コード例 #1
ファイル: comp_algos.py プロジェクト: gaperez64/AbsSynthe
def subgame_reducer(games, aig, argv, a=None, b=None, c=None):
    assert games
    if a is None:
        a = 2
    if b is None:
        b = -1
    if c is None:
        c = -1
    while len(games) >= 2:
        triple_list = []
        # we first compute an fij function for all pairs
        for i in range(0, len(games) - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(games)):
                li = set(aig.get_bdd_latch_deps(games[i][1]))
                lj = set(aig.get_bdd_latch_deps(games[j][1]))
                cij = len(li & lj)
                nij = len(li | lj)
                sij = (games[i][1] & games[j][1]).dag_size()
                triple_list.append((i, j, a * cij + b * nij + c * sij))
        # now we get the best pair according to the fij function
        (i, j, val) = max(triple_list, key=lambda x: x[2])
        log.DBG_MSG("We must reduce games " + str(i) + " and " + str(j))
        # we must reduce games i and j now
        game = ConcGame(BDDAIG(aig).short_error(~(games[i][1] & games[j][1])),
        w = backward_safety_synth(game)
        if w is None:
            return None
            s = game.cpre(w, get_strat=True)
        games[i] = (game, s, w)
        # lets simplify the transition relations
        # aig.restrict_latch_next_funs(s)
    return games[0][2]
コード例 #2
ファイル: comp_algos.py プロジェクト: gaperez64/AbsSynthe
def subgame_reducer(games, aig, argv, a=None, b=None, c=None):
    assert games
    if a is None:
        a = 2
    if b is None:
        b = -1
    if c is None:
        c = -1
    while len(games) >= 2:
        triple_list = []
        # we first compute an fij function for all pairs
        for i in range(0, len(games) - 1):
            for j in range(i + 1, len(games)):
                li = set(aig.get_bdd_latch_deps(games[i][1]))
                lj = set(aig.get_bdd_latch_deps(games[j][1]))
                cij = len(li & lj)
                nij = len(li | lj)
                sij = (games[i][1] & games[j][1]).dag_size()
                triple_list.append((i, j, a * cij + b * nij + c * sij))
        # now we get the best pair according to the fij function
        (i, j, val) = max(triple_list, key=lambda x: x[2])
        log.DBG_MSG("We must reduce games " + str(i) + " and " + str(j))
        # we must reduce games i and j now
        game = ConcGame(BDDAIG(aig).short_error(~(games[i][1] & games[j][1])),
        w = backward_safety_synth(game)
        if w is None:
            return None
            s = game.cpre(w, get_strat=True)
        games[i] = (game, s, w)
        # lets simplify the transition relations
        # aig.restrict_latch_next_funs(s)
    return games[0][2]
コード例 #3
ファイル: comp_algos.py プロジェクト: gaperez64/AbsSynthe
def subgame_mapper(games, aig):
    s = None
    cum_s = None
    cnt = 0
    pair_list = []
    for game in games:
        assert isinstance(game, BackwardGame)
        w = backward_safety_synth(game)
        cnt += 1
        # short-circuit a negative response
        if w is None:
            log.DBG_MSG("Short-circuit exit 1 after sub-game #" + str(cnt))
            return None
        s = game.cpre(w, get_strat=True)
        if cum_s is None:
            cum_s = s
            cum_s &= s
        # another short-circuit exit
        if (not cum_s or not game.init() & cum_s):
            log.DBG_MSG("Short-circuit exit 2 after sub-game #" + str(cnt))
            return None
        pair_list.append((game, s, w))
    log.DBG_MSG("Solved " + str(cnt) + " sub games.")
    # lets simplify transition functions
    # aig.restrict_latch_next_funs(cum_s)
    return pair_list
コード例 #4
ファイル: comp_algos.py プロジェクト: gaperez64/AbsSynthe
def subgame_mapper(games, aig):
    s = None
    cum_s = None
    cnt = 0
    pair_list = []
    for game in games:
        assert isinstance(game, BackwardGame)
        w = backward_safety_synth(game)
        cnt += 1
        # short-circuit a negative response
        if w is None:
            log.DBG_MSG("Short-circuit exit 1 after sub-game #" + str(cnt))
            return None
        s = game.cpre(w, get_strat=True)
        if cum_s is None:
            cum_s = s
            cum_s &= s
        # another short-circuit exit
        if (not cum_s or not game.init() & cum_s):
            log.DBG_MSG("Short-circuit exit 2 after sub-game #" + str(cnt))
            return None
        pair_list.append((game, s, w))
    log.DBG_MSG("Solved " + str(cnt) + " sub games.")
