コード例 #1
ファイル: rotate.py プロジェクト: zhuzhenxi/aitom
def rotate(v, angle=None, rm=None, c1=None, c2=None, loc_r=None, siz2=None, default_val=float('NaN')):
    if (angle is not None):
        assert (rm is None)
        angle = N.array(angle, dtype=N.float).flatten()
        rm = AA.rotation_matrix_zyz(angle)
    if (rm is None):
        rm = N.eye(v.ndim)
    siz1 = N.array(v.shape, dtype=N.float)
    if (c1 is None):
        c1 = ((siz1 - 1) / 2.0)
        c1 = c1.flatten()
    assert (c1.shape == (3,))
    if (siz2 is None):
        siz2 = siz1
    siz2 = N.array(siz2, dtype=N.float)
    if (c2 is None):
        c2 = ((siz2 - 1) / 2.0)
        c2 = c2.flatten()
    assert (c2.shape == (3,))
    if (loc_r is not None):
        loc_r = N.array(loc_r, dtype=N.float).flatten()
        assert (loc_r.shape == (3,))
        c2 += loc_r
    c = ((- rm.dot(c2)) + c1)
    vr = SNI.affine_transform(input=v, matrix=rm, offset=c, output_shape=siz2.astype(N.int), cval=default_val)
    return vr
コード例 #2
ファイル: rotate.py プロジェクト: zhuzhenxi/aitom
def rotate3d_zyz(data, angle = None, rm = None, center=None, order=2, cval = 0.0):
    """Rotate a 3D data using ZYZ convention (phi: z1, the: x, psi: z2).

    # Figure out the rotation center
    if center is None:
        cx = data.shape[0] / 2
        cy = data.shape[1] / 2
        cz = data.shape[2] / 2
        assert len(center) == 3
        (cx, cy, cz) = center

    if rm is None:
        Inv_R = AA.rotation_matrix_zyz(angle)
        Inv_R = rm    
    from scipy import mgrid
    grid = mgrid[-cx:data.shape[0]-cx, -cy:data.shape[1]-cy, -cz:data.shape[2]-cz]
    temp = grid.reshape((3, N.int(grid.size/3)))
    temp = N.dot(Inv_R, temp)
    grid = N.reshape(temp, grid.shape)
    grid[0] += cx
    grid[1] += cy
    grid[2] += cz

    # Interpolation
    from scipy.ndimage import map_coordinates
    d = map_coordinates(data, grid, order=order, cval = cval)

    return d
コード例 #3
def distance_6d_sq__frobenius(p1, p2, weight=1.0):

    loc1 = np.array(p1[:3])
    assert len(loc1) == 3
    ang1 = p1[3:]
    assert len(ang1) == 3
    rm1 = TGA.rotation_matrix_zyz(ang1)

    loc2 = np.array(p2[:3])
    assert len(loc2) == 3
    ang2 = p2[3:]
    assert len(ang2) == 3
    rm2 = TGA.rotation_matrix_zyz(ang2)

    d_rm = np.square(np.eye(3) - rm1.transpose().dot(rm2)).sum()
    d_loc = np.square(loc1 - loc2).sum()

    return d_rm + weight * d_loc
コード例 #4
ファイル: util.py プロジェクト: xut006/aitom
def distance_6d_sq__frobenius(p1, p2, weight=1.0):
    square of the distance defined on the manifold of the 6D rigid transformation parameter space, the distance between
    rotations are calculated using Frobenius norm
    loc1 = np.array(p1[:3])
    assert len(loc1) == 3
    ang1 = p1[3:]
    assert len(ang1) == 3
    rm1 = TGA.rotation_matrix_zyz(ang1)

    loc2 = np.array(p2[:3])
    assert len(loc2) == 3
    ang2 = p2[3:]
    assert len(ang2) == 3
    rm2 = TGA.rotation_matrix_zyz(ang2)

    d_rm = np.square(np.eye(3) - rm1.transpose().dot(rm2)).sum()
    d_loc = np.square(loc1 - loc2).sum()

