コード例 #1
def test_load_mols(testdir, system, n_ligand, n_receptor, ext):

    ligname = os.path.join(system, f"{system}_ligand.{ext}")
    recname = os.path.join(system, f"{system}_protein.pdb")

    ulig = mda.Universe(os.path.join(testdir, ligname))
    urec = mda.Universe(os.path.join(testdir, recname))

    assert len(ulig.atoms) == n_ligand
    assert len(urec.atoms) == n_receptor

    systems = loaders.load_mols(ligname, recname, testdir)

    assert len(systems) == 1
    system = systems[0]

    assert len(system.atoms) == n_ligand + n_receptor

    lig = system.select_atoms("resname LIG")

    assert len(lig.atoms) == n_ligand
    assert set(lig.resnames) == set(["LIG"])
    assert set(lig.resnums) == set([1])
    assert set(lig.resids) == set([1])
    assert set(lig.record_types) == set(["HETATM"])
    assert set(lig.segids) == set([""])
コード例 #2
def test_load_mols_fail_rec(testdir):

    system = "1a4r"

    ligname = os.path.join(system, f"{system}_ligand.pdb")
    recname = os.path.join(system, f"{system}_FAIL.pdb")

    with pytest.raises(Exception):
        system = loaders.load_mols(ligname, recname, testdir)
コード例 #3
def test_select(testdir, system, distance, n_ligand, n_receptor, ext):
    Selection compared with PyMol selection:

        sele byres PROTEIN within DISTANCE of LIGAND

    ligname = os.path.join(system, f"{system}_ligand.{ext}")
    recname = os.path.join(system, f"{system}_protein.pdb")

    systems = loaders.load_mols(ligname, recname, testdir)

    assert len(systems) == 1
    system = systems[0]

    atoms, coordinates = loaders.select(system, distance)

    assert len(atoms) == n_ligand + n_receptor
    assert coordinates.shape == (n_ligand + n_receptor, 3)
コード例 #4
def test_select_removeHs(testdir, system, distance, n_ligand, n_receptor, ext):
    Selection compared with PyMol selection:

        sele byres PROTEIN within DISTANCE of LIGAND

    Hydrogen atoms were counted by hand and removed
    (H* does not select 1HD1 while *H* also selects CH2).

    ligname = os.path.join(system, f"{system}_ligand.{ext}")
    recname = os.path.join(system, f"{system}_protein.pdb")

    systems = loaders.load_mols(ligname, recname, testdir)

    assert len(systems) == 1
    system = systems[0]

    atoms, coordinates = loaders.select(system, distance, removeHs=True)

    # assert len(atoms) == n_ligand + n_receptor
    assert coordinates.shape == (n_ligand + n_receptor, 3)
コード例 #5
ファイル: loaders_test.py プロジェクト: baitutanglj/aescore
def test_load_mols(testdir, system, n_ligand, n_receptor, ext):

    ligname = os.path.join(system, f"{system}_docking.{ext}")
    ligfile = os.path.join(testdir, ligname)

    recname = os.path.join(system, f"{system}_protein.pdb")

    obmols = [obmol for obmol in pybel.readfile(ext, ligfile)]

    systems = loaders.load_mols(ligname, recname, testdir)

    assert len(systems) == 9

    for system, obmol in zip(systems, obmols):
        assert len(system.atoms) == n_ligand + n_receptor

        lig = system.select_atoms("resname LIG")

        assert len(lig.atoms) == n_ligand

        # Check ligand coordinates
        for idx, atom in enumerate(obmol):
            assert np.allclose(lig.atoms.positions[idx], atom.coords)
コード例 #6
ファイル: grad.py プロジェクト: RMeli/aescore
    # Load and apply atom to index mapping with amap
    amap = utils.load_amap(args.amap)
    n_species = len(amap)

    # Load AEVComputer and model
    AEVC = utils.loadAEVC(args.aev)
    model = utils.loadmodel(args.model)


    with open(args.gradfile, "r") as f:
        for line in tqdm.tqdm(f):
            label, recfile, ligfile = line.split()

            systems = loaders.load_mols(ligfile, recfile, args.datapaths)

            # TODO: Allow multiple systems?
            assert len(systems) == 1
            system = systems[0]

            # Select ligand and residues
            # TODO: Unify selections
            selection = system.select_atoms(
                f"(byres (around {args.distance} (resname LIG))) or (resname LIG)"

            if args.removeHs:
                mask = selection.elements != "H"

                sel_idxs = selection.ix[mask]