_as_.__del__() def do_exploration_cb(self, goal): rospy.loginfo('do_exploration_cb') self.entered_exploration = True while not self.reply: rospy.sleep(0.2) (trans, rot) = self.listener.lookupTransform('/map', '/base_footprint', rospy.Time(0)) self.robot_pose_.pose.position.x = trans[0] self.robot_pose_.pose.position.y = trans[1] feedback = DoExplorationFeedback() feedback.base_position.pose.position.x = \ self.robot_pose_.pose.position.x feedback.base_position.pose.position.y = \ self.robot_pose_.pose.position.y self.do_exploration_as_.publish_feedback(feedback) if self.do_exploration_as_.is_preempt_requested(): self.preempted += 1 rospy.loginfo("Preempted!") self.entered_exploration = False self.do_exploration_as_.set_preempted(DoExplorationResult()) return None else: result = DoExplorationResult() self.reply = False self.preempted = 0 self.entered_exploration = False if self.navigation_succedes: self.do_exploration_as_.set_succeded(result) else: self.do_exploration_as_.set_aborted(result)
class AveragingSVR2(object): def __init__(self): self._action = SimpleActionServer('averaging', AveragingAction, auto_start=False) self._action.register_preempt_callback(self.preempt_cb) self._action.register_goal_callback(self.goal_cb) self.reset_numbers() rospy.Subscriber('number', Float32, self.execute_loop) self._action.start() def std_dev(self, lst): ave = sum(lst) / len(lst) return sum([x * x for x in lst]) / len(lst) - ave**2 def goal_cb(self): self._goal = self._action.accept_new_goal() rospy.loginfo('goal callback %s' % (self._goal)) def preempt_cb(self): rospy.loginfo('preempt callback') self.reset_numbers() self._action.set_preempted(text='message for preempt') def reset_numbers(self): self._samples = [] def execute_loop(self, msg): if (not self._action.is_active()): return self._samples.append( feedback = AveragingAction() feedback.sample = len(self._samples) = feedback.mean = sum(self._samples) / len(self._samples) feedback.std_dev = self.std_dev(self._samples) self._action.publish_feedback(feedback) ## sending result if (len(self._samples) >= self._goal.samples): result = AveragingAction().action_result.result result.mean = sum(self._samples) / len(self._samples) result.std_dev = self.std_dev(self._samples) rospy.loginfo('result: %s' % (result)) self.reset_numbers() if (result.mean > 0.5): self._action.set_succeeded(result=result, text='message for succeeded') else: self._action.set_aborted(result=result, text='message for aborted')
class FibonacciActionServer(object): # create messages that are used to publish feedback/result feedback = FibonacciFeedback() result = FibonacciResult() def __init__(self, name): self.action_name = name self.action_server = SimpleActionServer(self.action_name, FibonacciAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start=False) self.action_server.start() def execute_cb(self, goal): # helper variables r = rospy.Rate(1) success = True # append the seeds for the fibonacci sequence = [] # publish info to the console for the user rospy.loginfo( '%s: Executing, creating fibonacci sequence of order %i with seeds %i, %i' % (self.action_name, goal.order,[0],[1])) # start executing the action for i in range(1, goal.order): # check that preempt has not been requested by the client if self.action_server.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo('%s: Preempted' % self.action_name) self.action_server.set_preempted() success = False break[i] +[i - 1]) # publish the feedback rospy.loginfo('publishing feedback ...') self.action_server.publish_feedback( # this step is not necessary, the sequence is computed at 1 Hz for demonstration purposes r.sleep() if success: self.result.sequence = rospy.loginfo('%s: Succeeded' % self.action_name) self.action_server.set_succeeded(self.result)
class SynchronizedSimpleActionServer(object): def __init__(self, namespace, action_spec, execute_cb): self.goal_service = rospy.Service(namespace + '/get_goal_from_id', GetTaskFromID, self.task_id_cb) self.server = SimpleActionServer(namespace, action_spec, execute_cb, auto_start=False) self.server.start() def task_id_cb(self, request): idx = request.task_id current_goal = self.server.current_goal if idx == return GetTaskFromIDResponse(current_goal.get_goal()) return GetTaskFromIDResponse() def is_preempt_requested(self): return self.server.is_preempt_requested() def set_preempted(self): return self.server.set_preempted() def set_succeeded(self, result): return self.server.set_succeeded(result) def publish_feedback(self, feedback): return self.server.publish_feedback(feedback)
class TestServerClass(): def __init__(self): self.smach_action_server = SimpleActionServer('test_smach_action_server',testAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb,auto_start=False) self.smach_action_server.start() def execute_cb(self,goal): sm = getStateMachine() sm.userdata.action_goal = goal smach_thread = Thread(target=sm.execute) smach_thread.start() while(smach_thread.is_alive()): self.smach_action_server.publish_feedback(testFeedback(str(sm.get_active_states()))) rospy.loginfo(sm.get_active_states()) rospy.sleep(rospy.Duration(1.0)) self.smach_action_server.set_succeeded(testResult("The Task Got Completed"))
class AveragingSVR(object): def __init__(self): self._action = SimpleActionServer('averaging', AveragingAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start=False) self._action.register_preempt_callback(self.preempt_cb) self._action.start() def std_dev(self, lst): ave = sum(lst) / len(lst) return sum([x * x for x in lst]) / len(lst) - ave**2 def preempt_cb(self): rospy.loginfo('preempt callback') self._action.set_preempted(text='message for preempt') def execute_cb(self, goal): rospy.loginfo('execute callback: %s' % (goal)) feedback = AveragingAction() result = AveragingAction().action_result.result ## execute loop rate = rospy.Rate(1 / (0.01 + 0.99 * random.random())) samples = [] for i in range(goal.samples): sample = random.random() samples.append(sample) feedback.sample = i = sample feedback.mean = sum(samples) / len(samples) feedback.std_dev = self.std_dev(samples) self._action.publish_feedback(feedback) rate.sleep() if (not self._action.is_active()): rospy.loginfo('not active') return ## sending result result.mean = sum(samples) / len(samples) result.std_dev = self.std_dev(samples) rospy.loginfo('result: %s' % (result)) if (result.mean > 0.5): self._action.set_succeeded(result=result, text='message for succeeded') else: self._action.set_aborted(result=result, text='message for aborted')
class fibonacci_server: def __init__(self, name): = name = FibonacciFeedback() self.result = FibonacciResult() self.action_server = SimpleActionServer(, FibonacciAction, execute_cb=self.execute_callback, auto_start=False) self.action_server.start() def execute_callback(self, goal): rate = rospy.Rate(1) success = True[:] = [] rospy.loginfo( '[{}] Executing, creating fibonacci sequence of order {} with seeds {}, {}' .format(, goal.order,[0],[1])) for i in range(1, goal.order): if self.action_server.is_preempt_requested() or rospy.is_shutdown( ): rospy.loginfo('[{}] Prempeted'.format( success = False self.action_server.set_preempted() break[i - 1] +[i]) self.action_server.publish_feedback( rate.sleep() if success: self.result.sequence = rospy.loginfo('[{}] Succeeded'.format( self.action_server.set_succeeded(self.result)
class PipolFollower(): def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Creating Pipol follower AS: '" + PIPOL_FOLLOWER_AS + "'") self._as = SimpleActionServer(PIPOL_FOLLOWER_AS, PipolFollowAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb, preempt_callback=self.preempt_cb, auto_start=False) rospy.loginfo("Starting " + PIPOL_FOLLOWER_AS) self._as.start() def execute_cb(self, goal): print "goal is: " + str(goal) # helper variables success = True # start executing the action for i in xrange(1, goal.order): # check that preempt has not been requested by the client if self._as.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo('%s: Preempted' % self._action_name) self._as.set_preempted() success = False break self._feedback.sequence.append(self._feedback.sequence[i] + self._feedback.sequence[i - 1]) # publish the feedback self._as.publish_feedback(self._feedback) # this step is not necessary, the sequence is computed at 1 Hz for demonstration purposes r.sleep() if success: self._result.sequence = self._feedback.sequence rospy.loginfo('%s: Succeeded' % self._action_name) self._as.set_succeeded(self._result)
class SmartArmGripperActionServer(): def __init__(self): # Initialize constants self.JOINTS_COUNT = 2 # Number of joints to manage self.ERROR_THRESHOLD = 0.01 # Report success if error reaches below threshold self.TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD = rospy.Duration(5.0) # Report failure if action does not succeed within timeout threshold # Initialize new node rospy.init_node(NAME, anonymous=True) # Initialize publisher & subscriber for left finger self.left_finger_frame = 'arm_left_finger_link' self.left_finger = JointControllerState(set_point=0.0, process_value=0.0, error=1.0) self.left_finger_pub = rospy.Publisher('finger_left_controller/command', Float64) rospy.Subscriber('finger_left_controller/state', JointControllerState, self.read_left_finger) rospy.wait_for_message('finger_left_controller/state', JointControllerState) # Initialize publisher & subscriber for right finger self.right_finger_frame = 'arm_right_finger_link' self.right_finger = JointControllerState(set_point=0.0, process_value=0.0, error=1.0) self.right_finger_pub = rospy.Publisher('finger_right_controller/command', Float64) rospy.Subscriber('finger_right_controller/state', JointControllerState, self.read_right_finger) rospy.wait_for_message('finger_right_controller/state', JointControllerState) # Initialize action server self.result = SmartArmGripperResult() = SmartArmGripperFeedback() = [self.left_finger.process_value, self.right_finger.process_value] self.server = SimpleActionServer(NAME, SmartArmGripperAction, self.execute_callback) # Reset gripper position rospy.sleep(1) self.reset_gripper_position() rospy.loginfo("%s: Ready to accept goals", NAME) def reset_gripper_position(self): self.left_finger_pub.publish(0.0) self.right_finger_pub.publish(0.0) rospy.sleep(5) def read_left_finger(self, data): self.left_finger = data self.has_latest_left_finger = True def read_right_finger(self, data): self.right_finger = data self.has_latest_right_finger = True def wait_for_latest_controller_states(self, timeout): self.has_latest_left_finger = False self.has_latest_right_finger = False r = rospy.Rate(100) start = while (self.has_latest_left_finger == False or self.has_latest_right_finger == False) and \ ( - start < timeout): r.sleep() def execute_callback(self, goal): r = rospy.Rate(100) self.result.success = True self.result.gripper_position = [self.left_finger.process_value, self.right_finger.process_value] rospy.loginfo("%s: Executing move gripper", NAME) # Initialize target joints target_joints = list() for i in range(self.JOINTS_COUNT): target_joints.append(0.0) # Retrieve target joints from goal if (len(goal.target_joints) > 0): for i in range(min(len(goal.target_joints), len(target_joints))): target_joints[i] = goal.target_joints[i] else: rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Invalid Goal", NAME) self.result.success = False self.server.set_aborted() return # Publish goal to controllers self.left_finger_pub.publish(target_joints[0]) self.right_finger_pub.publish(target_joints[1]) # Initialize loop variables start_time = while (math.fabs(target_joints[0] - self.left_finger.process_value) > self.ERROR_THRESHOLD or \ math.fabs(target_joints[1] - self.right_finger.process_value) > self.ERROR_THRESHOLD): # Cancel exe if another goal was received (i.e. preempt requested) if self.server.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Action Preempted", NAME) self.result.success = False self.server.set_preempted() break # Publish current gripper position as feedback = [self.left_finger.process_value, self.right_finger.process_value] self.server.publish_feedback( # Abort if timeout current_time = if (current_time - start_time > self.TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Action Timeout", NAME) self.result.success = False self.server.set_aborted() break r.sleep() if (self.result.success): rospy.loginfo("%s: Goal Completed", NAME) self.wait_for_latest_controller_states(rospy.Duration(2.0)) self.result.gripper_position = [self.left_finger.process_value, self.right_finger.process_value] self.server.set_succeeded(self.result)
class OnlineBagger(object): BAG_TOPIC = '/online_bagger/bag' def __init__(self): """ Make dictionary of dequeues. Subscribe to set of topics defined by the yaml file in directory Stream topics up to a given stream time, dump oldest messages when limit is reached Set up service to bag n seconds of data default to all of available data """ self.successful_subscription_count = 0 # successful subscriptions self.iteration_count = 0 # number of iterations self.streaming = True self.get_params() if len(self.subscriber_list) == 0: rospy.logwarn('No topics selected to subscribe to. Closing.') rospy.signal_shutdown('No topics to subscribe to') return self.make_dicts() self._action_server = SimpleActionServer(OnlineBagger.BAG_TOPIC, BagOnlineAction, execute_cb=self.start_bagging, auto_start=False) self.subscribe_loop() rospy.loginfo('Remaining Failed Topics: {}\n'.format( self.get_subscriber_list(False))) self._action_server.start() def get_subscriber_list(self, status): """ Get string of all topics, if their subscribe status matches the input (True / False) Outputs each topics: time_buffer(float in seconds), subscribe_statue(bool), topic(string) """ sub_list = '' for topic in self.subscriber_list.keys(): if self.subscriber_list[topic][1] == status: sub_list = sub_list + \ '\n{:13}, {}'.format(self.subscriber_list[topic], topic) return sub_list def get_params(self): """ Retrieve parameters from param server. """ self.dir = rospy.get_param('~bag_package_path', default=None) # Handle bag directory for MIL bag script if self.dir is None and 'BAG_DIR' in os.environ: self.dir = os.environ['BAG_DIR'] self.stream_time = rospy.get_param( '~stream_time', default=30) # seconds self.resubscribe_period = rospy.get_param( '~resubscribe_period', default=3.0) # seconds self.dated_folder = rospy.get_param( '~dated_folder', default=True) # bool self.subscriber_list = {} topics_param = rospy.get_param('~topics', default=[]) # Add topics from rosparam to subscribe list for topic in topics_param: time = topic[1] if len(topic) == 2 else self.stream_time self.subscriber_list[topic[0]] = (time, False) def add_unique_topic(topic): if topic not in self.subscriber_list: self.subscriber_list[topic] = (self.stream_time, False) def add_env_var(var): for topic in var.split(): add_unique_topic(topic) # Add topics from MIL bag script environment variables if 'BAG_ALWAYS' in os.environ: add_env_var(os.environ['BAG_ALWAYS']) for key in os.environ.keys(): if key[0:4] == 'bag_': add_env_var(os.environ[key]) rospy.loginfo( 'Default stream_time: {} seconds'.format(self.stream_time)) rospy.loginfo('Bag Directory: {}'.format(self.dir)) def make_dicts(self): """ Make dictionary with sliceable deques() that will be filled with messages and time stamps. Subscriber list contains all of the topics, their stream time and their subscription status: A True status for a given topic corresponds to a successful subscription A False status indicates a failed subscription. Stream time for an individual topic is specified in seconds. For Example: self.subscriber_list[0:1] = [['/odom', 300 ,False], ['/absodom', 300, True]] Indicates that '/odom' has not been subscribed to, but '/absodom' has been subscribed to self.topic_messages is a dictionary of deques containing a list of tuples. Dictionary Keys contain topic names Each value for each topic contains a deque Each deque contains a list of tuples Each tuple contains a message and its associated time stamp For example: '/odom' is a potential topic name self.topic_message['/odom'] is a deque self.topic_message['/odom'][0] is the oldest message available in the deque and its time stamp if available. It is a tuple with each element: (time_stamp, msg) self.topic_message['/odom'][0][0] is the time stamp for the oldest message self.topic_message['/odom'][0][1] is the message associated with the oldest topic """ self.topic_messages = {} class SliceableDeque(deque): def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, slice): return type(self)(itertools.islice(self, index.start, index.stop, index.step)) return deque.