コード例 #1
def column_of_data(data_file_path, start, column, end="-1", units=""):
    """This function extracts a column of data from a ProCoDA data file.

    data_file_path : string
        File path. If the file is in the working directory, then the file name
        is sufficient.

    start : int
        Index of first row of data to extract from the data file

    end : int, optional
        Index of last row of data to extract from the data
        Defaults to -1, which extracts all the data in the file

    column : int or string
            Index of the column that you want to extract. Column 0 is time.
            The first data column is column 1.
            Name of the column header that you want to extract

    units : string, optional
        The units you want to apply to the data, e.g. 'mg/L'.
        Defaults to "" which indicates no units

    numpy array
        Experimental data with the units applied.

    column_of_data(Reactor_data.txt, 0, 1, -1, "mg/L")

    if not isinstance(start, int):
        start = int(start)
    if not isinstance(end, int):
        end = int(end)

    df = pd.read_csv(data_file_path, delimiter='\t')
    if units == "":
        if isinstance(column, int):
            data = np.array(pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[start:end, column]))
        if isinstance(column, int):
            data = np.array(pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[start:end,
                                                  column])) * u(units)
            df[column][0:len(df)] * u(units)
    return data
コード例 #2
def Solver_AD_Pe(t_data, C_data, theta_guess, C_bar_guess):
    """Use non-linear least squares to fit the function
    Tracer_AD_Pe(t_seconds, t_bar, C_bar, Pe) to reactor data.

    :param t_data: Array of times with units
    :type t_data: float list
    :param C_data: Array of tracer concentration data with units
    :type C_data: float list
    :param theta_guess: Estimate of time spent in one CMFR with units.
    :type theta_guess: float
    :param C_bar_guess: Estimate of average concentration with units ((mass of tracer)/(volume of one CMFR))
    :type C_bar_guess: float

    :return: tuple of

        * **theta** (*float*)- Residence time in seconds
        * **C_bar** (*float*) - Average concentration with same units as C_bar_guess
        * **Pe** (*float*) - Peclet number that best fits the data
    #remove time=0 data to eliminate divide by zero error
    t_data = t_data[1:-1]
    C_data = C_data[1:-1]
    C_unitless = C_data.magnitude
    C_units = str(C_bar_guess.units)
    t_seconds = (t_data.to(u.s)).magnitude
    # assume that a guess of 1 reactor in series is close enough to get a solution
    p0 = [theta_guess.to(u.s).magnitude, C_bar_guess.magnitude,5]
    popt, pcov = curve_fit(Tracer_AD_Pe, t_seconds, C_unitless, p0, bounds=(0.01,np.inf))
    Solver_theta = popt[0]*u.s
    Solver_C_bar = popt[1]*u(C_units)
    Solver_Pe = popt[2]
    Reactor_results = collections.namedtuple('Reactor_results', 'theta C_bar Pe')
    AD = Reactor_results(theta=Solver_theta, C_bar=Solver_C_bar, Pe=Solver_Pe)
    return AD
コード例 #3
def Solver_CMFR_N(t_data, C_data, theta_guess, C_bar_guess):
    """Use non-linear least squares to fit the function
    Tracer_CMFR_N(t_seconds, t_bar, C_bar, N) to reactor data.

    :param t_data: Array of times with units
    :type t_data: float list
    :param C_data: Array of tracer concentration data with units
    :type C_data: float list
    :param theta_guess: Estimate of time spent in one CMFR with units.
    :type theta_guess: float
    :param C_bar_guess: Estimate of average concentration with units ((mass of tracer)/(volume of one CMFR))
    :type C_bar_guess: float

