コード例 #1
    def add_rule(self,run_number, dtype, hash, from_rse, to_rse, datum=None, lifetime=None, update_db=True):
        did = make_did(run_number, dtype, hash)
        if dtype in self.HIGH_LEVEL_TYPES:
            priority = 1
            priority = 3
        result = self.rc.AddConditionalRule(did, from_rse, to_rse, lifetime=lifetime, priority=priority)
        #if result == 1:
        #   return
        helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('\t==> Run {0}, data type {1}: conditional rule added: {2} ---> {3}'.format(run_number,dtype,did,to_rse))

        if update_db:
            self.db.db.find_one_and_update({'number': run_number},
                                      {'$set': {'status': 'transferring'}}

            rucio_rule = self.rc.GetRule(did, rse=to_rse)
            updated_fields = {'host': "rucio-catalogue",
                         'type': dtype,
                         'location': to_rse,
                         'lifetime': rucio_rule['expires'],
                         'status': 'transferring',
                         'did': did,
                         'protocol': 'rucio'

            if datum == None:
                data_dict = updated_fields
                data_dict = datum.copy()

            docid = self.db.db.find_one({'number': run_number}, {'_id': 1})['_id']
            self.db.AddDatafield(docid, data_dict)
コード例 #2
def add_rule(run_number, dtype, hash, rse, lifetime=None, update_db=True):
    did = make_did(run_number, dtype, hash)
    rc = RucioSummoner()
    result = rc.AddRule(did, rse, lifetime=lifetime)
    #if result == 1:
    #   return
    print(f"Rule Added: {did} ---> {rse}")

    if update_db:
        rucio_rule = rc.GetRule(did, rse=rse)
        data_dict = {
            'host': "rucio-catalogue",
            'type': dtype,
            'location': rse,
            'lifetime': rucio_rule['expires'],
            'status': 'transferring',
            'did': did,
            'protocol': 'rucio'
        DB.db.find_one_and_update({'number': run_number},
                                  {'$set': {
                                      'status': 'transferring'

        docid = DB.db.find_one({'number': run_number}, {'_id': 1})['_id']
        DB.AddDatafield(docid, data_dict)
コード例 #3
    def run(self,*args, **kwargs):
#        helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info(f'Run task {self.__class__.__name__}')

        # Get a new dataset to upload
        id_to_upload, datum = self.get_dataset_to_upload_from_manager()
        if id_to_upload == 0:
#            helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('\t==> No data type available to upload')
            return 0

        # Get the run
        run = self.db.db.find_one({'_id': id_to_upload}, {'number': 1, 'data': 1})

        # Get info from the screen session
        process = psutil.Process()
        screen = process.parent().parent().parent().parent().cmdline()[-1]

        # Building the did
        number = run['number']
        dtype = datum['type']
        file = datum['location'].split('/')[-1]
        hash = file.split('-')[-1]
        did = make_did(number, dtype, hash)
        eb = datum['host'].split('.')[0]
        helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('\t==> Screen {0}. Uploading did {1} from host {2}'.format(screen,did,eb))

        # Modify data type status to "transferring"
        self.db.db.find_one_and_update({'_id': id_to_upload, 'data': {'$elemMatch': {'type' : datum['type'], 'location' : datum['location'], 'host' : datum['host'] }}},
                          { '$set': { "data.$.status" : "transferring" } })

        # Check, for coherency, if there is no rucio entry in DB for this data type
        in_rucio_upload_rse = False
        in_rucio_somewhere_else = False
        for d in run['data']:
            if d['type'] == datum['type'] and d['host'] == 'rucio-catalogue' and hash in d['did'] and d['location'] == self.UPLOAD_TO:
                in_rucio_upload_rse = True
            if d['type'] == datum['type'] and d['host'] == 'rucio-catalogue' and hash in d['did'] and d['location'] != self.UPLOAD_TO:
                in_rucio_somewhere_else = True
        if in_rucio_upload_rse:
            helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('\t==> Screen {0}. Run {1}, data type {2} has already a DB entry for RSE {3}. Forced to stop'.format(screen,number,dtype,self.UPLOAD_TO))
            return 0
        if in_rucio_somewhere_else:
            helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('\t==> Screen {0}. Run {1}, data type {2} has already a DB entry for some external RSE. Forced to stop'.format(screen,number,dtype))
            return 0

        # Querying Rucio: if a rule exists already for this DID on LNGS, skip uploading
        rucio_rule = self.rc.GetRule(upload_structure=did, rse=self.UPLOAD_TO)
        if rucio_rule['exists']:
            helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('\t==> Screen {0}. Run {1}, data type {2} has already a Rucio rule for RSE {3}. Forced to stop'.format(screen,number,dtype,self.UPLOAD_TO))
            return 0
        # Building the full path of data to upload
        upload_path = os.path.join(self.DATADIR, eb, file)