__getitem__(self, index) for topic in self.subscriber_list: self.topic_messages[topic] = SliceableDeque(deque()) rospy.loginfo('Initial subscriber_list: {}'.format( self.get_subscriber_list(False))) def subscribe_loop(self): """ Continue to subscribe until at least one topic is successful, then break out of loop and be called in the callback function to prevent the function from locking up. """ self.resubscriber = None i = 0 # if self.successful_subscription_count == 0 and not # rospy.is_shutdown(): while self.successful_subscription_count == 0 and not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.subscribe() rospy.sleep(0.1) i = i + 1 if i % 1000 == 0: rospy.logdebug('still subscribing!') rospy.loginfo("Subscribed to {} of {} topics, will try again every {} seconds".format( self.successful_subscription_count, len(self.subscriber_list), self.resubscribe_period)) self.resubscriber = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration( self.resubscribe_period), self.subscribe) def subscribe(self, time_info=None): """ Subscribe to the topics defined in the yaml configuration file Function checks subscription status True/False of each topic if True: topic has already been sucessfully subscribed to if False: topic still needs to be subscribed to and subscriber will be run. Each element in self.subscriber list is a list [topic, Bool] where the Bool tells the current status of the subscriber (sucess/failure). Return number of topics that failed subscription """ if self.successful_subscription_count == len(self.subscriber_list): if self.resubscriber is not None: self.resubscriber.shutdown() rospy.loginfo( 'All topics subscribed too! Shutting down resubscriber') for topic, (time, subscribed) in self.subscriber_list.items(): if not subscribed: msg_class = rostopic.get_topic_class(topic) if msg_class[1] is not None: self.successful_subscription_count += 1 rospy.Subscriber(topic, msg_class[0], lambda msg, _topic=topic: self.bagger_callback(msg, _topic)) self.subscriber_list[topic] = (time, True) def get_topic_duration(self, topic): """ Return current time duration of topic """ return self.topic_messages[topic][-1][0] - self.topic_messages[topic][0][0] def get_header_time(self, msg): """ Retrieve header time if available """ if hasattr(msg, 'header'): return msg.header.stamp else: return rospy.get_rostime() def get_time_index(self, topic, requested_seconds): """ Return the index for the time index for a topic at 'n' seconds from the end of the dequeue For example, to bag the last 10 seconds of data, the index for 10 seconds back from the most recent message can be obtained with this function. The number of requested seconds should be the number of seoncds desired from the end of deque. (ie. requested_seconds = 10 ) If the desired time length of the bag is greater than the available messages it will output a message and return how ever many seconds of data are avaiable at the moment. Seconds is of a number type (not a rospy.Time type) (ie. int, float) """ topic_duration = self.get_topic_duration(topic).to_sec() if topic_duration == 0: return 0 ratio = requested_seconds / topic_duration index = int(self.get_topic_message_count(topic) * (1 - min(ratio, 1))) return index def bagger_callback(self, msg, topic): """ Streaming callback function, stops streaming during bagging process also pops off msgs from dequeue if stream size is greater than specified stream_time Stream, callback function does nothing if streaming is not active """ if not self.streaming: return self.iteration_count = self.iteration_count + 1 time = self.get_header_time(msg) self.topic_messages[topic].append((time, msg)) time_diff = self.get_topic_duration(topic) # verify streaming is popping off and recording topics if self.iteration_count % 100 == 0: rospy.logdebug("{} has {} messages spanning {} seconds".format( topic, self.get_topic_message_count(topic), round(time_diff.to_sec(), 2))) while time_diff > rospy.Duration(self.subscriber_list[topic][0]) and not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.topic_messages[topic].popleft() time_diff = self.get_topic_duration(topic) def get_topic_message_count(self, topic): """ Return number of messages available in a topic """ return len(self.topic_messages[topic]) def get_total_message_count(self): """ Returns total number of messages across all topics """ total_message_count = 0 for topic in self.topic_messages.keys(): total_message_count = total_message_count + \ self.get_topic_message_count(topic) return total_message_count def _get_default_filename(self): return str( + '-' + str([0:8] def get_bag_name(self, filename=''): """ Create ros bag save directory If no bag name is provided, the current date/time is used as default. """ # If directory param is not set, default to $HOME/bags/<date> default_dir = self.dir if default_dir is None: default_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'bags') # if dated folder param is set to True, append current date to # directory if self.dated_folder is True: default_dir = os.path.join(default_dir, str( # Split filename from directory bag_dir, bag_name = os.path.split(filename) bag_dir = os.path.join(default_dir, bag_dir) if not os.path.exists(bag_dir): os.makedirs(bag_dir) # Create default filename if only directory specified if bag_name == '': bag_name = self._get_default_filename() # Make sure filename ends in .bag, add otherwise if bag_name[-4:] != '.bag': bag_name = bag_name + '.bag' return os.path.join(bag_dir, bag_name) def start_bagging(self, req): """ Dump all data in dictionary to bags, temporarily stops streaming during the bagging process, resumes streaming when over. If bagging is already false because of an active call to this service """ result = BagOnlineResult() if self.streaming is False: result.status = 'Bag Request came in while bagging, priority given to prior request' result.success = False self._action_server.set_aborted(result) return bag = None try: self.streaming = False result.filename = self.get_bag_name(req.bag_name) bag = rosbag.Bag(result.filename, 'w') requested_seconds = req.bag_time selected_topics = req.topics.split() feedback = BagOnlineFeedback() total_messages = 0 bag_topics = {} for topic, (time, subscribed) in self.subscriber_list.iteritems(): if not subscribed: continue # Exclude topics that aren't in topics service argument # If topics argument is empty string, include all topics if len(selected_topics) > 0 and topic not in selected_topics: continue if len(self.topic_messages[topic]) == 0: continue if req.bag_time == 0: index = 0 else: index = self.get_time_index(topic, requested_seconds) total_messages += len(self.topic_messages[topic][index:]) bag_topics[topic] = index if total_messages == 0: result.success = False result.status = 'no messages' self._action_server.set_aborted(result) self.streaming = True bag.close() return self._action_server.publish_feedback(feedback) msg_inc = 0 for topic, index in bag_topics.iteritems(): for msgs in self.topic_messages[topic][index:]: bag.write(topic, msgs[1], t=msgs[0]) if msg_inc % 50 == 0: # send feedback every 50 messages feedback.progress = float(msg_inc) / total_messages self._action_server.publish_feedback(feedback) msg_inc += 1 # empty deque when done writing to bag self.topic_messages[topic].clear() feedback.progress = 1.0 self._action_server.publish_feedback(feedback) bag.close() except Exception as e: result.success = False result.status = 'Exception while writing bag: ' + str(e) self._action_server.set_aborted(result) self.streaming = True if bag is not None: bag.close() return rospy.loginfo('Bag written to {}'.format(result.filename)) result.success = True self._action_server.set_succeeded(result) self.streaming = True
class FaceTracker(object): DIST_THRESH = 0.0 def __init__(self): self.rate = rospy.Rate(2) = tf.TransformListener() self.eye_speed = 0.2 self.head_speed = 0.7 self.blender_frame = "blender" self.default_position = [1, 0, 0] # Looking straight ahead 1 metre self.last_position = None # Publishers for making the face and eyes look at a point self.face_target_pub = rospy.Publisher("/blender_api/set_face_target", Target, queue_size=1) self.gaze_target_pub = rospy.Publisher("/blender_api/set_gaze_target", Target, queue_size=1) # Gaze action server self.action_srv = SimpleActionServer("/gaze_action", GazeAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start=False) self.action_srv.start() def execute_cb(self, goal): rospy.loginfo("Target goal received: " + str(goal)) target_frame = while not rospy.is_shutdown( ) and not self.action_srv.is_preempt_requested( ) and self.action_srv.is_active(): if and self.blender_frame): time =, self.blender_frame) position, quaternion = self.blender_frame, target_frame, time) update_target = self.last_position is None if self.last_position is not None: dist = FaceTracker.distance(position, self.last_position) update_target = dist > FaceTracker.DIST_THRESH if update_target: self.gaze_at_point(position) self.action_srv.publish_feedback(GazeActionFeedback()) self.rate.sleep() # If gaze has been cancelled then set default position self.gaze_at_point(self.default_position) @staticmethod def distance(p1, p2): return math.sqrt( math.pow(p1[0] - p2[0], 2) + math.pow(p1[1] - p2[1], 2) + math.pow(p1[2] - p2[2], 2)) def gaze_at_point(self, position): x = position[0] y = position[1] z = position[2] self.point_eyes_at_point(x, y, z, self.eye_speed) self.face_toward_point(x, y, z, self.head_speed) self.last_position = position def point_eyes_at_point(self, x, y, z, speed): """ Turn the robot's eyes towards the given target point :param float x: metres forward :param float y: metres to robots left :param float z: :param float speed: :return: None """ msg = Target() msg.x = x msg.y = y msg.z = z msg.speed = speed self.gaze_target_pub.publish(msg) rospy.logdebug("published gaze_at(x={}, y={}, z={}, speed={})".format( x, y, z, speed)) def face_toward_point(self, x, y, z, speed): """ Turn the robot's face towards the given target point. :param float x: metres forward :param float y: metres to robots left :param float z: :param float speed: :return: None """ msg = Target() msg.x = x msg.y = y msg.z = z msg.speed = speed self.face_target_pub.publish(msg) rospy.logdebug("published face_(x={}, y={}, z={}, speed={})".format( x, y, z, speed))
class FakeTurtle: def __init__(self): # define the server, aut-start is set to false so we control when to # start it self.server = SimpleActionServer('move_turtle_action', MoveTurtleAction, execute_cb=self.action_cb, auto_start=False) # deine feedback msg object to be used for publishing feedback self.feedback_msg = MoveTurtleFeedback() # deine result msg object to be used for publishing result self.result_msg = MoveTurtleResult() self.server.start() print("action server started ..") self.rate = rospy.Rate(2) def turtle_is_up_side_down(self): # this turtle never goes up side down # it can always move! # (this is a dummy function, in real application you might be checking # your robot status, for example the battery level, # or motor temperature, etc..) return False def action_cb(self, goal): print("moving turtle to pose: ", goal) # Write here the logic to control turtle # this "for" loop is just a demostration, in real application, you # would be controlling the robot, publish velocity commands, read # current pose and do some computation.. for _ in range(20): print('executing goal') # during execution of the goal, publish feedback msg to the client self.server.publish_feedback(self.feedback_msg) # always check if the client has sent a cancel msg. This way the # task becomes preemtable if self.server.is_preempt_requested(): # update goal status accordingly self.server.set_preempted() print('goal preempted') # exit from the action_cb method return None # check if we need to abort for some reason. Here we abort if # the node has been killed (ctrl+C) or if the turtle is laying on # it's back and cannot move anyomre ;) if rospy.is_shutdown() or self.turtle_is_up_side_down(): # update goal status accordingly self.server.set_aborted() print('Turtle cannot move sir! goal aborted') return None self.rate.sleep() # if execution finished, set goal status to SUCCEED and publish the # result msg print('done') self.server.set_succeeded(result=self.result_msg, text="Mission completed")
class RobbieArmActionServer(): def __init__(self): # Initialize constants self.JOINTS_COUNT = 5 # Number of joints to manage self.ERROR_THRESHOLD = 0.15 # Report success if error reaches below threshold self.TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD = rospy.Duration(15.0) # Report failure if action does not succeed within timeout threshold # Initialize new node rospy.init_node(NAME + 'server', anonymous=True) # Initialize publisher & subscriber for shoulder pan self.shoulder_pan_frame = 'arm_shoulder_tilt_link' self.shoulder_pan = JointState(set_point=0.0, process_value=0.0, error=1.0) self.shoulder_pan_pub = rospy.Publisher('shoulder_pan_controller/command', Float64) rospy.Subscriber('shoulder_pan_controller/state', JointState, self.read_shoulder_pan) rospy.wait_for_message('shoulder_pan_controller/state', JointState) # Initialize publisher & subscriber for arm tilt self.arm_tilt_frame = 'arm_pan_tilt_bracket' self.arm_tilt = JointState(set_point=0.0, process_value=0.0, error=1.0) self.arm_tilt_pub = rospy.Publisher('arm_tilt_controller/command', Float64) rospy.Subscriber('arm_tilt_controller/state', JointState, self.read_arm_tilt) rospy.wait_for_message('arm_tilt_controller/state', JointState) # Initialize publisher & subscriber for elbow tilt self.elbow_tilt_frame = 'arm_bracket' #self.elbow_tilt = JointState(set_point=0.0, process_value=0.0, error=1.0) self.elbow_tilt_pub = rospy.Publisher('elbow_tilt_controller/command', Float64) rospy.Subscriber('elbow_tilt_controller/state', JointState, self.read_elbow_tilt) rospy.wait_for_message('elbow_tilt_controller/state', JointState) # Initialize publisher & subscriber for wrist pan self.wrist_pan_frame = 'wrist_pan_link' self.wrist_pan = JointState(set_point=0.0, process_value=0.0, error=1.0) self.wrist_pan_pub = rospy.Publisher('wrist_pan_controller/command', Float64) rospy.Subscriber('wrist_pan_controller/state', JointState, self.read_wrist_pan) rospy.wait_for_message('wrist_pan_controller/state', JointState) # Initialize publisher & subscriber for wrist tilt self.wrist_tilt_frame = 'wrist_tilt_link' self.wrist_tilt = JointState(set_point=0.0, process_value=0.0, error=1.0) self.wrist_tilt_pub = rospy.Publisher('wrist_tilt_controller/command', Float64) rospy.Subscriber('wrist_tilt_controller/state', JointState, self.read_wrist_tilt) rospy.wait_for_message('wrist_tilt_controller/state', JointState) # Initialize tf listener = tf.TransformListener() # Initialize joints action server self.result = RobbieArmResult() = RobbieArmFeedback() = [self.shoulder_pan.process_value, self.arm_tilt.process_value, \ self.elbow_tilt.process_value, self.wrist_pan.process_value, self.wrist_tilt.process_value] self.server = SimpleActionServer(NAME, RobbieArmAction, self.execute_callback) # Reset arm position rospy.sleep(1) self.reset_arm_position() rospy.loginfo("%s: Ready to accept goals", NAME) def reset_arm_position(self): # reset arm to cobra position self.shoulder_pan_pub.publish(0.0) self.arm_tilt_pub.publish(1.572222) self.elbow_tilt_pub.publish(-1.572222) self.wrist_pan_pub.publish(0.0) self.wrist_tilt_pub.publish(0.0) rospy.sleep(12) def read_shoulder_pan(self, pan_data): self.shoulder_pan = pan_data self.has_latest_shoulder_pan = True def read_arm_tilt(self, tilt_data): self.arm_tilt = tilt_data self.has_latest_arm_tilt = True def read_elbow_tilt(self, tilt_data): self.elbow_tilt = tilt_data self.has_latest_elbow_tilt = True def read_wrist_pan(self, rotate_data): self.wrist_pan = rotate_data self.has_latest_wrist_pan = True def read_wrist_tilt(self, rotate_data): self.wrist_tilt = rotate_data self.has_latest_wrist_tilt = True def wait_for_latest_controller_states(self, timeout): self.has_latest_shoulder_pan = False self.has_latest_arm_tilt = False self.has_latest_elbow_tilt = False self.has_latest_wrist_pan = False self.has_latest_wrist_tilt = False r = rospy.Rate(100) start = while (self.has_latest_shoulder_pan == False or self.has_latest_arm_tilt == False or \ self.has_latest_elbow_tilt == False or self.has_latest_wrist_tilt == False or self.has_latest_wrist_pan == False) and \ ( - start < timeout): r.sleep() def transform_target_point(self, point): rospy.loginfo("%s: Retrieving IK solutions", NAME) rospy.wait_for_service('smart_arm_ik_service', 10) ik_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('smart_arm_ik_service', SmartArmIK) resp = ik_service(point) if (resp and resp.success): return[0:4] else: raise Exception, "Unable to obtain IK solutions." def execute_callback(self, goal): r = rospy.Rate(100) self.result.success = True self.result.arm_position = [self.shoulder_pan.process_value, self.arm_tilt.process_value, \ self.elbow_tilt.process_value, self.wrist_pan.process_value, self.wrist_tilt.process_value] rospy.loginfo("%s: Executing move arm", NAME) # Initialize target joints target_joints = list() for i in range(self.JOINTS_COUNT): target_joints.append(0.0) # Retrieve target joints from goal if (len(goal.target_joints) > 0): for i in range(min(len(goal.target_joints), len(target_joints))): target_joints[i] = goal.target_joints[i] else: try: # Convert target point to target joints (find an IK solution) target_joints = self.transform_target_point(goal.target_point) except (Exception, tf.Exception, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.LookupException): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: IK Transform Failure", NAME) self.result.success = False self.server.set_aborted() return # Publish goal to controllers self.shoulder_pan_pub.publish(target_joints[0]) self.arm_tilt_pub.publish(target_joints[1]) self.elbow_tilt_pub.publish(target_joints[2]) self.wrist_pan_pub.publish(target_joints[3]) self.wrist_tilt_pub.publish(target_joints[4]) # Initialize loop variables start_time = while (math.fabs(target_joints[0] - self.shoulder_pan.process_value) > self.ERROR_THRESHOLD or \ math.fabs(target_joints[1] - self.arm_tilt.process_value) > self.ERROR_THRESHOLD or \ math.fabs(target_joints[2] - self.elbow_tilt.process_value) > self.ERROR_THRESHOLD or \ math.fabs(target_joints[3] - self.wrist_pan.process_value) > self.ERROR_THRESHOLD or \ math.fabs(target_joints[4] - self.wrist_tilt.process_value) > self.ERROR_THRESHOLD): # Cancel exe if another goal was received (i.e. preempt requested) if self.server.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Action Preempted", NAME) self.result.success = False self.server.set_preempted() break # Publish current arm position as feedback = [self.shoulder_pan.process_value, self.arm_tilt.process_value, \ self.elbow_tilt.process_value, self.wrist_pan.process_value, self.wrist_tilt.process_value] self.server.publish_feedback( # Abort if timeout current_time = if (current_time - start_time > self.TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Action Timeout", NAME) self.result.success = False self.server.set_aborted() break r.sleep() if (self.result.success): rospy.loginfo("%s: Goal Completed", NAME) self.wait_for_latest_controller_states(rospy.Duration(2.0)) self.result.arm_position = [self.shoulder_pan.process_value, self.arm_tilt.process_value, \ self.elbow_tilt.process_value, self.wrist_pan.process_value, self.wrist_tilt.process_value] self.server.set_succeeded(self.result)
class GotoServer: def __init__(self): self.rate = rospy.Rate(10) self.goto_server = SimpleActionServer('goto', GotoAction, execute_cb=self.goto_execute, auto_start=False) self.goto_server.start() self.last_object = "base1" def goto_execute(self, goal): rospy.loginfo("Executing {} for {}".format( Goal.types[goal.type], Task.types[goal.task_number])) rospy.loginfo("error_step={} error_object={}".format( goal.error_step, goal.error_object)) outcome = "error" if goal.type == Goal.BASE: self.goto_feedback(Status.STARTED, "GO TO BASE SMACH STARTED") rospy.loginfo("Initiating GotoBase State Machine") sm = GotoObjectSMACH(last_object=self.last_object) outcome = sm.execute(task_number=goal.task_number, error_step=goal.error_step, base=True) elif goal.type == Goal.HUMAN: self.goto_feedback(Status.STARTED, "FIND PERSON SMACH STARTED") rospy.loginfo("Initiating FindPerson State Machine") sm = FindPersonSMACH(last_object=self.last_object) outcome = sm.execute(task_number=goal.task_number, error_step=goal.error_step) elif goal.type == Goal.OBJECT: self.goto_feedback(Status.STARTED, "GO TO OBJECT SMACH STARTED") rospy.loginfo("Initiating GotoObject State Machine") sm = GotoObjectSMACH(last_object=self.last_object) outcome = sm.execute(task_number=goal.task_number, error_step=goal.error_step, base=False) self.last_object = sm.last_object is_success = True if outcome == "finish" else False if is_success: self.goto_feedback(Status.COMPLETED, "SMACH SUCCESSFUL") rospy.loginfo("State machine successful") else: self.goto_feedback(Status.FAILED, "SMACH FAILED") rospy.logwarn("State machine failed") goto_result = GotoResult() goto_result.status = Status.COMPLETED if is_success else Status.FAILED goto_result.is_complete = is_success self.goto_server.set_succeeded(goto_result) def goto_feedback(self, status, text): feedback = GotoFeedback() feedback.status = status feedback.text = text self.goto_server.publish_feedback(feedback)
