def solve_pnp_ransac(sm, sce_kp_2d, ref_kp_3d, ransac_err=DEF_RANSAC_ERROR, n_iter=RANSAC_ITERATIONS, kernel=RANSAC_KERNEL): # assuming no lens distortion dist_coeffs = None cam_mx = ref_kp_3d = np.reshape(ref_kp_3d, (len(ref_kp_3d), 1, 3)) sce_kp_2d = np.reshape(sce_kp_2d, (len(sce_kp_2d), 1, 2)) retval, rvec, tvec, inliers = cv2.solvePnPRansac( ref_kp_3d, sce_kp_2d, cam_mx, dist_coeffs, iterationsCount=n_iter, reprojectionError=ransac_err, flags=kernel) if not retval: raise PositioningException('RANSAC algorithm returned False') if len(inliers) >= KeypointAlgo.MIN_FEATURES and np.linalg.norm( tvec) > sm.max_distance * 1.1: # BUG in solvePnPRansac: sometimes estimates object to be very far even though enough good inliers # happens with all kernels, reprojectionErrors and iterationsCounts raise PositioningException( 'RANSAC estimated that asteroid at %s km' % (tvec.T, )) return rvec, tvec, inliers
def match_features(desc1, desc2, norm, mask=None, method='brute', symmetry_test=False, ratio_test=True): if desc1 is None or desc2 is None or len( desc1) < KeypointAlgo.MIN_FEATURES or len( desc2) < KeypointAlgo.MIN_FEATURES: raise PositioningException('Not enough features found') if method == 'flann': ss = norm != cv2.NORM_HAMMING FLANN_INDEX_LSH = 6 # for ORB, AKAZE FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE = 0 # for SIFT, SURF index_params = { 'algorithm': FLANN_INDEX_KDTREE if ss else FLANN_INDEX_LSH, 'table_number': 6, # 12 'key_size': 12, # 20 'multi_probe_level': 1, # 2 } if ss: index_params['trees'] = 5 search_params = { 'checks': 100, } matcher = cv2.FlannBasedMatcher(index_params, search_params) elif method == 'brute': matcher = cv2.BFMatcher(norm, symmetry_test) else: assert False, 'unknown method %s' % method if ratio_test: matches = matcher.knnMatch(np.array(desc1), np.array(desc2), 2, mask=mask) else: matches = matcher.match(np.array(desc1), np.array(desc2), mask=mask) if len(matches) < KeypointAlgo.MIN_FEATURES: raise PositioningException('Not enough features matched') if ratio_test: # ratio test as per "Lowe's paper" matches = list( m[0] for m in matches if len(m) > 1 and m[0].distance < KeypointAlgo.LOWE_METHOD_COEF * m[1].distance) if len(matches) < KeypointAlgo.MIN_FEATURES: raise PositioningException('Too many features discarded') return matches
def detect_asteroid(self, sce_img): ih, iw = sce_img.shape[0:2] # Threshold it so it becomes binary ret, bin_img = cv2.threshold(sce_img, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU) # connect close pixels by dilating and eroding kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (5, 5)) bin_img = cv2.morphologyEx(bin_img, cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, kernel) # get connected regions and their stats n, regs, stats, c = cv2.connectedComponentsWithStats(bin_img, 8, cv2.CV_32S) # detect asteroid parts = list(s[cv2.CC_STAT_AREA] for i,s in enumerate(stats) if i>0) if not parts or stats[np.argmax(parts)+1][cv2.CC_STAT_AREA] < self.MIN_PIXELS_FOR_DETECTION: raise PositioningException('No asteroid found') # asteroid parts (i=0 is background) ast_parts = ( i for i,s in enumerate(stats) if i>0 and s[cv2.CC_STAT_AREA]>=self.MIN_PIXELS_FOR_DETECTION ) # check asteroid extent ast_parts = [ ( i, s[cv2.CC_STAT_AREA], s[cv2.CC_STAT_LEFT]/iw, (iw - (s[cv2.CC_STAT_LEFT]+s[cv2.CC_STAT_WIDTH]))/iw, s[cv2.CC_STAT_TOP]/ih, (ih - (s[cv2.CC_STAT_TOP]+s[cv2.CC_STAT_HEIGHT]))/ih ) for i,s in enumerate(stats) if i>0 and s[cv2.CC_STAT_AREA]>=self.MIN_PIXELS_FOR_DETECTION] tot_area = sum((p[1] for p in ast_parts))/iw/ih t1, t2, lm, rm, tm, bm = np.min(ast_parts, axis=0) if DEBUG: print('Asteroid l,r,t,b margins: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f'%(lm, rm, tm, bm), flush=True) if(False): lim = self.ASTEROID_MIN_BORDER_MARGIN if (lm < lim and rm < lim or tm < lim and bm < lim): raise PositioningException('Asteroid too close: margins (l,r,t,b): %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f'%(lm, rm, tm, bm)) else: lim = self.ASTEROID_MAX_SPAN if (1-lm-rm > lim or 1-tm-bm > lim): raise PositioningException('Asteroid too close: span (w,h): %.2f, %.2f'%(1-lm-rm, 1-tm-bm)) # set too small regions to zero in scene image (stars) for i in range(n): if i>0 and i not in [p[0] for p in ast_parts]: sce_img[regs==i] = 0 return tot_area
def _update_matched_features_inner(self, fdb, idxs1, idxs2): nf1 = fdb[4][idxs1[0], idxs1[1]] nf2 = fdb[4][idxs2[0], idxs2[1]] if idxs1 == idxs2 or nf1 == 0 or nf2 == 0: return sc1_desc = fdb[0][idxs1[0], idxs1[1], 0:nf1, :].reshape((nf1, fdb[0].shape[3])) sc1_kp_2d = fdb[1][idxs1[0], idxs1[1], 0:nf1, :].reshape((nf1, fdb[1].shape[3])) sc2_desc = fdb[0][idxs2[0], idxs2[1], 0:nf2, :].reshape((nf2, fdb[0].shape[3])) sc2_kp_3d = fdb[2][idxs2[0], idxs2[1], 0:nf2, :].reshape((nf2, fdb[2].shape[3])) try: matches = KeypointAlgo.match_features(sc1_desc, sc2_desc, self._latest_detector.defaultNorm(), method='brute') # solve pnp with ransac ref_kp_3d = sc2_kp_3d[[m.trainIdx for m in matches], :] sce_kp_2d = sc1_kp_2d[[m.queryIdx for m in matches], :] rvec, tvec, inliers = KeypointAlgo.solve_pnp_ransac(self.system_model, sce_kp_2d, ref_kp_3d, self._ransac_err) # check if solution ok ok, err1, err2 = self.calc_err(rvec, tvec, idxs1[0], idxs2[0], warn=len(inliers) > 30) if not ok: raise PositioningException() fdb[3][idxs1[0], idxs1[1], [matches[i[0]].queryIdx for i in inliers]] = True fdb[3][idxs2[0], idxs2[1], [matches[i[0]].trainIdx for i in inliers]] = True except PositioningException as e: # assert inliers is not None, 'at (%s, %s): ransac failed'%(idxs1, idxs2) pass
def get_image_centroid(self, img, is_scene=False, binary=False): ih, iw, cs = img.shape m = cv2.moments(img[:,:,0], binaryImage=binary) if np.isclose(m['m00'],0): if is_scene: raise PositioningException('No asteroid found') else: raise PositioningException('Algorithm failure: model moved out of view') # image centroid icx = m['m10']/m['m00']/iw*self._cam.width icy = m['m01']/m['m00']/ih*self._cam.height brightness = m['m00']/iw/ih*self._cam.width*self._cam.height # pixel spreads # used to model dimensions of asteroid parts visible in image hr = math.sqrt(m['mu20']/m['m00']) if m['mu20']>0 else 1 vr = math.sqrt(m['mu02']/m['m00']) if m['mu02']>0 else 1 return icx, icy, brightness, hr, vr
