def _handle_run_program(self, req): print 'Running program...' input = StringIO(req.code) storage = SimpleFormat(input) count = storage.deserialize_data() assert(count > 0) self._sequences = [] for index in range(count): sequence = ActionSequence() sequence.deserialize(storage) print 'Loaded sequence %d with %d poses' % (index + 1, len(sequence.actions())) sequence.executing_action_signal.connect(self._progress) sequence.execute_sequence_finished_signal.connect(self._finished) self._sequences.append(sequence) self._event = Event() # wait until default pose has finished print 'Execute default pose' self._default_pose.execute_finished_signal.connect(self._event.set) self._default_pose.execute() self._event.wait() self._default_pose.execute_finished_signal.disconnect(self._event.set) # enable interactive mode print 'Enable interactive mode' self._event.clear() self._default_pose.execute_finished_signal.connect(self._finished) self._ps3_subscriber.buttons_changed.connect(self._check_ps3_buttons) self._event.wait() self._default_pose.execute_finished_signal.disconnect(self._finished) self._ps3_subscriber.buttons_changed.disconnect(self._check_ps3_buttons) self._stop_current_sequence() for sequence in self._sequences: sequence.executing_action_signal.disconnect(self._progress) sequence.execute_sequence_finished_signal.disconnect(self._finished) self._sequences = [] print 'Running program finished' return CallProgramResponse(0, "Slider Program Successful")
class PosesDataModel(QAbstractTableModel): actions_changed = Signal() duration_modified = Signal() _mime_type = 'application/x-slider-action' def __init__(self, editable=False): super(PosesDataModel, self).__init__() self._action_sequence = ActionSequence() self._editable = editable self._joint_columns = {} action = DefaultAction() self._add_joint(1, action, 'head_pan_joint', 'Hd Turn') self._add_joint(2, action, 'head_tilt_joint', 'Hd Nod') self._add_joint(3, action, 'torso_lift_joint', 'Torso', 2) self._add_joint(4, action, 'l_shoulder_pan_joint', 'Lp1') self._add_joint(5, action, 'l_shoulder_lift_joint', 'Ll2') self._add_joint(6, action, 'l_upper_arm_roll_joint', 'Lu3') self._add_joint(7, action, 'l_elbow_flex_joint', 'Le4') self._add_joint(8, action, 'l_forearm_roll_joint', 'Lf5') self._add_joint(9, action, 'l_wrist_flex_joint', 'Lw6') self._add_joint(10, action, 'l_wrist_roll_joint', 'Lr7') self._add_joint(11, action, 'l_gripper', 'LGrip', 3) self._add_joint(12, action, 'r_shoulder_pan_joint', 'Rp1') self._add_joint(13, action, 'r_shoulder_lift_joint', 'Rl2') self._add_joint(14, action, 'r_upper_arm_roll_joint', 'Ru3') self._add_joint(15, action, 'r_elbow_flex_joint', 'Re4') self._add_joint(16, action, 'r_forearm_roll_joint', 'Rf5') self._add_joint(17, action, 'r_wrist_flex_joint', 'Rw6') self._add_joint(18, action, 'r_wrist_roll_joint', 'Rr7') self._add_joint(19, action, 'r_gripper', 'RGrip', 3) # keep reference to delegates to prevent being garbaged self._delegates = [] def _add_joint(self, column, action, label, header, precision=None): info = copy(action.get_joint_info(label)) info['header'] = header info['decimals'] = precision self._joint_columns[column] = info def set_editable(self, editable): if self._editable != editable: self._editable = editable self.reset() def add_action(self, action, index = None): self._add_action(action, index) self.actions_changed.emit() self.duration_modified.emit() def _add_action(self, action, index = None): model_index = QModelIndex() if index is None or index == len(self._action_sequence.actions()): rows = len(self._action_sequence.actions()) index = None else: assert(index >=0 and index < len(self._action_sequence.actions())) rows = index # insert at model-index of parent-item self.beginInsertRows(model_index, rows, rows) self._action_sequence.add_action(action, index) self.endInsertRows() def move_action(self, source_index, destination_index): assert(source_index >=0 and source_index < len(self._action_sequence.actions())) assert(destination_index >=0 and destination_index <= len(self._action_sequence.actions())) action = self._action_sequence.actions()[source_index] self._remove_action(source_index) if destination_index > source_index: destination_index -= 1 self._add_action(action, destination_index) self.actions_changed.emit() def remove_action(self, index): self._remove_action(index) self.actions_changed.emit() self.duration_modified.emit() def _remove_action(self, index): assert(index >=0 and index < len(self._action_sequence.actions())) # delete at model-index of parent-item model_index = QModelIndex() self.beginRemoveRows(model_index, index, index) self._action_sequence.remove_action(index) self.endRemoveRows() def remove_all_actions(self): index = QModelIndex() rows = len(self._action_sequence.actions()) self.beginRemoveRows(index, 0, rows - 1) self._action_sequence.remove_all_actions() self.endRemoveRows() self.actions_changed.emit() self.duration_modified.emit() def action_sequence(self): return self._action_sequence def rowCount(self, parent=None): return len(self._action_sequence.actions()) def columnCount(self, parent=None): if self._editable: return 1 + len(self._joint_columns) else: return 1 + 1 def data(self, index, role=None): if role is None: role = Qt.DisplayRole if index.row() >= 0 and index.row() < len(self._action_sequence.actions()): if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if index.column() == 0: return '%.1f' % self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_duration() elif not self._editable and index.column() == 1: return self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].to_string() elif self._editable and index.column() in self._joint_columns.keys(): joint_info = self._joint_columns[index.column()] try: value = self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_value(joint_info['label']) if joint_info['decimals'] is not None: value = round(value, joint_info['decimals']) else: value = int(round(value)) return value except: return '' if role == Qt.EditRole: if index.column() == 0: return self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_duration() elif self._editable and index.column() in self._joint_columns.keys(): joint_info = self._joint_columns[index.column()] try: value = self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_value(joint_info['label']) if joint_info['decimals'] is not None: value = round(value, joint_info['decimals']) else: value = int(round(value)) return value except: return '' return None def setData(self, index, value, role): if role == Qt.EditRole: if index.column() == 0: value = float(value) self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].set_duration(value) self.duration_modified.emit() return True elif self._editable: value = float(value) try: self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].update_value(self._joint_columns[index.column()]['label'], value) except: return False return True return super(PosesDataModel, self).setData(index, value, role) def flags(self, index): f = super(PosesDataModel, self).flags(index) if index.isValid(): if index.column() == 0: f |= Qt.ItemIsEditable elif self._editable and index.column() in self._joint_columns.keys(): try: # only cell which have real values can be edited self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_value(self._joint_columns[index.column()]['label']) f |= Qt.ItemIsEditable except: pass f |= Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled f |= Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled return f def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=None): if role is None: role = Qt.DisplayRole if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if section == 0: return 'Time' elif not self._editable and section == 1: return 'Joints' elif self._editable and section in self._joint_columns.keys(): return self._joint_columns[section]['header'] elif orientation == Qt.Vertical: return 'Pose %d' % (section + 1) return None def supportedDropActions(self): return Qt.CopyAction | Qt.MoveAction def mimeTypes(self): return [self._mime_type] def mimeData(self, indexes): #print 'mimeData()' row = None for index in indexes: if index.isValid(): if row is None: row = index.row() if row != index.row(): row = None break mimeData = QMimeData() if row is not None: mimeData.setData(self._mime_type, QByteArray.number(row)) return mimeData; def dropMimeData(self, data, action, row, column, parent): #print 'dropMimeData()' if action == Qt.MoveAction: before_row = None if row != -1: before_row = row elif parent.isValid(): before_row = parent.row() else: before_row = self.rowCount() if data.hasFormat(self._mime_type): byte_array = source_row, is_int = byte_array.toInt() if is_int and before_row != source_row + 1: #print 'dropMimeData()', source_row, '->', before_row self.move_action(source_row, before_row) return True return super(PosesDataModel, self).dropMimeData(data, action, row, column, parent) def add_delegates(self, table_view): for i in self._joint_columns.keys(): joint_info = self._joint_columns[i] if joint_info['decimals'] is not None: delegate = DoubleSpinBoxDelegate() delegate.setDecimals(joint_info['decimals']) else: delegate = IntegerSpinBoxDelegate() delegate.setMinimum(joint_info['min']) delegate.setMaximum(joint_info['max']) delegate.setSingleStep(joint_info['single_step']) table_view.setItemDelegateForColumn(i, delegate) self._delegates.append(delegate)
