def __init__(self, editor, nbtObject=None, fileName=None, savePolicy=0, dataKeyName='Data', close_text="Close", load_text="Open", **kwargs): """...""" Panel.__init__(self) self.editor = editor self.nbtObject = nbtObject self.fileName = fileName self.savePolicy = savePolicy self.displayed_item = None self.dataKeyName = dataKeyName self.copy_data = kwargs.get('copy_data', True) self.init_data() btns = [] if load_text: btns.append(Button(load_text, action=self.editor.nbtTool.loadFile)) btns += [ Button({True: "Save", False: "OK"}[fileName != None], action=kwargs.get('ok_action', self.save_NBT), tooltipText="Save your change in the NBT data."), Button("Reset", action=kwargs.get('reset_action', self.reset), tooltipText="Reset ALL your changes in the NBT data."), ] if close_text: btns.append(Button(close_text, action=kwargs.get('close_action', self.close))) btnRow = Row(btns, margin=1, spacing=4) btnRow.shrink_wrap() self.btnRow = btnRow if kwargs.get('no_header', False): self.max_height = max_height = kwargs.get('height', editor.mainViewport.height - editor.toolbar.height - editor.subwidgets[0].height) - ( self.margin * 2) - btnRow.height - 2 else: title = _("NBT Explorer") if fileName: title += " - %s" % os.path.split(fileName)[-1] header = Label(title, doNotTranslate=True) self.max_height = max_height = kwargs.get('height', editor.mainViewport.height - editor.toolbar.height - editor.subwidgets[0].height) - header.height - ( self.margin * 2) - btnRow.height - 2 self.setCompounds() self.tree = NBTTree(height=max_height - btnRow.height - 2, inner_width=250,, compound_types=self.compounds, copyBuffer=editor.nbtCopyBuffer, draw_zebra=False, _parent=self, styles=bullet_styles) self.tree.update_side_panel = self.update_side_panel self.side_panel_width = 350 row = [self.tree, Column([Label("", width=self.side_panel_width), ], margin=0)] self.displayRow = Row(row, height=max_height, margin=0, spacing=0) if kwargs.get('no_header', False): self.add(Column([self.displayRow, btnRow], margin=0)) else: self.add(Column([header, self.displayRow, btnRow], margin=0)) self.shrink_wrap() self.side_panel = None # &# Prototype for Blocks/item names mclangres.buildResources(lang=getLang())
def __init__(self, editor): Panel.__init__(self, name='Panel.ControlPanel') self.editor = editor self.bg_color = (0, 0, 0, 0.8) header = self.getHeader() keysColumn = [Label("")] buttonsColumn = [header] hotkeys = ([ (config.keys.newWorld.get(), "Create New World", editor.mcedit.createNewWorld), (config.keys.quickLoad.get(), "Quick Load", editor.askLoadWorld), (, "Open...", editor.askOpenFile), (, "Save", editor.saveFile), (config.keys.saveAs.get(), "Save As", editor.saveAs), (config.keys.reloadWorld.get(), "Reload", editor.reload), (config.keys.closeWorld.get(), "Close", editor.closeEditor), (config.keys.uploadWorld.get(), "Upload to FTP Server", editor.uploadChanges), (config.keys.gotoPanel.get(), "Goto", editor.showGotoPanel), (config.keys.worldInfo.get(), "World Info", editor.showWorldInfo), (config.keys.undo.get(), "Undo", editor.undo), (config.keys.redo.get(), "Redo", editor.redo), (config.keys.selectAll.get(), "Select All", editor.selectAll), (config.keys.deselect.get(), "Deselect", editor.deselect), (config.keys.viewDistance.get(), AttrRef(editor, 'viewDistanceLabelText'), editor.swapViewDistance), (config.keys.quit.get(), "Quit", editor.quit), ]) buttons = HotkeyColumn(hotkeys, keysColumn, buttonsColumn, item_spacing=2) sideColumn1 = editor.mcedit.makeSideColumn1() sideColumn2 = editor.mcedit.makeSideColumn2() spaceLabel = Label("") sideColumn = Column((sideColumn1, spaceLabel, sideColumn2)) self.add(Row([buttons, sideColumn])) self.shrink_wrap()
def __init__(self, materials, blockInfo=None, ref=None, recentBlocks=None, *a, **kw): self.allowWildcards = False if 'name' not in kw.keys(): kw['name'] = 'Panel.BlockButton' Panel.__init__(self, *a, **kw) self.bg_color = (1, 1, 1, 0.25) self._ref = ref if blockInfo is None and ref is not None: blockInfo = ref.get() blockInfo = blockInfo or materials["Air"] if recentBlocks is not None: self.recentBlocks = recentBlocks else: self.recentBlocks = [] self.blockView = thumbview.BlockThumbView(materials, blockInfo, size=(48, 48)) self.blockLabel = ValueDisplay(ref=AttrRef(self, 'labelText'), width=180, align="l") row = Row((self.blockView, self.blockLabel), align="b") # col = Column( (self.blockButton, self.blockNameLabel) ) self.add(row) self.shrink_wrap() # self.blockLabel.bottom = self.blockButton.bottom # self.blockLabel.centerx = self.blockButton.centerx # self.add(self.blockLabel) self.materials = materials self.blockInfo = blockInfo # self._ref = ref self.updateRecentBlockView()
def createChunks(self): panel = GeneratorPanel() col = [panel] label = Label("Create chunks using the settings above? This cannot be undone.") col.append(Row([Label("")])) col.append(label) col = Column(col) if Dialog(client=col, responses=["OK", "Cancel"]).present() == "Cancel": return chunks = self.selectedChunks() createChunks = panel.generate(self.editor.level, chunks) try: with setWindowCaption("CREATING - "): showProgress("Creating {0} chunks...".format(len(chunks)), createChunks, cancel=True) except Exception, e: traceback.print_exc() alert(_("Failed to start the chunk generator. {0!r}").format(e))
def createRecentBlockView(self): def makeBlockView(bi): bv = BlockView(self.materials, bi) bv.size = (16, 16) def action(evt): self.blockInfo = bi bv.mouse_up = action return bv row = [makeBlockView(bi) for bi in self.recentBlocks] row = Row(row) widget = GLBackground() widget.bg_color = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 0.8) widget.add(row) widget.shrink_wrap() widget.anchor = "whtr" return widget
def __init__(self, editor): Widget.__init__(self) self.nudgeButton = NudgeButton(editor) self.nudgeButton.nudge = self._nudge self.xField = IntField(value=0) self.yField = IntField(value=0) self.zField = IntField(value=0) for field in (self.xField, self.yField, self.zField): field.change_action = self._coordsChanged field.enter_passes = False offsetCol = Column((self.xField, self.yField, self.zField)) nudgeOffsetRow = Row((offsetCol, self.nudgeButton)) self.add(nudgeOffsetRow) self.shrink_wrap()
def addNumField(page, optionName, oName, val, min_value=None, max_value=None, increment=0.1): if isinstance(val, float): field_type = FloatField if isinstance(increment, int): increment = float(increment) else: field_type = IntField if increment == 0.1: increment = 1 if isinstance(increment, float): increment = int(round(increment)) if min_value == max_value: min_value = None max_value = None field = field_type(value=val, width=200, min=min_value, max=max_value) field._increment = increment page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(field, 'value') row = Row([Label(oName, doNotTranslate=True), field]) return row
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool self.autoPlaceCheckBox = CheckBox(ref=AttrRef(tool, "placeImmediately")) self.autoPlaceLabel = Label("Place Immediately") self.autoPlaceLabel.mouse_down = self.autoPlaceCheckBox.mouse_down tooltipText = "When the clone tool is chosen, place the clone at the selection right away." self.autoPlaceLabel.tooltipText = self.autoPlaceCheckBox.tooltipText = tooltipText spaceLabel = Label("") cloneNudgeLabel = Label("Clone Fast Nudge Settings") cloneNudgeCheckBox = CheckBoxLabel("Move by the width of selection ", ref=config.fastNudgeSettings.cloneWidth, tooltipText="Moves clone by his width") cloneNudgeNumber = IntInputRow("Width of clone movement: ", ref=config.fastNudgeSettings.cloneWidthNumber, width=100, min=2, max=50) row = Row((self.autoPlaceCheckBox, self.autoPlaceLabel)) col = Column((Label("Clone Options"), row, spaceLabel, cloneNudgeLabel, cloneNudgeCheckBox, cloneNudgeNumber, Button("OK", action=self.dismiss))) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap()
