def get_production_plan(): """ Endpoint of the REST API that accepts a POST with a payload as we can find in the 'example_payloads' directory. Returns a JSON following the same structure as in 'example_response.json' with the optimal 'p' power for each powerplant to obtain the value of 'load'. """ # Get informations from the payload load = request.json["load"] PowerPlant.wind_percent = request.json["fuels"]["wind(%)"] prices_per_MWh = { "gasfired": request.json["fuels"]["gas(euro/MWh)"], "turbojet": request.json["fuels"]["kerosine(euro/MWh)"], "windturbine": 0 } # Instanciate powerplant objects powerplants = [] for powerplant in request.json["powerplants"]: pp = PowerPlant.create_pp(**powerplant) pp.compute_cost_per_MWh(prices_per_MWh) powerplants.append(pp) # Calculate the unit-commitment algo = Algo(powerplants, load) unit_commitment = algo.calc_unit_commitment() if unit_commitment: return jsonify(unit_commitment) return "WARNING: There is no possible configuration for the requested load"
def play(data,thief,police,goals): #init graph graph = Graph(screen,data,thief,police,goals) #init algo algo = Algo(data[2]) #main loop running = True #limit for num of turns limit=20 #gameover var gameover = False while running: screen.fill(BACKGROUND) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: #player select where to move for thief if not gameover: turn=graph.choose(event.pos) if turn: #police move base on algo here graph.police_move(algo.move(graph.thief,graph.police)) limit-=1 elif event.type == pygame.QUIT: running = False #check who win result = graph.checkWin() if result ==1: #player win misc.message_to_screen('Player wins!',(255,0,0),0,0,'large') m= misc.button("Restart",850,320,150,150,(55,255,255),(0,255,0)) gameover = True if m: return elif result ==2: #police win misc.message_to_screen('Player Lose...',(0,255,0),0,0,'large') m1= misc.button("Restart",850,320,150,150,(55,255,255),(0,255,0)) gameover = True if m1: return elif limit==0: misc.message_to_screen('Its a draw!',(0,0,255),0,0,'large') m2= misc.button("Restart",850,320,150,150,(55,255,255),(0,255,0)) gameover = True if m2: return else: #draw game boundary pygame.draw.rect(screen,(0,0,0),(50,50,700,700),1) #display graph graph.display() #display turns left misc.message_to_screen('Turns left: '+str(limit),(0,0,255),310,-200,'medium') pygame.display.update()
def __init__(self): pygame.init() super().__init__() self.win_w, self.win_h = 1600, 900 = pygame.display.set_mode((self.win_w, self.win_h), pygame.RESIZABLE) self.algo = Algo( self.update_window_size(0) ## ## Movement flags self.moving = False self.draw_outer_circle = False
def __init__(self, port): self.socket = zmq.Context().socket(zmq.REP) self.socket.bind("tcp://" + str(port)) self.algo = Algo() self.stockHandler = self.algo.sdc self.sip = self.algo.sip self.should_shutdown = False
def generateDataset(self): # 生成训练集和测试集 for line in self.__rawData: split = line.split(',') userId = split[0] itemId = split[1] self.__dataSet.setdefault(userId, set()) self.__dataSet[userId].add(itemId) for userId, itemIds in self.__dataSet.items(): testSetItems, trainSetItems = SplitData.randomSplitList( list(itemIds), 0.2) self.__trainSet[userId] = set(trainSetItems) self.__testSet[userId] = set(testSetItems) # 在训练集中,生成用户的正样本和负样本 # 正样本为用户已经产生行为的物品 # 负样本为在整个物品列表中随机挑选用户没有产生过的物品,保证正负样本数量相同 itemsPool = [] # 所有物品,流行度高的出现的次数多 for user, items in self.__trainSet.items(): itemsPool.extend(items) # 带正负样本的训练集 for user, items in self.__trainSet.items(): newItems = {} for item in items: newItems[item] = 1 # 从itemsPool中随机挑选len(items)个负样本 negativeItems = Algo.randomSelect(itemsPool, items, len(items)) for negativeItem in negativeItems: newItems[negativeItem] = 0 self.__trainSet2[user] = newItems
class Generator: def __init__(self, grammar: Grammar): self.grammar = grammar self.algo = Algo() def _recursive_generator(self, curr_word, word_len, words: list): if self.algo.predict(curr_word): words.append(curr_word) for c in self.grammar.alphabet: if len(curr_word) < word_len: self._recursive_generator(curr_word + c, word_len, words) def brute_force_generator(self, max_length=5): words = [] self._recursive_generator('', max_length, words) return words
def maintain(self): algo = Algo(self) while True: if not self.requests.empty() and self.count < self.requests_hold: self.count += 1 request = self.requests.get() self.remaining_requests.append(request) else: break print ('requests = ', self.remaining_requests) robots_states, goods_states = algo.BFS(self.remaining_requests) to_json_file(robots_states, r'../results/robots_states.json') to_json_file(goods_states, r'../results/goods_states.json') #These features (multithread support) will be developed in the future ''' while True: if not self.requests.empty(): if self.count < self.requests_hold: #Need synchronized self.count += 1 request = self.requests.get() #Multi-thread o day? bfs_thread = Thread(target = algo.BFS, args = (request)) bfs_thread.start() self.count -= done_requests else: #Sleep somethings time.sleep(0.1) else: #Sleep somethings break time.sleep(0.05) '''
def train(self, pw, params, policy, critic, policy_loss_file, critic_loss_file, study_name, beta=0) -> None: """ The main function for training and evaluating a policy Repeats training and evaluation params.nb_cycles times Stores the value and policy losses at each cycle When the reward is greater than the best reward so far, saves the corresponding policy :param pw: a policy wrapper, used to save the best policy into a file :param params: the hyper-parameters of the run, specified in or in the command line :param policy: the trained policy :param critic: the corresponding critic (not always used) :param policy_loss_file: the file to record successive policy loss values :param critic_loss_file: the file to record successive critic loss values :param study_name: the name of the studied gradient algorithm :param beta: a specific parameter for beta-parametrized values :return: nothing """ for cycle in range(params.nb_cycles): batch = self.make_monte_carlo_batch(params.nb_trajs, params.render, policy) # Update the policy batch2 = batch.copy_batch() algo = Algo(study_name, params.critic_estim_method, policy, critic, params.gamma, beta, params.nstep) algo.prepare_batch(batch) policy_loss = batch.train_policy_td(policy) # Update the critic assert params.critic_update_method in [ 'batch', 'dataset' ], 'unsupported critic update method' if params.critic_update_method == "dataset": critic_loss = algo.train_critic_from_dataset(batch2, params) elif params.critic_update_method == "batch": critic_loss = algo.train_critic_from_batch(batch2) critic_loss_file.write(str(cycle) + " " + str(critic_loss) + "\n") policy_loss_file.write(str(cycle) + " " + str(policy_loss) + "\n") # policy evaluation part total_reward = self.evaluate_episode(policy, params.deterministic_eval) # plot_trajectory(batch2, self.env, cycle+1) # save best reward agent (no need for averaging if the policy is deterministic) if self.best_reward < total_reward: self.best_reward = total_reward
def backtest_odds(self, start_date, end_date): #breaks up date temp = start_date.split("-") month = int(temp[0]) day = int(temp[1]) year = int(temp[2]) cur_date = start_date content = [] #this is actually a do-while loop while True: games = self.universal.get_games(cur_date) print("date: " + cur_date) for game in games: print(" Game: " + str(game)) # - Strategy 0.0: Bet on algo's projected winner, no matter the odds. # - Strategy 0.1: Bet on oddsmaker's projected winner, no matter the odds. # All below strategies incorporate placing a bet if the algorithm projects a team to win more often than the oddsmaker projects # - Strategy 1: Default strategy. # - Strategy 2: Placing a bet if that team is also the algo's favorite. # - Strategy 3: Placing a bet if that team is the algo's favorite, and the oddsmaker's underdog. # - Strategy 4: Placing a bet if the difference between the algorithm's projected odds and the oddsmaker's odds is also >= 45 to_save = [] strat00 = {"total_bet": 0, "total_win": 0} strat01 = {"total_bet": 0, "total_win": 0} strat1 = {"total_bet": 0, "total_win": 0} strat2 = {"total_bet": 0, "total_win": 0} strat3 = {"total_bet": 0, "total_win": 0} strat4 = {"total_bet": 0, "total_win": 0} for x in range(0, len(games)): #team might not exist anymore, so don't count that game if len(games[x]['team1']) != 0 and len(games[x]['team2']) != 0: data1 = self.universal.load_data(games[x]['team1'], games[x]['date']) data2 = self.universal.load_data(games[x]['team2'], games[x]['date']) returned1 = self.odds_calculator.analyze2( games[x]['team1'], games[x]['team2'], data1, "away") returned2 = self.odds_calculator.analyze2( games[x]['team2'], games[x]['team1'], data2, "home") # print(returned1) # print() # print(returned2) # print() algo = Algo(self.league) algo_data = algo.calculate_V2(games[x]['date'], returned1, returned2) total = algo_data['total'] # to_return={} # to_return['record_points']= odds['records'] # to_return['home_away_points']= odds['home_away'] # to_return['home_away_10_games_points']= odds['home_away_10_games'] # to_return['last_10_games_points']= odds['last_10_games'] # to_return['avg_points']= odds['avg_points'] # to_return['avg_points_10_games']= odds['avg_points_10_games'] # # to_return['win_streak']= win_streak # to_return['win_streak_home_away']= odds['win_streak_home_away'] # to_return['total']= self.universal.convert_number(average) odds = abs(total) favorable_odds = round((100 / (100 - abs(odds)) - 1) * 100) underdog_odds = round((100 / (100 - abs(odds)) - 1) * 100) # print(str(year)+" | "+str(games[x]['team1'])+" | "+str(games[x]['team2'])+" | "+str(games[x]['game_scores'])) oddsportal_odds = self.universal.get_odds_game( year, games[x]['team1'], games[x]['team2'], games[x]['game_scores']) if oddsportal_odds[0] != 0: to_add = [] #date to_add.append(cur_date) #away to_add.append(games[x]['team1'][1]) #home to_add.append(games[x]['team2'][1]) #Algo Proj to_add.append(str(total) + "%") #Away proj away_proj = 0 if total < 0: away_proj = favorable_odds else: away_proj = underdog_odds * -1 to_add.append(away_proj) #Home proj home_proj = 0 if total > 0: home_proj = favorable_odds else: home_proj = underdog_odds * -1 to_add.append(home_proj) #Away odds to_add.append(oddsportal_odds[0]) #Home odds to_add.append(oddsportal_odds[1]) #Diff Away away_diff = 0 if abs(away_proj - oddsportal_odds[0]) > 200: away_diff = abs(away_proj - oddsportal_odds[0]) - 200 else: away_diff = abs(away_proj - oddsportal_odds[0]) to_add.append(away_diff) #Diff Home home_diff = 0 if abs(home_proj - oddsportal_odds[1]) > 200: home_diff = abs(home_proj - oddsportal_odds[1]) - 200 else: home_diff = abs(home_proj - oddsportal_odds[1]) to_add.append(home_diff) ## Strategy 0.0 ## if away_proj < 0: #Bet to_add.append("$100") strat00['total_bet'] += 100 #To Win to_win = 0 if (oddsportal_odds[0] > 0): to_win = 100 * (oddsportal_odds[0] / 100) else: to_win = 100 / (oddsportal_odds[0] * -1 / 100) to_add.append("$" + str(to_win)) #Won if games[x]['game_scores'][0] > games[x][ 'game_scores'][1]: to_add.append("$" + str(100 + to_win)) strat00['total_win'] += (100 + to_win) else: to_add.append("$0") else: #Bet to_add.append("$100") strat00['total_bet'] += 100 #To Win to_win = 0 if (oddsportal_odds[1] > 0): to_win = 100 * (oddsportal_odds[1] / 100) else: to_win = 100 / (oddsportal_odds[1] * -1 / 100) to_add.append("$" + str(to_win)) #Won if games[x]['game_scores'][1] > games[x][ 'game_scores'][0]: to_add.append("$" + str(100 + to_win)) strat00['total_win'] += (100 + to_win) else: to_add.append("$0") ## Strategy 0.1 ## if oddsportal_odds[0] < 0 and oddsportal_odds[ 0] < oddsportal_odds[1]: #Bet to_add.append("$100") strat01['total_bet'] += 100 #To Win to_win = 0 if (oddsportal_odds[0] > 0): to_win = 100 * (oddsportal_odds[0] / 100) else: to_win = 100 / (oddsportal_odds[0] * -1 / 100) to_add.append("$" + str(to_win)) #Won if games[x]['game_scores'][0] > games[x][ 'game_scores'][1]: to_add.append("$" + str(100 + to_win)) strat01['total_win'] += (100 + to_win) else: to_add.append("$0") else: #Bet to_add.append("$100") strat01['total_bet'] += 100 #To Win to_win = 0 if (oddsportal_odds[1] > 0): to_win = 100 * (oddsportal_odds[1] / 100) else: to_win = 100 / (oddsportal_odds[1] * -1 / 100) to_add.append("$" + str(to_win)) #Won if games[x]['game_scores'][1] > games[x][ 'game_scores'][0]: to_add.append("$" + str(100 + to_win)) strat01['total_win'] += (100 + to_win) else: to_add.append("$0") ## Strategy 1 ## if oddsportal_odds[0] > away_proj: #Bet to_add.append("$100") strat1['total_bet'] += 100 #To Win to_win = 0 if (oddsportal_odds[0] > 0): to_win = 100 * (oddsportal_odds[0] / 100) else: to_win = 100 / (oddsportal_odds[0] * -1 / 100) to_add.append("$" + str(to_win)) #Won if games[x]['game_scores'][0] > games[x][ 'game_scores'][1]: to_add.append("$" + str(100 + to_win)) strat1['total_win'] += (100 + to_win) else: to_add.append("$0") elif oddsportal_odds[1] > home_proj: #Bet to_add.append("$100") strat1['total_bet'] += 100 #To Win to_win = 0 if (oddsportal_odds[1] > 0): to_win = 100 * (oddsportal_odds[1] / 100) else: to_win = 100 / (oddsportal_odds[1] * -1 / 100) to_add.append("$" + str(to_win)) #Won if games[x]['game_scores'][1] > games[x][ 'game_scores'][0]: to_add.append("$" + str(100 + to_win)) strat1['total_win'] += (100 + to_win) else: to_add.append("$0") else: to_add.append("") to_add.append("") to_add.append("") ## Strategy 2 ## if oddsportal_odds[0] > away_proj and away_proj < 0: #Bet to_add.append("$100") strat2['total_bet'] += 100 #To Win to_win = 0 if (oddsportal_odds[0] > 0): to_win = 100 * (oddsportal_odds[0] / 100) else: to_win = 100 / (oddsportal_odds[0] * -1 / 100) to_add.append("$" + str(to_win)) #Won if games[x]['game_scores'][0] > games[x][ 'game_scores'][1]: to_add.append("$" + str(100 + to_win)) strat2['total_win'] += (100 + to_win) else: to_add.append("$0") elif oddsportal_odds[1] > home_proj and home_proj < 0: #Bet to_add.append("$100") strat2['total_bet'] += 100 #To Win to_win = 0 if (oddsportal_odds[1] > 0): to_win = 100 * (oddsportal_odds[1] / 100) else: to_win = 100 / (oddsportal_odds[1] * -1 / 100) to_add.append("$" + str(to_win)) #Won if games[x]['game_scores'][1] > games[x][ 'game_scores'][0]: to_add.append("$" + str(100 + to_win)) strat2['total_win'] += (100 + to_win) else: to_add.append("$0") else: to_add.append("") to_add.append("") to_add.append("") ## Strategy 3 ## if oddsportal_odds[ 0] > away_proj and away_proj < 0 and oddsportal_odds[ 0] > 0: #Bet to_add.append("$100") strat3['total_bet'] += 100 #To Win to_win = 0 if (oddsportal_odds[0] > 0): to_win = 100 * (oddsportal_odds[0] / 100) else: to_win = 100 / (oddsportal_odds[0] * -1 / 100) to_add.append("$" + str(to_win)) #Won if games[x]['game_scores'][0] > games[x][ 'game_scores'][1]: to_add.append("$" + str(100 + to_win)) strat3['total_win'] += (100 + to_win) else: to_add.append("$0") elif oddsportal_odds[ 1] > home_proj and home_proj < 0 and oddsportal_odds[ 1] > 0: #Bet to_add.append("$100") strat3['total_bet'] += 100 #To Win to_win = 0 if (oddsportal_odds[1] > 0): to_win = 100 * (oddsportal_odds[1] / 100) else: to_win = 100 / (oddsportal_odds[1] * -1 / 100) to_add.append("$" + str(to_win)) #Won if games[x]['game_scores'][1] > games[x][ 'game_scores'][0]: to_add.append("$" + str(100 + to_win)) strat3['total_win'] += (100 + to_win) else: to_add.append("$0") else: to_add.append("") to_add.append("") to_add.append("") ## Strategy 4 ## if self.league == "mlb": diff_amount = 45 elif self.league == "nba": diff_amount = 100 if oddsportal_odds[ 0] > away_proj and away_diff >= diff_amount: #Bet to_add.append("$100") strat4['total_bet'] += 100 #To Win to_win = 0 if (oddsportal_odds[0] > 0): to_win = 100 * (oddsportal_odds[0] / 100) else: to_win = 100 / (oddsportal_odds[0] * -1 / 100) to_add.append("$" + str(to_win)) #Won if games[x]['game_scores'][0] > games[x][ 'game_scores'][1]: to_add.append("$" + str(100 + to_win)) strat4['total_win'] += (100 + to_win) else: to_add.append("$0") elif oddsportal_odds[ 1] > home_proj and home_diff >= diff_amount: #Bet to_add.append("$100") strat4['total_bet'] += 100 #To Win to_win = 0 if (oddsportal_odds[1] > 0): to_win = 100 * (oddsportal_odds[1] / 100) else: to_win = 100 / (oddsportal_odds[1] * -1 / 100) to_add.append("$" + str(to_win)) #Won if games[x]['game_scores'][1] > games[x][ 'game_scores'][0]: to_add.append("$" + str(100 + to_win)) strat4['total_win'] += (100 + to_win) else: to_add.append("$0") else: to_add.append("") to_add.append("") to_add.append("") else: to_add = [] # #appends winning team # if games[x]['game_scores'][0]>games[x]['game_scores'][1]: # to_add.append(games[x]['team1'][0]) # else: # to_add.append(games[x]['team2'][0]) # #appends score # score=str(games[x]['game_scores'][0])+"-"+str(games[x]['game_scores'][1]) # to_add.append(score) if len(to_add) != 0: to_save.append(to_add) # to_save.append(["Date", "Away", "Home", "Algo proj", "Away proj", "Home proj", "Away odds", "Home odds", "Diff away", "Diff home", "Bet", "To win", "Won"]) #only saves day's games if there were actually games on that day if len(to_save) > 2: #summary strat00_profit = strat00['total_win'] - strat00['total_bet'] strat00_perc = strat00_profit / strat00['total_bet'] * 100 strat01_profit = strat01['total_win'] - strat01['total_bet'] strat01_perc = strat01_profit / strat01['total_bet'] * 100 strat1_profit = strat1['total_win'] - strat1['total_bet'] strat1_perc = strat1_profit / strat1['total_bet'] * 100 strat2_profit = strat2['total_win'] - strat2['total_bet'] if (strat2['total_bet'] > 0): strat2_perc = strat2_profit / strat2['total_bet'] * 100 else: strat2_perc = 0 strat3_profit = strat3['total_win'] - strat3['total_bet'] if (strat3['total_bet'] > 0): strat3_perc = strat3_profit / strat3['total_bet'] * 100 else: strat3_perc = 0 strat4_profit = strat4['total_win'] - strat4['total_bet'] if (strat4['total_bet'] > 0): strat4_perc = strat4_profit / strat4['total_bet'] * 100 else: strat4_perc = 0 #initializes with buffer columns summary = ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""] summary.append("$" + str(strat00['total_bet'])) summary.append("$" + str(strat00_profit)) summary.append(str(strat00_perc) + "%") summary.append("$" + str(strat01['total_bet'])) summary.append("$" + str(strat01_profit)) summary.append(str(strat01_perc) + "%") summary.append("$" + str(strat1['total_bet'])) summary.append("$" + str(strat1_profit)) summary.append(str(strat1_perc) + "%") summary.append("$" + str(strat2['total_bet'])) summary.append("$" + str(strat2_profit)) summary.append(str(strat2_perc) + "%") summary.append("$" + str(strat3['total_bet'])) summary.append("$" + str(strat3_profit)) summary.append(str(strat3_perc) + "%") summary.append("$" + str(strat4['total_bet'])) summary.append("$" + str(strat4_profit)) summary.append(str(strat4_perc) + "%") to_save.append(summary) #space between data to_save.append([ "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" ]) content.append(to_save) #breaks loop to act like do-while if cur_date == end_date: break day += 1 if day > 31: month += 1 day = 1 #doesn't increment year since the season's year doesn't change if month > 12: month = 1 day = 1 #increments season at the end of the season to sometime in the middle if self.league == "nba": # if "4-1-" in cur_date: # year+=1 # month=2 # day=1 if "4-1-" in cur_date: year += 1 month = 1 day = 15 elif self.league == "nhl": if "4-1-" in cur_date: year += 1 month = 2 day = 1 elif self.league == "mlb": if "10-1-" in cur_date: year += 1 month = 7 day = 1 cur_date = str(month) + "-" + str(day) + "-" + str(year) # #has most recent games first # content.reverse() to_save = [] to_save.append([ "Date", "Away", "Home", "Algo proj", "Away proj", "Home proj", "Away odds", "Home odds", "Diff away", "Diff home", "Bet", "To win", "Won", "Bet", "To win", "Won", "Bet", "To win", "Won", "Bet", "To win", "Won" ]) for x in range(0, len(content)): for y in range(0, len(content[x])): to_save.append(content[x][y]) if start_date != end_date: self.universal.save_to_csv( "./" + str(self.league) + "/analyze/" + str(self.league) + "_Algo_V2_" + str(start_date) + "_" + str(end_date) + "_backtest_odds.csv", to_save) else: self.universal.save_to_csv( "./" + str(self.league) + "/analyze/" + str(self.league) + "_Algo_V2_" + str(end_date) + "_backtest_odds.csv", to_save)