class PosesDataModel(QAbstractTableModel): actions_changed = Signal() duration_modified = Signal() _mime_type = 'application/x-slider-action' def __init__(self, editable=False): super(PosesDataModel, self).__init__() self._action_sequence = ActionSequence() self._editable = editable self._joint_columns = {} action = DefaultAction() self._add_joint(2, action, 'head_pan_joint', 'Hd Turn') self._add_joint(3, action, 'head_tilt_joint', 'Hd Nod') self._add_joint(4, action, 'torso_lift_joint', 'Torso', 2) self._add_joint(5, action, 'l_shoulder_pan_joint', 'LSpan') self._add_joint(6, action, 'l_shoulder_lift_joint', 'LSlift') self._add_joint(7, action, 'l_upper_arm_roll_joint', 'LUArmRoll') self._add_joint(8, action, 'l_elbow_flex_joint', 'LElbFlex') self._add_joint(9, action, 'l_forearm_roll_joint', 'LFArmRoll') self._add_joint(10, action, 'l_wrist_flex_joint', 'LWrstFlex') self._add_joint(11, action, 'l_wrist_roll_joint', 'LWrstRoll') self._add_joint(12, action, 'l_gripper', 'LGrip', 3) self._add_joint(13, action, 'r_shoulder_pan_joint', 'RSpan') self._add_joint(14, action, 'r_shoulder_lift_joint', 'RSlift') self._add_joint(15, action, 'r_upper_arm_roll_joint', 'RUArmRoll') self._add_joint(16, action, 'r_elbow_flex_joint', 'RElbFlex') self._add_joint(17, action, 'r_forearm_roll_joint', 'RFArmRoll') self._add_joint(18, action, 'r_wrist_flex_joint', 'RWrstFlex') self._add_joint(19, action, 'r_wrist_roll_joint', 'RWrstRoll') self._add_joint(20, action, 'r_gripper', 'RGrip', 3) # keep reference to delegates to prevent being garbaged self._delegates = [] def _add_joint(self, column, action, label, header, precision=None): info = copy(action.get_joint_info(label)) info['header'] = header info['decimals'] = precision self._joint_columns[column] = info def set_editable(self, editable): if self._editable != editable: self._editable = editable self.reset() def editable(self): return self._editable def add_action(self, action, index = None): self._add_action(action, index) self.actions_changed.emit() self.duration_modified.emit() def _add_action(self, action, index = None): model_index = QModelIndex() if index is None or index == len(self._action_sequence.actions()): rows = len(self._action_sequence.actions()) index = None else: assert(index >=0 and index < len(self._action_sequence.actions())) rows = index # insert at model-index of parent-item self.beginInsertRows(model_index, rows, rows) self._action_sequence.add_action(action, index) self.endInsertRows() def move_action(self, source_index, destination_index): assert(source_index >=0 and source_index < len(self._action_sequence.actions())) assert(destination_index >=0 and destination_index <= len(self._action_sequence.actions())) action = self._action_sequence.actions()[source_index] self._remove_action(source_index) if destination_index > source_index: destination_index -= 1 self._add_action(action, destination_index) self.actions_changed.emit() def remove_action(self, index): self._remove_action(index) self.actions_changed.emit() self.duration_modified.emit() def _remove_action(self, index): assert(index >=0 and index < len(self._action_sequence.actions())) # delete at model-index of parent-item model_index = QModelIndex() self.beginRemoveRows(model_index, index, index) self._action_sequence.remove_action(index) self.endRemoveRows() def remove_all_actions(self): index = QModelIndex() rows = len(self._action_sequence.actions()) self.beginRemoveRows(index, 0, rows - 1) self._action_sequence.remove_all_actions() self.endRemoveRows() self.actions_changed.emit() self.duration_modified.emit() def action_sequence(self): return self._action_sequence def rowCount(self, parent=None): return len(self._action_sequence.actions()) def columnCount(self, parent=None): if self._editable: # Time, speech, and all the joints: return 2 + len(self._joint_columns) else: # Time, speech, and the single column for all the joints: return 2 + 1 def data(self, index, role=None): if role is None: role = Qt.DisplayRole if index.row() >= 0 and index.row() < len(self._action_sequence.actions()): if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if index.column() == 0: # duration column return '%.1f' % self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_duration() elif index.column() == 1: # speech column: actionSets = self._action_sequence.actions() actionIndex = index.row() actionSetAtIndex = actionSets[actionIndex] try: waitTillDone = actionSetAtIndex.get_value('waitForSpeechDone') utterance = actionSetAtIndex.get_value('text') except KeyError: return (None,None) if not self._editable: res = ('WaitForDone,' if waitTillDone else "NoWaiting,") + "'" + utterance + "'" else: res = (waitTillDone, utterance) return res elif not self._editable and index.column() == 1: return self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].to_string() elif not self._editable and index.column() in self._joint_columns.keys(): # For displaying, put all joint values into column 2: valString = "" # Joints run from 2 to number of joints. The offset # is to make room for time and speech columns: for jointIndex in range(2, 2 + len(self._joint_columns)): joint_info = self._joint_columns[jointIndex] jointLabel = joint_info['label'] jointAbbreviation = joint_info['header'] try: value = self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_value(jointLabel) except KeyError: # For rows that have speech instead of a pose, # the above value seek fails: continue if joint_info['decimals'] is not None: value = round(value, joint_info['decimals']) else: value = int(round(value)) valString += "%s:%d;" % (jointAbbreviation,value) return valString elif self._editable and index.column() in self._joint_columns.keys(): joint_info = self._joint_columns[index.column()] try: value = self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_value(joint_info['label']) if joint_info['decimals'] is not None: value = round(value, joint_info['decimals']) else: value = int(round(value)) return value except: return '' if role == Qt.EditRole: if index.column() == 0: return self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_duration() elif index.column() == 1: # speech column: actionSets = self._action_sequence.actions() actionIndex = index.row() actionSetAtIndex = actionSets[actionIndex] try: waitTillDone = actionSetAtIndex.get_value('waitForSpeechDone') utterance = actionSetAtIndex.get_value('text') except KeyError: return (None,None) res = (waitTillDone, utterance) return res elif self._editable and index.column() in self._joint_columns.keys(): joint_info = self._joint_columns[index.column()] try: value = self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_value(joint_info['label']) if joint_info['decimals'] is not None: value = round(value, joint_info['decimals']) else: value = int(round(value)) return value except: return '' return None def setData(self, index, value, role): if role == Qt.EditRole: if index.column() == 0: # duration value = float(value) self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].set_duration(value) self.duration_modified.emit() return True elif index.column() == 1: # speech try: actionSets = self._action_sequence.actions() actionIndex = index.row() actionSetAtIndex = actionSets[actionIndex] actionSetAtIndex._actions[0].update_value('waitForSpeechDone', value[0]) # Wait/Don't Wait actionSetAtIndex._actions[0].update_value('text', value[1]) # Utterance except Exception as e: return False return True elif self._editable: value = float(value) try: self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].update_value(self._joint_columns[index.column()]['label'], value) except: return False return True return super(PosesDataModel, self).setData(index, value, role) def flags(self, index): f = super(PosesDataModel, self).flags(index) if index.isValid(): if index.column() == 0: # Duration is editable: f |= Qt.ItemIsEditable elif index.column() == 1: # Speech column is editable: f |= Qt.ItemIsEditable elif self._editable and index.column() in self._joint_columns.keys(): try: # only cell which have real values can be edited self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_value(self._joint_columns[index.column()]['label']) f |= Qt.ItemIsEditable except: pass f |= Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled f |= Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled return f def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=None): if role is None: role = Qt.DisplayRole if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if section == 0: return 'Time' elif section == 1: return 'Speech' elif not self._editable and section == 2: return 'Joints' elif self._editable and section in self._joint_columns.keys(): return self._joint_columns[section]['header'] elif orientation == Qt.Vertical: return 'Pose %d' % (section + 1) return None def supportedDropActions(self): return Qt.CopyAction | Qt.MoveAction def mimeTypes(self): return [self._mime_type] def