コード例 #1
ファイル: Importer.py プロジェクト: belwar/alfanous
    def __init__( self, pathindex, pathstore ):
        self.pathindex = pathindex
        self.pathstore = pathstore

        if not os.path.exists( pathindex ):
            os.mkdir( pathindex )

        storage = FileStorage( pathindex )
        if not index.exists( storage ):
            self.index = storage.create_index( self.schema )
            self.index = storage.open_index()
コード例 #2
ファイル: importer.py プロジェクト: delassiops/alfanous
    def __init__(self, pathindex, pathstore):
        self.pathindex = pathindex
        self.pathstore = pathstore

        if not os.path.exists(pathindex):

        storage = FileStorage(pathindex)
        if not index.exists(storage):
            self.index = storage.create_index(self.schema)
            self.index = storage.open_index()
コード例 #3
ファイル: Transformer.py プロジェクト: 01walid/alfanous
class Transformer:
    """load the data from the main database to create schema and document index


    def __init__( self, ixpath, dypypath, dbpath = "main.db" ):
        if dbpath:
            self.__mainDb = self.__connect( dbpath )
        if not( os.path.exists( ixpath ) ):
            os.makedirs( ixpath )
        self.__storage = FileStorage( ixpath )
        self.__ixpath = ixpath
        self.__dypypath = dypypath

    def __str__( self ):
        return "< Alfanous.Transformer >"

    def __connect( self, dbpath ):
        return lite.connect( dbpath )

    def change_DB( self, dbpath ):
        return self.__connect( dbpath )

    def __3states( self, str ):
        if str == "yes":return "True"
        elif str == "no":return "False"
        else :return None

    def build_schema( self, tablename ):
        """build schema from field table"""

        print "require list of fields ..."
        cur = self.__mainDb.cursor()
        cur.execute( "select search_name,type,analyser,is_stored,boost,phrase,is_scorable,is_unique,format from field where table_name='" + tablename + "' and is_indexed='yes'" )
        res = cur.fetchall()

        print "processing list found  and building raw schema ..."
        Schema_raw = "Schema("
        for line  in res:

            print line
            search_name = str( line[0] )
            if search_name not in ["", "None"]:
                Schema_raw += search_name + "="
                type = str( line[1] ).upper()
                if type == "NONE":type = "STORED"
                Schema_raw += type + "("
                Comma = False
                analyser = str( line[2] )
                if not( analyser == "None" or analyser == "" ):
                    Schema_raw += "analyzer=" + analyser
                    Comma = True
                is_stored = self.__3states( str( line[3] ) )
                if is_stored in ["True", "False"]:
                    if Comma == True:Schema_raw += ","
                    Schema_raw += "stored=" + is_stored
                    Comma = True
                boost = str( line[4] )
                if not( boost == "None" or boost == "" ):
                    if Comma == True:Schema_raw += ","
                    Schema_raw += "field_boost=" + boost
                    Comma = True
                if phrase in ["True","False"]:
                    if Comma==True:Schema_raw+=","
                if is_scorable in ["True","False"]:
                    if Comma==True:Schema_raw+=","
                is_unique = self.__3states( str( line[7] ) )
                if is_unique in ["True", "False"]:
                    if Comma == True:Schema_raw += ","
                    Schema_raw += "unique=" + is_stored
                    Comma = True

                format = str( line[8] )
                if not( format == "None" or format == "" ):
                    if Comma == True:Schema_raw += ","
                    Schema_raw += "vector=" + format
                    Comma = True

                Schema_raw += "),"
        else: pass #ignored
        Schema_raw = Schema_raw[:-1] + ")"
        print Schema_raw
        resSchema = None
        exec "resSchema=" + Schema_raw

        #print resSchema
        return resSchema

    def transfer( self, ix, tablename = "aya" ):
        """transfer from database to index"""
        self.__unlock_docindex( ix )
                #print "search fields real names ..."

        schema = ix.schema
        cur = self.__mainDb.cursor()
        seq = []
        for field in schema.field_names():
            seq.append( field )
        query = "select name,search_name from field where search_name IN ('" + "','".join( seq ) + "')"
        cur.execute( query )

        #build dict{search_name:name}  and re-order it
        names_dict = {}
        for line in cur.fetchall():
            names_dict[line[1]] = line[0]

        seq = []
        for field in schema.field_names():
            seq.append( names_dict[field] )