        # Finally, start uploading with Rucio
        result = self.rc.Upload(did, upload_path, self.UPLOAD_TO, lifetime=None)
        helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('\t==> Screen {0}. Uploading did {1} from host {2} done'.format(screen,did,eb))

        # Wait for 10 seconds
        # Checking the status of this new upload rule
        rucio_rule = self.rc.GetRule(upload_structure=did, rse=self.UPLOAD_TO)
        if rucio_rule['state'] != 'OK':
            helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('\t==> Screen {0}. Run {1}, data type {2}, according to Rucio, uploading failed. Forced to stop'.format(screen, number,dtype))

        # Modify data type status to "transferred"
        self.db.db.find_one_and_update({'_id': id_to_upload, 'data': {'$elemMatch': {'type' : datum['type'], 'location' : datum['location'], 'host' : datum['host'] }}},
                          { '$set': { "data.$.status" : "transferred" } })

        # Add a new data field with LNGS as RSE and with status "trasferred"
        data_dict = datum.copy()
        data_dict.update({'host': "rucio-catalogue",
                          'type': dtype,
                          'location': self.UPLOAD_TO,
                          'lifetime': rucio_rule['expires'],
                          'status': 'transferred',
                          'did': did,
                          'protocol': 'rucio'
        self.db.AddDatafield(run['_id'], data_dict)

        # set a rule to ship data on GRID
        if rucio_rule['state'] == 'OK':

            rses = [self.UPLOAD_TO]

            if dtype in self.RAW_RECORDS_TPC_TYPES:
                rses = rses + self.RAW_RECORDS_TPC_RSES
            if dtype in self.RAW_RECORDS_MV_TYPES:
                rses = rses + self.RAW_RECORDS_MV_RSES
            if dtype in self.RAW_RECORDS_NV_TYPES:
                rses = rses + self.RAW_RECORDS_NV_RSES

            if dtype in self.LIGHT_RAW_RECORDS_TPC_TYPES:
                rses = rses + self.LIGHT_RAW_RECORDS_TPC_RSES
            if dtype in self.LIGHT_RAW_RECORDS_MV_TYPES:
                rses = rses + self.LIGHT_RAW_RECORDS_MV_RSES
            if dtype in self.LIGHT_RAW_RECORDS_NV_TYPES:
                rses = rses + self.LIGHT_RAW_RECORDS_NV_RSES

            if dtype in self.HIGH_LEVEL_TYPES:
                rses = rses + self.HIGH_LEVEL_RSES

            if dtype in self.RECORDS_TYPES:
                rses = rses + self.RECORDS_RSES

            for from_rse, to_rse in zip(rses, rses[1:]):
                to_rule = self.rc.GetRule(upload_structure=did, rse=to_rse)
                if not to_rule['exists']:
                    self.add_rule(number, dtype, hash, from_rse, to_rse, datum=datum)

        # unbook the did

        return 0
コード例 #4
    def run(self, *args, **kwargs):
            f'Run task {self.__class__.__name__}')


        # Get all runs that are already transferred and that still have some data_types in eb
        cursor = self.db.db.find(
                #            'number': {"$lt": 7600, "$gte": 7500},
                #            'number': {"$lt": 7600, "$gte": 7200},
                #            'number': {"$lt": 8570, "$gte": 8550},
                #            'number': {"$gte": 7330},
                #            'number': {"$gte": 8500},
                'number': {
                    "$gte": 10800
                #            'number': {"$gte": 8013},
                #            'number': 8075,
                #            'data' : { "$elemMatch": { "host" : {"$regex" : ".*eb.*"} , "type" : {"$in" : data_types}} },
                #            'status': 'transferred'
                'status': {
                    '$in': ['transferred', 'transferring']
                '_id': 1,
                'number': 1,
                'data': 1,
                'bootstrax': 1

        cursor = list(cursor)

        #        helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('Runs that will be processed are {0}'.format([c["number"] for c in cursor]))
            'Runs that will be processed are {0}'.format(len(cursor)))

        # Runs over all listed runs
        for run in cursor:

            #Gets the run number
            number = run['number']

            # Extracts the correct Event Builder machine who processed this run
            bootstrax = run['bootstrax']
            eb = bootstrax['host'].split('.')[0]

            #            helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('Treating run {0}'.format(number))

            #            helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('Run {0} has been processed by {1}'.format(number,eb))

            # Checks how much date are old
            if 'time' in run['bootstrax']:
                run_time = run['bootstrax']['time'].replace(
                now_time = datetime.now().replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
                delta_time = now_time - run_time
                delta_time = timedelta(days=self.minimum_deltadays_allowed)

            # Loops on all datatypes that have to be cleaned
            for dtype in data_types:
                #                helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('\t==> Looking for data type {0}'.format(dtype))

