def chop_chop(mc): """ clicks left mouse button, chopchop! returns true if a flower was chopped, otherwise false. 'mc' is minecraft connection object """ currentBlockPosition = get_block_position(mc) if currentBlockPosition == Vec3(999,999,999): logging.debug("no block in range") return False else: blockPreChop = mc.getBlock(currentBlockPosition) #logging.debug("blockprechop is: %s" % (blockPreChop)) aid.mouseClick('left') time.sleep(0.05) # allow block to change type blockPostChop = mc.getBlock(currentBlockPosition) #logging.debug("blockpostchop is: %s" % (blockPostChop)) if blockPreChop == 38 and blockPostChop != 38: #logging.debug("that was a flowah! returning true good sir") #time.sleep(2) return True else: #logging.debug("that was not a flower, so get your shit together!") #time.sleep(2) return False
def get_block_position(mc): """ requires sword in player hand. right clicks to get position of block. if a block is in range, it returns block position otherwise returns Vec3(999,999,999) 'mc' is minecraft connection object """ position = Vec3(999, 999, 999) # hack because Vec3 doesn't support None # logging.debug("inside get_block_position, position is now: %s" % (position)) aid.mouseClick("right") # needed to catch event properly, without this events are empty first time.sleep(0.05) hitcounter = 0 while True: blockHits = aid.mouseClick("right") # logging.debug("clicked right button") if blockHits: for blockHit in blockHits: # logging.debug("blockhit") # logging.debug(blockHit.pos) hitcounter += 1 if hitcounter > 1: position = blockHits[hitcounter - 1].pos else: position = blockHits[0].pos # logging.debug("i shall now return the position which is: %s" % (position)) break else: # logging.debug("no block in range, returning position which is: %s" % (position)) break return position
def get_block_position(mc): """ requires sword in player hand. right clicks to get position of block. if a block is in range, it returns block position otherwise returns Vec3(999,999,999) 'mc' is minecraft connection object """ position = Vec3(999, 999, 999) # hack because Vec3 doesn't support None #logging.debug("inside get_block_position, position is now: %s" % (position)) aid.mouseClick( 'right' ) # needed to catch event properly, without this events are empty first time.sleep(0.05) hitcounter = 0 while True: blockHits = aid.mouseClick('right') #logging.debug("clicked right button") if blockHits: for blockHit in blockHits: #logging.debug("blockhit") #logging.debug(blockHit.pos) hitcounter += 1 if hitcounter > 1: position = blockHits[hitcounter - 1].pos else: position = blockHits[0].pos #logging.debug("i shall now return the position which is: %s" % (position)) break else: #logging.debug("no block in range, returning position which is: %s" % (position)) break return position