コード例 #1
ファイル: addn.py プロジェクト: mindspore-ai/akg
def Addn(data, target=utils.CCE):
    Compute sum of all elements in tensor.

        data (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Tensor of of type float16, float32.

        tvm.tensor.Tensor, compute result, get all elements' sum.
    Supported Platforms:
        'Ascend', 'GPU', 'CPU'
    # check types
    dtype = data[0].dtype
    if target == utils.CCE:
        utils.ops_dtype_check(dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_FLOAT)

    res = data[0]
    for i in range(1, len(data)):
        utils.elemwise_dtype_check(res.dtype, data[i].dtype)
        utils.elemwise_shape_check(res.shape, data[i].shape)
    res = akg.topi.elemwise_sum(data)

    return res
コード例 #2
ファイル: matrix_diag_part.py プロジェクト: mindspore-ai/akg
def matrix_diag_part(input_diagonal, input_help):
    Calculate the batched diagonal part of a batched tensor.
        input_help is a tensor with a diagonal element of 1 and other positions of 0,
        the last two dimensions can be unequal.

        input_diagonal (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Tensor of float32, float16, int32, int8, uint8. The last two dimensions
                                            can be unequal.
        input_help (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Tensor of float32, float16, int32, int8, uint8, and with a diagonal element of 1
                                        and other positions of 0.
        tvm.tensor.Tensor, has the same type as input_diagonal, the shape dims is equal to dims(input_diagonal) - 1.
    dtype_input_diagonal = input_diagonal.dtype
    dtype_input_help = input_help.dtype

    utils.elemwise_shape_check(input_help.shape, input_diagonal.shape)

    if len(input_help.shape) < 2:
        raise ValueError("Input tensors of rank>=2 are supported!")

    utils.ops_dtype_check([dtype_input_diagonal, dtype_input_help], [
        utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_FLOAT, utils.DtypeForDavinci.INT8,
        utils.DtypeForDavinci.INT32, utils.DtypeForDavinci.UINT8
    res = matrix_diag_part_compute(input_diagonal, input_help)
    return res
コード例 #3
def atan_grad(head, input_x):
    Compute gradient of input_x in atan.

    .. math::
        dx = \\frac{1}{1 + x^2} \\cdot dy

        head (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Gradient tensor of forward's output with the
                                  same shape and dtype as input_x.
        input_x (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Forward's input tensor support float16
                                     and float32.

        A tvm.tensor.Tensor as gradient of forward's input.
    Supported Platforms:
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(head.shape, input_x.shape)
    utils.elemwise_dtype_check(head.dtype, input_x.dtype,

    dtype = input_x.dtype
    tensor_one = dc.one_const(dtype)

    def _compute(*i):
        return tensor_one / (tensor_one + input_x(*i) * input_x(*i)) * head(*i)

    out_tensor = tvm.compute(input_x.shape, _compute, name="out")

    return out_tensor
コード例 #4
ファイル: minimum_ad.py プロジェクト: mindspore-ai/akg
def minimum_ad(head, data_x, data_y, grad_x=True, grad_y=True):
    Calculating the reversed outputs of the operator minimum by using automatic differentiate.

        head (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Input tensor of float32, float16 and int32.
        data_x (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Input tensor of float32, float16 and int32.
        data_y (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Input tensor of float32, float16 and int32.
        grad_x (bool): Default is True, whether to differentiate x.
        grad_y (bool): Default is True, whether to differentiate y.

        tvm.tensor.Tensor, has the same type and shape as grads, if grad_x and grad_y all equal to True, need return
        a list like: [jacs[0], jacs[1]].
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(data_x.shape, data_y.shape)
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(head.shape, data_x.shape)
        data_x.dtype, head.dtype,
        [utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_FLOAT, utils.DtypeForDavinci.INT32])
        data_x.dtype, data_y.dtype,
        [utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_FLOAT, utils.DtypeForDavinci.INT32])
    if not grad_x and not grad_y:
        raise ValueError("At least one of grad_x and grad_y is True.")
    op = minimum(data_x, data_y)
    jacs = list(akg.differentiate(op, [data_x, data_y], head))
    if grad_x and grad_y:
        return jacs[0], jacs[1]
    if grad_x:
        return jacs[0]
    return jacs[1]
コード例 #5
def fake_quant_with_min_max_vars_per_channel_gradient(input_gradients,
    Computes gradients of Fake-quantize on the 'input_data' tensor,

    output_backprops = input_gradients*(if input_data>=nudged_min and <=nudged_max 1 else 0)

        input_gradients (tvm.tensor.Tensor): input gradients from previously operation
        input_data (tvm.tensor.Tensor): input of fake-quantize, only supports "float32"
        input_min (tvm.tensor.Tensor): input_min shape equals to input_max shape
            The last dimension shoud be same for shapes of min, max and shape_inputs
            only support fp32
        input_max (tvm.tensor.Tensor): only support fp32
        num_bits (int): Defaults to 8. bitwidth of the quantization,between 2 and 16
        narrow_range (bool): 
            True, quantized into the quantization range [1, 2^num_bits - 1]
            False,quantized into the quantization range [0, 2^num_bits - 1]

    input_gradients_shape = get_shape(input_gradients)
    input_data_shape = get_shape(input_data)
    input_min_shape = get_shape(input_min)
    input_max_shape = get_shape(input_max)


    utils.elemwise_shape_check(input_gradients.shape, input_data.shape)
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(input_min_shape, input_max_shape)
    if input_min_shape[0] != input_data_shape[-1]:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "The shapes of min,max and shape_inputs last one dimension shoud be same"

