コード例 #1
def clone_and_change_morph_file(param_cond_file, model_path, model, neuron_type, non_conds, sample_name=''):
    ''' Inputs param_cond_file == string => Absolute path of cond_file.
               model_path == Path objects => model Path objects.
               model == string => model name.
               neuron_type == string => Neuron model.
    from ajustador.basic_simulation import morph_morph_file
    from ajustador.helpers.copy_param.process_common import get_file_abs_path
    from ajustador.helpers.copy_param.process_common import get_file_name_with_version
    from ajustador.helpers.copy_param.process_common import make_model_path_obj
    from ajustador.helpers.copy_param.process_param_cond import extract_morph_file_from_cond
    morph_features = ('RM', 'Eleak', 'RA', 'CM')
    model_obj = make_model_path_obj(model_path, model)
    logger.debug("\n{} \n{}".format(param_cond_file, neuron_type))
    morph_file = extract_morph_file_from_cond(param_cond_file, neuron_type) #PROBLEM HERE.  NOT RETURNING CORRECT FILE FOR D2?
    logger.debug('\n{} \n{}'.format(model_path, morph_file))
    src_morph_file_path = get_file_abs_path(model_path, morph_file)
    if 'conductance_save' in src_morph_file_path:
        new_morph_file_path = get_file_name_with_version(src_morph_file_path)
        morph_morph_file(model_obj, neuron_type, src_morph_file_path, new_file = open(new_morph_file_path,'w'),
        **{k:v for k,v in non_conds.items() if k in morph_features})
        return new_morph_file_path
    new_morph_file_path = str(model_path/'conductance_save'/morph_file)[:-2]+'_'+sample_name+'.p'
    morph_morph_file(model_obj, neuron_type, src_morph_file_path, new_file = open(new_morph_file_path, 'w'),
    **{k:v for k,v in non_conds.items() if k in morph_features})
    return new_morph_file_path
コード例 #2
def clone_param_cond_file(src_path, src_file, dest_file):
    ''' Inputs param_cond_file == string => Absolute path of cond_file.
    model_path == Path objects => model Path objects.
    model == string => model name.
    neuron_type == string => Neuron model.
    from ajustador.helpers.copy_param.process_common import get_file_abs_path
    from ajustador.helpers.copy_param.process_common import get_file_name_with_version

    src_abs_path = get_file_abs_path(src_path, src_file)
    if Path(dest_file).is_file(
    ):  # Creates a version file of destination file.
        dest_file = get_file_name_with_version(dest_file)
        shutil.copy(src_abs_path, dest_file)
        return dest_file
    shutil.copy(src_abs_path, dest_file)
    return dest_file
コード例 #3
def create_npz_param(npz_file,
    """Main function to be executed to generate parameter file from npz_file.
       Inputs => npz_file          -> *.npz file;
                 model             -> 'gp', 'd1d2', 'ep' or 'ca1' soon;
                 neuron_type       -> 'proto', 'D1' or 'D2' soon;
                 store_param_spath -> User intended path to store neuron parameter files;
                 fitnum            -> user desired fitnumber to extract from npz file;
                 cond_file         -> Pure file name no path prefixes,
       Note** Program searches for cond_file in model folder and conductance_save in-order.
       Note** If *.p file in cond_file should be present in the same directory for proper execution.
       Note** Block comments in param_chan.py and param_cond.py must be of <'''>.

    model_path = Path(moose_nerp.__file__.rpartition('/')[0]) / model

    logger.info("START STEP 1!!!\n loading npz file: {}.".format(npz_file))
    data = np.load(npz_file)

    logger.info("START STEP 2!!! Prepare param conductances.")
    fit_number, param_data_list = get_least_fitness_params(data, fitnum)
    header_line = "# Generated from npzfile: {} of fit number: {}\n".format(
        npz_file.rpartition('/')[2], fit_number)
    sample_label = npz_file.rpartition('/')[2].rstrip('.npz').split('_')[-1]

    logger.debug("Param_data: {}".format(param_data_list))
    conds = get_params(param_data_list, 'Cond_')
    non_conds = get_params(param_data_list, 'Cond_', exclude_flag=True)