    :return: tuple of

        * **theta** (*float*)- Residence time in seconds
        * **C_bar** (*float*) - Average concentration with same units as C_bar_guess
        * **N** (*float*)- Number of CMFRS in series that best fit the data
    C_unitless = C_data.magnitude
    C_units = str(C_bar_guess.units)
    t_seconds = (t_data.to(u.s)).magnitude
    # assume that a guess of 1 reactor in series is close enough to get a solution
    p0 = [theta_guess.to(u.s).magnitude, C_bar_guess.magnitude,1]
    popt, pcov = curve_fit(Tracer_CMFR_N, t_seconds, C_unitless, p0)
    Solver_theta = popt[0]*u.s
    Solver_C_bar = popt[1]*u(C_units)
    Solver_N = popt[2]
    Reactor_results = collections.namedtuple('Reactor_results','theta C_bar N')
    CMFR = Reactor_results(theta=Solver_theta, C_bar=Solver_C_bar, N=Solver_N)
    return CMFR
コード例 #4
def column_of_data(path, start, column, end=None, units=""):
    """This function extracts a column of data from a ProCoDA data file.

    Note: Column 0 is time. The first data column is column 1.

    :param path: The file path of the ProCoDA data file
    :type path: string
    :param start: Index of first row of data to extract, inclusive
    :type start: int
    :param end: Index of last row of data to extract until, exclusive. Defaults to extracting all rows.
    :type end: int, optional
    :param column: Index or label of the column that you want to extract
    :type column: int or string
    :param units: The units you want to apply to the data, e.g. 'mg/L'. Defaults to "" (dimensionless).
    :type units: string, optional

    :return: The column of data
    :rtype: numpy.ndarray in units of [units]


    .. code-block:: python

        data = column_of_data("Reactor_data.txt", 0, 1, -1, "mg/L")
    df = pd.read_csv(path, delimiter='\t')

    if isinstance(column, int):
        data = df.iloc[start:end, column]
        data = df.iloc[start:end][column]
    num_data = data[pd.to_numeric(data, errors='coerce').notnull()]

    return np.array(num_data) * u(units)
コード例 #5
def column_of_data(path, start, column, end="-1", units=""):
    """This function extracts a column of data from a ProCoDA data file.

    Note: Column 0 is time. The first data column is column 1.

    :param path: The file path of the ProCoDA data file. If the file is in the working directory, then the file name is sufficient.
    :type path: string
    :param start: Index of first row of data to extract from the data file
    :type start: int
    :param end: Index of last row of data to extract from the data. Defaults to last row
    :type end: int, optional
    :param column: Index of the column that you want to extract OR name of the column header that you want to extract
    :type column: int or string
    :param units: The units you want to apply to the data, e.g. 'mg/L'. Defaults to "" (dimensionless)
    :type units: string, optional

    :return: Experimental data with the units applied.
    :rtype: numpy.array


    .. code-block:: python

        data = column_of_data("Reactor_data.txt", 0, 1, -1, "mg/L")
    if not isinstance(start, int):
        start = int(start)
    if not isinstance(end, int):
        end = int(end)

    df = pd.read_csv(path, delimiter='\t')
    if units == "":
        if isinstance(column, int):
            data = np.array(pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[start:end, column]))
        if isinstance(column, int):
            data = np.array(pd.to_numeric(df.iloc[start:end,
                                                  column])) * u(units)
            df[column][0:len(df)] * u(units)
    return data
コード例 #6
def Solver_AD_Pe(t_data, C_data, theta_guess, C_bar_guess):
    """Use non-linear least squares to fit the function
    Tracer_AD_Pe(t_seconds, t_bar, C_bar, Pe) to reactor data.

    t_data : float list
        Array of times with units

    C_data : float list
        Array of tracer concentration data with units

    theta_guess : float
        Estimate of time spent in one CMFR with units.

    C_bar_guess : float
        Estimate of average concentration with units
        (Mass of tracer)/(volume of one CMFR)

        theta : float
            residence time in seconds

        C_bar : float
            average concentration with same units as C_bar_guess

        Pe : float
            peclet number that best fits the data


    C_unitless = C_data.magnitude
    C_units = str(C_bar_guess.units)
    t_seconds = (t_data.to(u.s)).magnitude
    # assume that a guess of 1 reactor in series is close enough to get a solution
    p0 = [theta_guess.to(u.s).magnitude, C_bar_guess.magnitude, 5]
    popt, pcov = curve_fit(Tracer_AD_Pe, t_seconds, C_unitless, p0)
    Solver_theta = popt[0] * u.s
    Solver_C_bar = popt[1] * u(C_units)
    Solver_Pe = popt[2]
    Reactor_results = collections.namedtuple('Reactor_results',
                                             'theta C_bar Pe')
    AD = Reactor_results(theta=Solver_theta, C_bar=Solver_C_bar, Pe=Solver_Pe)
    return AD
コード例 #7
def perform_function_on_state(func,
    """Performs the function given on each state of the data for the given state
    in the given column and outputs the result for each instance of the state

    Note: Column 0 is time. The first data column is column 1.

