def get_best_archis_for_seed( seed, test_params, data_factory, gpus, methods_variant_params, checkpoint_dir, ): best_archis = {} for method_name, method_params in sorted(methods_variant_params.items()): method = archis.Method(method_params["method"]) method_params = method_params.copy() del method_params["method"] _, trained_archi = xp.train_model( method, seed=seed, data_factory=data_factory, gpus=gpus, method_params=method_params, method_name=method_name, checkpoint_dir=checkpoint_dir, try_to_resume=True, **test_params, ) best_archis[method_name] = trained_archi return best_archis
def get_archi_or_file_for_seed( seed, methods, file_prefix, test_params, data_factory, checkpoint_dir, gpus, fig_names, ): best_archis = {} st.write("Generating models for plots.") st.text(f"Looking for {file_prefix}_{seed}_<method>_*.png") howtext = st.text("") pgbar = st.progress(0) for i, method in enumerate(methods): if (data_factory.is_semi_supervised() and not archis.Method(method).is_fewshot_method()): logging.warning( f"Skipping {method}: not suited for the semi-supervised setting." ) continue png_files = glob.glob(f"{file_prefix}_{seed}_{method}_*.png") recompute = False for figname in fig_names: png_figs = glob.glob( f"{file_prefix}_{seed}_{method}_*{figname}*.png") if len(png_figs) == 0: recompute = True if recompute: howtext.text(f"Retraining {method}") trainee, trained_archi = xp.train_model( method, seed=seed, data_factory=data_factory, checkpoint_dir=checkpoint_dir, try_to_resume=True, gpus=gpus, **test_params, ) best_archis[method] = trained_archi else: howtext.text("Restoring images") best_archis[method] = png_files pgbar.progress((i + 1) / len(methods)) return best_archis
def get_best_archis_for_seed( seed, test_params, data_factory, gpus, methods_variant_params, mlflow_uri, tensorboard_dir, checkpoint_dir, ): best_archis = {} for method_name, method_params in sorted(methods_variant_params.items()): method = archis.Method(method_params["method"]) method_params = method_params.copy() del method_params["method"] if data_factory.is_semi_supervised( ) and not method.is_fewshot_method(): logging.warning( f"Skipping {method_name}: not suited for the semi-supervised setting." ) continue _, trained_archi = xp.train_model( method, seed=seed, data_factory=data_factory, gpus=gpus, method_params=method_params, method_name=method_name, mlflow_uri=mlflow_uri, tensorboard_dir=tensorboard_dir, checkpoint_dir=checkpoint_dir, try_to_resume=True, **test_params, ) best_archis[method_name] = trained_archi return best_archis
xp.record_hashes(hash_file, params_hash, record_params) output_file_prefix = os.path.join(output_dir, params_hash) test_csv_file = f"{output_file_prefix}.csv" checkpoint_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "checkpoints", params_hash) results = xpr.XpResults.from_file( ["source acc", "target acc", "domain acc"], test_csv_file ) do_plots = False methods_variant_params = xp.load_json_dict(args.method) archis_res = {} for method_name, method_params in sorted(methods_variant_params.items()): method = archis.Method(method_params["method"]) method_params = method_params.copy() del method_params["method"] domain_archi = xp.loop_train_test_model( method, results, nseeds, test_csv_file, test_params=test_params, data_factory=data_factory, gpus=args.gpu, method_name=method_name, method_params=method_params, checkpoint_dir=checkpoint_dir, ) archis_res[method_name] = domain_archi
def loop_train_test_model( method, results, nseeds, backup_file, test_params, data_factory, gpus, force_run=False, progress_callback=lambda percent: None, method_name=None, method_params=None, mlflow_uri=None, tensorboard_dir=None, checkpoint_dir=None, ): init_seed = 34875 seeds = np.random.RandomState(init_seed).randint(100, 100000, size=nseeds) if type(method) is str: method = archis.Method(method) if method_name is None: method_name = method.value if method_params is None: method_params = {} if data_factory.is_semi_supervised() and not method.is_fewshot_method(): logging.warning( f"Skipping {method_name}: not suited for the semi-supervised setting." ) return None res_archis = {} for i, seed in enumerate(tqdm(seeds)): if results.already_computed(method_name, seed) and not force_run: progress_callback((i + 1) / nseeds) continue trainee, trained_archi = train_model( method, seed=seed, data_factory=data_factory, gpus=gpus, method_name=method_name, method_params=method_params, mlflow_uri=mlflow_uri, tensorboard_dir=tensorboard_dir, checkpoint_dir=checkpoint_dir, try_to_resume=not force_run, **test_params, ) # validation scores results.update( is_validation=True, method_name=method_name, seed=seed, metric_values=trainee.callback_metrics, ) # test scores trainee.test() results.update( is_validation=False, method_name=method_name, seed=seed, metric_values=trainee.callback_metrics, ) results.to_csv(backup_file) results.print_scores( method_name, stdout=True, fdout=None, print_func=tqdm.write, ) res_archis[seed] = trained_archi progress_callback((i + 1) / nseeds) best_archi_seed = results.get_best_archi_seed() if best_archi_seed not in res_archis: return None return res_archis[best_archi_seed]