        #print "loading DATA..."
        query = "select " + ",".join( map( lambda x: '"' + x + '"', seq ) ) + " from " + tablename
        #print query
        cur.execute( query )
        Data = cur.fetchall()

        print "writing documents in index (total: %d) ...." % len( Data )
        writer = ix.writer()

        cpt = 0
        for line in Data:
            write_cmd = "writer.add_document("
            i = 0
            for field in schema.field_names():
                f, v = field, line[i]
                if v.__class__ == str: write_cmd += f + "=u\"" + unicode( v ) + "\","
                elif v.__class__ == unicode: write_cmd += f + "=u\"" + unicode( v ) + "\","
                elif v.__class__ == int:write_cmd += f + "=" + unicode( v ) + "," #must change 1 to 0001
                i += 1

            write_cmd = write_cmd[:-1] + ")"
            #print write_cmd
            exec write_cmd
            try: pass
            except: print "ERROR"
            cpt += 1
            if not cpt % 1000:
            	print " - milestone:", cpt, "( %d%% )" % ( cpt * 100 / len( Data ) )
        print "done."
        self.__lock_docindex( ix )

    def build_docindex( self, schema, tablename = "aya" ):
        """build document index from aya table"""
        ix = self.__storage.create_index( schema )
        self.transfer( ix, tablename )
        return "OK"

    def update_docindex( self, schema, tablename = "aya" ):
        """update the data in document index
            index schema must have at least an id

        ix = self.__storage.open_index()
        self.__transfer( ix, tablename )
        return "OK"

    def __lock_docindex( self, ix ):
        """ lock index """
        #    ix.lock()
        #except LockError as LE:
        #    print LE

    def __unlock_docindex( self, ix ):
        ix = self.__storage.open_index()
        #return ix.unlock()

    dheader = u"""#coding:utf-8\n


    def transfer_stopwords( self ):
        """ load stopwords from database and save them as a list in a dynamic py """

        cur = self.__mainDb.cursor()
        cur.execute( "select word from stopwords" )
        stoplist = "["
        for item in cur.fetchall():
            stoplist += "u'" + unicode( item[0] ) + "',"
        stoplist += "]"
        raw_str = self.dheader + u"\nstoplist=" + stoplist .replace( ",", ",\n" )

        fich = open( self.__dypypath + "stopwords_dyn.py", "w+" )
        fich.write( raw_str.encode( 'utf8' ) )

        return raw_str

    def transfer_std2uth_words( self ):
        """ load a mapping standard:uthmani and save it as a list in a dynamic py """
        cur = self.__mainDb.cursor()
        cur.execute( "select word_,uthmani   from word" )
        standard2uthmani = {}
        for item in cur.fetchall():
            if item[0] != item[1] and item[1]:
		standard2uthmani[item[0]] = item[1]

        raw_str = self.dheader + u"\nstd2uth_words=" + str( standard2uthmani ).replace( ",", ",\n" )

        fich = open( self.__dypypath + "std2uth_dyn.py", "w+" )
        fich.write( raw_str )

        return raw_str

    def transfer_synonymes( self ):
        """ load synonymes from database and save them as a list in a dynamic py """

        cur = self.__mainDb.cursor()
        cur.execute( "select word,synonymes from synonymes" )
        wordregex = re.compile( u"[^ ,،]+" )
        syndict = {}
        for item in cur.fetchall():
            synlist = []
            for w in wordregex.findall( item[1] ):
                synlist.append( nor_( w ) )

            syndict[nor_( item[0] )] = synlist #

        raw_str = self.dheader + u"\nsyndict=" + str( syndict ).replace( ",", ",\n" )

        fich = open( self.__dypypath + "synonymes_dyn.py", "w+" )
        fich.write( raw_str )

        return raw_str

    def transfer_ara2eng_names( self ):
        """ load the arabic names of fields and save the as a dictionary"""

        cur = self.__mainDb.cursor()
        cur.execute( "select name_arabic,search_name from field where table_name='aya'" )
        #wordregex=re.compile(u"[^ ,،]+")
        ara2engdict = {}
        for item in cur.fetchall():
            ara2engdict[item[0]] = item[1]

        raw_str = self.dheader + u"\nara2eng_names=" + str( ara2engdict ).replace( ",", ",\n" )

        fich = open( self.__dypypath + "arabicnames_dyn.py", "w+" )
        fich.write( raw_str )

        return raw_str

    def make_spellerrors_dict( self ):
        """ make the spell errors dictionary
        @deprecated: forget this!

