コード例 #1
ファイル: aiplayer.py プロジェクト: Kluchy/ConnectFour
def randomOffenseOneWithTwicePlus( gameBoard, playerTurn ):
    move,isBlockOrWin= randomOffenseWithTwicePlus(gameBoard,playerTurn)
    if isBlockOrWin == 2 or isBlockOrWin:
        return move, isBlockOrWin
    #consider all my possible moves
    validMoves= aif.getValidMoves( gameBoard )
    bestMove= move
    bestNumPlayerIDs= -1
    for (x,y) in validMoves:
        #simulate this move, and assume opponent plays 'best' possible move.
        #the best move from me is the one leaving the state with a higher
        #sequence of my playerID as a valid win AFTER opponent's 'best' move
        tempBoard= py.copy(gameBoard)
        tempBoard[x,y]= playerTurn
        opponentTurn= aif.getOpponent(playerTurn)
        oppMove, _= randomOffenseWithTwicePlus(tempBoard, opponentTurn)
        tempBoard[oppMove]= opponentTurn
        #get new valid moves and new uselessSlotFilter values. Compare with
        #best seen thus far 
        newValidMoves= aif.getValidMoves( tempBoard )
        filterWorked, newValidMoves= aif.uselessSlotFilter( tempBoard, newValidMoves, playerTurn )
        if filterWorked:
            for (_,_,value) in newValidMoves:
                if value > 1 and value > bestNumPlayerIDs and aif.isSafeToPlayPlus( (x,y), playerTurn, gameBoard ):
                    bestMove= (x,y)
                    bestNumPlayerIDs= value
    return bestMove, 0
コード例 #2
ファイル: aiplayer.py プロジェクト: Kluchy/ConnectFour
def randomOffenseWithTwicePlus(gameBoard, playerTurn):
    move,isBlockOrWin= lookAheadTwicePlus(gameBoard,playerTurn)
    if isBlockOrWin == 2 or isBlockOrWin:
        return move, isBlockOrWin
    '''isSingleLineTrap, blockingMove= aif.blockSingleLineTrap(gameBoard, playerTurn)
    if isSingleLineTrap:
        return blockingMove, isSingleLineTrap'''
    validMoves= aif.getValidMoves( gameBoard )
    filterWorked, validMoves= aif.uselessSlotFilter( gameBoard, validMoves, playerTurn )
    if filterWorked:
        #choose move with higher number
        bestVal= -1
        for (x,y,value) in validMoves:
            if value > 1 and value > bestVal and aif.isSafeToPlayPlus( (x,y), playerTurn, gameBoard ):
                move= (x,y)
                bestVal= value
        return move, 0
    return move, 0
コード例 #3
ファイル: aiplayer.py プロジェクト: Kluchy/ConnectFour
def lookAheadThricePlus(gameBoard, playerTurn):
    #get all possible moves on gameBoard
    possibleMoves= aif.getValidMoves(gameBoard)
    #get best move based on state of resulting boards
    bestMove, isBlockOrWin= lookAheadTwicePlus(gameBoard, playerTurn)
    x,y= bestMove
    #score board for this player and opponent
    myOrScores, yourOrScores, orCandidateSlots= aif.scoreBoard(gameBoard, playerTurn)
    if not aif.isSafeToPlay((x,y), yourOrScores, gameBoard):
        #print "lookAheadThricePlus: -- BEST MOVE IS A LOSS?!?!?!"
    if isBlockOrWin:
        #there cannot be a better play than a block or a win
        #print "lookAheadThricePlus: --- FOUND IS BLOCK OR WIN FROM BESTLOCALMOVEPLUS"
        return bestMove, isBlockOrWin
    elif isBlockOrWin == 2:
        return bestMove, 2

    bestBoard= py.copy(gameBoard)
    bestBoard[bestMove]= playerTurn #py.zeros(py.shape(gameBoard))
    trapFlag= 0
    slot= (-1,-1)
    opponentTurn= aif.getOpponent(playerTurn)
    opponentPossibleMoves= aif.getValidMoves(bestBoard)
    for x,y in opponentPossibleMoves:
        temp= py.copy(bestBoard)
        temp[x,y]= opponentTurn
        t, s= aif.preventTrapPlus(gameBoard,bestMove, (x,y), temp, playerTurn)
        if t == 1:
            #print " PREVENTING TRAAAAAAAAAP IN DEFAULT LOOKAHEADTHRICEPLUS ----------------------------"
            return s, 2
        elif t == -1:
            trapFlag= t
            slot= s
        elif t == 0:
    #get best move for opponent
    yourBestMove, _= lookAheadTwicePlus(bestBoard, opponentTurn)
    bestBoard[yourBestMove]= opponentTurn
    myOtherBestMove, _= lookAheadTwicePlus(bestBoard, playerTurn)
    bestBoard[myOtherBestMove]= playerTurn
    #find the best play that is neither a block or a win
    for x,y in possibleMoves:
        if (x,y) == slot:
            #play move
            newBoard= py.copy(gameBoard)
            newBoard[x,y]= playerTurn
            newBoardAfterMyFirstTurn= py.copy(newBoard)
            #get opponent move
            opponentMove, _= lookAheadTwicePlus(gameBoard, opponentTurn)
            newBoard[opponentMove]= opponentTurn
            flag2,slot2= aif.preventTrapPlus(gameBoard, (x,y), opponentMove, newBoard, playerTurn)
            if trapFlag == -1 and flag2 != -1 and aif.isSafeToPlayPlus( (x,y), playerTurn, gameBoard ):
                #print "ThricePlus: REPLACING BAD BEST MOVE ", bestMove, " LEADING TO TRAP WITH ", x,y
                bestMove= (x,y)
                bestBoard= newBoard
                trapFlag= 0
            #get my next best move based on this new state
            #TODO if final state has trap or is loss, discard this original move completely. If not, move on to compare this state to the best state seen.
            #TODO check if no traps for opponent but trap for self, then play there
            myMove, _= lookAheadTwicePlus(newBoard, playerTurn)
            newBoard[myMove]= playerTurn
            flag3,slot3= aif.preventTrapPlus(newBoardAfterMyFirstTurn, opponentMove, myMove, newBoard, opponentTurn)
            if flag3 == 1 and aif.isSafeToPlayPlus( slot3, playerTurn, gameBoard ):
                #Trap already active in our favor, use it!
                return slot3, 1
            if flag3 == -1 and aif.isSafeToPlayPlus( slot3, playerTurn, gameBoard ):
                #opponent made a move that activated the trap: consider our move that led to it as a valid place to play
            if flag2== -1:
                oldSequentialCells= glf.getSequentialCellsPlus( bestBoard, 4 )
                oldWinOpportunities= oldSequentialCells[playerTurn]
                oldLoseOpportunities= oldSequentialCells[opponentTurn]
                newSequentialCells= glf.getSequentialCellsPlus( newBoard, 4 )
                newWinOpportunities= newSequentialCells[playerTurn]
                newLoseOpportunities= newSequentialCells[opponentTurn]