    # Create new path to save param_cond.py and *.p
    new_param_path = create_path(
        store_param_path) if store_param_path else create_path(
            model_path / 'conductance_save')

    if cond_file is None:
        cond_file = 'param_cond.py'
    new_param_cond = make_new_file_name_from_npz(data, npz_file,
                                                 neuron_type, cond_file)
    new_cond_file_name = check_version_build_file_path(str(new_param_cond),
                                                       neuron_type, fit_number)
    logger.info("START STEP 3!!! Copy \n source : {} \n dest: {}".format(
        get_file_abs_path(model_path, cond_file), new_cond_file_name))
    new_param_cond = clone_file(src_path=model_path,

    logger.info("START STEP 4!!! Extract and modify morph_file from {}".format(
    morph_file = clone_and_change_morph_file(new_param_cond, model_path, model,
                                             neuron_type, non_conds,
    #NOTE: created param_cond.py file in conductance_save directory of moose_nerp squid model.
    #NOTE: created and updated morph file.

    logger.info("START STEP 5!!! Renaming morph file after checking version.")
    new_morph_file_name = check_version_build_file_path(
        morph_file, neuron_type, fit_number)
    Path(str(new_param_path / morph_file)).rename(str(new_morph_file_name))

    logger.info("START STEP 6!!! Renaming morph file after checking version.")
    update_morph_file_name_in_cond(new_cond_file_name, neuron_type,

    write_header(header_line, new_param_cond)
    start_param_cond_block = get_namedict_block_start(new_param_cond,
    end_param_cond_block = get_block_end(new_param_cond,
                                         start_param_cond_block, r"\)")
    conds_dict = reshape_conds_to_dict(conds)
    update_conductance_param(new_param_cond, conds_dict,
                             start_param_cond_block, end_param_cond_block)

    logger.info("STEP 8!!! start channel processing.")
    chans = get_params(param_data_list, 'Chan_')

    if chan_file is None:
        chan_file = 'param_chan.py'
    new_param_chan = make_new_file_name_from_npz(data, npz_file,
                                                 neuron_type, chan_file)
    new_chan_file_name = check_version_build_file_path(str(new_param_chan),
                                                       neuron_type, fit_number)

    logger.info("START STEP 9!!! Copy \n source : {} \n dest: {}".format(
        get_file_abs_path(model_path, chan_file), new_chan_file_name))
    new_param_chan = clone_file(src_path=model_path,

    logger.info("START STEP 10!!! Preparing channel and gateparams relations.")
    start_param_chan_block = get_namedict_block_start(new_param_chan,
    end_param_chan_block = get_block_end(new_param_chan,
                                         start_param_chan_block, r"^(\s*\))")
    chans_dict = reshape_chans_to_dict(chans)
        "START STEP 11!!! import parameters from param_chan.py. and apply scale Tau and delay SS"
    py_param_chan = import_param_chan(
        model)  # import param_chan.py file from model.
    chanset = py_param_chan.Channels  # Get Channels set from the imported param_chan.py.
    for key, value in chans_dict.items():
        chan_name, opt, gate = key
        if opt == 'taumul':
            scale_voltage_dependents_tau_muliplier(chanset, chan_name, gate,
        elif opt == 'vshift':
            offset_voltage_dependents_vshift(chanset, chan_name, gate,
    chan_param_name_relation = create_chan_param_relation(
        new_param_chan, start_param_chan_block, end_param_chan_block)
    param_location = chan_param_locator(new_param_chan,
        new_param_chan, chan_param_name_relation, chanset,
        param_location)  #Update new param_chan files with new channel params.
                 new_param_chan)  # Write header to the new param_chan.py
        "THE END!!! New files names \n morph: {1} \n param_cond file: {0} \n param_chan file: {2}"
        .format(new_cond_file_name, new_morph_file_name, new_chan_file_name))