コード例 #1
ファイル: ExcitedStates.py プロジェクト: jonasleitner/adcc
    def describe(self,
        Return a string providing a human-readable description of the class

        oscillator_strengths : bool optional
            Show oscillator strengths, by default ``True``.

        rotatory_strengths : bool optional
           Show rotatory strengths, by default ``False``.

        state_dipole_moments : bool, optional
            Show state dipole moments, by default ``False``.

        transition_dipole_moments : bool, optional
            Show state dipole moments, by default ``False``.

        block_norms : bool, optional
            Show the norms of the (1p1h, 2p2h, ...) blocks of the excited states,
            by default ``True``.
        # TODO This function is quite horrible and definitely needs some
        #      refactoring, also it assumes ADC-PP everywhere

        eV = constants.value("Hartree energy in eV")
        has_dipole = "electric_dipole" in self.operators.available
        has_rotatory = all(op in self.operators.available
                           for op in ["magnetic_dipole", "nabla"])

        # Build information about the optional columns
        opt_thead = ""
        opt_body = ""
        opt = {}
        if has_dipole and transition_dipole_moments:
            opt_body += " {tdmx:8.4f} {tdmy:8.4f} {tdmz:8.4f}"
            opt_thead += "  transition dipole moment "
            opt["tdmx"] = lambda i, vec: self.transition_dipole_moment[i][0]
            opt["tdmy"] = lambda i, vec: self.transition_dipole_moment[i][1]
            opt["tdmz"] = lambda i, vec: self.transition_dipole_moment[i][2]
        if has_dipole and oscillator_strengths:
            opt_body += "{osc:8.4f} "
            opt_thead += " osc str "
            opt["osc"] = lambda i, vec: self.oscillator_strength[i]
        if has_rotatory and rotatory_strengths:
            opt_body += "{rot:8.4f} "
            opt_thead += " rot str "
            opt["rot"] = lambda i, vec: self.rotatory_strength[i]
        if "ph" in self.matrix.axis_blocks and block_norms:
            opt_body += "{v1:9.4g} "
            opt_thead += "   |v1|^2 "
            opt["v1"] = lambda i, vec: dot(vec.ph, vec.ph)
        if "pphh" in self.matrix.axis_blocks and block_norms:
            opt_body += "{v2:9.4g} "
            opt_thead += "   |v2|^2 "
            opt["v2"] = lambda i, vec: dot(vec.pphh, vec.pphh)
        if has_dipole and state_dipole_moments:
            opt_body += " {dmx:8.4f} {dmy:8.4f} {dmz:8.4f}"
            opt_thead += "     state dipole moment   "
            opt["dmx"] = lambda i, vec: self.state_dipole_moment[i][0]
            opt["dmy"] = lambda i, vec: self.state_dipole_moment[i][1]
            opt["dmz"] = lambda i, vec: self.state_dipole_moment[i][2]

        # Heading of the table
        kind = ""
        if hasattr(self, "kind") and self.kind \
           and self.kind not in [" ", ""]:
            kind = self.kind + " "

        spin_change = ""
        if kind.strip() == "spin_flip" and hasattr(self, "spin_change") and \
                self.spin_change is not None and self.spin_change != -1:
            spin_change = "(ΔMS={:+2d})".format(self.spin_change)

        conv = ""
        if hasattr(self, "converged"):
            conv = "NOT CONVERGED"
            if self.converged:
                conv = "converged"

        propname = ""
        if self.property_method != self.method:
            propname = " (" + self.property_method.name + ")"

        head = "| {0:18s}  {1:>" + str(11 + len(opt_thead)) + "s} |\n"
        delim = ",  " if kind else ""
        headtext = head.format(self.method.name + propname,
                               kind + spin_change + delim + conv)

        extra = len(headtext) - len(opt_thead) - 36
        text = ""
        separator = "+" + 33 * "-" + extra * "-" + len(opt_thead) * "-" + "+"
        text += separator + "\n"
        text += headtext
        text += separator + "\n"

        if extra > 0:
            opt["space"] = lambda i, vec: ""
            opt_body += "{space:" + str(extra) + "s}"
            opt_thead += (extra * " ")

        # Body of the table
        body = "| {i:2d} {ene:13.7g} {ev:13.7g} " + opt_body + " |\n"
        text += "|  #        excitation energy    " + opt_thead + " |\n"
        text += "|          (au)           (eV)   "
        text += len(opt_thead) * " " + " |\n"
        for i, vec in enumerate(self.excitation_vector):
            fields = {}
            for k, compute in opt.items():
                fields[k] = compute(i, vec)
            text += body.format(i=i,
                                ev=self.excitation_energy[i] * eV,
        text += separator + "\n"
        if len(self._excitation_energy_corrections):
            head_corr = "|  Excitation energy includes these corrections:"
            text += head_corr
            nspace = len(separator) - len(head_corr) - 1
            text += nspace * " " + "|\n"
            maxlen = len(separator) - 8
            for eec in self._excitation_energy_corrections:
                label = f"|    - {eec.name:{maxlen}.{maxlen}}|\n"
                text += label
            text += separator + "\n"
        return text
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_guess.py プロジェクト: obackhouse/adcc
 def assert_orthonormal(self, guesses):
     for (i, gi) in enumerate(guesses):
         for (j, gj) in enumerate(guesses):
             ref = 1 if i == j else 0
             assert adcc.dot(gi, gj) == approx(ref)