                myScores, yourScores, candidateSlots= aif.scoreBoard(newBoard, playerTurn)
                if aif.isSafeToPlay((x,y), yourOrScores, gameBoard) and len(newLoseOpportunities) < len(oldLoseOpportunities):
                    bestMove= (x,y)
                    bestBoard= newBoard

    #return move leading to that state
    if trapFlag == -1 and bestMove == slot:
        #print "OOOOOOOOOOOOH NOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo DON'T PLAY THERE"
    return bestMove, isBlockOrWin
コード例 #4
ファイル: aiplayer.py プロジェクト: Kluchy/ConnectFour
def lookAheadTwicePlus(gameBoard, playerTurn):
    #get all possible moves on gameBoard
    possibleMoves= aif.getValidMoves(gameBoard)
    #get best move based on state of resulting boards
    bestMove, isBlockOrWin= lookAheadOnePlus(gameBoard, playerTurn)
    x,y= bestMove
    #score board for this player and opponent
    myOrScores, yourOrScores, orCandidateSlots= aif.scoreBoard(gameBoard, playerTurn)
    if not aif.isSafeToPlay((x,y), yourOrScores, gameBoard):
        #print "lookAheadTwicePlus: -- BEST MOVE IS A LOSS?!?!?!"
    if isBlockOrWin:
        #there cannot be a better play than a block or a win
        return bestMove, isBlockOrWin

    bestBoard= py.copy(gameBoard)
    bestBoard[bestMove]= playerTurn
    trapFlag= 0
    slot= (-1,-1)
    opponentTurn= aif.getOpponent(playerTurn)
    opponentPossibleMoves= aif.getValidMoves(bestBoard)
    for x,y in opponentPossibleMoves:
        temp= py.copy(bestBoard)
        temp[x,y]= opponentTurn
        t, s= aif.blockTrap(gameBoard,bestMove, (x,y), temp, playerTurn)
        if t == 1 and aif.isSafeToPlayPlus( s, playerTurn, gameBoard ):
            #print " PREVENTING TRAAAAAAAAAP IN DEFAULT LOOKAHEADTWICEPLUS ----------------------------"
            return s, 2
        elif t == -1:
            trapFlag= t
            slot= s
        elif t == 0:
    #get best move for opponent
    yourBestMove, _= lookAheadOnePlus(bestBoard, opponentTurn)
    bestBoard[yourBestMove]= opponentTurn
    #find the best play that is neither a block or a win
    for x,y in possibleMoves:
        if trapFlag == -1 and (x,y) == slot:
            #play move
            newBoard= py.copy(gameBoard)
            newBoard[x,y]= playerTurn
            #get opponent move
            opponentMove, _= lookAheadOnePlus(gameBoard, opponentTurn)
            newBoard[opponentMove]= opponentTurn
            if trapFlag == -1 and bestMove == slot and (x,y) != slot and aif.isSafeToPlayPlus( (x,y), playerTurn, gameBoard ):
                #print "REPLACING BAD BEST MOVE ", bestMove, " LEADING TO TRAP WITH ", x,y
                bestMove= (x,y)
                bestBoard= newBoard
                trapFlag= 0
            oldSequentialCells= glf.getSequentialCellsPlus( bestBoard, 3 )
            oldWinOpportunities= oldSequentialCells[playerTurn]
            oldLoseOpportunities= oldSequentialCells[opponentTurn]
            newSequentialCells= glf.getSequentialCellsPlus( newBoard, 3 )
            newWinOpportunities= newSequentialCells[playerTurn]
            newLoseOpportunities= newSequentialCells[opponentTurn]

            myScores, yourScores, candidateSlots= aif.scoreBoard(newBoard, playerTurn)
            if aif.isSafeToPlay((x,y), yourOrScores, gameBoard) and len(newLoseOpportunities) < len(oldLoseOpportunities):
                #print "FOUND SOMETHING BETTER THAN LOOKAHEADONE: ", x,y
                bestMove= (x,y)
                bestBoard= newBoard
    #return move leading to that state
    if trapFlag == -1 and bestMove == slot:
        #print "OOOOOOOOOOOOH NOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo DON'T PLAY THERE"
    return bestMove, isBlockOrWin