class PathExecutor: _continue=True _skip_unreachable=True _path_result=ExecutePathResult() def __init__(self): self._poses = [] self._poses_idx = 0 self._client = SimpleActionClient('/bug2/move_to', MoveToAction) self._action_name = rospy.get_name() + "/execute_path" self._server = SimpleActionServer(self._action_name, ExecutePathAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start = False) self._server.start() def execute_cb(self, goal): """ This funciton is used to execute the move to goal """ self._path_result.visited=[] #Initialize the path result self._skip_unreachable=goal.skip_unreachable self._client.wait_for_server() self._poses = goal.path.poses self._poses_idx = 0 #Start with the first goal self._continue= True rospy.loginfo('Starting Number of Poses: %s'%len(self._poses)) move = MoveToGoal() move.target_pose.pose = self._poses[self._poses_idx].pose """ Send the goal to the _client and once done, go to callback function "move_to_done_cb" """ self._client.send_goal(move, done_cb=self.move_to_done_cb) while (self._continue==True): """ Check if current goal is preempted by other user action. If so, break out of loop """ if self._server.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo('%s: Preempted' % self._action_name) self._server.set_preempted() self._continue= False break def move_to_done_cb(self, state, result): """ This call back function is called once one goal is completed. This checks if there are any other goal remaining to be executed and recurrsively calls itself. """ feedback = ExecutePathFeedback() feedback.pose=self._poses[self._poses_idx] """ #====================================================================== #* If state is 3, i.e., goal was successful, publish feedback # and move to next goal # #* Else publish feedback and check _skip_unreachable flag, # * If True go to next pose # * Else break #====================================================================== """ if(state == 3): feedback.reached = True self._path_result.visited.append(feedback.reached) self._server.publish_feedback(feedback) self._poses_idx = self._poses_idx + 1 """ * If more pose available, move to next goal * Else break """ if(self._poses_idx < len(self._poses)): move = MoveToGoal() move.target_pose.pose = self._poses[self._poses_idx].pose self._client.send_goal(move, done_cb=self.move_to_done_cb) else: self._continue=False self._server.set_succeeded(self._path_result) else: feedback.reached = False self._path_result.visited.append(False) self._server.publish_feedback(feedback) if(self._skip_unreachable==True): self._poses_idx = self._poses_idx + 1 """ * If more pose available, move to next goal * Else break """ if(self._poses_idx < len(self._poses)): move = MoveToGoal() move.target_pose.pose = self._poses[self._poses_idx].pose self._client.send_goal(move, done_cb=self.move_to_done_cb) else: self._continue=False self._server.set_succeeded(self._path_result) else: rospy.loginfo('Unreachable') self._continue=False self._server.set_succeeded(self._path_result)
class AbstractHMIServer(object): """ Abstract base class for a hmi servers """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, name): self._server = SimpleActionServer(name, QueryAction, execute_cb=self._execute_cb, auto_start=False) self._server.start() rospy.loginfo('HMI server started on "%s"', name) def _execute_cb(self, goal): rospy.loginfo('I got a question: %s', goal.description) rospy.loginfo('This is the grammar: %s, %s', trim_string(goal.grammar), try: result = self._determine_answer( description=goal.description, example_sentences=goal.example_sentences, grammar=goal.grammar,, is_preempt_requested=self._is_preempt_requested) except Exception as e: tb = traceback.format_exc() rospy.logerr('_determine_answer raised an exception: %s' % tb) self._set_aborted() else: # we've got a result or a cancel if result: rospy.loginfo('result: %s', result) self._set_succeeded(result=result_to_ros(result)) else: msg = "Cancelled by user" rospy.loginfo(msg) self._set_aborted(text=msg) def _set_succeeded(self, result): self._server.set_succeeded(result) def _set_aborted(self, text=""): self._server.set_aborted(text=text) def _publish_feedback(self): self._server.publish_feedback(QueryActionFeedback()) def _is_preempt_requested(self): return self._server.is_preempt_requested() @abstractmethod def _determine_answer(self, description, grammar, target, is_preempt_requested): """ Overwrite this method to provide custom implementations Return the answer Return None if nothing is heared Raise an Exception if an error occured """ pass
class MoveBaseServer(MockActionServer): def __init__(self, name, topic): self._name = name self.action_result = None self._feedback = move_base_msgs.msg.MoveBaseFeedback() self._result = move_base_msgs.msg.MoveBaseResult() self.abort_with_feedback = False self._topic = topic Subscriber('mock/feedback_' + name, String, self.receive_commands) self._server = ActionServer(self._topic, MoveBaseAction, self.execute, False) self._server.start() loginfo('>>> Starting ' + self._name + ' with feedback.') def receive_commands(self, msg): callback, timeout =':') self.timeout = float(timeout) if callback == 'abort_feedback': self.abort_with_feedback = True self._server.execute_callback = getattr(self, 'execute') else: self.abort_with_feedback = False self._server.execute_callback = getattr(self, callback) logwarn('>>> ' + self._name + ': Current callback -> ' + callback) sleep(1) def execute(self, goal): success = True start_x = 0 start_y = 0 goal_x = goal.target_pose.pose.position.x goal_y = goal.target_pose.pose.position.y loginfo('Goal -> x(%d), y(%d).', goal_x, goal_y) if self.abort_with_feedback: sleep(self.timeout) self._feedback.base_position.pose.position.x = goal_x + 0.05 self._feedback.base_position.pose.position.y = goal_y + 0.05 self._server.publish_feedback(self._feedback) sleep(self.timeout) self._server.set_aborted() return while True: # Make a move. if start_x < goal_x: start_x += 0.5 if start_y < goal_y: start_y += 0.5 # Send feedback self._feedback.base_position.pose.position.x = start_x self._feedback.base_position.pose.position.y = start_y self._server.publish_feedback(self._feedback) if start_x >= goal_x and start_y >= goal_y: break sleep(self.timeout) if success: loginfo('MoveBaseAction: Goal succeeded...') _result = self._feedback self._server.set_succeeded(_result)
class HokuyoLaserActionServer(): def __init__(self): # Initialize constants self.error_threshold = 0.0175 # Report success if error reaches below threshold self.signal = 1 # Initialize new node rospy.init_node(NAME, anonymous=True) controller_name = rospy.get_param('~controller') # Initialize publisher & subscriber for tilt self.laser_tilt = JointControllerState() self.laser_tilt_pub = rospy.Publisher(controller_name + '/command', Float64) self.laser_signal_pub = rospy.Publisher('laser_scanner_signal', LaserScannerSignal) self.joint_speed_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(controller_name + '/set_speed', SetSpeed, persistent=True) rospy.Subscriber(controller_name + '/state', JointControllerState, self.process_tilt_state) rospy.wait_for_message(controller_name + '/state', JointControllerState) # Initialize tilt action server self.result = HokuyoLaserTiltResult() = HokuyoLaserTiltFeedback() = self.laser_tilt.process_value self.server = SimpleActionServer('hokuyo_laser_tilt_action', HokuyoLaserTiltAction, self.execute_callback) rospy.loginfo("%s: Ready to accept goals", NAME) def process_tilt_state(self, tilt_data): self.laser_tilt = tilt_data def reset_tilt_position(self, offset=0.0): self.laser_tilt_pub.publish(offset) rospy.sleep(0.5) def execute_callback(self, goal): r = rospy.Rate(100) self.joint_speed_srv(2.0) self.reset_tilt_position(goal.offset) delta = goal.amplitude - goal.offset target_speed = delta / goal.duration timeout_threshold = rospy.Duration(5.0) + rospy.Duration.from_sec( goal.duration) self.joint_speed_srv(target_speed) print "delta = %f, target_speed = %f" % (delta, target_speed) self.result.success = True self.result.tilt_position = self.laser_tilt.process_value rospy.loginfo("%s: Executing laser tilt %s time(s)", NAME, goal.tilt_cycles) # Tilt laser goal.tilt_cycles amount of times. for i in range(1, goal.tilt_cycles + 1): = i # Issue 2 commands for each cycle for j in range(2): if j % 2 == 0: target_tilt = goal.offset + goal.amplitude # Upper tilt limit self.signal = 0 else: target_tilt = goal.offset # Lower tilt limit self.signal = 1 # Publish target command to controller self.laser_tilt_pub.publish(target_tilt) start_time = current_time = start_time while abs(target_tilt - self.laser_tilt.process_value ) > self.error_threshold: #delta = abs(target_tilt - self.laser_tilt.process_value) #time_left = goal.duration - ( - start_time).to_sec() #target_speed = delta / time_left #self.joint_speed_srv(target_speed) # Cancel exe if another goal was received (i.e. preempt requested) if self.server.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Action Preempted", NAME) self.result.success = False self.server.set_preempted() return # Publish current head position as feedback = self.laser_tilt.process_value self.server.publish_feedback( # Abort if timeout current_time = if (current_time - start_time > timeout_threshold): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Action Timeout", NAME) self.result.success = False self.server.set_aborted() return r.sleep() signal = LaserScannerSignal() signal.header.stamp = current_time signal.signal = self.signal self.laser_signal_pub.publish(signal) #rospy.sleep(0.5) if self.result.success: rospy.loginfo("%s: Goal Completed", NAME) self.result.tilt_position = self.laser_tilt.process_value self.server.set_succeeded(self.result)
class Explore(object): def __init__(self, height): self.motion_height = height # Height of the motion to the ground # Create trajectory server self.exploration_server = SimpleActionServer('assessment_server', ExecuteAssesstAction, self.exploreCallback, False) self.server_feedback = ExecuteAssesstFeedback() self.server_result = ExecuteAssesstResult() # Get client from trajectory server self.trajectory_client = SimpleActionClient( "approach_server", ExecuteDroneApproachAction) self.trajectory_client.wait_for_server() self.next_point = ExecuteDroneApproachGoal( ) # Message to define next position to look for victims #Planning scene client self.frontiers_client = rospy.ServiceProxy('frontiers_server/find', Frontiers) self.frontiers_client.wait_for_service() self.frontiers_req = FrontiersRequest() #Frontiers request message # Variables self.sonar_me = Condition() self.odometry_me = Condition() self.current_height = None self.odometry = None # Subscribe to sonar_height rospy.Subscriber("sonar_height", Range, self.sonar_callback, queue_size=10) # Subscribe to ground_truth to monitor the current pose of the robot rospy.Subscriber("ground_truth/state", Odometry, self.poseCallback) self.scene_req = GetPlanningSceneRequest() # Start trajectory server self.exploration_server.start() def sonar_callback(self, msg): ''' Function to update drone height ''' self.sonar_me.acquire() self.current_height = msg.range self.sonar_me.release() def poseCallback(self, odometry): ''' Monitor the current position of the robot ''' self.odometry_me.acquire() self.odometry = odometry.pose.pose self.odometry_me.notify() self.odometry_me.release() def trajectory_feed(self, msg): ''' Verifies preemption requisitions ''' print("\n\n\nASSESSMENT FEEDBACK") if self.exploration_server.is_preempt_requested(): self.trajectory_client.cancel_goal() def exploreCallback(self, pose): ''' Execute a loop looking for frontiers and moving to points unvisited into the defined area ''' # Wait till the robot pose is received self.odometry_me.acquire() while self.odometry == None: self.odometry_me.wait() self.next_point.goal = self.odometry self.odometry_me.release() self.frontiers_req.x_min = 0.0 self.frontiers_req.x_max = 50.0 self.frontiers_req.y_min = 0.0 self.frontiers_req.y_max = 50.0 trials = 0 # v_search trials while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.odometry_me.acquire() self.server_result.last_pose = self.odometry self.server_feedback.current_pose = self.odometry self.odometry_me.release() if self.exploration_server.is_preempt_requested(): self.exploration_server.set_preempted(self.server_result) return self.exploration_server.publish_feedback(self.server_feedback) self.sonar_me.acquire() # print("Current height from ground:\n\n{}".format(self.current_height)) # Current distance from ground h_error = self.motion_height - self.current_height self.sonar_me.release() self.odometry_me.acquire() self.next_point.goal.position.z = self.odometry.position.z + h_error # Desired z position self.odometry_me.release() self.trajectory_client.send_goal(self.next_point, feedback_cb=self.trajectory_feed) self.trajectory_client.wait_for_result() # Wait for the result result = self.trajectory_client.get_state( ) # Get the state of the action # print(result) if result == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: p = Pose() self.odometry_me.acquire() p = self.odometry self.frontiers_req.explored.append(p) self.odometry_me.release() # Verify if all the area have been explored and find next frontier point if needed # if 'all area explored': # self.odometry_me.acquire() # self.server_result.last_pose = self.odometry # self.odometry_me.release() # self.exploration_server.set_succeeded(self.server_result) status = self.findFrontiers() if not status: self.exploration_server.set_succeeded(self.server_result) return self.odometry_me.acquire() self.server_result.last_pose = self.odometry self.odometry_me.release() # self.next_point.goal.position.y = # self.next_point.goal.position.x = # theta = # Convert desired angle # q = quaternion_from_euler(0,0,theta,'ryxz') # self.next_point.goal.orientation.x = q[0] # self.next_point.goal.orientation.y = q[1] # self.next_point.goal.orientation.z = q[2] # self.next_point.goal.orientation.w = q[3] elif result == GoalStatus.ABORTED: trials += 1 if trials == 2: self.exploration_server.set_aborted(self.server_result) return def findFrontiers(self): ''' Return points not visited into the specified frontier ''' rospy.loginfo("Looking for frontiers!") frontiers = if frontiers.frontiers: self.next_point.goal.position.x = frontiers.frontiers[0].x self.next_point.goal.position.y = frontiers.frontiers[0].y self.next_point.goal.position.x = self.motion_height return True else: return False
class HokuyoLaserActionServer(): def __init__(self): # Initialize constants self.error_threshold = 0.0175 # Report success if error reaches below threshold self.signal = 1 # Initialize new node rospy.init_node(NAME, anonymous=True) controller_name = rospy.get_param('~controller') # Initialize publisher & subscriber for tilt self.laser_tilt = JointControllerState() self.laser_tilt_pub = rospy.Publisher(controller_name + '/command', Float64) self.laser_signal_pub = rospy.Publisher('laser_scanner_signal', LaserScannerSignal) self.joint_speed_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy(controller_name + '/set_speed', SetSpeed, persistent=True) rospy.Subscriber(controller_name + '/state', JointControllerState, self.process_tilt_state) rospy.wait_for_message(controller_name + '/state', JointControllerState) # Initialize tilt action server self.result = HokuyoLaserTiltResult() = HokuyoLaserTiltFeedback() = self.laser_tilt.process_value self.server = SimpleActionServer('hokuyo_laser_tilt_action', HokuyoLaserTiltAction, self.execute_callback) rospy.loginfo("%s: Ready to accept goals", NAME) def process_tilt_state(self, tilt_data): self.laser_tilt = tilt_data def reset_tilt_position(self, offset=0.0): self.laser_tilt_pub.publish(offset) rospy.sleep(0.5) def execute_callback(self, goal): r = rospy.Rate(100) self.joint_speed_srv(2.0) self.reset_tilt_position(goal.offset) delta = goal.amplitude - goal.offset target_speed = delta / goal.duration timeout_threshold = rospy.Duration(5.0) + rospy.Duration.from_sec(goal.duration) self.joint_speed_srv(target_speed) print "delta = %f, target_speed = %f" % (delta, target_speed) self.result.success = True self.result.tilt_position = self.laser_tilt.process_value rospy.loginfo("%s: Executing laser tilt %s time(s)", NAME, goal.tilt_cycles) # Tilt laser goal.tilt_cycles amount of times. for i in range(1, goal.tilt_cycles + 1): = i # Issue 2 commands for each cycle for j in range(2): if j % 2 == 0: target_tilt = goal.offset + goal.amplitude # Upper tilt limit self.signal = 0 else: target_tilt = goal.offset # Lower tilt limit self.signal = 1 # Publish target command to controller self.laser_tilt_pub.publish(target_tilt) start_time = current_time = start_time while abs(target_tilt - self.laser_tilt.process_value) > self.error_threshold: #delta = abs(target_tilt - self.laser_tilt.process_value) #time_left = goal.duration - ( - start_time).to_sec() #target_speed = delta / time_left #self.joint_speed_srv(target_speed) # Cancel exe if another goal was received (i.e. preempt requested) if self.server.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Action Preempted", NAME) self.result.success = False self.server.set_preempted() return # Publish current head position as feedback = self.laser_tilt.process_value self.server.publish_feedback( # Abort if timeout current_time = if (current_time - start_time > timeout_threshold): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Action Timeout", NAME) self.result.success = False self.server.set_aborted() return r.sleep() signal = LaserScannerSignal() signal.header.stamp = current_time signal.signal = self.signal self.laser_signal_pub.publish(signal) #rospy.sleep(0.5) if self.result.success: rospy.loginfo("%s: Goal Completed", NAME) self.result.tilt_position = self.laser_tilt.process_value self.server.set_succeeded(self.result)
