def setUp(self): from sqlalchemy import create_engine engine = create_engine('sqlite://') try: # nosetest vs pycharm test runner, lets flex settings = get_appsettings('../tests.ini') except: settings = get_appsettings('tests.ini') self.config = testing.setUp(settings=settings) DBSession.configure(bind=engine) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) with transaction.manager: self.founder = User(username='******', password='******', email='*****@*****.**', activated=True, active=True, firstname='founder1_firstname', lastname='founder1_lastname', city='founder1_city', state='founder1_state', title='founder1_title') = BaseCompany(name='testcompany', founded=2015, description='company_desc', startup_teamdescription='company_team_desc', website='company_website', linkedin='company_linkedin', twitterhandle='company_twitter', angelcoprofile='company_angellist') self.admin = User(username='******', password='******', email=settings.get('admin_mail'), activated=False, groups='admin') DBSession.add(self.founder) DBSession.add( DBSession.add(self.admin) for k, v in Settings.settings.iteritems(): if type(v) == dict: DBSession.add(Settings(key=unicode(k), value=unicode(v['value']))) else: if isinstance(v, basestring) and v.startswith('app_config.'): v = settings.get(v[len('app_config.'):]) DBSession.add(Settings(key=unicode(k), value=unicode(v))) DBSession.flush() self.user_id = self.founder.user_id self.founders_created = []
def handle_if_company(k, v, required=True, request=False): from alchemist.models.base import DBSession from import BaseCompany from alchemist.models.settings import Settings if k in ['company', 'company_id']: is_name = False try: company_id = int(v) company = DBSession.query(BaseCompany).get(company_id) except: v = v.replace(new_company_text, '') company = DBSession.query(BaseCompany).filter( == v).first() if not company: company = DBSession.query(BaseCompany).filter( is_name = True assert not required or company, 'The company does not exist.' if not company and is_name: company = BaseCompany() = v if request and request.referer and 'add/founder' in request.referer: company.is_alchemist = True company.alchemistclass = int(Settings.get('alchemistclass')) company.companytype = 'startup' DBSession.add(company) DBSession.flush() return if k == 'company_id' else company return v
def add_empty_connection(request): user = User(primary_type='base') user.activated = True user.login_enabled = False DBSession.add(user) DBSession.flush() return HTTPFound('/base/%s' %
def create_conn(by_user_id, to_id): try: conn = Connection(by_user_id=by_user_id, user_id=to_id) except: logging.error('Please specify by_user_id and to_id fields', exc_info=1) return DBSession.add(conn) DBSession.flush() _, conn.code = gen_ver_code(, 14) return conn
def company(self, value): if and value and == return if DBSession.query(UserXCompany).filter( ==, UserXCompany.user == self, UserXCompany.end_date == None). \ update({'end_date': utcnow().datetime}) DBSession.add(UserXCompany(company=value, user=self, start_date=utcnow().datetime, relation=TypeOfRelation.employee))
def mark_unwanted(request): unwanted_user = int(request.matchdict.get('user_id')) weekly_focus = request.user.weekly_focus.lower().replace(' ', '_') rp = request.POST.get DBSession.add(UnWanted(by_user=request.user, user_id=unwanted_user, weekly_focus=weekly_focus, connected=rp('connected') == 'true', rating=rp('rating'), feedback=rp('feedback'))) cache = get_region('main') cache.invalidate() return HTTPFound(request.referer or '/')
def vote_to_answer(request): aid = request.POST.get('aid', -1) answer = DBSession.query(Answers).filter( == aid).first() vote = DBSession.query(AnswerVotes).filter(AnswerVotes.answer_id == aid).filter( AnswerVotes.user_id == if vote is not None: DBSession.delete(vote) else: vote = AnswerVotes(answer=answer, user=request.user) DBSession.add(vote) vote_count = DBSession.query(func.count( == aid).scalar() return {'votes': vote_count}
def add_company_to_notablecustomers_view(request): if request.method == 'POST': current_company_id = request.POST.get('company_id', False) current_company = DBSession.query(BaseCompany).filter( == current_company_id).first() assert current_company, 'The company you are trying to edit does not exist' new_company_name = request.POST.get('name') new_company = BaseCompany(name=new_company_name) DBSession.add(new_company) current_company.notablecustomers.append(new_company) return {'item': current_company, 'is_my_comp': request.user and request.user.company_id and request.user.company_id ==}