    utils.ops_dtype_check(input_gradients.dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.FLOAT32)
    utils.ops_dtype_check(input_data.dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.FLOAT32)
    utils.ops_dtype_check(input_min.dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.FLOAT32)
    utils.ops_dtype_check(input_max.dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.FLOAT32)

    if num_bits > 16 or num_bits < 2:
        raise RuntimeError("numbits should be range[2,16]")

    input_min_broadcast = topi.broadcast_to(input_min, input_data_shape)
    input_max_broadcast = topi.broadcast_to(input_max, input_data_shape)

    res = fake_quant_with_min_max_vars_per_channel_gradient_compute(
        input_gradients, input_data, input_min_broadcast, input_max_broadcast,
        num_bits, narrow_range)
    return res
コード例 #6
ファイル: apply_ftrl.py プロジェクト: mindspore-ai/akg
def apply_ftrl(var, accum, linear, grad, lr, l1, l2, lr_power, target=utils.CCE):
    Ftrl-proximal optimization algorithm.

        accum_new = accum + grad * grad
        linear_new = linear +  grad - (accum_new^(-lr_power) - accum^(-lr_power)) / lr * var
        x = clip(linear_new, -l1, l1) - linear_new
        y = accum_new^(-lr_power) / lr + 2 * l2
        var_new = x / y

        var (tvm.tensor.Tensor): The tensor to be updated. Should be float16 or float32.
        accum (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A tensor of same shape and type as var. Eatch entry in it must be
                                   greater or equal to zero.
        linear (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A tensor of same shape and type as var.
        grad (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A tensor of same shape and type as var.
        lr (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`.
        l1 (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`.
        l2 (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`.
        lr_power (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`. Value of it
                                      must be less or equal to zero.

        tvm.tensor.Tensor, updated var.
        tvm.tensor.Tensor, updated accum.
        tvm.tensor.Tensor, updated linear.

    # As vlog instruction on mini product has a percision problem and mini product used to infer
    # rather than train
    if product_is_mini():
        raise RuntimeError("The apply_ftrl operator does not support the mini product")

    # check_shape
    shape = get_shape(var)
    for tensor in (accum, linear, grad):
        utils.elemwise_shape_check(shape, tensor.shape)
    sclar_shape = (1,)
    for sclar in (lr, l1, l2, lr_power):
        utils.elemwise_shape_check(sclar.shape, sclar_shape)

    # check dtype
    dtype = var.dtype
    utils.ops_dtype_check(dtype, [utils.DtypeForDavinci.FLOAT16, utils.DtypeForDavinci.FLOAT32])
    for tensor in (var, accum, linear, grad, lr, l1, l2, lr_power):
        utils.elemwise_dtype_check(tensor.dtype, dtype)

    var_new, accum_new, linear_new = apply_ftrl_impl(var, accum, linear, grad, lr, l1, l2, None,
                                                     lr_power, with_l2_shrinkage=False)

    # update by inplace
    (var_new, accum_new, linear_new), binds_info = \
        TensorUtils.inplace_set_tensors((var, accum, linear), (var_new, accum_new, linear_new))
    attrs = {utils.BINDS: binds_info}
    return var_new, accum_new, linear_new, attrs
コード例 #7
ファイル: apply_rms_prop.py プロジェクト: mindspore-ai/akg
def _apply_rms_prop_check(var, ms, mom, grad, lr, momentum, rho, epsilon):
    """Check inputs"""
    for i in (ms, mom, grad, lr, momentum, rho):
        utils.elemwise_dtype_check(var.dtype, i.dtype)
    for i in (ms, mom, grad):
        utils.elemwise_shape_check(var.shape, i.shape)
    for i in (lr, rho, momentum):
        if tuple(get_shape(i)) != (1, ):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "lr, rho and momentum only support scalar tensor.")
    if epsilon <= 0:
        raise ValueError("epsilon should greater than zero.")
コード例 #8
def apply_power_sign(var,
    Update 'var' according to the PowerSign update

    m_out = beta * m + (1 - beta) * grad
    var_out = var - lr_t * (exp(logbase * sign_decay * Sign(grad) * Sign(m_out)) * grad)

        var (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A tensor of type float16 or float32
        m (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A tensor of same shape and type as var.
        grad (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A tensor of same shape and type as var.
        lr (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of of same type as var.
        logbase (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of of same type as var.
        sign_decay (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of of same type as var.
        beta (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of of same type as var.

        tvm.tensor.Tensor, updated var.
        tvm.tensor.Tensor, updated m.
    # check dtypes
    utils.ops_dtype_check(var.dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_FLOAT)
    for i in (m, grad, lr, logbase, sign_decay, beta):
        utils.elemwise_dtype_check(var.dtype, i.dtype)

    # check shapes
    for i in (m, grad):
        utils.elemwise_shape_check(var.shape, i.shape)
    for i in (lr, logbase, sign_decay, beta):
        if tuple(get_shape(i)) != (1, ):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "lr, logbase, sign_decay and beta only support scalar tensor.")

