コード例 #1
ファイル: DBServer.py プロジェクト: chanke/afspy
  def __init__(self):
      initialize an empty object.
      # declare db-internal attributes
      ## for db index
      self.db_id = None
      ## list of DNS-hostnames
      self.servernames = None
      self.servernames_js = ""
      ## list of ipaddrs
      self.ipaddr = ""
      ## Flag if it is a clone or real db-server
      self.is_clone = True
      ## type of db : vldb or ptdb
      self.afsdb_type = ""
      ## local version of the DB
      self.local_afsdb_version = ""
      ## rxdebug version string 
      self.version = ""
      self.build_date = ""
      ## list of attributes not to put into the DB
      self.unmapped_attributes_list= ['BNode', 'ExtServAttr' ]
コード例 #2
    def __init__(self) :
        initialize an empty object

        # declare db-internal attributes
        ##  (fileserver_uuid,name) is foreign key to partition-table
        self.name = ""
        self.fileserver_uuid = ""
        ## Owner of the Partition (string)
        self.owner = ""
        ## json-encoded dict { "projectID" : "numVolumes" }
        ## showing ProjectIDs having numVolumes  volumes on that partition
        self.project_ids_js = '{}'
        self.project_ids = {}
        ## allocated (by quota) size in Kbytes
        self.allocated = -1
        ## stale_allocated, same as allocated,
        ## but for volumes which had not been accessed in $StaleTime days
        self.allocated_stale = -1
        ## number of volumes with unlimited quota
        self.unlimited_volumes = -1
        ## Total number of volumes
        self.num_vol_rw = -1
        self.num_vol_ro = -1
        self.num_vol_bk = -1
        self.num_vol_offline = -1

        self.unmapped_attributes_list = []
コード例 #3
ファイル: BNode.py プロジェクト: chanke/afspy
    def __init__(self, instance_name = "N/A", bnode_type = "N/A", bos_db_id = -1):
        initialize an empty object
        # declare db-internal attributes

        ## DB-ID of owning bosserver
        self.bos_db_id = -1
        self.instance_name = ""
        self.bnode_type = ""
        # FIXME : what to do with procs of type cron ?
        ## list of commands run for this bnode
        self.commands = ''
        self.commands_js = ''
        self.status = ''
        self.start_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
        self.start_count = ''
        self.last_exit_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
        self.notifier = ''
        self.error_stop  = ''
        self.core = ''
        self.error_exit_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
        self.error_exit_due = ''
        self.error_exit_signal = ''
        self.error_exit_code = ''
        ## list of attributes not to put into the DB
        self.unmapped_attributes_list = [ 'parts', 'ExtServAttr' ]