def add_user_view(request): utype = request.matchdict.get('type') user = {'type': utype} company_match = False if request.method == 'POST': try: user = User() for k, v in request.POST.iteritems(): if v == 'on': v = True v = {'true': True, 'false': False}.get(v, v) v = Tag.handle_if_tags(k, v) if k == 'company_id' or k == 'company': try: company_match = getattr(request.user, k) == int(v) except: company_match = == v.strip() if else False v = v.replace(' - Add new company', '') assert company_match or request.user.is_admin, \ 'You just tried to add an user to a company You don\'t have access to. You can\'t do that!' k = 'company' v = handle_if_company(k, v, required=False, request=request) v = handle_file_save('%s_adm_cr_%s' % (getattr(user, 'nicename',, request.authenticated_userid), v) setattr(user, k, v) plain_pass, _ = gen_ver_code(user.nicename) user.password = plain_pass user.activated = True user.login_enabled = False user.primary_type = utype if not user.username: user.username = _, user.ver_code = gen_ver_code('signup_%s' % DBSession.add(user) DBSession.flush() admin_emails = Settings.get('admin_mail') send_mail(admin_emails, 'roleadd', request, {'user': user, 'new_role': utype}) user.send_mail('invite', request, {'plain_pass': plain_pass, 'user_id':, 'hash': user.ver_code}) request.session.flash('Successfully added a new %s' % ( 'Team Member' if company_match else str(user.primary_type).capitalize())) url = '/%s/%s' % (user.primary_type, return HTTPFound(url) except Exception, e: request.session.flash('Error: %s' % e.message, 'error') if request.referer: return HTTPFound(request.referer) raise
def addto_track(request): qid = request.POST.get('qid', -1) question = DBSession.query(Questions).filter( == qid).first() bookmark_ = (request.POST.get('type') == 'bookmark') existed = DBSession.query(Trackers).filter(Trackers.questions_id == qid).filter( Trackers.tracker_id ==, Trackers.is_bookmark == bookmark_).first() if existed: DBSession.delete(existed) return {'type': 'removed'} else: tracker = Trackers(tracker=request.user, question=question, is_bookmark=bookmark_) DBSession.add(tracker) return {'type': 'added'}
def add_answer(request): editor_tags = ['ul', 'li', 'ol', 'strong', 'em', 'p', 'hr', 'span', 'del', 'a', 'br'] answer_text = bleach.clean(request.POST.get('answer', ''), editor_tags, { "*": ["style"], "img": ["src", "width", "height"], }, styles=['text-align']) qid = request.POST.get('qid', -1) question = DBSession.query(Questions).filter( == qid).first() had_answers = len(question.answers) answer = Answers(user=request.user, question=question, text=answer_text) answer.created_at = # TODO put as default (also for question) DBSession.add(answer) DBSession.flush() scheduler.add_job(send_emails_immediate_answer, next_run_time=now(scheduler.timezone).replace(seconds=+30).datetime, kwargs={'answer_id':, 'attr_name': 'answer_notification', 'nice_type': 'New Answer', 'type': 'Answer'}) return HTTPFound('/exchange/%s/show%s' % (qid, '?first_answer=1' if had_answers == 0 else '?answered=1'))
def add_question(request): question = {} if request.method == 'POST': questiontext = bleach.clean(request.POST.get('questiontext'), strip=True) str_tags = request.POST.get('hidTags') question = Questions(text=questiontext, user=request.user) question.tags = Tag.handle_if_tags('tags', str_tags) question.created_at = DBSession.add(question) tracker = Trackers(tracker=request.user, question=question, is_bookmark=False) DBSession.add(tracker) DBSession.flush() # make sure there's no DB Errors before sending out the emails scheduler.add_job(send_emails_immediate_question, next_run_time=now(scheduler.timezone).replace(seconds=+30).datetime, kwargs={'question_id':, 'attr_name': 'question_notification', 'nice_type': 'New Question Asked', 'type': 'Question'}) return {'question': question, 'now': now(request.registry.settings.get('scheduler.timezone'))}
def __getattribute__(self, name): if 'tags' in name: name = 'tags' try: return super(UserMixin, self).__getattribute__(name) except AttributeError: if not self._user and self.user_id: self._user = if not self._user: self._user = User() DBSession.add(self._user) DBSession.flush() self.user_id = if name == 'type': return self._user.type.split(',') return getattr(self._user, name) except DetachedInstanceError: DBSession.add(self._user) return super(UserMixin, self).__getattribute__(name)
