async def ch_client(): client = ChClient(app['ch_http_session'], url=f'', database='ztf', user='******') await client.fetch('SELECT 1') return client
def __init__(self, stat_provider_config): super().__init__() self.stat_provider_config = stat_provider_config self.clickhouse_session = None self.clickhouse_client = None self.download_stats = {} self.top_missed_stats = [] self.current_task = None if stat_provider_config['enabled']: self.clickhouse_session = ClientSession() self.clickhouse_client = ChClient( self.clickhouse_session, url=stat_provider_config['clickhouse']['host'], user=stat_provider_config['clickhouse']['username'], password=stat_provider_config['clickhouse']['password'], )
async def main(): print("dddsd") async with ClientSession() as s: client = ChClient(s,url='',user='******',password='******',database='xxx') alive= await client.is_alive() # returns True if connection is Ok print(alive) print("{{{0}}}:{1}".format("Name",12)) sql='INSERT INTO phalgorithm.pipeHeatAnalyse(id,calcTable) values (4,\'{{"pp":"dsf"}}\')' await client.execute(sql)
async def put(table, lst): async with ClientSession() as s: client = ChClient(s, database='offers_dims', url='') try: await client.execute( f'INSERT INTO {table} \ (source, link, price, area, hash, date, diap, storage, operation) \ VALUES', *lst) except Exception as e: print(f'{e.__class__.__name__}: {e}') print('!!!ERROR!!!')
async def main(): async with ClientSession() as s: client = ChClient(s, url="http://localhost:8123") # preparing database await client.execute( "CREATE TABLE t (a UInt8, b Float32) ENGINE = Memory") # making queries in parallel await asyncio.gather( some_query(client, 1000, 1000), some_query(client, 2000, 1000), some_query(client, 3000, 1000), some_query(client, 4000, 1000), some_query(client, 5000, 1000), some_query(client, 6000, 1000), )
async def bench_selects(*, retries: int, rows: int): async with ClientSession() as s: client = ChClient(s, compress_response=True) # prepare environment await prepare_db(client) await insert_rows(client, row_data(), rows) # actual testing start_time = time.time() for _ in range(retries): await client.fetch("SELECT * FROM benchmark_tbl") total_time = time.time() - start_time avg_time = total_time / retries print( f"- Average time for selecting {rows} rows (from {retries} runs): {avg_time} seconds. Total: {total_time}" )
async def bench_inserts(*, retries: int, rows: int): async with ClientSession() as s: client = ChClient(s, compress_response=True) # prepare environment await prepare_db(client) # actual testing one_row = row_data() start_time = time.time() for _ in range(retries): await client.execute( "INSERT INTO benchmark_tbl VALUES", *(one_row for _ in range(rows)) ) total_time = time.time() - start_time avg_time = total_time / retries print( f"- Average time for inserting {rows} rows (from {retries} runs): {avg_time} seconds. Total: {total_time}" )
async def bench_selects(*, retries: int, rows: int): print("AIOCHCLIENT selects") async with ClientSession() as s: client = ChClient(s) # prepare environment await prepare_db(client) await insert_rows(client, row_data(), rows) # actual testing start_time = time.time() for _ in range(retries): await client.fetch("SELECT * FROM benchmark_tbl") total_time = time.time() - start_time avg_time = total_time / retries speed = int(1 / avg_time * rows) print( f"- Avg time for selecting {rows} rows from {retries} runs: {avg_time} sec. Total: {total_time}" ) print(f" Speed: {speed} rows/sec")
async def bench_inserts(*, retries: int, rows: int): print("AIOCHCLIENT inserts") async with ClientSession() as s: client = ChClient(s, compress_response=True) # prepare environment await prepare_db(client) # actual testing one_row = row_data() start_time = time.time() for _ in range(retries): await client.execute("INSERT INTO benchmark_tbl VALUES", *(one_row for _ in range(rows))) total_time = time.time() - start_time avg_time = total_time / retries speed = int(1 / avg_time * rows) print( f"- Avg time for inserting {rows} rows from {retries} runs: {avg_time} sec. Total: {total_time}" ) print(f" Speed: {speed} rows/sec")
def __init__( self, session: ClientSession, url: str, user: str, password: str, database: str, compress_response: bool = True, ) -> NoReturn: self.client = ChClient( session=session, url=url, user=user, password=password, database=database, compress_response=compress_response, ) self.database = database
