def main_worker(gpu, ngpus_per_node, config): global best_acc1 config.gpu = gpu if config.gpu is not None: print("Use GPU: {} for training".format(config.gpu)) if config.distributed: if config.dist_url == "env://" and config.rank == -1: config.rank = int(os.environ["RANK"]) if config.multiprocessing_distributed: # For multiprocessing distributed training, rank needs to be the # global rank among all the processes config.rank = config.rank * ngpus_per_node + gpu dist.init_process_group(backend=config.dist_backend, init_method=config.dist_url, world_size=config.world_size, rank=config.rank) # create model if config.pretrained: print("=> using pre-trained model '{}'".format(config.arch)) model = models.__dict__[config.arch](pretrained=True) print(model) param_names = [] module_names = [] for name, W in model.named_modules(): module_names.append(name) print(module_names) for name, W in model.named_parameters(): param_names.append(name) print(param_names) else: print("=> creating model '{}'".format(config.arch)) if config.arch == "alexnet_bn": model = AlexNet_BN() print(model) for i, (name, W) in enumerate(model.named_parameters()): print(name) else: model = models.__dict__[config.arch]() print(model) if config.distributed: # For multiprocessing distributed, DistributedDataParallel constructor # should always set the single device scope, otherwise, # DistributedDataParallel will use all available devices. if config.gpu is not None: torch.cuda.set_device(config.gpu) model.cuda(config.gpu) # When using a single GPU per process and per # DistributedDataParallel, we need to divide the batch size # ourselves based on the total number of GPUs we have config.batch_size = int(config.batch_size / ngpus_per_node) config.workers = int(config.workers / ngpus_per_node) model = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel( model, device_ids=[config.gpu]) else: model.cuda() # DistributedDataParallel will divide and allocate batch_size to all # available GPUs if device_ids are not set model = torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel(model) elif config.gpu is not None: torch.cuda.set_device(config.gpu) model = model.cuda(config.gpu) else: # DataParallel will divide and allocate batch_size to all available GPUs if config.arch.startswith('alexnet') or config.arch.startswith('vgg'): model.features = torch.nn.DataParallel(model.features) model.cuda() else: model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model).cuda() config.model = model # define loss function (criterion) and optimizer criterion = CrossEntropyLossMaybeSmooth(smooth_eps=config.smooth_eps).cuda( config.gpu) config.smooth = config.smooth_eps > 0.0 config.mixup = config.alpha > 0.0 # note that loading a pretrain model does not inherit optimizer info # will use resume to resume admm training if config.load_model: if os.path.isfile(config.load_model): if (config.gpu): model.load_state_dict( torch.load( config.load_model, map_location={'cuda:0': 'cuda:{}'.format(config.gpu)})) else: model.load_state_dict(torch.load(config.load_model)) else: print("=> no checkpoint found at '{}'".format(config.resume)) config.prepare_pruning() nonzero = 0 zero = 0 for name, W in model.named_parameters(): if name in config.conv_names: W = W.cpu().detach().numpy() zero += np.sum(W == 0) nonzero += np.sum(W != 0) total = nonzero + zero print('compression rate is {}'.format(total * 1.0 / nonzero)) import sys sys.exit() # optionally resume from a checkpoint if config.resume: ## will add logic for loading admm variables if os.path.isfile(config.resume): print("=> loading checkpoint '{}'".format(config.resume)) checkpoint = torch.load(config.resume) config.start_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] best_acc1 = checkpoint['best_acc1'] ADMM.ADMM_U = checkpoint['admm']['ADMM_U'] ADMM.ADMM_Z = checkpoint['admm']['ADMM_Z'] model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['state_dict']) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint['optimizer']) print("=> loaded checkpoint '{}' (epoch {})".format( config.resume, checkpoint['epoch'])) else: print("=> no checkpoint found at '{}'".format(config.resume)) cudnn.benchmark = True # Data loading code traindir = os.path.join(, 'train') valdir = os.path.join(, 'val') normalize = transforms.Normalize(mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225]) train_dataset = datasets.ImageFolder( traindir, transforms.Compose([ transforms.RandomResizedCrop(224), transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip(), transforms.ToTensor(), normalize, ])) if config.distributed: train_sampler = train_dataset) else: train_sampler = None train_loader =, batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=(train_sampler is None), num_workers=config.workers, pin_memory=True, sampler=train_sampler) val_loader = valdir, transforms.Compose([ transforms.Resize(256), transforms.CenterCrop(224), transforms.ToTensor(), normalize, ])), batch_size=config.batch_size, shuffle=False, num_workers=config.workers, pin_memory=True) config.warmup = (not config.admm) and config.warmup_epochs > 0 optimizer_init_lr = config.warmup_lr if config.warmup else optimizer = None if (config.optimizer == 'sgd'): optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), optimizer_init_lr, momentum=config.momentum, weight_decay=config.weight_decay) elif (config.optimizer == 'adam'): optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters(), optimizer_init_lr) scheduler = None if config.lr_scheduler == 'cosine': scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.CosineAnnealingLR(optimizer, T_max=config.epochs * len(train_loader), eta_min=4e-08) elif config.lr_scheduler == 'default': # sets the learning rate to the initial LR decayed by gamma every 30 epochs""" scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.StepLR(optimizer, step_size=30 * len(train_loader), gamma=0.1) else: raise Exception("unknown lr scheduler") if config.warmup: scheduler = GradualWarmupScheduler( optimizer, / config.warmup_lr, total_iter=config.warmup_epochs * len(train_loader), after_scheduler=scheduler) if False: validate(val_loader, criterion, config) return ADMM = None if config.verify: admm.masking(config) admm.test_sparsity(config) validate(val_loader, criterion, config) import sys sys.exit() if config.admm: ADMM = admm.ADMM(config) if config.masked_retrain: # make sure small weights are pruned and confirm the acc admm.masking(config) print("before retrain starts") admm.test_sparsity(config) validate(val_loader, criterion, config) if config.masked_progressive: admm.zero_masking(config) for epoch in range(config.start_epoch, config.epochs): if config.distributed: train_sampler.set_epoch(epoch) # train for one epoch train(train_loader, config, ADMM, criterion, optimizer, scheduler, epoch) # evaluate on validation set acc1 = validate(val_loader, criterion, config) # remember best acc@1 and save checkpoint is_best = acc1 > best_acc1 best_acc1 = max(acc1, best_acc1) if is_best and not config.admm: # we don't need admm to have best validation acc print('saving new best model {}'.format(config.save_model)), config.save_model) if not config.multiprocessing_distributed or ( config.multiprocessing_distributed and config.rank % ngpus_per_node == 0): save_checkpoint( config, { 'admm': {}, 'epoch': epoch + 1, 'arch': config.arch, 'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'best_acc1': best_acc1, 'optimizer': optimizer.state_dict(), }, is_best) # save last model for admm, optimizer detail is not necessary if config.save_model and config.admm: print('saving model {}'.format(config.save_model)), config.save_model) if config.masked_retrain: print("after masked retrain") admm.test_sparsity(config)
# my learning rate scheduler for cifar, following epoch_milestones = [150, 250, 350] """Set the learning rate of each parameter group to the initial lr decayed by gamma once the number of epoch reaches one of the milestones """ scheduler = optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR( optimizer, milestones=[i * len(trainloader) for i in epoch_milestones], gamma=0.1) else: raise Exception("unknown lr scheduler") if config.warmup: scheduler = GradualWarmupScheduler( optimizer, / config.warmup_lr, total_iter=config.warmup_epochs * len(trainloader), after_scheduler=scheduler) def train(train_loader, criterion, optimizer, epoch, config): batch_time = AverageMeter() data_time = AverageMeter() losses = AverageMeter() top1 = AverageMeter() # switch to train mode config.model.train() end = time.time() for i, (input, target) in enumerate(train_loader): # measure data loading time