コード例 #1
    def do_analysis(self):
        """A greedy algorithm for heuristic partitioning searches"""
        log.info("Performing greedy analysis")
        models = self.cfg.models
        model_selection = self.cfg.model_selection
        partnum = len(self.cfg.partitions)

        self.total_scheme_num = submodels.count_greedy_schemes(partnum)
        log.info("This will result in a maximum of %s schemes being created", self.total_scheme_num)

        self.total_subset_num = submodels.count_greedy_subsets(partnum)
            "PartitionFinder will have to analyse a maximum of %d subsets of sites to complete this analysis"
            % (self.total_subset_num)

        if self.total_subset_num > 10000:
            log.warning("%d is a lot of subsets, this might take a long time to analyse", self.total_subset_num)
            log.warning("Perhaps consider using a different search scheme instead (see Manual)")

        # clear any schemes that are currently loaded
        # TODO Not sure we need this...

        # start with the most partitioned scheme
        start_description = range(len(self.cfg.partitions))
        start_scheme = scheme.create_scheme(self.cfg, 1, start_description)
        log.info("Analysing starting scheme (scheme %s)" % start_scheme.name)
        result = self.analyse_scheme(start_scheme, models)

        def get_score(my_result):
            # TODO: this is bad. Should use self.cfg.model_selection, or write
            # a new model_selection for scheme.py
            if model_selection == "aic":
                score = my_result.aic
            elif model_selection == "aicc":
                score = my_result.aicc
            elif model_selection == "bic":
                score = my_result.bic
                log.error("Unrecognised model_selection variable '%s', please check" % (score))
                raise AnalysisError
            return score

        best_result = result
        best_score = get_score(result)

        step = 1
        cur_s = 2

        # now we try out all lumpings of the current scheme, to see if we can find a better one
        # and if we do, we just keep going
        while True:
            log.info("***Greedy algorithm step %d***" % step)

            # get a list of all possible lumpings of the best_scheme
            lumpings = algorithm.lumpings(start_description)

            # we reset the counters as we go, for better user information
            self.total_scheme_num = len(lumpings)
            self.schemes_analysed = 0

            best_lumping_score = None
            for lumped_description in lumpings:
                lumped_scheme = scheme.create_scheme(self.cfg, cur_s, lumped_description)
                cur_s += 1
                result = self.analyse_scheme(lumped_scheme, models)
                new_score = get_score(result)

                if best_lumping_score == None or new_score < best_lumping_score:
                    best_lumping_score = new_score
                    best_lumping_result = result
                    best_lumping_scheme = lumped_scheme
                    best_lumping_desc = lumped_description

            if best_lumping_score < best_score:
                best_scheme = best_lumping_scheme
                best_score = best_lumping_score
                best_result = best_lumping_result
                start_description = best_lumping_desc
                if len(set(best_lumping_desc)) == 1:  # then it's the scheme with everything equal, so quit
                step += 1


        log.info("Greedy algorithm finished after %d steps" % step)
            "Highest scoring scheme is scheme %s, with %s score of %.3f"
            % (best_result.scheme.name, model_selection, best_score)

        self.best_result = best_result
コード例 #2
    def do_analysis(self):
        '''A greedy algorithm for heuristic partitioning searches'''

        log.info("Performing greedy analysis")

        partnum = len(self.cfg.partitions)
        scheme_count = submodels.count_greedy_schemes(partnum)
        subset_count = submodels.count_greedy_subsets(partnum)

        self.cfg.progress.begin(scheme_count, subset_count)

        # Start with the most partitioned scheme
        start_description = range(len(self.cfg.partitions))
        start_scheme = scheme.create_scheme(
            self.cfg, "start_scheme", start_description)

        log.info("Analysing starting scheme (scheme %s)" % start_scheme.name)

        step = 1
        cur_s = 2

        # Now we try out all lumpings of the current scheme, to see if we can
        # find a better one and if we do, we just keep going
        while True:
            log.info("***Greedy algorithm step %d***" % step)

            # Get a list of all possible lumpings of the best_scheme
            lumpings = algorithm.lumpings(start_description)

            # Save the current best score we have in results
            old_best_score = self.results.best_score
            for lumped_description in lumpings:
                lumped_scheme = scheme.create_scheme(self.cfg, cur_s, lumped_description)
                cur_s += 1
                # This is just checking to see if a scheme is any good, if it
                # is, we remember and write it later

            # Did out best score change (It ONLY gets better -- see in
            # results.py)
            if self.results.best_score == old_best_score:
                # It didn't, so we're done

            # Let's look further. We use the description from our best scheme
            # (which will be the one that just changed in the last lumpings
            # iteration)
            start_description = self.results.best_result.scheme.description

            # Rename and record the best scheme for this step
            self.results.best_scheme.name = "step_%d" % step
                self.results.best_scheme, self.results.best_result)

            # If it's the scheme with everything equal, quit
            if len(set(start_description)) == 1:

            # Go do the next round...
            step += 1

        log.info("Greedy algorithm finished after %d steps" % step)
        log.info("Highest scoring scheme is scheme %s, with %s score of %.3f" %
                 (self.results.best_scheme.name, self.cfg.model_selection,

        txt = "Best scheme according to Greedy algorithm, analysed with %s" % self.cfg.model_selection
        self.cfg.reporter.write_best_scheme(txt, self.results)
コード例 #3
    def do_analysis(self):
        '''A greedy algorithm for heuristic partitioning searches'''

        log.info("Performing greedy analysis")

        partnum = len(self.cfg.partitions)
        scheme_count = submodels.count_greedy_schemes(partnum)
        subset_count = submodels.count_greedy_subsets(partnum)

        self.cfg.progress.begin(scheme_count, subset_count)

        # Start with the most partitioned scheme
        start_description = range(len(self.cfg.partitions))
        start_scheme = scheme.create_scheme(self.cfg, "start_scheme",

        log.info("Analysing starting scheme (scheme %s)" % start_scheme.name)

        step = 1
        cur_s = 2

        # Now we try out all lumpings of the current scheme, to see if we can
        # find a better one and if we do, we just keep going
        while True:
            log.info("***Greedy algorithm step %d***" % step)

            # Get a list of all possible lumpings of the best_scheme
            lumpings = algorithm.lumpings(start_description)

            # Save the current best score we have in results
            old_best_score = self.results.best_score
            for lumped_description in lumpings:
                lumped_scheme = scheme.create_scheme(self.cfg, cur_s,
                cur_s += 1
                # This is just checking to see if a scheme is any good, if it
                # is, we remember and write it later

            # Did out best score change (It ONLY gets better -- see in
            # results.py)
            if self.results.best_score == old_best_score:
                # It didn't, so we're done

            # Let's look further. We use the description from our best scheme
            # (which will be the one that just changed in the last lumpings
            # iteration)
            start_description = self.results.best_result.scheme.description

            # Rename and record the best scheme for this step
            self.results.best_scheme.name = "step_%d" % step

            # If it's the scheme with everything equal, quit
            if len(set(start_description)) == 1:

            # Go do the next round...
            step += 1

        log.info("Greedy algorithm finished after %d steps" % step)
        log.info("Highest scoring scheme is scheme %s, with %s score of %.3f" %
                 (self.results.best_scheme.name, self.cfg.model_selection,