        ## DB-ID of owning bosserver
        self.bos_db_id = bos_db_id
        self.instance_name = instance_name
        self.bnode_type = bnode_type
コード例 #4
ファイル: Historic.py プロジェクト: chanke/afspy
  def __init__(self):
      initialize an empty object.
      # declare db-internal attributes
      ## list of DNS-hostnames
      self.servernames = []
      self.servernames_js = ""
      ## list of ipaddrs
      self.ipaddrs = []
      self.ipaddrs_js = ""
      ## list of superusers
      self.superusers = []
      self.superusers_js = ""
      ## list of cell hosts (dbservers)
      self.db_servers = []
      self.db_servers_js = ""
      ## rxdebug version string and builddate
      self.version = ""
      self.build_date = ""
      ## dict containing general and binary restart times
      self.restart_times = {}
      self.restart_times_js = "{}"
      ## list of attributes not to put into the DB
      ## these contain (lists of) independent objects
      ## or convenience attributes
      ## bnodes: list of BNode objects
      ## servername short for servernames[0]
      self.unmapped_attributes_list = ['bnodes']
コード例 #5
ファイル: Cell.py プロジェクト: chanke/afspy
  def __init__(self):
      Initializes empty shell
      # declare db-internal attributes
      ## Database definitions
      ## Cellname
      self.name = ""
      ## VLDb-Version
      self.vldb_version = -1
      ## VLDb-syncsite, hostname
      self.vldb_sync_site = ""
      ## VLDB-State (aka "Recovery state")
      self.vldb_state = ""
      ## PTDB-Version
      self.ptdb_version = -1
      ## PTDB-syncsite, hostname
      self.ptdb_sync_site = ""
      ## PTDB-State (aka "Recovery state")
      self.ptdb_state = ""
      ## Number of users in PTDB
      self.num_users = -1
      ## Number of groups in PTDB
      self.num_groups = -1
      ## Total number of volumes
      self.num_vol_rw = -1
      self.num_vol_ro = -1
      self.num_vol_bk = -1
      self.num_vol_offline = -1
      ## List of DBServers (hostnames only)
      self.db_servers = []
      self.db_servers_js = ""
      ## List of FileServers (hostnames only)
      self.file_servers = []
      self.file_servers_js = ""
      ## List of Projects (names only)
      self.projects = []
      self.projects_js = ""
      ## Total Size, etc
      self.size_kb = -1
      self.used_kb = -1
      self.free_kb = -1
      self.allocated_kb = -1
      self.allocated_stale_kb = -1
      ## list of attributes not to put into the DB
      self.unmapped_attributes_list = [ ]
コード例 #6
ファイル: Project.py プロジェクト: chanke/afspy
    def __init__(self) :
        initialize an empty object.
        The app-representation of compley attributes must be initialized to its type here.

        # declare db-internal attributes
        ## name
        self.name = ""
        ## list of regexes, json encoded
        self.volname_regex_js = "[]"
        self.volname_regex = []
        ## list of additional Volumenames, json encoded
        self.additional_volnames_js = "[]"
        self.additional_volnames = []
        ## list of excluded Volumenames , json encoded
        self.excluded_volnames_js = "[]"
        self.excluded_volnames = []
        ## minimum Size for a Volume
        self.min_size_kb = -1
        ## maximum Size for a volume
        self.max_size_kb = -1
        ## Projects are organized in trees. db_id of a parent project.
        ## -1 means that this is the root project
        self.parent_db_id = -1
        ## contact
        self.contact = ""
        ## owner
        self.owner = ""
        ## list of locationIDs for RW-Volumes, json encoded
        self.rw_locations_js = "[]"
        self.rw_locations = []
        ## list of locationIDs for RO-Volumes, json encoded
        self.ro_locations_js = "[]"
        self.ro_locations = []
        ## list of "server-uuid,partition" pairs for RW-Volumes, json encoded
        self.rw_serverparts_js = "[]"
        self.rw_serverparts = []
        ## list of "server-uuid, partition" pairs for RO-Volumes, json encoded
        self.ro_serverparts_js = "[]"
        self.ro_serverparts = []
        ## free form description
        self.description = ""
        ## minimum number of RO-replicas
        self.num_min_ro = 1
        ## list of attributes not to put into the DB
        self.unmapped_attributes_list =  []
コード例 #7
ファイル: Historic.py プロジェクト: chanke/afspy
    def __init__(self) :
        initializes to an empty Volume

        # declare db-internal attributes
        ## name of the volume in the VLDB
        self.name = ''
        ## numerical ID of the volume, can be RW, RO or BK
        self.vid = -1
        ## ServerUUID where this volume is stored
        self.fileserver_uuid = ""
        ## Partitionname, where this volume is stored.
        self.partition = ""
        ## hostname, not to be used for queries
        self.servername = ""
        ## numerical ID of RW Volume
        self.parent_id = 0
        ## numerical ID of RO Volume
        self.readonly_id = 0
        ## numerical ID of Backup Volume
        self.backup_id = 0
        self.clone_id  = 0
        self.in_use = ""
        self.needs_salvage = ""
        self.destroy_me = ""
        self.type = ""
        self.creation_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
        self.access_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
        self.backup_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
        self.update_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
        self.copy_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(0)
        self.flags = 0
        self.diskused = -1
        self.maxquota = -1
        self.minquota = -1
        self.status = VolStatus.OK
        self.filecount = 0
        self.day_use  = 0
        self.week_use = 0
        self.spare2  = 0
        self.spare3  = 0
        ## list of attributes not to put into the DB
        self.unmapped_attributes_list =  ['ExtAttr']
コード例 #8
    def __init__(self):
        initialize an empty object