        D = QseDocIndex()
        R = QReader( D )
        nor = QArabicSymbolsFilter( True, True, True, True ).normalize_all
        spell_err = {}
        for term in R.reader.all_terms():
            if term[0] in ["aya"]:
                normalized = nor( term[1] )
                if spell_err.has_key( normalized ):
                    spell_err[normalized].append( term[1] )
                    spell_err[normalized] = [term[1]]

        #print "\n".join( [unicode( key ) + u":" + ",".join( value ) for key, value in spell_err.items()] )

        raw_str = self.dheader + u"\nspell_err=" + str( spell_err )

        fich = open( self.__dypypath + "spellerrors_dyn.py", "w+" )
        fich.write( raw_str )

    def build_speller( self, indexname = "NO_SPELL", fields = [] ):
        """ build a spellchecker based on specified fields it in storage """
        ayaspeller = SpellChecker( self.__storage, indexname = indexname )
        for field in fields:
            ayaspeller.add_field( self.__storage.open_index(), field )

    def transfer_word_props( self ):
        """ load word props from database and save them as a list in a dynamic py """
        cur = self.__mainDb.cursor()
        props = ["word", "word_", "root", "type"]
        cur.execute( "select " + ",".join( props ) + " from word" )
        worddict = {}
        for prop in props:
            worddict[prop] = []

        for item in cur.fetchall():
            i = 0
            for prop in props:
                worddict[prop].append( item[i] );i += 1

        raw_str = self.dheader + u"\nworddict=" + str( worddict ).replace( ",", ",\n" )

        fich = open( self.__dypypath + "word_props_dyn.py", "w+" )
        fich.write( raw_str )

        return raw_str

    def transfer_derivations( self ):
        """ load word derivations from database and save them as a list in a dynamic py """
        cur = self.__mainDb.cursor()
        levels = ["word_", "lemma", "root"]
        cur.execute( "select " + ",".join( levels ) + " from word" )
        derivedict = {}
        for level in levels:
            derivedict[level] = []

        for item in cur.fetchall():
            i = 0
            for level in levels:
                derivedict[level].append( item[i] );i += 1

        raw_str = self.dheader + u"\nderivedict=" + str( derivedict ).replace( ",", ",\n" )

        fich = open( self.__dypypath + "derivations_dyn.py", "w+" )
        fich.write( raw_str )

        return raw_str

    def transfer_vocalizations( self ):
        """ load indexed vocalized words  from the main index and save them as a list in a dynamic py """
	QSE = QuranicSearchEngine( self.__ixpath )

	if QSE.OK:
		mfw = QSE.most_frequent_words( 9999999, "aya_" )
		mfw = []

	V = QArabicSymbolsFilter( \
                                shaping = False, \
                                tashkil = True, \
                                spellerrors = False, \
                                hamza = False \

        vocalization_dict = {}
        for w in mfw:
            word = w[1]
            if vocalization_dict.has_key( V( word ) ):
                vocalization_dict[V( word )].append( word )
                vocalization_dict[V( word )] = [word]

        raw_str = self.dheader + u"\nvocalization_dict=" + str( vocalization_dict ).replace( ",", ",\n" )

        fich = open( self.__dypypath + "vocalizations_dyn.py", "w+" )
        fich.write( raw_str )

        return raw_str
コード例 #4
ファイル: transformer.py プロジェクト: randydom/alfanous
class Transformer:
    def __init__(self, ixpath, dypypath, dbpath="main.db"):
        if dbpath:
            self.__mainDb = self.__connect(dbpath)
        if not (os.path.exists(ixpath)):
        self.__storage = FileStorage(ixpath)
        self.__ixpath = ixpath
        self.__dypypath = dypypath

    def __str__(self):
        return "< Alfanous.Transformer >"

    def __connect(self, dbpath):
        return lite.connect(dbpath)

    def change_DB(self, dbpath):
        return self.__connect(dbpath)

    def __3states(self, str):
        if str == "yes": return "True"
        elif str == "no": return "False"
        else: return None

    def build_schema(self, tablename):
        """build schema from field table"""

        print "require list of fields ..."
        cur = self.__mainDb.cursor()
            "select search_name,type,analyser,is_stored,boost,phrase,is_scorable,is_unique,format from field where table_name='"
            + tablename + "' and is_indexed='yes'")
        res = cur.fetchall()

        print "processing list found  and building raw schema ..."
        Schema_raw = "Schema("
        for line in res:

