コード例 #1
    def test_max_age(self):
        from afew import MailMover

        with Database() as db:
            expect_inbox = set([
                create_mail('In inbox, tagged archive, old\n',
                            db, ['archive'],

            expect_archive = set([
                create_mail('In inbox, tagged archive\n', self.inbox, db,

            expect_spam = set([])

        mover = MailMover.MailMover(max_age=15, quiet=True)
        mover.move('.inbox', self.rules['.inbox'])
        mover.move('.archive', self.rules['.archive'])
        mover.move('.spam', self.rules['.spam'])

        with Database() as db:
                             self.get_folder_content(db, '.inbox'))
                             self.get_folder_content(db, '.archive'))
            self.assertEqual(expect_spam, self.get_folder_content(db, '.spam'))
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_mailmover.py プロジェクト: ukleinek/afew
    def test_all_rule_cases(self):
        from afew import MailMover

        with Database() as db:
            expect_inbox = set([
                create_mail('In inbox, untagged\n', self.inbox, db, []),
                create_mail('In archive, untagged\n', self.archive, db, []),
                create_mail('In spam, untagged\n', self.spam, db, []),

            expect_archive = set([
                create_mail('In inbox, tagged archive\n', self.inbox, db, ['archive']),
                create_mail('In archive, tagged archive\n', self.archive, db, ['archive']),
                create_mail('In spam, tagged archive\n', self.spam, db, ['archive']),

            expect_spam = set([
                create_mail('In inbox, tagged spam\n', self.inbox, db, ['spam']),
                create_mail('In inbox, tagged archive, spam\n', self.inbox, db, ['archive', 'spam']),
                create_mail('In archive, tagged spam\n', self.archive, db, ['spam']),
                create_mail('In archive, tagged archive, spam\n', self.archive, db, ['archive', 'spam']),
                create_mail('In spam, tagged spam\n', self.spam, db, ['spam']),
                create_mail('In spam, tagged archive, spam\n', self.spam, db, ['archive', 'spam']),

        mover = MailMover.MailMover(quiet=True)
        mover.move('.inbox', self.rules['.inbox'])
        mover.move('.archive', self.rules['.archive'])
        mover.move('.spam', self.rules['.spam'])

        with Database() as db:
            self.assertEqual(expect_inbox, self.get_folder_content(db, '.inbox'))
            self.assertEqual(expect_archive, self.get_folder_content(db, '.archive'))
            self.assertEqual(expect_spam, self.get_folder_content(db, '.spam'))
コード例 #3
def _make_dkim_validity_filter():
    """Make `DKIMValidityFilter` with mocked `DKIMValidityFilter.add_tags`
    method, so in tests we can easily check what tags were added by filter
    without fiddling with db.
    tags = set()
    add_tags = _AddTags(tags)
    dkim_filter = DKIMValidityFilter(Database())
    dkim_filter.add_tags = add_tags
    return dkim_filter, tags
コード例 #4
    def setUp(self):
        self.test_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()

        os.environ['MAILDIR'] = self.test_dir
        os.environ['NOTMUCH_CONFIG'] = os.path.join(self.test_dir,

        notmuch_settings['database'] = {'path': self.test_dir}
        notmuch_settings['new'] = {'tags': 'new'}

        # Create notmuch database

        self.root = mailbox.Maildir(self.test_dir)
        self.inbox = self.root.add_folder('inbox')
        self.archive = self.root.add_folder('archive')
        self.spam = self.root.add_folder('spam')

        # Dict of rules that are passed to MailMover.
        # The top level key represents a particular mail directory to work on.
        # The second level key is the notmuch query that MailMover will execute,
        # and its value is the directory to move the matching emails to.
        self.rules = {
            '.inbox': {
                'tag:archive AND NOT tag:spam': '.archive',
                'tag:spam': '.spam',
            '.archive': {
                'NOT tag:archive AND NOT tag:spam': '.inbox',
                'tag:spam': '.spam',
            '.spam': {
                'NOT tag:spam AND tag:archive': '.archive',
                'NOT tag:spam AND NOT tag:archive': '.inbox',
コード例 #5
ファイル: commands.py プロジェクト: jedbrown/afew
def main():
    if sys.version_info < (3, 6):
        sys.exit("Python 3.6 or later is required.")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    no_actions = len(filter(None, (args.tag, args.watch, args.move_mails)))
    if no_actions == 0:
        sys.exit('You need to specify an action')
    elif no_actions > 1:
        sys.exit('Please specify exactly one action')