def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == 'user_id': if not self._user: self._user = DBSession.query(User).get(value) types = self._user.type.split(',') types.append(self.__tablename__) self._user.type = ','.join(set(types)) return super(UserMixin, self).__setattr__(name, value) if 'tags' in name: name = 'tags' if hasattr(User, name): if not self._user and self.user_id: self._user = DBSession.query(User).get(self.user_id) if not self._user: _user = User() DBSession.add(_user) DBSession.flush() self.user_id = else: DBSession.add(self._user) try: return setattr(self._user, name, value) except DetachedInstanceError: DBSession.add(self._user) return setattr(self._user, name, value) else: return super(UserMixin, self).__setattr__(name, value)
def main(argv=sys.argv): if len(argv) < 2: usage(argv) config_uri = argv[1] options = parse_vars(argv[2:]) setup_logging(config_uri) settings = get_appsettings(config_uri, options=options) engine = engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.') DBSession.configure(bind=engine) Base.metadata.drop_all(engine) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) with transaction.manager: user = User(username='******', password='******', email=settings.get('admin_mail'), activated=True, groups='admin') DBSession.add(user) DBSession.flush() for k, v in Settings.settings.iteritems(): if type(v) == dict: DBSession.add(Settings(key=unicode(k), value=unicode(v['value']))) else: if isinstance(v, basestring) and v.startswith('app_config.'): v = settings.get(v[len('app_config.'):]) DBSession.add(Settings(key=unicode(k), value=unicode(v))) DBSession.flush()
def __getattribute__(self, item): try: return super(User, self).__getattribute__(item) except DetachedInstanceError: # if cached we need to attach session DBSession.add(self) return super(User, self).__getattribute__(item)
def useredit_ajax_view(request): auth_user = userid = request.matchdict.get('user_id', if auth_user.is_admin else current_type = request.matchdict.get('type') if not current_type: if 'connection' in request.path: current_type = 'connection' else: current_type = User.gettype(userid) realtype = all_types.get(current_type, current_type) if current_type == 'company': cid = request.matchdict.get('user_id') if 'company' in request.referer: item = DBSession.query(BaseCompany).get(cid) else: item = DBSession.query(BaseCompany).join(User).filter( == cid).first() assert auth_user.is_admin or int( in [ for e in item.employees], \ 'No rights to access this company' elif current_type == 'base': item =, False) elif current_type == 'tag': item = DBSession.query(Tag).filter( == userid).first() if not item and auth_user.is_admin and request.POST: item = Tag(text=request.POST.get('value', '').strip()) DBSession.add(item) elif current_type == 'connection': con_id = request.matchdict.get('con_id') item = DBSession.query(Connection).filter( == con_id).first() if con_id else None else: item = DBSession.query(realtype).join(User).filter( == userid).first() if not item and current_type in user_types: item = realtype(user_id=userid) DBSession.add(item) if request.method == 'POST': post_data = request.POST field = post_data.get('name') value = post_data.get('value') select2_company_fields = ['notablecustomers', 'previous_companies', 'startup_wishcustomers', 'areas_of_interest'] select2_founder_fields = ['areas_of_interest'] assert field not in getattr(item, 'only_admin_edit_fields', []) or auth_user.is_admin, 'Only admin can edit that field' try: value = value.strip() except AttributeError: pass if field == 'privatefields_values': value = cPickle.dumps( {k.replace('value[', '').replace(']', ''): v for k, v in post_data.items() if 'value' in k}) elif field == 'acquireddate' or field == 'shutdowndate': value = datetime.strptime(value, '%d %b %Y') if value.strip() else None if field == 'name' and current_type == 'company': if value.strip() != admin_mail = Settings.get('admin_mail').split(',')[0] send_mail(admin_mail, 'company_changed', request, {'name': value, 'old_name':}) if field == 'password': # TODO move to model, use assertions if len(value) < 8 or not any(i.isdigit() for i in value): raise AssertionError('Min password length is 8 characters and must contain at least one digit') if