    # compute
    out_var, out_m = _apply_power_sign_compute(var, m, grad, lr, logbase,
                                               sign_decay, beta)

    # reuse var, m
    out_var, binds_info = TensorUtils.inplace_set(var, out_var, "var_buf")
    out_m, binds_info2 = TensorUtils.inplace_set(m, out_m, "m_buf")
    attrs = {utils.BINDS: binds_info}
    return out_var, out_m, attrs
コード例 #9
def fake_quant_with_min_max_args_gradient(input_gradients,
    Computes gradients of Fake-quantize on the 'input_data' tensor,

    output_backprops = input_gradients*(if input_data>=nudged_min and <=nudged_max 1 else 0)

        input_gradients (tvm.tensor.Tensor): input gradients from previously operation
        input_data (tvm.tensor.Tensor): input of fake-quantize, only supports "float32"
        min ([float, int]): scalar, defaults to -6
        max ([float, int]): scalar, defaults to 6. [min; max] define the 
                            clamping range for the input_data data
        num_bits ([float, int]): Defaults to 8. num_bits is the bitwidth
                                 of the quantization,between 2 and 16
        narrow_range ([bool]): 
            True, quantized into the quantization range [1; 2^num_bits - 1]
            False,quantized into the quantization range [0; 2^num_bits - 1]

    shape = get_shape(input_data)
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(input_gradients.shape, input_data.shape)

    utils.ops_dtype_check(input_data.dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.FLOAT32)
    utils.ops_dtype_check(input_gradients.dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.FLOAT32)

    nudged_min, nudged_max, scale = nudge_min_max(min, max, num_bits,

    zero_tensor = tvm.compute(input_data.shape,
                              lambda *i: tvm.const(0, dtype="float32"),
    nudged_max_tensor = topi.add(zero_tensor, nudged_max)
    nudged_min_tensor = topi.add(zero_tensor, nudged_min)

    # where((input_data<=nudged_max)&(x>=nudged_min),1,0),Convert the input to 0 and 1 tensor
    between_nudged_min_max = _cmpare_value(input_data, nudged_min_tensor,

    res = topi.multiply(input_gradients, between_nudged_min_max)

    return res
コード例 #10
def apply_proximal_adagrad(var, accum, lr, l1, l2, grad, target=utils.CCE):
    The FOBOS optimization algorithm with Adagrad learning rate.

        accum_new = accum + grad * grad
        ada_lr = lr * rsqrt(accum_new)
        prox_var = var - ada_lr * grad
        if l1 > 0:
            var_new = Sign(prox_var)/(1+ada_lr*l2) * max{|prox_var|-ada_lr*l1,0}
            var_new = prox_var/(1+ada_lr*l2)

        var (tvm.tensor.Tensor): The tensor to be updated. Should be float16 or float32.
        accum (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A tensor of same shape and type as var. Eatch entry in it must be
                                   greater or equal to zero.
        lr (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`.
        l1 (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`.
        l2 (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`.
        grad (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A tensor of same shape and type as var.

        tvm.tensor.Tensor, updated var.
        tvm.tensor.Tensor, updated accum.

    # check_shape
    shape = get_shape(var)
    for tensor in (accum, grad):
        utils.elemwise_shape_check(shape, tensor.shape)
    sclar_shape = (1, )
    for sclar in (lr, l1, l2):
        utils.elemwise_shape_check(sclar.shape, sclar_shape)

    # check dtype
    dtype = var.dtype
        dtype, [utils.DtypeForDavinci.FLOAT16, utils.DtypeForDavinci.FLOAT32])
    for tensor in (var, accum, lr, l1, l2, grad):
        utils.elemwise_dtype_check(tensor.dtype, dtype)

    var_new, accum_new = _apply_proximal_adagrad_compute(
        var, accum, lr, l1, l2, grad)
    (var_new, accum_new), binds_info = TensorUtils.inplace_set_tensors(
        [var, accum], [var_new, accum_new])
    attrs = {utils.BINDS: binds_info}
    return var_new, accum_new, attrs
コード例 #11
ファイル: eltwise.py プロジェクト: mindspore-ai/akg
def eltwise(data, mode=1, coeff=()):
    Compute elementwise modes, such as 0:PRODUCT, 1:SUM and 2:MAX.

        data (list of tvm.tensor.Tensor): a list of tensor, tensor support fp16 and fp32.
        mode (int): 0:product, 1:sum, 2:max.
        coeff (tuple): tensor name of data should be equal with coeff size, only
                      used by sum, support int and float.
    dtype = data[0].dtype
    utils.ops_dtype_check(dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_FLOAT)

    shape_data = get_shape(data[0])

    if not mode in [0, 1, 2]:
        raise RuntimeError("mode only support 0, 1, or 2")

    if not len(data) == len(coeff) and len(coeff) != 0:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "coeff should be [] or its length be same as data")

    tensor_num = len(data)
    #tensor num must be [1, 120]
    if tensor_num < 1 or tensor_num > 120:
        raise RuntimeError("tensor_num need in range [1,120].")

    if mode == 1 and len(coeff) == 0:
        return addn.addn(data)
    if len(coeff) != 0:
        if type(coeff[0]) != int and type(coeff[0]) != float:
            raise RuntimeError("ele of coeff must be a number.")

    for i in range(1, len(data)):
        utils.elemwise_dtype_check(data[0].dtype, data[i].dtype)
        utils.elemwise_shape_check(data[0].shape, data[i].shape)

    if mode == 1 and len(coeff) > 0:
        return _addn(data, coeff)
    if mode == 0:
        return _product(data)
    if mode == 2:
        return _max(data)
コード例 #12
def apply_centered_rms_prop(var, mg, ms, mom, grad, lr, momentum, rho, epsilon, target=utils.CCE):
    Update `var` according to the centered RMSProp algorithm.