class FakeGrasping: ALWAYS = 0 NEVER = 1 RANDOM = 2 def __init__(self): self.server = SimpleActionServer('/robot_move', RobotMoveAction, execute_cb=self.robot_move_cb) self.objects = self.ALWAYS self.grasp = self.ALWAYS = self.ALWAYS self.object_randomness = 0.8 # 80% of time object is known self.grasp_randomness = 0.4 self.place_randomness = 0.4 self.holding = None self.pick_length = 2 # how long (sec) takes to pick an object self.place_length = 2 # how long (sec) takes to place an object self.robot_state_pub = rospy.Publisher("/robot_status", RobotStatus, queue_size=1, latch=True) self.publish_robot_status(RobotStatus.STOPPED) random.seed() def publish_robot_status(self, status): self.robot_state_pub.publish( RobotStatus( status=status, actual_pose=PoseStamped(header=Header(frame_id="marker")))) def robot_move_cb(self, goal): self.publish_robot_status(RobotStatus.MOVING) self.robot_move(goal) self.publish_robot_status(RobotStatus.STOPPED) def robot_move(self, goal): result = RobotMoveResult() feedback = RobotMoveFeedback() if not (goal.move_type in (goal.HOME, goal.PROGRAMING, goal.PICK, goal.PLACE, goal.MOVE)): result.result = RobotMoveResult.BAD_REQUEST rospy.logerr("BAD_REQUEST, Unknown operation") self.server.set_aborted(result, "Unknown operation") return if self.objects == self.ALWAYS: pass elif self.objects == self.NEVER: result.result = RobotMoveResult.BAD_REQUEST rospy.logerr("BAD_REQUEST, Unknown object id") self.server.set_aborted(result, "Unknown object id") return elif self.objects == self.RANDOM: nmbr = random.random() if nmbr > self.object_randomness: result.result = RobotMoveResult.BAD_REQUEST rospy.logerr("BAD_REQUEST, Unknown object id") self.server.set_aborted(result, "Unknown object id") return grasped = False if goal.move_type == RobotMoveGoal.PICK: rospy.sleep(self.pick_length) if False and self.holding: result.result = RobotMoveResult.BUSY rospy.logerr("Failure, already holding object in arm") self.server.set_aborted(result, "Already holding object in arm") return if self.grasp == self.ALWAYS: grasped = True pass elif self.grasp == self.NEVER: result.result = RobotMoveResult.MOVE_FAILURE rospy.logerr("FAILURE, Pick Failed") self.server.set_aborted(result, "Pick Failed") return tries = 5 while tries > 0: feedback.state = feedback.PICKING tries -= 1 self.server.publish_feedback(feedback) if self.grasp == self.RANDOM: nmbr = random.random() if nmbr < self.grasp_randomness: grasped = True if grasped: break if self.server.is_preempt_requested(): self.server.set_preempted(result, "Pick canceled") rospy.logerr("Preempted") return if not grasped: result.result = RobotMoveResult.FAILURE self.server.set_aborted(result, "Pick failed") rospy.logerr("FAILURE, Pick Failed") return else: self.holding = True placed = False if goal.move_type == RobotMoveGoal.PLACE: rospy.sleep(self.place_length) if not self.holding: result.result = RobotMoveResult.MOVE_FAILURE rospy.logerr("Failure, robot not holding object") self.server.set_aborted(result, "Robot not holding object") return if == self.ALWAYS: placed = True pass elif == self.NEVER: result.result = RobotMoveResult.MOVE_FAILURE self.server.set_aborted(result, "Place Failed") rospy.logerr("FAILURE, Place Failed") return tries = 5 while tries > 0: feedback.state = feedback.PLACING tries -= 1 self.server.publish_feedback(feedback) if == self.RANDOM: nmbr = random.random() if nmbr < self.place_randomness: placed = True if placed: break if not placed: result.result = RobotMoveResult.MOVE_FAILURE self.server.set_aborted(result, "Place failed") rospy.logerr("FAILURE, Place Failed") return else: self.holding = False result.result = RobotMoveResult.SUCCES self.server.set_succeeded(result) rospy.loginfo("SUCCESS") print("Finished")
class AbstractHMIServer(object): """ Abstract base class for a hmi client >>> class HMIServer(AbstractHMIServer): ... def __init__(self): ... pass ... def _determine_answer(self, description, spec, choices): ... return QueryResult() ... def _set_succeeded(self, result): ... print result >>> server = HMIServer() >>> from hmi_msgs.msg import QueryGoal >>> goal = QueryGoal(description='q', spec='spec', choices=[]) >>> server._execute_cb(goal) raw_result: '' results: [] >>> class HMIServer(AbstractHMIServer): ... def __init__(self): ... pass >>> server = HMIServer() Traceback (most recent call last): ... TypeError: Can't instantiate abstract class HMIServer with abstract methods _determine_answer """ __metaclass__ = ABCMeta def __init__(self, name): self._action_name = name self._server = SimpleActionServer(name, QueryAction, execute_cb=self._execute_cb, auto_start=False) self._server.start() rospy.loginfo('HMI server started on "%s"', name) def _execute_cb(self, goal): # TODO: refactor this somewhere choices = {} for choice in goal.choices: if in choices: rospy.logwarn('duplicate key "%s" in answer', else: choices[] = choice.values rospy.loginfo('I got a question: %s', goal.description) rospy.loginfo('This is the spec: %s, %s', trim_string(goal.spec), repr(choices)) try: result = self._determine_answer(description=goal.description, spec=goal.spec, choices=choices, is_preempt_requested=self._server.is_preempt_requested) except Exception as e: # rospy.logwarn('_determine_answer raised an exception: %s', e) # import pdb; pdb.set_trace() tb = traceback.format_exc() rospy.logerr('_determine_answer raised an exception: %s' % tb) self._server.set_aborted() else: # we've got a result or a cancel if result: self._set_succeeded(result=result.to_ros(self._action_name)) rospy.loginfo('result: %s', result) else: rospy.loginfo('cancelled') self._server.set_aborted(text="Cancelled by user") def _set_succeeded(self, result): self._server.set_succeeded(result) def _publish_feedback(self): self._server.publish_feedback(QueryActionFeedback()) @abstractmethod def _determine_answer(self, description, spec, choices, is_preempt_requested): ''' Overwrite this method to provide custom implementations Return the answer Return None if nothing is heared Raise an Exception if an error occured ''' pass
class RobotPolicyExecutor(): def __init__(self, port, file_dir, file_name): self.wait_for_result_dur = rospy.Duration(0.1) self.top_nav_policy_exec = SimpleActionClient( 'topological_navigation/execute_policy_mode', ExecutePolicyModeAction) got_server = self.top_nav_policy_exec.wait_for_server( rospy.Duration(1)) while not got_server: rospy.loginfo( "Waiting for topological navigation execute policy mode action server." ) got_server = self.top_nav_policy_exec.wait_for_server( rospy.Duration(1)) if rospy.is_shutdown(): return self.policy_mode_pub = rospy.Publisher( "mdp_plan_exec/current_policy_mode", NavRoute, queue_size=1) self.current_waypoint_sub = rospy.Subscriber("current_node", String, self.current_waypoint_cb) self.closest_waypoint_sub = rospy.Subscriber("closest_node", String, self.closest_waypoint_cb) explicit_doors = rospy.get_param("mdp_plan_exec/explicit_doors", True) forget_doors = rospy.get_param("mdp_plan_exec/forget_doors", True) model_fatal_fails = rospy.get_param("mdp_plan_exec/model_fatal_fails", True) self.nav_before_action_exec = rospy.get_param( "mdp_plan_exec/nav_before_action_exec", True ) #If True the robot will always navigate to a waypoint before trying to execute an action; if False robot can execute actions anywhere, if they are added without waypoint constraints. self.mdp = TopMapMdp(explicit_doors=explicit_doors, forget_doors=forget_doors, model_fatal_fails=model_fatal_fails) self.policy_utils = PolicyExecutionUtils(port, file_dir, file_name, self.mdp) self.action_executor = ActionExecutor() self.cancelled = False self.mdp_as = SimpleActionServer('mdp_plan_exec/execute_policy', ExecutePolicyAction, execute_cb=self.execute_policy_cb, auto_start=False) self.mdp_as.register_preempt_callback(self.preempt_policy_execution_cb) self.mdp_as.start() def current_waypoint_cb(self, msg): self.current_waypoint = def closest_waypoint_cb(self, msg): self.closest_waypoint = def execute_nav_policy(self, nav_policy_msg): self.policy_mode_pub.publish(nav_policy_msg) self.regenerated_nav_policy = False self.top_nav_policy_exec.send_goal( ExecutePolicyModeGoal(route=nav_policy_msg), feedback_cb=self.top_nav_feedback_cb) top_nav_running = True while top_nav_running and not self.cancelled: top_nav_running = not self.top_nav_policy_exec.wait_for_result( self.wait_for_result_dur) if not top_nav_running: if self.regenerated_nav_policy: nav_policy_msg = self.policy_utils.generate_current_nav_policy( ) print(nav_policy_msg) self.top_nav_policy_exec.send_goal( ExecutePolicyModeGoal(route=nav_policy_msg), feedback_cb=self.top_nav_feedback_cb) top_nav_running = True self.regenerated_nav_policy = False else: status = self.top_nav_policy_exec.get_state() if self.cancelled: status = GoalStatus.PREEMPTED return status def top_nav_feedback_cb(self, feedback): executed_action = self.policy_mdp.get_current_action() next_flat_state = None if feedback.status == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: next_flat_state = self.policy_utils.get_next_nav_policy_state( feedback.current_wp, self.policy_mdp) if next_flat_state is None: rospy.logwarn( "Error getting MDP next state: There is no transition modelling the state evolution. Looking for state in full state list..." ) next_flat_state = self.policy_utils.get_next_state_from_wp_update( self.policy_mdp, feedback.current_wp) self.top_nav_policy_exec.cancel_all_goals() if next_flat_state is not None: self.regenerated_nav_policy = True publish = next_flat_state != self.policy_mdp.current_flat_state self.policy_mdp.set_current_state(next_flat_state) if publish: next_action = self.policy_mdp.get_current_action() self.publish_feedback(executed_action, feedback.status, next_action) def execute_policy_cb(self, goal): self.cancelled = False self.policy_mdp = self.policy_utils.generate_policy_mdp( goal.spec, self.closest_waypoint, if self.policy_mdp is None: rospy.logerr("Failure to build policy for specification: " + goal.spec.ltl_task) self.mdp_as.set_aborted() return self.publish_feedback(None, None, self.policy_mdp.get_current_action()) if self.nav_before_action_exec: starting_exec = True #used to make sure the robot executes calls topological navigation at least once before executing non-nav actions. This is too ensure the robot navigates to the exact pose of a waypoint before executing an action there else: starting_exec = False while (self.policy_mdp.has_action_defined() and not self.cancelled) or starting_exec: next_action = self.policy_mdp.get_current_action() if next_action in self.mdp.nav_actions or starting_exec: starting_exec = False current_nav_policy = self.policy_utils.generate_current_nav_policy( self.policy_mdp) status = self.execute_nav_policy(current_nav_policy) rospy.loginfo( "Topological navigation execute policy action server exited with status: " + GoalStatus.to_string(status)) if status != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: self.policy_mdp.set_current_state(None) break else: print("EXECUTE ACTION") (status, state_update) = self.action_executor.execute_action( self.mdp.action_descriptions[next_action]) executed_action = next_action print(executed_action) if not self.cancelled: next_flat_state = self.policy_utils.get_next_state_from_action_outcome( state_update, self.policy_mdp) self.policy_mdp.set_current_state(next_flat_state) if next_flat_state is None: rospy.logerr( "Error finding next state after action execution. Aborting..." ) break next_action = self.policy_mdp.get_current_action() self.publish_feedback(executed_action, status, next_action) if self.cancelled: self.cancelled = False rospy.loginfo("Policy execution preempted.") self.mdp_as.set_preempted() elif self.policy_mdp.current_flat_state is None: rospy.loginfo("Policy execution failed.") self.mdp_as.set_aborted() else: rospy.loginfo("Policy execution successful.") self.mdp_as.set_succeeded() def publish_feedback(self, executed_action, status, next_action): (probability, prog_reward, expected_time) = self.policy_mdp.get_guarantees_at_current_state() self.mdp_as.publish_feedback( ExecutePolicyFeedback(probability=probability, expected_time=expected_time, prog_reward=prog_reward, current_waypoint=self.current_waypoint, executed_action=executed_action, execution_status=status, next_action=next_action)) def preempt_policy_execution_cb(self): self.top_nav_policy_exec.cancel_all_goals() self.action_executor.cancel_all_goals() self.cancelled = True def main(self): # Wait for control-c rospy.spin() if rospy.is_shutdown(): self.policy_utils.shutdown_prism(True)
class PathExecutor: _feedback = ExecutePathFeedback() _result = ExecutePathResult() def __init__(self, name): # self._goal_publisher = Simple # self.pe_client_for_bug2= SimpleActionClient('/bug2/move_to',MoveToAction) # self.pe_client_for_bug2.wait_for_server() print "----------------- in INIT ---------------------------------------" rospy.loginfo("Creating an action server") # Creating a client to perform the bug2 function self._move_to_client = SimpleActionClient('/bug2/move_to', MoveToAction) # Creating an action server self._as = SimpleActionServer('/path_executor/execute_path', ExecutePathAction, \ execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start=False) # Starting the server self._as.start() # Using a flag to aid preemption self.flag = True # Using a flag to detect the completion of 3 goals self.success = True def execute_cb(self, goal): # Executed every time a goal is sent by the client self._move_to_client.wait_for_server() # printing the goals in the terminal rospy.loginfo(goal.path.poses) # Creating an instance of MoveToGoal to compose a goal message self.move = MoveToGoal() # Iterating through the goals and sending it to the move_to_client for i in range(len(goal.path.poses)): if i == 2: self.success = True else: self.success = False self._pose = goal.path.poses[i] self.move.target_pose = self._pose self._move_to_client.send_goal(self.move, done_cb=self.move_to_done_cb) self._move_to_client.wait_for_result() # self.success = True rospy.spin() # setting the server's preempted() function if it's requested while flag: if self._as.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo('%s: Preempted' % self._action_name) self._as.set_preempted() break def move_to_done_cb(self, state, result): if (state == 3): # self._result.visited.append(True) self._feedback.reached = True self._feedback.pose = self._pose elif (state == 4): self._feedback.reached = False # rospy.loginfo(self._result) self._as.publish_feedback(self._feedback) if self.success == True: print "All goals are considered" self._as.set_succeeded(self._result)
class RobbieHeadActionServer(): def __init__(self): # Initialize constants self.JOINTS_COUNT = 2 # Number of joints to manage self.ERROR_THRESHOLD = 0.02 # Report success if error reaches below threshold (0.015 also works) self.TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD = rospy.Duration(15.0) # Report failure if action does not succeed within timeout threshold # Initialize new node rospy.init_node(NAME, anonymous=True) # Initialize publisher & subscriber for pan self.head_pan_frame = 'head_pan_link' self.head_pan = JointControllerState(set_point=0.0, process_value=0.0, error=1.0) self.head_pan_pub = rospy.Publisher('head_pan_controller/command', Float64) rospy.Subscriber('head_pan_controller/state_pr2_msgs', JointControllerState, self.read_current_pan) rospy.wait_for_message('head_pan_controller/state_pr2_msgs', JointControllerState) # Initialize publisher & subscriber for tilt self.head_tilt_frame = 'head_tilt_link' self.head_tilt = JointControllerState(set_point=0.0, process_value=0.0, error=1.0) self.head_tilt_pub = rospy.Publisher('head_tilt_controller/command', Float64) rospy.Subscriber('head_tilt_controller/state_pr2_msgs', JointControllerState, self.read_current_tilt) rospy.wait_for_message('head_tilt_controller/state_pr2_msgs', JointControllerState) # Initialize tf listener = tf.TransformListener() # Initialize point action server self.result = RobbieHeadResult() = RobbieHeadFeedback() = [self.head_pan.process_value, self.head_tilt.process_value] self.server = SimpleActionServer(NAME, RobbieHeadAction, self.execute_callback, auto_start=False) # Reset head position rospy.sleep(1) self.reset_head_position() rospy.loginfo("%s: Ready to accept goals", NAME) def read_current_pan(self, pan_data): self.head_pan = pan_data self.has_latest_pan = True def read_current_tilt(self, tilt_data): self.head_tilt = tilt_data self.has_latest_tilt = True def reset_head_position(self): self.head_pan_pub.publish(0.0) self.head_tilt_pub.publish(0.0) rospy.sleep(5) def wait_for_latest_controller_states(self, timeout): self.has_latest_pan = False self.has_latest_tilt = False r = rospy.Rate(100) start = while (self.has_latest_pan == False or self.has_latest_tilt == False) and ( - start < timeout): r.sleep() def transform_target_point(self, point): pan_target_frame = self.head_pan_frame tilt_target_frame = self.head_tilt_frame # Wait for tf info (time-out in 5 seconds), point.header.frame_id, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(5.0)), point.header.frame_id, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(5.0)) # Transform target point to pan reference frame & retrieve the pan angle pan_target =, point) pan_angle = math.atan2(pan_target.point.y, pan_target.point.x) #rospy.loginfo("%s: Pan transformed to <%s, %s, %s> => angle %s", \ # NAME, pan_target.point.x, pan_target.point.y, pan_target.point.z, pan_angle) # Transform target point to tilt reference frame & retrieve the tilt angle tilt_target =, point) tilt_angle = math.atan2(tilt_target.point.z, math.sqrt(math.pow(tilt_target.point.x, 2) + math.pow(tilt_target.point.y, 2))) #rospy.loginfo("%s: Tilt transformed to <%s, %s, %s> => angle %s", \ # NAME, tilt_target.point.x, tilt_target.point.y, tilt_target.point.z, tilt_angle) return [pan_angle, tilt_angle] def execute_callback(self, goal): r = rospy.Rate(100) self.result.success = True self.result.head_position = [self.head_pan.process_value, self.head_tilt.process_value] rospy.loginfo("%s: Executing move head", NAME) # Initialize target joints target_joints = list() for i in range(self.JOINTS_COUNT): target_joints.append(0.0) # Retrieve target joints from goal if (len(goal.target_joints) > 0): for i in range(min(len(goal.target_joints), len(target_joints))): target_joints[i] = goal.target_joints[i] else: try: # Try to convert target point to pan & tilt angles target_joints = self.transform_target_point(goal.target_point) except (tf.Exception, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.LookupException): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Transform Failure", NAME) self.result.success = False self.server.set_aborted() return # Publish goal command to controllers self.head_pan_pub.publish(target_joints[0]) self.head_tilt_pub.publish(target_joints[1]) # Initialize loop variables start_time = while (math.fabs(target_joints[0] - self.head_pan.process_value) > self.ERROR_THRESHOLD or \ math.fabs(target_joints[1] - self.head_tilt.process_value) > self.ERROR_THRESHOLD): # Cancel exe if another goal was received (i.e. preempt requested) if self.server.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Action Preempted", NAME) self.result.success = False self.server.set_preempted() break # Publish current head position as feedback = [self.head_pan.process_value, self.head_tilt.process_value] self.server.publish_feedback( # Abort if timeout current_time = if (current_time - start_time > self.TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Action Timeout", NAME) self.result.success = False self.server.set_aborted() break r.sleep() if (self.result.success): rospy.loginfo("%s: Goal Completed", NAME) self.wait_for_latest_controller_states(rospy.Duration(2.0)) self.result.head_position = [self.head_pan.process_value, self.head_tilt.process_value] self.server.set_succeeded(self.result)
