def __init__(self, num_classes, input_size=None): super(HSRInhandObjectsDataTransform, self).__init__() random.seed(1000) if input_size is not None: height, width = input_size self._train_transform_list.append(Resize(height, width)) self._val_transform_list.append(Resize(height, width)) self._train_transform_list = self._train_transform_list + [ HorizontalFlip(p=0.5), Rotate(p=0.5, limit=(-15, 15)), GaussNoise(p=0.5), RandomBrightnessContrast(p=0.5), RandomShadow(p=0.5), Normalize( mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], ), ToTensor(num_classes=num_classes), ] self._val_transform_list = self._val_transform_list + [ Normalize( mean=[0.485, 0.456, 0.406], std=[0.229, 0.224, 0.225], ), ToTensor(num_classes=num_classes), ] self._initialize_transform_dict()
def __init__(self, to_tensor=True): augs = [ RandomSizedBBoxSafeCrop(height=512, width=512), RandomBrightness(p=0.5), RandomContrast(p=0.5), #RandomSunFlare(p=0.5, flare_roi=(0, 0, 1, 0.5), angle_lower=0.5,src_radius= 150), RandomShadow(p=0.5, num_shadows_lower=1, num_shadows_upper=1, shadow_dimension=5, shadow_roi=(0, 0.5, 1, 1)), HorizontalFlip(p=0.5), GaussianBlur(p=0.5), ] if to_tensor: augs.append( ToTensor(normalize={ "mean": [0.485, 0.456, 0.406], "std": [0.229, 0.224, 0.225] })) self.transform = Compose(augs, bbox_params={ "format": "albumentations", "min_area": 0, "min_visibility": 0.2, 'label_fields': ['category_id'] })
def strong_aug(p=0.5, crop_size=(512, 512)): return Compose([ RandomResizedCrop(crop_size[0], crop_size[1], scale=(0.3, 1.0), ratio=(0.75, 1.3), interpolation=4, p=1.0), RandomRotate90(), Flip(), Transpose(), OneOf([ IAAAdditiveGaussianNoise(), GaussNoise(), ], p=0.8), OneOf([ MotionBlur(p=0.5), MedianBlur(blur_limit=3, p=0.5), Blur(blur_limit=3, p=0.5), ], p=0.3), ShiftScaleRotate( shift_limit=0.2, scale_limit=0.5, rotate_limit=180, p=0.8), OneOf([ OpticalDistortion(p=0.5), GridDistortion(p=0.5), IAAPiecewiseAffine(p=0.5), ElasticTransform(p=0.5), ], p=0.3), OneOf([ CLAHE(clip_limit=2), IAASharpen(), IAAEmboss(), RandomBrightnessContrast(), ], p=0.3), OneOf([ GaussNoise(), RandomRain( p=0.2, brightness_coefficient=0.9, drop_width=1, blur_value=5), RandomSnow(p=0.4, brightness_coeff=0.5, snow_point_lower=0.1, snow_point_upper=0.3), RandomShadow(p=0.2, num_shadows_lower=1, num_shadows_upper=1, shadow_dimension=5, shadow_roi=(0, 0.5, 1, 1)), RandomFog( p=0.5, fog_coef_lower=0.3, fog_coef_upper=0.5, alpha_coef=0.1) ], p=0.3), RGBShift(), HueSaturationValue(p=0.9), ], p=p)
def setUpClass(cls): from cral.tracking import set_experiment from cral.pipeline.core import ClassificationPipe from cral.augmentations.engine import Classification as Classification_augmentor zip_url = '' path_to_zip_file = tf.keras.utils.get_file('', zip_url, cache_dir='/tmp', cache_subdir='', extract=False) directory_to_extract_to = '/tmp' with zipfile.ZipFile(path_to_zip_file, 'r') as zip_ref: zip_ref.extractall(directory_to_extract_to) set_experiment('6f2c48d8-970a-4e28-a609-38088cab599a') cls.new_pipe = ClassificationPipe() cls.new_pipe.add_data(train_images_dir='/tmp/bikes_persons_dataset', val_images_dir=None, split=0.2) cls.new_pipe.lock_data() aug = [ OneOf([ RandomFog( fog_coef_lower=1, fog_coef_upper=1, alpha_coef=0.05, p=1.0), RandomBrightnessContrast( brightness_limit=0.2, contrast_limit=10.5, p=1.0), RandomShadow(shadow_roi=(0, 0.5, 1, 1), num_shadows_lower=1, num_shadows_upper=2, shadow_dimension=5, p=0.5), RandomSnow(), RandomSunFlare() ], p=0.2) ] augmentor = Classification_augmentor(aug=aug) cls.new_pipe.set_aug(augmentor) cls.report_path = '/tmp/reports' if os.path.isdir(cls.report_path) is False: os.mkdir(cls.report_path)