def train_model( method, data_factory, train_params=None, archi_params=None, method_name=None, method_params=None, seed=98347, fix_few_seed=0, gpus=None, mlflow_uri=None, tensorboard_dir=None, checkpoint_dir=None, fast=False, try_to_resume=True, ): """This is the main function where a single model is created and trained, for a single seed value. Args: method (archis.Method): type of method, used to decide which networks to build and how to use some parameters. data_factory (DataFactory): dataset description to get dataset loaders, as well as useful information for some networks. train_params (dict, optional): Hyperparameters for training (see network config). Defaults to None. archi_params (dict, optional): Parameters of the network (see network config). Defaults to None. method_name (string, optional): A unique name describing the method, with its parameters. Used for logging results. Defaults to None. method_params (dict, optional): Parameters to be fed to the model that are specific to `method`. Defaults to None. seed (int, optional): Global seed for reproducibility. Defaults to 98347. fix_few_seed (int, optional): See for semi-supervised setting, fixing which target samples are labeled. Defaults to 0. gpus (list of int, optional): Which GPU ids to use. Defaults to None. mlflow_uri (int|string, optional): if a string, must be formatted like <uri>:<port>. If a port, will try to log to a MLFlow server on localhost:port. If None, ignores MLFlow logging. Defaults to None. fast (bool, optional): Whether to activate the `fast_dev_run` option of PyTorch-Lightning, training only on 1 batch per epoch for debugging. Defaults to False. Returns: 2-elements tuple containing: - pl.Trainer: object containing the resulting metrics, used for evaluation. - BaseAdaptTrainer: pl.LightningModule object (derived class depending on `method`), containing both the dataset & trained networks. """ if type(method) is str: method = archis.Method(method) if method_name is None: method_name = method.value train_params_local = deepcopy(train_params) set_all_seeds(seed) if fix_few_seed > 0: archi_params["random_state"] = fix_few_seed else: archi_params["random_state"] = seed dataset = data_factory.get_multi_domain_dataset(seed) n_classes, data_dim, args = data_factory.get_data_args() network_factory = NetworkFactory(archi_params) # setup feature extractor feature_network = network_factory.get_feature_extractor(data_dim, *args) # setup classifier feature_dim = feature_network.output_size() classifier_network = network_factory.get_task_classifier(feature_dim, n_classes) method_params = {} if method_params is None else method_params if method.is_mmd_method(): model = archis.create_mmd_based( method=method, dataset=dataset, feature_extractor=feature_network, task_classifier=classifier_network, **method_params, **train_params_local, ) else: critic_input_size = feature_dim # setup critic network if method.is_cdan_method(): if method_params is not None and method_params.get("use_random", False): critic_input_size = method_params["random_dim"] else: critic_input_size = feature_dim * n_classes critic_network = network_factory.get_critic_network(critic_input_size) model = archis.create_dann_like( method=method, dataset=dataset, feature_extractor=feature_network, task_classifier=classifier_network, critic=critic_network, **method_params, **train_params_local, ) data_name = data_factory.get_data_short_name() if checkpoint_dir is not None: path_method_name = re.sub(r"[^-/\w\.]", "_", method_name) full_checkpoint_dir = os.path.join( checkpoint_dir, path_method_name, f"seed_{seed}" ) checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint( filepath=os.path.join(full_checkpoint_dir, "{epoch}"), monitor="last_epoch", mode="max", ) checkpoints = sorted( glob.glob(f"{full_checkpoint_dir}/*.ckpt"), key=os.path.getmtime ) if len(checkpoints) > 0 and try_to_resume: last_checkpoint_file = checkpoints[-1] if method is archis.Method.WDGRL: # WDGRL doesn't resume training gracefully last_epoch = ( train_params_local["nb_init_epochs"] + train_params_local["nb_adapt_epochs"] ) if f"epoch={last_epoch - 1}" not in last_checkpoint_file: last_checkpoint_file = None else: last_checkpoint_file = None else: checkpoint_callback = None last_checkpoint_file = None if mlflow_uri is not None: if mlflow_uri.isdecimal(): mlflow_uri = f"{mlflow_uri}" mlf_logger = MLFlowLogger( experiment_name=data_name, tracking_uri=mlflow_uri, tags=dict( method=method_name, data_variant=data_factory.get_data_long_name(), script=__file__, ), ) else: mlf_logger = None if tensorboard_dir is not None: tnb_logger = TensorBoardLogger( save_dir=tensorboard_dir, name=f"{data_name}_{method_name}", ) else: tnb_logger = None loggers = [logger for logger in [mlf_logger, tnb_logger] if logger is not None] if len(loggers) == 0: logger = False else: logger = LoggerCollection(loggers) logger.log_hyperparams( { "seed": seed, "feature_network": archi_params["feature"]["name"], "method group": method.value, "method": method_name, "start time": create_timestamp_string("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"), } ) max_nb_epochs = ( train_params_local["nb_adapt_epochs"] * 5 if method is archis.Method.WDGRLMod else train_params["nb_adapt_epochs"] ) pb_refresh = 1 if len(dataset) < 1000 else 10 row_log_interval = max(10, len(dataset) // train_params_local["batch_size"] // 10) if gpus is not None and len(gpus) > 1 and method is archis.Method.WDGRL: logging.warning("WDGRL is not compatible with multi-GPU.") gpus = [gpus[0]] trainer = pl.Trainer( progress_bar_refresh_rate=pb_refresh, # in steps row_log_interval=row_log_interval, min_epochs=train_params_local["nb_init_epochs"], max_epochs=max_nb_epochs + train_params_local["nb_init_epochs"], early_stop_callback=False, num_sanity_val_steps=5, check_val_every_n_epoch=1, checkpoint_callback=checkpoint_callback, resume_from_checkpoint=last_checkpoint_file, gpus=gpus, logger=logger, weights_summary=None, # 'full' is default fast_dev_run=fast, ) if last_checkpoint_file is None:"Training model with {} {param_to_str(method_params)}") else: f"Resuming training with {} {param_to_str(method_params)}, from {last_checkpoint_file}." ) if trainer.interrupted: raise KeyboardInterrupt("Trainer was interrupted and shutdown gracefully.") if logger: logger.log_hyperparams( {"finish time": create_timestamp_string("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")} ) return trainer, model