                # checks the age of the data type
                is_enough_old = True

                # for some data types, it they are not yet older than three days, it skips deleting them
                if dtype in self.dtype_delayed_delete:
                    if delta_time < timedelta(
                            'Run {0}, data type {1} is not yet older than {2} days. Skip it'
                            .format(number, dtype,
                        is_enough_old = False

                # for some heavy data types (records and raw_records), if they are not yet older than one day, it skips deleting them
                if dtype in self.dtype_delayed_delete_heavy:
                    if delta_time < timedelta(
                            'Run {0}, data type {1} is not yet older than {2} days. Skip it'
                            .format(number, dtype,
                        is_enough_old = False

                # check first with runDB if the data type already exists in external RSEs
                rses_in_db = []
                for d in run['data']:
                    if d['type'] == dtype and d[
                            'host'] == 'rucio-catalogue' and d[
                                'location'] != self.UPLOAD_TO and d[
                                    'status'] == 'transferred':
#                helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('\t==> According to DB, found in following external RSEs : {0}'.format(rses_in_db))

# if this is not the case, just skip any attempt of deleting anything
                if len(rses_in_db) < self.minimum_number_acceptable_rses:
                    #                    helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('\t==> Nothing will be deleted : not enough external RSEs')

                # check first if data are, according to the DB, still in EB
                datum = None
                for d in run['data']:
                    if d['type'] == dtype and eb in d['host']:
                        datum = d

                # skip this data type in case the eb status field is missing or is different from "transferred"
                if datum is not None and ('status' not in datum
                                          or datum['status'] != "transferred"):

                # Phase 1 : Deleting data in EB

#                if datum is None:
#                    helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('Data type not in eb')

# start deleting data in EB
                if datum is not None and dtype not in self.dtype_never_delete and is_enough_old:
                    file = datum['location'].split('/')[-1]
                    hash = file.split('-')[-1]

                    # create the DID from DB
                    did = make_did(number, dtype, hash)

                    # check if a rule already exists with this exact DID in external RSEs
                    # and take also the number of files in each RSE
                    rses_with_rule = []
                    rses_with_correct_nfiles = []
                    for rse in self.RSES:
                        rucio_rule = self.rc.GetRule(upload_structure=did,
                        if rucio_rule['exists'] and rucio_rule['state'] == 'OK':
                            if self.UPLOAD_TO == rucio_rule['rse']:
                            nfiles = len(
                                list_file_replicas(number, dtype, hash,
                            if 'file_count' in datum:
                                if nfiles == datum['file_count']:
#                    helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('\t==> According to Rucio, found in following external RSEs : {0}'.format(rses_with_rule))

#                    if len(rses_with_correct_nfiles) == len(rses_with_rule):
#                        helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('\t==> All of them with the expected number of files')
#                    else:
#                        helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('\t==> Error, these RSEs have wrong number of files : {0}'.format(rses_with_correct_nfiles))

# if so, start deleting
#                    if len(rses_with_rule)>=self.minimum_number_acceptable_rses and len(rses_with_correct_nfiles) == len(rses_with_rule):
                    if len(rses_with_rule
                           ) >= self.minimum_number_acceptable_rses and len(
                           ) >= self.minimum_number_acceptable_rses:
                        #                    if len(rses_with_rule)>=self.minimum_number_acceptable_rses:

                        # delete from DB
                        # print(run['_id'],datum['type'],datum['host'])
                        self.db.RemoveDatafield(run['_id'], datum)
                        full_path = os.path.join(self.DATADIR, eb, file)
                        # print(full_path)

                            '\t==> Run {0}, data type {1}. Deleted EB info from DB'
                            .format(number, dtype))

                        # delete from disk
                        except OSError as e:
                                '\t==> Error, cannot delete directory : {0}'.
                                '\t==> Run {0}, data type {1}. Deleted data from EB disk'
                                .format(number, dtype))

                # Phase 2 : Deleting data in LNGS_USERDISK

                # check if data are, according to the DB, still in datamanager (LNGS_USERDISK)
                datum = None
                for d in run['data']:
                    if d['type'] == dtype and d[
                            'host'] == 'rucio-catalogue' and self.UPLOAD_TO in d[
                        datum = d

                # if so, start deleting data in datamanager (LNGS_USERDISK)
#                if datum is None:
#                    helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('Data type not in LNGS_USERDISK')

                if datum is not None:
                    # create the DID from DB
                    did = datum['did']
                    hash = did.split('-')[-1]

                    nfiles_upload_to = len(
                        list_file_replicas(number, dtype, hash,