class OnlineBagger(object): BAG_TOPIC = '/online_bagger/bag' def __init__(self): """ Make dictionary of dequeues. Subscribe to set of topics defined by the yaml file in directory Stream topics up to a given stream time, dump oldest messages when limit is reached Set up service to bag n seconds of data default to all of available data """ self.successful_subscription_count = 0 # successful subscriptions self.iteration_count = 0 # number of iterations self.streaming = True self.get_params() if len(self.subscriber_list) == 0: rospy.logwarn('No topics selected to subscribe to. Closing.') rospy.signal_shutdown('No topics to subscribe to') return self.make_dicts() self._action_server = SimpleActionServer(OnlineBagger.BAG_TOPIC, BagOnlineAction, execute_cb=self.start_bagging, auto_start=False) self.subscribe_loop() rospy.loginfo('Remaining Failed Topics: {}\n'.format( self.get_subscriber_list(False))) self._action_server.start() def get_subscriber_list(self, status): """ Get string of all topics, if their subscribe status matches the input (True / False) Outputs each topics: time_buffer(float in seconds), subscribe_statue(bool), topic(string) """ sub_list = '' for topic in self.subscriber_list.keys(): if self.subscriber_list[topic][1] == status: sub_list = sub_list + \ '\n{:13}, {}'.format(self.subscriber_list[topic], topic) return sub_list def get_params(self): """ Retrieve parameters from param server. """ self.dir = rospy.get_param('~bag_package_path', default=None) # Handle bag directory for MIL bag script if self.dir is None and 'BAG_DIR' in os.environ: self.dir = os.environ['BAG_DIR'] self.stream_time = rospy.get_param('~stream_time', default=30) # seconds self.resubscribe_period = rospy.get_param('~resubscribe_period', default=3.0) # seconds self.dated_folder = rospy.get_param('~dated_folder', default=True) # bool self.subscriber_list = {} topics_param = rospy.get_param('~topics', default=[]) # Add topics from rosparam to subscribe list for topic in topics_param: time = topic[1] if len(topic) == 2 else self.stream_time self.subscriber_list[topic[0]] = (time, False) def add_unique_topic(topic): if topic not in self.subscriber_list: self.subscriber_list[topic] = (self.stream_time, False) def add_env_var(var): for topic in var.split(): add_unique_topic(topic) # Add topics from MIL bag script environment variables if 'BAG_ALWAYS' in os.environ: add_env_var(os.environ['BAG_ALWAYS']) for key in os.environ.keys(): if key[0:4] == 'bag_': add_env_var(os.environ[key]) rospy.loginfo('Default stream_time: {} seconds'.format( self.stream_time)) rospy.loginfo('Bag Directory: {}'.format(self.dir)) def make_dicts(self): """ Make dictionary with sliceable deques() that will be filled with messages and time stamps. Subscriber list contains all of the topics, their stream time and their subscription status: A True status for a given topic corresponds to a successful subscription A False status indicates a failed subscription. Stream time for an individual topic is specified in seconds. For Example: self.subscriber_list[0:1] = [['/odom', 300 ,False], ['/absodom', 300, True]] Indicates that '/odom' has not been subscribed to, but '/absodom' has been subscribed to self.topic_messages is a dictionary of deques containing a list of tuples. Dictionary Keys contain topic names Each value for each topic contains a deque Each deque contains a list of tuples Each tuple contains a message and its associated time stamp For example: '/odom' is a potential topic name self.topic_message['/odom'] is a deque self.topic_message['/odom'][0] is the oldest message available in the deque and its time stamp if available. It is a tuple with each element: (time_stamp, msg) self.topic_message['/odom'][0][0] is the time stamp for the oldest message self.topic_message['/odom'][0][1] is the message associated with the oldest topic """ self.topic_messages = {} class SliceableDeque(deque): def __getitem__(self, index): if isinstance(index, slice): return type(self)(itertools.islice(self, index.start, index.stop, index.step)) return deque.__getitem__(self, index) for topic in self.subscriber_list: self.topic_messages[topic] = SliceableDeque(deque()) rospy.loginfo('Initial subscriber_list: {}'.format( self.get_subscriber_list(False))) def subscribe_loop(self): """ Continue to subscribe until at least one topic is successful, then break out of loop and be called in the callback function to prevent the function from locking up. """ self.resubscriber = None i = 0 # if self.successful_subscription_count == 0 and not # rospy.is_shutdown(): while self.successful_subscription_count == 0 and not rospy.is_shutdown( ): self.subscribe() rospy.sleep(0.1) i = i + 1 if i % 1000 == 0: rospy.logdebug('still subscribing!') rospy.loginfo( "Subscribed to {} of {} topics, will try again every {} seconds". format(self.successful_subscription_count, len(self.subscriber_list), self.resubscribe_period)) self.resubscriber = rospy.Timer( rospy.Duration(self.resubscribe_period), self.subscribe) def subscribe(self, time_info=None): """ Subscribe to the topics defined in the yaml configuration file Function checks subscription status True/False of each topic if True: topic has already been sucessfully subscribed to if False: topic still needs to be subscribed to and subscriber will be run. Each element in self.subscriber list is a list [topic, Bool] where the Bool tells the current status of the subscriber (sucess/failure). Return number of topics that failed subscription """ if self.successful_subscription_count == len(self.subscriber_list): if self.resubscriber is not None: self.resubscriber.shutdown() rospy.loginfo( 'All topics subscribed too! Shutting down resubscriber') for topic, (time, subscribed) in self.subscriber_list.items(): if not subscribed: msg_class = rostopic.get_topic_class(topic) if msg_class[1] is not None: self.successful_subscription_count += 1 rospy.Subscriber(topic, msg_class[0], lambda msg, _topic=topic: self. bagger_callback(msg, _topic)) self.subscriber_list[topic] = (time, True) def get_topic_duration(self, topic): """ Return current time duration of topic """ return self.topic_messages[topic][-1][0] - self.topic_messages[topic][ 0][0] def get_header_time(self, msg): """ Retrieve header time if available """ if hasattr(msg, 'header'): return msg.header.stamp else: return rospy.get_rostime() def get_time_index(self, topic, requested_seconds): """ Return the index for the time index for a topic at 'n' seconds from the end of the dequeue For example, to bag the last 10 seconds of data, the index for 10 seconds back from the most recent message can be obtained with this function. The number of requested seconds should be the number of seoncds desired from the end of deque. (ie. requested_seconds = 10 ) If the desired time length of the bag is greater than the available messages it will output a message and return how ever many seconds of data are avaiable at the moment. Seconds is of a number type (not a rospy.Time type) (ie. int, float) """ topic_duration = self.get_topic_duration(topic).to_sec() if topic_duration == 0: return 0 ratio = requested_seconds / topic_duration index = int(self.get_topic_message_count(topic) * (1 - min(ratio, 1))) return index def bagger_callback(self, msg, topic): """ Streaming callback function, stops streaming during bagging process also pops off msgs from dequeue if stream size is greater than specified stream_time Stream, callback function does nothing if streaming is not active """ if not self.streaming: return self.iteration_count = self.iteration_count + 1 time = self.get_header_time(msg) self.topic_messages[topic].append((time, msg)) time_diff = self.get_topic_duration(topic) # verify streaming is popping off and recording topics if self.iteration_count % 100 == 0: rospy.logdebug("{} has {} messages spanning {} seconds".format( topic, self.get_topic_message_count(topic), round(time_diff.to_sec(), 2))) while time_diff > rospy.Duration( self.subscriber_list[topic][0]) and not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.topic_messages[topic].popleft() time_diff = self.get_topic_duration(topic) def get_topic_message_count(self, topic): """ Return number of messages available in a topic """ return len(self.topic_messages[topic]) def get_total_message_count(self): """ Returns total number of messages across all topics """ total_message_count = 0 for topic in self.topic_messages.keys(): total_message_count = total_message_count + \ self.get_topic_message_count(topic) return total_message_count def _get_default_filename(self): return str( + '-' + str([0:8] def get_bag_name(self, filename=''): """ Create ros bag save directory If no bag name is provided, the current date/time is used as default. """ # If directory param is not set, default to $HOME/bags/<date> default_dir = self.dir if default_dir is None: default_dir = os.path.join(os.environ['HOME'], 'bags') # if dated folder param is set to True, append current date to # directory if self.dated_folder is True: default_dir = os.path.join(default_dir, str( # Split filename from directory bag_dir, bag_name = os.path.split(filename) bag_dir = os.path.join(default_dir, bag_dir) if not os.path.exists(bag_dir): os.makedirs(bag_dir) # Create default filename if only directory specified if bag_name == '': bag_name = self._get_default_filename() # Make sure filename ends in .bag, add otherwise if bag_name[-4:] != '.bag': bag_name = bag_name + '.bag' return os.path.join(bag_dir, bag_name) def start_bagging(self, req): """ Dump all data in dictionary to bags, temporarily stops streaming during the bagging process, resumes streaming when over. If bagging is already false because of an active call to this service """ result = BagOnlineResult() if self.streaming is False: result.status = 'Bag Request came in while bagging, priority given to prior request' result.success = False self._action_server.set_aborted(result) return try: self.streaming = False result.filename = self.get_bag_name(req.bag_name) bag = rosbag.Bag(result.filename, 'w') requested_seconds = req.bag_time selected_topics = req.topics.split() feedback = BagOnlineFeedback() total_messages = 0 bag_topics = {} for topic, (time, subscribed) in self.subscriber_list.iteritems(): if not subscribed: continue # Exclude topics that aren't in topics service argument # If topics argument is empty string, include all topics if len(selected_topics) > 0 and topic not in selected_topics: continue if len(self.topic_messages[topic]) == 0: continue if req.bag_time == 0: index = 0 else: index = self.get_time_index(topic, requested_seconds) total_messages += len(self.topic_messages[topic][index:]) bag_topics[topic] = index if total_messages == 0: result.success = False result.status = 'no messages' self._action_server.set_aborted(result) self.streaming = True bag.close() return self._action_server.publish_feedback(feedback) msg_inc = 0 for topic, index in bag_topics.iteritems(): for msgs in self.topic_messages[topic][index:]: bag.write(topic, msgs[1], t=msgs[0]) if msg_inc % 50 == 0: # send feedback every 50 messages feedback.progress = float(msg_inc) / total_messages self._action_server.publish_feedback(feedback) msg_inc += 1 # empty deque when done writing to bag self.topic_messages[topic].clear() feedback.progress = 1.0 self._action_server.publish_feedback(feedback) bag.close() except Exception as e: result.success = False result.status = 'Exception while writing bag: ' + str(e) self._action_server.set_aborted(result) self.streaming = True bag.close() return rospy.loginfo('Bag written to {}'.format(result.filename)) result.success = True self._action_server.set_succeeded(result) self.streaming = True
class move_base_fake_node: def __init__(self): self.action_server = SimpleActionServer( 'move_base', MoveBaseAction, execute_cb=self.execute_callback, auto_start=False ) # Simple action server will pretend to be move_base # Movement goal state self.goal = None # Is a goal set self.valid_goal = False # Is this a valid goal self.current_goal_started = False # Has the goal been started (i.e. have we told our Bug algorithm to use this point and start) self.current_goal_complete = False # Has the Bug algorithm told us it completed self.position = None # move_base feedback reports the current direction ## TO DO!! # Need a service provided by this node or something for the Bug algorithm to tell us it is done # Bug service to start and stop Bug algorithm # Bug service to set a new goal in Bug algorithm # rospy.wait_for_service() # rospy.wait_for_service() self.subscriber_odometry = rospy.Subscriber( 'odom/', Odometry, self.callback_odometry ) # We need to read the robots current point for the feedback self.subscriber_simple_goal = rospy.Subscriber( '/move_base_simple/goal/', PoseStamped, self.callback_simple_goal ) # Our return goal is done with /move_base_simple/goal/ self.goal_pub = rospy.Publisher( '/move_base/goal/', MoveBaseActionGoal, queue_size=10) # /move_base_simple/goal/ gets published here self.action_server.start() def execute_callback(self, move_base_goal): self.goal = move_base_goal.target_pose.pose # Set the provided goal as the current goal rospy.logdebug('[Move Base Fake] Execute Callback: {}'.format( str(self.goal.position))) self.valid_goal = True # Assume it is valid self.current_goal_started = False # It hasnt started yet self.current_goal_complete = False # It hasnt been completed r = rospy.Rate(1) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): # Always start by checking if there is a new goal that preempts the current one if self.action_server.is_preempt_requested(): ## TO DO!! # Tell Bug algorithm to stop before changing or stopping goal if self.action_server.is_new_goal_available(): new_goal = self.action_server.accept_new_goal( ) # There is a new goal rospy.logdebug('[Move Base Fake] New Goal: {}'.format( str(self.goal.position))) self.goal = new_goal.target_pose.pose # Set the provided goal as the current goal self.valid_goal = True # Assume it is valid self.current_goal_started = False # It hasnt started yet self.current_goal_complete = False # It hasnt been completed else: self.action_server.set_preempted( ) # No new goal, we've just been told to stop self.goal = None # Stop everything self.valid_goal = False self.current_goal_started = False self.current_goal_complete = False return # Start goal if self.valid_goal and not self.current_goal_started: rospy.logdebug('[Move Base Fake] Starting Goal') ## TO DO !! # Call the Bug services/topics etc to tell Bug algorithm new target point and then to start self.current_goal_started = True # Only start once # Feedback ever loop just reports current location feedback = MoveBaseFeedback() feedback.base_position.pose.position = self.position self.action_server.publish_feedback(feedback) # Completed is set in a callback that you need to link to a service or subscriber if self.current_goal_complete: rospy.logdebug('[Move Base Fake] Finishing Goal') ## TO DO!! # Tell Bug algorithm to stop before changing or stopping goal self.goal = None # Stop everything self.valid_goal = False self.current_goal_started = False self.current_goal_complete = False self.action_server.set_succeeded( MoveBaseResult(), 'Goal reached') # Send success message return r.sleep() # Shutdown rospy.logdebug('[Move Base Fake] Shutting Down') ## TO DO!! # Tell Bug algorithm to stop before changing or stopping goal self.goal = None # Stop everything self.valid_goal = False self.current_goal_started = False self.current_goal_complete = False # you need to connect this to something being called/published from the Bug algorithm def callback_complete(self, success): # TO DO!! # Implement some kind of service or subscriber so the Bug algorithm can tell this node it is complete self.current_goal_complete = def callback_odometry(self, odom): self.position = odom.pose.pose.position # Simple goals get republished to the correct topic def callback_simple_goal(self, goal): rospy.logdebug('[Move Base Fake] Simple Goal: {}'.format( str(goal.pose.position))) action_goal = MoveBaseActionGoal() action_goal.header.stamp = action_goal.goal.target_pose = goal self.goal_pub.publish(action_goal)