def removePreset(self): """ Brings up a panel to remove presets. """ panel = Dialog() p = self.getBrushFileList() if not p: alert('No presets saved') return def okPressed(): panel.dismiss() name = p[presetTable.selectedIndex] + ".preset" os.remove(os.path.join(directories.brushesDir, name)) self.tool.showPanel() def selectTableRow(i, evt): presetTable.selectedIndex = i if evt.num_clicks == 2: okPressed() presetTable = TableView(columns=(TableColumn("", 200), )) presetTable.num_rows = lambda: len(p) presetTable.row_data = lambda i: (p[i], ) presetTable.row_is_selected = lambda x: x == presetTable.selectedIndex presetTable.click_row = selectTableRow presetTable.selectedIndex = 0 choiceCol = Column( (ValueDisplay(width=200, get_value=lambda: "Select preset to delete"), presetTable)) okButton = Button("OK", action=okPressed) cancelButton = Button("Cancel", action=panel.dismiss) row = Row([okButton, cancelButton]) panel.add(Column((choiceCol, row))) panel.shrink_wrap() panel.present()
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self, name='Panel.FilterToolPanel') self.macro_steps = [] self.current_step = 0 self._filter_json = None self.keys_panel = None self.filterOptionsPanel = None self.filterSelect = ChoiceButton([], choose=self.filterChanged, doNotTranslate=True) self.binding_button = Button("", action=self.bind_key, tooltipText="Click to bind this filter to a key") self.filterLabel = Label("Filter:", fg_color=(177, 177, 255, 255)) self.filterLabel.mouse_down = lambda x: mcplatform.platform_open(directories.getFiltersDir()) self.filterLabel.tooltipText = "Click to open filters folder" self.macro_button = Button("Record Macro", action=self.start_record_macro) self.filterSelectRow = Row((self.filterLabel, self.filterSelect, self.macro_button, self.binding_button)) self.confirmButton = Button("Filter", action=self.confirm) self._recording = False self._save_macro = False self.tool = tool self.selectedName = self.filter_json.get("Last Filter Opened", "") utils = FilterUtils( editor=tool.editor, materials=self.tool.editor.level.materials, custom_widget=tool.editor.addExternalWidget, resize_selection_box=tool.editor._resize_selection_box ) utils_module = imp.new_module("filter_utils") utils_module = utils sys.modules["filter_utils"] = utils_module
def __init__(self, editor): Panel.__init__(self) self.editor = editor self.bg_color = (0, 0, 0, 0.8) header = self.getHeader() keysColumn = [Label("")] buttonsColumn = [header] hotkeys = ([ (config.keys.newWorld.get(), "Create New World", editor.mcedit.createNewWorld), (config.keys.quickLoad.get(), "Quick Load", editor.askLoadWorld), (, "Open...", editor.askOpenFile), (, "Save", editor.saveFile), (config.keys.reloadWorld.get(), "Reload", editor.reload), (config.keys.closeWorld.get(), "Close", editor.closeEditor), (config.keys.gotoPanel.get(), "Goto", editor.showGotoPanel), (config.keys.worldInfo.get(), "World Info", editor.showWorldInfo), (config.keys.undo.get(), "Undo", editor.undo), (config.keys.redo.get(), "Redo", editor.redo), (config.keys.selectAll.get(), "Select All", editor.selectAll), (config.keys.deselect.get(), "Deselect", editor.deselect), (config.keys.viewDistance.get(), AttrRef(editor, 'viewDistanceLabelText'), editor.swapViewDistance), (config.keys.quit.get(), "Quit", editor.quit), ]) buttons = mceutils.HotkeyColumn(hotkeys, keysColumn, buttonsColumn) sideColumn = editor.mcedit.makeSideColumn() self.add(Row([buttons, sideColumn])) self.shrink_wrap()
def makeTabPage(self, tool, inputs): page = Widget() page.is_gl_container = True rows = [] cols = [] height = 0 max_height = 550 page.optionDict = {} page.tool = tool title = "Tab" for optionName, optionType in inputs: if isinstance(optionType, tuple): if isinstance(optionType[0], (int, long, float)): if len(optionType) > 2: val, min, max = optionType elif len(optionType) == 2: min, max = optionType val = min rows.append(addNumField(page, optionName, val, min, max)) if isinstance(optionType[0], (str, unicode)): isChoiceButton = False if optionType[0] == "string": kwds = [] wid = None val = None for keyword in optionType: if isinstance(keyword, (str, unicode)) and keyword != "string": kwds.append(keyword) for keyword in kwds: splitWord = keyword.split('=') if len(splitWord) > 1: v = None key = None try: v = int(splitWord[1]) except: pass key = splitWord[0] if v is not None: if key == "lines": lin = v elif key == "width": wid = v else: if key == "value": val = splitWord[1] if val is None: val = "" if wid is None: wid = 200 field = TextField(value=val, width=wid) page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(field, 'value') row = Row((Label(optionName), field)) rows.append(row) else: isChoiceButton = True if isChoiceButton: choiceButton = ChoiceButton(map(str, optionType)) page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(choiceButton, 'selectedChoice') rows.append(Row((Label(optionName), choiceButton))) elif isinstance(optionType, bool): cbox = CheckBox(value=optionType) page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(cbox, 'value') row = Row((Label(optionName), cbox)) rows.append(row) elif isinstance(optionType, (int, float)): rows.append(addNumField(self, optionName, optionType)) elif optionType == "blocktype" or isinstance(optionType, pymclevel.materials.Block): blockButton = BlockButton(tool.editor.level.materials) if isinstance(optionType, pymclevel.materials.Block): blockButton.blockInfo = optionType row = Column((Label(optionName), blockButton)) page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(blockButton, 'blockInfo') rows.append(row) elif optionType == "label": rows.append(wrapped_label(optionName, 50)) elif optionType == "string": input = None # not sure how to pull values from filters, but leaves it open for the future. Use this variable to set field width. if input != None: size = input else: size = 200 field = TextField(value="") row = TextInputRow(optionName, ref=AttrRef(field, 'value'), width=size) page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(field, 'value') rows.append(row) elif optionType == "title": title = optionName else: raise ValueError(("Unknown option type", optionType)) height = sum(r.height for r in rows) if height > max_height: h = 0 for i, r in enumerate(rows): h += r.height if h > height / 2: break cols.append(Column(rows[:i])) rows = rows[i:] # cols.append(Column(rows)) if len(rows): cols.append(Column(rows)) if len(cols): page.add(Row(cols)) page.shrink_wrap() return (title, page, page._rect)
def IntInputRow(title, *args, **kw): return Row( (Label(title, tooltipText=kw.get('tooltipText')), IntField(*args, **kw)))
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool rotateRow = Row(( Label(config.config.get("Keys", "Rotate").upper()), Button("Rotate", width=80, action=tool.rotate, enable=self.transformEnable), )) rollRow = Row(( Label(config.config.get("Keys", "Roll").upper()), Button("Roll", width=80, action=tool.roll, enable=self.transformEnable), )) flipRow = Row(( Label(config.config.get("Keys", "Flip").upper()), Button("Flip", width=80, action=tool.flip, enable=self.transformEnable), )) mirrorRow = Row(( Label(config.config.get("Keys", "Mirror").upper()), Button("Mirror", width=80, action=tool.mirror, enable=self.transformEnable), )) alignRow = Row((CheckBox(ref=AttrRef(self.tool, 'chunkAlign')), Label("Chunk Align"))) # headerLabel = Label("Clone Offset") if self.useOffsetInput: self.offsetInput = CoordsInput() self.offsetInput.coordsChanged = tool.offsetChanged self.offsetInput.nudgeButton.bg_color = tool.color self.offsetInput.nudge = tool.nudge else: self.nudgeButton = NudgeButton() self.nudgeButton.bg_color = tool.color self.nudgeButton.nudge = tool.nudge repeatField = IntField(ref=AttrRef(tool, 'repeatCount')) repeatField.min = 1 repeatField.max = 50 repeatRow = Row((Label("Repeat"), repeatField)) self.repeatField = repeatField scaleField = FloatField(ref=AttrRef(tool, 'scaleFactor')) scaleField.min = 0.125 scaleField.max = 8 dv = scaleField.decrease_value iv = scaleField.increase_value def scaleFieldDecrease(): if scaleField.value > 1 / 8.0 and scaleField.value <= 1.0: scaleField.value *= 0.5 else: dv() def scaleFieldIncrease(): if scaleField.value < 1.0: scaleField.value *= 2.0 else: iv() scaleField.decrease_value = scaleFieldDecrease scaleField.increase_value = scaleFieldIncrease scaleRow = Row((Label("Scale Factor"), scaleField)) self.scaleField = scaleField self.copyAirCheckBox = CheckBox(ref=AttrRef(self.tool, "copyAir")) self.copyAirLabel = Label("Copy Air") self.copyAirLabel.mouse_down = self.copyAirCheckBox.mouse_down self.copyAirLabel.tooltipText = "Shortcut: ALT-1" self.copyAirCheckBox.tooltipText = self.copyAirLabel.tooltipText copyAirRow = Row((self.copyAirCheckBox, self.copyAirLabel)) self.copyWaterCheckBox = CheckBox(ref=AttrRef(self.tool, "copyWater")) self.copyWaterLabel = Label("Copy Water") self.copyWaterLabel.mouse_down = self.copyWaterCheckBox.mouse_down self.copyWaterLabel.tooltipText = "Shortcut: ALT-2" self.copyWaterCheckBox.tooltipText = self.copyWaterLabel.tooltipText copyWaterRow = Row((self.copyWaterCheckBox, self.copyWaterLabel)) self.copyBiomesCheckBox = CheckBox( ref=AttrRef(self.tool, "copyBiomes")) self.copyBiomesLabel = Label("Copy Biomes") self.copyBiomesLabel.mouse_down = self.copyBiomesCheckBox.mouse_down self.copyBiomesLabel.tooltipText = "Shortcut: ALT-3" self.copyBiomesCheckBox.tooltipText = self.copyBiomesLabel.tooltipText copyBiomesRow = Row((self.copyBiomesCheckBox, self.copyBiomesLabel)) self.staticCommandsCheckBox = CheckBox( ref=AttrRef(self.tool, "staticCommands")) self.staticCommandsLabel = Label("Change Coordinates") self.staticCommandsLabel.mouse_down = self.staticCommandsCheckBox.mouse_down self.staticCommandsLabel.tooltipText = "Check to automatically change command block static coordinates when moved.\nShortcut: ALT-4" self.staticCommandsCheckBox.tooltipText = self.staticCommandsLabel.tooltipText staticCommandsRow = Row( (self.staticCommandsCheckBox, self.staticCommandsLabel)) self.performButton = Button("Clone", width=100, align="c") self.performButton.tooltipText = "Shortcut: ENTER" self.performButton.action = tool.confirm self.performButton.enable = lambda: (tool.destPoint is not None) if self.useOffsetInput: col = Column((rotateRow, rollRow, flipRow, mirrorRow, alignRow, self.offsetInput, repeatRow, scaleRow, copyAirRow, copyWaterRow, copyBiomesRow, staticCommandsRow, self.performButton)) else: col = Column( (rotateRow, rollRow, flipRow, mirrorRow, alignRow, self.nudgeButton, copyAirRow, copyWaterRow, copyBiomesRow, staticCommandsRow, self.performButton)) self.add(col) self.anchor = "lwh" self.shrink_wrap()
def editCommandBlock(self, point): panel = Dialog() block = self.editor.level.blockAt(*point) blockData = self.editor.level.blockDataAt(*point) tileEntity = self.editor.level.tileEntityAt(*point) undoBackupEntityTag = copy.deepcopy(tileEntity) if not tileEntity: tileEntity = pymclevel.TAG_Compound() tileEntity["id"] = pymclevel.TAG_String("Control") tileEntity["x"] = pymclevel.TAG_Int(point[0]) tileEntity["y"] = pymclevel.TAG_Int(point[1]) tileEntity["z"] = pymclevel.TAG_Int(point[2]) tileEntity["Command"] = pymclevel.TAG_String() tileEntity["CustomName"] = pymclevel.TAG_String("@") tileEntity["TrackOutput"] = pymclevel.TAG_Byte(0) self.editor.level.addTileEntity(tileEntity) titleLabel = Label("Edit Command Block") commandField = TextField(width=200) nameField = TextField(width=100) trackOutput = CheckBox() commandField.value = tileEntity["Command"].value oldCommand = commandField.value trackOutput.value = tileEntity["TrackOutput"].value oldTrackOutput = trackOutput.value nameField.value = tileEntity["CustomName"].value oldNameField = nameField.value class CommandBlockEditOperation(Operation): def __init__(self, tool, level): self.tool = tool self.level = level self.undoBackupEntityTag = undoBackupEntityTag self.canUndo = False def perform(self, recordUndo=True): if self.level.saving: alert("Cannot perform action while saving is taking place") return self.level.addTileEntity(tileEntity) self.canUndo = True def undo(self): self.redoBackupEntityTag = copy.deepcopy(tileEntity) self.level.addTileEntity(self.undoBackupEntityTag) return pymclevel.BoundingBox(pymclevel.TileEntity.pos(tileEntity), (1, 1, 1)) def redo(self): self.level.addTileEntity(self.redoBackupEntityTag) return pymclevel.BoundingBox(pymclevel.TileEntity.pos(tileEntity), (1, 1, 1)) def updateCommandBlock(): if oldCommand != commandField.value or oldTrackOutput != trackOutput.value or oldNameField != nameField.value: tileEntity["Command"] = pymclevel.TAG_String(commandField.value) tileEntity["TrackOutput"] = pymclevel.TAG_Byte(trackOutput.value) tileEntity["CustomName"] = pymclevel.TAG_String(nameField.value) op = CommandBlockEditOperation(self.editor, self.editor.level) self.editor.addOperation(op) if op.canUndo: self.editor.addUnsavedEdit() chunk = self.editor.level.getChunk(int(int(point[0]) / 16), int(int(point[2]) / 16)) chunk.dirty = True panel.dismiss() okBTN = Button("OK", action=updateCommandBlock) cancel = Button("Cancel", action=panel.dismiss) column = [titleLabel, Row((Label("Command"), commandField)), Row((Label("Custom Name"), nameField)), Row((Label("Track Output"), trackOutput)), okBTN, cancel] panel.add(Column(column)) panel.shrink_wrap() panel.present() return
def reload(self): for i in list(self.subwidgets): self.remove(i) tool = self.tool # Display "No filter modules found" if there are no filters if len(tool.filterModules) is 0: self.add(Label("No filter modules found!")) self.shrink_wrap() return names_list = sorted( [n for n in tool.filterNames if not n.startswith("[")]) # We get a list of names like ["[foo] bar", "[test] thing"] # The to sort on is created by splitting on "[": "[foo", " bar" and then # removing the first char: "foo", "bar" subfolder_names_list = sorted( [n for n in tool.filterNames if n.startswith("[")], key=lambda x: x.split("]")[0][1:]) names_list.extend(subfolder_names_list) names_list.extend( [macro for macro in self.filter_json["Macros"].keys()]) if self.selectedName is None or self.selectedName not in names_list: self.selectedName = names_list[0] # Remove any keybindings that don't have a filter for (i, j) in config.config.items("Filter Keys"): if i == "__name__": continue if not any([i == m.lower() for m in names_list]): config.config.remove_option("Filter Keys", i) self.filterSelect.choices = names_list name = self.selectedName.lower() names = [k for (k, v) in config.config.items("Filter Keys")] btn_name = config.config.get("Filter Keys", name) if name in names else "*" self.binding_button.set_text(btn_name) self.filterOptionsPanel = None while self.filterOptionsPanel is None: module = self.tool.filterModules.get(self.selectedName, None) if module is not None: try: self.filterOptionsPanel = FilterModuleOptions(self.tool, module, _parent=self) except Exception as e: alert( _("Error creating filter inputs for {0}: {1}").format( module, e)) traceback.print_exc() self.tool.filterModules.pop(self.selectedName) self.selectedName = tool.filterNames[0] if len(tool.filterNames) == 0: raise ValueError("No filters loaded!") if not self._recording: self.confirmButton.set_text("Filter") else: # We verified it was an existing macro already macro_data = self.filter_json["Macros"][self.selectedName] self.filterOptionsPanel = MacroModuleOptions(macro_data) self.confirmButton.set_text("Run Macro") # This has to be recreated every time in case a macro has a longer name then everything else. self.filterSelect = ChoiceButton(names_list, choose=self.filterChanged, doNotTranslate=True) self.filterSelect.selectedChoice = self.selectedName self.filterSelectRow = Row((self.filterLabel, self.filterSelect, self.macro_button, self.binding_button)) self.add( Column((self.filterSelectRow, self.filterOptionsPanel, self.confirmButton))) self.shrink_wrap() if self.parent: height = self.parent.mainViewport.height - self.parent.toolbar.height self.centery = height / 2 + self.parent.subwidgets[0].height if self.selectedName in self.tool.savedOptions: self.filterOptionsPanel.options = self.tool.savedOptions[ self.selectedName]