def __init__(self): Algo.__init__(self) pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((900, 900))
def team_comparison(self, algo_version, team1, team2, date, cur_year): self.algo = Algo(self.league) self.espn_scraper.update_data(team1, cur_year) self.espn_scraper.update_data(team2, cur_year) data1 = self.universal.load_data(team1, date, cur_year) data2 = self.universal.load_data(team2, date, cur_year) returned1 = self.analyze2(team1, team2, data1, "away") returned2 = self.analyze2(team2, team1, data2, "home") # print(str(team1)+" | "+str(team2)) # print(returned1) # print(returned2) # print() if algo_version == "Algo_V1": algo_data = self.algo.calculate(date, returned1, returned2) elif algo_version == "Algo_V2": algo_data = self.algo.calculate_V2(date, returned1, returned2) record_points = algo_data['record_points'] home_away_points = algo_data['home_away_points'] home_away_10_games_points = algo_data['home_away_10_games_points'] last_10_games_points = algo_data['last_10_games_points'] avg_points = algo_data['avg_points'] avg_points_10_games = algo_data['avg_points_10_games'] # win_streak_10_games= algo_data['win_streak_10_games'] if self.league == "nhl": win_streak_home_away = algo_data['win_streak_home_away'] total = algo_data['total'] to_output = [] to_output.append("") to_output.append("Date: " + str(date)) to_output.append("Away: " + str(team1[1]) + " | Home: " + str(team2[1])) if algo_version == "Algo_V1": win_streak = algo_data['win_streak'] win_streak_home_away = algo_data['win_streak_home_away'] if self.league == "nba": to_output.append("Seasonal Record: " + str(record_points * 10) + "/10 = " + str(record_points)) to_output.append("Home Away: " + str(home_away_points * 10) + "/10 = " + str(home_away_points)) to_output.append("Home away 10: " + str(home_away_10_games_points * 5) + "/5 = " + str(home_away_10_games_points)) to_output.append("Last 10 games: " + str(last_10_games_points * 5) + "/5 = " + str(last_10_games_points)) to_output.append("Avg points: " + str(avg_points * 8) + "/8 = " + str(avg_points)) to_output.append("Avg points 10: " + str(avg_points_10_games * 8) + "/8 = " + str(avg_points_10_games)) to_output.append("Win streak: " + str(win_streak * 3) + "/3 = " + str(win_streak)) to_output.append("Win streak home away: " + str(win_streak_home_away * 3) + "/3 = " + str(win_streak_home_away)) else: to_output.append("Seasonal Record: " + str(record_points * 5) + "/5 = " + str(record_points)) to_output.append("Home Away: " + str(home_away_points * 5) + "/5 = " + str(home_away_points)) to_output.append("Home away 10: " + str(home_away_10_games_points * 5) + "/5 = " + str(home_away_10_games_points)) to_output.append("Last 10 games: " + str(last_10_games_points * 5) + "/5 = " + str(last_10_games_points)) to_output.append("Avg points: " + str(avg_points / 2) + "*2 = " + str(avg_points)) to_output.append("Avg points 10: " + str(avg_points_10_games / 2) + "*2 = " + str(avg_points_10_games)) to_output.append("Win streak: " + str(win_streak * 3) + "/3 = " + str(win_streak)) to_output.append("Win streak home away: " + str(win_streak_home_away * 3) + "/3 = " + str(win_streak_home_away)) to_output.append("--------") to_output.append("Total: " + str(total)) to_output.append("--------") elif algo_version == "Algo_V2": to_output.append("Seasonal Record: " + str(record_points) + "%") to_output.append("Home Away: " + str(home_away_points) + "%") to_output.append("Home away 10: " + str(home_away_10_games_points) + "%") to_output.append("Last 10 games: " + str(last_10_games_points) + "%") to_output.append("Avg points: " + str(avg_points) + "%") to_output.append("Avg points 10: " + str(avg_points_10_games) + "%") # to_output.append("Win streak: "+str(win_streak)+"%") if self.league == "nhl": to_output.append("Win streak home away: " + str(win_streak_home_away) + "%") to_output.append("--------") to_output.append("Total: " + str(total) + "%") to_output.append("--------") #chance of favorable team winning if algo_version == "Algo_V1": winning_odds = self.get_odds(total) elif algo_version == "Algo_V2": winning_odds = abs(total) to_output.append("Perc chance to win: " + str(winning_odds) + "%") favorable_odds = (100 / (100 - winning_odds) - 1) * 100 underdog_odds = (100 / (100 - winning_odds) - 1) * 100 to_output.append("Favorable team odds: -" + str(favorable_odds)) to_output.append("Underdog team odds: +" + str(underdog_odds)) return to_output
class Odds_Calculator: opener = None scraper = None algo = None universal = None user_agents = [] #can be nba, nhl, nfl, mlb league = "nba" num_periods = {'nba': 4, 'nhl': 3, 'nfl': 4, 'mlb': 9} def __init__(self, league): self.league = league.lower() self.universal = Universal_Functions(self.league) self.espn_scraper = ESPN_Scraper(self.league) #analyzes a single team def single_team_analysis(self, team): cur_year = input("Current season year: ") self.espn_scraper.update_data(team, cur_year) data = self.universal.load_data(team, "", cur_year) self.analyze(team, data, cur_year) #analyzes 2 teams and compares to determine which has best chance of winning def team_comparison(self, algo_version, team1, team2, date, cur_year): self.algo = Algo(self.league) self.espn_scraper.update_data(team1, cur_year) self.espn_scraper.update_data(team2, cur_year) data1 = self.universal.load_data(team1, date, cur_year) data2 = self.universal.load_data(team2, date, cur_year) returned1 = self.analyze2(team1, team2, data1, "away") returned2 = self.analyze2(team2, team1, data2, "home") # print(str(team1)+" | "+str(team2)) # print(returned1) # print(returned2) # print() if algo_version == "Algo_V1": algo_data = self.algo.calculate(date, returned1, returned2) elif algo_version == "Algo_V2": algo_data = self.algo.calculate_V2(date, returned1, returned2) record_points = algo_data['record_points'] home_away_points = algo_data['home_away_points'] home_away_10_games_points = algo_data['home_away_10_games_points'] last_10_games_points = algo_data['last_10_games_points'] avg_points = algo_data['avg_points'] avg_points_10_games = algo_data['avg_points_10_games'] # win_streak_10_games= algo_data['win_streak_10_games'] if self.league == "nhl": win_streak_home_away = algo_data['win_streak_home_away'] total = algo_data['total'] to_output = [] to_output.append("") to_output.append("Date: " + str(date)) to_output.append("Away: " + str(team1[1]) + " | Home: " + str(team2[1])) if algo_version == "Algo_V1": win_streak = algo_data['win_streak'] win_streak_home_away = algo_data['win_streak_home_away'] if self.league == "nba": to_output.append("Seasonal Record: " + str(record_points * 10) + "/10 = " + str(record_points)) to_output.append("Home Away: " + str(home_away_points * 10) + "/10 = " + str(home_away_points)) to_output.append("Home away 10: " + str(home_away_10_games_points * 5) + "/5 = " + str(home_away_10_games_points)) to_output.append("Last 10 games: " + str(last_10_games_points * 5) + "/5 = " + str(last_10_games_points)) to_output.append("Avg points: " + str(avg_points * 8) + "/8 = " + str(avg_points)) to_output.append("Avg points 10: " + str(avg_points_10_games * 8) + "/8 = " + str(avg_points_10_games)) to_output.append("Win streak: " + str(win_streak * 3) + "/3 = " + str(win_streak)) to_output.append("Win streak home away: " + str(win_streak_home_away * 3) + "/3 = " + str(win_streak_home_away)) else: to_output.append("Seasonal Record: " + str(record_points * 5) + "/5 = " + str(record_points)) to_output.append("Home Away: " + str(home_away_points * 5) + "/5 = " + str(home_away_points)) to_output.append("Home away 10: " + str(home_away_10_games_points * 5) + "/5 = " + str(home_away_10_games_points)) to_output.append("Last 10 games: " + str(last_10_games_points * 5) + "/5 = " + str(last_10_games_points)) to_output.append("Avg points: " + str(avg_points / 2) + "*2 = " + str(avg_points)) to_output.append("Avg points 10: " + str(avg_points_10_games / 2) + "*2 = " + str(avg_points_10_games)) to_output.append("Win streak: " + str(win_streak * 3) + "/3 = " + str(win_streak)) to_output.append("Win streak home away: " + str(win_streak_home_away * 3) + "/3 = " + str(win_streak_home_away)) to_output.append("--------") to_output.append("Total: " + str(total)) to_output.append("--------") elif algo_version == "Algo_V2": to_output.append("Seasonal Record: " + str(record_points) + "%") to_output.append("Home Away: " + str(home_away_points) + "%") to_output.append("Home away 10: " + str(home_away_10_games_points) + "%") to_output.append("Last 10 games: " + str(last_10_games_points) + "%") to_output.append("Avg points: " + str(avg_points) + "%") to_output.append("Avg points 10: " + str(avg_points_10_games) + "%") # to_output.append("Win streak: "+str(win_streak)+"%") if self.league == "nhl": to_output.append("Win streak home away: " + str(win_streak_home_away) + "%") to_output.append("--------") to_output.append("Total: " + str(total) + "%") to_output.append("--------") #chance of favorable team winning if algo_version == "Algo_V1": winning_odds = self.get_odds(total) elif algo_version == "Algo_V2": winning_odds = abs(total) to_output.append("Perc chance to win: " + str(winning_odds) + "%") favorable_odds = (100 / (100 - winning_odds) - 1) * 100 underdog_odds = (100 / (100 - winning_odds) - 1) * 100 to_output.append("Favorable team odds: -" + str(favorable_odds)) to_output.append("Underdog team odds: +" + str(underdog_odds)) return to_output #gets odds of winning for algo_V1 def get_odds(self, total_points): #puts total points at a max of 27 max_points = 27 if abs(total_points) > max_points: total_points = max_points x = abs(total_points) / max_points * 10 #2D polynomial that follows the percentage chance of winning per level of ranking 1-10 if self.league == "nba": y = -0.23 * (x**2) + 7.25 * x + 47.9 else: y = -0.23 * (x**2) + 7.25 * x + 47.9 if y < 50: y = 50 return y #analyzes current team def analyze(self, team, data, end_year): if os.path.isdir("./" + str(self.league) + "/analyze/single_analysis/" + str(team[1])) == False: os.mkdir("./" + str(self.league) + "/analyze/single_analysis/" + str(team[1])) home_away = input("Are they home or away: ").lower() other_team = input("Playing against (letter abbreviation): ") returned = self.analyze2(team, other_team, data, home_away) self.save_analysis(team, data, returned, home_away) returned['output'] = self.get_output_analysis("", team, returned, home_away) more_output = self.analyze_wins_ranked_teams(team, data, end_year) # more_output=[] for line in more_output: returned['output'].append(line) self.universal.save_to_txt( "./" + str(self.league) + "/analyze/single_analysis/" + str(team[1]) + "/" + str(team[1]) + "_analysis.txt", returned['output']) #analyzes whatever team needed for self.analyze() def analyze2(self, team, other_team, data, home_away): print("Analyzing " + str(team)) to_return = {} season_record = self.get_seasonal_records(data) # print("Season record: "+str(season_record)) # input("waiting...") #seasonal win-loss ratio to_return['seasonal_records'] = self.get_seasonal_records(data) #average point stats to_return['avg_game_points'] = self.get_avg_points(data) #stats in home vs away games to_return['home_away_record'] = self.get_home_away_record(data) #seasonal win-loss ratio to_return['current_win_ratio'] = self.get_current_win_ratio(data) #last 10 games win ratio to_return['10_game_win_ratio'] = self.analyze_10_games_win_ratio(data) #winning or losing streaks against specified team #definition only accepts "lal" and not ["lal", "los-angeles-lakers"], so check if isinstance(other_team, list): to_return[ 'win_loss_streaks_against'] = self.get_win_streaks_against( other_team[0], data) else: to_return[ 'win_loss_streaks_against'] = self.get_win_streaks_against( other_team, data) return to_return def save_analysis(self, team, data, returned, home_away): #seasonal win-loss ratio records = returned['seasonal_records'] to_save = [] for x in range(0, len(records)): to_save.append( ["1-1-" + str(data[x]['year']), records[x][0] - records[x][1]]) path = "./" + str(self.league) + "/analyze/single_analysis/" + str( team[1]) + "/" + str(team[1]) + "_seasonal_records.csv" self.universal.save_to_csv(path, to_save) print("Saved to " + str(path)) #average point stats avg_points = returned['avg_game_points'] to_save = [] for x in range(0, len(avg_points['avg_game_points'])): to_add = [] to_add.append("1-1-" + str(data[x]['year'])) to_add.append(avg_points['avg_game_points'][x]) to_add.append(avg_points['avg_other_game_points'][x]) to_add.append(avg_points['avg_game_points'][x] + avg_points['avg_other_game_points'][x]) for y in range(0, len(avg_points['avg_quarter_points'][x])): to_add.append(avg_points['avg_quarter_points'][x][y]) to_save.append(to_add) path = "./" + str(self.league) + "/analyze/single_analysis/" + str( team[1]) + "/" + str(team[1]) + "_avg_game_points.csv" self.universal.save_to_csv(path, to_save) print("Saved to " + str(path)) #stats in home vs away games home_away_records = returned['home_away_record'] to_save = [] for x in range(0, len(home_away_records['home_record'])): to_add = [] to_add.append("1-1-" + str(data[x]['year'])) to_add.append(home_away_records['home_record'][x][0]) to_add.append(home_away_records['home_record'][x][1]) to_save.append(to_add) to_save.append(["", "", ""]) to_save.append(["", "", ""]) to_save.append(["", "", ""]) for x in range(0, len(home_away_records['away_record'])): to_add = [] to_add.append("1-1-" + str(data[x]['year'])) to_add.append(home_away_records['away_record'][x][0]) to_add.append(home_away_records['away_record'][x][1]) to_save.append(to_add) path = "./" + str(self.league) + "/analyze/single_analysis/" + str( team[1]) + "/" + str(team[1]) + "_home_away_record.csv" self.universal.save_to_csv(path, to_save) print("Saved to " + str(path)) #seasonal win-loss ratio win_loss = returned['current_win_ratio'] path = "./" + str(self.league) + "/analyze/single_analysis/" + str( team[1]) + "/" + str(team[1]) + "_current_win_ratio.csv" self.universal.save_to_csv(path, win_loss) print(path) #last 10 games win ratio last_10_games = returned['10_game_win_ratio'] to_save = [] to_save.append(["Year", "win-loss", "num wins", "num games"]) for x in range(0, len(last_10_games)): for y in range(-10, 11, 2): to_add = [] #only has year at beginning of listing if y == -10: to_add.append(data[x]['year']) else: to_add.append("") # to_add.append(str(y)) temp = { '-10': '"0-10"', '-8': '"1-9"', '-6': '"2-8"', '-4': '"3-7"', '-2': '"4-6"', '0': '"5-5"', '2': '"6-4"', '4': '"7-3"', '6': '"8-2"', '8': '"9-1"', '10': '"10-0"' } #turns -4 into "3-7" to_add.append(temp[str(y)]) to_add.append(last_10_games[x][str(y)][0]) to_add.append(last_10_games[x][str(y)][1]) #gets win percentage if last_10_games[x][str(y)][1] != 0: to_add.append("=C" + str(len(to_save) + 1) + "/D" + str(len(to_save) + 1) + "*100") else: to_add.append(0) to_save.append(to_add) to_save.append(["", "", "", ""]) path = "./" + str(self.league) + "/analyze/single_analysis/" + str( team[1]) + "/" + str(team[1]) + "_10_game_win_ratio.csv" self.universal.save_to_csv(path, to_save) print(path) #winning or losing streaks against specified team to_save = [] wins_against = returned['win_loss_streaks_against'] to_save.append(["Losing streak", wins_against['games_since_last_win']]) to_save.append( ["Winning streak", wins_against['games_since_last_loss']]) if home_away == "away": to_save.append([ "Losing streak away", wins_against['games_since_last_win_away'] ]) to_save.append([ "Winning streak away", wins_against['games_since_last_loss_away'] ]) elif home_away == "home": to_save.append([ "Losing streak home", wins_against['games_since_last_win_home'] ]) to_save.append([ "Winning streak home", wins_against['games_since_last_loss_home'] ]) path = "./" + str(self.league) + "/analyze/single_analysis/" + str( team[1]) + "/" + str(team[1]) + "_win_loss_streaks_against.csv" self.universal.save_to_csv(path, to_save) print(path) def get_output_analysis(self, indent, team, returned, home_away): records = returned['seasonal_records'] avg_points = returned['avg_game_points'] home_away_records = returned['home_away_record'] win_loss = returned['current_win_ratio'] last_10_games = returned['10_game_win_ratio'] wins_against = returned['win_loss_streaks_against'] #### output #### to_output = [] to_output.append("") to_output.append("") to_output.append(indent + team[1]) if (records[-1][0] - records[-1][1]) > (records[-2][0] - records[-2][1]): temp = "uptrend" else: temp = "downtrend" to_output.append(indent + "Season: " + str(records[-1][0] - records[-1][1]) + " on " + str(temp)) if home_away == "away": to_output.append(indent + "Home-Away: " + str(home_away_records['away_record'][-1][0]) + "-" + str(home_away_records['away_record'][-1][1]) + " away") to_output.append(indent + " Last 10 away games: " + str(home_away_records['away_10_games'][-1][0]) + "-" + str(home_away_records['away_10_games'][-1][1])) elif home_away == "home": to_output.append(indent + "Home-Away: " + str(home_away_records['home_record'][-1][0]) + "-" + str(home_away_records['home_record'][-1][1]) + " home") to_output.append(indent + " Last 10 home games: " + str(home_away_records['home_10_games'][-1][0]) + "-" + str(home_away_records['home_10_games'][-1][1])) win_10_games = 0 for x in range(len(win_loss) - 1, len(win_loss) - 11, -1): win_10_games += win_loss[x][2] temp = { '-10': '0-10', '-8': '1-9', '-6': '2-8', '-4': '3-7', '-2': '4-6', '0': '5-5', '2': '6-4', '4': '7-3', '6': '8-2', '8': '9-1', '10': '10-0' } to_output.append(indent + "10 Games: " + temp[str(win_10_games)]) won = last_10_games[-1][str(win_10_games)][0] num_games = last_10_games[-1][str(win_10_games)][1] if num_games != 0: to_output.append(indent + " " + str(won) + " won out of " + str(num_games) + " games | " + str(won / num_games * 100) + "%") else: to_output.append(indent + " " + str(won) + " won out of " + str(num_games) + " games | N/A%") to_output.append(indent + "Avg points: " + str(avg_points['avg_game_points'][-1]) + " - " + str(avg_points['avg_other_game_points'][-1])) to_output.append(indent + " Last 10 games: " + str(avg_points['avg_10_games'][-1]) + " - " + str(avg_points['avg_other_10_games'][-1])) #on winning streak if wins_against['games_since_last_loss'] > 0: to_output.append(indent + "Winning streak against " + str(wins_against['other_team']) + ": " + str(wins_against['games_since_last_loss'])) to_output.append(indent + " Winning streak " + home_away + ": " + str(wins_against['games_since_last_loss_' + str(home_away)])) elif wins_against['games_since_last_win'] > 0: to_output.append(indent + "Losing streak against " + str(wins_against['other_team']) + ": " + str(wins_against['games_since_last_win'])) to_output.append(indent + " Losing streak " + home_away + ": " + str(wins_against['games_since_last_win_' + str(home_away)])) return to_output #analyzes number of wins against teams of certain rankings. Like # wins against even teams (23-25 to 27-25) or against good teams (30-15) or bad teams (15-30)... etc def analyze_wins_ranked_teams(self, team, data, end_year): total_output = [] for x in range( len(data[-1]['other_team']) - 1, len(data[-1]['other_team']) - 11, -1): other_team = [] other_team.append(data[-1]['other_team'][x]) other_team.append("") date = data[-1]['dates'][x] # print("Date: "+str(date)) home_away = data[-1]['home_away'][x] if home_away == "home": other_home_away = "away" elif home_away == "away": other_home_away = "home" temp = [] temp.append(date) temp.append(other_team) # temp.append() league_teams = self.universal.load_league_teams() #gets "los-angeles-lakers" if given "lal" for y in range(0, len(league_teams)): name = league_teams[y] if name[0] == other_team[0]: other_team[1] = name[1] indent = " " cur_data = self.universal.load_data(team, date, end_year) print(cur_data[-1]['other_team'][-1]) returned = self.analyze2(team, other_team[0], cur_data, data[-1]['home_away'][x]) output = self.get_output_analysis(indent, team, returned, data[-1]['home_away'][x]) for line in output: total_output.append(line) other_data = self.universal.load_data(other_team, date, end_year) print( str(other_data[-1]['other_team'][-1]) + " | " + str(date) + " | " + str(other_data[-1]['dates'][-5])) returned = self.analyze2(other_team, team[0], other_data, other_home_away) output = self.get_output_analysis(indent, other_team, returned, other_home_away) print() for line in output: print(line) total_output.append(line) total_output.append("") #adds winner and scores cur_team_score = data[-1]['game_scores'][x][0] other_team_score = data[-1]['game_scores'][x][1] if cur_team_score > other_team_score: total_output.append(indent + "Winner: " + team[1] + " | " + str(cur_team_score) + "-" + str(other_team_score)) else: total_output.append(indent + "Winner: " + other_team[1] + " | " + str(other_team_score) + "-" + str(cur_team_score)) total_output.append(indent + "----------------------------------------") print() return total_output #returns wins/loss streaks against other_team def get_win_streaks_against(self, other_team, original_data): to_return = {} to_return['other_team'] = other_team to_return['games_since_last_win'] = 0 to_return['games_since_last_loss'] = 0 to_return['games_since_last_win_away'] = 0 to_return['games_since_last_win_home'] = 0 to_return['games_since_last_loss_away'] = 0 to_return['games_since_last_loss_home'] = 0 for x in range(0, len(original_data)): data = original_data[x] year = data['year'] for y in range(0, len(data['other_team'])): if data['other_team'][y] == other_team: # if x==len(original_data)-1: # print(str(year)+" | "+str(other_team)+" | "+str(data['game_scores'][y][0])+"-"+str(data['game_scores'][y][1])) #if won if data['game_scores'][y][0] > data['game_scores'][y][1]: to_return['games_since_last_win'] = 0 to_return['games_since_last_loss'] += 1 if data['home_away'][y] == "away": to_return['games_since_last_win_away'] = 0 to_return['games_since_last_loss_away'] += 1 else: to_return['games_since_last_win_home'] = 0 to_return['games_since_last_loss_home'] += 1 #if lost else: to_return['games_since_last_win'] += 1 to_return['games_since_last_loss'] = 0 if data['home_away'][y] == "away": to_return['games_since_last_win_away'] += 1 to_return['games_since_last_loss_away'] = 0 else: to_return['games_since_last_win_home'] += 1 to_return['games_since_last_loss_home'] = 0 return to_return # #gets percentage of games won if ahead after 1st quarter, 2nd quarter, etc. # def get_perc_win_quarters_ahead(self, data): # #gets total goals for and goals against # def get_goals_for_against(self, data): #determines whether teams win or lose more often if they have a good or bad last 10 games def analyze_10_games_win_ratio(self, original_data): to_return = [] for x in range(0, len(original_data)): data = original_data[x] year = data['year'] #win_data['4'] will hold data for last 10 games with ratio 7-3 #increments by 2 since subtracting losses from wins of last 10 games will never have odd number win_data = {} for y in range(-10, 11, 2): win_data[str(y)] = [0, 0] last_10_record = [] for y in range(0, len(data['other_team'])): #only gets win ratio if 10 records present if len(last_10_record) == 10: temp = sum(last_10_record) #adding 1 or -1 is same as subtracting num losses from num wins if data['game_scores'][y][0] > data['game_scores'][y][1]: #only counts this win if 10 records already present if len(last_10_record) == 10: win_data[str(sum(last_10_record))][0] += 1 win_data[str(sum(last_10_record))][1] += 1 last_10_record.append(1) else: if len(last_10_record) == 10: win_data[str(sum(last_10_record))][1] += 1 last_10_record.append(-1) if len(last_10_record) > 10: last_10_record.pop(0) to_return.append(win_data) return to_return #gets win-loss ratio during each game during the current season def get_current_win_ratio(self, original_data): data = original_data[-1] to_return = [] cur_score = 0 for x in range(0, len(data['game_scores'])): to_add = [] to_add.append(data['game_scores'][x][0]) to_add.append(data['game_scores'][x][1]) # print(data['other_team'][x]+" | "+str(to_add)) if data['game_scores'][x][0] > data['game_scores'][x][1]: temp = 1 else: temp = -1 to_add.append(temp) cur_score += temp to_add.append(cur_score) to_return.append(to_add) return to_return #gets wins-losses while at home or away def get_home_away_record(self, original_data): to_return = {} to_return['home_record'] = [] to_return['away_record'] = [] to_return['home_10_games'] = [] to_return['away_10_games'] = [] for x in range(0, len(original_data)): data = original_data[x] home_away = data['home_away'] game_scores = data['game_scores'] home_record = [] away_record = [] for y in range(0, len(home_away)): if home_away[y] == "home": if game_scores[y][0] > game_scores[y][1]: home_record.append(1) else: home_record.append(-1) elif home_away[y] == "away": if game_scores[y][0] > game_scores[y][1]: away_record.append(1) else: away_record.append(-1) to_return['home_record'].append( [home_record.count(1), home_record.count(-1)]) to_return['away_record'].append( [away_record.count(1), away_record.count(-1)]) #gets stats on last 10 games home_10_games = [ home_record[-10:].count(1), home_record[-10:].count(-1) ] away_10_games = [ away_record[-10:].count(1), away_record[-10:].count(-1) ] to_return['home_10_games'].append(home_10_games) to_return['away_10_games'].append(away_10_games) return to_return #calculates a bunch of average points stats def get_avg_points(self, original_data): to_return = {} avg_game_points = [] avg_other_game_points = [] avg_10_games = [] avg_other_10_games = [] avg_quarters = [] for x in range(0, len(original_data)): data = original_data[x] if len(data['other_team']) != 0: # print("Year: "+str(original_data[x]['year'])) #gets avg_game_points total_points = 0 other_total_points = 0 for y in range(0, len(data['other_team'])): total_points += data['game_scores'][y][0] other_total_points += data['game_scores'][y][1] average = total_points / len(data['other_team']) average_other = other_total_points / len(data['other_team']) avg_game_points.append(self.universal.convert_number(average)) avg_other_game_points.append( self.universal.convert_number(average_other)) #gets average points for last 10 games total_points = 0 other_total_points = 0 for y in range( len(data['other_team']) - 1, len(data['other_team']) - 11, -1): total_points += data['game_scores'][y][0] other_total_points += data['game_scores'][y][1] average = total_points / 10 avg_10_games.append(self.universal.convert_number(average)) average = other_total_points / 10 avg_other_10_games.append( self.universal.convert_number(average)) #gets avg_game_points num_periods = self.num_periods[self.league] total_quarters = [0] * num_periods * 2 for y in range(0, len(data['other_team'])): # print(data['period_scores'][y]) # print("Num periods: "+str(num_periods)) #adds current team's 4 quarters try: for z in range(0, num_periods): total_quarters[z] += int( data['period_scores'][y][0][z]) except Exception as error: pass #adds other team's 4 quarters try: for z in range(0, len(data['period_scores'][y][1])): total_quarters[z + num_periods] += int( data['period_scores'][y][1][z]) except Exception as error: pass #gets average quarter scores for y in range(0, len(total_quarters)): total_quarters[y] = total_quarters[y] / len( data['other_team']) avg_quarters.append(total_quarters) to_return['avg_game_points'] = avg_game_points to_return['avg_other_game_points'] = avg_other_game_points to_return['avg_10_games'] = avg_10_games to_return['avg_other_10_games'] = avg_other_10_games to_return['avg_quarter_points'] = avg_quarters return to_return #gets records like 2016: 49-20 for all seasons def get_seasonal_records(self, original_data): records = [] for x in range(0, len(original_data)): data = original_data[x] num_wins = 0 for y in range(0, len(data['other_team'])): if data['game_scores'][y][0] > data['game_scores'][y][1]: num_wins += 1 # record=num_wins-len(data['game_scores'])-num_wins record = [num_wins, len(data['game_scores']) - num_wins] records.append(record) return records
def startAnalysis(self): # Use filename from attackEdit instead of inputEdit if possible if len(self.attackList) > 0: infile = str(self.attackEdit.text()) else: infile = str(self.inputEdit.text()) outfile = str(self.resultsEdit.text()) granularity = 1 trainingWin = 24 forecastingInterval = 1 print ("\nStarting analysis on %s with settings %d %d %d..." % (infile, granularity, trainingWin, forecastingInterval)) # Get list of features (first columns is time) infile = open(infile, 'rb') reader = csv.reader(infile) columns =[1:] print "The following features were found:", columns # Algorithm settings algo = Algo(granularity, trainingWin, forecastingInterval, len(columns)-1) algo.setEMAParameter(alpha=self.emaSpin.value()) algo.setSeverityParameters(w=self.severitySpinW.value(), L=self.severitySpinL.value()) y_time = ['Timestamp'] y_target = ['Target'] y_predict = ['Prediction'] anomalies = ['Anomaly'] detected = set() ground_truth = set() first = True print "Beginning analysis..." loadingWin = LoadingWindow() self.mainWidget.setEnabled(False) count = 0 for line in reader: # Read new data from file cur_time = float(line[0]) new_data = np.asarray(line[1:], np.float) target, prediction = # Magic! if prediction != None: y_time.append(cur_time) y_target.append(target) y_predict.append(float(prediction)) if algo.checkSeverity(target, float(prediction)): detected.add(cur_time) anomalies.append(1) else: anomalies.append(0) cur_datetime = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(cur_time) for attack in self.attackList: if(cur_datetime >= attack.start and cur_datetime < attack.end): ground_truth.add(cur_time) break if (count % 60) == 0: #print "Trying time: ", cur_time QtGui.QApplication.processEvents() count += 1 # Close the input file and save results infile.close() writeResults(outfile, (y_time, y_target, y_predict, anomalies)) f1_scores(detected, ground_truth) print_stats(y_target[1:], y_predict[1:]) #Remove header print "Ending analysis. See %s for results." % outfile self.mainWidget.setEnabled(True) loadingWin.close()
