コード例 #1
ファイル: norm_server.py プロジェクト: vxgmichel/aiorx
async def euclidean_norm_handler(reader, writer):

    # Define lambdas
    strip =        lambda x: x.decode().strip()
    nonempty =     lambda x: x != ''
    square =       lambda x: x ** 2
    write_cursor = lambda x: writer.write(b'> ')
    square_root =  lambda x: x ** 0.5

    # Create awaitable
    handle_request = (
        | pipe.print('string: {}')
        | pipe.map(strip)
        | pipe.takewhile(nonempty)
        | pipe.map(float)
        | pipe.map(square)
        | pipe.print('square: {:.2f}')
        | pipe.action(write_cursor)
        | pipe.accumulate(initializer=0)
        | pipe.map(square_root)
        | pipe.print('norm -> {:.2f}')

    # Loop over norm computations
    while not reader.at_eof():
            result = await handle_request
        except ValueError:
コード例 #2
ファイル: norm_server.py プロジェクト: timworx/aiostream
async def euclidean_norm_handler(reader, writer):

    # Define lambdas
    strip = lambda x: x.decode().strip()
    nonempty = lambda x: x != ''
    square = lambda x: x**2
    write_cursor = lambda x: writer.write(b'> ')
    square_root = lambda x: x**0.5

    # Create awaitable
    handle_request = (stream.iterate(reader)
                      | pipe.print('string: {}')
                      | pipe.map(strip)
                      | pipe.takewhile(nonempty)
                      | pipe.map(float)
                      | pipe.map(square)
                      | pipe.print('square: {:.2f}')
                      | pipe.action(write_cursor)
                      | pipe.accumulate(initializer=0)
                      | pipe.map(square_root)
                      | pipe.print('norm -> {:.2f}'))

    # Loop over norm computations
    while not reader.at_eof():
            result = await handle_request
        except ValueError:
コード例 #3
ファイル: extra.py プロジェクト: timworx/aiostream
async def main():
    xs = (
        random()  # Stream random numbers
        | square.pipe()  # Square the values
        | pipe.take(5)  # Take the first five
        | pipe.accumulate())  # Sum the values
    print(await xs)
コード例 #4
ファイル: extra.py プロジェクト: vxgmichel/aiorx
async def main():
    xs = (
        random()              # Stream random numbers
        | square.pipe()       # Square the values
        | pipe.take(5)        # Take the first five
        | pipe.accumulate())  # Sum the values
    print(await xs)
コード例 #5
async def main():
    # This stream computes 11² + 13² in 1.5 second
    xs = (
        stream.count(interval=0.1)  # Count from zero every 0.1 s
        | pipe.skip(10)  # Skip the first 10 numbers
        | pipe.take(5)  # Take the following 5
        | pipe.filter(lambda x: x % 2)  # Keep odd numbers
        | pipe.map(lambda x: x**2)  # Square the results
        | pipe.accumulate()  # Add the numbers together
    print('11² + 13² = ', await xs)
コード例 #6
ファイル: simple.py プロジェクト: vxgmichel/aiorx
async def main():
    # This stream computes 11² + 13² in 1.5 second
    xs = (
        stream.count(interval=0.1)      # Count from zero every 0.1 s
        | pipe.skip(10)                 # Skip the first 10 numbers
        | pipe.take(5)                  # Take the following 5
        | pipe.filter(lambda x: x % 2)  # Keep odd numbers
        | pipe.map(lambda x: x ** 2)    # Square the results
        | pipe.accumulate()             # Add the numbers together
    print('11² + 13² = ', await xs)
コード例 #7
async def test_aggregate(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.accumulate()
        await assert_run(xs, [0, 1, 3, 6, 10])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = (stream.range(2, 4)
              | add_resource.pipe(1)
              | pipe.accumulate(func=operator.mul, initializer=2))
        await assert_run(xs, [2, 4, 12])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.accumulate()
        await assert_run(xs, [])

    async def sleepmax(x, y):
        return await asyncio.sleep(1, result=max(x, y))

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(3) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.accumulate(sleepmax)
        await assert_run(xs, [0, 1, 2])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1] * 3
コード例 #8
ファイル: test_aggregate.py プロジェクト: vxgmichel/aiorx
async def test_aggregate(assert_run, event_loop):
    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(5) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.accumulate()
        await assert_run(xs, [0, 1, 3, 6, 10])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = (stream.range(2, 4)
              | add_resource.pipe(1)
              | pipe.accumulate(func=operator.mul, initializer=2))
        await assert_run(xs, [2, 4, 12])

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(0) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.accumulate()
        await assert_run(xs, [])

    async def sleepmax(x, y):
        return await asyncio.sleep(1, result=max(x, y))

    with event_loop.assert_cleanup():
        xs = stream.range(3) | add_resource.pipe(1) | pipe.accumulate(sleepmax)
        await assert_run(xs, [0, 1, 2])
        assert event_loop.steps == [1]*3