def upload(request): try: image_file = request.FILES['file'] except KeyError: raise PermissionDenied if not'name', '')): raise PermissionDenied if not'phone', '')): raise PermissionDenied if not'email', '')): raise PermissionDenied if len(request.POST.get('description', '').strip()) == 0: raise PermissionDenied post_name = request.POST['name'].strip() post_phone = request.POST['phone'].strip() post_email = request.POST['email'].strip() post_description = request.POST['description'].strip() try: conn = boto.connect_s3(settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) bucket = conn.get_bucket(s3_bucket()) image_key = Image.generate_unique_random_key() data = ext =".")[-1].lower() pil_image = exif_json = json.dumps(get_exif_tags(pil_image)) image_file_tags = xmp.find_keywords(data) thumbs = [{'size': size, 'data': create_thumb(pil_image, ext, size)} for size in settings.THUMB_SIZES] if pil_image.size[0] < MIN_SIZE or pil_image.size[1] < MIN_SIZE: return HttpResponseBadRequest(json.dumps({ 'files': [{ 'name':, 'size': image_file.size, 'error': u"Bildet må være minst 800x800 piksler", }] })) # Give boto an encoded str, not unicode content_type = image_file.content_type.encode('utf-8') key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket, '%s%s.%s' % (settings.AWS_IMAGEGALLERY_PREFIX, image_key, ext)) key.content_type = content_type key.set_contents_from_string(data, policy='public-read') for thumb in thumbs: key = boto.s3.key.Key(bucket, '%s%s-%s.%s' % (settings.AWS_IMAGEGALLERY_PREFIX, image_key, thumb['size'], ext)) key.content_type = content_type key.set_contents_from_string(thumb['data'], policy='public-read') destination_album = Fotokonkurranse.objects.get().album licence_text = "Kan brukes i DNTs egne kommunikasjonskanaler som magasiner, nettsider og sosiale medier, i PR og for bruk av DNTs sponsorer." image = Image( key=image_key, extension=ext, hash=sha1(data).hexdigest(), description=post_description, album=destination_album, photographer=post_name, credits="%s / DNTs fotokonkurranse" % post_name, licence="%s Kontakt: %s (%s / %s)" % (licence_text, post_name, post_phone, post_email), exif=exif_json, uploader=request.user if not request.user.is_anonymous() else None, width=pil_image.size[0], height=pil_image.size[1]) for tag in [tag.lower() for tag in image_file_tags]: obj, created = Tag.objects.get_or_create(name=tag) image.tags.add(obj) # Note that we're caching the email address for one hour and not resending the email receipt # for further uploads from that address during this period. if cache.get('fotokonkurranse.emails.%s' % post_email) is None: # Set the cache quickly when we know we're going to send an email. Don't wait until after # it's sent, because other upload requests may try to send meanwhile and we don't want them to. cache.set('fotokonkurranse.emails.%s' % post_email, True, 60 * 60) try: t = loader.get_template('central/fotokonkurranse/email_confirmation.txt') c = RequestContext(request, { 'user_name': post_name, }) send_mail(EMAIL_CONFIRMATION_SUBJECT, t.render(c), settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [post_email]) except (SMTPException, SSLError): cache.delete('fotokonkurranse.emails.%s' % post_email) logger.warning(u"Kvitteringsepost for fotokonkurranse feilet", exc_info=sys.exc_info(), extra={'request': request} ) return HttpResponse(json.dumps({ 'files': [{ 'name':, 'size': image_file.size, 'url': '', 'thumbnailUrl': '', 'deleteUrl': '', 'deleteType': '', }] })) except Exception as e: logger.error(u"Feil ved opplasting av bilde til fotokonkurranse", exc_info=sys.exc_info(), extra={'request': request} ) return HttpResponseBadRequest(json.dumps({ 'files': [{ 'name':, 'size': image_file.size, 'error': "Exception ved bildeopplasting: %s" % e, }] }))
def upload_image(request): try: if len(request.FILES.getlist('files')) == 0: result = json.dumps({'status': 'no_files'}) return render(request, 'central/admin/images/iframe.html', {'result': result}) conn = boto.connect_s3(settings.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, settings.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) bucket = conn.get_bucket(settings.AWS_S3_BUCKET) ids = [] album = None if request.POST['album'] == '' else Album.objects.get(id=request.POST['album']) for image in request.FILES.getlist('files'): image_key = Image.generate_unique_random_key() data = ext =".")[-1].lower() pil_image = exif_json = json.dumps(get_exif_tags(data)) tags = xmp.find_keywords(data) thumbs = [{'size': size, 'data': create_thumb(pil_image, ext, size)} for size in settings.THUMB_SIZES] key = bucket.new_key("%s/%s.%s" % (settings.AWS_S3_FOLDERS['imagearchive'], image_key, ext)) key.content_type = image.content_type key.set_contents_from_string(data, policy='public-read') for thumb in thumbs: key = bucket.new_key("%s/%s-%s.%s" % ( settings.AWS_S3_FOLDERS['imagearchive'], image_key, thumb['size'], ext )) key.content_type = image.content_type key.set_contents_from_string(thumb['data'], policy='public-read') image = Image( key=image_key, extension=ext, hash=sha1(data).hexdigest(), description='', album=album, photographer='', credits='', licence='', exif=exif_json, uploader=request.user, width=pil_image.size[0], height=pil_image.size[1]) for tag in [tag.lower() for tag in tags]: obj, created = Tag.objects.get_or_create(name=tag) image.tags.add(obj) ids.append( result = json.dumps({ 'status': 'success', 'ids': ids }) return render(request, 'central/admin/images/iframe.html', {'result': result}) except(IOError, KeyError): logger.warning( "Kunne ikke parse opplastet bilde, antar at det er ugyldig bildefil", exc_info=sys.exc_info(), extra={'request': request} ) result = json.dumps({'status': 'parse_error'}) return render(request, 'central/admin/images/iframe.html', {'result': result}) except Exception: logger.error( "Ukjent exception ved bildeopplasting", exc_info=sys.exc_info(), extra={'request': request} ) result = json.dumps({'status': 'unknown_exception'}) return render(request, 'central/admin/images/iframe.html', {'result': result})