mimeData(self, indexes): #print 'mimeData()' row = None for index in indexes: if index.isValid(): if row is None: row = index.row() if row != index.row(): row = None break mimeData = QMimeData() if row is not None: mimeData.setData(self._mime_type, QByteArray.number(row)) return mimeData; def dropMimeData(self, data, action, row, column, parent): #print 'dropMimeData()' if action == Qt.MoveAction: before_row = None if row != -1: before_row = row elif parent.isValid(): before_row = parent.row() else: before_row = self.rowCount() if data.hasFormat(self._mime_type): byte_array = source_row, is_int = byte_array.toInt() if is_int and before_row != source_row + 1: #print 'dropMimeData()', source_row, '->', before_row self.move_action(source_row, before_row) return True return super(PosesDataModel, self).dropMimeData(data, action, row, column, parent) def add_delegates(self, table_view): for i in self._joint_columns.keys(): joint_info = self._joint_columns[i] if joint_info['decimals'] is None: delegate = IntegerSpinBoxDelegate() else: delegate = DoubleSpinBoxDelegate() delegate.setDecimals(joint_info['decimals']) delegate.setMinimum(joint_info['min']) delegate.setMaximum(joint_info['max']) delegate.setSingleStep(joint_info['single_step']) table_view.setItemDelegateForColumn(i, delegate) self._delegates.append(delegate)
class PosesDataModel(QAbstractTableModel): actions_changed = Signal() duration_modified = Signal() _mime_type = 'application/x-slider-action' def __init__(self, editable=False): super(PosesDataModel, self).__init__() self._action_sequence = ActionSequence() self._editable = editable self._joint_columns = {} action = DefaultAction() self._add_joint(1, action, 'head_pan_joint', 'Hd Turn') self._add_joint(2, action, 'head_tilt_joint', 'Hd Nod') self._add_joint(3, action, 'torso_lift_joint', 'Torso', 2) self._add_joint(4, action, 'l_shoulder_pan_joint', 'Lp1') self._add_joint(5, action, 'l_shoulder_lift_joint', 'Ll2') self._add_joint(6, action, 'l_upper_arm_roll_joint', 'Lu3') self._add_joint(7, action, 'l_elbow_flex_joint', 'Le4') self._add_joint(8, action, 'l_forearm_roll_joint', 'Lf5') self._add_joint(9, action, 'l_wrist_flex_joint', 'Lw6') self._add_joint(10, action, 'l_wrist_roll_joint', 'Lr7') self._add_joint(11, action, 'l_gripper', 'LGrip', 3) self._add_joint(12, action, 'r_shoulder_pan_joint', 'Rp1') self._add_joint(13, action, 'r_shoulder_lift_joint', 'Rl2') self._add_joint(14, action, 'r_upper_arm_roll_joint', 'Ru3') self._add_joint(15, action, 'r_elbow_flex_joint', 'Re4') self._add_joint(16, action, 'r_forearm_roll_joint', 'Rf5') self._add_joint(17, action, 'r_wrist_flex_joint', 'Rw6') self._add_joint(18, action, 'r_wrist_roll_joint', 'Rr7') self._add_joint(19, action, 'r_gripper', 'RGrip', 3) # keep reference to delegates to prevent being garbaged self._delegates = [] def _add_joint(self, column, action, label, header, precision=None): info = copy(action.get_joint_info(label)) info['header'] = header info['decimals'] = precision self._joint_columns[column] = info def set_editable(self, editable): if self._editable != editable: self._editable = editable self.reset() def add_action(self, action, index=None): self._add_action(action, index) self.actions_changed.emit() self.duration_modified.emit() def _add_action(self, action, index=None): model_index = QModelIndex() if index is None or index == len(self._action_sequence.actions()): rows = len(self._action_sequence.actions()) index = None else: assert (index >= 0 and index < len(self._action_sequence.actions())) rows = index # insert at model-index of parent-item self.beginInsertRows(model_index, rows, rows) self._action_sequence.add_action(action, index) self.endInsertRows() def move_action(self, source_index, destination_index): assert (source_index >= 0 and source_index < len(self._action_sequence.actions())) assert (destination_index >= 0 and destination_index <= len(self._action_sequence.actions())) action = self._action_sequence.actions()[source_index] self._remove_action(source_index) if destination_index > source_index: destination_index -= 1 self._add_action(action, destination_index) self.actions_changed.emit() def remove_action(self, index): self._remove_action(index) self.actions_changed.emit() self.duration_modified.emit() def _remove_action(self, index): assert (index >= 0 and index < len(self._action_sequence.actions())) # delete at model-index of parent-item model_index = QModelIndex() self.beginRemoveRows(model_index, index, index) self._action_sequence.remove_action(index) self.endRemoveRows() def remove_all_actions(self): index = QModelIndex() rows = len(self._action_sequence.actions()) self.beginRemoveRows(index, 0, rows - 1) self._action_sequence.remove_all_actions() self.endRemoveRows() self.actions_changed.emit() self.duration_modified.emit() def action_sequence(self): return self._action_sequence def rowCount(self, parent=None): return len(self._action_sequence.actions()) def columnCount(self, parent=None): if self._editable: return 1 + len(self._joint_columns) else: return 1 + 1 def data(self, index, role=None): if role is None: role = Qt.DisplayRole if index.row() >= 0 and index.row() < len( self._action_sequence.actions()): if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if index.column() == 0: return '%.1f' % self._action_sequence.actions()[ index.row()].get_duration() elif not self._editable and index.column() == 1: return self._action_sequence.actions()[ index.row()].to_string() elif self._editable and index.column( ) in self._joint_columns.keys(): joint_info = self._joint_columns[index.column()] try: value = self._action_sequence.actions()[ index.row()].get_value(joint_info['label']) if joint_info['decimals'] is not None: value = round(value, joint_info['decimals']) else: value = int(round(value)) return value except: return '' if role == Qt.EditRole: if index.column() == 0: return self._action_sequence.actions()[ index.row()].get_duration() elif self._editable and index.column( ) in self._joint_columns.keys(): joint_info = self._joint_columns[index.column()] try: value = self._action_sequence.actions()[ index.row()].get_value(joint_info['label']) if joint_info['decimals'] is not None: value = round(value, joint_info['decimals']) else: value = int(round(value)) return value except: return '' return None def setData(self, index, value, role): if role == Qt.EditRole: if index.column() == 0: value = float(value) self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].set_duration( value) self.duration_modified.emit() return True elif self._editable: value = float(value) try: self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].update_value( self._joint_columns[index.column()]['label'], value) except: return False return True return super(PosesDataModel, self).setData(index, value, role) def flags(self, index): f = super(PosesDataModel, self).flags(index) if index.isValid(): if index.column() == 0: f |= Qt.ItemIsEditable elif self._editable and index.column() in self._joint_columns.keys( ): try: # only cell which have real values can be edited self._action_sequence.actions()[index.row()].get_value( self._joint_columns[index.column()]['label']) f |= Qt.ItemIsEditable except: pass f |= Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled f |= Qt.ItemIsDropEnabled return f def headerData(self, section, orientation, role=None): if role is None: role = Qt.DisplayRole if role == Qt.DisplayRole: if orientation == Qt.Horizontal: if section == 0: return 'Time' elif not self._editable and section == 1: return 'Joints' elif self._editable and section in self._joint_columns.keys(): return self._joint_columns[section]['header'] elif orientation == Qt.Vertical: return 'Pose %d' % (section + 1) return None def supportedDropActions(self): return Qt.CopyAction | Qt.MoveAction def mimeTypes(self): return [self._mime_type] def mimeData(self, indexes): #print 'mimeData()' row = None for index in indexes: if index.isValid(): if row is None: row = index.row() if row != index.row(): row = None break mimeData = QMimeData() if row is not None: mimeData.setData(self._mime_type, QByteArray.number(row)) return mimeData def dropMimeData(self, data, action, row, column, parent): #print 'dropMimeData()' if action == Qt.MoveAction: before_row = None if row != -1: before_row = row elif parent.isValid(): before_row = parent.row() else: before_row = self.rowCount() if data.hasFormat(self._mime_type): byte_array = source_row, is_int = byte_array.toInt() if is_int and before_row != source_row + 1: #print 'dropMimeData()', source_row, '->', before_row self.move_action(source_row, before_row) return True return super(PosesDataModel, self).dropMimeData(data, action, row, column, parent) def add_delegates(self, table_view): for i in self._joint_columns.keys(): joint_info = self._joint_columns[i] if joint_info['decimals'] is not None: delegate = DoubleSpinBoxDelegate() delegate.setDecimals(joint_info['decimals']) else: delegate = IntegerSpinBoxDelegate() delegate.setMinimum(joint_info['min']) delegate.setMaximum(joint_info['max']) delegate.setSingleStep(joint_info['single_step']) table_view.setItemDelegateForColumn(i, delegate) self._delegates.append(delegate)