コード例 #1
ファイル: decision.py プロジェクト: alkadis/vcv
 def __init__(self, user, poll, at_time=None, votes=None):
     self.user = user
     self.poll = poll
     self.at_time = at_time
     self.node = DelegationNode(user, poll.scope)
     self.votes = votes
     if not votes:
コード例 #2
ファイル: decision.py プロジェクト: whausen/part
 def __init__(self, user, poll, at_time=None, votes=None):
     self.user = user
     self.poll = poll
     self.at_time = at_time
     self.node = DelegationNode(user, poll.scope)
     self.votes = votes
     if not votes:
コード例 #3
ファイル: decision.py プロジェクト: whausen/part
class Decision(object):
    A decision describes the current or past opinion that a user has
    expressed on a given poll. This includes opinions that were determined
    by an agent as a result of delegation.

    def __init__(self, user, poll, at_time=None, votes=None):
        self.user = user
        self.poll = poll
        self.at_time = at_time
        self.node = DelegationNode(user, poll.scope)
        self.votes = votes
        if not votes:

    def reload(self):
        Load all votes by the user regarding the poll.
        q = model.meta.Session.query(Vote)
        q = q.filter(Vote.user_id == self.user.id)
        q = q.filter(Vote.poll_id == self.poll.id)
        q = q.options(eagerload(Vote.delegation))
        if self.at_time:
            q = q.filter(Vote.create_time <= self.at_time)
        q = q.order_by(Vote.id.desc())
        self.votes = q.all()
        return self

    def _relevant_votes(self):
        Currently relevant votes for the polling interval.

        **WARNING**: A non-empty list of relevant votes does not always
        mean a decision was made. This is not true, for example, when multiple
        delegates match a proposal and their opinions differ.

        :returns: List of ``Vote``
        relevant = {}
        for vote in self.votes:
            if not vote.delegation:
                return [vote]
            create_time = relevant.get(vote.delegation, vote).create_time
            if create_time <= vote.create_time:
                relevant[vote.delegation] = vote
        use_keys = self.node.filter_less_specific_delegations(relevant.keys())
        return [v for k, v in relevant.items() if k in use_keys]

    relevant_votes = property(_relevant_votes)

    def _create_time(self):
        Utility property to see when this decision became effective. Equals
        the latest relevant vote creation date.

        :returns: datetime
        return max(map(lambda v: v.create_time, self.relevant_votes))

    create_time = property(_create_time)

    def _delegations(self):
        The set of delegations which have determined this decision, as per

        :returns: list of ``Delegation``
        return filter(lambda d: d is not None,
                      list(set(map(lambda v: v.delegation,

    delegations = property(_delegations)

    def _result(self):
        The result is an ``orientation`` and reflects the ``User``'s current
        decision on the ``Proposal``. Values match those in ``Vote``.
        Given multiple delegates who have voted on the proposal, the
        current approach is to check for an unanimous decision and to
        discard all other constellations. Another approach would be to
        require only a certain majority of agents to support an
        opinion, thus creating an inner vote.
        relevant = self.relevant_votes
        orientations = set(map(lambda v: v.orientation, relevant))
        if len(relevant) and len(orientations) == 1:
            return orientations.pop()
        return None

    result = property(_result)

    # REFACT: this api is dangeous as it assumes but does not check that
    # REFACT: a poll is actually open for this proposal
    def make(self, orientation, _edge=None):
        Make a decision on a given proposal, i.e. vote. Voting
        recursively propagates through the delegation graph to all
        principals who have assigned voting power to the ``User``.
        Each delegated vote will be marked as such by
        saving the ``Delegation`` as a part of the ``Vote``.

        :param orientation: orientation of the vote, ``Vote.YES``, ``Vote.NO``
            or ``Vote.ABSTAIN``
        :returns: the ``Votes`` that has been cast

        def propagating_vote(user, delegateable, edge):
            vote = Vote(user, self.poll, orientation, delegation=edge)
            log.debug("Decision was made: %s is voting '%s' on %s (via %s)" %
                       edge if edge else "self"))
            return vote

        votes = self.node.propagate(propagating_vote, _edge=_edge)
        return votes

    def is_decided(self):
        Determine if a given decision was made by the user, i.e. if the user
        or one of his/her agents has voted on the proposal.
        return not self.result == None

    def is_self_decided(self):
        Determine if a given decision was made by the user him-/herself.
        This does not consider decisions determined by delegation.

        relevant = self.relevant_votes
        return len(relevant) == 1 and relevant[0].delegation == None

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Decision(%s,%s)>" % (self.user.user_name, self.poll.id)

    def without_vote(self, vote):
        Return the same decision given that a certain vote had not been
        if not vote in self.relevant_votes:
            return self
            votes = [v for v in self.votes if v != vote]
            return Decision(self.user, self.poll,
                            at_time=self.at_time, votes=votes)

    def to_dict(self):
        d = dict(user=self.user.user_name,
        if self.is_decided():
            d['result'] = self.result
        d['delegations'] = map(lambda d: d.id, self.delegations)
        return d

    def for_user(cls, user, instance, at_time=None):  # FUUUBARD
        Give a list of all decisions the user made within an instance context.