    out_mean_grad = decay * mg + (1-decay) * grad
    out_mean_square = decay * ms + (1-decay) * grad * grad
    out_mom = momentum * mom + lr * grad / sqrt(out_mean_square - out_mean_grad^2 + epsilon)
    out_var = var - out_mom

        var (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Input data of type float16 or float32.
        mg (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A tensor of the same type and shape as `var`.
        ms (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A tensor of the same type and shape as `var`.
        mom (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A tensor of the same type and shape as `var`.
        grad (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A tensor of the same type and shape as `var`.
        lr (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`.
        momentum (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`.
        rho (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`.
        epsilon (float): A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`.

        tvm.tensor.Tensor, updated var.
        tvm.tensor.Tensor, updated mean_grad.
        tvm.tensor.Tensor, updated mean_square.
        tvm.tensor.Tensor, updated mom.

    utils.ops_dtype_check(var.dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_FLOAT)
    for i in (mg, ms, mom, lr, rho, momentum, grad):
        utils.elemwise_dtype_check(var.dtype, i.dtype)
    for i in (mg, ms, mom, grad):
        utils.elemwise_shape_check(var.shape, i.shape)
    for i in (lr, rho, momentum):
        if tuple(get_shape(i)) != (1,):
            raise RuntimeError("lr, rho and momentum only support scalar tensor.")
    if epsilon <= 0:
        raise ValueError("epsilon should be greater than 0.")

    out_var, out_mg, out_ms, out_mom = _apply_centered_rms_prop_compute(
        var, mg, ms, mom, grad, lr, momentum, rho, epsilon)
    out_var, binds_info = TensorUtils.inplace_set(var, out_var, "var_buf")
    out_mg, binds_info2 = TensorUtils.inplace_set(mg, out_mg, "mg_buf")
    out_ms, binds_info3 = TensorUtils.inplace_set(ms, out_ms, "ms_buf")
    out_mom, binds_info4 = TensorUtils.inplace_set(mom, out_mom, "mom_buf")
    attrs = {utils.BINDS: binds_info}
    return out_var, out_mg, out_ms, out_mom, attrs
コード例 #13
ファイル: apply_adagrad_da.py プロジェクト: mindspore-ai/akg
def _check_inputs(var, grad_accum, grad_squared_accum, grad, lr, l1, l2,
    """Check op inputs"""
    # check dtype
    utils.ops_dtype_check(var.dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_FLOAT)
    for i in (grad_accum, grad_squared_accum, grad, lr, l1, l2):
        utils.elemwise_dtype_check(var.dtype, i.dtype)
    utils.ops_dtype_check(global_step.dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.INT32)

    # check shape
    for i in (grad_accum, grad_squared_accum, grad):
        utils.elemwise_shape_check(var.shape, i.shape)
    for i in (lr, l1, l2, global_step):
        if tuple(get_shape(i)) != (1, ):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "lr, l1, l2 and global_step only support scalar tensor.")
コード例 #14
def inv_grad(input_y, input_dy):
    Calculate data's Reciprocal grad,dx = -1 * input_dy * input_y * input_y.

        input_y (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Tensor of type float16, float32, int8, int32.
        input_dy (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Tensor of type float16, float32, int8, int32.

        tvm.tensor.Tensor, has the same type and shape as input_y.
    # Check shapes and dtypes.
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(input_y.shape, input_dy.shape)
    utils.elemwise_dtype_check(input_y.dtype, input_dy.dtype, supported_type=["float16", "float32", "int8", "int32"])

    res = inv_grad_compute(input_y, input_dy)
    return res
コード例 #15
ファイル: matrix_set_diag.py プロジェクト: mindspore-ai/akg
def matrix_set_diag(input_matrix, input_diagonal, input_help):
    Return a batched matrix tensor with new batched diagonal values.

        input_matrix (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Tensor of float32, float16, int32, int8, uint8. The last two dimensions
                                          can be unequal.
        input_diagonal (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Tensor of float32, float16, int32, int8, uint8.The last shape need equal
                                            to min(input_matrix[-1], input_matrix[-2]).
        input_help (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Tensor of float32, float16, int32, int8, uint8,and with a diagonal element of 1
                                        and other positions of 0.

        tvm.tensor.Tensor, has the same type and shape as input_matrix.
    shape_input = get_shape(input_matrix)
    shape_diag = get_shape(input_diagonal)
    shape_help = get_shape(input_help)
    dtype = input_matrix.dtype

    # Check help_matrix.
    if (len(shape_input) < 2) or (len(shape_help) < 2):
        raise RuntimeError("Only the rank of input tensors >= 2 are supported!")
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(shape_input, shape_help)

    # Check support dtype.
    utils.ops_dtype_check(dtype, [utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_FLOAT, utils.DtypeForDavinci.INT8,
                                    utils.DtypeForDavinci.INT32, utils.DtypeForDavinci.UINT8])

    # Adjust diag's shape according to input shape.
    # Extend the shape_diag dimension for broadcast.
    # if input_shape is [2,4,7,9] and shape_diag is [2,4,7] then new_shape is [2,4,7,1]
    # if input_shape is [2,4,9,7] and shape_diag is [2,4,7], then new_shape is [2,4,1,7]
    if shape_input[-2] <= shape_input[-1]:
        shape_b_newshape = list(shape_diag) + [1]
    # The penultimate dimension of the shape_diag is extended for broadcast.
        shape_b_newshape = list(shape_diag)
        shape_b_newshape.insert(-1, 1)
    input_diagonal = topi.reshape(input_diagonal, shape_b_newshape)
    res = matrix_set_diag_compute(input_matrix, input_diagonal, input_help)
    return res
コード例 #16
def _check_inputs(var, accum, accum_update, grad, lr, rho, epsilon):
    """Check op inputs"""
    # check dtype
    utils.ops_dtype_check(var.dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_FLOAT)
    for i in (accum, accum_update, grad, lr, rho):
        utils.elemwise_dtype_check(var.dtype, i.dtype)

    # check shape
    for i in (accum, accum_update, grad):
        utils.elemwise_shape_check(var.shape, i.shape)
    for i in (lr, rho):
        if tuple(get_shape(i)) != (1,):
            raise RuntimeError("lr and rho only support scalar tensor.")