class SimpleMoveAction(): """docstring for SimpleMoveAction""" def __init__(self, name): self.linear_speed = rospy.get_param('~linear_speed', 0.2) # measure from robot center self.angular_speed = rospy.get_param('~angular_speed', 0.5) self.linear_tolerance = 0.05 # theta self.angular_tolerance = 10 # theta self.cmd_vel_pub = rospy.Publisher("/cmd_vel", Twist, queue_size=1) # Initialize the tf listener self.tf_listener = tf.TransformListener() # Give tf some time to fill its buffer rospy.sleep(2) # Set the odom frame self.odom_frame = '/odom' self._action_name = name # Find out if the robot uses /base_link or /base_footprint try: self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(self.odom_frame, '/base_footprint', rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(1.0)) self.base_frame = '/base_footprint' except (tf.Exception, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.LookupException): try: self.tf_listener.waitForTransform(self.odom_frame, '/base_link', rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(1.0)) self.base_frame = '/base_link' except (tf.Exception, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.LookupException): rospy.loginfo( "Cannot find transform between /odom and /base_link or /base_footprint" ) rospy.signal_shutdown("tf Exception") self._feedback = sevenbot_navigation.msg.SimpleMoveFeedback() self._result = sevenbot_navigation.msg.SimpleMoveResult() self._as = SimpleActionServer(self._action_name, sevenbot_navigation.msg.SimpleMoveAction, \ execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start = False) self._as.start() def get_odom(self): # Get the current transform between the odom and base frames try: trans, quat = self.tf_listener.lookupTransform( self.odom_frame, self.base_frame, rospy.Time(0)) except (tf.Exception, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.LookupException): rospy.loginfo("TF Exception") return return trans, quat def go_straight(self, dist_vec): cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.linear.x = self.linear_speed # Publish the Twist message and sleep 1 cycle self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) # Post-update trans, quat = self.get_odom() dist_vec.x = self.goal.pose.position.x - trans[0] dist_vec.y = self.goal.pose.position.y - trans[1] r = rospy.Rate(20) r.sleep() return dist_vec def turn_in_place(self, dist_vec): cmd_vel = Twist() cmd_vel.angular.z = self.angular_speed # Publish the Twist message and sleep 1 cycle self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) trans, quat = self.get_odom() quat0 = [ self.goal.pose.orientation.w, self.goal.pose.orientation.x, self.goal.pose.orientation.y, self.goal.pose.orientation.z ] dist_vec.z = tftr.euler_from_quaternion( tftr.quaternion_slerp(quat0, quat, fraction=1))[2] # take only the Yaw value r = rospy.Rate(20) r.sleep() return dist_vec def execute_cb(self, goal): self.goal = goal self._result.reached = False # How fast will we update the robot's movement? dist_vec = Vector3() trans, quat = self.get_odom() dist_vec.x = self.goal.pose.position.x - trans[0] dist_vec.y = self.goal.pose.position.y - trans[1] # the goal contains a quat already turned, so this with end up with the error between current and goal # dist_vec.z will be the euler angle theta of the error to goal quat0 = [ self.goal.pose.orientation.w, self.goal.pose.orientation.x, self.goal.pose.orientation.y, self.goal.pose.orientation.z ] dist_vec.z = tftr.euler_from_quaternion( tftr.quaternion_slerp(quat0, quat, fraction=1))[2] print tftr.euler_from_quaternion(quat0) print tftr.euler_from_quaternion( tftr.quaternion_slerp(quat0, quat, fraction=1)) print('goal z', dist_vec.z) distance = sqrt(dist_vec.x**2 + dist_vec.y**2) while (distance - self.linear_tolerance) > 0.0 and not rospy.is_shutdown(): dist_vec = self.go_straight(dist_vec) distance = sqrt(dist_vec.x**2 + dist_vec.y**2) self._feedback.vector = dist_vec self._as.publish_feedback(self._feedback) # rospy.loginfo('%s: Moving, distance to goal %f ' % (self._action_name, distance)) # Stop the robot before the rotation cmd_vel = Twist() self.cmd_vel_pub.publish(cmd_vel) rospy.sleep(3) # Now start turning trans, quat = self.get_odom() quat0 = [ self.goal.pose.orientation.w, self.goal.pose.orientation.x, self.goal.pose.orientation.y, self.goal.pose.orientation.z ] # update the orientation again to make sure you have the latest value after the straight action dist_vec.z = tftr.euler_from_quaternion( tftr.quaternion_slerp(quat0, quat, fraction=1))[2] while (dist_vec.z - self.angular_tolerance) > 0.0 and not rospy.is_shutdown(): dist_vec = self.turn_in_place(dist_vec) self._feedback.vector = dist_vec self._as.publish_feedback(self._feedback) rospy.loginfo('%s: Truning to goal %f' % (self._action_name, self._feedback.x, self._feedback.y, self._feedback.z)) # Goal should be reached after the operations but this is not helpful self._result.reached = True trans, quat = self.get_odom() pose = Pose() pose.position = Point(*trans) pose.orientation = Quaternion(*quat) self._result.pose = pose rospy.loginfo('%s: Succeeded' % self._action_name) self._as.set_succeeded(self._result)
class V_search(object): def __init__(self, height, res): self.resolution = res # Resolution of the motion self.motion_height = height # Height of the motion to the ground # Create search server self.search_server = SimpleActionServer('search_server', ExecuteSearchAction, self.searchCallback, False) self.server_feedback = ExecuteSearchFeedback() self.server_result = ExecuteSearchResult() # Get client from trajectory server self.trajectory_client = SimpleActionClient( "approach_server", ExecuteDroneApproachAction) self.trajectory_client.wait_for_server() self.next_point = ExecuteDroneApproachGoal( ) # Message to define next position to look for victims ## variables self.sonar_me = Condition() self.odometry_me = Condition() self.current_height = None self.odometry = None # Subscribe to sonar_height rospy.Subscriber("sonar_height", Range, self.sonar_callback, queue_size=10) # Subscribe to ground_truth to monitor the current pose of the robot rospy.Subscriber("ground_truth/state", Odometry, self.poseCallback) # Start trajectory server self.search_server.start() def trajectory_feed(self, msg): ''' Verifies preemption requisitions ''' if self.search_server.is_preempt_requested(): self.trajectory_client.cancel_goal() def searchCallback(self, search_area): ''' Execute a search for vitims into the defined area ''' x = search_area.x # x size of the area to explore y = search_area.y # y size of the area to explore start = search_area.origin # Point to start the search self.next_point.goal.position.x = start.x # Desired x position self.next_point.goal.position.y = start.y # Desired y position theta = 0 # Convert desired angle q = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, theta, 'ryxz') self.next_point.goal.orientation.x = q[0] self.next_point.goal.orientation.y = q[1] self.next_point.goal.orientation.z = q[2] self.next_point.goal.orientation.w = q[3] x_positions = ceil(x / self.resolution) y_positions = ceil(y / self.resolution) x_count = 0 # Counter of steps (in meters traveled) direction = 1 # Direction of the motion (right, left or up) trials = 0 # v_search trials while not rospy.is_shutdown(): self.odometry_me.acquire() self.server_result.last_pose = self.odometry self.server_feedback.current_pose = self.odometry self.odometry_me.release() if self.search_server.is_preempt_requested(): self.search_server.set_preempted(self.server_result) return self.search_server.publish_feedback(self.server_feedback) self.sonar_me.acquire() # print("Current height from ground:\n\n{}".format(self.current_height)) # Current distance from ground h_error = self.motion_height - self.current_height self.sonar_me.release() self.odometry_me.acquire() self.next_point.goal.position.z = self.odometry.position.z + h_error # Desired z position self.odometry_me.release() self.trajectory_client.send_goal(self.next_point, feedback_cb=self.trajectory_feed) self.trajectory_client.wait_for_result() # Wait for the result result = self.trajectory_client.get_state( ) # Get the state of the action # print(result) if result == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: # Verifies if all the area have been searched if (self.next_point.goal.position.x == (start.x + x)) and ( (self.next_point.goal.position.y == (start.y + y))): self.odometry_me.acquire() self.server_result.last_pose = self.odometry self.odometry_me.release() self.search_server.set_succeeded(self.server_result) return last_direction = direction direction = self.square_function( x_count, 2 * x) # Get the direction of the next step if last_direction != direction: # drone moves on y axis theta = pi / 2 self.next_point.goal.position.y += y / y_positions elif direction == 1: # drone moves to the right theta = 0 self.next_point.goal.position.x += x / x_positions x_count += x / x_positions elif direction == -1: # drone moves to the left theta = pi self.next_point.goal.position.x -= x / x_positions x_count += x / x_positions # Convert desired angle q = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, theta, 'ryxz') self.next_point.goal.orientation.x = q[0] self.next_point.goal.orientation.y = q[1] self.next_point.goal.orientation.z = q[2] self.next_point.goal.orientation.w = q[3] elif result == GoalStatus.ABORTED: trials += 1 if trials == 2: self.search_server.set_aborted(self.server_result) return def square_function(self, x, max_x): ''' Function to simulate a square wave function ''' if round(sin(2 * pi * x / max_x), 2) > 0: return 1 elif round(sin(2 * pi * x / max_x), 2) < 0: return -1 else: if round(cos(2 * pi * x / max_x), 2) > 0: return 1 else: return -1 def sonar_callback(self, msg): ''' Function to update drone height ''' self.sonar_me.acquire() self.current_height = msg.range self.sonar_me.release() def poseCallback(self, odometry): ''' Monitor the current position of the robot ''' self.odometry_me.acquire() self.odometry = odometry.pose.pose self.odometry_me.release()
class Approach(object): def __init__(self, name, takeoff_height): self.robot_name = name self.takeoff_height = takeoff_height # Mutual exclusion self.sonar_me = Condition() self.odometry_me = Condition() self.current_height = None # Create trajectory server self.trajectory_server = SimpleActionServer( 'approach_server', ExecuteDroneApproachAction, self.goCallback, False) self.server_feedback = ExecuteDroneApproachFeedback() self.server_result = ExecuteDroneApproachResult() # Get client from hector_quadrotor_actions self.move_client = SimpleActionClient("/{}/action/pose".format(name), PoseAction) self.move_client.wait_for_server() # Subscribe to ground_truth to monitor the current pose of the robot rospy.Subscriber("/{}/ground_truth/state".format(name), Odometry, self.poseCallback) # Subscribe to topic to receive the planned trajectory rospy.Subscriber("/{}/move_group/display_planned_path".format(name), DisplayTrajectory, self.planCallback) #Auxiliary variables self.trajectory = [] # Array with the trajectory to be executed self.trajectory_received = False # Flag to signal trajectory received self.odom_received = False # Flag to signal odom received self.robot = RobotCommander( robot_description="{}/robot_description".format(name), ns="/{}".format(name)) self.display_trajectory_publisher = rospy.Publisher( '/{}/move_group/display_planned_path'.format(name), DisplayTrajectory, queue_size=20) # Variables for collision callback self.validity_srv = rospy.ServiceProxy( '/{}/check_state_validity'.format(name), GetStateValidity) self.validity_srv.wait_for_service() self.collision = False # Subscribe to sonar_height rospy.Subscriber("sonar_height", Range, self.sonar_callback, queue_size=10) #Start move_group self.move_group = MoveGroup('earth', name) self.move_group.set_planner(planner_id='RRTConnectkConfigDefault', attempts=10, allowed_time=2) #RRTConnectkConfigDefault self.move_group.set_workspace([XMIN, YMIN, ZMIN, XMAX, YMAX, ZMAX]) # Set the workspace size # Get current robot position to define as start planning point self.current_pose = self.robot.get_current_state() #Start planningScenePublisher self.scene_pub = PlanningScenePublisher(name, self.current_pose) # Start trajectory server self.trajectory_server.start() def sonar_callback(self, msg): ''' Function to update drone height ''' self.sonar_me.acquire() self.current_height = msg.range self.sonar_me.notify() self.sonar_me.release() def poseCallback(self, odometry): ''' Monitor the current position of the robot ''' self.odometry_me.acquire() self.odometry = odometry.pose.pose # print(self.odometry) self.odometry_me.release() self.odom_received = True def goCallback(self, pose): ''' Require a plan to go to the desired target and try to execute it 5 time or return erro ''' = pose.goal #################################################################### # First takeoff if the drone is close to ground self.sonar_me.acquire() while not (self.current_height and self.odometry): self.sonar_me.wait() if self.current_height < self.takeoff_height: self.odometry_me.acquire() takeoff_pose = PoseGoal() takeoff_pose.target_pose.header.frame_id = "{}/world".format( self.robot_name) takeoff_pose.target_pose.pose.position.x = self.odometry.position.x takeoff_pose.target_pose.pose.position.y = self.odometry.position.y takeoff_pose.target_pose.pose.position.z = self.odometry.position.z + self.takeoff_height - self.current_height #Add the heght error to the height takeoff_pose.target_pose.pose.orientation.x = self.odometry.orientation.x takeoff_pose.target_pose.pose.orientation.y = self.odometry.orientation.y takeoff_pose.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = self.odometry.orientation.z takeoff_pose.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = self.odometry.orientation.w self.odometry_me.release() self.move_client.send_goal(takeoff_pose) self.move_client.wait_for_result() result = self.move_client.get_state() if result == GoalStatus.ABORTED: rospy.logerr("Abort approach! Unable to execute takeoff!") self.trajectory_server.set_aborted() return self.sonar_me.release() #################################################################### rospy.loginfo("Try to start from [{},{},{}]".format( self.odometry.position.x, self.odometry.position.y, self.odometry.position.z)) rospy.loginfo("Try to go to [{},{},{}]".format(,, self.trials = 0 while self.trials < 5: rospy.logwarn("Attempt {}".format(self.trials + 1)) if (self.trials > 1): += 2 * rd() - 1 result = self.go( if (result == 'replan') or (result == 'no_plan'): self.trials += 1 else: self.trials = 10 self.collision = False if result == 'ok': self.trajectory_server.set_succeeded() elif (result == 'preempted'): self.trajectory_server.set_preempted() else: self.trajectory_server.set_aborted() def go(self, target_): ''' Function to plan and execute the trajectory one time ''' # Insert goal position on an array target = [] target.append(target_.position.x) target.append(target_.position.y) target.append(target_.position.z) target.append(target_.orientation.x) target.append(target_.orientation.y) target.append(target_.orientation.z) target.append(target_.orientation.w) #Define target for move_group # self.move_group.set_joint_value_target(target) self.move_group.set_target(target) self.odometry_me.acquire() self.current_pose.multi_dof_joint_state.transforms[ 0].translation.x = self.odometry.position.x self.current_pose.multi_dof_joint_state.transforms[ 0].translation.y = self.odometry.position.y self.current_pose.multi_dof_joint_state.transforms[ 0].translation.z = self.odometry.position.z self.current_pose.multi_dof_joint_state.transforms[ 0].rotation.x = self.odometry.orientation.x self.current_pose.multi_dof_joint_state.transforms[ 0].rotation.x = self.odometry.orientation.y self.current_pose.multi_dof_joint_state.transforms[ 0].rotation.x = self.odometry.orientation.z self.current_pose.multi_dof_joint_state.transforms[ 0].rotation.x = self.odometry.orientation.w self.odometry_me.release() #Set start state self.move_group.set_start_state(self.current_pose) # Plan a trajectory till the desired target plan = self.move_group.plan() if plan.planned_trajectory.multi_dof_joint_trajectory.points: # Execute only if has points on the trajectory while (not self.trajectory_received): rospy.loginfo("Waiting for trajectory!") rospy.sleep(0.2) # rospy.loginfo("TRAJECTORY: {}".format(self.trajectory)) #Execute trajectory with action_pose last_pose = self.trajectory[0] for pose in self.trajectory: # Verify preempt call if self.trajectory_server.is_preempt_requested(): self.move_client.send_goal(last_pose) self.move_client.wait_for_result() self.scene_pub.publishScene() self.trajectory_received = False self.odom_received = False return 'preempted' #Send next pose to move self.next_pose = pose.target_pose.pose self.move_client.send_goal(pose, feedback_cb=self.collisionCallback) self.move_client.wait_for_result() result = self.move_client.get_state() self.scene_pub.publishScene() # Abort if the drone can not reach the position if result == GoalStatus.ABORTED: self.move_client.send_goal( last_pose) #Go back to the last pose self.move_client.wait_for_result() self.trajectory_received = False self.odom_received = False return 'aborted' elif result == GoalStatus.PREEMPTED: # last_pose.target_pose.pose.position.z += rd() - 0.5 self.move_client.send_goal( last_pose) #Go back to the last pose self.move_client.wait_for_result() self.trajectory_received = False self.odom_received = False return 'replan' elif result == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: self.trials = 0 last_pose = pose self.server_feedback.current_pose = self.odometry self.trajectory_server.publish_feedback(self.server_feedback) # Reset control variables self.trajectory_received = False self.odom_received = False rospy.loginfo("Trajectory is traversed!") return 'ok' else: rospy.logerr("Trajectory is empty. Planning was unsuccessful.") return 'no_plan' def planCallback(self, msg): ''' Receive planned trajectories and insert it into an array of waypoints ''' if (not self.odom_received): return # Variable to calculate the distance difference between 2 consecutive points last_pose = PoseGoal() last_pose.target_pose.pose.position.x = self.odometry.position.x last_pose.target_pose.pose.position.y = self.odometry.position.y last_pose.target_pose.pose.position.z = self.odometry.position.z last_pose.target_pose.pose.orientation.x = self.odometry.orientation.x last_pose.target_pose.pose.orientation.y = self.odometry.orientation.y last_pose.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = self.odometry.orientation.z last_pose.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = self.odometry.orientation.w self.trajectory = [] last_motion_theta = 0 for t in msg.trajectory: for point in t.multi_dof_joint_trajectory.points: waypoint = PoseGoal() waypoint.target_pose.header.frame_id = "{}/world".format( self.robot_name) waypoint.target_pose.pose.position.x = point.transforms[ 0].translation.x waypoint.target_pose.pose.position.y = point.transforms[ 0].translation.y waypoint.target_pose.pose.position.z = point.transforms[ 0].translation.z # Orientate the robot always to the motion direction delta_x = point.transforms[ 0].translation.x - last_pose.target_pose.pose.position.x delta_y = point.transforms[ 0].translation.y - last_pose.target_pose.pose.position.y motion_theta = atan2(delta_y, delta_x) last_motion_theta = motion_theta # Make the robot orientation fit with the motion orientation if the movemente on xy is bigger than RESOLUTION # if (abs(delta_x) > RESOLUTION) or (abs(delta_y) > RESOLUTION): q = quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, motion_theta) waypoint.target_pose.pose.orientation.x = q[0] waypoint.target_pose.pose.orientation.y = q[1] waypoint.