def __init__(self): #Using sets to track visited, visited twice and unvisited nodes... self.visitedtwice = set([]) self.visited = set([]) self.unvisited = set([]) self.intersection = [] self.lab = labyrinth() self.graph = Graph() self.current = (0,0) self.visited.add(self.current) #... and stack to track intersection nodes if self._find_intersection(): self.intersection.append(self.current)
class Find_toby(object): def __init__(self): #Using sets to track visited, visited twice and unvisited nodes... self.visitedtwice = set([]) self.visited = set([]) self.unvisited = set([]) self.intersection = [] self.lab = labyrinth() self.graph = Graph() self.current = (0,0) self.visited.add(self.current) #... and stack to track intersection nodes if self._find_intersection(): self.intersection.append(self.current) def find_tile(self, neighbour_list): """ Check tile types for tiles around the AI player and acts on them accordingly. toby -> player moves to toby's tile trap -> run disarm command in the direction of the trap """ if neighbour_list[1] == 'tile': if neighbour_list[2] == 'trap': if neighbour_list[0] == 'north': self.lab.disarm('north') print 'Disarm north trap' elif neighbour_list[0] == 'south': self.lab.disarm('south') print 'Disarm south trap' elif neighbour_list[0] == 'west': self.lab.disarm('west') print 'Disarm west trap' elif neighbour_list[0] == 'east': self.lab.disarm('east') print 'Disarm east trap' return True else: if neighbour_list[1] == 'toby': if neighbour_list[0] == 'north': self.moveNorth() elif neighbour_list[0] == 'south': self.moveSouth() elif neighbour_list[0] == 'west': self.moveWest() elif neighbour_list[0] == 'east': self.moveEast() return False def _add_vertice(self, neighbour_list): """ Current is tuple of its x and y position. Neighbour_list is the list of neighbours to the current.""" if self.find_tile(neighbour_list): if neighbour_list[0] == 'north': return (self.current[0],self.current[1] - 1) elif neighbour_list[0] == 'south': return (self.current[0],self.current[1] + 1) elif neighbour_list[0] == 'west': return (self.current[0] - 1,self.current[1]) elif neighbour_list[0] == 'east': return (self.current[0] + 1,self.current[1]) else: return False def _find_intersection(self): """ Finds intersection vertices in labyrinth. We are only interested in intersections with more than two paths.""" count = 0 for each_list in self.lab.look(): if each_list[1] == 'wall': count += 1 if count < 2: return True else: return False def _connect_neighbours(self): """ Connect neighbouring unvisited vertices and puts them to visited set and intersection stack """ for prev in self.unvisited: for next in self.unvisited: if (next[0] == prev[0] and next[1] == prev[1] + 1) or (next[0] == prev[0] + 1 and next[1] == prev[1]): self.graph.addEdge((prev, next)) self.visited.add(prev) self.visited.add(next) if self._find_intersection(): self.intersection.append(prev) self.intersection.append(next) def moveSouth(self): """ Move current to south. """ south = (self.current[0], self.current[1] + 1) mv = self.lab.south() self.check_grue(mv) self.current = south self.visited.add(self.current) def moveNorth(self): """ Move current to north. """ north = (self.current[0], self.current[1] - 1) mv = self.lab.north() self.check_grue(mv) self.current = north self.visited.add(self.current) def moveWest(self): """ Move current to west. """ west = (self.current[0] - 1, self.current[1]) mv = self.lab.west() self.check_grue(mv) self.current = west self.visited.add(self.current) def moveEast(self): """ Move current to east. """ east = (self.current[0] + 1, self.current[1]) mv = self.lab.east() self.check_grue(mv) self.current = east self.visited.add(self.current) def move_to_position(self, position): """ Moving AI to the given position. Used in backtracking.""" if position[0] == self.current[0]: y_distance = position[1] - self.current[1] if y_distance > 0: self.moveSouth() else: self.moveNorth() elif position[1] == self.current[1]: x_distance = position[0] - self.current[0] if x_distance > 0: self.moveEast() else: self.moveWest() def backtrack(self): """ Tracking back using Dijkstra algorithm and intersection stack""" last_intersection = self.intersection.pop() retrace = Shortest_path().shortestPath(self.graph, self.current, last_intersection) print retrace print "Moving back..." self.current = retrace.pop(0) if self.current in self.intersection: self.intersection.remove(self.current) while retrace: position = retrace.pop(0) self.move_to_position(position) if position in self.intersection: self.intersection.remove(position) def move(self): """ Moving. It's here the moving of AI actually happens. """ self.build_graph() while 1: if self.current in self.visited: self.build_graph() if (self.current[0], self.current[1] + 1) in self.unvisited: self.moveSouth() elif (self.current[0], self.current[1] - 1) in self.unvisited: self.moveNorth() elif (self.current[0] - 1, self.current[1]) in self.unvisited: self.moveWest() elif (self.current[0] + 1, self.current[1]) in self.unvisited: self.moveEast() elif self.intersection: self.backtrack() #Using Tremaux's algorithm as backup elif (self.current[0] + 1, self.current[1]) in self.visited.difference(self.visitedtwice): self.visitedtwice.add(self.current) self.moveEast() elif (self.current[0] - 1, self.current[1]) in self.visited.difference(self.visitedtwice): self.visitedtwice.add(self.current) self.moveWest() elif (self.current[0], self.current[1] - 1) in self.visited.difference(self.visitedtwice): self.visitedtwice.add(self.current) self.moveNorth() elif (self.current[0], self.current[1] + 1) in self.visited.difference(self.visitedtwice): self.visitedtwice.add(self.current) self.moveSouth() if self._find_intersection() and self.current in self.unvisited: self.intersection.append(self.current) self.lab.cleanup() def check_grue(self, tile): """ Check for a grue at the tile the player is standing on. """ if tile[2] == 'grue': if self.lab.inventory > 0: print 'Lighted match' def build_graph(self): """ Build graph around current, update unvisited set and connect neighbours. """ for each_list in self.lab.look(): vertice = self._add_vertice(each_list) if vertice: self.unvisited.add(vertice) self.graph.addEdge((self.current, vertice)) self.unvisited -= self.visited self._connect_neighbours()