        :param user: The user for which to list ``Decisions``
        :param instance: an ``Instance`` context.
        query = model.meta.Session.query(Poll)
        query = query.distinct().join(Vote)
        query = query.join(Delegateable)
        query = query.filter(Delegateable.instance == instance)
        query = query.filter(Vote.user == user)
        query = query.options(eagerload(Poll.scope))
        for poll in query:
            if not instance or poll.scope.instance == instance:
                yield cls(user, poll, at_time=at_time)

    def for_poll(cls, poll, at_time=None, user_filter=None):
        Get all decisions that have been made on a poll.

        :param poll: The poll on which to get decisions.
        query = model.meta.Session.query(User)
        if user_filter:
            query = user_filter(query)
        query = query.distinct().join(Vote)
        query = query.filter(Vote.poll_id == poll.id)
        if at_time:
            query = query.filter(Vote.create_time <= at_time)
        return [Decision(u, poll, at_time=at_time) for u in query]

    def average_decisions(cls, instance):
        The average number of decisions that a ``Poll`` in the given instance
        has. For each proposal, this only includes the current poll in order to
        not accumulate too much historic data.

        :param instance: the ``Instance`` for which to calculate the average.
        @memoize('average_decisions', 86400)
        def avg_decisions(instance):
            query = model.meta.Session.query(Poll)
            query = query.join(Delegateable)
            query = query.filter(Delegateable.instance_id == instance.id)
            query = query.filter(Poll.end_time == None)
            query = query.filter(Poll.action != Poll.RATE)
            decisions = []
            for poll in query:
                # only consider current polls to allow for drops
                # in participation
            avg = sum(decisions) / float(max(1, len(decisions)))
            return int(max(2, math.ceil(avg)))
        return avg_decisions(instance)

    def replay_decisions(cls, delegation):
        For a new delegation, have the principal reproduce all of the
        agents past decisions within the delegation scope.
        This process is not perfect, since not the full voting history
        is reproduced, but only the latest interim result. The resulting
        decisions should be the same, though.

        :param delegation: The delegation that is newly created.
        for poll in Poll.within_scope(delegation.scope):
            agent_decision = Decision(delegation.agent, poll)
            if agent_decision.is_decided():
                principal_decision = Decision(delegation.principal, poll)
                log.debug("RP: Making %s" % principal_decision)
コード例 #4
ファイル: decision.py プロジェクト: alkadis/vcv
class Decision(object):
    A decision describes the current or past opinion that a user has
    expressed on a given poll. This includes opinions that were determined
    by an agent as a result of delegation.
    def __init__(self, user, poll, at_time=None, votes=None):
        self.user = user
        self.poll = poll
        self.at_time = at_time
        self.node = DelegationNode(user, poll.scope)
        self.votes = votes
        if not votes:

    def reload(self):
        Load all votes by the user regarding the poll.
        q = model.meta.Session.query(Vote)
        q = q.filter(Vote.user_id == self.user.id)
        q = q.filter(Vote.poll_id == self.poll.id)
        q = q.options(eagerload(Vote.delegation))
        if self.at_time:
            q = q.filter(Vote.create_time <= self.at_time)
        q = q.order_by(Vote.id.desc())
        self.votes = q.all()
        return self

    def _relevant_votes(self):
        Currently relevant votes for the polling interval.

        **WARNING**: A non-empty list of relevant votes does not always
        mean a decision was made. This is not true, for example, when multiple
        delegates match a proposal and their opinions differ.

        :returns: List of ``Vote``
        relevant = {}
        for vote in self.votes:
            if not vote.delegation:
                return [vote]
            create_time = relevant.get(vote.delegation, vote).create_time
            if create_time <= vote.create_time:
                relevant[vote.delegation] = vote
        use_keys = self.node.filter_less_specific_delegations(relevant.keys())
        return [v for k, v in relevant.items() if k in use_keys]

    relevant_votes = property(_relevant_votes)

    def _create_time(self):
        Utility property to see when this decision became effective. Equals
        the latest relevant vote creation date.

