コード例 #1
def mk_notifiable_disease_alert(disease, alert_type, reporting_period, val, loc):
    notif = Notification(alert_type=alert_type)
    notif.uid = 'disease_%s_%s_%s' % (disease, reporting_period, loc.code)
    notif.text = '%d cases of %s reported in %s %s' % (val, disease, loc.name, loc.type.name)
    notif.url = None
    notif.originating_location = loc
    return notif
コード例 #2
def mk_notifiable_disease_alert2(disease, alert_type, reporting_period, loc, district_data):
    notif = Notification(alert_type=alert_type)
    rr = "%s_%s" % (reporting_period[0].date().strftime('%F'), reporting_period[0].strftime('%H:%M-') + reporting_period[1].strftime('%H:%M'))
    notif.uid = 'disease_%s_%s_%s' % (disease, rr, loc.code)
    txt = "Urgent - "
    has_cases = False
    for d in district_data['data'].values():
        if d['val'] > 0:
            has_cases = True
            txt += "%s at %s %s reported %s cases of %s" % (','.join(d['reporters']), d['name'], d['type'], d['val'], disease)
    if has_cases:
        notif.text = txt
        notif.sms_text = txt
    else: notif.text = ''
    notif.url = None
    notif.originating_location = loc
    return notif