def strong_aug(p=0.6): return Compose([ RandomShadow(shadow_roi=(0, 0, 1, 1), p=0.75), OneOf([MotionBlur(), GaussianBlur()]), OneOf([ToGray(), ToSepia()]), OneOf([ InvertImg(), RandomBrightnessContrast(brightness_limit=0.75, p=0.75), RandomGamma(), HueSaturationValue() ], p=0.75) ], bbox_params=BboxParams("pascal_voc", label_fields=["category_id"], min_area=0.0, min_visibility=0.0), p=p)
def __init__(self): self.random_brightness_contrast = RandomBrightnessContrast() self.hue_saturation_value = HueSaturationValue() self.random_gamma = RandomGamma() self.clahe = CLAHE() self.blur = Blur() self.gauss_noise = GaussNoise() self.channel_shuffle = ChannelShuffle() self.rgb_shift = RGBShift() self.channel_dropout = ChannelDropout() self.random_fog = RandomFog(fog_coef_upper=0.4) self.random_rain = RandomRain() self.random_snow = RandomSnow() self.random_shadow = RandomShadow() self.random_sunflare = RandomSunFlare(angle_upper=0.2)
def train_transformations(prob=1.0): return Compose([ PadIfNeeded(min_height=384, min_width=1280, border_mode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=(0, 0, 0), always_apply=True), OneOf([HorizontalFlip(p=0.5), Rotate(limit=20, p=0.3)], p=0.5), OneOf([ ToGray(p=0.3), RandomBrightnessContrast(p=0.5), CLAHE(p=0.5), IAASharpen(p=0.45) ], p=0.5), RandomShadow(p=0.4), HueSaturationValue(p=0.3), Normalize(always_apply=True) ], p=prob)
def augment_data(image, steering_angle): h, w = image.shape[:2] result_image = np.copy(image) result_steering_angle = steering_angle result_image, result_steering_angle = random_flip(result_image, result_steering_angle) # result_image, result_steering_angle = random_translate(result_image, result_steering_angle) aug = Compose( [ # GaussianBlur(blur_limit=5, p=0.5), RandomBrightness(limit=0.1, p=0.5), RandomContrast(limit=0.1, p=0.5), # CLAHE(p=0.5), # Equalize(p=0.5), # RandomSnow(p=0.5), # RandomRain(p=0.5), # RandomFog(p=0.5), # RandomSunFlare(p=0.5), RandomShadow(p=0.5), CoarseDropout( max_holes=4, max_height=h // 30, max_width=w // 30, min_holes=1, min_height=h // 40, min_width=w // 40, p=0.5, ), ], p=1, ) result_image = aug(image=result_image)["image"] return result_image, result_steering_angle
def __init__(self, to_tensor=True): augs = [ LongestMaxSize(640), PadIfNeeded(640, 640, cv.BORDER_CONSTANT, value=0), #RandomSizedBBoxSafeCrop(height = 300,width = 300), RandomBrightness(p=0.5), RandomContrast(p=0.5), #RandomSunFlare(p=0.5, flare_roi=(0, 0, 1, 0.5), angle_lower=0.5,src_radius= 150), RandomShadow(p=0.5, num_shadows_lower=1, num_shadows_upper=1, shadow_dimension=5, shadow_roi=(0, 0.5, 1, 1)), HorizontalFlip(p=0.5), GaussianBlur(p=0.5), ] self.transform = Compose(augs, bbox_params={ "format": "albumentations", "min_area": 0, "min_visibility": 0.2, 'label_fields': ['category_id'] })
def augmentation_hardcore(size_image, p=0.8): ''' Only use for second model About albumentation, p in compose mean the prob that all transform in Compose work ''' return Compose([ Resize(size_image, size_image), CenterCrop(height=200, width=200, p=0.5), Cutout(), RandomShadow(shadow_dimension=3), OneOf([ Flip(), VerticalFlip(), HorizontalFlip(), ], p=0.5), OneOf([ RandomRotate90(), Transpose(), ], p=0.5), OneOf([GaussNoise(), GaussianBlur(blur_limit=9), Blur()], p=0.5), OneOf([ HueSaturationValue( hue_shift_limit=10, sat_shift_limit=25, val_shift_limit=20), RGBShift(), RandomBrightness(brightness_limit=0.4), RandomContrast(), RandomBrightnessContrast(), ], p=0.5), OneOf([ShiftScaleRotate(), ElasticTransform(), RandomGridShuffle()], p=0.5) ], p=p)