    :param func: A function that will be applied to data from each instance of the state
    :type func: function
    :param dates: A single date or list of dates for which data was recorded, formatted "M-D-YYYY"
    :type dates: string or string list
    :param state: The state ID number for which data should be extracted
    :type state: int
    :param column: Index of the column that you want to extract OR header of the column that you want to extract
    :type column: int or string
    :param units: The units you want to apply to the data, e.g. 'mg/L'. Defaults to "" (dimensionless)
    :type units: string, optional
    :param path: The file path of the ProCoDA data file. If the file is in the working directory, then the file name is sufficient.
    :type path: string
    :param extension: The file extension of the tab delimited file. Defaults to ".xls" if no argument is passed in
    :type extension: string, optional

    :requires: func takes in a list of data with units and outputs the correct units

    :return: The outputs of the given function for each instance of the given state
    :type: list


    .. code-block:: python

        def avg_with_units(lst):
        num = np.size(lst)
        acc = 0
        for i in lst:
            acc = i + acc

        return acc / num

        data_avgs = perform_function_on_state(avg_with_units, ["6-19-2013", "6-20-2013"], 1, 28, "mL/s")
    data_agg = []
    day = 0
    first_day = True
    overnight = False

    if not isinstance(dates, list):
        dates = [dates]

    for d in dates:
        state_file = path + "statelog " + d + extension
        data_file = path + "datalog " + d + extension

        states = pd.read_csv(state_file, delimiter='\t')
        data = pd.read_csv(data_file, delimiter='\t')

        states = np.array(states)
        data = np.array(data)

        # get the start and end times for the state
        state_start_idx = states[:, 1] == state
        state_start = states[state_start_idx, 0]
        state_end_idx = np.append(
            [False], state_start_idx[0:(np.size(state_start_idx) - 1)])
        state_end = states[state_end_idx, 0]

        if overnight:
            state_start = np.insert(state_start, 0, 0)
            state_end = np.insert(state_end, 0, states[0, 0])

        if state_start_idx[-1]:
            state_end.append(data[0, -1])

        # get the corresponding indices in the data array
        data_start = []
        data_end = []
        for i in range(np.size(state_start)):
            add_start = True
            for j in range(np.size(data[:, 0])):
                if (data[j, 0] > state_start[i]) and add_start:
                    add_start = False
                if (data[j, 0] > state_end[i]):
                    data_end.append(j - 1)

        if first_day:
            start_time = data[1, 0]

        # extract data at those times
        for i in range(np.size(data_start)):
            if isinstance(column, int):
                c = data[data_start[i]:data_end[i], column]
                c = data[column][data_start[i]:data_end[i]]
            if overnight and i == 0:
                data_agg = np.insert(data_agg[-1], np.size(data_agg[-1][:]), c)

        day += 1
        if first_day:
            first_day = False
        if state_start_idx[-1]:
            overnight = True

    output = np.zeros(np.size(data_agg))
    for i in range(np.size(data_agg)):
        if units != "":
            output[i] = func(data_agg[i] * u(units)).magnitude
            output[i] = func(data_agg[i])

    if units != "":
        return output * func(data_agg[i] * u(units)).units
        return output
コード例 #8
def read_state(dates, state, column, units="", path="", extension=".xls"):
    """Reads a ProCoDA file and outputs the data column and time vector for
    each iteration of the given state.

    Note: Column 0 is time. The first data column is column 1.