                    # check if a rule already exists with this exact DID in external RSEs
                    rses_with_rule = []
                    rses_with_correct_nfiles = []
                    for rse in self.RSES:
                        rucio_rule = self.rc.GetRule(upload_structure=did,
                        if rucio_rule['exists'] and rucio_rule['state'] == 'OK':
                            if self.UPLOAD_TO == rucio_rule['rse']:
                            nfiles = len(
                                list_file_replicas(number, dtype, hash,
                            if nfiles == nfiles_upload_to:
#                    helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('\t==> According to Rucio, found in following external RSEs : {0}'.format(rses_with_rule))

#                    if len(rses_with_correct_nfiles) == len(rses_with_rule):
#                        helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('\t==> All of them with the expected number of files')
#                    else:
#                        helper.global_dictionary['logger'].Info('\t==> Error, these RSEs have wrong number of files : {0}'.format(rses_with_correct_nfiles))

# if so, start deleting
#                    if len(rses_with_rule)>=self.minimum_number_acceptable_rses and len(rses_with_correct_nfiles) == len(rses_with_rule):
                    if len(rses_with_rule
                           ) >= self.minimum_number_acceptable_rses and len(
                           ) >= self.minimum_number_acceptable_rses:

                        rucio_rule = self.rc.GetRule(upload_structure=did,
                        if rucio_rule['exists'] and rucio_rule[
                                'state'] == 'OK' and rucio_rule[
                                    'rse'] == self.UPLOAD_TO:
                                '\t==> Run {0}, data type {1}. Deleted LNGS_USERDISK Rucio rule'
                                .format(number, dtype))
                            hash = did.split('-')[-1]
                            files = list_file_replicas(number, dtype, hash,
                            for file in files:
                                '\t==> Run {0}, data type {1}. Deleted data from LNGS_USERDISK disk'
                                .format(number, dtype))

                            self.db.RemoveDatafield(run['_id'], datum)
                                '\t==> Run {0}, data type {1}. Deleted LNGS_USERDISK info from DB'
                                .format(number, dtype))

        return 0
コード例 #5
def do_upload(periodic_check=300):
    #rc_reader_path = "/home/datamanager/software/admix/admix/config/xenonnt_format.config"
    #rc_reader = ConfigRucioDataFormat()

    rc = RucioSummoner()

    # get the data to upload
    ids_to_upload = find_data_to_upload()

    cursor = DB.db.find(
            '_id': {
                "$in": ids_to_upload
            #'number': 7157
            'number': 1,
            'data': 1,
            'dids': 1

    cursor = list(cursor)

    # check transfers
    last_check = time.time()

    for run in cursor:
        number = run['number']
        print(f"\n\nUploading run {number}")
        for dtype in DTYPES:
            print(f"\t==> Uploading {dtype}")
            # get the datum for this datatype
            datum = None
            in_rucio = False
            for d in run['data']:
                if d['type'] == dtype and 'eb' in d['host']:
                    datum = d

                if d['type'] == dtype and d['host'] == 'rucio-catalogue':
                    in_rucio = True

            if datum is None:
                print(f"Data type {dtype} not found for run {number}")

            file = datum['location'].split('/')[-1]

            hash = file.split('-')[-1]

            upload_path = os.path.join(DATADIR, file)

            # create a DID to upload
            did = make_did(number, dtype, hash)

            # check if a rule already exists for this DID on LNGS
            rucio_rule = rc.GetRule(upload_structure=did, rse="LNGS_USERDISK")

            # if not in rucio already and no rule exists, upload into rucio
            if not in_rucio and not rucio_rule['exists']:
                result = rc.Upload(did,

                print("Dataset uploaded.")

            # if upload was successful, tell runDB
            rucio_rule = rc.GetRule(upload_structure=did, rse="LNGS_USERDISK")
            data_dict = {
                'host': "rucio-catalogue",
                'type': dtype,
                'location': 'LNGS_USERDISK',
                'lifetime': rucio_rule['expires'],
                'status': 'transferred',
                'did': did,
                'protocol': 'rucio'

            if rucio_rule['state'] == 'OK':
                if not in_rucio:
                    DB.AddDatafield(run['_id'], data_dict)

                # add a DID list that's easy to query by DB.GetDid
                # check if did field exists yet or not
                # if not run.get('dids'):
                #     DB.db.find_one_and_update({'_id': run['_id']},
                #                               {'$set': {'dids': {dtype: did}}}
                #                               )
                # else:
                #     print("Updating DID list")
                #     DB.db.find_one_and_update({'_id': run['_id']},
                #                               {'$set': {'dids.%s' % dtype: did}}
                #                               )

            # add rule to OSG and Nikhef
            # TODO make this configurable
            for rse in ['UC_OSG_USERDISK']:
                add_rule(number, dtype, rse)

            # finally, delete the eb copy
            #remove_from_eb(number, dtype)

        if time.time() - last_check > periodic_check:
            last_check = time.time()