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = q[2] waypoint.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = q[3] # else: # waypoint.target_pose.pose.orientation.x = point.transforms[0].rotation.x # waypoint.target_pose.pose.orientation.y = point.transforms[0].rotation.y # waypoint.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = point.transforms[0].rotation.z # waypoint.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = point.transforms[0].rotation.w # Add a rotation inplace if next position has an angle difference bigger than 45 if abs(motion_theta - last_motion_theta) > 0.785: last_pose.target_pose.pose.orientation = waypoint.target_pose.pose.orientation self.trajectory.append(last_pose) last_pose = copy.copy( waypoint) # Save pose to calc the naxt delta last_motion_theta = motion_theta self.trajectory.append(waypoint) #Insert a last point to ensure that the robot end at the right position waypoint = PoseGoal() waypoint.target_pose.header.frame_id = "{}/world".format( self.robot_name) waypoint.target_pose.pose.position.x = point.transforms[ 0].translation.x waypoint.target_pose.pose.position.y = point.transforms[ 0].translation.y waypoint.target_pose.pose.position.z = point.transforms[ 0].translation.z waypoint.target_pose.pose.orientation.x = point.transforms[ 0].rotation.x waypoint.target_pose.pose.orientation.y = point.transforms[ 0].rotation.y waypoint.target_pose.pose.orientation.z = point.transforms[ 0].rotation.z waypoint.target_pose.pose.orientation.w = point.transforms[ 0].rotation.w self.trajectory.append(waypoint) self.trajectory_received = True def collisionCallback(self, feedback): ''' This callback runs on every feedback message received ''' validity_msg = GetStateValidityRequest( ) # Build message to verify collision validity_msg.group_name = PLANNING_GROUP if self.next_pose and (not self.collision): self.odometry_me.acquire() x = self.odometry.position.x y = self.odometry.position.y z = self.odometry.position.z # Distance between the robot and the next position dist = sqrt((self.next_pose.position.x - x)**2 + (self.next_pose.position.y - y)**2 + (self.next_pose.position.z - z)**2) # Pose to verify collision pose = Transform() pose.rotation.x = self.odometry.orientation.x pose.rotation.y = self.odometry.orientation.y pose.rotation.z = self.odometry.orientation.z pose.rotation.w = self.odometry.orientation.w self.odometry_me.release() #Verify possible collisions on diferent points between the robot and the goal point # rospy.logerr("\n\n\nCOLLISION CALLBACK: ") # rospy.logerr(dist) for d in arange(RESOLUTION, dist + 0.5, RESOLUTION): pose.translation.x = (self.next_pose.position.x - x) * (d / dist) + x pose.translation.y = (self.next_pose.position.y - y) * (d / dist) + y pose.translation.z = (self.next_pose.position.z - z) * (d / dist) + z self.current_pose.multi_dof_joint_state.transforms[ 0] = pose # Insert the correct odometry value validity_msg.robot_state = self.current_pose # Call service to verify collision collision_res = # print("\nCollision response:") # print(collision_res) # Check if robot is in collision if not collision_res.valid: # print(validity_msg) rospy.logerr('Collision in front [x:{} y:{} z:{}]'.format( pose.translation.x, pose.translation.y, pose.translation.z)) rospy.logerr('Current pose [x:{} y:{} z:{}]'.format( x, y, z)) # print(collision_res) self.move_client.cancel_goal() self.collision = True return
class CModelActionController(object): def __init__(self, activate=True): self._ns = rospy.get_namespace() # Read configuration parameters self._fb_rate = read_parameter( self._ns + 'gripper_action_controller/publish_rate', 60.0) self._min_gap = read_parameter( self._ns + 'gripper_action_controller/min_gap', 0.0) self._min_gap_counts = read_parameter( self._ns + 'gripper_action_controller/min_gap_counts', 230.) self._max_gap = read_parameter( self._ns + 'gripper_action_controller/max_gap', 0.085) self._min_speed = read_parameter( self._ns + 'gripper_action_controller/min_speed', 0.013) self._max_speed = read_parameter( self._ns + 'gripper_action_controller/max_speed', 0.1) self._min_force = read_parameter( self._ns + 'gripper_action_controller/min_force', 40.0) self._max_force = read_parameter( self._ns + 'gripper_action_controller/max_force', 100.0) # Configure and start the action server self._status = CModelStatus() self._name = self._ns + 'gripper_action_controller' self._server = SimpleActionServer(self._name, CModelCommandAction, execute_cb=self._execute_cb, auto_start=False) self.js_pub = rospy.Publisher('joint_states', JointState, queue_size=1) rospy.Subscriber('status', CModelStatus, self._status_cb, queue_size=1) self._cmd_pub = rospy.Publisher('command', CModelCommand, queue_size=1) working = True if activate and not self._ready(): rospy.sleep(2.0) working = self._activate() if not working: return self._server.start() rospy.logdebug('%s: Started' % self._name) def _preempt(self): self._stop() rospy.loginfo('%s: Preempted' % self._name) self._server.set_preempted() def _status_cb(self, msg): self._status = msg # Publish the joint_states for the gripper js_msg = JointState() js_msg.header.stamp ='robotiq_85_left_knuckle_joint') js_msg.position.append(0.8 * self._status.gPO / self._min_gap_counts) self.js_pub.publish(js_msg) def _execute_cb(self, goal): success = True # Check that the gripper is active. If not, activate it. if not self._ready(): if not self._activate(): rospy.logwarn( '%s could not accept goal because the gripper is not yet active' % self._name) return # check that preempt has not been requested by the client if self._server.is_preempt_requested(): self._preempt() return # Clip the goal position = np.clip(goal.position, self._min_gap, self._max_gap) velocity = np.clip(goal.velocity, self._min_speed, self._max_speed) force = np.clip(goal.force, self._min_force, self._max_force) # Send the goal to the gripper and feedback to the action client rate = rospy.Rate(self._fb_rate) rospy.logdebug('%s: Moving gripper to position: %.3f ' % (self._name, position)) feedback = CModelCommandFeedback() while not self._reached_goal(position): self._goto_position(position, velocity, force) if rospy.is_shutdown() or self._server.is_preempt_requested(): self._preempt() return feedback.position = self._get_position() feedback.stalled = self._stalled() feedback.reached_goal = self._reached_goal(position) self._server.publish_feedback(feedback) rate.sleep() if self._stalled(): break rospy.logdebug('%s: Succeeded' % self._name) result = CModelCommandResult() result.position = self._get_position() result.stalled = self._stalled() result.reached_goal = self._reached_goal(position) self._server.set_succeeded(result) def _activate(self, timeout=5.0): command = CModelCommand() command.rACT = 1 command.rGTO = 1 command.rSP = 255 command.rFR = 150 start_time = rospy.get_time() while not self._ready(): if rospy.is_shutdown(): self._preempt() return False if rospy.get_time() - start_time > timeout: rospy.logwarn('Failed to activated gripper in ns [%s]' % (self._ns)) return False self._cmd_pub.publish(command) rospy.sleep(0.1) rospy.loginfo('Successfully activated gripper in ns [%s]' % (self._ns)) return True def _get_position(self): gPO = self._status.gPO pos = np.clip((self._max_gap - self._min_gap) / (-self._min_gap_counts) * (gPO - self._min_gap_counts), self._min_gap, self._max_gap) return pos def _goto_position(self, pos, vel, force): """ Goto position with desired force and velocity @type pos: float @param pos: Gripper width in meters @type vel: float @param vel: Gripper speed in m/s @type force: float @param force: Gripper force in N """ command = CModelCommand() command.rACT = 1 command.rGTO = 1 command.rPR = int( np.clip((-self._min_gap_counts) / (self._max_gap - self._min_gap) * (pos - self._min_gap) + self._min_gap_counts, 0, self._min_gap_counts)) command.rSP = int( np.clip((255) / (self._max_speed - self._min_speed) * (vel - self._min_speed), 0, 255)) command.rFR = int( np.clip((255) / (self._max_force - self._min_force) * (force - self._min_force), 0, 255)) self._cmd_pub.publish(command) def _moving(self): return self._status.gGTO == 1 and self._status.gOBJ == 0 def _reached_goal(self, goal, tol=0.003): return (abs(goal - self._get_position()) < tol) def _ready(self): return self._status.gSTA == 3 and self._status.gACT == 1 def _stalled(self): return self._status.gOBJ == 1 or self._status.gOBJ == 2 def _stop(self): command = CModelCommand() command.rACT = 1 command.rGTO = 0 self._cmd_pub.publish(command) rospy.logdebug('Stopping gripper in ns [%s]' % (self._ns))
class PathExecutor: goal_index = 0 reached_all_nodes = True def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo('__init__ start') # create a node rospy.init_node(NODE) # Action server to receive goals self.path_server = SimpleActionServer('/path_executor/execute_path', ExecutePathAction, self.handle_path, auto_start=False) self.path_server.start() # publishers & clients self.visualization_publisher = rospy.Publisher('/path_executor/current_path', Path) # get parameters from launch file self.use_obstacle_avoidance = rospy.get_param('~use_obstacle_avoidance', True) # action server based on use_obstacle_avoidance if self.use_obstacle_avoidance == False: self.goal_client = SimpleActionClient('/motion_controller/move_to', MoveToAction) else: self.goal_client = SimpleActionClient('/bug2/move_to', MoveToAction) self.goal_client.wait_for_server() # other fields self.goal_index = 0 self.executePathGoal = None self.executePathResult = ExecutePathResult() def handle_path(self, paramExecutePathGoal): ''' Action server callback to handle following path in succession ''' rospy.loginfo('handle_path') self.goal_index = 0 self.executePathGoal = paramExecutePathGoal self.executePathResult = ExecutePathResult() if self.executePathGoal is not None: self.visualization_publisher.publish(self.executePathGoal.path) rate = rospy.Rate(10.0) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): if not self.path_server.is_active(): return if self.path_server.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo('Preempt requested...') # Stop bug2 self.goal_client.cancel_goal() # Stop path_server self.path_server.set_preempted() return if self.goal_index < len(self.executePathGoal.path.poses): moveto_goal = MoveToGoal() moveto_goal.target_pose = self.executePathGoal.path.poses[self.goal_index] self.goal_client.send_goal(moveto_goal, done_cb=self.handle_goal, feedback_cb=self.handle_goal_preempt) # Wait for result while self.goal_client.get_result() is None: if self.path_server.is_preempt_requested(): self.goal_client.cancel_goal() else: rospy.loginfo('Done processing goals') self.goal_client.cancel_goal() self.path_server.set_succeeded(self.executePathResult, 'Done processing goals') return rate.sleep() self.path_server.set_aborted(self.executePathResult, 'Aborted. The node has been killed.') def handle_goal(self, state, result): ''' Handle goal events (succeeded, preempted, aborted, unreachable, ...) Send feedback message ''' feedback = ExecutePathFeedback() feedback.pose = self.executePathGoal.path.poses[self.goal_index] # state is GoalStatus message as shown here: # if state == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.loginfo("Succeeded finding goal %d", self.goal_index + 1) self.executePathResult.visited.append(True) feedback.reached = True else: rospy.loginfo("Failed finding goal %d", self.goal_index + 1) self.executePathResult.visited.append(False) feedback.reached = False if not self.executePathGoal.skip_unreachable: rospy.loginfo('Failed finding goal %d, not skipping...', self.goal_index + 1) # Stop bug2 self.goal_client.cancel_goal() # Stop path_server self.path_server.set_succeeded(self.executePathResult, 'Unreachable goal in path. Done processing goals.') #self.path_server.set_preempted() #return self.path_server.publish_feedback(feedback) self.goal_index = self.goal_index + 1 def handle_goal_preempt(self, state): ''' Callback for goal_client to check for preemption from path_server ''' if self.path_server.is_preempt_requested(): self.goal_client.cancel_goal()
class ErraticBaseActionServer(): def __init__(self): self.base_frame = '/base_footprint' self.move_client = SimpleActionClient('move_base', MoveBaseAction) self.move_client.wait_for_server() = tf.TransformListener() self.result = ErraticBaseResult() = ErraticBaseFeedback() self.server = SimpleActionServer(NAME, ErraticBaseAction, self.execute_callback, auto_start=False) self.server.start() rospy.loginfo("%s: Ready to accept goals", NAME) def transform_target_point(self, point):, point.header.frame_id, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(5.0)) return, point) def move_to(self, target_pose): goal = MoveBaseGoal() goal.target_pose = target_pose goal.target_pose.header.stamp = self.move_client.send_goal(goal=goal, feedback_cb=self.move_base_feedback_cb) while not self.move_client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(0.01)): # check for preemption if self.server.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Action Preempted", NAME) self.move_client.cancel_goal() return GoalStatus.PREEMPTED return self.move_client.get_state() def move_base_feedback_cb(self, fb): = fb.base_position if self.server.is_active(): self.server.publish_feedback( def get_vicinity_target(self, target_pose, vicinity_range): vicinity_pose = PoseStamped() # transform target to base_frame reference target_point = PointStamped() target_point.header.frame_id = target_pose.header.frame_id target_point.point = target_pose.pose.position, target_pose.header.frame_id, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(5.0)) target =, target_point) rospy.logdebug("%s: Target at (%s, %s, %s)", NAME, target.point.x, target.point.y, target.point.z) # find distance to point dist = math.sqrt(math.pow(target.point.x, 2) + math.pow(target.point.y, 2)) if (dist < vicinity_range): # if already within range, then no need to move vicinity_pose.pose.position.x = 0.0 vicinity_pose.pose.position.y = 0.0 else: # normalize vector pointing from source to target target.point.x /= dist target.point.y /= dist # scale normal vector to within vicinity_range distance from target target.point.x *= (dist - vicinity_range) target.point.y *= (dist - vicinity_range) # add scaled vector to source vicinity_pose.pose.position.x = target.point.x + 0.0 vicinity_pose.pose.position.y = target.point.y + 0.0 # set orientation ori = Quaternion() yaw = math.atan2(target.point.y, target.point.x) (ori.x, ori.y, ori.z, ori.w) = tf.transformations.quaternion_from_euler(0, 0, yaw) vicinity_pose.pose.orientation = ori # prep header vicinity_pose.header = target_pose.header vicinity_pose.header.frame_id = self.base_frame rospy.logdebug("%s: Moving to (%s, %s, %s)", NAME, vicinity_pose.pose.position.x, vicinity_pose.pose.position.y, vicinity_pose.pose.position.z) return vicinity_pose def execute_callback(self, goal): rospy.loginfo("%s: Executing move base", NAME) move_base_result = None if goal.vicinity_range == 0.0: # go to exactly move_base_result = self.move_to(goal.target_pose) else: # go near (within vicinity_range meters) vicinity_target_pose = self.get_vicinity_target(goal.target_pose, goal.vicinity_range) move_base_result = self.move_to(vicinity_target_pose) # check results if (move_base_result == GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED): rospy.loginfo("%s: Succeeded", NAME) self.result.base_position = self.server.set_succeeded(self.result) elif (move_base_result == GoalStatus.PREEMPTED): rospy.loginfo("%s: Preempted", NAME) self.server.set_preempted() else: rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted", NAME) self.server.set_aborted()
class GoalServer(object): def __init__(self, name, predicate, parameters): rospy.loginfo("Starting %s ..." % name) self._as = SimpleActionServer(name, GoalServerAction, execute_cb=self.execute_cb, auto_start=False) self.planning_goal = predicate + "__" + "__".join(parameters) print self.planning_goal self.client = SimpleActionClient("/kcl_rosplan/start_planning", PlanAction) self.client.wait_for_server() self._as.start() rospy.loginfo("... done") def execute_cb(self, goal): self.__call_service("/kcl_rosplan/clear_goals", Empty, EmptyRequest()) self.add_goal(self.planning_goal) tries = goal.tries if goal.tries > 1 else float("inf") cnt = 0 while self.client.send_goal_and_wait(PlanGoal()) != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED \ and cnt < tries \ and not self._as.is_preempt_requested() \ and not rospy.is_shutdown(): self._as.publish_feedback(GoalServerFeedback(cnt)) rospy.sleep(goal.timeout) cnt += 1 else: self._as.set_aborted() return self._as.set_succeeded() def add_goal(self, goal): srv_name = "/kcl_rosplan/update_knowledge_base_array" req = KnowledgeUpdateServiceArrayRequest() req.update_type = req.ADD_GOAL goal = [goal] if not isinstance(goal, list) else goal for p in goal: cond = p.split("__") rospy.loginfo("Adding %s" % str(p)) tp = self._get_predicate_details( cond[0]).predicate.typed_parameters if len(tp) != len(cond[1:]): rospy.logerr( "Fact '%s' should have %s parameters but has only %s as parsed from: '%s'" % (cond[0], len(tp), len(cond[1:]))) return req.knowledge.append( KnowledgeItem(knowledge_type=KnowledgeItem.FACT, attribute_name=cond[0], values=[ KeyValue(key=str(k.key), value=str(v)) for k, v in zip(tp, cond[1:]) ])) while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: self.__call_service(srv_name, KnowledgeUpdateServiceArray, req) except rospy.ROSInterruptException: rospy.logerr("Communication with '%s' interrupted. Retrying." % srv_name) rospy.sleep(1.) else: return def __call_service(self, srv_name, srv_type, req): while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: s = rospy.ServiceProxy(srv_name, srv_type) s.wait_for_service(timeout=1.) except rospy.ROSException: rospy.logwarn( "Could not communicate with '%s' service. Retrying in 1 second." % srv_name) rospy.sleep(1.) else: return s(req) def _get_predicate_details(self, name): srv_name = "/kcl_rosplan/get_domain_predicate_details" while not rospy.is_shutdown(): try: return self.__call_service(srv_name, GetDomainPredicateDetailsService, name) except rospy.ROSInterruptException: rospy.logerr("Communication with '%s' interrupted. Retrying." % srv_name) rospy.sleep(1.)