        :returns: datetime
        return max(map(lambda v: v.create_time, self.relevant_votes))

    create_time = property(_create_time)

    def _delegations(self):
        The set of delegations which have determined this decision, as per

        :returns: list of ``Delegation``
        return filter(
            lambda d: d is not None,
            list(set(map(lambda v: v.delegation, self.relevant_votes))))

    delegations = property(_delegations)

    def _result(self):
        The result is an ``orientation`` and reflects the ``User``'s current
        decision on the ``Proposal``. Values match those in ``Vote``.
        Given multiple delegates who have voted on the proposal, the
        current approach is to check for an unanimous decision and to
        discard all other constellations. Another approach would be to
        require only a certain majority of agents to support an
        opinion, thus creating an inner vote.
        relevant = self.relevant_votes
        orientations = set(map(lambda v: v.orientation, relevant))
        if len(relevant) and len(orientations) == 1:
            return orientations.pop()
        return None

    result = property(_result)

    # REFACT: this api is dangeous as it assumes but does not check that
    # REFACT: a poll is actually open for this proposal
    def make(self, orientation, _edge=None):
        Make a decision on a given proposal, i.e. vote. Voting
        recursively propagates through the delegation graph to all
        principals who have assigned voting power to the ``User``.
        Each delegated vote will be marked as such by
        saving the ``Delegation`` as a part of the ``Vote``.

        :param orientation: orientation of the vote, ``Vote.YES``, ``Vote.NO``
            or ``Vote.ABSTAIN``
        :returns: the ``Votes`` that has been cast
        def propagating_vote(user, delegateable, edge):
            vote = Vote(user, self.poll, orientation, delegation=edge)
                "Decision was made: %s is voting '%s' on %s (via %s)" %
                (repr(user), orientation, self.poll, edge if edge else "self"))
            return vote

        votes = self.node.propagate(propagating_vote, _edge=_edge)
        return votes

    def is_decided(self):
        Determine if a given decision was made by the user, i.e. if the user
        or one of his/her agents has voted on the proposal.
        return self.result is not None

    def is_self_decided(self):
        Determine if a given decision was made by the user him-/herself.
        This does not consider decisions determined by delegation.

        relevant = self.relevant_votes
        return len(relevant) == 1 and relevant[0].delegation is None

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<Decision(%s,%s)>" % (self.user.user_name, self.poll.id)

    def without_vote(self, vote):
        Return the same decision given that a certain vote had not been
        if vote not in self.relevant_votes:
            return self
            votes = [v for v in self.votes if v != vote]
            return Decision(self.user,

    def to_dict(self):
        d = dict(user=self.user.user_name,
        if self.is_decided():
            d['result'] = self.result
        d['delegations'] = map(lambda d: d.id, self.delegations)
        return d

    def for_user(cls, user, instance, at_time=None):  # FUUUBARD
        Give a list of all decisions the user made within an instance context.

        :param user: The user for which to list ``Decisions``
        :param instance: an ``Instance`` context.
        query = model.meta.Session.query(Poll)
        query = query.distinct().join(Vote)
        query = query.join(Delegateable)
        query = query.filter(Delegateable.instance == instance)
        query = query.filter(Vote.user == user)
        query = query.options(eagerload(Poll.scope))
        for poll in query:
            if not instance or poll.scope.instance == instance:
                yield cls(user, poll, at_time=at_time)

    def for_poll(cls, poll, at_time=None, user_filter=None):
        Get all decisions that have been made on a poll.

        :param poll: The poll on which to get decisions.
        query = model.meta.Session.query(User)
        if user_filter:
            query = user_filter(query)
        query = query.distinct().join(Vote)
        query = query.filter(Vote.poll_id == poll.id)
        if at_time:
            query = query.filter(Vote.create_time <= at_time)
        return [Decision(u, poll, at_time=at_time) for u in query]

    def average_decisions(cls, instance):
        The average number of decisions that a ``Poll`` in the given instance
        has. For each proposal, this only includes the current poll in order to
        not accumulate too much historic data.

        :param instance: the ``Instance`` for which to calculate the average.
        @memoize('average_decisions', 86400)
        def avg_decisions(instance):
            query = model.meta.Session.query(Poll)
            query = query.join(Delegateable)
            query = query.filter(Delegateable.instance_id == instance.id)
            query = query.filter(Poll.end_time == None)  # noqa
            query = query.filter(Poll.action != Poll.RATE)
            decisions = []
            for poll in query:
                # only consider current polls to allow for drops
                # in participation
            avg = sum(decisions) / float(max(1, len(decisions)))
            return int(max(2, math.ceil(avg)))

        return avg_decisions(instance)

    def replay_decisions(cls, delegation):
        For a new delegation, have the principal reproduce all of the
        agents past decisions within the delegation scope.
        This process is not perfect, since not the full voting history
        is reproduced, but only the latest interim result. The resulting
        decisions should be the same, though.

        :param delegation: The delegation that is newly created.
        for poll in Poll.within_scope(delegation.scope):
            agent_decision = Decision(delegation.agent, poll)
            if agent_decision.is_decided():
                principal_decision = Decision(delegation.principal, poll)
                log.debug("RP: Making %s" % principal_decision)