def __init__(self, num_classes, input_size): super(TuSimpleDataTransform, self).__init__() random.seed(1000) height, width = input_size self._train_transform_list = self._train_transform_list + [ HorizontalFlip(p=0.5), GaussNoise(p=0.5), RandomBrightnessContrast(p=0.5), RandomShadow(p=0.5), RandomRain(rain_type="drizzle", p=0.5), ShiftScaleRotate(rotate_limit=10, p=0.5), RandomResizedCrop( height=height, width=width, scale=(0.8, 1), p=0.5), ] self._train_transform_list.append(Resize(height, width)) self._val_transform_list.append(Resize(height, width)) self._train_transform_list.append(ToTensor(num_classes=num_classes)) self._val_transform_list.append(ToTensor(num_classes=num_classes)) self._initialize_transform_dict()
p=0.5), ElasticTransform(p=0.5, alpha=1, sigma=50, alpha_affine=0.2, border_mode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT) ]), OneOf([ CLAHE(), Solarize(), RandomBrightness(), RandomContrast(limit=0.2), RandomBrightnessContrast(), ]), JpegCompression(quality_lower=20, quality_upper=100), RandomShadow(num_shadows_lower=1, num_shadows_upper=2), PadIfNeeded(min_height=64, min_width=100, border_mode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, p=0.5), Cutout(num_holes=8, max_h_size=16, max_w_size=16), InvertImg(p=0.3), ToGray() # GridDistortion(num_steps=10, distort_limit = (0, 0.1), border_mode = cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT) # OneOf([ # GridDistortion(p=0.1), # IAAPiecewiseAffine(p=0.3), # ], p=1), ]) charset = open('../data/characters', 'r').read()
def __call__(self, image, boxes=None, labels=None): image = RandomShadow(p=0.25)(image=image)['image'] return image.astype(np.float32), boxes, labels
def transform(image, mask, image_name, mask_name): x, y = image, mask rand = random.uniform(0, 1) if (rand > 0.5): images_name = [f"{image_name}"] masks_name = [f"{mask_name}"] images_aug = [x] masks_aug = [y] it = iter(images_name) it2 = iter(images_aug) imagedict = dict(zip(it, it2)) it = iter(masks_name) it2 = iter(masks_aug) masksdict = dict(zip(it, it2)) return imagedict, masksdict mask_density = np.count_nonzero(y) ## Augmenting only images with Gloms if (mask_density > 0): try: h, w, c = x.shape except Exception as e: image = image[:-1] x, y = image, mask h, w, c = x.shape aug = Blur(p=1, blur_limit=3) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x0 = augmented['image'] y0 = augmented['mask'] # aug = CenterCrop(p=1, height=32, width=32) # augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) # x1 = augmented['image'] # y1 = augmented['mask'] ## Horizontal Flip aug = HorizontalFlip(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x2 = augmented['image'] y2 = augmented['mask'] aug = VerticalFlip(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x3 = augmented['image'] y3 = augmented['mask'] # aug = Normalize(p=1) # augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) # x4 = augmented['image'] # y4 = augmented['mask'] aug = Transpose(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x5 = augmented['image'] y5 = augmented['mask'] aug = RandomGamma(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x6 = augmented['image'] y6 = augmented['mask'] ## Optical Distortion aug = OpticalDistortion(p=1, distort_limit=2, shift_limit=0.5) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x7 = augmented['image'] y7 = augmented['mask'] ## Grid Distortion aug = GridDistortion(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x8 = augmented['image'] y8 = augmented['mask'] aug = RandomGridShuffle(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x9 = augmented['image'] y9 = augmented['mask'] aug = HueSaturationValue(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x10 = augmented['image'] y10 = augmented['mask'] # aug = PadIfNeeded(p=1) # augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) # x11 = augmented['image'] # y11 = augmented['mask'] aug = RGBShift(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x12 = augmented['image'] y12 = augmented['mask'] ## Random Brightness aug = RandomBrightness(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x13 = augmented['image'] y13 = augmented['mask'] ## Random Contrast aug = RandomContrast(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x14 = augmented['image'] y14 = augmented['mask'] #aug = MotionBlur(p=1) #augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) # x15 = augmented['image'] # y15 = augmented['mask'] aug = MedianBlur(p=1, blur_limit=5) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x16 = augmented['image'] y16 = augmented['mask'] aug = GaussianBlur(p=1, blur_limit=3) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x17 = augmented['image'] y17 = augmented['mask'] aug = GaussNoise(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x18 = augmented['image'] y18 = augmented['mask'] aug = GlassBlur(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x19 = augmented['image'] y19 = augmented['mask'] aug = CLAHE(clip_limit=1.0, tile_grid_size=(8, 8), always_apply=False, p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x20 = augmented['image'] y20 = augmented['mask'] aug = ChannelShuffle(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x21 = augmented['image'] y21 = augmented['mask'] aug = ToGray(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x22 = augmented['image'] y22 = augmented['mask'] aug = ToSepia(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x23 = augmented['image'] y23 = augmented['mask'] aug = JpegCompression(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x24 = augmented['image'] y24 = augmented['mask'] aug = ImageCompression(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x25 = augmented['image'] y25 = augmented['mask'] aug = Cutout(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x26 = augmented['image'] y26 = augmented['mask'] # aug = CoarseDropout(p=1, max_holes=8, max_height=32, max_width=32) # augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) # x27 = augmented['image'] # y27 = augmented['mask'] # aug = ToFloat(p=1) # augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) # x28 = augmented['image'] # y28 = augmented['mask'] aug = FromFloat(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x29 = augmented['image'] y29 = augmented['mask'] ## Random Brightness and Contrast aug = RandomBrightnessContrast(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x30 = augmented['image'] y30 = augmented['mask'] aug = RandomSnow(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x31 = augmented['image'] y31 = augmented['mask'] aug = RandomRain(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x32 = augmented['image'] y32 = augmented['mask'] aug = RandomFog(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x33 = augmented['image'] y33 = augmented['mask'] aug = RandomSunFlare(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x34 = augmented['image'] y34 = augmented['mask'] aug = RandomShadow(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x35 = augmented['image'] y35 = augmented['mask'] aug = Lambda(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x36 = augmented['image'] y36 = augmented['mask'] aug = ChannelDropout(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x37 = augmented['image'] y37 = augmented['mask'] aug = ISONoise(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x38 = augmented['image'] y38 = augmented['mask'] aug = Solarize(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x39 = augmented['image'] y39 = augmented['mask'] aug = Equalize(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x40 = augmented['image'] y40 = augmented['mask'] aug = Posterize(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x41 = augmented['image'] y41 = augmented['mask'] aug = Downscale(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x42 = augmented['image'] y42 = augmented['mask'] aug = MultiplicativeNoise(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x43 = augmented['image'] y43 = augmented['mask'] aug = FancyPCA(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x44 = augmented['image'] y44 = augmented['mask'] # aug = MaskDropout(p=1) # augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) # x45 = augmented['image'] # y45 = augmented['mask'] aug = GridDropout(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x46 = augmented['image'] y46 = augmented['mask'] aug = ColorJitter(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x47 = augmented['image'] y47 = augmented['mask'] ## ElasticTransform aug = ElasticTransform(p=1, alpha=120, sigma=512 * 0.05, alpha_affine=512 * 0.03) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x50 = augmented['image'] y50 = augmented['mask'] aug = CropNonEmptyMaskIfExists(p=1, height=22, width=32) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x51 = augmented['image'] y51 = augmented['mask'] aug = IAAAffine(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x52 = augmented['image'] y52 = augmented['mask'] # aug = IAACropAndPad(p=1) # augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) # x53 = augmented['image'] # y53 = augmented['mask'] aug = IAAFliplr(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x54 = augmented['image'] y54 = augmented['mask'] aug = IAAFlipud(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x55 = augmented['image'] y55 = augmented['mask'] aug = IAAPerspective(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x56 = augmented['image'] y56 = augmented['mask'] aug = IAAPiecewiseAffine(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x57 = augmented['image'] y57 = augmented['mask'] aug = LongestMaxSize(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x58 = augmented['image'] y58 = augmented['mask'] aug = NoOp(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x59 = augmented['image'] y59 = augmented['mask'] # aug = RandomCrop(p=1, height=22, width=22) # augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) # x61 = augmented['image'] # y61 = augmented['mask'] # aug = RandomResizedCrop(p=1, height=22, width=20) # augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) # x63 = augmented['image'] # y63 = augmented['mask'] aug = RandomScale(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x64 = augmented['image'] y64 = augmented['mask'] # aug = RandomSizedCrop(p=1, height=22, width=20, min_max_height = [32,32]) # augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) # x66 = augmented['image'] # y66 = augmented['mask'] # aug = Resize(p=1, height=22, width=20) # augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) # x67 = augmented['image'] # y67 = augmented['mask'] aug = Rotate(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x68 = augmented['image'] y68 = augmented['mask'] aug = ShiftScaleRotate(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x69 = augmented['image'] y69 = augmented['mask'] aug = SmallestMaxSize(p=1) augmented = aug(image=x, mask=y) x70 = augmented['image'] y70 = augmented['mask'] images_aug.extend([ x, x0, x2, x3, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, x10, x12, x13, x14, x16, x17, x18, x19, x20, x21, x22, x23, x24, x25, x26, x29, x30, x31, x32, x33, x34, x35, x36, x37, x38, x39, x40, x41, x42, x43, x44, x46, x47, x50, x51, x52, x54, x55, x56, x57, x58, x59, x64, x68, x69, x70 ]) masks_aug.extend([ y, y0, y2, y3, y5, y6, y7, y8, y9, y10, y12, y13, y14, y16, y17, y18, y19, y20, y21, y22, y23, y24, y25, y26, y29, y30, y31, y32, y33, y34, y35, y36, y37, y38, y39, y40, y41, y42, y43, y44, y46, y47, y50, y51, y52, y54, y55, y56, y57, y58, y59, y64, y68, y69, y70 ]) idx = -1 images_name = [] masks_name = [] for i, m in zip(images_aug, masks_aug): if idx == -1: tmp_image_name = f"{image_name}" tmp_mask_name = f"{mask_name}" else: tmp_image_name = f"{image_name}_{smalllist[idx]}" tmp_mask_name = f"{mask_name}_{smalllist[idx]}" images_name.extend(tmp_image_name) masks_name.extend(tmp_mask_name) idx += 1 it = iter(images_name) it2 = iter(images_aug) imagedict = dict(zip(it, it2)) it = iter(masks_name) it2 = iter(masks_aug) masksdict = dict(zip(it, it2)) return imagedict, masksdict
elif augmentation == 'iso_noise': transform = ISONoise(always_apply=True, color_shift=(0.08, 0.1), intensity=(0.5, 0.8)) transformed_image = transform(image=image)['image'] elif augmentation == 'shot_noise': transform = iaa.imgcorruptlike.ShotNoise(severity=2) transformed_image = transform(image=image) elif augmentation == 'speckle_noise': transform = iaa.imgcorruptlike.SpeckleNoise(severity=2) transformed_image = transform(image=image) elif augmentation == 'random_shadow': transform = RandomShadow(always_apply=True) transformed_image = transform(image=image)['image'] elif augmentation == 'random_sun_flare': transform = RandomSunFlare(always_apply=True) transformed_image = transform(image=image)['image'] elif augmentation == 'spatter': transform = iaa.imgcorruptlike.Spatter(severity=2) transformed_image = transform(image=image) ## Edges elif augmentation == 'canny': transform = iaa.Canny(alpha=(0.0, 0.9)) transformed_image = transform(image=image)
def __init__(self, opt): # super(Batch_Balanced_Dataset, self).__init__() self.tbaug = TenBrightAug() self.incbaug = IncBrightAug() self.colaug = ColorAug() self.distortaug = DistortAug() self.grayimg = GrayImg() self.binimg = BinImg() self.jpgaug = JPEGAug(0.8) self.resizeimg = ResizeAug(opt.imgW, opt.imgH) self.resizeimg_test = ResizeAug(opt.imgW, opt.imgH, rand_scale=False) l1 = len(opt.train_data.strip().split(',')) if l1 == 1: self.batch_sizes = [int(opt.batch_size)] elif l1 == 3: self.batch_sizes = [ int(opt.batch_size * opt.batch_ratio), opt.batch_size - int(opt.batch_size * opt.batch_ratio) ] elif l1 == 4: b1 = int(opt.batch_size * opt.batch_ratio2) self.batch_sizes = [int(b1 * opt.batch_ratio), 0, 0] self.batch_sizes[1] = b1 - self.batch_sizes[0] self.batch_sizes[ 2] = opt.batch_size - self.batch_sizes[0] - self.batch_sizes[1] if not opt.alldata: self.test_books = [ '200021660', '200005598', 'hnsd006', 'umgy003', '100249416', 'umgy011', 'umgy010' ] else: print('use all data') self.test_books = [ # '200021660', # '200005598', 'hnsd006', 'umgy003', '100249416', 'umgy011', 'umgy010' ] self.train_tf1 = transforms.Compose([ self.distortaug, self.colaug, self.tbaug, self.incbaug, self.grayimg, self.binimg, self.tbaug, self.incbaug, self.jpgaug, self.resizeimg, transforms.ToTensor() ]) self.train_tf0 = transforms.Compose( [self.grayimg, self.resizeimg, transforms.ToTensor()]) self.train_tf00 = Compose([ OneOf([ OpticalDistortion(distort_limit=0.05, shift_limit=10, border_mode=cv2.BORDER_WRAP, p=0.5), ElasticTransform(p=0.5, alpha=1, sigma=50, alpha_affine=0.2, border_mode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT) ]), OneOf([ CLAHE(), Solarize(), RandomBrightness(), RandomContrast(limit=0.2), RandomBrightnessContrast(), ]), JpegCompression(quality_lower=20, quality_upper=100), RandomShadow(num_shadows_lower=1, num_shadows_upper=2), PadIfNeeded(min_height=64, min_width=100, border_mode=cv2.BORDER_CONSTANT, p=0.5), Cutout(num_holes=8, max_h_size=16, max_w_size=16), InvertImg(p=0.3), ToGray() ]) self.train_tf01 = Compose([ JpegCompression(quality_lower=20, quality_upper=100), Cutout(num_holes=4, max_h_size=8, max_w_size=8), InvertImg(p=0.3) ]) self.randtf = transforms.RandomApply([self.distortaug]) self.train_tf2 = transforms.Compose( [self.resizeimg_test, transforms.ToTensor()]) self.data_loader_list = [] self.datasets = [] self.data_samplers = [] self.opt = opt self.train_data = opt.train_data.strip().split(',') if not 'txt' in self.train_data[0]: self.datasets.append( RealImageLMDB(self.train_data[0], transform=self.train_tf0, transform2=self.train_tf00, testBooks=self.test_books, character=opt.character, max_batch_length=opt.batch_max_length)) else: self.datasets.append( RealImageTxtLMDB(self.train_data[0], transform=self.train_tf0, transform2=self.train_tf00, testBooks=self.test_books, max_batch_length=opt.batch_max_length)) if len(self.train_data) == 3: self.datasets.append( SynthImageLMDB(self.train_data[1], self.train_data[2], transform=self.train_tf2, transform2=self.train_tf01, size=(opt.imgH, opt.imgW), gray_bin_ratio=0.5, max_label_length=opt.batch_max_length)) if len(self.train_data) == 4: self.datasets.append( RealImageTxtLMDB(self.train_data[3], transform=self.train_tf0, transform2=self.train_tf00, testBooks=self.test_books, max_batch_length=opt.batch_max_length)) for i in range(len(self.datasets)): train_sampler = self.datasets[i]) self.data_samplers.append(train_sampler) self.data_loader_list.append( DataLoader(self.datasets[i], num_workers=int(opt.workers), shuffle=False, sampler=train_sampler, batch_size=self.batch_sizes[i], collate_fn=collate_fn, pin_memory=True, drop_last=True)) self.dataloader_iter_list = [iter(i) for i in self.data_loader_list] self.test_tf = transforms.Compose( [self.grayimg, self.resizeimg_test, transforms.ToTensor()]) self.test_dataset = RealImageLMDB(self.train_data[0], self.test_tf, testBooks=self.test_books, isTest=True, character=opt.character) self.test_sampler = self.test_dataset) self.test_loader = DataLoader(self.test_dataset, num_workers=int(opt.workers), shuffle=False, sampler=self.test_sampler, batch_size=max(2, int(opt.batch_size / 8)), collate_fn=collate_fn, drop_last=True)
def main(): dt_config = Config() dt_config.display() train_aug = Compose( [ GaussNoise(p=1.0), RandomShadow(p=0.5), RandomRain(p=0.5, rain_type="drizzle"), RandomContrast(limit=0.2, p=0.5), RandomGamma(gamma_limit=(80, 120), p=0.5), RandomBrightness(limit=0.2, p=0.5), HueSaturationValue( hue_shift_limit=5, sat_shift_limit=20, val_shift_limit=10, p=0.5 ), CLAHE(p=0.5, clip_limit=2.0), Normalize(p=1.0), ] ) val_aug = Compose([Normalize(p=1.0)]) train_set = KittiStixelDataset( data_path=dt_config.DATA_PATH, ground_truth_path=dt_config.GROUND_TRUTH_PATH, batch_size=parsed_args.batch_size, phase="train", transform=train_aug, customized_transform=utility.HorizontalFlip(p=0.5), ) val_set = KittiStixelDataset( data_path=dt_config.DATA_PATH, ground_truth_path=dt_config.GROUND_TRUTH_PATH, phase="val", transform=val_aug, ) model = build_stixel_net() loss_func = StixelLoss() opt = optimizers.Adam(0.0001) callbacks = [ ModelCheckpoint( os.path.join(dt_config.SAVED_MODELS_PATH, "model-{epoch:03d}.h5"), monitor="val_loss", verbose=1, save_best_only=True, mode="auto", period=1, ), ReduceLROnPlateau( monitor="val_loss", factor=0.1, patience=7, verbose=0, mode="auto", min_lr=0.000001, ), EarlyStopping( monitor="val_loss", min_delta=0, patience=10, verbose=0, mode="auto" ), ] model.compile(loss=loss_func, optimizer=opt) model.summary() history = model.fit_generator( train_set, steps_per_epoch=len(train_set), validation_data=val_set, validation_steps=len(val_set), epochs=parsed_args.num_epoch, callbacks=callbacks, shuffle=True, ) history_path = os.path.join(dt_config.SAVED_MODELS_PATH, "history.pkl"), history.history)
def ImageAugument(): imgs_save_dir = 'data/albu_imgs/' if not os.path.exists(imgs_save_dir): os.makedirs(imgs_save_dir) xmls_save_dir = 'data/albu_xmls/' if not os.path.exists(xmls_save_dir): os.makedirs(xmls_save_dir) path = "data/img" # 文件夹目录 xml_path = "data/xml" files = os.listdir(path) # 得到文件夹下的所有文件名称 # 遍历文件夹 prefix = path + '/' print("begin>>>") for file in tqdm(files): image = cv2.imread(prefix + file) # cv2.imwrite("origin.jpg",image) xml = xml_path + "/" + file[:-4] + ".xml" #示例:使用具有随机孔径线性大小的中值滤波器来模糊输入图像 aug = MedianBlur(p=1) aug_image = aug(image=image)['image'] cv2.imwrite(imgs_save_dir + file[:-4] + 'mb' + '.jpg', aug_image) new_name = xmls_save_dir + "/" + file[:-4] + "mb" + ".xml" # 为文件赋予新名字 shutil.copyfile(xml, new_name) #随机大小的内核模糊输入图像 aug = Blur(p=1) aug_image = aug(image=image)['image'] cv2.imwrite(imgs_save_dir + file[:-4] + 'blur' + '.jpg', aug_image) new_name = xmls_save_dir + "/" + file[:-4] + "blur" + ".xml" # 为文件赋予新名字 shutil.copyfile(xml, new_name) #高斯模糊 aug = GaussNoise(p=1) aug_image = aug(image=image)['image'] cv2.imwrite(imgs_save_dir + file[:-4] + 'gau' + '.jpg', aug_image) new_name = xmls_save_dir + "/" + file[:-4] + "gau" + ".xml" # 为文件赋予新名字 shutil.copyfile(xml, new_name) #随机雨 aug = RandomRain(p=1) aug_image = aug(image=image)['image'] cv2.imwrite(imgs_save_dir + file[:-4] + 'rain' + '.jpg', aug_image) new_name = xmls_save_dir + "/" + file[:-4] + "rain" + ".xml" # 为文件赋予新名字 shutil.copyfile(xml, new_name) #随机雾 aug = RandomFog(fog_coef_lower=0.2, fog_coef_upper=0.5, alpha_coef=0.1, p=1) aug_image = aug(image=image)['image'] cv2.imwrite(imgs_save_dir + file[:-4] + 'fog' + '.jpg', aug_image) new_name = xmls_save_dir + "/" + file[:-4] + "fog" + ".xml" # 为文件赋予新名字 shutil.copyfile(xml, new_name) #太阳耀斑RandomSunFlare aug = RandomSunFlare(p=1) aug_image = aug(image=image)['image'] cv2.imwrite(imgs_save_dir + file[:-4] + 'sun' + '.jpg', aug_image) new_name = xmls_save_dir + "/" + file[:-4] + "sun" + ".xml" # 为文件赋予新名字 shutil.copyfile(xml, new_name) #阴影RandomShadow aug = RandomShadow(p=1) aug_image = aug(image=image)['image'] cv2.imwrite(imgs_save_dir + file[:-4] + 'shadow' + '.jpg', aug_image) new_name = xmls_save_dir + "/" + file[:-4] + "shadow" + ".xml" # 为文件赋予新名字 shutil.copyfile(xml, new_name) #随机雪RandomSnow aug = RandomSnow(p=1) aug_image = aug(image=image)['image'] cv2.imwrite(imgs_save_dir + file[:-4] + 'snow' + '.jpg', aug_image) new_name = xmls_save_dir + "/" + file[:-4] + "snow" + ".xml" # 为文件赋予新名字 shutil.copyfile(xml, new_name) #随机CoarseDropout aug = CoarseDropout(p=1) aug_image = aug(image=image)['image'] cv2.imwrite(imgs_save_dir + file[:-4] + 'drop' + '.jpg', aug_image) new_name = xmls_save_dir + "/" + file[:-4] + "drop" + ".xml" # 为文件赋予新名字 shutil.copyfile(xml, new_name) #随机cutout aug = Cutout(p=1) aug_image = aug(image=image)['image'] cv2.imwrite(imgs_save_dir + file[:-4] + 'cut' + '.jpg', aug_image) new_name = xmls_save_dir + "/" + file[:-4] + "cut" + ".xml" # 为文件赋予新名字 shutil.copyfile(xml, new_name) print("Done")