    # check value
    if epsilon <= 0:
        raise ValueError("epsilon should be greater than zero.")
コード例 #17
def apply_add_sign(var,
    Update 'var' according to the AddSign update.

    m_out = m * beta + grad * (1 - beta)
    var_out = var - lr * (alpha + sign_decay * Sign(grad) *Sign(m)) * grad

        var (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A tensor of type float16 or float32
        m (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A tensor of type float16 or float32
        grad (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A tensor of type float16 or float32
        lr (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of type float16 or float32
        alpha (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of type float16 or float32
        sign_decay (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of type float16 or float32
        beta (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of type float16 or float32

        tvm.tensor.Tensor, updated var.
        tvm.tensor.Tensor, updated m.

    utils.ops_dtype_check(var.dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_FLOAT)
    for i in (m, lr, alpha, sign_decay, beta, grad):
        utils.elemwise_dtype_check(var.dtype, i.dtype)
    for i in (m, grad):
        utils.elemwise_shape_check(var.shape, i.shape)
    for i in (lr, alpha, sign_decay, beta):
        if tuple(get_shape(i)) != (1, ):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "lr, alpha, sign_decay and beta only support scalar.")

    out_var, out_m = _apply_add_sign_compute(var, m, grad, lr, alpha,
                                             sign_decay, beta)

    out_var, binds_info = TensorUtils.inplace_set(var, out_var, "var_buf")
    out_m, binds_info2 = TensorUtils.inplace_set(m, out_m, "m_buf")
    attrs = {utils.BINDS: binds_info}
    return out_var, out_m, attrs
コード例 #18
def fake_quant_with_min_max_vars_per_channel(input_data,
    Generate fake_quantize the input_data for every channel.

        For input_data last dim must be equal to d. And need to satisfy: input_min <= 0 <= input_max.

        input_data (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Tensor of type float32, shape must be equal to [b, d] or [b, h, w, d] or [d].
        input_min (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Tensor of type float32, shape must be equal to [d].
        input_max (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Tensor of type float32, shape must be equal to [d].
        num_bits (int):  The quantization bits, must be int, defaults to 8.
        narror_range (Union[bool, None]): if True, quant_min equal to 1, else 0, defaults to False.

        tvm.tensor.Tensor of same type and shape as input_data.

    # get shape and check
    shape_inputs = get_shape(input_data)
    shape_min = get_shape(input_min)
    shape_max = get_shape(input_max)
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(shape_min, shape_max)
    utils.auto_broadcast_check(shape_min, shape_inputs)
    if shape_min[0] != shape_inputs[-1]:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "The shapes of min,max and shape_inputs last one dimension should be same!"

    # check dtype
    utils.ops_dtype_check(input_data.dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.FLOAT32)
    utils.elemwise_dtype_check(input_min.dtype, input_max.dtype,
    # check num_bits range
    if num_bits > 16 or num_bits < 2:
        raise ValueError("numbits should be in range [2, 16]!")

    # get output by fake_quant_with_min_max_vars_per_channel_compute function
    res = fake_quant_with_min_max_vars_per_channel_compute(
        input_data, input_min, input_max, num_bits, narrow_range)
    return res
コード例 #19
def _check_inputs(var, m, v, grad, lr, beta1, beta1_power, beta2, epsilon):
    """Check op inputs"""
    # check dtype
    utils.ops_dtype_check(var.dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_FLOAT)
    for i in (m, v, grad, beta1_power, lr, beta1, beta2):
        utils.elemwise_dtype_check(var.dtype, i.dtype)

    # check shape
    for i in (m, v, grad):
        utils.elemwise_shape_check(var.shape, i.shape)
    for i in (beta1_power, lr, beta1, beta2):
        if tuple(get_shape(i)) != (1, ):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "beta1_power, lr, beta1 and beta2 only support scalar tensor.")

    # check value
    if epsilon <= 0:
        raise ValueError("epsilon should be greater than zero.")
コード例 #20
ファイル: l1_loss.py プロジェクト: mindspore-ai/akg
def l1_loss(inputs, outputs, reduction='none', target="cce"):
    Computes l1 loss.

        inputs(akg.tvm.Tensor): Supported data type is float16, float32.
        outputs(akg.tvm.Tensor): With same type as inputs.
        reduction(str): Default is 'none', could be 'sum' or 'mean', if 'mean', loss result will be divided
                        by the size of inputs.

        akg.tvm.Tensor of same type as input tensors.
    inputs_dtype = inputs.dtype
    target_dtype = outputs.dtype

