def f_fcn(x):
    A = algopy.zeros((2,2), dtype=x)
    A[0,0] = x[0]
    A[1,0] = x[1] * x[0]
    A[0,1] = x[1]
    Q,R = algopy.qr(A)
    return R[0,0]
コード例 #2
def f_fcn(x):
    A = algopy.zeros((2, 2), dtype=x)
    A[0, 0] = x[0]
    A[1, 0] = x[1] * x[0]
    A[0, 1] = x[1]
    Q, R = algopy.qr(A)
    return R[0, 0]
コード例 #3
def eval_covariance_matrix_qr(J1, J2):
    M, N = J1.shape
    K, N = J2.shape
    Q, R = qr_full(J2.T)
    Q2 = Q[:, K:].T
    J1_tilde = dot(J1, Q2.T)
    Q, R = qr(J1_tilde)
    V = solve(R.T, Q2)
    return dot(V.T, V)
コード例 #4
def eval_covariance_matrix_qr(J1, J2):
    M,N = J1.shape
    K,N = J2.shape
    Q,R = qr_full(J2.T)
    Q2 = Q[:,K:].T
    J1_tilde = dot(J1,Q2.T)
    Q,R = qr(J1_tilde)
    V = solve(R.T, Q2)
    return dot(V.T,V)
コード例 #5
ファイル: プロジェクト: eteq/algopy
    def test_pullback_gradient(self):
        (D,M,N) = 3,3,2
        P = M*N
        A = UTPM(numpy.zeros((D,P,M,M)))

        A0 = numpy.random.rand(M,N)

        for m in range(M):
            for n in range(N):
                p = m*N + n
      [0,p,:M,:N] = A0
      [1,p,m,n] = 1.

        cg = CGraph()
        A = Function(A)
        Q,R = qr(A)
        B = dot(Q,R)
        y = trace(B)

        cg.independentFunctionList = [A]
        cg.dependentFunctionList = [y]

        # print cg

        # print

        g1  =[1]
        g11 =[2]

        # print g1
        ybar = y.x.zeros_like()[0,:] = 1.

        for m in range(M):
            for n in range(N):
                p = m*N + n

                #check gradient

                #check hessian
コード例 #6
A = dot(x,x.T) + alpha*dot(y,y.T)

A = A[:,:2]

# Method 1: Naive approach
Apinv = dot(inv(dot(A.T,A)),A.T)

print('naive approach: A Apinv A - A = 0 \n', dot(dot(A, Apinv),A) - A)
print('naive approach: Apinv A Apinv - Apinv = 0 \n', dot(dot(Apinv, A),Apinv) - Apinv)
print('naive approach: (Apinv A)^T - Apinv A = 0 \n', dot(Apinv, A).T  - dot(Apinv, A))
print('naive approach: (A Apinv)^T - A Apinv = 0 \n', dot(A, Apinv).T  - dot(A, Apinv))

# Method 2: Using the differentiated QR decomposition
Q,R = qr(A)
tmp1 = solve(R.T, A.T)
tmp2 = solve(R, tmp1)
Apinv = tmp2

print('QR approach: A Apinv A - A = 0 \n',  dot(dot(A, Apinv),A) - A)
print('QR approach: Apinv A Apinv - Apinv = 0 \n', dot(dot(Apinv, A),Apinv) - Apinv)
print('QR approach: (Apinv A)^T - Apinv A = 0 \n', dot(Apinv, A).T  - dot(Apinv, A))
print('QR approach: (A Apinv)^T - A Apinv = 0 \n', dot(A, Apinv).T  - dot(A, Apinv))

# Method 3: Stable evaluation of the analytical derivative formula

A0 =[0,0]
A1 =[1,0]

Q0, R0 = numpy.linalg.qr(A0)
コード例 #7
A = A[:, :2]

# Method 1: Naive approach
Apinv = dot(inv(dot(A.T, A)), A.T)

print('naive approach: A Apinv A - A = 0 \n', dot(dot(A, Apinv), A) - A)
print('naive approach: Apinv A Apinv - Apinv = 0 \n',
      dot(dot(Apinv, A), Apinv) - Apinv)
print('naive approach: (Apinv A)^T - Apinv A = 0 \n',
      dot(Apinv, A).T - dot(Apinv, A))
print('naive approach: (A Apinv)^T - A Apinv = 0 \n',
      dot(A, Apinv).T - dot(A, Apinv))

# Method 2: Using the differentiated QR decomposition
Q, R = qr(A)
tmp1 = solve(R.T, A.T)
tmp2 = solve(R, tmp1)
Apinv = tmp2

print('QR approach: A Apinv A - A = 0 \n', dot(dot(A, Apinv), A) - A)
print('QR approach: Apinv A Apinv - Apinv = 0 \n',
      dot(dot(Apinv, A), Apinv) - Apinv)
print('QR approach: (Apinv A)^T - Apinv A = 0 \n',
      dot(Apinv, A).T - dot(Apinv, A))
print('QR approach: (A Apinv)^T - A Apinv = 0 \n',
      dot(A, Apinv).T - dot(A, Apinv))

# Method 3: Stable evaluation of the analytical derivative formula

A0 =[0, 0]
コード例 #8
# M number of rows of J1
# N number of cols of J1
# K number of rows of J2 (must be smaller than N)
D, P, M, N, K, Nx = 2, 1, 100, 3, 1, 1

# METHOD 1: nullspace method
cg1 = CGraph()

J1 = Function(UTPM(numpy.random.rand(*(D, P, M, N))))
J2 = Function(UTPM(numpy.random.rand(*(D, P, K, N))))

Q, R = Function.qr_full(J2.T)
Q2 = Q[:, K:].T

J1_tilde = dot(J1, Q2.T)
Q, R = qr(J1_tilde)
V = solve(R.T, Q2)
C = dot(V.T, V)

cg1.independentFunctionList = [J1, J2]
cg1.dependentFunctionList = [C]

print('covariance matrix: C =\n', C)
print('check that Q2.T spans the nullspace of J2:\n', dot(J2, Q2.T))

# METHOD 2: image space method (potentially numerically unstable)
cg2 = CGraph()

J1 = Function(J1.x)
J2 = Function(J2.x)
コード例 #9
# K number of rows of J2 (must be smaller than N)
D,P,M,N,K,Nx = 2,1,100,3,1,1

# METHOD 1: nullspace method
cg1 = CGraph()

J1 = Function(UTPM(numpy.random.rand(*(D,P,M,N))))
J2 = Function(UTPM(numpy.random.rand(*(D,P,K,N))))

Q,R = Function.qr_full(J2.T)
Q2 = Q[:,K:].T

J1_tilde = dot(J1,Q2.T)
Q,R = qr(J1_tilde)
V = solve(R.T, Q2)
C = dot(V.T,V)

cg1.independentFunctionList = [J1, J2]
cg1.dependentFunctionList = [C]

print('covariance matrix: C =\n',C)
print('check that Q2.T spans the nullspace of J2:\n', dot(J2,Q2.T))

# METHOD 2: image space method (potentially numerically unstable)
cg2 = CGraph()

J1 = Function(J1.x)
J2 = Function(J2.x)