    no_query_modifiers = len(filter(None, (args.all, args.new, args.query)))
    if no_query_modifiers == 0 and not args.watch \
            and not args.move_mails:
        sys.exit('You need to specify one of --new, --all or a query string')
    elif no_query_modifiers > 1:
        sys.exit('Please specify either --all, --new or a query string')


    if args.new:
        query_string = get_notmuch_new_query()
    elif args.all:
        query_string = ''
        query_string = ' '.join(args.query)

    loglevel = {
        0: logging.WARNING,
        1: logging.INFO,
        2: logging.DEBUG,
    }[min(2, args.verbosity)]

    sys.path.insert(0, user_config_dir)
    for file_name in glob.glob1(user_config_dir, '*.py'):
        logging.info('Importing user filter %r' % (file_name, ))
        __import__(file_name[:-3], level=0)

    if args.move_mails:
        args.mail_move_rules = get_mail_move_rules()
        args.mail_move_age = get_mail_move_age()
        args.mail_move_rename = get_mail_move_rename()

    with Database() as database:
        configured_filter_chain = get_filter_chain(database)
        if args.enable_filters:
            args.enable_filters = args.enable_filters.split(',')

            all_filters_set = set(all_filters.keys())
            enabled_filters_set = set(args.enable_filters)
            if not all_filters_set.issuperset(enabled_filters_set):
                sys.exit('Unknown filter(s) selected: %s' % (' '.join(

            args.enable_filters = [
                for filter_name in args.enable_filters
            args.enable_filters = configured_filter_chain

        inner_main(args, database, query_string)
コード例 #6
def main():
    options, args = option_parser.parse_args()

    no_actions = len(
        filter_compat(None, (options.tag, options.watch, options.update
                             or options.update_reference, options.learn,
                             options.classify, options.move_mails)))
    if no_actions == 0:
        sys.exit('You need to specify an action')
    elif no_actions > 1:
            'Please specify exactly one action (both update actions can be given at once)'

    no_query_modifiers = len(
        filter_compat(None, (options.all, options.new, args)))
    if no_query_modifiers == 0 and not \
       (options.update or options.update_reference or options.watch) and not \
        sys.exit('You need to specify one of --new, --all or a query string')
    elif no_query_modifiers > 1:
        sys.exit('Please specify either --all, --new or a query string')


    if options.new:
        query_string = get_notmuch_new_query()
    elif options.all:
        query_string = ''
    elif not (options.update or options.update_reference):
        query_string = ' '.join(args)
    elif options.update or options.update_reference:
        query_string = '%i..%i' % (
            time.time() - options.reference_set_timeframe * 24 * 60 * 60,
        sys.exit('Weird... please file a bug containing your command line.')

    loglevel = {
        0: logging.WARNING,
        1: logging.INFO,
        2: logging.DEBUG,
    }[min(2, options.verbosity)]

    sys.path.insert(0, user_config_dir)
    # py2.7 compat hack
    glob_pattern = b'*.py' if sys.version_info[0] == 2 else '*.py'
    for file_name in glob.glob1(user_config_dir, glob_pattern):
        print('Importing user filter %r' % (file_name, ))
        __import__(file_name[:-3], level=0)

    if options.move_mails:
        options.mail_move_rules = get_mail_move_rules()
        options.mail_move_age = get_mail_move_age()
        options.mail_move_rename = get_mail_move_rename()

    with Database() as database:
        configured_filter_chain = get_filter_chain(database)
        if options.enable_filters:
            options.enable_filters = options.enable_filters.split(',')

            all_filters_set = set(all_filters.keys())
            enabled_filters_set = set(options.enable_filters)
            if not all_filters_set.issuperset(enabled_filters_set):
                sys.exit('Unknown filter(s) selected: %s' % (' '.join(

            options.enable_filters = [
                for filter_name in options.enable_filters
            options.enable_filters = configured_filter_chain

        inner_main(options, database, query_string)