not value and not field.endswith('tags') and field not in select2_company_fields: base_checkbox_field = post_data.get('value[]', '').split('_')[0] setattr(item, field, base_checkbox_field) for bool_field in item.boolean_fields: if bool_field.startswith(base_checkbox_field): setattr(item, bool_field, False) other_field = '%s_other' % base_checkbox_field if hasattr(item, other_field): setattr(item, other_field, '') for field in post_data.getall('value[]'): if 'other' in field: fsplit = field.split('_:::_') if len(fsplit) > 1: setattr(item, fsplit[0], fsplit[1]) else: setattr(item, field, True) elif field.endswith('tags') or field in select2_founder_fields: value = handle_if_tags(field, ','.join(post_data.getall('value[]'))) elif field in select2_company_fields: value = handle_if_company_tags(field, ','.join(post_data.getall('value[]'))) elif auth_user.is_admin: value = handle_if_company(field, value, required=False) handle_if_typechange(item, field, value) setattr(item, field, value) return 'OK' return ''
def register(request): form = RegistrationForm(request.POST) # Roles for front-end JS fields updating roles = DBSession.query(Role).all() roles_dict_for_js = json.dumps(dict([(str(, i.title) for i in roles])) if request.POST and form.validate(): duplicate = False try: duplicate = User.get_by_login( except: logging.error('Could not check duplicate', exc_info=1) # dirty hack to walkaround fieldlist populating user error form_meetings = form.meetings del form.meetings # Updating preferred contact method, if "Other" was specified. if == 'Other (specify below)': = company = None try: company = DBSession.query(BaseCompany).get(int('companies:', ''))) except ValueError: # Creating a new company, if a new company was typed cleaned_name =, '').replace('companies:', '').strip() if cleaned_name: company = BaseCompany() = cleaned_name DBSession.add(company) = company # Creating new user new_user = User() for m2m_field in ['tags', 'areas_of_interest', 'industries_of_focus', 'speaking_topics', 'indinvestinterests', 'areas_of_service']: cleaned_data = map(lambda x: (x.split(':')[1] if len(x.split(':')) > 1 else x), form[m2m_field].data.split(',')) getattr(form, m2m_field).data = Tag.handle_if_tags('tags', ','.join(cleaned_data)) form.populate_obj(new_user) new_user.activated = True new_user.login_enabled = False new_user.ver_code = '' # Make the primary_type, the highest number's match from above roles = new_user.primary_type = roles[0].title del form.tags # ugly hack because this form library has no way to specify the relation of fields to objects if company: form.populate_obj(company) DBSession.add(new_user) # Creating new calendar if 'Regular Mentor' == new_user.mentor_type and 'mentor' in new_user.type: for subform in form_meetings: new_calendar = Calendar() new_calendar.user = new_user new_calendar.default_location = new_calendar.start_date = subform.form.populate_obj(new_calendar) DBSession.add(new_calendar) # Saving to Solve360 CRM new_user.assistant_name_for_solve = ' '.join([new_user.assistant_firstname, new_user.assistant_lastname]) new_user.company_name_for_solve = if company else None # Mondays 10am-12pm Bi-Weekly, # Wednesdays 7pm-10pm Weekly, # Wednesdays 7am-11am Bi-Weekly new_user._meetings = ',\r\n'.join( ['{weekday} {start_time}-{end_time} {event_frequency}'.format(** for m in form_meetings] ) crm.create_contact(payload=crm.map_object(new_user)) send_mail( to=Settings.get('registration_form_to', Settings.get('admin_mail')), etype='new_profile_admin', request=request, data={'u': new_user, 'duplicate': duplicate} ) return HTTPFound(location='/register-profile-success') return { 'form': form, 'roles_dict_for_js': roles_dict_for_js, }
def add_company_view(request): if request.method == 'POST': company_name = request.POST.get('name') DBSession.add(BaseCompany(name=company_name)) return {'added': company_name} return {}