def __init__old(self, blockInfo, materials, *a, **kw): self.root = get_root() self.allowWildcards = False Dialog.__init__(self, *a, **kw) panelWidth = 518 self.click_outside_response = 0 self.materials = materials self.anySubtype = blockInfo.wildcard self.matchingBlocks = materials.allBlocks try: self.selectedBlockIndex = self.matchingBlocks.index(blockInfo) except ValueError: self.selectedBlockIndex = 0 for i, b in enumerate(self.matchingBlocks): if blockInfo.ID == b.ID and blockInfo.blockData == b.blockData: self.selectedBlockIndex = i break lbl = Label("Search") # lbl.rect.topleft = (0,0) fld = TextFieldWrapped(300) # fld.rect.topleft = (100, 10) # fld.centery = lbl.centery # fld.left = lbl.right fld.change_action = self.textEntered fld.enter_action = self.ok fld.escape_action = self.cancel self.awesomeField = fld searchRow = Row((lbl, fld)) def formatBlockName(x): block = self.matchingBlocks[x] r = "{name}".format( if block.aka: r += " [{0}]".format(block.aka) return r def formatBlockID(x): block = self.matchingBlocks[x] ident = "({id}:{data})".format(id=block.ID, data=block.blockData) return ident tableview = TableView(columns=[ TableColumn(" ", 24, "l", lambda x: ""), TableColumn("Name", 415, "l", formatBlockName), TableColumn("ID", 45, "l", formatBlockID) ]) tableicons = [ blockview.BlockView(materials) for i in xrange(tableview.rows.num_rows()) ] for t in tableicons: t.size = (16, 16) t.margin = 0 icons = Column(tableicons, spacing=2) # tableview.margin = 5 tableview.num_rows = lambda: len(self.matchingBlocks) tableview.row_data = lambda x: (self.matchingBlocks[x], x, x) tableview.row_is_selected = lambda x: x == self.selectedBlockIndex tableview.click_row = self.selectTableRow draw_table_cell = tableview.draw_table_cell def draw_block_table_cell(surf, i, data, cell_rect, column): if isinstance(data, Block): tableicons[i - tableview.rows.scroll].blockInfo = data else: draw_table_cell(surf, i, data, cell_rect, column) tableview.draw_table_cell = draw_block_table_cell tableview.width = panelWidth tableview.anchor = "lrbt" # self.add(tableview) self.tableview = tableview tableWidget = Widget() tableWidget.add(tableview) tableWidget.shrink_wrap() def wdraw(*args): for t in tableicons: t.blockInfo = materials.Air tableWidget.draw = wdraw self.blockButton = blockView = thumbview.BlockThumbView( materials, self.blockInfo) blockView.centerx = self.centerx = tableview.bottom # self.add(blockview) but = Button("OK") but.action = self.ok = blockView.bottom but.centerx = self.centerx but.align = "c" but.height = 30 if self.allowWildcards: # self.add(but) anyRow = CheckBoxLabel( "Any Subtype", ref=AttrRef(self, 'anySubtype'), tooltipText= "Replace blocks with any data value. Only useful for Replace operations." ) col = Column((searchRow, tableWidget, anyRow, blockView, but)) else: col = Column((searchRow, tableWidget, blockView, but)) col.anchor = "wh" self.anchor = "wh" panel = GLBackground() panel.bg_color = [i / 255. for i in self.bg_color] panel.anchor = "tlbr" self.add(panel) self.add(col) self.add(icons) icons.topleft = tableWidget.topleft += tableWidget.margin + 30 icons.left += tableWidget.margin + 4 self.shrink_wrap() panel.size = self.size try: self.tableview.rows.scroll_to_item(self.selectedBlockIndex) except: pass
def __init__(self, editor, nbtObject=None, fileName=None, dontSaveRootTag=False, dataKeyName='Data', close_text="Close", load_text="Open", **kwargs): """...""" Panel.__init__(self) self.editor = editor self.nbtObject = nbtObject self.fileName = fileName self.dontSaveRootTag = dontSaveRootTag self.displayed_item = None self.dataKeyName = dataKeyName self.copy_data = kwargs.get('copy_data', True) self.init_data() btns = [] if load_text: btns.append(Button(load_text, action=self.editor.nbtTool.loadFile)) btns += [ Button({ True: "Save", False: "OK" }[fileName != None], action=kwargs.get('ok_action', self.save_NBT), tooltipText="Save your change in the NBT data."), Button("Reset", action=kwargs.get('reset_action', self.reset), tooltipText="Reset ALL your changes in the NBT data."), ] if close_text: btns.append( Button(close_text, action=kwargs.get('close_action', self.close))) btnRow = Row(btns, margin=1, spacing=4) btnRow.shrink_wrap() self.btnRow = btnRow if kwargs.get('no_header', False): self.max_height = max_height = kwargs.get( 'height', editor.mainViewport.height - editor.toolbar.height - editor.subwidgets[0].height) - (self.margin * 2) - btnRow.height - 2 else: title = _("NBT Explorer") if fileName: title += " - %s" % os.path.split(fileName)[-1] header = Label(title, doNotTranslate=True) self.max_height = max_height = kwargs.get( 'height', editor.mainViewport.height - editor.toolbar.height - editor.subwidgets[0].height) - header.height - ( self.margin * 2) - btnRow.height - 2 self.setCompounds() self.tree = NBTTree(height=max_height - btnRow.height - 2, inner_width=250,, compound_types=self.compounds, copyBuffer=editor.nbtCopyBuffer, draw_zebra=False, _parent=self, styles=bullet_styles) row = [self.tree, Column([ Label("", width=300), ], margin=0)] self.displayRow = Row(row, height=max_height, margin=0, spacing=0) if kwargs.get('no_header', False): self.add(Column([self.displayRow, btnRow], margin=0)) else: self.add(Column([header, self.displayRow, btnRow], margin=0)) self.shrink_wrap() self.side_panel = None
def makeTabPage(self, tool, inputs, trn=None, **kwargs): page = Widget(**kwargs) page.is_gl_container = True rows = [] cols = [] max_height = tool.editor.mainViewport.height - tool.editor.toolbar.height - tool.editor.subwidgets[0].height -\ self._parent.filterSelectRow.height - self._parent.confirmButton.height - self.pages.tab_height page.optionDict = {} page.tool = tool title = "Tab" for optionSpec in inputs: optionName = optionSpec[0] optionType = optionSpec[1] if trn is not None: n = trn._(optionName) else: n = optionName if n == optionName: oName = _(optionName) else: oName = n if isinstance(optionType, tuple): if isinstance(optionType[0], (int, long, float)): if len(optionType) == 3: val, min, max = optionType increment = 0.1 elif len(optionType) == 2: min, max = optionType val = min increment = 0.1 else: val, min, max, increment = optionType rows.append( addNumField(page, optionName, oName, val, min, max, increment)) if isinstance(optionType[0], (str, unicode)): isChoiceButton = False if optionType[0] == "string": kwds = [] wid = None val = None for keyword in optionType: if isinstance( keyword, (str, unicode)) and keyword != "string": kwds.append(keyword) for keyword in kwds: splitWord = keyword.split('=') if len(splitWord) > 1: v = None try: v = int(splitWord[1]) except ValueError: pass key = splitWord[0] if v is not None: if key == "width": wid = v else: if key == "value": val = "=".join(splitWord[1:]) if val is None: val = "" if wid is None: wid = 200 field = TextFieldWrapped(value=val, width=wid) page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(field, 'value') row = Row((Label(oName, doNotTranslate=True), field)) rows.append(row) else: isChoiceButton = True if isChoiceButton: if trn is not None: __ = trn._ else: __ = _ choices = [__("%s" % a) for a in optionType] choiceButton = ChoiceButton(choices, doNotTranslate=True) page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef( choiceButton, 'selectedChoice') rows.append( Row((Label(oName, doNotTranslate=True), choiceButton))) elif isinstance(optionType, bool): cbox = CheckBox(value=optionType) page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(cbox, 'value') row = Row((Label(oName, doNotTranslate=True), cbox)) rows.append(row) elif isinstance(optionType, (int, float)): rows.append(addNumField(self, optionName, oName, optionType)) elif optionType == "blocktype" or isinstance( optionType, pymclevel.materials.Block): blockButton = BlockButton(tool.editor.level.materials) if isinstance(optionType, pymclevel.materials.Block): blockButton.blockInfo = optionType row = Column((Label(oName, doNotTranslate=True), blockButton)) page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(blockButton, 'blockInfo') rows.append(row) elif optionType == "label": rows.append(wrapped_label(oName, 50, doNotTranslate=True)) elif optionType == "string": inp = None # not sure how to pull values from filters, # but leaves it open for the future. Use this variable to set field width. if inp is not None: size = inp else: size = 200 field = TextFieldWrapped(value="") row = TextInputRow(oName, ref=AttrRef(field, 'value'), width=size, doNotTranslate=True) page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(field, 'value') rows.append(row) elif optionType == "title": title = oName elif type( optionType) == list and optionType[0].lower() == "nbttree": kw = {'close_text': None, 'load_text': None} if