コード例 #1
 def test_listing_of_apps_with_x_if_modified_since(self):
     data1 = TEST_APP_DATA.copy()
     id1 = origin_to_id(data1["origin"])
     r = self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id1, data1)
     ts1 = int(r.headers["X-Last-Modified"])
     # No X-I-M-S header => full listing.
     apps = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/", status=200)
     self.assertEquals(len(apps.json["apps"]), 1)
     # X-I-M-S header some time before the write => full listing.
     headers = {"X-If-Modified-Since": str(ts1 - 1)}
     apps = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/", headers=headers, status=200)
     self.assertEquals(len(apps.json["apps"]), 1)
     # X-I-M-S header equals time of write => 304 Not Modified
     headers = {"X-If-Modified-Since": str(ts1)}
     self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/", headers=headers, status=304)
     # X-I-M-S header some time after the write => 304 Not Modified
     headers = {"X-If-Modified-Since": str(ts1 + 1)}
     self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/", headers=headers, status=304)
     # Modify it, then we get the full listing again.
     data2 = TEST_APP_DATA.copy()
     data2["origin"] = "http://testapp.com"
     id2 = origin_to_id(data2["origin"])
     r = self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id2, data2)
     ts2 = int(r.headers["X-Last-Modified"])
     headers = {"X-If-Modified-Since": str(ts1 + 1)}
     apps = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/", headers=headers, status=200)
     self.assertEquals(len(apps.json["apps"]), 2)
     # Using updated timestamp gives 304 again.
     headers = {"X-If-Modified-Since": str(ts2 + 1)}
     self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/", headers=headers, status=304)
コード例 #2
 def test_storing_and_retrieving_an_app(self):
     # Putting it at the correct URL succeeds.
     data = TEST_APP_DATA.copy()
     id = origin_to_id(data["origin"])
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data)
     apps = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/").json["apps"]
     self.assertEquals(len(apps), 1)
     self.assertEquals(apps[0]["origin"], data["origin"])
     # Putting it at an incorrect URL fails.
     id = origin_to_id("https://evil.com")
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data, status=403)
     apps = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/").json["apps"]
     self.assertEquals(len(apps), 1)
     # Reading it back gives us the correct information.
     id = origin_to_id(data["origin"])
     app1 = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/" + id).json
     self.assertEquals(app1["origin"], data["origin"])
     # Writing it again updates the modified time.
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data)
     app2 = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/" + id).json
     self.assertEquals(app2["origin"], data["origin"])
     self.assertEquals(app2["installedAt"], app1["installedAt"])
     self.assertGreater(app2["modifiedAt"], app1["modifiedAt"])
     # Deleting it makes it go away.
     self.app.delete(self.root + "/apps/" + id, status=204)
     apps = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/").json["apps"]
     self.assertEquals(len(apps), 0)
コード例 #3
 def test_listing_of_apps_modified_after_a_given_time(self):
     # Write two apps, separated by a 10ms sleep.
     data1 = TEST_APP_DATA.copy()
     id1 = origin_to_id(data1["origin"])
     r = self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id1, data1)
     ts1 = int(r.headers["X-Last-Modified"])
     data2 = TEST_APP_DATA.copy()
     data2["origin"] = "http://testapp.com"
     id2 = origin_to_id(data2["origin"])
     r = self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id2, data2)
     ts2 = int(r.headers["X-Last-Modified"])
     # With no "after" qualifier", both apps are listed.
     apps = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/")
     self.assertEquals(len(apps.json["apps"]), 2)
     # With "after" = timestamp of first, we only get one.
     apps = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/?after=" + str(ts1))
     self.assertEquals(len(apps.json["apps"]), 1)
     self.assertEquals(apps.json["apps"][0]["origin"], data2["origin"])