            print line
            search_name = str(line[0])
            if search_name not in ["", "None"]:
                Schema_raw += search_name + "="
                type = str(line[1]).upper()
                if type == "NONE": type = "STORED"
                Schema_raw += type + "("
                Comma = False
                analyser = str(line[2])
                if not (analyser == "None" or analyser == ""):
                    Schema_raw += "analyzer=" + analyser
                    Comma = True
                is_stored = self.__3states(str(line[3]))
                if is_stored in ["True", "False"]:
                    if Comma: Schema_raw += ","
                    Schema_raw += "stored=" + is_stored
                    Comma = True
                boost = str(line[4])
                if not (boost == "None" or boost == ""):
                    if Comma: Schema_raw += ","
                    Schema_raw += "field_boost=" + boost
                    Comma = True
                if phrase in ["True","False"]:
                    if Comma==True:Schema_raw+=","
                if is_scorable in ["True","False"]:
                    if Comma==True:Schema_raw+=","
                is_unique = self.__3states(str(line[7]))
                if is_unique in ["True", "False"]:
                    if Comma: Schema_raw += ","
                    Schema_raw += "unique=" + is_stored
                    Comma = True

                format = str(line[8])
                if not (format == "None" or format == ""):
                    if Comma: Schema_raw += ","
                    Schema_raw += "vector=" + format
                    Comma = True

                Schema_raw += "),"
            pass  #ignored
        Schema_raw = Schema_raw[:-1] + ")"
        print Schema_raw
        resSchema = None
        exec "resSchema=" + Schema_raw

        #print resSchema
        return resSchema

    def transfer(self, ix, tablename="aya"):
        """transfer from database to index"""
        #print "search fields real names ..."

        schema = ix.schema
        cur = self.__mainDb.cursor()
        seq = []
        for field in schema.field_names():
        query = "select name,search_name from field where search_name IN ('" + "','".join(
            seq) + "')"

        #build dict{search_name:name}  and re-order it
        names_dict = {}
        for line in cur.fetchall():
            names_dict[line[1]] = line[0]

        seq = []
        for field in schema.field_names():

        #print "loading DATA..."
        query = "select " + ",".join(map(lambda x: '"' + x + '"',
                                         seq)) + " from " + tablename
        #print query
        Data = cur.fetchall()

        print "writing documents in index (total: %d) ...." % len(Data)
        writer = ix.writer()

        cpt = 0
        for line in Data:
            write_cmd = "writer.add_document("
            i = 0
            for field in schema.field_names():
                f, v = field, line[i]
                if v.__class__ == str:
                    write_cmd += f + "=u\"" + unicode(v) + "\","
                elif v.__class__ == unicode:
                    write_cmd += f + "=u\"" + unicode(v) + "\","
                elif v.__class__ == int:
                    write_cmd += f + "=" + unicode(
                        v) + ","  #must change 1 to 0001
                i += 1

            write_cmd = write_cmd[:-1] + ")"
            #print write_cmd
            exec write_cmd
                print "ERROR"
            cpt += 1
            if not cpt % 1000:
                print " - milestone:", cpt, "( %d%% )" % (cpt * 100 /
        print "done."

    def build_docindex(self, schema, tablename="aya"):
        """build document index from aya table"""
        ix = self.__storage.create_index(schema)
        self.transfer(ix, tablename)
        return "OK"

    def update_docindex(self, schema, tablename="aya"):
        """update the data in document index
            index schema must have at least an id

        ix = self.__storage.open_index()
        self.__transfer(ix, tablename)
        return "OK"

    def __lock_docindex(self, ix):
        """ lock index """
        #    ix.lock()
        #except LockError as LE:
        #    print LE

    def __unlock_docindex(self, ix):
        ix = self.__storage.open_index()
        #return ix.unlock()

    dheader = u"""#coding:utf-8\n


    def transfer_stopwords(self):
        """ load stopwords from database and save them as a list in a dynamic py """

        cur = self.__mainDb.cursor()
        cur.execute("select word from stopwords")
        stoplist = "["
        for item in cur.fetchall():
            stoplist += "u'" + unicode(item[0]) + "',"
        stoplist += "]"
        raw_str = self.dheader + u"\nstoplist=" + stoplist.replace(",", ",\n")

        fich = open(self.__dypypath + "stopwords_dyn.py", "w+")

        return raw_str

    def transfer_std2uth_words(self):
        """ load a mapping standard:uthmani and save it as a list in a dynamic py """
        cur = self.__mainDb.cursor()
        cur.execute("select word_,uthmani   from word")
        standard2uthmani = {}
        for item in cur.fetchall():
            if item[0] != item[1] and item[1]:
                standard2uthmani[item[0]] = item[1]