    :param dates: A single date or list of dates for which data was recorded, formatted "M-D-YYYY"
    :type dates: string or string list
    :param state: The state ID number for which data should be extracted
    :type state: int
    :param column: Index of the column that you want to extract OR header of the column that you want to extract
    :type column: int or string
    :param units: The units you want to apply to the data, e.g. 'mg/L'. Defaults to "" (dimensionless)
    :type units: string, optional
    :param path: The file path of the ProCoDA data file. If the file is in the working directory, then the file name is sufficient.
    :type path: string
    :param extension: The file extension of the tab delimited file. Defaults to ".xls" if no argument is passed in
    :type extension: string, optional

    :return: time (numpy.array) - Times corresponding to the data (with units)
    :return: data (numpy.array) - Data in the given column during the given state with units


    .. code-block:: python

        time, data = read_state(["6-19-2013", "6-20-2013"], 1, 28, "mL/s")
    data_agg = []
    day = 0
    first_day = True
    overnight = False

    if not isinstance(dates, list):
        dates = [dates]

    for d in dates:
        state_file = path + "statelog " + d + extension
        data_file = path + "datalog " + d + extension

        states = pd.read_csv(state_file, delimiter='\t')
        data = pd.read_csv(data_file, delimiter='\t')

        states = np.array(states)
        data = np.array(data)

        # get the start and end times for the state
        state_start_idx = states[:, 1] == state
        state_start = states[state_start_idx, 0]
        state_end_idx = np.append(
            [False], state_start_idx[0:(np.size(state_start_idx) - 1)])
        state_end = states[state_end_idx, 0]

        if overnight:
            state_start = np.insert(state_start, 0, 0)
            state_end = np.insert(state_end, 0, states[0, 0])

        if state_start_idx[-1]:
            state_end.append(data[0, -1])

        # get the corresponding indices in the data array
        data_start = []
        data_end = []
        for i in range(np.size(state_start)):
            add_start = True
            for j in range(np.size(data[:, 0])):
                if (data[j, 0] > state_start[i]) and add_start:
                    add_start = False
                if (data[j, 0] > state_end[i]):
                    data_end.append(j - 1)

        if first_day:
            start_time = data[1, 0]

        # extract data at those times
        for i in range(np.size(data_start)):
            t = data[data_start[i]:data_end[i], 0] + day - start_time
            if isinstance(column, int):
                c = data[data_start[i]:data_end[i], column]
                c = data[column][data_start[i]:data_end[i]]
            if overnight and i == 0:
                data_agg = np.insert(data_agg[-1], np.size(data_agg[-1][:, 0]),
                                     np.vstack((t, c)).T)
                data_agg.append(np.vstack((t, c)).T)

        day += 1
        if first_day:
            first_day = False
        if state_start_idx[-1]:
            overnight = True

    data_agg = np.vstack(data_agg)
    if units != "":
        return data_agg[:, 0] * u.day, data_agg[:, 1] * u(units)
        return data_agg[:, 0] * u.day, data_agg[:, 1]
コード例 #9
def average_state(dates, state, column, units="", path="", extension=".tsv"):
    """Outputs the average value of the data for each instance of a state in
    the given ProCoDA files

    Note: Column 0 is time. The first data column is column 1.

    :param dates: A single date or list of dates for which data was recorded, formatted "M-D-YYYY"
    :type dates: string or string list
    :param state: The state ID number for which data should be extracted
    :type state: int
    :param column: Index of the column that you want to extract OR header of the column that you want to extract
    :type column: int or string
    :param units: The units you want to apply to the data, e.g. 'mg/L'. Defaults to "" (dimensionless)
    :type units: string, optional
    :param path: The file path of the ProCoDA data file.
    :type path: string
    :param extension: The file extension of the tab delimited file. Defaults to ".tsv"
    :type extension: string, optional

    :return: A list of averages for each instance of the given state
    :rtype: float list


    .. code-block:: python

        data_avgs = average_state(["6-19-2013", "6-20-2013"], 1, 28, "mL/s")

    data_agg = []
    day = 0
    first_day = True
    overnight = False

    if not isinstance(dates, list):
        dates = [dates]

    for d in dates:
        state_file = path + "statelog " + d + extension
        data_file = path + "datalog " + d + extension

        states = pd.read_csv(state_file, delimiter='\t')
        data = pd.read_csv(data_file, delimiter='\t')

        states = np.array(states)
        data = np.array(data)