len(optionType) >= 3: def close(): self.pages.show_page(self.pages.pages[optionType[2]]) kw['close_action'] = close kw['close_text'] = "Go Back" if len(optionType) >= 4: if optionType[3]: kw['load_text'] = optionType[3] if hasattr(self.module, 'nbt_ok_action'): kw['ok_action'] = getattr(self.module, 'nbt_ok_action') self.nbttree = NBTExplorerToolPanel(self.tool.editor, nbtObject=optionType[1], height=max_height, no_header=True, copy_data=False, **kw) self.module.set_tree(self.nbttree.tree) for meth_name in dir(self.module): if meth_name.startswith('nbttree_'): setattr(self.nbttree.tree.treeRow, meth_name.split('nbttree_')[-1], getattr(self.module, meth_name)) # elif meth_name.startswith('nbt_'): # setattr(self.nbttree, meth_name.split('nbt_')[-1], getattr(self.module, meth_name)) page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(self, 'rebuildTabPage') rows.append(self.nbttree) = len(self.pgs) else: raise ValueError(("Unknown option type", optionType)) height = sum(r.height for r in rows) + (len(rows) - 1) * self.spacing if height > max_height: h = 0 for i, r in enumerate(rows): h += r.height if h > height / 2: if rows[:i]: cols.append(Column(rows[:i], spacing=0)) rows = rows[i:] break if len(rows): cols.append(Column(rows, spacing=0)) if len(cols): page.add(Row(cols, spacing=0)) page.shrink_wrap() return title, page, page._rect
class FilterToolPanel(Panel): def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.savedOptions = {} self.tool = tool self.selectedFilterName = None if len(self.tool.filterModules): self.reload() def reload(self): for i in list(self.subwidgets): self.remove(i) tool = self.tool if len(tool.filterModules) is 0: self.add(Label("No filter modules found!")) self.shrink_wrap() return if self.selectedFilterName is None or self.selectedFilterName not in tool.filterNames: self.selectedFilterName = tool.filterNames[0] self.filterOptionsPanel = None while self.filterOptionsPanel is None: module = self.tool.filterModules[self.selectedFilterName] try: self.filterOptionsPanel = FilterModuleOptions( self.tool, module) except Exception, e: alert("Error creating filter inputs for {0}: {1}".format( module, e)) traceback.print_exc() self.tool.filterModules.pop(self.selectedFilterName) self.selectedFilterName = tool.filterNames[0] if len(tool.filterNames) == 0: raise ValueError("No filters loaded!") self.filterSelect = ChoiceButton(tool.filterNames, choose=self.filterChanged) self.filterSelect.selectedChoice = self.selectedFilterName self.confirmButton = Button("Filter", action=self.tool.confirm) filterLabel = Label("Filter:", fg_color=(177, 177, 255, 255)) filterLabel.mouse_down = lambda x: mcplatform.platform_open(mcplatform. filtersDir) filterLabel.tooltipText = "Click to open filters folder" filterSelectRow = Row((filterLabel, self.filterSelect)) self.add( Column((filterSelectRow, self.filterOptionsPanel, self.confirmButton))) self.shrink_wrap() if self.parent: self.centery = self.parent.centery if self.selectedFilterName in self.savedOptions: self.filterOptionsPanel.options = self.savedOptions[ self.selectedFilterName]
def __init__(self, editor, nbtObject=None, fileName=None, dontSaveRootTag=False, dataKeyName='Data', **kwargs): """...""" Panel.__init__(self) self.editor = editor self.nbtObject = nbtObject self.fileName = fileName self.dontSaveRootTag = dontSaveRootTag self.displayed_item = None self.dataKeyName = dataKeyName self.init_data() btnRow = Row( [ Button({ True: "Save", False: "OK" }[fileName != None], action=kwargs.get('ok_action', self.save_NBT), tooltipText="Save your change in the NBT data."), Button("Reset", action=self.reset, tooltipText="Reset ALL your changes in the NBT data."), Button("Close", action=self.close), ], margin=1, spacing=4, ) btnRow.shrink_wrap() if kwargs.get('no_header', False): self.max_height = max_height = kwargs.get( 'height', editor.mainViewport.height - editor.toolbar.height - editor.subwidgets[0].height) - (self.margin * 2) - btnRow.height - 2 else: header = Label("NBT Explorer") self.max_height = max_height = kwargs.get( 'height', editor.mainViewport.height - editor.toolbar.height - editor.subwidgets[0].height) - header.height - ( self.margin * 2) - btnRow.height - 2 self.setCompounds() self.tree = NBTTree(height=max_height, inner_width=250,, compound_types=self.compounds, draw_zebra=False, _parent=self, styles=bullet_styles) col = Column([self.tree, btnRow], margin=0, spacing=2) col.shrink_wrap() row = [ col, Column([ Label("", width=300), ], height=max_height + btnRow.height + 2) ] self.displayRow = Row(row, height=max_height + btnRow.height + 2) if kwargs.get('no_header', False): self.add( Column([ self.displayRow, ], height=max_height + btnRow.height + 2, margin=0)) else: self.add(Column([header, self.displayRow], margin=0)) self.shrink_wrap() self.side_panel = None
def GeneratorPanel(): panel = Widget() panel.chunkHeight = 64 panel.grass = True panel.simulate = False panel.snapshot = False jarStorage = MCServerChunkGenerator.getDefaultJarStorage() if jarStorage: jarStorage.reloadVersions() generatorChoice = ChoiceButton(["Minecraft Server", "Flatland"]) panel.generatorChoice = generatorChoice col = [Row((Label("Generator:"), generatorChoice))] noVersionsRow = Label( "Will automatically download and use the latest version") versionContainer = Widget() heightinput = IntInputRow("Height: ", ref=AttrRef(panel, "chunkHeight"), min=0, max=255) grassinput = CheckBoxLabel("Grass", ref=AttrRef(panel, "grass")) flatPanel = Column([heightinput, grassinput], align="l") def generatorChoiceChanged(): serverPanel.visible = generatorChoice.selectedChoice == "Minecraft Server" flatPanel.visible = not serverPanel.visible generatorChoice.choose = generatorChoiceChanged versionChoice = None if len(jarStorage.versions): def checkForUpdates(): def _check(): yield jarStorage.downloadCurrentServer(panel.snapshot) yield showProgress("Checking for server updates...", _check()) versionChoice.choices = sorted(jarStorage.versions, reverse=True) versionChoice.choiceIndex = 0 versionChoice = ChoiceButton(sorted(jarStorage.versions, reverse=True)) versionChoice.set_size_for_text(200) versionChoiceRow = (Row( (Label("Server version:"), versionChoice, Label("or"), Button("Check for Updates", action=checkForUpdates)))) panel.versionChoice = versionChoice versionContainer.add(versionChoiceRow) else: versionContainer.add(noVersionsRow) versionContainer.shrink_wrap() menu = Menu("Advanced", [("Open Server Storage", "revealStorage"), ("Reveal World Cache", "revealCache"), ("Delete World Cache", "clearCache")]) def presentMenu(): i = menu.present(advancedButton.parent, advancedButton.topleft) if i != -1: (revealStorage, revealCache, clearCache)[i]() advancedButton = Button("Advanced...", presentMenu) @alertException def revealStorage(): mcplatform.platform_open(jarStorage.cacheDir) @alertException def revealCache(): mcplatform.platform_open(MCServerChunkGenerator.worldCacheDir) # revealCacheRow = Row((Label("Minecraft Server Storage: "), Button("Open Folder", action=revealCache, tooltipText="Click me to install your own minecraft_server.jar if you have any."))) @alertException def clearCache(): MCServerChunkGenerator.clearWorldCache() simRow = CheckBoxLabel( "Simulate world", ref=AttrRef(panel, "simulate"), tooltipText= "Simulate the world for a few seconds after generating it. Reduces the save file size by processing all of the TileTicks." ) useSnapshotServer = CheckBoxLabel( "Use snapshot versions", ref=AttrRef(panel, "snapshot"), tooltipText="Uses the Latest Snapshot Terrain Generation") simRow = Row((simRow, advancedButton), anchor="lrh") #deleteCacheRow = Row((Label("Delete Temporary World File Cache?"), Button("Delete Cache!", action=clearCache, tooltipText="Click me if you think your chunks are stale."))) serverPanel = Column([useSnapshotServer, versionContainer, simRow], align="l") col.append(serverPanel) col = Column(col, align="l") col.add(flatPanel) flatPanel.topleft = serverPanel.topleft flatPanel.visible = False panel.add(col) panel.shrink_wrap() def generate(level, arg, useWorldType="DEFAULT"): useServer = generatorChoice.selectedChoice == "Minecraft Server" if useServer: def _createChunks(): if