async def bench_selects_with_decoding(*, retries: int, rows: int): print("AIOCHCLIENT selects with decoding") async with ClientSession() as s: client = ChClient(s, compress_response=True) # prepare environment await prepare_db(client) await insert_rows(client, row_data(), rows) # actual testing start_time = time.time() for _ in range(retries): selected_rows = await client.fetch("SELECT * FROM benchmark_tbl") # decoding: selected_rows = [row[0] for row in selected_rows] total_time = time.time() - start_time avg_time = total_time / retries speed = int(1 / avg_time * rows) print( f"- Avg time for selecting {rows} rows from {retries} runs: {avg_time} sec (with decoding). Total: {total_time}" ) print(f" Speed: {speed} rows/sec")
async def query(url, user, passwd, db, sql): try: from aiochclient import ChClient import aiohttp import traceback except: "[Clickhouse] 导入 aiochclient 模块失败, 请输入命令 pip install aiochclient") return { "status": 2, "result": "缺少 aoichclient 模块,请 pip install aiochclient 安装" }"[Clickhouse] APP执行参数为:{url} {database} {user} {passwd} {sql}", url=url, user=user, passwd=passwd, database=db, sql=sql) try: async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as s: client = ChClient(s, url=url, user=user, password=passwd, database=db) all_rows = await client.fetch(sql) result = [] for row in all_rows: tmp = dict() for i in row.items(): tmp[i[0]] = i[1] result.append(tmp) except Exception as e: return {"status": 2, "result": str(e)} else: return {"status": 0, "result": result}
async def init_ch_client(app: web.Application): app['http_session'] = ClientSession() app['ch'] = ChClient(app['http_session'], **app['config']['clickhouse'])
async def main(): async with ClientSession() as s: client = ChClient(s, url="http://localhost:8123") assert await client.is_alive()
class StatProvider(AioThing): def __init__(self, stat_provider_config): super().__init__() self.stat_provider_config = stat_provider_config self.clickhouse_session = None self.clickhouse_client = None self.download_stats = {} self.top_missed_stats = [] self.current_task = None if stat_provider_config['enabled']: self.clickhouse_session = ClientSession() self.clickhouse_client = ChClient( self.clickhouse_session, url=stat_provider_config['clickhouse']['host'], user=stat_provider_config['clickhouse']['username'], password=stat_provider_config['clickhouse']['password'], ) @asynccontextmanager async def _safe_execution(self): try: yield except asyncio.CancelledError as e: logging.getLogger('error').warning(e) except Exception as e: logging.getLogger('error').error(e) raise async def load_download_stats(self): async with self._safe_execution(): download_stats = {} logging.getLogger('statbox').info({ 'action': 'start_loading', 'stats': 'download_stats', }) async for row in self.clickhouse_client.iterate(''' select id, count(distinct user_id) as c from query_log where mode = 'get' and id != 0 group by id '''): download_stats[row['id']] = DocumentStat( downloads_count=row['c']) self.download_stats = download_stats logging.getLogger('statbox').info({ 'action': 'loaded', 'stats': 'download_stats', 'items': len(download_stats), }) await asyncio.sleep(self.stat_provider_config['download_stats'] ['refresh_time_secs']) async def load_top_missed_stats(self): async with self._safe_execution(): top_missed_stats = [] logging.getLogger('statbox').info({ 'action': 'start_loading', 'stats': 'top_missing', }) async for row in self.clickhouse_client.iterate(''' select document_id, count(distinct chat_id) as c from telegram_statbox_log where action = 'missed' and (mode = 'start_delivery' or mode = 'delivery') and schema = 'scimag' group by document_id order by count(distinct chat_id) desc, document_id desc limit 1000 '''): top_missed_stats.append(row['document_id']) self.top_missed_stats = top_missed_stats logging.getLogger('statbox').info({ 'action': 'loaded', 'stats': 'top_missing', 'items': len(top_missed_stats), }) await asyncio.sleep(self.stat_provider_config['top_missed_stats'] ['refresh_time_secs']) def get_download_stats(self, document_id, default=None): return self.download_stats.get(document_id, default) def get_top_missed_stats(self): return self.top_missed_stats async def all_tasks(self): return await asyncio.gather( self.load_download_stats(), self.load_top_missed_stats(), ) async def start(self): if self.clickhouse_session: self.current_task = asyncio.create_task(self.all_tasks()) async def stop(self): await self.cancel() if self.clickhouse_session: await self.clickhouse_session.close() if self.current_task: self.current_task.cancel() await self.current_task await super().stop()
async def chclient(request, http_client): async with ChClient(http_client(), **request.param) as chclient: yield chclient
async def chclient(request): async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as s: yield ChClient(s, **request.param)