def main(argv=sys.argv): if len(argv) < 2: usage(argv) config_uri = argv[1] options = parse_vars(argv[2:]) setup_logging(config_uri) settings = get_appsettings(config_uri, options=options) engine = engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.') DBSession.configure(bind=engine) Base.metadata.drop_all(engine) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) with transaction.manager: user = User(username='******', password='******', email=settings.get('admin_mail'), activated=True, groups='admin') DBSession.add(user) DBSession.flush() for k, v in Settings.settings.iteritems(): if type(v) == dict: DBSession.add(Settings(key=unicode(k), value=unicode(v['value']))) else: if isinstance(v, basestring) and v.startswith('app_config.'): v = settings.get(v[len('app_config.'):]) DBSession.add(Settings(key=unicode(k), value=unicode(v))) DBSession.flush() print 'Starting to import data from spreadsheets' # if 1: if 0: from gdata.spreadsheet.service import SpreadsheetsService founder_columns = {} founders = [] to_founder_keys = {'Technical Co-Founder List?': 'technical', 'Email': 'email', 'Address': 'address', 'Alchemist Class #': 'alchemistclass', 'Public LinkedIn Profile': 'linkedin_profile', 'Areas of Expertise': 'tags', 'First Name': 'firstname', 'Last Name': 'lastname', 'Are you the CEO? (One and only one co-founder must be designated CEO)': 'ceo', 'Phone (Other)': '', 'Title': 'title', 'Are you an IoT company?': 'company.iot', 'Base Row': '', 'Company': 'company', 'Phone (Mobile)': 'phone', } to_company_keys = { 'name': 'name', 'description': 'description', 'twitterhandle': 'twitterhandle', 'email': 'email', 'website': 'website', 'tags': 'tags', 'braggingtext': 'braggingtext', 'totalraise': 'totalraise', 'haveraise': 'haveraise', 'logo': 'logo', 'alchemistclass': 'alchemistclass' } ss = SpreadsheetsService() = 'email' ss.password = '******' ss.ProgrammaticLogin() for shkey in []: print 'Starting to import companies from %s' % shkey linenr = 0 linestoskip = 7 headerline = 2 company_columns = {} for t in ss.GetListFeed(shkey).entry: linenr += 1 if headerline == linenr: for k, v in t.custom.iteritems(): if (v.text or '').strip() in to_company_keys: company_columns[k] = to_company_keys[v.text.strip()] print 'Got company_columns %s' % company_columns if linenr <= linestoskip: print 'skipping line %s' % linenr continue company_values = {} for k, v in t.custom.iteritems(): if k in company_columns: val = (getattr(v, 'text', '') or '').strip() if company_columns[k] in BaseCompany.boolean_fields: val = val.lower() == 'yes' company_values[company_columns[k]] = val company_values['tags'] = handle_if_tags('tags', company_values.get('tags', '').strip()) if not (company_values and company_values.get('name', '').strip() and company_values.get('description', '').strip()): print 'skipping because no values %s ' % company_values continue if 'logo' in company_values: logo_ = 'http%s' % company_values['logo'].split('http')[-1] if 'dropbox' in logo_: logo_ = logo_.split('?')[0] + '?raw=1' elif 'google' in logo_: logo_ = '' % \ logo_.split('/')[-2] company_values['logo'] = logo_ company = DBSession.query(BaseCompany).filter( == company_values['name']).first() if company and company.description and print 'not importing %s already filled some info' % continue elif company: for cf, cv in company_values.iteritems(): if hasattr(company, cf): setattr(company, cf, cv) else: DBSession.add(BaseCompany(**company_values)) DBSession.flush() print 'stating to import founders' for t in ss.GetListFeed('0As9IMrvjc_FqdGdiOHN3ZWhveWg5eHF1WVdmbGI4Vnc').entry: if not founder_columns: for k, v in t.custom.iteritems(): founder_columns[k] = v.text else: founder = {} for k, v in t.custom.iteritems(): if k in founder_columns and founder_columns[k] and \ to_founder_keys[founder_columns[k].strip()]: founder[to_founder_keys[founder_columns[k].strip()]] = v.text founders.append(founder) for founder in founders: company_name = founder.pop('company') is_iot = founder.pop('company.iot') if 'company.iot' in founder else False address = founder.pop('address') if 'address' in founder else '' try: if founder.get('email', '').strip(): assert re.match(r'[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+', founder['email'].strip()), 'Invalid email address' except: print 'invalid email %s' % founder['email'] if 'email' in founder else '(no email)' founder['email'] = '*****@*****.