     # With "after" = just after timestamp of first, we only get one.
     apps = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/?after=" + str(ts1 + 1))
     self.assertEquals(len(apps.json["apps"]), 1)
     self.assertEquals(apps.json["apps"][0]["origin"], data2["origin"])
     # With "after" = timestamp of second, we get niether
     apps = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/?after=" + str(ts2))
     self.assertEquals(len(apps.json["apps"]), 0)
     # With "after" = just after timestamp of second, we get niether
     apps = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/?after=" + str(ts2 + 1))
     self.assertEquals(len(apps.json["apps"]), 0)
コード例 #4
 def test_getting_an_app_with_x_if_modified_since(self):
     data = TEST_APP_DATA.copy()
     id = origin_to_id(data["origin"])
     r = self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data)
     ts = int(r.headers["X-Last-Modified"])
     # No X-I-M-S header => we get the app data.
     app = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/" + id).json
     del app["modifiedAt"]
     del app["installedAt"]
     self.assertEquals(app, data)
     # X-I-M-S header before time of write => we get the app data.
     headers = {"X-If-Modified-Since": str(ts - 1)}
     app = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/" + id).json
     del app["modifiedAt"]
     del app["installedAt"]
     self.assertEquals(app, data)
     # X-I-M-S header at time of write => 304 Not Modified
     headers = {"X-If-Modified-Since": str(ts)}
     self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/" + id, headers=headers, status=304)
     # X-I-M-S header after time of write => 304 Not Modified
     headers = {"X-If-Modified-Since": str(ts + 1)}
     self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/" + id, headers=headers, status=304)
     # After another write, we get the updated data.
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data)
     headers = {"X-If-Modified-Since": str(ts + 1)}
     app = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/" + id, headers=headers).json
     del app["modifiedAt"]
     del app["installedAt"]
     self.assertEquals(app, data)
コード例 #5
 def test_that_app_upload_size_is_limited_to_eight_kilobytes(self):
     data = TEST_APP_DATA.copy()
     id = origin_to_id(data["origin"])
     # Fails with >8KB of data
     data["receipts"] = ["X" * 8 * 1024]
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data, status=413)
     # Succeeds with <8KB of data
     data["receipts"] = ["X" * 7 * 1024]
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data, status=201)
コード例 #6
 def test_that_uploading_invalid_json_gives_a_400_response(self):
     # Test that it fails for a variety of non-json-object inputs.
     id = origin_to_id("http://broken-app.com")
     data = "NOT JSON"
     self.app.put(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data, status=415)
     data = 42
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data, status=400)
     data = ["NOT", "AN", "OBJECT"]
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data, status=400)
     # Test that is fails for a variety of malformed inputs.
     id = origin_to_id(TEST_APP_DATA["origin"])
     # Fails with an additional, invalid field.
     data = TEST_APP_DATA.copy()
     data["invalid"] = "field"
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data, status=400)
     # Fails with a missing required field.
     data = TEST_APP_DATA.copy()
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data, status=400)
コード例 #7
 def test_creating_an_app_with_x_if_unmodified_since_equal_to_zero(self):
     data = TEST_APP_DATA.copy()
     id = origin_to_id(data["origin"])
     headers = {"X-If-Unmodified-Since": "0"}
     # The first put should give a 201 Created.
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data, headers=headers,
     # The second put fails due to conflict.
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data, headers=headers,
コード例 #8
 def test_that_app_timestamp_fields_are_set_on_write(self):
     data = TEST_APP_DATA.copy()
     id = origin_to_id(data["origin"])
     # On first write, both timestamp fields are set to same value.
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data)
     app1 = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/" + id).json
     self.assertEquals(app1["installedAt"], app1["modifiedAt"])