versionChoice: version = versionChoice.selectedChoice else: version = None gen = MCServerChunkGenerator(version=version) if isinstance(arg, pymclevel.BoundingBox): for i in gen.createLevelIter(level, arg, simulate=panel.simulate, worldType=useWorldType): yield i else: for i in gen.generateChunksInLevelIter( level, arg, simulate=panel.simulate): yield i else: def _createChunks(): height = panel.chunkHeight grass = panel.grass and pymclevel.alphaMaterials.Grass.ID or pymclevel.alphaMaterials.Dirt.ID if isinstance(arg, pymclevel.BoundingBox): chunks = list(arg.chunkPositions) else: chunks = arg if level.dimNo in (-1, 1): maxskylight = 0 else: maxskylight = 15 for i, (cx, cz) in enumerate(chunks): yield i, len(chunks) #surface = blockInput.blockInfo #for cx, cz in : try: level.createChunk(cx, cz) except ValueError, e: # chunk already present print e continue else: ch = level.getChunk(cx, cz) if height > 0: stoneHeight = max(0, height - 5) grassHeight = max(0, height - 1) ch.Blocks[:, :, grassHeight] = grass ch.Blocks[:, :, stoneHeight: grassHeight] = pymclevel.alphaMaterials.Dirt.ID ch.Blocks[:, :, : stoneHeight] = pymclevel.alphaMaterials.Stone.ID ch.Blocks[:, :, 0] = pymclevel.alphaMaterials.Bedrock.ID ch.SkyLight[:, :, height:] = maxskylight if maxskylight: ch.HeightMap[:] = height else: ch.SkyLight[:] = maxskylight ch.needsLighting = False ch.dirty = True return _createChunks()
def FloatInputRow(title, *args, **kw): warn(FloatInputRow) return Row( (Label(title, tooltipText=kw.get('tooltipText')), FloatField(*args, **kw)))
def TextInputRow(title, *args, **kw): warn(TextInputRow) return Row((Label(title, tooltipText=kw.get('tooltipText')), TextFieldWrapped(*args, **kw)))
def build_rotation(items): rows = [] rotation = items[0] rows.append(Row([Label("Y", align='l'), FloatField(ref=AttrRef(rotation[0], 'value'))])) rows.append(Row([Label("X", align='l'), FloatField(ref=AttrRef(rotation[1], 'value'))])) return rows
def editContainer(self, point, containerID): tileEntityTag = self.editor.level.tileEntityAt(*point) if tileEntityTag is None: tileEntityTag = pymclevel.TileEntity.Create(containerID) pymclevel.TileEntity.setpos(tileEntityTag, point) self.editor.level.addTileEntity(tileEntityTag) if tileEntityTag["id"].value != containerID: return undoBackupEntityTag = copy.deepcopy(tileEntityTag) def itemProp(key): # xxx do validation here def getter(self): if 0 == len(tileEntityTag["Items"]): return 0 return tileEntityTag["Items"][self.selectedItemIndex][key].value def setter(self, val): if 0 == len(tileEntityTag["Items"]): return self.dirty = True tileEntityTag["Items"][self.selectedItemIndex][key].value = val return property(getter, setter) class ChestWidget(Widget): dirty = False Slot = itemProp("Slot") id = itemProp("id") Damage = itemProp("Damage") Count = itemProp("Count") itemLimit = pymclevel.TileEntity.maxItems.get(containerID, 26) def slotFormat(slot): slotNames = pymclevel.TileEntity.slotNames.get(containerID) if slotNames: return slotNames.get(slot, slot) return slot chestWidget = ChestWidget() chestItemTable = TableView(columns=[ TableColumn("Slot", 60, "l", fmt=slotFormat), TableColumn("ID / ID Name", 345, "l"), TableColumn("DMG", 50, "l"), TableColumn("Count", 65, "l"), TableColumn("Name", 260, "l"), ]) def itemName(id, damage): try: return pymclevel.items.items.findItem(id, damage).name except pymclevel.items.ItemNotFound: return "Unknown Item" def getRowData(i): item = tileEntityTag["Items"][i] slot, id, damage, count = item["Slot"].value, item["id"].value, item["Damage"].value, item["Count"].value return slot, id, damage, count, itemName(id, damage) chestWidget.selectedItemIndex = 0 def selectTableRow(i, evt): chestWidget.selectedItemIndex = i chestItemTable.num_rows = lambda: len(tileEntityTag["Items"]) chestItemTable.row_data = getRowData chestItemTable.row_is_selected = lambda x: x == chestWidget.selectedItemIndex chestItemTable.click_row = selectTableRow fieldRow = ( mceutils.IntInputRow("Slot: ", ref=AttrRef(chestWidget, 'Slot'), min=0, max=26), mceutils.TextInputRow("ID / ID Name: ", ref=AttrRef(chestWidget, 'id'), width=300), # Text to allow the input of internal item names mceutils.IntInputRow("DMG: ", ref=AttrRef(chestWidget, 'Damage'), min=-32768, max=32767), mceutils.IntInputRow("Count: ", ref=AttrRef(chestWidget, 'Count'), min=-64, max=64), ) def deleteFromWorld(): i = chestWidget.selectedItemIndex item = tileEntityTag["Items"][i] id = item["id"].value Damage = item["Damage"].value deleteSameDamage = mceutils.CheckBoxLabel("Only delete items with the same damage value") deleteBlocksToo = mceutils.CheckBoxLabel("Also delete blocks placed in the world") if id not in (8, 9, 10, 11): # fluid blocks deleteBlocksToo.value = True w = wrapped_label( "WARNING: You are about to modify the entire world. This cannot be undone. Really delete all copies of this item from all land, chests, furnaces, dispensers, dropped items, item-containing tiles, and player inventories in this world?", 60) col = (w, deleteSameDamage) if id < 256: col += (deleteBlocksToo,) d = Dialog(Column(col), ["OK", "Cancel"]) if d.present() == "OK": def deleteItemsIter(): i = 0 if deleteSameDamage.value: def matches(t): return t["id"].value == id and t["Damage"].value == Damage else: def matches(t): return t["id"].value == id def matches_itementity(e): if e["id"].value != "Item": return False if "Item" not in e: return False t = e["Item"] return matches(t) for player in self.editor.level.players: tag = self.editor.level.getPlayerTag(player) l = len(tag["Inventory"]) tag["Inventory"].value = [t for t in tag["Inventory"].value if not matches(t)] for chunk in self.editor.level.getChunks(): if id < 256 and deleteBlocksToo.value: matchingBlocks = chunk.Blocks == id if deleteSameDamage.value: matchingBlocks &= chunk.Data == Damage if any(matchingBlocks): chunk.Blocks[matchingBlocks] = 0 chunk.Data[matchingBlocks] = 0 chunk.chunkChanged() self.editor.invalidateChunks([chunk.chunkPosition]) for te in chunk.TileEntities: if "Items" in te: l = len(te["Items"]) te["Items"].value = [t for t in te["Items"].value if not matches(t)] if l != len(te["Items"]): chunk.dirty = True entities = [e for e in chunk.Entities if matches_itementity(e)] if len(entities) != len(chunk.Entities): chunk.Entities.value = entities chunk.dirty = True yield (i, self.editor.level.chunkCount) i += 1 progressInfo = _("Deleting the item {0} from the entire world ({1} chunks)").format( itemName(, 0), self.editor.level.chunkCount) mceutils.showProgress(progressInfo, deleteItemsIter(), cancel=True) self.editor.addUnsavedEdit() chestWidget.selectedItemIndex = min(chestWidget.selectedItemIndex, len(tileEntityTag["Items"]) - 1) def deleteItem(): i = chestWidget.selectedItemIndex item = tileEntityTag["Items"][i] tileEntityTag["Items"].value = [t for t in tileEntityTag["Items"].value if t is not item] chestWidget.selectedItemIndex = min(chestWidget.selectedItemIndex, len(tileEntityTag["Items"]) - 1) def deleteEnable(): return len(tileEntityTag["Items"]) and chestWidget.selectedItemIndex != -1 def addEnable(): return len(tileEntityTag["Items"]) < chestWidget.itemLimit def addItem(): slot = 0 for item in tileEntityTag["Items"]: if slot == item["Slot"].value: slot += 1 if slot >= chestWidget.itemLimit: return item = pymclevel.TAG_Compound() item["id"] = pymclevel.TAG_String("minecraft:") item["Damage"] = pymclevel.TAG_Short(0) item["Slot"] = pymclevel.TAG_Byte(slot) item["Count"] = pymclevel.TAG_Byte(1) tileEntityTag["Items"].append(item) addItemButton = Button("New Item (1.7+)", action=addItem, enable=addEnable) deleteItemButton = Button("Delete This Item", action=deleteItem, enable=deleteEnable) deleteFromWorldButton = Button("Delete All Instances Of This Item From World", action=deleteFromWorld, enable=deleteEnable) deleteCol = Column((addItemButton, deleteItemButton, deleteFromWorldButton)) fieldRow = Row(fieldRow) col = Column((chestItemTable, fieldRow, deleteCol)) chestWidget.add(col) chestWidget.shrink_wrap() Dialog(client=chestWidget, responses=["Done"]).present() level = self.editor.level class ChestEditOperation(Operation): def __init__(self, tool, level): self.tool = tool self.level = level self.undoBackupEntityTag = undoBackupEntityTag self.canUndo = False def perform(self, recordUndo=True): if self.level.saving: alert("Cannot perform action while saving is taking place") return level.addTileEntity(tileEntityTag) self.canUndo = True def undo(self): self.redoBackupEntityTag = copy.deepcopy(tileEntityTag) level.addTileEntity(self.undoBackupEntityTag) return pymclevel.BoundingBox(pymclevel.TileEntity.pos(tileEntityTag), (1, 1, 1)) def redo(self): level.addTileEntity(self.redoBackupEntityTag) return pymclevel.BoundingBox(pymclevel.TileEntity.pos(tileEntityTag), (1, 1, 1)) if chestWidget.dirty: op = ChestEditOperation(self.editor, self.editor.level) self.editor.addOperation(op) if op.canUndo: self.editor.addUnsavedEdit()