def adjust_iteratively(self, sce_img, outfile=None, **kwargs): self.debug_filebase = outfile self._bg_threshold = kwargs.get('bg_threshold', self._bg_threshold) sce_img = self.maybe_load_scene_image(sce_img) if DEBUG: cv2.imshow('target img', sce_img) self.system_model.spacecraft_pos = (0, 0, -self.system_model.min_med_distance) for i in range(self.MAX_ITERATIONS): ox, oy, oz = self.system_model.spacecraft_pos od = math.sqrt(ox**2 + oy**2 + oz**2) if not DEBUG: self.adjust(sce_img) else: try: self.adjust(sce_img) except PositioningException as e: print(str(e)) break finally: cv2.imshow('rendered img', self._ref_img) cv2.waitKey() nx, ny, nz = self.system_model.spacecraft_pos ch = math.sqrt((nx-ox)**2 + (ny-oy)**2 + (nz-oz)**2) if DEBUG: print('i%d: d0=%.2f, ch=%.2f, rel_ch=%.2f%%'%(i, od, ch, ch/od*100)) if ch/od < self.ITERATION_TOL: break if self.CHECK_RESULT_VALIDITY: result_quality = ImageProc.norm_xcorr(sce_img, self._ref_img) if result_quality < self.MIN_RESULT_XCORR: raise PositioningException('Result failed quality test with score: %.3f'%(result_quality,)) if BATCH_MODE and self.debug_filebase: img = self.render(shadows=self.RENDER_SHADOWS) cv2.imwrite(self.debug_filebase+'r.png', img) if DEBUG: cv2.waitKey() cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def optfun(self, *args): if any(map(math.isnan, args)): raise PositioningException('Position resulted in a NAN: %s'(sc_v,)) # disable update events fired when parameters are changed #self.system_model.param_change_events(False) for (n, p), v in zip(self.system_model.get_params(), args): p.nvalue = v self.iter_count += 1 err = self.errfun() # log result self.extra_values.append(err) # enable events again #self.system_model.param_change_events(True) #QCoreApplication.processEvents() return err
def adjust(self, sce_img, ref_img=None, simple=False): sce_img = self.maybe_load_scene_image(sce_img) if not simple: if ref_img is None: ref_img = self.render(shadows=self.RENDER_SHADOWS) th, ref_img = cv2.threshold(ref_img, self._bg_threshold, 255, cv2.THRESH_TOZERO) ref_img = np.atleast_3d(ref_img) self._ref_img = ref_img sc_v = self.match_brightness_centroids(sce_img, ref_img) else: sc_v = self.simple_adjusted_centroid(sce_img) if not BATCH_MODE and DEBUG: print('\nreal pos:\n%s\nest pos:\n%s\n' % ( self.system_model.real_spacecraft_pos, sc_v)) if any(map(math.isnan, sc_v)): raise PositioningException('Position resulted in a NAN: %s'(sc_v,)) self.system_model.spacecraft_pos = sc_v
def solve_pnp(self, orig_sce_img, outfile, feat=ORB, use_feature_db=False, adjust_sc_rot=False, add_noise=False, scale_cam_img=False, vary_scale=False, match_mask_params=None, processing=True, win=35, sigma_col=5, sigma_space=10, sigma_coeff=100, **kwargs): # set max mem usable by reference features, scene features use rest of MAX_WORK_MEM ref_max_mem = KeypointAlgo.FDB_MAX_MEM if use_feature_db else KeypointAlgo.MAX_WORK_MEM / 2 sm = self.system_model self._ransac_err = KeypointAlgo.DEF_RANSAC_ERROR self._render_z = -sm.min_med_distance init_z = kwargs.get('init_z', self._render_z) ref_img_sc = min( 1, self._render_z / init_z) * (sm.view_width if scale_cam_img else self._cam.width) / sm.view_width self.extra_values = None if outfile is not None: self.debug_filebase = outfile + (self.DEBUG_IMG_POSTFIX if isinstance(orig_sce_img, str) else '') if self.est_real_ast_orient: # so that can track rotation of 67P sm.reset_to_real_vals() if use_feature_db and self._fdb_helper is None: from algo.fdbgen import FeatureDatabaseGenerator self._fdb_helper = FeatureDatabaseGenerator( self.system_model, self.render_engine, self.obj_idx) # maybe load scene image if isinstance(orig_sce_img, str): orig_sce_img = self.load_target_image(orig_sce_img) if add_noise: self._shape_model_rng = np.max( np.ptp(sm.asteroid.real_shape_model.vertices, axis=0)) self.timer = Stopwatch() self.timer.start() if use_feature_db: if KeypointAlgo.FDB_REAL: # find correct set of keypoints & descriptors from features db ref_desc, ref_kp_3d, ref_kp, ref_img = self._query_fdb(feat) else: # calculate on-the-fly exactly the same features that would be returned from a feature db ref_desc, ref_kp_3d, ref_kp, ref_img = self._fake_fdb(feat) else: # render model image ref_img, depth_result = self.render_ref_img(ref_img_sc) if False: # normalize ref_img to match sce_img ref_img = ImageProc.equalize_brightness(ref_img, orig_sce_img, percentile=99.999, image_gamma=1.8) if processing: #print("\033[0;32mINFO\033[00m: Bilateral Filter Applied") ref_img = ImageProc.bilateral_filtering( ref_img, win, sigma_col, sigma_space, sigma_coeff) orig_sce_img = ImageProc.bilateral_filtering( orig_sce_img, win, sigma_col, sigma_space, sigma_coeff) if False: gamma = 1.0 / 1.8 ref_img = ImageProc.adjust_gamma(ref_img, gamma) orig_sce_img = ImageProc.adjust_gamma(orig_sce_img, gamma) # get keypoints and descriptors ee = sm.pixel_extent(abs(self._render_z)) ref_kp, ref_desc, self._latest_detector = KeypointAlgo.detect_features( ref_img, feat, maxmem=ref_max_mem, max_feats=KeypointAlgo.MAX_FEATURES, for_ref=True, expected_pixel_extent=ee) if BATCH_MODE and self.debug_filebase: # save start situation in log archive self.timer.stop() img1 = cv2.resize(orig_sce_img, (sm.view_width, sm.view_height)) img2 = cv2.resize(ref_img, (sm.view_width, sm.view_height)) cv2.imwrite(self.debug_filebase + 'a.png', np.concatenate((img1, img2), axis=1)) if DEBUG: cv2.imshow('compare', np.concatenate((img1, img2), axis=1)) self.timer.start() # AKAZE, SIFT, SURF are truly scale invariant, couldnt get ORB to work as good vary_scale = vary_scale if feat == self.ORB else False if len(ref_kp) < KeypointAlgo.MIN_FEATURES: raise PositioningException( 'Too few (%d) reference features found' % (len(ref_kp), )) ok = False for i in range(self.MAX_SCENE_SCALE_STEPS): try: # resize scene image if necessary sce_img_sc = (sm.view_width if scale_cam_img else self._cam.width ) / self._cam.width / self.SCENE_SCALE_STEP**i if np.isclose(sce_img_sc, 1): sce_img = orig_sce_img else: sce_img = cv2.resize(orig_sce_img, None, fx=sce_img_sc, fy=sce_img_sc, interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC) # detect features in scene image sce_max_mem = KeypointAlgo.MAX_WORK_MEM - ( KeypointAlgo.BYTES_PER_FEATURE[feat] + 12) * len(ref_desc) ee = sm.pixel_extent(abs(match_mask_params[2]) ) if match_mask_params is not None else 0 sce_kp, sce_desc, self._latest_detector = KeypointAlgo.detect_features( sce_img, feat, maxmem=sce_max_mem, max_feats=KeypointAlgo.MAX_FEATURES, expected_pixel_extent=ee) if len(sce_kp) < KeypointAlgo.MIN_FEATURES: raise PositioningException( 'Too few (%d) scene features found' % (len(sce_kp), )) # match descriptors try: mask = None if match_mask_params is not None: mask = KeypointAlgo.calc_match_mask( sm, sce_kp, ref_kp, self._render_z, sce_img_sc, ref_img_sc, *match_mask_params) matches = KeypointAlgo.match_features( sce_desc, ref_desc, self._latest_detector.defaultNorm(), mask=mask, method='brute') error = None except PositioningException as e: matches = [] error = e # debug by drawing matches if not BATCH_MODE or DEBUG: print('matches: %s/%s' % (len(matches), min(len(sce_kp), len(ref_kp))), flush=True, end=", ") self._draw_matches(sce_img, sce_img_sc, sce_kp, ref_img, ref_img_sc, ref_kp, matches, pause=False, show=DEBUG) if error is not None: raise error # select matched scene feature image coordinates sce_kp_2d = np.array([ tuple(np.divide(sce_kp[m.queryIdx].pt, sce_img_sc)) for m in matches ], dtype='float') # prepare reference feature 3d coordinates (for only matched features) if use_feature_db: ref_kp_3d = ref_kp_3d[[m.trainIdx for m in matches], :] if add_noise: # add noise to noiseless 3d ref points from fdb self.timer.stop() ref_kp_3d, self.sm_noise, _ = tools.points_with_noise( ref_kp_3d, only_z=True, noise_lv=SHAPE_MODEL_NOISE_LV[add_noise], max_rng=self._shape_model_rng) self.timer.start() else: # get feature 3d points using 3d model ref_kp_3d = KeypointAlgo.inverse_project( sm, [ref_kp[m.trainIdx].pt for m in matches], depth_result, self._render_z, ref_img_sc) if KeypointAlgo.DISCARD_OFF_OBJECT_FEATURES: I = np.where(np.logical_not(np.isnan(ref_kp_3d[:, 0])))[0] if len(I) < self.MIN_FEATURES: raise PositioningException('Too few matches found') sce_kp_2d = sce_kp_2d[I, :] ref_kp_3d = ref_kp_3d[I, :] matches = [matches[i] for i in I] # finally solve pnp with ransac rvec, tvec, inliers = KeypointAlgo.solve_pnp_ransac( sm, sce_kp_2d, ref_kp_3d, self._ransac_err) # debug by drawing inlier matches self._draw_matches(sce_img, sce_img_sc, sce_kp, ref_img, ref_img_sc, ref_kp, [matches[i[0]] for i in inliers], label='c) inliers', pause=self._pause) inlier_count = self.count_inliers(sce_kp, ref_kp, matches, inliers) if DEBUG: print('inliers: %s/%s, ' % (inlier_count, len(matches)), end='', flush=True) if inlier_count < KeypointAlgo.MIN_FEATURES: raise PositioningException( 'RANSAC algorithm was left with too few inliers') # dont try again if found enough inliers ok = True break except PositioningException as e: if not vary_scale: raise e # maybe try again using scaled down scene image if not ok: raise PositioningException( 'Not enough inliers even if tried scaling scene image down x%.1f' % (1 / sce_img_sc)) elif vary_scale: print('success at x%.1f' % (1 / sce_img_sc)) self.timer.stop() # set model params to solved pose & pos self._set_sc_from_ast_rot_and_trans(rvec, tvec, self.latest_discretization_err_q, rotate_sc=adjust_sc_rot) # debugging if not BATCH_MODE or DEBUG: rp_err = KeypointAlgo.reprojection_error(self._cam, sce_kp_2d, ref_kp_3d, inliers, rvec, tvec) sh_err = sm.calc_shift_err() print( 'repr-err: %.2f, rel-rot-err: %.2f°, dist-err: %.2f%%, lat-err: %.2f%%, shift-err: %.1fm' % ( rp_err, math.degrees(sm.rel_rot_err()), sm.dist_pos_err() * 100, sm.lat_pos_err() * 100, sh_err * 1000, ), flush=True) # save result image if BATCH_MODE and self.debug_filebase: # save result in log archive res_img = self.render(shadows=self.RENDER_SHADOWS) sce_img = cv2.resize(orig_sce_img, tuple(np.flipud(res_img.shape))) cv2.imwrite(self.debug_filebase + 'd.png', np.concatenate((sce_img, res_img), axis=1))