    # check inputs data types
    utils.ops_dtype_check([inputs_dtype, target_dtype], utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_FLOAT)
    target_shape = [x.value for x in outputs.shape]
    inputs_shape = [x.value for x in inputs.shape]
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(target_shape, inputs_shape)

    inputs_dtype_old = inputs_dtype

    if product_is_mini() and inputs_dtype == 'float32':
        inputs = akg.topi.cast(inputs, "float16")
        outputs = akg.topi.cast(outputs, "float16")
        inputs_dtype = "float16"

    diff = akg.topi.subtract(inputs, outputs)
    loss = akg.topi.abs(diff)
    if reduction == 'sum':
        loss = akg.topi.sum(loss)
    if reduction == 'mean':
        loss = akg.topi.sum(loss)
        deno = 1.0
        for num in inputs.shape:
            deno = deno * num
        deno = akg.topi.cast(deno, dtype=inputs_dtype)
        loss = akg.topi.divide(loss, deno)

    if product_is_mini() and inputs_dtype_old == 'float32':
        loss = akg.topi.cast(loss, inputs_dtype_old)
    return loss
コード例 #21
ファイル: acosh_grad.py プロジェクト: mindspore-ai/akg
def acosh_grad(y, dy):
    Gradient for acosh.

        dx = dy * 1/sinh(y)

        y (tvm.tensor.Tensor): tensor of type float16, float32.
        dy (tvm.tensor.Tensor): same type and shape as y.

        tvm.tensor.Tensor, same type and shape as y.
    Supported Platforms:

    # mini product just used to infer
    if product_is_mini():
        raise RuntimeError(
            "The mini product does not support the acosh_grad operator")

    dtype = y.dtype
    utils.ops_dtype_check(y.dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_FLOAT)
    utils.elemwise_dtype_check(dtype, dy.dtype)
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(y.shape, dy.shape)

    if dtype == "float16":
        y = topi.cast(y, "float32")
        dy = topi.cast(dy, "float32")

    # If we use sinh(y) = (exp(y) - exp(-y))/2 directly, there will be some precision problems
    # For example, as dx = dy/sinh(y), if we use exp directly, when exp(y) and exp(-y) are close,
    # the small precision error of exp calculation will be greatly enlarged in the final result
    sinh_y = _sinh_taylor(y)
    dx = topi.divide(dy, sinh_y)

    if dx.dtype != dtype:
        dx = topi.cast(dx, dtype)
    attrs = {"enable_auto_inline": False}
    return dx, attrs
コード例 #22
def apply_proximal_gradient_descent(var, alpha, l1, l2, delta, target=utils.CCE):
    The FOBOS algorithm with fixed learning rate.

        prox_var = var - alpha * delta
        if l1 > 0:
            var_new = Sign(prox_var)/(1+alpha*l2) * max{|prox_var|-alpha*l1,0}
            var_new = prox_var/(1+alpha*l2)

        var (tvm.tensor.Tensor): The tensor to be updated. Should be float16 or float32.
        alpha (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`.
        l1 (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`.
        l2 (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`.
        delta (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A tensor of same shape and type as var.

        tvm.tensor.Tensor, updated var.

    # check_shape
    shape = get_shape(var)
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(shape, delta.shape)
    sclar_shape = (1,)
    for sclar in (alpha, l1, l2):
        utils.elemwise_shape_check(sclar.shape, sclar_shape)

    # check dtype
    dtype = var.dtype
    utils.ops_dtype_check(dtype, [utils.DtypeForDavinci.FLOAT16, utils.DtypeForDavinci.FLOAT32])
    for tensor in (var, alpha, l1, l2, delta):
        utils.elemwise_dtype_check(tensor.dtype, dtype)

    var_new = apply_proximal_gradient_descent_impl(var, alpha, l1, l2, delta)
    var_new, binds_info = TensorUtils.inplace_set(var, var_new, "var_buf")
    attrs = {utils.BINDS: binds_info}
    return var_new, attrs
コード例 #23
ファイル: asinh_grad.py プロジェクト: mindspore-ai/akg
def asinh_grad(y, dy):
    Gradient for asinh.

        dx = dy * 1/cosh(y)

        y (tvm.tensor.Tensor): tensor of type float16, float32.
        dy (tvm.tensor.Tensor): same type and shape as y.

        tvm.tensor.Tensor, same type and shape as y.
    Supported Platforms:

    # mini product just used to infer
    if product_is_mini():
        raise RuntimeError(
            "The mini product does not support the asinh_grad operator")

    dtype = y.dtype
    utils.ops_dtype_check(y.dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_FLOAT)
    utils.elemwise_dtype_check(dtype, dy.dtype)
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(y.shape, dy.shape)

    if dtype == "float16":
        y = topi.cast(y, "float32")
        dy = topi.cast(dy, "float32")

    dx = topi.divide(dy, cosh(y))

    if dx.dtype != dtype:
        dx = topi.cast(dx, dtype)

    return dx
コード例 #24
def atan2(y, x):
    Compute arc tangent of y/x.

    .. math::
        \\arctan2(y, x) = \\arctan(\\frac{y}{x})

        y (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Input tensor, only support float16, float32.
        x (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Input tensor, only support float16, float32.

        A tvm.tensor.Tensor as angles in radians.

    Supported Platforms:
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(get_shape(y), get_shape(x))
    utils.elemwise_dtype_check(y.dtype, x.dtype,

    return _atan2_compute(y, x), {"enable_auto_inline": False}
コード例 #25
ファイル: asin_grad.py プロジェクト: mindspore-ai/akg
def asin_grad(x, dy):
    Gradient for arcsin.

