コード例 #1
def plot_gyro():
    global csv, timeArr, orientation
    import ahrs.common.orientation as orient

    euler = []
    for row in orientation.Q:
        # Roll is about x, pitch about y and yaw is about z
        # The coordinate system appears to be NED (North-East-Down)??
        # I know for sure Z axis is vertical
    euler = np.array(euler)
    euler = euler * RAD2DEG
    # plt.plot(timeArr, euler[:,0], label="Roll, deg")
    # plt.plot(timeArr, euler[:,1], label="Pitch, deg")
    # plt.plot(timeArr, euler[:,2], label="Yaw, deg")
    plt.plot(euler[:, 0], label="Roll, deg")
    plt.plot(euler[:, 1], label="Pitch, deg")
    plt.plot(euler[:, 2], label="Yaw, deg")
    # plt.plot(csv["imu1_accel_y_real"], label="Y accel")
    # plt.plot(csv["pos_z"], label="Altitude")

    # we can really just plot the orientation direction cosines
    cosines = [orient.q2euler(row) for row in orientation.Q]
    cosines = np.array(cosines)
    plt.plot(timeArr, cosines[:, 0], label="East")
    plt.plot(timeArr, cosines[:, 1], label="North")
    plt.plot(timeArr, cosines[:, 2], label="Up")

    # plt.plot(timeArr, csv['ax'], label="Ax, gees")
    # plt.plot(timeArr, csv['ay'], label="Ay, gees")
    # plt.plot(timeArr, csv['az'], label="Az, gees")
コード例 #2
        gx = 0
    if abs(gy) < 5:
        gy = 0
    if abs(gz) < 6:
        gz = 0
    gx = gx * pi / 180
    gy = gy * pi / 180
    gz = gz * pi / 180

    #Update the state for EKF using quaternion
    acce = np.array([ax, ay, az])
    gyo = np.array([gx, gy, gz])
    mag = np.array([x, y, z])
    orientation.Dt = dt
    Q = orientation.update(gyo, acce, mag, Q)
    pitch, roll, yaw = q2euler(Q)

    # Get accelerometer measurements and remove offsets
    [phi_acc, theta_acc] = imu.get_acc_angles()

    # Gey gyro measurements and calculate Euler angle derivatives

    phi_dot_0 = gx + sin(phi_hat) * tan(theta_hat) * gy + cos(phi_hat) * tan(
        theta_hat) * gz
    theta_dot = cos(phi_hat) * gy - sin(phi_hat) * gz

    # Kalman filter
    A = np.array([[1, -dt, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, -dt], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    B = np.array([[dt, 0], [0, 0], [0, dt], [0, 0]])

    gyro_input = np.array([[phi_dot_0], [theta_dot]])
コード例 #3
        gx = 0
    if abs(gy) < 5:
        gy = 0
    if abs(gz) < 6:
        gz = 0
    gx = gx * pi / 180
    gy = gy * pi / 180
    gz = gz * pi / 180

    #Update the state for EKF using quaternion
    acce = np.array([ax, ay, az])
    gyo = np.array([gx, gy, gz])
    mag = np.array([x, y, z])
    orientation.Dt = dt
    Quater = orientation.update(gyo, acce, mag, Quater)
    pitch, roll, yaw = q2euler(Quater)

    # Get accelerometer measurements and remove offsets
    [phi_acc, theta_acc] = mpu_1.get_acc_angles()

    # Gey gyro measurements and calculate Euler angle derivatives

    phi_dot_0 = gx + sin(phi_hat) * tan(theta_hat) * gy + cos(phi_hat) * tan(
        theta_hat) * gz
    theta_dot = cos(phi_hat) * gy - sin(phi_hat) * gz

    # Kalman filter
    A = np.array([[1, -dt, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1, -dt], [0, 0, 0, 1]])
    B = np.array([[dt, 0], [0, 0], [0, dt], [0, 0]])

    gyro_input = np.array([[phi_dot_0], [theta_dot]])
コード例 #4
ファイル: server.py プロジェクト: se1exin/auto-telescope
    def _update_loop(self):
        logger.debug("Starting _update_loop")
        filter = Madgwick(frequency=50, beta=0.1)
        # filter = Mahony()
        q = [1, 0, 0, 0]

        yaw_readings = deque([])
        yaw_buffer_size = 500

        self.is_updating = True
        while self.is_updating:
                accel = self.mpu9250.readAccelerometerMaster()
                gyro = list(
                    map(lambda x: x * DEG2RAD, self.mpu9250.readGyroscopeMaster())
                mag = self.mpu9250.readMagnetometerMaster()
                self.yaw_raw = math.atan2(-mag[1], mag[0]) * RAD2DEG
                # @TODO: Roll and Pitch raw headings
                q = filter.updateMARG(
                    acc=accel, gyr=gyro, mag=[mag[0], -mag[1], mag[2]], q=q

                attitude = q2euler(q)
                self.roll_filtered = attitude[0] * RAD2DEG
                self.pitch_filtered = attitude[1] * RAD2DEG
                self.yaw_filtered = attitude[2] * RAD2DEG

                self.has_position = True

                # Low pass filter for yaw readings
                # Also used to determine if the current yaw reading is 'stable' or not
                if len(yaw_readings) >= yaw_buffer_size:

                    yaw_numpy = numpy.array(yaw_readings)
                    self.yaw_smoothed = yaw_numpy.mean()
                    self.position_stable = (
                        True if (yaw_numpy.std() < self.stability_threshold) else False
                    self.position_stable = False
            except Exception as ex:

            # @TODO: Roll and Pitch smoothed headings

        # We have stopped updating, reset everything back to zero/off
        self.has_position = False
        self.position_stable = False
        self.roll_raw = 0.0
        self.pitch_raw = 0.0
        self.yaw_raw = 0.0
        self.roll_filtered = 0.0
        self.pitch_filtered = 0.0
        self.yaw_filtered = 0.0
        self.roll_smoothed = 0.0
        self.pitch_smoothed = 0.0
        self.yaw_smoothed = 0.0
コード例 #5

def show_rpy(v):
    print('roll:{:+10.5f}'.format(v[0]), end=' ')
    print('pitch:{:+10.5f}'.format(v[1]), end=' ')

def show_q(q):
    print('w:{:+10.5f} x:{:+10.5f} y:{:+10.5f} z:{:+10.5f}'.format(*q))

    imu = mpu9250()
    mw = Madgwick(frequency=50, beta=1)
    dcc = DynamicCompassCalibrator()
    q = [1, 0, 0, 0]
    while True:
        a = list(imu.accel)
        g = list(map(lambda x: x * DEG2RAD, imu.gyro))
        m = list(imu.mag)
        #m = dcc.correct(m)
        q = mw.updateIMU(g, a, q)
        #q = mw.updateMARG(g, a, [m[1], m[0], -m[2]], q)
        a = rad2deg(q2euler(q))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print('bye ...')