        raw_str = self.dheader + u"\nstd2uth_words=" + str(
            standard2uthmani).replace(",", ",\n")

        fich = open(self.__dypypath + "std2uth_dyn.py", "w+")

        return raw_str

    def transfer_synonymes(self):
        """ load synonymes from database and save them as a list in a dynamic py """

        cur = self.__mainDb.cursor()
        cur.execute("select word,synonymes from synonymes")
        wordregex = re.compile(u"[^ ,،]+")
        syndict = {}
        for item in cur.fetchall():
            synlist = []
            for w in wordregex.findall(item[1]):

            syndict[nor_(item[0])] = synlist  #

        raw_str = self.dheader + u"\nsyndict=" + str(syndict).replace(
            ",", ",\n")

        fich = open(self.__dypypath + "synonymes_dyn.py", "w+")

        return raw_str

    def transfer_ara2eng_names(self):
        """ load the arabic names of fields and save the as a dictionary"""

        cur = self.__mainDb.cursor()
            "select name_arabic,search_name from field where table_name='aya'")
        #wordregex=re.compile(u"[^ ,،]+")
        ara2engdict = {}
        for item in cur.fetchall():
            ara2engdict[item[0]] = item[1]

        raw_str = self.dheader + u"\nara2eng_names=" + str(
            ara2engdict).replace(",", ",\n")

        fich = open(self.__dypypath + "arabicnames_dyn.py", "w+")

        return raw_str

    def make_spellerrors_dict(self):
        """ make the spell errors dictionary
        @deprecated: forget this!

        D = QseDocIndex()
        R = QReader(D)
        nor = QArabicSymbolsFilter(True, True, True, True).normalize_all
        spell_err = {}
        for term in R.reader.all_terms():
            if term[0] in ["aya"]:
                normalized = nor(term[1])
                if spell_err.has_key(normalized):
                    spell_err[normalized] = [term[1]]

        #print "\n".join( [unicode( key ) + u":" + ",".join( value ) for key, value in spell_err.items()] )

        raw_str = self.dheader + u"\nspell_err=" + str(spell_err)

        fich = open(self.__dypypath + "spellerrors_dyn.py", "w+")

    def build_speller(self, indexname="NO_SPELL", fields=[]):
        """ build a spellchecker based on specified fields it in storage """
        ayaspeller = SpellChecker(self.__storage, indexname=indexname)
        for field in fields:
            ayaspeller.add_field(self.__storage.open_index(), field)

    def transfer_word_props(self):
        """ load word props from database and save them as a list in a dynamic py """
        cur = self.__mainDb.cursor()
        props = ["word", "word_", "root", "type"]
        cur.execute("select " + ",".join(props) + " from word")
        worddict = {}
        for prop in props:
            worddict[prop] = []
        for item in cur.fetchall():
            # if one of values is None
            if reduce(operator.and_, map(bool, item), True):
                i = 0
                for prop in props:
                    i += 1

        raw_str = self.dheader + u"\nworddict=" + str(worddict).replace(
            ",", ",\n")

        fich = open(self.__dypypath + "word_props_dyn.py", "w+")

        return raw_str

    def transfer_derivations(self):
        """ load word derivations from database and save them as a list in a dynamic py """
        cur = self.__mainDb.cursor()
        levels = ["word_", "lemma", "root"]
        cur.execute("select " + ",".join(levels) + " from word")
        derivedict = {}
        for level in levels:
            derivedict[level] = []

        for item in cur.fetchall():
            i = 0
            for level in levels:
                i += 1

        raw_str = self.dheader + u"\nderivedict=" + str(derivedict).replace(
            ",", ",\n")

        fich = open(self.__dypypath + "derivations_dyn.py", "w+")

        return raw_str

    def transfer_vocalizations(self):
        """ load indexed vocalized words  from the main index and save them as a list in a dynamic py """
        QSE = QuranicSearchEngine(self.__ixpath)

        if QSE.OK:
            mfw = QSE.most_frequent_words(9999999, "aya_")
            mfw = []

        V = QArabicSymbolsFilter( \
                                       shaping = False, \
                                       tashkil = True, \
                                       spellerrors = False, \
                                       hamza = False \

        vocalization_dict = {}
        for w in mfw:
            word = w[1]
            if vocalization_dict.has_key(V(word)):
                vocalization_dict[V(word)] = [word]

        raw_str = self.dheader + u"\nvocalization_dict=" + str(
            vocalization_dict).replace(",", ",\n")

        fich = open(self.__dypypath + "vocalizations_dyn.py", "w+")

        return raw_str