Photo(i, photo_params[2:], photo_params[0])) def write_output_file(self, slides, score): """ Writes the output file ./outputs/<file_prefix>_<score>_<timestamp>.out :param slides: Slides list :param score: The score after the simulation """ output_file_path = "outputs/" + self.file_prefix + "_" + str( score) + "_" + str(time.time()) + ".out" file = open(output_file_path, "w") print("write_output_file : " + output_file_path) file.write(str(len(slides)) + "\n") for slide in slides: file.write(str( if slide.photo2 is not None: file.write(" " + str( file.write("\n") file.close() # initialize Main instance main = Main(sys.argv[1]) # initialize Algo instance Algo(main)
def predict(grammar_file: str, word: str): word = word.strip().replace(' ', '') grammar = Grammar.from_file(grammar_file) algo = Algo() return algo.predict(word)
#GUI Version of TIC-TAC-TOE using kivy import kivy from import App from kivy.uix.screenmanager import ScreenManager, Screen from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout from kivy.uix.label import Label from kivy.uix.button import Button from kivy.uix.textinput import TextInput from algo import Algo my_algo = Algo() AI_mode = False player_name = ['X', 'O'] player_sign = ['X', 'O'] #Login Page class Login(GridLayout): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(**kwargs) self.cols = 2 self.add_widget(Label(font_size=40, text="Tic Tac Toe")) self.add_widget(Label(text="Subham_Games", font_size=20)) self.add_widget(Label(text="Player X:", font_size=20)) self.player_x = TextInput(multiline=False, font_size=20) self.add_widget(self.player_x) self.add_widget(Label(text="Player O:", font_size=20)) self.player_o = TextInput(text="Computer", multiline=False, font_size=20)
def train(self, pw,params, policy, critic, policy_loss_file, critic_loss_file, study_name, beta=0, is_cem=False): all_weights=np.zeros((int(params.nb_cycles+1),policy.get_weights_dim(False))) all_rewards=np.zeros(params.nb_cycles+1) best_reward=-np.inf best_weights=np.zeros(policy.get_weights_dim(False)) all_pops=np.zeros((params.nb_cycles,params.population,policy.get_weights_dim(False))) all_pops_scores= np.zeros((params.nb_cycles,params.population)) # is_kept = np.zeros((params.nb_cycles,params.population)) list_elite_index=np.zeros((params.nb_cycles,int(params.elites_frac * params.population))) fixed=params.fix_layers idx_best=0 if is_cem == False: if fixed: print(fixed) fc1_w, fc1_b, fc2_w, fc2_b = policy.get_weights_pg() # print(fc1_w) # print(policy.test()) if is_cem == True: all_weights=np.zeros((int(params.nb_cycles+1),policy.get_weights_dim(fixed))) best_weights=np.zeros(policy.get_weights_dim(fixed)) #random init of the neural network. #so far, all the layers are initialized with the same gaussian. init_weights = np.array(params.sigma*np.random.randn(policy.get_weights_dim(False))) #print(np.shape(init_weights)) #start_weights=np.array(3*np.random.randn(policy.get_weights_dim(False))) policy.set_weights(init_weights, False) print(fixed) #print(params.fix_layers) #print(policy.get_weights_dim(params.fix_layers)) study = params.study_name noise=np.diag(np.ones(policy.get_weights_dim(fixed))*params.sigma) #print(np.shape(noise)) #var=np.cov(init_weights[:,-policy.get_weights_dim(fixed):],rowvar=False) + noise #mu=init_weights[:,-policy.get_weights_dim(fixed):].mean(axis=0) var=np.diag(np.ones(policy.get_weights_dim(fixed))*np.var(init_weights))+noise print(np.shape(var)) mu=init_weights[-policy.get_weights_dim(fixed):] all_weights[0]=mu all_rewards[0]=self.evaluate_episode(policy, params.deterministic_eval) print(np.shape(mu)) rng = np.random.default_rng() #we can draw the last layer from a different gaussian #mu=params.sigma_bis*np.random.randn(policy.get_weights_dim(params.fix_layers)) for cycle in range(params.nb_cycles): if is_cem == True: rewards = np.zeros(params.population) weights=rng.multivariate_normal(mu, var, params.population) for p in range(params.population): policy.set_weights(weights[p], fixed) batch=self.make_monte_carlo_batch(params.nb_trajs_cem, params.render, policy, True) rewards[p] = batch.train_policy_cem(policy, params.bests_frac) all_pops[cycle,p]=weights[p] all_pops_scores[cycle,p]=rewards[p] elites_nb = int(params.elites_frac * params.population) elites_idxs = rewards.argsort()[-elites_nb:] list_elite_index[cycle]=elites_idxs # for i in elites_idxs: # is_kept[cycle][i]=1 elites_weights = [weights[i] for i in elites_idxs] #update the best weights mu = np.array(elites_weights).mean(axis=0) var = np.cov(elites_weights,rowvar=False)+noise #print(best_weights) # policy evaluation part policy.set_weights(mu, fixed) total_reward = self.evaluate_episode(policy, params.deterministic_eval) if total_reward>best_reward: best_weights=mu best_reward=total_reward idx_best=cycle all_rewards[cycle+1]=total_reward # if total_reward>np.min(top_ten_scores): # temp_min=np.argmin(top_ten_scores) # top_ten_scores[temp_min]=total_reward # top_ten_policies[temp_min]=mu # Update the file for the plot # reward_file = policy_loss_file # reward_file.write(str(cycle) + " " + str(total_reward) + "\n") # if (cycle+1)%3==0: # all_weights[int((cycle+1)/3)-1]=mu all_weights[cycle+1]=mu elif is_cem == False: batch = self.make_monte_carlo_batch(params.nb_trajs_pg, params.render, policy) # Update the policy batch2 = batch.copy_batch() algo = Algo(study_name, params.critic_estim_method, policy, critic, params.gamma, beta, params.nstep) algo.prepare_batch(batch) policy_loss = batch.train_policy_td(policy) # if (cycle+1)%3==0: # all_weights[int((cycle+1)/3)-1]=policy.get_weights_as_numpy() all_weights[cycle]=policy.get_weights_as_numpy() #print(policy_loss) # Update the critic assert params.critic_update_method in ['batch', 'dataset'], 'unsupported critic update method' if params.critic_update_method == "dataset": critic_loss = algo.train_critic_from_dataset(batch2, params) elif params.critic_update_method == "batch": critic_loss = algo.train_critic_from_batch(batch2) critic_loss_file.write(str(cycle) + " " + str(critic_loss) + "\n") policy_loss_file.write(str(cycle) + " " + str(policy_loss) + "\n") plot_trajectory(batch2, self.env, cycle+1) # policy evaluation part if fixed: policy.set_weights_pg(fc1_w, fc1_b, fc2_w, fc2_b) total_reward = self.evaluate_episode(policy, params.deterministic_eval) all_rewards[cycle]=total_reward if total_reward>best_reward: best_weights=policy.get_weights_as_numpy() best_reward=total_reward idx_best=cycle print(total_reward) # X_embedded = TSNE(n_components=2).fit_transform(all_cem_weights) # # print(np.shape(X_embedded)) # # print(X_embedded) # plt.scatter(*zip(*X_embedded)) # return all_weights,best_weights,all_rewards,idx_best return all_weights,all_rewards,all_pops,all_pops_scores,list_elite_index
def main(argv): #===== Initialization =====# # Parse arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('settings_file', type=str) parser.add_argument('-s', '--sound', action='store_true', help="use sound as a feature in analysis") parser.add_argument('-b', '--backup', action='store_true', help="start training on backup data") parser.add_argument('-t', '--time_allign', action='store_true', help="collect data at times which are multiples of the granularity") args = parser.parse_args(argv[1:]) # Initialize Zway server port = 8083 host = '' zserver = zway.Server(host, port) # Read settings from settings file try: settings_dict = settings.load(args.settings_file) except Exception as error: print "Error reading settings file.", error print " " exit(1) # Initialize Algo class granularity = int(settings_dict['granularity']) training_window = int(settings_dict['training_window']) training_interval = int(settings_dict['training_interval']) ema_alpha = float(settings_dict['ema_alpha']) severity_omega = float(settings_dict['severity_omega']) severity_lambda = float(settings_dict['severity_lambda']) auto_regression = int(settings_dict['auto_regression']) num_features = len(zserver.device_IDs()) print "Num features: ", num_features algo = Algo(granularity, training_window, training_interval, num_features) algo.setSeverityParameters(severity_omega, severity_lambda) algo.setEMAParameter(ema_alpha) # Timing procedure granularity = settings_dict['granularity'] * 60 granularity = 1 goal_time = time.time() if args.time_allign: goal_time = int(goal_time) + granularity - (int(time.time()) % granularity) #===== Analysis =====# while(True): # Timing procedures while goal_time > time.time(): time.sleep(0.2) goal_time = goal_time + granularity # Data collection features = collect_features(zserver) print list(features) # Data analysis target, pred = if (pred != None): print target, pred, algo.checkSeverity(target, pred) print "theta", algo.w_opt else: print target, pred