**' if company_name: for c_ext in ['INC', 'Inc.', 'Inc', 'LLC', 'llc']: company_name = company_name.replace(c_ext, '').strip() company = DBSession.query(BaseCompany).filter( func.lower( == func.lower(company_name)).first() for split_str in ['/', ' ', ' ']: if company: break for cn_split in company_name.split(split_str): company = DBSession.query(BaseCompany).filter( func.lower( if company: break if company: company_id = if is_iot and is_iot.lower() == 'yes': company.iot = True c_address = getattr(company, 'address', '') if address and (not c_address or not str(c_address).strip()): company.address = address else: company = BaseCompany(name=company_name, iot=(is_iot and is_iot.lower() == 'yes'), address=address) DBSession.add(company) DBSession.flush() company_id = for k in ['ceo', 'technical']: if k not in founder: founder[k] = False founder[k] = str(founder[k]).lower() == 'yes' if company and not company.alchemistclass and 'alchemistclass' in founder and founder[ 'alchemistclass'].strip(): try: company.alchemistclass = int(founder['alchemistclass'].strip()) except: pass if 'ceo' in founder and founder['ceo'] and not ('CEO' in founder['title'] or 'C.E.O' in founder['title'] or 'Chief Exec' in founder['title']): founder['title'] += (', ' if founder['title'].strip() else '') + 'CEO' if 'ceo' in founder and 'title' in founder and \ not founder['ceo'] and ('CEO' in founder['title'] or 'C.E.O' in founder['title'] or 'Chief Exec' in founder['title']): founder['ceo'] = True founder['company_id'] = company_id founder['activated'] = True founder['active'] = True founder['tags'] = handle_if_tags('tags', founder.get('tags', '').strip(), [',', 'and', ';']) DBSession.add(Founder(**founder))
def email_migrate(argv=sys.argv): if len(argv) < 2: usage(argv) config_uri = argv[1] options = parse_vars(argv[2:]) setup_logging(config_uri) settings = get_appsettings(config_uri, options=options) engine = engine_from_config(settings, 'sqlalchemy.') DBSession.configure(bind=engine) from petl import fromcsv conn_data = fromcsv('import_connections.csv').dicts() # conn_data = [] users_changed = [] users_added = 0 state_to_abbr = dict([(x[1], x[0]) for x in USPS_CHOICES]) print 'processing connections' with transaction.manager: for v in conn_data: user = DBSession.query(User).filter( or_(func.lower( == v['_email'].lower(), func.lower(User.linkedin_email) == v['_email'].lower(), and_(func.lower(User.firstname) == v['firstname'].lower(), func.lower(User.lastname) == v['lastname'].lower())) ).first() if user: for attrn, val in v.iteritems(): if not val or not attrn or attrn in ('_email',): continue val = val.strip() if attrn == 'company' and not user.company_id: repl_val = val.lower().rstrip('.').replace('llc', '').replace('corporation', ''). \ replace('corp', '').replace('inc', '').rstrip(',').strip() print 'searching:', repl_val, val company = DBSession.query(BaseCompany).filter( or_( == val, func.lower( == val.lower(), func.regexp_replace(func.lower(func.btrim(, ',\s(inc|corporation|corp|llc)\.?$', '') == repl_val, func.regexp_replace(func.lower(func.btrim(, '\s(inc|corporation|corp|llc)\.?$', '') == repl_val )).first() if not company and val: company = BaseCompany(name=val) DBSession.add(company) val = company if attrn == 'area of expertise' and val: attrn = 'tag' tag = DBSession.query(Tag).filter(Tag.text == val).first() if tag and len(filter(lambda t: t.text == val, user.tags)) == 0: user.tags.append(tag) if attrn == 'state': val = state_to_abbr.get(val) if val and hasattr(user, attrn) and not getattr(user, attrn): print 'setting connection.%s.%s = %s' % (, attrn, val) setattr(user, attrn, val) users_changed.append( DBSession.flush() users_changed = list(set(users_changed)) print '%s new users added, %s users changed: %s' % (users_added, len(users_changed), users_changed) del conn_data comp_data = fromcsv('companies_data.csv').dicts() companys_changed = [] companys_added = 0 print 'starting to process companies' with transaction.manager: for v in comp_data: if not v['name'].strip(): continue company = DBSession.query(BaseCompany).filter( or_( == v['name'].strip()) ).first() if company: for attrn, val in v.iteritems(): if not val or not attrn or attrn in ('_email',): continue val = val.strip() attrn = attrn.replace('company_', '') if attrn == 'founded': try: val = int(val) except: continue if val and hasattr(company, attrn) and not getattr(company, attrn): print 'setting company.%s.%s = %s' % (, attrn, val) setattr(company, attrn, val) companys_changed.append( DBSession.flush() companys_changed = list(set(companys_changed)) print '%s new companys added, %s companys changed: %s' % ( companys_added, len(companys_changed), companys_changed)
def setting_add_view(request): key = request.matchdict.get('key_to_add') DBSession.add(Settings(key=key, value='')) return HTTPFound('/settings')
def notificate(self, text): return DBSession.add(Notification(user=self, message=text))