        # get the start and end times for the state
        state_start_idx = states[:, 1] == state
        state_start = states[state_start_idx, 0]
        state_end_idx = np.append(
            [False], state_start_idx[0:(np.size(state_start_idx) - 1)])
        state_end = states[state_end_idx, 0]

        if overnight:
            state_start = np.insert(state_start, 0, 0)
            state_end = np.insert(state_end, 0, states[0, 0])

        if state_start_idx[-1]:
            state_end.append(data[0, -1])

        # get the corresponding indices in the data array
        data_start = []
        data_end = []
        for i in range(np.size(state_start)):
            add_start = True
            for j in range(np.size(data[:, 0])):
                if (data[j, 0] > state_start[i]) and add_start:
                    add_start = False
                if (data[j, 0] > state_end[i]):
                    data_end.append(j - 1)

        if first_day:
            start_time = data[1, 0]

        # extract data at those times
        for i in range(np.size(data_start)):
            if isinstance(column, int):
                c = data[data_start[i]:data_end[i], column]
                c = data[column][data_start[i]:data_end[i]]
            if overnight and i == 0:
                data_agg = np.insert(data_agg[-1], np.size(data_agg[-1][:]), c)

        day += 1
        if first_day:
            first_day = False
        if state_start_idx[-1]:
            overnight = True

    averages = np.zeros(np.size(data_agg))
    for i in range(np.size(data_agg)):
        averages[i] = np.average(data_agg[i])

    if units != "":
        return averages * u(units)
        return averages
コード例 #10
def perform_function_on_state(func,
    """Performs the function given on each state of the data for the given state
    in the given column and outputs the result for each instance of the state

    func : function
        A function which will be applied to data from each instance of the state

    dates : string (list)
        A list of dates or single date for which data was recorded, in
        the form "M-D-Y"

    state : int
        The state ID number for which data should be extracted

    column : int or string
            Index of the column that you want to extract. Column 0 is time.
            The first data column is column 1.
            Name of the column header that you want to extract

    units : string, optional
        The units you want to apply to the data, e.g. 'mg/L'.
        Defaults to "" which indicates no units

    path : string, optional
        Optional argument of the path to the folder containing your ProCoDA
        files. Defaults to the current directory if no argument is passed in

    extension : string, optional
        The file extension of the tab delimited file. Defaults to ".xls" if
        no argument is passed in

        The outputs of the given function for each instance of the given state

    func takes in a list of data with units and outputs the correct units

    def avg_with_units(lst):
        num = np.size(lst)
        acc = 0
        for i in lst:
            acc = i + acc

        return acc / num

    data_avgs = perform_function_on_state(avg_with_units, ["6-19-2013", "6-20-2013"], 1, 28, "mL/s")

    data_agg = []
    day = 0
    first_day = True
    overnight = False

    if not isinstance(dates, list):
        dates = [dates]

    for d in dates:
        state_file = path + "statelog " + d + extension
        data_file = path + "datalog " + d + extension

        states = pd.read_csv(state_file, delimiter='\t')
        data = pd.read_csv(data_file, delimiter='\t')

        states = np.array(states)
        data = np.array(data)

        # get the start and end times for the state
        state_start_idx = states[:, 1] == state
        state_start = states[state_start_idx, 0]
        state_end_idx = np.append(
            [False], state_start_idx[0:(np.size(state_start_idx) - 1)])
        state_end = states[state_end_idx, 0]

        if overnight:
            state_start = np.insert(state_start, 0, 0)
            state_end = np.insert(state_end, 0, states[0, 0])

        if state_start_idx[-1]:
            state_end.append(data[0, -1])