def train_pg(self, pw, params, policy, critic, policy_loss_file, critic_loss_file, study_name, beta=0) -> None: """ The main function for training and evaluating a policy Repeats training and evaluation params.nb_cycles times Stores the value and policy losses at each cycle When the reward is greater than the best reward so far, saves the corresponding policy :param pw: a policy wrapper, used to save the best policy into a file :param params: the hyper-parameters of the run, specified in or in the command line :param policy: the trained policy :param policy_loss_file: the file to record successive policy loss values :return: nothing """ # Initialize variables self.list_weights = [] self.best_weights = np.zeros(policy.get_weights_dim()) self.list_rewards = np.zeros((int(params.nb_cycles))) self.best_reward = -1e38 self.best_weights_idx = 0 total_reward = self.best_reward self.list_weights.append(policy.get_weights()) if params.start_from_policy: starting_weights = get_starting_weights(pw) policy.set_weights(starting_weights) print("Shape of weights vector is: ", np.shape(self.best_weights)) initial_score = self.evaluate_episode(policy, params.deterministic_eval, params) total_reward = initial_score, score=initial_score) self.env.write_reward(cycle=0, reward=initial_score) with SlowBar('Performing a repetition of PG', max=params.nb_cycles - 1) as bar: for cycle in range(1, params.nb_cycles): batch = self.make_monte_carlo_batch(params.nb_trajs, params.render, policy) if params.reinforce: batch.sum_rewards() policy_loss = batch.train_policy_td(policy) # self.env.write_gradients(gradient_angles,cycle) policy_loss_file.write( str(cycle) + " " + str(policy_loss) + "\n") batch = self.make_monte_carlo_batch( params.nb_trajs, params.render, policy) else: # Update the policy batch2 = batch.copy_batch() algo = Algo(params.study_name, params.critic_estim_method, policy, critic, params.gamma, beta, params.nstep) algo.prepare_batch(batch) policy_loss = batch.train_policy_td(policy) # Update the critic assert params.critic_update_method in [ 'batch', 'dataset' ], 'unsupported critic update method' if params.critic_update_method == "dataset": critic_loss = algo.train_critic_from_dataset( batch2, params) elif params.critic_update_method == "batch": critic_loss = algo.train_critic_from_batch(batch2) critic_loss_file.write( str(cycle) + " " + str(critic_loss) + "\n") policy_loss_file.write( str(cycle) + " " + str(policy_loss) + "\n") plot_trajectory(batch2, self.env, cycle + 1) # add the new weights to the list of weights self.list_weights.append(policy.get_weights()) distance = np.linalg.norm(self.list_weights[-1] - self.list_weights[-2]) self.env.write_distances(cycle, distance) self.write_angles_global(cycle) # policy evaluation part if (cycle % params.eval_freq) == 0: total_reward = self.evaluate_episode( policy, params.deterministic_eval, params) # wrote and store reward self.env.write_reward(cycle, total_reward) self.list_rewards[cycle] = total_reward # plot_trajectory(batch2, self.env, cycle+1) # save best reward agent (no need for averaging if the policy is deterministic) if self.best_reward < total_reward: self.best_reward = total_reward self.best_weights = self.list_weights[-1] self.best_weights_idx = cycle # Save the best policy obtained if (cycle % params.save_freq) == 0:, score=total_reward) # pw.rename_best(method="PG",best_cycle=self.best_weights_idx,best_score=self.best_reward) print("Best reward: ", self.best_reward) print("Best reward iter: ", self.best_weights_idx)
def backtest_csv_output(self, start_date, end_date): #breaks up date temp = start_date.split("-") month = int(temp[0]) day = int(temp[1]) year = int(temp[2]) cur_date = start_date content = [] #this is actually a do-while loop while True: games = self.universal.get_games(cur_date) print("date: " + cur_date) for game in games: print(" Game: " + str(game)) to_save = [] to_save.append([ cur_date, "Away", "Home", "Algo points", "Proj winner", "Winner", "", "", "Score" ]) for x in range(0, len(games)): #team might not exist anymore, so don't count that game if len(games[x]['team1']) != 0 and len(games[x]['team2']) != 0: data1 = self.universal.load_data(games[x]['team1'], games[x]['date']) data2 = self.universal.load_data(games[x]['team2'], games[x]['date']) # print("Teams: "+str(games[x]['team1'])+" | "+str(games[x]['team2'])) # print("date: "+str(games[x]['date'])) # print(data1) # print(data1[0]['dates'][0]) # print(data1[0]['dates'][-1]) returned1 = self.odds_calculator.analyze2( games[x]['team1'], games[x]['team2'], data1, "away") returned2 = self.odds_calculator.analyze2( games[x]['team2'], games[x]['team1'], data2, "home") # print(returned1) # print() # print(returned2) # print() algo = Algo(self.league) if self.algo_version == "Algo_V1": algo_data = algo.calculate(games[x]['date'], returned1, returned2) elif self.algo_version == "Algo_V2": algo_data = algo.calculate_V2(games[x]['date'], returned1, returned2) total = algo_data['total'] to_add = [] to_add.append("") to_add.append(games[x]['team1'][0]) to_add.append(games[x]['team2'][0]) to_add.append(total) if self.algo_version == "Algo_V1": #categorizes odds (points) levels = [] levels.append([0, 3]) levels.append([3, 6]) levels.append([6, 9]) levels.append([9, 12]) levels.append([12, 15]) levels.append([15, 18]) levels.append([18, 21]) levels.append([21, 24]) levels.append([24, 27]) levels.append([27, 100]) elif self.algo_version == "Algo_V2": #categorizes odds (percentage) levels = [] levels.append([50, 55]) levels.append([55, 60]) levels.append([60, 65]) levels.append([65, 70]) levels.append([70, 75]) levels.append([75, 80]) levels.append([80, 85]) levels.append([85, 90]) levels.append([90, 95]) levels.append([95, 100]) level = 0 for y in range(0, len(levels)): if (total >= levels[y][0] and total < levels[y][1] ) or (total * -1 >= levels[y][0] and total * -1 < levels[y][1]): level = y + 1 #appends projected team if total > 0: to_add.append(games[x]['team1'][0]) elif total <= 0: to_add.append(games[x]['team2'][0]) #appends winning team if games[x]['game_scores'][0] > games[x]['game_scores'][1]: to_add.append(games[x]['team1'][0]) else: to_add.append(games[x]['team2'][0]) #appends score score = str(games[x]['game_scores'][0]) + "-" + str( games[x]['game_scores'][1]) to_add.append(score) # #appends algo data # if to_add[-2]==to_add[-3]: # to_add.append("") # if self.algo_version=="Algo_V1": # to_add.append(str(level)) # elif self.algo_version=="Algo_V2": # to_add.append(total) # elif to_add[-3]!="": # if self.algo_version=="Algo_V1": # to_add.append(str(level)) # elif self.algo_version=="Algo_V2": # to_add.append(total) # to_add.append("") # else: # to_add.append("") # to_add.append("") #appends algo data if to_add[-2] == to_add[-3]: to_add.append("") to_add.append(str(level)) elif to_add[-3] != "": to_add.append(str(level)) to_add.append("") else: to_add.append("") to_add.append("") #appends betting odds if self.algo_version == "Algo_V1": odds_calculator = Odds_Calculator(self.league) odds = odds_calculator.get_odds(total) elif self.algo_version == "Algo_V2": odds = abs(total) favorable_odds = (100 / (100 - abs(odds)) - 1) * 100 underdog_odds = (100 / (100 - abs(odds)) - 1) * 100 if total > 0: to_add.append("-" + str(favorable_odds)) to_add.append("+" + str(underdog_odds)) else: to_add.append("+" + str(underdog_odds)) to_add.append("-" + str(favorable_odds)) to_save.append(to_add) #space between data to_save.append(["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""]) #only saves day's games if there were actually games on that day if len(to_save) > 2: content.append(to_save) #breaks loop to act like do-while if cur_date == end_date: break day += 1 if day > 31: month += 1 day = 1 #doesn't increment year since the season's year doesn't change if month > 12: month = 1 day = 1 #increments season at the end of the season to sometime in the middle if self.league == "nba": if "4-1-" in cur_date: year += 1 month = 2 day = 1 elif self.league == "nhl": if "4-1-" in cur_date: year += 1 month = 2 day = 1 elif self.league == "mlb": if "10-1-" in cur_date: year += 1 month = 7 day = 1 cur_date = str(month) + "-" + str(day) + "-" + str(year) #has most recent games first content.reverse() to_save = [] for x in range(0, len(content)): for y in range(0, len(content[x])): to_save.append(content[x][y]) if start_date != end_date: self.universal.save_to_csv( "./" + str(self.league) + "/analyze/" + str(self.league) + "_" + str(self.algo_version) + "_" + str(start_date) + "_" + str(end_date) + "_analysis.csv", to_save) else: self.universal.save_to_csv( "./" + str(self.league) + "/analyze/" + str(self.league) + "_" + str(self.algo_version) + "_" + str(end_date) + "_analysis.csv", to_save)
def backtest_algo2(self, number, dates, algo): #level number corresponds to an index wins = [0] * 11 losses = [0] * 11 #creates processes num_processes = 16 start = int(number * (len(dates) / num_processes)) end = int((number + 1) * (len(dates) / num_processes)) print() print(number) print(start) print(end) print() #this is actually a do-while loop for x in range(start, end): print("At " + str(dates[x]) + " END: " + str(dates[end - 1])) games = self.universal.get_games(dates[x]) for y in range(0, len(games)): #team might not exist anymore, so don't count that game if len(games[y]['team1']) != 0 and len(games[y]['team2']) != 0: data1 = self.universal.load_data(games[y]['team1'], games[y]['date']) data2 = self.universal.load_data(games[y]['team2'], games[y]['date']) returned1 = self.odds_calculator.analyze2( games[y]['team1'], games[y]['team2'], data1, "away") returned2 = self.odds_calculator.analyze2( games[y]['team2'], games[y]['team1'], data2, "home") algorithm = Algo(self.league) #sets algo to backtest algorithm.algorithm[self.league] = algo if self.algo_version == "Algo_V1": algo_data = algorithm.calculate( games[y]['date'], returned1, returned2) elif self.algo_version == "Algo_V2": algo_data = algorithm.calculate_V2( games[y]['date'], returned1, returned2) total = algo_data['total'] if self.algo_version == "Algo_V1": #categorizes odds levels = [] levels.append([0, 3]) levels.append([3, 6]) levels.append([6, 9]) levels.append([9, 12]) levels.append([12, 15]) levels.append([15, 18]) levels.append([18, 21]) levels.append([21, 24]) levels.append([24, 27]) levels.append([27, 100]) elif self.algo_version == "Algo_V2": #categorizes odds levels = [] levels.append([50, 55]) levels.append([55, 60]) levels.append([60, 65]) levels.append([65, 70]) levels.append([70, 75]) levels.append([75, 80]) levels.append([80, 85]) levels.append([85, 90]) levels.append([90, 95]) levels.append([95, 100]) level = 0 for z in range(0, len(levels)): if (total >= levels[z][0] and total < levels[z][1] ) or (total * -1 >= levels[z][0] and total * -1 < levels[z][1]): level = z + 1 # #0 is team1, and 1 is team2 # projected_team=0 # if self.league=="nba": # #if team1 is projected to win # if total>0: # projected_team=0 # #go with home team # elif total<=0: # projected_team=1 # else: # #if team1 is projected to win # if total>0: # projected_team=0 # #go with home team # elif total<=0: # projected_team=1 #0 is team1, and 1 is team2 #if team1 is projected to win if total > 0: projected_team = 0 #go with home team elif total <= 0: projected_team = 1 #0 is team1, and 1 is team2 winning_team = 0 if games[y]['game_scores'][0] > games[y]['game_scores'][1]: winning_team = 0 else: winning_team = 1 #if algo was right if projected_team == winning_team: wins[level] += 1 else: losses[level] += 1 temp = [] for x in range(0, len(wins)): temp.append([losses[x], wins[x]]) algo_list = str(algo).replace("[", "").replace("]", "").replace(" ", "") path = "./" + str(self.league) + "/analyze/backtests/" + str( algo_list) + "_temp" + str(number) + ".csv" self.universal.save_to_csv(path, temp)