    .. math::
        \\frac {\\partial arcsin(x)} {\\partial x} = \\frac{1}{\\sqrt{1 - x^2}}

        x (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Tensor of type float16, float32.
        dy (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Tensor of same type and shape as x.

        tvm.tensor.Tensor of same type and shape as x.
    Supported Platforms:
    utils.ops_dtype_check(x.dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_FLOAT)
    utils.elemwise_dtype_check(x.dtype, dy.dtype)
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(x.shape, dy.shape)

    return _asin_grad_compute(x, dy)
コード例 #26
ファイル: assign_sub.py プロジェクト: mindspore-ai/akg
def assign_sub(data1, data2):
    Computes data1 - data2 elementwise.

        data1 (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Tensor of type float16, float32, int32, int8, uint8.
        data2 (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Tensor of same shape and type as data1.

        Subtracted result, with same shape and type as input tensors.
    Supported Platforms:
    dtype = data1.dtype
    utils.ops_dtype_check(dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_TYPES)
    utils.elemwise_dtype_check(data1.dtype, data2.dtype)
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(data1.shape, data2.shape)

    need_cast_dtype = ["int8", "uint8"]
    cast_type = "float16"
    if dtype in need_cast_dtype:
        data1 = akg.topi.cast(data1, cast_type)
        data2 = akg.topi.cast(data2, cast_type)

    res = akg.topi.subtract(data1, data2)

    if dtype in need_cast_dtype:
        if dtype == "uint8":
            cons = akg.tvm.const(256, dtype=cast_type)
            res = akg.tvm.compute(res.shape,
                                  lambda *indice: akg.tvm.expr.Select(
                                      res(*indice) < 0,
                                      res(*indice) + cons, res(*indice)),
        res = akg.topi.cast(res, dtype)

    return res
コード例 #27
ファイル: apply_adagrad.py プロジェクト: mindspore-ai/akg
def apply_adagrad(var,
    Update `var` according to the Adagrad algorithm.

    .. math:
        accum += grad^2
        var -= learning_rate * grad / accum.sqrt()

        var (tvm.tensor.Tensor): input var to be updated of type float16, float32
        accum (tvm.tensor.Tensor): accumulation of the squared gradients of type float16, float32
        learning_rate (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of type float16, float32
        grad (tvm.tensor.Tensor): input grad of type float16, float32
        update_slots (Bool): If True, the accum tensor will be updated;
            otherwise the option is False, the accum tensor will not be update.
            Defaults to 'True'.

        tvm.tensor.Tensor, the updated var.
        tvm.tensor.Tensor, the updated accum.

    utils.ops_dtype_check(var.dtype, utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_FLOAT)
    for i in (accum, learning_rate, grad):
        utils.elemwise_dtype_check(var.dtype, i.dtype)
    for i in (accum, grad):
        utils.elemwise_shape_check(var.shape, i.shape)
    if tuple(get_shape(learning_rate)) != (1, ):
        raise RuntimeError("learning_rate only support scalar tensor")

    return _apply_adagrad_compute(var, accum, learning_rate, grad,
コード例 #28
def sgd(parameters, gradient, accum, stat, learning_rate, momentum, dampening=0.0, weight_decay=0.0, nesterov=False):
    Update parameters, accum and stat according to the SGD algorithm.

    accum = accum * momentum + grad
    if use_nesterov is True:
        parameters -= grad * lr + accum * momentum * lr
        parameters -= accum * lr

        parameters (tvm.tensor.Tensor): parameters tensor of float32, float16, to be updated.
        gradient (tvm.tensor.Tensor): gradient tensor of float32, float16.
        accum (tvm.tensor.Tensor): accum tensor of float32, float16, to be updated.
        stat (tvm.tensor.Tensor): stat tensor of float32, float16, to be updated.
        momentum (tvm.tensor.Tensor): momentum tensor of float32, float16, shape must be equal to (1,).
        learning_rate (tvm.tensor.Tensor): learning_rate tensor of float32, float16, shape must be equal to (1,).
        dampening (float): Default value is 0.0.
        weight_decay (float): Default value is 0.0.
        nesterov (bool): Default is False.

        accum_t (tvm.tensor.Tensor): updated accum with same type and shape as accum.
        stat_t (tvm.tensor.Tensor): updated stat with same type and shape as stat.
        parameters_t (tvm.tensor.Tensor): updated parameters with same type and shape as parameters.

    if nesterov and dampening != 0:
        raise ValueError("Nesterov requires zero dampening!")
    if weight_decay < 0:
        raise ValueError("weight_decay must > 0.")

    # shape check
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(parameters.shape, gradient.shape)
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(parameters.shape, accum.shape)
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(parameters.shape, stat.shape)

    # dtype check
    utils.ops_dtype_check([parameters.dtype, gradient.dtype, accum.dtype, stat.dtype],

    parameters_t, accum_t, stat_t = sgd_compute(parameters, gradient, learning_rate, accum, momentum, stat, dampening,
                                                weight_decay, nesterov)
    parameters_t, binds_info = TensorUtils.inplace_set(parameters, parameters_t, "parameters_buf")
    accum_t, binds_info2 = TensorUtils.inplace_set(accum, accum_t, "accum_buf")
    stat_t, binds_info3 = TensorUtils.inplace_set(stat, stat_t, "stat_buf")
    attrs = {utils.BINDS: binds_info}

    return parameters_t, accum_t, stat_t, attrs
コード例 #29
ファイル: cross.py プロジェクト: mindspore-ai/akg
def cross(x, y, target=utils.CCE):
    Compute cross product of x and y.