class MockNavigation(): def __init__(self, move_base_topic): self.robot_pose_ = PoseStamped() self.listener = tf.TransformListener() self.navigation_succedes = True self.reply = False self.preempted = 0 self.moves_base = False self.target_position = Point() self.target_orientation = Quaternion() self.move_base_as_ = SimpleActionServer( move_base_topic, MoveBaseAction, execute_cb = self.move_base_cb, auto_start = False) self.move_base_as_.start() def __del__(self): self.move_base_as_.__del__() def move_base_cb(self, goal): rospy.loginfo('move_base_cb') self.target_position = goal.target_pose.pose.position self.target_orientation = goal.target_pose.pose.orientation self.moves_base = True while not self.reply: rospy.sleep(0.2) (trans, rot) = self.listener.lookupTransform('/map', '/base_footprint', rospy.Time(0)) self.robot_pose_.pose.position.x = trans[0] self.robot_pose_.pose.position.y = trans[1] feedback = MoveBaseFeedback() feedback.base_position.pose.position.x = \ self.robot_pose_.pose.position.x feedback.base_position.pose.position.y = \ self.robot_pose_.pose.position.y self.move_base_as_.publish_feedback(feedback) if self.move_base_as_.is_preempt_requested(): self.preempted += 1 rospy.loginfo("Preempted!") self.moves_base = False self.move_base_as_.set_preempted() return None if self.move_base_as_.is_new_goal_available(): self.preempted += 1 self.move_base_cb(self.move_base_as_.accept_new_goal()) return None else: result = MoveBaseResult() self.reply = False self.preempted = 0 self.moves_base = False self.target_position = Point() self.target_orientation = Quaternion() if self.navigation_succedes: self.move_base_as_.set_succeeded(result) else: self.move_base_as_.set_aborted(result)
class PickUpActionServer(): def __init__(self): # Initialize new node rospy.init_node(NAME)#, anonymous=False) #initialize the clients to interface with self.arm_client = SimpleActionClient("smart_arm_action", SmartArmAction) self.gripper_client = SimpleActionClient("smart_arm_gripper_action", SmartArmGripperAction) self.move_client = SimpleActionClient("erratic_base_action", ErraticBaseAction) self.move_client.wait_for_server() self.arm_client.wait_for_server() self.gripper_client.wait_for_server() # Initialize tf listener (remove?) = tf.TransformListener() # Initialize erratic base action server self.result = SmartArmGraspResult() = SmartArmGraspFeedback() self.server = SimpleActionServer(NAME, SmartArmGraspAction, self.execute_callback) #define the offsets # These offsets were determines expirmentally using the simulator # They were tested using points stamped with /map self.xOffset = 0.025 self.yOffset = 0.0 self.zOffset = 0.12 #.05 # this does work! rospy.loginfo("%s: Pick up Action Server is ready to accept goals", NAME) rospy.loginfo("%s: Offsets are [%f, %f, %f]", NAME, self.xOffset, self.yOffset, self.zOffset ) def move_to(self, frame_id, position, orientation, vicinity=0.0): goal = ErraticBaseGoal() goal.target_pose.header.stamp = goal.target_pose.header.frame_id = frame_id goal.target_pose.pose.position = position goal.target_pose.pose.orientation = orientation goal.vicinity_range = vicinity self.move_client.send_goal(goal) #print "going into loop" while (not self.move_client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(0.01))): # check for preemption if self.server.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Action Preempted", NAME) self.move_client.cancel_goal() return GoalStatus.PREEMPTED return self.move_client.get_state() #(almost) blatent copy / past from Err, it's going to the wrong position def transform_target_point(self, point, frameId): #rospy.loginfo("%s: got %s %s %s %s", NAME, point.header.frame_id, point.point.x, point.point.y, point.point.z) # Wait for tf info (time-out in 5 seconds), point.header.frame_id, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(5.0)) # Transform target point & retrieve the pan angle return, point) #UNUSED def move_base_feedback_cb(self, fb): = fb.base_position if self.server.is_active(): self.server.publish_feedback( # This moves the arm into a positions based on angles (in rads) # It depends on the sources code in wubble_actions def move_arm(self, shoulder_pan, shoulder_tilt, elbow_tilt, wrist_rotate): goal = SmartArmGoal() goal.target_joints = [shoulder_pan, shoulder_tilt, elbow_tilt, wrist_rotate] self.arm_client.send_goal(goal, None, None, self.arm_position_feedback_cb) self.arm_client.wait_for_goal_to_finish() while not self.arm_client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(0.01)) : # check for preemption if self.server.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Action Preempted", NAME) self.arm_client.cancel_goal() return GoalStatus.PREEMPTED return self.arm_client.get_state() # This moves the wrist of the arm to the x, y, z coordinates def reach_at(self, frame_id, x, y, z): goal = SmartArmGoal() goal.target_point = PointStamped() goal.target_point.header.frame_id = frame_id goal.target_point.point.x = x goal.target_point.point.y = y goal.target_point.point.z = z rospy.loginfo("%s: Original point is '%s' [%f, %f, %f]", NAME, frame_id,\ goal.target_point.point.x, goal.target_point.point.y, goal.target_point.point.z) goal.target_point = self.transform_target_point(goal.target_point, '/arm_base_link'); rospy.loginfo("%s: Transformed point is '/armbaselink' [%f, %f, %f]", NAME, goal.target_point.point.x, \ goal.target_point.point.y, goal.target_point.point.z) goal.target_point.point.x = goal.target_point.point.x + self.xOffset goal.target_point.point.y = goal.target_point.point.y + self.yOffset goal.target_point.point.z = goal.target_point.point.z + self.zOffset rospy.loginfo("%s: Transformed and Offset point is '/armbaselink' [%f, %f, %f]", NAME, goal.target_point.point.x, \ goal.target_point.point.y, goal.target_point.point.z) self.arm_client.send_goal(goal, None, None, self.arm_position_feedback_cb) self.arm_client.wait_for_goal_to_finish() while not self.arm_client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(0.01)) : # check for preemption if self.server.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Action Preempted", NAME) self.arm_client.cancel_goal() return GoalStatus.PREEMPTED return self.arm_client.get_state() #This method is used passes updates from arm positions actions to the feedback #of this server def arm_position_feedback_cb(self, fb): = fb.arm_position if self.server.is_active(): self.server.publish_feedback( #This moves the gripper to the given angles def move_gripper(self, left_finger, right_finger): goal = SmartArmGripperGoal() goal.target_joints = [left_finger, right_finger] self.gripper_client.send_goal(goal, None, None, self.gripper_position_feedback_cb) #gripper_client.wait_for_goal_to_finish() while not self.gripper_client.wait_for_result(rospy.Duration(0.01)) : # check for preemption if self.server.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Action Preempted", NAME) self.gripper_client.cancel_goal() return GoalStatus.PREEMPTED return self.gripper_client.get_state() #This method is used passes updates from arm positions actions to the feedback #of this server def gripper_position_feedback_cb(self, fb): = fb.gripper_position if self.server.is_active(): self.server.publish_feedback( #This method sets the results of the goal to the last feedback values def set_results(self, success): self.result.success = success self.result.arm_position = self.result.gripper_position = self.server.set_succeeded(self.result) #This is the callback function that is executed whenever the server #recieves a request def execute_callback(self, goal): rospy.loginfo("%s: Executing Grasp Action [%s, %f, %f, %f]", NAME, \ goal.target_point.header.frame_id, goal.target_point.point.x, \ goal.target_point.point.y, goal.target_point.point.z) rospy.loginfo( "%s: Moving the arm to the cobra pose", NAME) #move the arm into the cobra position result = self.move_arm(0.0, 1.972222, -1.972222, 0.0) if result == GoalStatus.PREEMPTED: #action has failed rospy.loginfo("%s: 1st Move Arm (to cobra pose) Preempted", NAME) self.server.set_preempted() self.set_results(False) return elif result != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.loginfo("%s: 1st Move Arm (to cobra pose) Failed", NAME) self.set_results(False) return position = Point(x = goal.target_point.point.x, y = goal.target_point.point.y) orientation = Quaternion(w=1.0) self.move_to('/map', position, orientation, 0.5) self.move_to('/map', position, orientation, 0.2) rospy.sleep(0.2) rospy.loginfo( "%s: Opening gripper", NAME) #open the gripper result = self.move_gripper(0.2, -0.2) if result == GoalStatus.PREEMPTED: #action has failed rospy.loginfo("%s: Open Gripper Preempted", NAME) self.server.set_preempted() self.set_results(False) return elif result != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.loginfo("%s: Open Gripper Failed", NAME) self.set_results(False) return rospy.loginfo( "%s: Moving the arm to the object", NAME) #move the arm to the correct posisions result = self.reach_at(goal.target_point.header.frame_id, \ goal.target_point.point.x, \ goal.target_point.point.y, \ goal.target_point.point.z) if result == GoalStatus.PREEMPTED: #action has failed rospy.loginfo("%s: 2nd Move Arm (to object) Preempted", NAME) self.server.set_preempted() self.set_results(False) return elif result != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.loginfo("%s: 2nd Move Arm (to object) Failed", NAME) self.set_results(False) return rospy.loginfo( "%s: Moving the elbow joint to the cobra pose", NAME) #move the arm into the cobra position result = self.move_arm([0],[1], \ -3.14 / 2 -[1],[3]) if result == GoalStatus.PREEMPTED: #action has failed rospy.loginfo("%s: Moving the elbow joint Preempted", NAME) self.server.set_preempted() self.set_results(False) return elif result != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.loginfo("%s: Moving the elbow joint Failed", NAME) self.set_results(False) return rospy.loginfo( "%s: Closing gripper", NAME) #close the gripper result = self.move_gripper(-1.5, 1.5) if result == GoalStatus.PREEMPTED: #action has failed rospy.loginfo("%s: Close Gripper Preempted", NAME) self.server.set_preempted() self.set_results(False) return #this actions 'succeeds' if it times out rospy.loginfo( "%s: Moving the arm to the cobra pose", NAME) #move the arm into the cobra position result = self.move_arm(0.0, 1.972222, -1.972222, 0.0) if result == GoalStatus.PREEMPTED: #action has failed rospy.loginfo("%s: 3rd Move Arm (to cobra pose) Preempted", NAME) self.server.set_preempted() self.set_results(False) return elif result != GoalStatus.SUCCEEDED: rospy.loginfo("%s: 3rd Move Arm (to cobra pose) Failed", NAME) self.set_results(False) return #action has succeeded rospy.loginfo("%s: Grasp Action Succeed [%s, %f, %f, %f]", NAME, \ goal.target_point.header.frame_id, goal.target_point.point.x, \ goal.target_point.point.y, goal.target_point.point.z) self.set_results(True) """
class SmartArmActionServer(): def __init__(self): # Initialize constants self.JOINTS_COUNT = 4 # Number of joints to manage self.ERROR_THRESHOLD = 0.15 # Report success if error reaches below threshold self.TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD = rospy.Duration(15.0) # Report failure if action does not succeed within timeout threshold # Initialize new node rospy.init_node(NAME + 'server', anonymous=True) # Initialize publisher & subscriber for shoulder pan self.shoulder_pan_frame = 'arm_shoulder_pan_link' self.shoulder_pan = JointControllerState(set_point=0.0, process_value=0.0, error=1.0) self.shoulder_pan_pub = rospy.Publisher('shoulder_pan_controller/command', Float64) rospy.Subscriber('shoulder_pan_controller/state', JointControllerState, self.read_shoulder_pan) rospy.wait_for_message('shoulder_pan_controller/state', JointControllerState) # Initialize publisher & subscriber for shoulder tilt self.shoulder_tilt_frame = 'arm_shoulder_tilt_link' self.shoulder_tilt = JointControllerState(set_point=0.0, process_value=0.0, error=1.0) self.shoulder_tilt_pub = rospy.Publisher('shoulder_tilt_controller/command', Float64) rospy.Subscriber('shoulder_tilt_controller/state', JointControllerState, self.read_shoulder_tilt) rospy.wait_for_message('shoulder_tilt_controller/state', JointControllerState) # Initialize publisher & subscriber for elbow tilt self.elbow_tilt_frame = 'arm_elbow_tilt_link' self.elbow_tilt = JointControllerState(set_point=0.0, process_value=0.0, error=1.0) self.elbow_tilt_pub = rospy.Publisher('elbow_tilt_controller/command', Float64) rospy.Subscriber('elbow_tilt_controller/state', JointControllerState, self.read_elbow_tilt) rospy.wait_for_message('elbow_tilt_controller/state', JointControllerState) # Initialize publisher & subscriber for shoulder tilt self.wrist_rotate_frame = 'arm_wrist_rotate_link' self.wrist_rotate = JointControllerState(set_point=0.0, process_value=0.0, error=1.0) self.wrist_rotate_pub = rospy.Publisher('wrist_rotate_controller/command', Float64) rospy.Subscriber('wrist_rotate_controller/state', JointControllerState, self.read_wrist_rotate) rospy.wait_for_message('wrist_rotate_controller/state', JointControllerState) # Initialize tf listener = tf.TransformListener() # Initialize joints action server self.result = SmartArmResult() = SmartArmFeedback() = [self.shoulder_pan.process_value, self.shoulder_tilt.process_value, \ self.elbow_tilt.process_value, self.wrist_rotate.process_value] self.server = SimpleActionServer(NAME, SmartArmAction, self.execute_callback) # Reset arm position rospy.sleep(1) self.reset_arm_position() rospy.loginfo("%s: Ready to accept goals", NAME) def reset_arm_position(self): # reset arm to cobra position self.shoulder_pan_pub.publish(0.0) self.shoulder_tilt_pub.publish(1.972222) self.elbow_tilt_pub.publish(-1.972222) self.wrist_rotate_pub.publish(0.0) rospy.sleep(12) def read_shoulder_pan(self, pan_data): self.shoulder_pan = pan_data self.has_latest_shoulder_pan = True def read_shoulder_tilt(self, tilt_data): self.shoulder_tilt = tilt_data self.has_latest_shoulder_tilt = True def read_elbow_tilt(self, tilt_data): self.elbow_tilt = tilt_data self.has_latest_elbow_tilt = True def read_wrist_rotate(self, rotate_data): self.wrist_rotate = rotate_data self.has_latest_wrist_rotate = True def wait_for_latest_controller_states(self, timeout): self.has_latest_shoulder_pan = False self.has_latest_shoulder_tilt = False self.has_latest_elbow_tilt = False self.has_latest_wrist_rotate = False r = rospy.Rate(100) start = while (self.has_latest_shoulder_pan == False or self.has_latest_shoulder_tilt == False or \ self.has_latest_elbow_tilt == False or self.has_latest_wrist_rotate == False) and \ ( - start < timeout): r.sleep() def transform_target_point(self, point): rospy.loginfo("%s: Retrieving IK solutions", NAME) rospy.wait_for_service('smart_arm_ik_service', 10) ik_service = rospy.ServiceProxy('smart_arm_ik_service', SmartArmIK) resp = ik_service(point) if (resp and resp.success): return[0:4] else: raise Exception, "Unable to obtain IK solutions." def execute_callback(self, goal): r = rospy.Rate(100) self.result.success = True self.result.arm_position = [self.shoulder_pan.process_value, self.shoulder_tilt.process_value, \ self.elbow_tilt.process_value, self.wrist_rotate.process_value] rospy.loginfo("%s: Executing move arm", NAME) # Initialize target joints target_joints = list() for i in range(self.JOINTS_COUNT): target_joints.append(0.0) # Retrieve target joints from goal if (len(goal.target_joints) > 0): for i in range(min(len(goal.target_joints), len(target_joints))): target_joints[i] = goal.target_joints[i] else: try: # Convert target point to target joints (find an IK solution) target_joints = self.transform_target_point(goal.target_point) except (Exception, tf.Exception, tf.ConnectivityException, tf.LookupException): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: IK Transform Failure", NAME) self.result.success = False self.server.set_aborted() return # Publish goal to controllers self.shoulder_pan_pub.publish(target_joints[0]) self.shoulder_tilt_pub.publish(target_joints[1]) self.elbow_tilt_pub.publish(target_joints[2]) self.wrist_rotate_pub.publish(target_joints[3]) # Initialize loop variables start_time = while (math.fabs(target_joints[0] - self.shoulder_pan.process_value) > self.ERROR_THRESHOLD or \ math.fabs(target_joints[1] - self.shoulder_tilt.process_value) > self.ERROR_THRESHOLD or \ math.fabs(target_joints[2] - self.elbow_tilt.process_value) > self.ERROR_THRESHOLD or \ math.fabs(target_joints[3] - self.wrist_rotate.process_value) > self.ERROR_THRESHOLD): # Cancel exe if another goal was received (i.e. preempt requested) if self.server.is_preempt_requested(): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Action Preempted", NAME) self.result.success = False self.server.set_preempted() break # Publish current arm position as feedback = [self.shoulder_pan.process_value, self.shoulder_tilt.process_value, \ self.elbow_tilt.process_value, self.wrist_rotate.process_value] self.server.publish_feedback( # Abort if timeout current_time = if (current_time - start_time > self.TIMEOUT_THRESHOLD): rospy.loginfo("%s: Aborted: Action Timeout", NAME) self.result.success = False self.server.set_aborted() break r.sleep() if (self.result.success): rospy.loginfo("%s: Goal Completed", NAME) self.wait_for_latest_controller_states(rospy.Duration(2.0)) self.result.arm_position = [self.shoulder_pan.process_value, self.shoulder_tilt.process_value, \ self.elbow_tilt.process_value, self.wrist_rotate.process_value] self.server.set_succeeded(self.result)
class AudioFilePlayer(object): def __init__(self): rospy.loginfo("Initializing AudioFilePlayer...") self.current_playing_process = None self.afp_as = SimpleActionServer(rospy.get_name(), AudioFilePlayAction, self.as_cb, auto_start=False) self.afp_sub = rospy.Subscriber('~play', String, self.topic_cb, queue_size=1) # By default this node plays files using the aplay command # Feel free to use any other command or flags # by using the params provided self.command = rospy.get_param('~command', 'play') self.flags = rospy.get_param('~flags', '') self.wrap_file_path = rospy.get_param('~wrap_file_path', True) self.feedback_rate = rospy.get_param('~feedback_rate', 10) self.afp_as.start() # Needs to be done after start self.afp_as.register_preempt_callback(self.as_preempt_cb) rospy.loginfo( "Done, playing files from action server or topic interface.") def as_preempt_cb(self): if self.current_playing_process: self.current_playing_process.kill() # Put the AS as cancelled/preempted res = AudioFilePlayResult() res.success = False res.reason = "Got a cancel request." self.afp_as.set_preempted(res, text="Cancel requested.") def as_cb(self, goal): initial_time = time.time() self.play_audio_file(goal.filepath) r = rospy.Rate(self.feedback_rate) while not rospy.is_shutdown( ) and not self.current_playing_process.is_done(): feedback = AudioFilePlayFeedback() curr_time = time.time() feedback.elapsed_played_time = rospy.Duration(curr_time - initial_time) self.afp_as.publish_feedback(feedback) r.sleep() final_time = time.time() res = AudioFilePlayResult() if self.current_playing_process.is_succeeded(): res.success = True res.total_time = rospy.Duration(final_time) self.afp_as.set_succeeded(res) else: if self.afp_as.is_preempt_requested(): return res.success = False reason = "stderr: " + self.current_playing_process.get_stderr() reason += "\nstdout: " + self.current_playing_process.get_stdout() res.reason = reason self.afp_as.set_aborted(res) def topic_cb(self, data): if self.current_playing_process: if not self.current_playing_process.is_done(): self.current_playing_process.kill() self.play_audio_file( def play_audio_file(self, audio_file_path): # Replace any ' or " characters with emptyness to avoid bad usage audio_file_path = audio_file_path.replace("'", "") audio_file_path = audio_file_path.replace('"', '') if self.wrap_file_path: full_command = self.command + " " + self.flags + " '" + audio_file_path + "'" else: full_command = self.command + " " + self.flags + " " + audio_file_path rospy.loginfo("Playing audio file: " + str(audio_file_path) + " with command: " + str(full_command)) self.current_playing_process = ShellCmd(full_command)