        # declare db-internal attributes
        ## id of server in DB Table tbl_dbserver
        self.server_db_id = None
        ## physical Location of the server (string)
        self.location = ""
        ## Owner of the server (string)
        self.owner = ""
        ## custom description about HW etc.
        self.description = ""
        ## list of attributes not to put into the DB
        self.unmapped_attributes_list = [ 'parts', 'ExtServAttr' ]
コード例 #9
ファイル: VLDB.py プロジェクト: chanke/afspy
    def __init__(self):
        Initializes empty shell

        # declare db-internal attributes
        ## list of servers providing this DB
        self.dbservers_ipaddrs_js = "[]"
        self.dbservers_ipaddrs = []
        ## syncsite, master-server
        self.sync_server_ipaddrs = ""
        ## FIXME: add more attributes like registered fileservers etc.
        ## DB-version
        self.vldb_version = -1
        ## list of attributes not to put into the DB
        self.unmapped_attributes_list = [ 'parts', 'ExtServAttr' ]
コード例 #10
ファイル: FileServer.py プロジェクト: chanke/afspy
    def __init__(self):   

        # declare db-internal attributes
        ## AFS Server UUID
        self.uuid = ""
        ## list of DNS-hostnames
        self.servernames_js = '[]'
        self.servernames = []
        ## list of ipaddrs
        self.ipaddrs_js = '[]'
        self.ipaddrs = []
        ## rxdebug version string 
        self.version = ""
        ## build-date of binary according to rxdebug
        self.build_date = ""
        ## list of attributes not to put into the DB
        self.unmapped_attributes_list = [ 'parts', 'ExtAttr' ]
コード例 #11
ファイル: Partition.py プロジェクト: chanke/afspy
    def __init__(self):
        initialize an empty object

        # declare db-internal attributes
        ## UUID of fileserver
        self.fileserver_uuid = ""
        ## canonicalized partition name e.g "ad" for "/vicepad"
        self.name = ""
        ## free size in Kbytes
        self.free_kb = -1
        ## total size in Kbytes
        self.size_kb = -1
        ## used size in Kbytes
        self.used_kb = -1
        ## list of attributes not to put into the DB
        self.unmapped_attributes_list = [ "ExtAttr" ]
コード例 #12
    def __init__(self):
        initialize an empty object

        # declare db-internal attributes
        ## ID of Volume, foreign key to volume-table
        ## SHOULD point to RWID
        self.vid = -1
        ## number of RO required for this volume, overrrides project
        self.num_min_ro = -1
        ## Owner of the volume (string)
        self.owner = ""
        ## json-encodedlist of projectIDs this Volume belongs to
        self.project_ids_js = '[]'
        self.project_ids = []
        ## if volume should stay on the present server.
        self.pinned_on_server = 0
        ## list of attributes not to put into the DB
        self.unmapped_attributes_list = [ 'parts', 'ExtServAttr' ]
コード例 #13
ファイル: Historic.py プロジェクト: chanke/afspy
    def __init__(self):
        initialize an empty object

        # declare db-internal attributes
        ## DB ID of Project 
        self.project_id = -1
        ## UUID of FSServer
        self.fileserver_uuid = -1
        ## partition
        self.part = ""
        ## type of volumes
        self.vol_type = ""
        ## number of volumes of that type
        self.num_vol = -1
        ## total used kilobytes 
        self.used_kb = -1
        ## list of attributes not to put into the DB
        self.unmapped_attributes_list = [ 'parts', 'ExtServAttr' ]