     # On subsequent writes, only the modified timestamp is set.
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, app1)
     app2 = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/" + id).json
     self.assertEquals(app1["installedAt"], app2["installedAt"])
     self.assertGreater(app2["modifiedAt"], app2["installedAt"])
コード例 #9
 def test_deleting_an_app_with_x_if_unmodified_since(self):
     data = TEST_APP_DATA.copy()
     id = origin_to_id(data["origin"])
     r = self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data, status=201)
     ts = int(r.headers["X-Last-Modified"])
     # X-I-U-S header equalt to zero => 412 Precondition Failed
     headers = {"X-If-Unmodified-Since": "0"}
     self.app.delete(self.root + "/apps/" + id, headers=headers, status=412)
     # X-I-U-S header before time of write => 412 Precondition Failed
     headers = {"X-If-Unmodified-Since": str(ts - 1)}
     self.app.delete(self.root + "/apps/" + id, headers=headers, status=412)
     # X-I-U-S header at time of write => delete succeeds
     headers = {"X-If-Unmodified-Since": str(ts)}
     self.app.delete(self.root + "/apps/" + id, headers=headers, status=204)
コード例 #10
 def test_listing_of_full_app_records(self):
     data1 = TEST_APP_DATA.copy()
     id1 = origin_to_id(data1["origin"])
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id1, data1)
     data2 = TEST_APP_DATA.copy()
     data2["origin"] = "http://testapp.com"
     id2 = origin_to_id(data2["origin"])
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id2, data2)
     # Without "full" we get the abbreviated form.
     apps = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/").json["apps"]
     self.assertEquals(len(apps), 2)
     for app in apps:
         self.assertEquals(sorted(app.keys()), ["modifiedAt", "origin"])
     # With "full" we get the full data output.
     apps = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/?full=1").json["apps"]
     self.assertEquals(len(apps), 2)
     # Sort the apps and output by origin so we easily compare in a loop.
     apps = [(app["origin"], app) for app in apps]
     apps = [app for (origin, app) in sorted(apps)]
     # Make sure we got *all* the data back correctly.
     for app, data in zip(apps, [data2, data1]):
         del app["modifiedAt"]
         del app["installedAt"]
         self.assertEquals(app, data)
コード例 #11
    def setUp(self):
        super(TestAITC, self).setUp()

        self.root = "/1.0/" + str(self.user_id)

        # Reset the storage to a known state (aka "empty").
        apps = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/").json["apps"]
        for app in apps:   # pragma: nocover
            id = origin_to_id(app["origin"])
            self.app.delete(self.root + "/apps/" + id)
        apps = self.app.get(self.root + "/apps/").json["apps"]
        self.assertEquals(apps, [])
        devices = self.app.get(self.root + "/devices/").json["devices"]
        for device in devices:  # pragma: nocover
            id = device["uuid"].encode("ascii")
            self.app.delete(self.root + "/devices/" + id)
        devices = self.app.get(self.root + "/devices/").json["devices"]
        self.assertEquals(devices, [])
コード例 #12
 def test_putting_an_app_with_x_if_unmodified_since(self):
     data = TEST_APP_DATA.copy()
     id = origin_to_id(data["origin"])
     # The first put should give a 201 Created.
     r = self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data, status=201)
     # No X-I-U-S header => we can put an update.
     # The second write gives a 204 No Content.
     r = self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data, status=204)
     ts = int(r.headers["X-Last-Modified"])
     # X-I-U-S header before time of write => 412 Precondition Failed
     headers = {"X-If-Unmodified-Since": str(ts - 1)}
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data, headers=headers,
     # X-I-U-S header at time of write => update succeeds
     headers = {"X-If-Unmodified-Since": str(ts)}
     r = self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data, headers=headers,
     ts = int(r.headers["X-Last-Modified"])
     # X-I-U-S header after time of write => update succeeds.
     headers = {"X-If-Unmodified-Since": str(ts + 1)}
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/apps/" + id, data, headers=headers,
コード例 #13
 def test_that_uploads_to_unknown_collection_give_a_404_response(self):
     data = TEST_APP_DATA.copy()
     id = origin_to_id(data["origin"])
     self.app.put_json(self.root + "/oops/" + id, data, status=404)