コード例 #1
from math import cos, sin, radians

from advent.input_reader import read_list_of_values

instructions = read_list_of_values('input/2020/day_12', str)

x = 0
y = 0
dir_x = 1
dir_y = 0
angle = 0
for i in instructions:
    order, val = i[0], int(i[1:])
    if order == 'N':
        y += val
    if order == 'S':
        y -= val
    if order == 'E':
        x += val
    if order == 'W':
        x -= val
    if order == 'F':
        x += dir_x * val
        y += dir_y * val
    if order == 'R':
        angle -= val
    if order == 'L':
        angle += val
    dir_x = int(cos(radians(angle)))
    dir_y = int(sin(radians(angle)))
コード例 #2
ファイル: day_6.py プロジェクト: LouisAumaitre/AdventOfCode
from advent.input_reader import read_list_of_values

answers = read_list_of_values('input/2020/day_6', str)

def at_least_one_yes():
    total = 0
    current_group = set()
    for line in answers:
        if len(line) > 1:
            total += len(current_group)
            current_group = set()
    total += len(current_group)
    return total

print('PART 1')

def all_yes():
    total = 0
    current_group = set(chr(i) for i in range(256))
    for line in answers:
        if len(line) > 1:
            current_group = current_group.intersection(set(line[:-1]))
            print(current_group, len(current_group))
            total += len(current_group)
コード例 #3
ファイル: day_1.py プロジェクト: LouisAumaitre/AdventOfCode
from advent.input_reader import read_list_of_values

report = read_list_of_values('input/2020/day_1', int)

report = sorted(report)

def find_sum(sub_report, total):
    index_a = 0
    index_b = len(sub_report) - 1
    while sub_report[index_a] + sub_report[index_b] != total:
        if sub_report[index_a] + sub_report[index_b] > total:
            index_b -= 1
            index_a += 1
        if index_a >= index_b:
            return None, None
    return index_a, index_b

a, b = find_sum(report, 2020)

print('PART 1')
print(report[a], report[b], report[a] + report[b], report[a] * report[b])

print('PART 2')
for i, value in enumerate(report):
    total_to_reach = 2020 - value
    a, b = find_sum(report[i + 1:], total_to_reach)
    if a != b:
コード例 #4
ファイル: day_5.py プロジェクト: LouisAumaitre/AdventOfCode
from advent.input_reader import read_list_of_values

boarding_passes = read_list_of_values('input/2020/day_5', str)

def get_seat_number(code):
    row, column = 0, 0
    for i in range(0, 7):
        if code[i] == 'B':
            row += pow(2, 6-i)
    for i in range(0, 3):
        if code[i+7] == 'R':
            column += pow(2, 2-i)
    number = row * 8 + column
    return number

seats = sorted(map(get_seat_number, boarding_passes))
print('PART 1')

print('PART 2')
start = min(seats)
for i, seat in enumerate(seats):
    if i+start != seat:
コード例 #5
from advent.input_reader import read_list_of_values

adapters = read_list_of_values('input/2020/day_10', int)

adapters = [0] + sorted(adapters)

one_jolt = 0
three_jolt = 0

for i in range(1, len(adapters)):
    diff = adapters[i] - adapters[i-1]
    if diff == 1:
        one_jolt += 1
    if diff == 3:
        three_jolt += 1
    assert 0 < diff < 4

print('Part 1')
print(one_jolt, three_jolt, one_jolt * three_jolt)

combinations_so_far = 1
other_ways_to_get_to = {adapter: 0 for adapter in adapters}
for i in range(0, len(adapters)-1):
    value = adapters[i]
    if other_ways_to_get_to[value]:
        combinations_so_far += other_ways_to_get_to[value]
        # print(f'{combinations_so_far} ways to get to {value}')
        # assert combinations_so_far < 10000000000000
    if i == len(adapters)-1:
コード例 #6
ファイル: day_1.py プロジェクト: LouisAumaitre/AdventOfCode
from advent.input_reader import read_list_of_values

modules = read_list_of_values('input/2019/day_1', int)

requirements = 0
for module in modules:
    module -= module % 3
    module /= 3
    module -= 2
    requirements += int(module)

print('PART 1')

def need_fuel(mass):
    mass -= mass % 3
    mass /= 3
    mass -= 2
    if int(mass) <= 0:
        return 0
    return int(mass + need_fuel(mass))

requirements = 0
for module in modules:
    requirements += need_fuel(module)

print('PART 2')
コード例 #7
from advent.input_reader import read_list_of_values

rules = read_list_of_values('input/2020/day_7', str)

print('Part 1')
can_contain_gold = {}
contained_by_colors = {}

for rule in rules:
    container, contained = rule.split(' contain ')
    container = container.replace(' bags', '')
    if contained.startswith('no other bags'):
        contained_by_colors[container] = set()
        containees = contained.replace(' bags', '').replace(
            ' bag', '').replace('.', '').replace('\n', '').split(', ')
        contained_by_colors[container] = set(
            [' '.join(bag.split(' ')[1:]) for bag in containees])

def can_contain_given_color(bag, given_color):
    if bag in can_contain_gold:
        return can_contain_gold[bag]
    if not contained_by_colors[bag]:
        can_contain_gold[bag] = False
        return False
    if given_color in contained_by_colors[bag]:
        can_contain_gold[bag] = True
        return True
    for sub_bag in contained_by_colors[bag]:
        if can_contain_given_color(sub_bag, given_color):
コード例 #8
ファイル: day_9.py プロジェクト: LouisAumaitre/AdventOfCode
from advent.input_reader import read_list_of_values

cypher = read_list_of_values('input/2020/day_9', int)

pre = 25
inv = -1

print('Part 1')
for i in range(pre, len(cypher)):
    val = cypher[i]
    ok = False
    for n in cypher[i - pre:i]:
        for m in cypher[i - pre:i]:
            if n != m and n + m == val:
                ok = True
        if ok:
    if not ok:
        inv = val

print('Part 2')

ok = False
for i, n in enumerate(cypher):
    # print(f'start at [{i}]: {n}')
    val = n
    for j, m in enumerate(cypher[i + 1:]):
        val += m