    return d_rm + weight * d_loc
コード例 #5
def trace(t1, t2, sigma_c, sigma_l, sigma_d, sc_path, out_path, c_path, phi_path, theta_path, psi_path):
    The main function for filament tracing
        t1: threshold for similarity, defualt=0.000001
        t2: threshold for correlation coefficient, default= 0.0007
        sigma_c: measure for smootheness, default=1.0
        sigma_l: measure for linearity, default=1.0
        sigma_d: measure for distance, default=1.0
        sc_path: file path of search cone, see search cone linked at the top of the script
        out_path: output file path for the tracing result (a binary mask)
        c_path: file path of the correlation coefficients (e.g. c.npy from 007_template_matching.py)
        phi_path: file path of the first ZYZ rotation angle(e.g. phi.npy from 007_template_matching.py)
        theta_path: file path of the second ZYZ rotation angle(e.g. theta.npy from 007_template_matching.py)
        psi_path: file path of the thrid ZYZ rotation angle(e.g. psi.npy from 007_template_matching.py)

        bm, a binary mask storing the search result

    Note that if out_path is not None, trace() would store the search result at the given location
    # forward() and backward() might reach recursion limit

    assert (sc_path is not None) and (c_path is not None), "File path error"
    assert (phi_path is not None) and (theta_path is not None) and (psi_path is not None), "File path error"
    if t1 is None:
        t1 = 0.000001
    if t2 is None:
        t2 = 0.0007
    if sigma_c is None:
        sigma_c = 1.0
    if sigma_l is None:
        sigma_l = 1.0
    if sigma_d is None:
        sigma_d = 1.0

    # load template matching results (see 007_template_matching_tutorial.py)
    print("Loading template matching results...")
    c = np.load(c_path)  # (10, 400, 398)
    phi = np.load(phi_path)
    theta = np.load(theta_path)
    psi = np.load(psi_path)
    print("Map shape: ", c.shape)

    # preprocess cross correlation matrix: negative values => 0.0
    print("Preproces correlation coefficients...")
    c[c < 0.0] = 0.0
    print("Maximum corr = ", c.max())

    print("Preprocessing orientations...")
    # orientation = np.load('./orietnation.npy', allow_pickle=True)#can store orientation.npy for faster testing
    # empty np array to store template orientations
    orientation = np.empty(c.shape, dtype=object)
    # assume template is parallel to the y axis
    v = np.array([0, 1, 0])
    # for all voxels
    for idx, x in np.ndenumerate(c):
        # get ZYZ angle for template orientation
        angle = (phi[idx], theta[idx], psi[idx])
        # convert to rotation matrix
        rm = AA.rotation_matrix_zyz(angle)
        # template orientation in [x, y, z]
        orientation[idx] = rm.dot(v)

        # binary mask to store tracing results
    bm = np.full(c.shape, False, dtype=bool)

    # read in search cone: SC is along the y axis, i.e. [0,1,0]
    print("Preparing search cone...")
    mrc = mrcfile.open(sc_path, mode='r+', permissive=True)
    # rotated already, along the y axis for now #forward search cone
    sc = mrc.data
    print('search cone size', sc.shape)  # (10, 11, 11)
    # mark where x0 is with a negative value
    sc[(5, 0, 5)] = -100.0

    # 180 degree rotation of the search cone
    rm = np.array([[-1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, -1.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, -1.0]])
    # about the XYZ axes
    # rotate to get the backward search cone
    sc_back = GR.rotate(sc, rm=rm, default_val=0.0)

    # tracing: go through corr for all c.max()>=t2
    print("Start tracing actin filaments...")
    while c.max() >= t2:
        # tracing starts with the highest corr
        corr = c.max()
        # get the index of c.max #e.g.(array([5]), array([177]), array([182]))
        x0 = np.where(c == corr)
        assert (x0[0].size == 1), "multiple maximum"
        # convert index to a tuple
        x0 = (x0[0][0], x0[1][0], x0[2][0])
        print("Now at ", x0, " with corr=", corr)
        bm[x0] = True

        # recursively search forward
        bm = forward(x0, sc, c, phi, theta, psi, orientation, sigma_c, sigma_l, sigma_d, t1, bm)
        bm = backward(x0, sc_back, c, phi, theta, psi, orientation, sigma_c, sigma_l, sigma_d, t1, bm)
        # set c.max() to -1.0 and go to the next c.max()
        c[x0] = -1.0

    # output bm
    if out_path is not None:
        print("Generating output to ", out_path)
        bm = bm.astype(np.int16)
        mrc = mrcfile.new(out_path, overwrite=True)
    print("TRACING DONE")
    return bm