# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 ladyada for Adafruit Industries # SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT # Use with Web Bluetooth Dashboard, or with ble_adafruit_simpletest_client.py import time import microcontroller from adafruit_ble import BLERadio from adafruit_ble_adafruit.adafruit_service import AdafruitServerAdvertisement from adafruit_ble_adafruit.temperature_service import TemperatureService temp_svc = TemperatureService() temp_svc.measurement_period = 100 temp_last_update = 0 ble = BLERadio() # Unknown USB PID, since we don't know what board we're on adv = AdafruitServerAdvertisement() adv.pid = 0x0000 while True: # Advertise when not connected. print(adv) print(bytes(adv)) ble.start_advertising(adv) while not ble.connected: pass
humidity_svc.measurement_period = 100 humidity_last_update = 0 light_svc = LightSensorService() light_svc.measurement_period = 100 light_last_update = 0 # Send 256 16-bit samples at a time. MIC_NUM_SAMPLES = 256 mic_svc = MicrophoneService() mic_svc.number_of_channels = 1 mic_svc.measurement_period = 100 mic_last_update = 0 mic_samples = ulab.zeros(MIC_NUM_SAMPLES, dtype=ulab.uint16) temp_svc = TemperatureService() temp_svc.measurement_period = 100 temp_last_update = 0 ble = BLERadio() # The Web Bluetooth dashboard identifies known boards by their # advertised name, not by advertising manufacturer data. ble.name = "Sense" # The Bluefruit Playground app looks in the manufacturer data # in the advertisement. That data uses the USB PID as a unique ID. # Feather Bluefruit Sense USB PID: # This board is not yet support on the app. # Arduino: 0x8087, CircuitPython: 0x8088 adv = AdafruitServerAdvertisement() adv.pid = 0x8088
humidity_svc.measurement_period = 100 humidity_last_update = 0 light_svc = LightSensorService() light_svc.measurement_period = 100 light_last_update = 0 # Send 256 16-bit samples at a time. MIC_NUM_SAMPLES = 256 mic_svc = MicrophoneService() mic_svc.number_of_channels = 1 mic_svc.measurement_period = 100 mic_last_update = 0 mic_samples = ulab.zeros(MIC_NUM_SAMPLES, dtype=ulab.uint16) temp_svc = TemperatureService() temp_svc.measurement_period = 100 temp_last_update = 0 tone_svc = ToneService() ble = BLERadio() # The Web Bluetooth dashboard identifies known boards by their # advertised name, not by advertising manufacturer data. ble.name = "CLUE" # The Bluefruit Playground app looks in the manufacturer data # in the advertisement. That data uses the USB PID as a unique ID. # Adafruit CLUE USB PID: # Arduino: 0x8071, CircuitPython: 0x8072, app supports either adv = AdafruitServerAdvertisement()