def __init__(self, tool, editor, _parent=None): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool rotaterollRow = Row(( Label(config.keys.rotateClone.get()), Button("Rotate", width=80, action=tool.rotate, enable=self.transformEnable), Label(config.keys.rollClone.get()), Button("Roll", width=80, action=tool.roll, enable=self.transformEnable), )) flipmirrorRow = Row(( Label(config.keys.flip.get()), Button("Flip", width=80, action=tool.flip, enable=self.transformEnable), Label(config.keys.mirror.get()), Button("Mirror", width=80, action=tool.mirror, enable=self.transformEnable), )) self.alignCheckBox = CheckBox(ref=AttrRef(self.tool, 'chunkAlign')) self.alignLabel = Label("Chunk Align") self.alignLabel.mouse_down = self.alignCheckBox.mouse_down alignRow = Row((self.alignCheckBox, self.alignLabel)) # headerLabel = Label("Clone Offset") if self.useOffsetInput: self.offsetInput = CoordsInput(editor) self.offsetInput.coordsChanged = tool.offsetChanged self.offsetInput.nudgeButton.bg_color = tool.color self.offsetInput.nudge = tool.nudge else: self.nudgeButton = NudgeButton(editor) self.nudgeButton.bg_color = tool.color self.nudgeButton.nudge = tool.nudge repeatField = IntField(ref=AttrRef(tool, 'repeatCount')) repeatField.min = 1 repeatField.max = 1000 repeatRow = Row((Label("Repeat"), repeatField)) self.repeatField = repeatField scaleField = FloatField(ref=AttrRef(tool, 'scaleFactor')) scaleField.min = 0.1 scaleField.max = 8 if self.transformEnable(): scaleRow = Row((Label("Scale Factor"), scaleField)) else: scaleRow = Row((Label("Scale Factor: 1.0"), )) self.scaleField = scaleField self.copyAirCheckBox = CheckBox(ref=AttrRef(self.tool, "copyAir")) self.copyAirLabel = Label("Copy Air") self.copyAirLabel.mouse_down = self.copyAirCheckBox.mouse_down self.copyAirLabel.tooltipText = "Shortcut: Alt-1" self.copyAirCheckBox.tooltipText = self.copyAirLabel.tooltipText copyAirRow = Row((self.copyAirCheckBox, self.copyAirLabel)) self.copyWaterCheckBox = CheckBox(ref=AttrRef(self.tool, "copyWater")) self.copyWaterLabel = Label("Copy Water") self.copyWaterLabel.mouse_down = self.copyWaterCheckBox.mouse_down self.copyWaterLabel.tooltipText = "Shortcut: Alt-2" self.copyWaterCheckBox.tooltipText = self.copyWaterLabel.tooltipText copyWaterRow = Row((self.copyWaterCheckBox, self.copyWaterLabel)) self.copyBiomesCheckBox = CheckBox( ref=AttrRef(self.tool, "copyBiomes")) self.copyBiomesLabel = Label("Copy Biomes") self.copyBiomesLabel.mouse_down = self.copyBiomesCheckBox.mouse_down self.copyBiomesLabel.tooltipText = "Shortcut: Alt-3" self.copyBiomesCheckBox.tooltipText = self.copyBiomesLabel.tooltipText copyBiomesRow = Row((self.copyBiomesCheckBox, self.copyBiomesLabel)) self.staticCommandsCheckBox = CheckBox( ref=AttrRef(self.tool, "staticCommands")) self.staticCommandsLabel = Label("Change Coordinates") self.staticCommandsLabel.mouse_down = self.staticCommandsCheckBox.mouse_down self.staticCommandsLabel.tooltipText = "Check to automatically change command block static coordinates when moved.\nShortcut: Alt-4" self.staticCommandsCheckBox.tooltipText = self.staticCommandsLabel.tooltipText staticCommandsRow = Row( (self.staticCommandsCheckBox, self.staticCommandsLabel)) self.moveSpawnerPosCheckBox = CheckBox( ref=AttrRef(self.tool, "moveSpawnerPos")) self.moveSpawnerPosLabel = Label("Change Spawners") self.moveSpawnerPosLabel.mouse_down = self.moveSpawnerPosCheckBox.mouse_down self.moveSpawnerPosLabel.tooltipText = "Check to automatically change the position of the mobs in spawners when moved.\nShortcut: Alt-5" self.moveSpawnerPosCheckBox.tooltipText = self.moveSpawnerPosLabel.tooltipText moveSpawnerPosRow = Row( (self.moveSpawnerPosCheckBox, self.moveSpawnerPosLabel)) self.regenerateUUIDCheckBox = CheckBox( ref=AttrRef(self.tool, "regenerateUUID")) self.regenerateUUIDLabel = Label("Regenerate UUID") self.regenerateUUIDLabel.mouse_down = self.regenerateUUIDCheckBox.mouse_down self.regenerateUUIDLabel.tooltipText = "Check to automatically generate new UUIDs for entities.\nShortcut: Alt-6" self.regenerateUUIDCheckBox.tooltipText = self.regenerateUUIDLabel.tooltipText regenerateUUIDRow = Row( (self.regenerateUUIDCheckBox, self.regenerateUUIDLabel)) self.performButton = Button("Clone", width=100, align="c") self.performButton.tooltipText = "Shortcut: Enter" self.performButton.action = tool.confirm self.performButton.enable = lambda: (tool.destPoint is not None) max_height = self.tool.editor.mainViewport.height - self.tool.editor.toolbar.height - self.tool.editor.subwidgets[ 0].height # - self.performButton.height - 2 def buildPage(*items): height = 0 cls = [] idx = 0 for i, r in enumerate(items): r.margin = 0 r.shrink_wrap() height += r.height if height > max_height: cls.append(Column(items[idx:i], spacing=2, margin=0)) idx = i height = 0 cls.append(Column(items[idx:], spacing=2, margin=0)) return cls if self.useOffsetInput: cols = buildPage(rotaterollRow, flipmirrorRow, alignRow, self.offsetInput, repeatRow, scaleRow, copyAirRow, copyWaterRow, copyBiomesRow, staticCommandsRow, moveSpawnerPosRow, regenerateUUIDRow) else: cols = buildPage(rotaterollRow, flipmirrorRow, alignRow, self.nudgeButton, scaleRow, copyAirRow, copyWaterRow, copyBiomesRow, staticCommandsRow, moveSpawnerPosRow, regenerateUUIDRow) row = Row(cols, spacing=0, margin=2) row.shrink_wrap() col = Column((row, self.performButton), spacing=2) self.add(col) self.anchor = "lwh" self.shrink_wrap()
def __init__(self, tool): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool useStyleBox = CheckBoxLabel(title="Use Bullet Styles", ref=config.nbtTreeSettings.useBulletStyles) self.useStyleBox = useStyleBox useTextBox = CheckBoxLabel(title="Use Bullet Text", ref=config.nbtTreeSettings.useBulletText) self.useTextBox = useTextBox useImagesBox = CheckBoxLabel( title="Use Bullet Images", ref=config.nbtTreeSettings.useBulletImages) self.useImagesBox = useImagesBox bulletFilePath = Row( (Button("Bullet Images File", action=self.open_bullet_file), TextFieldWrapped(ref=config.nbtTreeSettings.bulletFileName, width=300)), margin=0) def mouse_down(e): if self.bulletFilePath.subwidgets[1].enabled: TextFieldWrapped.mouse_down(self.bulletFilePath.subwidgets[1], e) bulletFilePath.subwidgets[1].mouse_down = mouse_down self.bulletFilePath = bulletFilePath def mouse_down(e): CheckBox.mouse_down(useImagesBox.subwidgets[1], e) for sub in bulletFilePath.subwidgets: sub.enabled = config.nbtTreeSettings.useBulletImages.get() if type(sub) == TextFieldWrapped: if config.nbtTreeSettings.useBulletImages.get(): sub.fg_color = fg_color else: sub.fg_color = disabled_color useImagesBox.subwidgets[0].mouse_down = useImagesBox.subwidgets[ 1].mouse_down = mouse_down def mouse_down(e): CheckBox.mouse_down(useStyleBox.subwidgets[1], e) useImagesBox.mouse_down(e) self.useStyleBox_click(e) useStyleBox.subwidgets[0].mouse_down = useStyleBox.subwidgets[ 1].mouse_down = mouse_down showAllTags = CheckBoxLabel(title="Show all the tags in the tree", ref=config.nbtTreeSettings.showAllTags) col = Column(( Label("NBT Tree Settings"), Row((useStyleBox, useTextBox, useImagesBox)), bulletFilePath, showAllTags, # Button("Load NBT file...", action=tool.loadFile), Button("OK", action=self.dismiss), )) self.add(col) self.shrink_wrap() self.useStyleBox_click(None)