def __init__(self, grammar: Grammar): self.grammar = grammar self.algo = Algo()
class Main(PygameBasics): def __init__(self): pygame.init() super().__init__() self.win_w, self.win_h = 1600, 900 = pygame.display.set_mode((self.win_w, self.win_h), pygame.RESIZABLE) self.algo = Algo( self.update_window_size(0) ## ## Movement flags self.moving = False self.draw_outer_circle = False """ EVENTS """ def left_click_events(self): pygame.mouse.get_rel() self.moving = True def right_click_events(self): pass def mouse_button_up_events(self): self.moving = False def keydown_events(self, event): if event.key == pygame.K_a: self.algo.update_k(-2) if event.key == pygame.K_d: self.algo.update_k(2) if event.key == pygame.K_SPACE: self.draw_outer_circle = not self.draw_outer_circle if event.key == pygame.K_q: pygame.quit(), quit() def keyup_events(self, event): pass def update_window_size(self, event): """ called from pygameBasicselif event.type == pygame.VIDEORESIZE: """ if event: = pygame.display.set_mode((event.w, event.h), pygame.RESIZABLE) ## When user resizes the window, adjust the w and h values everything else is anchored to self.win_w = self.win_h = self.algo.update_pixel_anchors(self.win_w, self.win_h) self.algo.configure() self.algo.configure_draw() """ UPDATES """ def updates(self): self.update_window_size(False) self.algo.update(self.moving, self.draw_outer_circle) self.draw() def draw(self): self.draw_page_border() self.algo.draw_things(self.win_w, self.win_h) pygame.display.update() """ MAIN """ def main(self): while True: self.set.clock.tick(self.set.FPS) self.updates()
def main(argv): # Retreive settings from JSON settings file with open(SMART_DRIVER) as driver: jsonDataFile = json.load(driver) granularity = int(jsonDataFile['granularity']) training_window = int(jsonDataFile['windowSize']) forecasting_interval = int(jsonDataFile['forecastingInterval']) print ("\nStarting analysis on database with settings %d %d %d..." % (granularity, training_window, forecasting_interval)) granularity_in_seconds = granularity * 60 # Initialize database database = Database(DB_CONFIG) # Get the list of feature numbers id_list = getListIDs(jsonDataFile["idSelection"]) id_list = list(set(id_list)) # Remove duplicates id_list.sort() # Determine the range of times to pull data from # If the user specified a timeframe, use that if(int(jsonDataFile["specifyTime"])): start_time = dt.datetime.strptime(jsonDataFile["beginTime"], DATE_FORMAT) end_time = dt.datetime.strptime(jsonDataFile["endTime"], DATE_FORMAT) # Otherwise, find the largest timeframe for which each feature has data else: start_time, end_time = getStartEndTimes(id_list) print "Start, end: ", start_time, end_time # Get the list of column headers for the features columns = [] for id in id_list: columns.append(jsonDataFile['data'][id-1]['columnName']) columns.append(jsonDataFile['totalConsum']) #print "The following features were found:", columns # Algorithm settings algo = Algo(granularity, training_window, forecasting_interval, len(columns)-1) # Output lists y_time = ['Timestamp'] y_target = ['Target'] y_predict = ['Prediction'] anomalies = ['Anomaly'] count = 0 # EWMA additions # alpha is adjustable on a scale of (0, 1] # The smaller value of alpha, the more averaging takes place # A value of 1.0 means no averaging happens #alpha = float(raw_input('Enter Value of alpha:')) algo.setEMAParameter(alpha=1.0) #algo.setEMAParameter(alpha=0.7) #Recomended Severity Parameters from Paper #algo.setSeverityParameters(w=0.53, L=3.714) # Most sensitive #algo.setSeverityParameters(w=0.84, L=3.719) # Medium sensitive #algo.setSeverityParameters(w=1.00, L=3.719) # Least sensitive algo.setSeverityParameters(w=1, L=3.719) # Custom senstivity detected = set() ground_truth = set() #==================== ANALYSIS ====================# print "Beginning analysis..." while start_time < end_time: # FOR SMART* ONLY # Some of the data seems bad on the 31st - too many NULLS if (start_time > dt.datetime(2012, 5, 30) and start_time < dt.datetime(2012, 6, 1)): start_time = dt.datetime(2012, 6, 1) if(count % 240 == 0): print "trying time: %s " % start_time count += 1 #Execute the query: stop_time = start_time + dt.timedelta(0, granularity_in_seconds) new_data = database.get_avg_data(start_time, stop_time, columns) new_data = np.asarray([max(0, data) for data in new_data]) # remove 'nan' and negative target, prediction = # Magic! if prediction != None: y_time.append(start_time) y_target.append(target) y_predict.append(float(prediction)) if algo.checkSeverity(target, float(prediction)): detected.add(start_time) anomalies.append(1) else: anomalies.append(0) start_time = stop_time #Increment and loop #==================== RESULTS ====================# # Save data for later graphing results = y_time, y_target, y_predict, anomalies writeResults(outfile, results) f1_scores(detected, ground_truth) print_stats(y_target[1:], y_predict[1:]) #Remove header print "Ending analysis. See %s for results." % outfile return results
""" self._event_engine.unregister(algo) if algo.config.launch_type == 'unactive': self._event_manage.remove_Config(algo.config) def deploy_algo(self): pass if __name__ == '__main__': from BaseConfig import BaseConfig from BaseAlgo import BaseAlgo from algo import Algo mainengin = MainEngine() mainengin.start() algo = Algo(BaseAlgo, BaseConfig) mainengin.add_algo(algo) mainengin.create_algo_instance('test_event', { 'id': 5, 'hello': 'world', 'haha': 'heihei' }) for i in xrange(100): mainengin.create_algo_instance('test_event', { 'id': 5, i * 5: i, i * 2: 'saa' }) # mainengin.stop()
def main(argv): # Time the analysis: tic = time.time() # Get commandline arguments try: infile = argv[1] granularity = int(argv[2]) training_window = int(argv[3]) forecasting_interval = int(argv[4]) except Exception: raise RuntimeError("usage: python " + argv[0] + " <infile>" + " <granularity>" + " <training_window>" + " <forecasting_interval>") print ("\nStarting analysis on %s with settings %d %d %d..." % (infile, granularity, training_window, forecasting_interval)) # Generate outfile name based on infile outfile = infile.rstrip('.csv') + '.results.csv' # Separate feature timestamps, feature data, and power data dataframe = pd.read_csv(infile) timestamps = dataframe.ix[:, 0].values targets = dataframe.ix[:, -1].values features_df = dataframe.ix[:, 1:-1] # Filter features with little or no variance print "\nRemoving features due to low variance:" for column in features_df.columns: values = features_df[column].values if (values.max() == values.min()): features_df = features_df.drop(column, 1) print column #dataframe = dataframe.drop('Audio Sensor', 1) #dataframe = dataframe.drop('Luminescence_11 (Lux)', 1) features_df = features_df[['Audio Sensor', 'Temperature_10 (C)']] print "\nThe following features will be used: " for column_name in features_df.columns: print column_name features = features_df.values features = scaleFeatures(features) num_features = features.shape[1] # Algorithm settings algo = Algo(granularity, training_window, forecasting_interval, num_features) # Output lists y_time = ['Timestamp'] y_target = ['Target'] y_predict = ['Prediction'] anomalies = ['Anomaly'] print "Algorithm settings:" # EWMA additions # alpha is adjustable on a scale of (0, 1] # The smaller value of alpha, the more averaging takes place # A value of 1.0 means no averaging happens #alpha = float(raw_input('Enter Value of alpha:')) algo.setEMAParameter(alpha=1.0) #algo.setEMAParameter(alpha=0.75) #algo.setEMAParameter(alpha=0.5) #algo.setEMAParameter(alpha=0.25) # Recomended Severity Parameters from Paper #algo.setSeverityParameters(w=0.53, L=3.714) # Most sensitive #algo.setSeverityParameters(w=0.84, L=3.719) # Medium sensitive #algo.setSeverityParameters(w=1.00, L=3.719) # Least sensitive algo.setSeverityParameters(w=1, L=2) # Custom senstivity # More settings algo.setMaxPrediction(500) #USED For F1 Calculation detected = set() ground_truth = set() #==================== ANALYSIS ====================# print "\nBeginning analysis..." count = 0 for row in features: # Update the user with the current timestamp cur_time = timestamps[count] if (count % 360) == 0: cur_dt = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp(cur_time) print "Trying time %s" % cur_dt.strftime(DATE_FORMAT) row = np.append(row, targets[count]) target, prediction = # Magic! # If there is a prediction, check for anomalies if prediction != None: y_time.append(cur_time) y_target.append(target) y_predict.append(float(prediction)) if algo.checkSeverity(target, float(prediction)): detected.add(cur_time) anomalies.append(1) else: anomalies.append(0) # NOTE: If you plan on injecting attacks, you can add the # timestamps here to create a "ground truth" set, which can then # be used to calculate the accuracy, precision and F1 scores. #if cur_time >= 1338696000 and cur_time <= 1338699600: # ground_truth.add(cur_time) #elif cur_time >= 1338955200 and cur_time <= 1338958800: # ground_truth.add(cur_time) #elif cur_time >= 1339128000 and cur_time <= 1339131600: # ground_truth.add(cur_time) # Loop back to the beginning count += 1 #==================== RESULTS ====================# # Save data for later graphing results = y_time, y_target, y_predict, anomalies writeResults(outfile, results) #f1_scores(detected, ground_truth) #Uncomment to show F1 scores print_stats(y_target[1:], y_predict[1:]) #Remove header print "Run time: ", time.time() - tic print "Ending analysis. See %s for results." % outfile return results