def model(): ''' The main method, where all simulations begin. TODO: Use config switch 'useGUI' to decide whether to use SimPlot/plotHistogram, or just printHistogram. There is no reason to leave that important data out, even though I don't always want to incur the cost/hassle of producing a GUI. [Note: The plot code is in method oooh_shiny(). The name of the method is a strong hint that it's intended to be developed further.] ''' initialize() random.seed(SEED) # # Create Fares prior to starting the simulation. Now a TK. # for j in range(1,NUM_FARES): # # TODO Put this in place later. grep for "Fare Fare" to see what it's # # doing. It may in fact point to other problems with my strategy. # #f=Fare(name='Fare-' + `j`) ## fname = 'Fare-%s' % j ## f=Fare(fname) # f=Fare(name="Fare-"+str(j)) # activate(f, # Team 1 - Yellow Cab for i in range(NUM_TAXIS): tx = Taxi('Taxi-%s' % i, NP) if SIMTYPE == 'cooperate': activate(tx, tx.cooperate()) elif SIMTYPE == 'compete': activate(tx, tx.compete()) else: print("Error: can't set the simulation type") import sys; sys.exit() # # Team 2 - Checker Cab #for i in range(4): # tx=Taxi('Checker-%s' % i) # tx=Taxi('Checker-%s' % i, 'closestfare') # tx=Taxi('Checker-%s' % i, 'mixedmode') # activate(tx, tx.cooperate()) # activate(tx, tx.compete()) ff = FareFactory() activate(ff, ff.generate()) # fare = ff.generate() # activate(ff, fare) # activate(ff, ff.generate(), datacollector=) simulate(until=SIMTIME) print('waitingFares', [ for x in Agent.waitingFares.theBuffer])
def model_cooperate_mixedmode(): initialize() random.seed(333777) NP = 'mixedmode' for j in range(1, 5): f = Fare(name="-" + str(j)) activate(f, for i in range(5): tx = Taxi('Yellow-%s' % i, NP) activate(tx, tx.cooperate()) ff = FareFactory() activate(ff, ff.generate()) simulate(until=SIMTIME) print('waitingFares', [ for x in Agent.waitingFares.theBuffer])