コード例 #1
def imu2body(dF, pos=[0, 0, 0]):
    acc = dF.to_numpy()[:,3:]
    gyr = dF.to_numpy()[:,:3]
    acc_c = rate2acc(gyr, pos)
    grv = np.array([[0],[0],[-9.81]])
    imu = ahrs.filters.Complementary(acc=acc, gyr=gyr, frequency=fs, q0=q0, gain=0.001)
    theta = ahrs.QuaternionArray(imu.Q)
    th = ahrs.QuaternionArray(imu.Q).to_angles()
    acc_cc = np.zeros_like(acc)
    for ii in range(len(acc)):
        acc_cc[ii,:] = acc[ii,:] + ahrs.Quaternion(imu.Q[ii]).rotate(grv).T 
    a = acc_cc
    v = FDI(a)
    d = FDI(v)
    om = gyr
コード例 #2
ファイル: test_estimators.py プロジェクト: Mayitzin/ahrs
 def setUp(self) -> None:
     # Generate random attitudes
     num_samples = 500
     angular_velocities = random_angvel(num_samples=num_samples,
                                        span=(-np.pi, np.pi))
     self.R = ahrs.QuaternionArray(
     # Rotated reference vectors + noise
     self.noise_sigma = 1e-5
     self.Rg = np.array([R @ REFERENCE_GRAVITY_VECTOR
                         for R in self.R]) + np.random.standard_normal(
                             (num_samples, 3)) * self.noise_sigma
     self.Rm = np.array([R @ REFERENCE_MAGNETIC_VECTOR
                         for R in self.R]) + np.random.standard_normal(
                             (num_samples, 3)) * self.noise_sigma
コード例 #3
ファイル: test_estimators.py プロジェクト: JosephTLucas/ahrs
 def setUp(self) -> None:
     # Create random attitudes
     num_samples = 1000
     self.Qts = ahrs.QuaternionArray(
         np.random.random((num_samples, 4)) - 0.5)
     self.rotations = self.Qts.to_DCM()
     # Add noise to reference vectors and rotate them by the random attitudes
     noises = np.random.randn(2 * num_samples, 3) * 1e-3
     self.Rg = np.array([
         R.T @ (np.array([0.0, 0.0, GRAVITY]) + noises[i])
         for i, R in enumerate(self.rotations)
     self.Rm = np.array([
         R.T @ (REFERENCE_MAGNETIC_VECTOR + noises[i + num_samples])
         for i, R in enumerate(self.rotations)
     self.decimal_precision = 7e-2
コード例 #4
ファイル: test_estimators.py プロジェクト: Mayitzin/ahrs
 def setUp(self) -> None:
     # Create random attitudes
     a_ref = np.array([0.0, 0.0, -NORMAL_GRAVITY])
     num_samples = 1000
     angular_velocities = random_angvel(num_samples=num_samples,
                                        span=(-np.pi, np.pi))
     self.Qts = ahrs.QuaternionArray(
     rotations = self.Qts.to_DCM()
     # Add noise to reference vectors and rotate them by the random attitudes
     self.noise_sigma = 1e-5
     self.Rg = np.array([R.T @ a_ref
                         for R in rotations]) + np.random.standard_normal(
                             (num_samples, 3)) * self.noise_sigma
     self.Rm = np.array([R.T @ m_ref
                         for R in rotations]) + np.random.standard_normal(
                             (num_samples, 3)) * self.noise_sigma
コード例 #5
ファイル: test_estimators.py プロジェクト: Mayitzin/ahrs
 def setUp(self) -> None:
     # Create random attitudes
     num_samples = 1000
     angular_velocities = random_angvel(num_samples=num_samples,
                                        span=(-np.pi, np.pi))
     self.Qts = ahrs.QuaternionArray(
     self.rotations = self.Qts.to_DCM()
     # Add noise to reference vectors and rotate them by the random attitudes
     noise_sigma = 1e-5
     self.decimal_precision = noise_sigma * 10.0
     self.Rg = np.array(
          for R in self.rotations]) + np.random.standard_normal(
              (num_samples, 3)) * noise_sigma
     self.Rm = np.array(
          for R in self.rotations]) + np.random.standard_normal(
              (num_samples, 3)) * noise_sigma
コード例 #6
def imu2body(df, t, fs, pos=[0, 0, 0]):
    gyr = df[:, 0:3]
    acc = df[:, 3:]
    grv = np.array([[0], [0], [-9.81]])
    alpha = FDD(gyr)
    accc = acc + np.cross(gyr, np.cross(gyr, pos)) + np.cross(alpha, pos)
    q0 = ahrs.Quaternion(ahrs.common.orientation.acc2q(accc[0]))
    imu = ahrs.filters.Complementary(acc=accc,
    theta = ahrs.QuaternionArray(imu.Q).to_angles()

    acccc = np.zeros_like(accc)
    for ii in range(len(acc)):
        acccc[ii, :] = accc[ii, :] + ahrs.Quaternion(imu.Q[ii]).rotate(grv).T

    v = FDI(acccc)
    d = FDI(v)
    ah = {}
    ah['Dx'] = d[:, 0]
    ah['Dy'] = d[:, 1]
    ah['Dz'] = d[:, 2]
    ah['Vx'] = v[:, 0]
    ah['Vy'] = v[:, 1]
    ah['Vz'] = v[:, 2]
    ah['Ax'] = acccc[:, 0]
    ah['Ay'] = acccc[:, 1]
    ah['Az'] = acccc[:, 2]
    ah['thx'] = theta[:, 0]
    ah['thy'] = theta[:, 1]
    ah['thz'] = theta[:, 2]
    ah['omx'] = gyr[:, 0]
    ah['omy'] = gyr[:, 1]
    ah['omz'] = gyr[:, 2]
    ah['alx'] = alpha[:, 0]
    ah['aly'] = alpha[:, 1]
    ah['alz'] = alpha[:, 2]

    dataFrame = pd.DataFrame(ah, t)
    return dataFrame
コード例 #7
 def test_quaternion_average(self):
     # Create 10 continuous quaternions representing rotations around the
     # Z-axis between 0 and 90 degrees and average them. The mean quaternion
     # must be, naturally, equal to the 45 degree quaternion.
     Q = ahrs.QuaternionArray([ahrs.Quaternion(rpy=np.array([0.0, 0.0, x])*ahrs.DEG2RAD) for x in range(0, 100, 10)])
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(Q.average(), ahrs.Quaternion(rpy=np.array([0.0, 0.0, 45.0])*ahrs.DEG2RAD), decimal=self.decimal_precision)
コード例 #8
 def setUp(self) -> None:
     self.Q0 = ahrs.QuaternionArray()
     self.Q1 = ahrs.QuaternionArray(np.identity(4))
     self.decimal_precision = 15