def __init__(self, tool, editor, _parent=None): Panel.__init__(self) self.tool = tool rotaterollRow = Row( ( Label(config.keys.rotateClone.get()), Button("Rotate", width=80, action=tool.rotate, enable=self.transformEnable), Label(config.keys.rollClone.get()), Button("Roll", width=80, action=tool.roll, enable=self.transformEnable), ) ) flipmirrorRow = Row( ( Label(config.keys.flip.get()), Button("Flip", width=80, action=tool.flip, enable=self.transformEnable), Label(config.keys.mirror.get()), Button("Mirror", width=80, action=tool.mirror, enable=self.transformEnable), ) ) self.alignCheckBox = CheckBox(ref=AttrRef(self.tool, "chunkAlign")) self.alignLabel = Label("Chunk Align") self.alignLabel.mouse_down = self.alignCheckBox.mouse_down alignRow = Row((self.alignCheckBox, self.alignLabel)) # headerLabel = Label("Clone Offset") if self.useOffsetInput: self.offsetInput = CoordsInput(editor) self.offsetInput.coordsChanged = tool.offsetChanged self.offsetInput.nudgeButton.bg_color = tool.color self.offsetInput.nudge = tool.nudge else: self.nudgeButton = NudgeButton(editor) self.nudgeButton.bg_color = tool.color self.nudgeButton.nudge = tool.nudge repeatField = IntField(ref=AttrRef(tool, "repeatCount")) repeatField.min = 1 repeatField.max = 1000 repeatRow = Row((Label("Repeat"), repeatField)) self.repeatField = repeatField scaleField = FloatField(ref=AttrRef(tool, "scaleFactor")) scaleField.min = 0.1 scaleField.max = 8 if self.transformEnable(): scaleRow = Row((Label("Scale Factor"), scaleField)) else: scaleRow = Row((Label("Scale Factor: 1.0"),)) self.scaleField = scaleField self.copyAirCheckBox = CheckBox(ref=AttrRef(self.tool, "copyAir")) self.copyAirLabel = Label("Copy Air") self.copyAirLabel.mouse_down = self.copyAirCheckBox.mouse_down self.copyAirLabel.tooltipText = "Shortcut: Alt-1" self.copyAirCheckBox.tooltipText = self.copyAirLabel.tooltipText copyAirRow = Row((self.copyAirCheckBox, self.copyAirLabel)) self.copyWaterCheckBox = CheckBox(ref=AttrRef(self.tool, "copyWater")) self.copyWaterLabel = Label("Copy Water") self.copyWaterLabel.mouse_down = self.copyWaterCheckBox.mouse_down self.copyWaterLabel.tooltipText = "Shortcut: Alt-2" self.copyWaterCheckBox.tooltipText = self.copyWaterLabel.tooltipText copyWaterRow = Row((self.copyWaterCheckBox, self.copyWaterLabel)) self.copyBiomesCheckBox = CheckBox(ref=AttrRef(self.tool, "copyBiomes")) self.copyBiomesLabel = Label("Copy Biome(s)") self.copyBiomesLabel.mouse_down = self.copyBiomesCheckBox.mouse_down self.copyBiomesLabel.tooltipText = "Shortcut: Alt-3" self.copyBiomesCheckBox.tooltipText = self.copyBiomesLabel.tooltipText copyBiomesRow = Row((self.copyBiomesCheckBox, self.copyBiomesLabel)) self.staticCommandsCheckBox = CheckBox(ref=AttrRef(self.tool, "staticCommands")) self.staticCommandsLabel = Label("Update Command Block Coords") self.staticCommandsLabel.mouse_down = self.staticCommandsCheckBox.mouse_down self.staticCommandsLabel.tooltipText = "When a command block is moved, and it contains a command, automatically update static coordinates (x y z) within that command.\nShortcut: Alt-4" self.staticCommandsCheckBox.tooltipText = self.staticCommandsLabel.tooltipText staticCommandsRow = Row((self.staticCommandsCheckBox, self.staticCommandsLabel)) self.moveSpawnerPosCheckBox = CheckBox(ref=AttrRef(self.tool, "moveSpawnerPos")) self.moveSpawnerPosLabel = Label("Update Spawner Coords") self.moveSpawnerPosLabel.mouse_down = self.moveSpawnerPosCheckBox.mouse_down self.moveSpawnerPosLabel.tooltipText = ( "When a spawner is moved, automatically update its spawning coordinates.\nShortcut: Alt-5" ) self.moveSpawnerPosCheckBox.tooltipText = self.moveSpawnerPosLabel.tooltipText moveSpawnerPosRow = Row((self.moveSpawnerPosCheckBox, self.moveSpawnerPosLabel)) self.regenerateUUIDCheckBox = CheckBox(ref=AttrRef(self.tool, "regenerateUUID")) self.regenerateUUIDLabel = Label("Regenerate Entity UUID") self.regenerateUUIDLabel.mouse_down = self.regenerateUUIDCheckBox.mouse_down self.regenerateUUIDLabel.tooltipText = ( "Automatically generate new UUIDs for every entity copied. [RECOMMENDED]\nShortcut: Alt-6" ) self.regenerateUUIDCheckBox.tooltipText = self.regenerateUUIDLabel.tooltipText regenerateUUIDRow = Row((self.regenerateUUIDCheckBox, self.regenerateUUIDLabel)) self.performButton = Button("Clone", width=100, align="c") self.performButton.tooltipText = "Shortcut: Enter" self.performButton.action = tool.confirm self.performButton.enable = lambda: (tool.destPoint is not None) max_height = ( self.tool.editor.mainViewport.height - self.tool.editor.toolbar.height - self.tool.editor.subwidgets[0].height ) # - self.performButton.height - 2 def buildPage(*items): height = 0 cls = [] idx = 0 for i, r in enumerate(items): r.margin = 0 r.shrink_wrap() height += r.height if height > max_height: cls.append(Column(items[idx:i], spacing=2, margin=0)) idx = i height = 0 cls.append(Column(items[idx:], spacing=2, margin=0)) return cls if self.useOffsetInput: cols = buildPage( rotaterollRow, flipmirrorRow, alignRow, self.offsetInput, repeatRow, scaleRow, copyAirRow, copyWaterRow, copyBiomesRow, staticCommandsRow, moveSpawnerPosRow, regenerateUUIDRow, ) else: cols = buildPage( rotaterollRow, flipmirrorRow, alignRow, self.nudgeButton, scaleRow, copyAirRow, copyWaterRow, copyBiomesRow, staticCommandsRow, moveSpawnerPosRow, regenerateUUIDRow, ) row = Row(cols, spacing=0, margin=2) row.shrink_wrap() col = Column((row, self.performButton), spacing=2) self.add(col) self.anchor = "lwh" self.shrink_wrap()
def makeTabPage(self, tool, inputs): page = Widget() page.is_gl_container = True rows = [] cols = [] height = 0 max_height = 550 page.optionDict = {} page.tool = tool title = "Tab" for optionName, optionType in inputs: if isinstance(optionType, tuple): if isinstance(optionType[0], (int, long, float)): if len(optionType) > 2: val, min, max = optionType elif len(optionType) == 2: min, max = optionType val = min rows.append(addNumField(page, optionName, val, min, max)) if isinstance(optionType[0], (str, unicode)): isChoiceButton = False if len(optionType) == 3: a,b,c = optionType if a == "strValSize": field = TextField(value=b, width=c) page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(field, 'value') row = Row((Label(optionName), field)) rows.append(row) else: isChoiceButton = True elif len(optionType) == 2: a,b = optionType if a == "strVal": field = TextField(value=b, width=200) page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(field, 'value') row = Row((Label(optionName), field)) rows.append(row) elif a == "strSize": field = TextField(value="Input String Here", width=b) page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(field, 'value') row = Row((Label(optionName), field)) rows.append(row) else: isChoiceButton = True else: isChoiceButton = True if isChoiceButton: choiceButton = ChoiceButton(map(str, optionType)) page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(choiceButton, 'selectedChoice') rows.append(Row((Label(optionName), choiceButton))) elif isinstance(optionType, bool): cbox = CheckBox(value=optionType) page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(cbox, 'value') row = Row((Label(optionName), cbox)) rows.append(row) elif isinstance(optionType, (int, float)): rows.append(addNumField(self, optionName, optionType)) elif optionType == "blocktype" or isinstance(optionType, pymclevel.materials.Block): blockButton = BlockButton(tool.editor.level.materials) if isinstance(optionType, pymclevel.materials.Block): blockButton.blockInfo = optionType row = Column((Label(optionName), blockButton)) page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(blockButton, 'blockInfo') rows.append(row) elif optionType == "label": rows.append(wrapped_label(optionName, 50)) elif optionType == "string": field = TextField(value="Input String Here", width=200) page.optionDict[optionName] = AttrRef(field, 'value') row = Row((Label(optionName), field)) rows.append(row) elif optionType == "title": title = optionName else: raise ValueError(("Unknown option type", optionType)) height = sum(r.height for r in rows) if height > max_height: h = 0 for i, r in enumerate(rows): h += r.height if h > height / 2: break cols.append(Column(rows[:i])) rows = rows[i:] #cols.append(Column(rows)) if len(rows): cols.append(Column(rows)) if len(cols): page.add(Row(cols)) page.shrink_wrap() return (title, page, page._rect)