        # get the corresponding indices in the data array
        data_start = []
        data_end = []
        for i in range(np.size(state_start)):
            add_start = True
            for j in range(np.size(data[:, 0])):
                if (data[j, 0] > state_start[i]) and add_start:
                    add_start = False
                if (data[j, 0] > state_end[i]):
                    data_end.append(j - 1)

        if first_day:
            start_time = data[1, 0]

        # extract data at those times
        for i in range(np.size(data_start)):
            if isinstance(column, int):
                c = data[data_start[i]:data_end[i], column]
                c = data[column][data_start[i]:data_end[i]]
            if overnight and i == 0:
                data_agg = np.insert(data_agg[-1], np.size(data_agg[-1][:]), c)

        day += 1
        if first_day:
            first_day = False
        if state_start_idx[-1]:
            overnight = True

    output = np.zeros(np.size(data_agg))
    for i in range(np.size(data_agg)):
        if units != "":
            output[i] = func(data_agg[i] * u(units)).magnitude
            output[i] = func(data_agg[i])

    if units != "":
        return output * func(data_agg[i] * u(units)).units
        return output
コード例 #11
def read_state(dates, state, column, units="", path="", extension=".xls"):
    """Reads a ProCoDA file and outputs the data column and time vector for
    each iteration of the given state.

    dates : string (list)
        A list of dates or single date for which data was recorded, in
        the form "M-D-Y"

    state : int
        The state ID number for which data should be extracted

    column : int or string
            Index of the column that you want to extract. Column 0 is time.
            The first data column is column 1.
            Name of the column header that you want to extract

    units : string, optional
        The units you want to apply to the data, e.g. 'mg/L'.
        Defaults to "" which indicates no units

    path : string, optional
        Optional argument of the path to the folder containing your ProCoDA
        files. Defaults to the current directory if no argument is passed in

    extension : string, optional
        The file extension of the tab delimited file. Defaults to ".xls" if
        no argument is passed in

    time : numpy array
        Times corresponding to the data (with units)

    data : numpy array
        Data in the given column during the given state with units

    time, data = read_state(["6-19-2013", "6-20-2013"], 1, 28, "mL/s")

    data_agg = []
    day = 0
    first_day = True
    overnight = False

    if not isinstance(dates, list):
        dates = [dates]

    for d in dates:
        state_file = path + "statelog " + d + extension
        data_file = path + "datalog " + d + extension

        states = pd.read_csv(state_file, delimiter='\t')
        data = pd.read_csv(data_file, delimiter='\t')

        states = np.array(states)
        data = np.array(data)

        # get the start and end times for the state
        state_start_idx = states[:, 1] == state
        state_start = states[state_start_idx, 0]
        state_end_idx = np.append(
            [False], state_start_idx[0:(np.size(state_start_idx) - 1)])
        state_end = states[state_end_idx, 0]

        if overnight:
            state_start = np.insert(state_start, 0, 0)
            state_end = np.insert(state_end, 0, states[0, 0])

        if state_start_idx[-1]:
            state_end.append(data[0, -1])

        # get the corresponding indices in the data array
        data_start = []
        data_end = []
        for i in range(np.size(state_start)):
            add_start = True
            for j in range(np.size(data[:, 0])):
                if (data[j, 0] > state_start[i]) and add_start:
                    add_start = False
                if (data[j, 0] > state_end[i]):
                    data_end.append(j - 1)

        if first_day:
            start_time = data[1, 0]

        # extract data at those times
        for i in range(np.size(data_start)):
            t = data[data_start[i]:data_end[i], 0] + day - start_time
            if isinstance(column, int):
                c = data[data_start[i]:data_end[i], column]
                c = data[column][data_start[i]:data_end[i]]
            if overnight and i == 0:
                data_agg = np.insert(data_agg[-1], np.size(data_agg[-1][:, 0]),
                                     np.vstack((t, c)).T)
                data_agg.append(np.vstack((t, c)).T)

        day += 1
        if first_day:
            first_day = False
        if state_start_idx[-1]:
            overnight = True

    data_agg = np.vstack(data_agg)
    if units != "":
        return data_agg[:, 0] * u.day, data_agg[:, 1] * u(units)
        return data_agg[:, 0] * u.day, data_agg[:, 1]