        The first dim of x or y must be 3, it will be calculated as (two dims for example)
        .. math::
            res = x \\times y = \\left[ \\begin{matrix}
            l, & \\cdots \\\\ m, & \\cdots \\\\ n, & \\cdots
            \\end{matrix} \\right] \\times \\left[ \\begin{matrix}
            o, & \\cdots \\\\ p, & \\cdots \\\\ q, & \\cdots
            \\end{matrix} \\right] = \\left[ \\begin{matrix}
            mq-np, & \\cdots \\\\ no-lq, & \\cdots \\\\ lp-mo, & \\cdots \\\\
            \\end{matrix} \\right]

        x (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Input tensor, only support float16, float32,
                               int32, int8, uint8.
        y (tvm.tensor.Tensor): Input tensor, must have the same shape and dtype
                               as x.

        A tvm.tensor.Tensor with the same shape and dtype as x.
    utils.elemwise_shape_check(get_shape(y), get_shape(x))
        y.dtype, x.dtype,
        (utils.DtypeForDavinci.ALL_FLOAT) if product_is_mini() \
            else (utils.DtypeForDavinci.FLOAT16,
                  utils.DtypeForDavinci.INT8, utils.DtypeForDavinci.UINT8))

    shape = get_shape(x)

    if shape[0] != 3:
        raise RuntimeError(
            "The first axis of input must be 3, actual input is %d" % shape[0])

    inp_dtype = x.dtype
    need_type_convert = inp_dtype in ("int8", "uint8")

    shape = get_shape(x)
    shp = shape[1:]

    if need_type_convert:
        x = Cast(x, "float16", target=utils.CCE)
        y = Cast(y, "float16", target=utils.CCE)

    a0b1 = tvm.compute(shp, lambda *i: x(0, *i) * y(1, *i), name="a0b1")
    a0b2 = tvm.compute(shp, lambda *i: x(0, *i) * y(2, *i), name="a0b2")
    a1b0 = tvm.compute(shp, lambda *i: x(1, *i) * y(0, *i), name="a1b0")
    a1b2 = tvm.compute(shp, lambda *i: x(1, *i) * y(2, *i), name="a1b2")
    a2b0 = tvm.compute(shp, lambda *i: x(2, *i) * y(0, *i), name="a2b0")
    a2b1 = tvm.compute(shp, lambda *i: x(2, *i) * y(1, *i), name="a2b1")

    res0 = tvm.compute(shp, lambda *i: a1b2(*i) - a2b1(*i), name="res0")
    res1 = tvm.compute(shp, lambda *i: a2b0(*i) - a0b2(*i), name="res1")
    res2 = tvm.compute(shp, lambda *i: a0b1(*i) - a1b0(*i), name="res2")

    res = tvm.compute(
        lambda *i: tvm.expr.Select(
            i[0] == 0, res0(*i[1:]),
            tvm.expr.Select(i[0] == 1, res1(*i[1:]), res2(*i[1:]))),

    if need_type_convert:
        res = Cast(res, inp_dtype, target=utils.CCE)

    return res
コード例 #30
def apply_adam(var,
    Adam and Nadam optimization algorithm.

        lr_t = lr*sqrt(1-beta2_power)/(1-beta1_power)
        m_new = m + (1-beta1)*(grad-m)
        v_new = v + (1-beta2)*(grad*grad-v)
        if user_nesterov == True:
            var_new = var - lr_t*(m_new*beta1 + (1-beta1)*grad) / (epsilon + sqrt(v_new))
            var_new = var - lr_t*m_new / (epsilon + sqrt(v_new))

        var (tvm.tensor.Tensor): The tensor to be updated. Should be float16 or float32.
        m (tvm.tensor.Tensor): The first moment estimate. A tensor of same shape and type as var.
        v (tvm.tensor.Tensor): The second moment estimate. A tensor of same shape and type as var.
        beta1_power (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`.
        beta2_power (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`.
        lr (tvm.tensor.Tensor): The learning rate. A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`.
        beta1(tvm.tensor.Tensor): A tensor with shape (1,) and type is same as var.
        beta2(tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`.
        epsilon(tvm.tensor.Tensor): A scalar tensor of the same type as `var`.
        grad (tvm.tensor.Tensor): A tensor of same shape and type as var.
        use_nesterov(bool): Default value is False. If use_nesterov is True, the Nadam algorithm be implemented,
                            otherwise the adam algorithm be implemented.

        tvm.tensor.Tensor, updated var.
        tvm.tensor.Tensor, updated m.
        tvm.tensor.Tensor, updated v.

    # check shape
    shape = get_shape(var)
    for tensor in (m, v, grad):
        utils.elemwise_shape_check(shape, tensor.shape)
    sclar_shape = (1, )
    for sclar in (beta1_power, beta2_power, lr, beta1, beta2, epsilon):
        utils.elemwise_shape_check(sclar.shape, sclar_shape)

    # check dtype
    dtype = var.dtype
        dtype, [utils.DtypeForDavinci.FLOAT16, utils.DtypeForDavinci.FLOAT32])
    for tensor in (var, m, v, beta1_power, beta2_power, lr, beta1, beta2,
                   epsilon, grad):
        utils.elemwise_dtype_check(tensor.dtype, dtype)

    var_new, m_new, v_new = _apply_adam_compute(var, m, v, beta1_power,
                                                beta2_power, lr, beta1, beta2,
                                                epsilon, grad, use_nesterov)

    # update by inplace
    (var_new, m_new, v_new), binds_info = TensorUtils.inplace_set_tensors(
        [var, m, v], [var_new, m_new, v_new])
    attrs = {utils.BINDS: binds_info}

    return var_new, m_new, v_new, attrs