    # lets simplify transition functions
    # aig.restrict_latch_next_funs(cum_s)
    return pair_list
コード例 #5
ファイル: comp_algos.py プロジェクト: gaperez64/AbsSynthe
def comp_synth(games):
    s = BDD.true()
    cum_w = BDD.true()
    cnt = 0
    for game in games:
        assert isinstance(game, BackwardGame)
        w = backward_safety_synth(game)
        cnt += 1
        # short-circuit a negative response
        if w is None:
            log.DBG_MSG("Short-circuit exit after sub-game #" + str(cnt))
            return (None, None)
        if s is None:
            s = game.cpre(w, get_strat=True)
            cum_w = w
            s &= game.cpre(w, get_strat=True)
            cum_w &= w
        # sanity check before moving forward
        if (not s or not game.init() & s):
            return (None, None)
    # we must aggregate everything now
    log.DBG_MSG("Solved " + str(cnt) + " sub games.")
    return (cum_w, s)
コード例 #6
ファイル: comp_algos.py プロジェクト: gaperez64/AbsSynthe
def comp_synth(games):
    s = BDD.true()
    cum_w = BDD.true()
    cnt = 0
    for game in games:
        assert isinstance(game, BackwardGame)
        w = backward_safety_synth(game)
        cnt += 1
        # short-circuit a negative response
        if w is None:
            log.DBG_MSG("Short-circuit exit after sub-game #" + str(cnt))
            return (None, None)
        if s is None:
            s = game.cpre(w, get_strat=True)
            cum_w = w
            s &= game.cpre(w, get_strat=True)
            cum_w &= w
        # sanity check before moving forward
        if (not s or not game.init() & s):
            return (None, None)
    # we must aggregate everything now
    log.DBG_MSG("Solved " + str(cnt) + " sub games.")
    return (cum_w, s)
コード例 #7
ファイル: comp_algos.py プロジェクト: gaperez64/AbsSynthe
def comp_synth4(games, gen_game):
    s = None
    cum_s = None
    cum_w = None
    cnt = 0
    triple_list = []
    for game in games:
        assert isinstance(game, BackwardGame)
        w = backward_safety_synth(game)
        cnt += 1
        # short-circuit a negative response
        if w is None:
            log.DBG_MSG("Short-circuit exit 1 after sub-game #" + str(cnt))
            return None
        s = game.cpre(w, get_strat=True)
        if cum_s is None:
            cum_s = s
            cum_w = w
            cum_s &= s
            cum_w &= w
        # another short-circuit exit
        if (not cum_s or not game.init() & cum_s):
            log.DBG_MSG("Short-circuit exit 2 after sub-game #" + str(cnt))
            return None
        triple_list.append((game, s, w))
    log.DBG_MSG("Solved " + str(cnt) + " sub games.")
    # lets simplify transition functions
    # what comes next is a fixpoint computation using a UPRE
    # step at a time in the global game and using it to get more
    # information from the local sub-games
    lose = BDD.true()
    lose_next = ~cum_w | gen_game.error()
    while lose_next != lose:
        lose = lose_next
        log.DBG_MSG("Doing global UPRE")
        lose_next = lose | gen_game.upre(lose)
        for i in range(len(triple_list)):
            wt = triple_list[i][2]
            gamet = triple_list[i][0]
            local_deps = set([x.lit for x in gamet.aig.iterate_latches()])
            rem_lats = gen_game.aig.get_bdd_latch_deps(lose_next) - local_deps
            pt = lose_next
            if rem_lats:
                pt = lose_next.univ_abstract(
                    BDD.make_cube(map(BDD, rem_lats)))
            # log.BDD_DMP(lose_next, "global losing area iterate")
            # log.BDD_DMP(pt, "new losing area")
            assert BDD.make_impl(~wt, pt) == BDD.true()
            if BDD.make_impl(pt, ~wt) != BDD.true():
                gamet.short_error = pt
                wt = backward_safety_synth(gamet)
                if (wt is None or not gamet.init() & wt):
                    log.DBG_MSG("Short-circuit exit 3")
                    return None
                st = gamet.cpre(wt, get_strat=True)
                triple_list[i] = (gamet, st, wt)
        for t in triple_list:
            lose_next |= ~t[2]
    # after the fixpoint has been reached we can compute the error
    win = ~lose
    if (not win or not gen_game.init() & win):
        return None
        return win
コード例 #8
ファイル: abssynthe.py プロジェクト: gaperez64/AbsSynthe
def synth_from_spec(aig, argv):
    # Explicit approach
    if argv.use_symb:
        assert argv.out_file is None
        symgame = SymblicitGame(aig)
        w = forward_safety_synth(symgame)
    # Symbolic approach with compositional opts
    elif argv.decomp is not None:
        game_it = decompose(aig, argv)
        # if there was no decomposition possible then call simple
        # solver
        if game_it is None:
            argv.decomp = None
            return synth_from_spec(aig, argv)
        if argv.comp_algo == 1:
            # solve and aggregate sub-games
            (w, strat) = comp_synth(game_it)
            # back to the general game
            if w is None:
                return False
            log.DBG_MSG("Interm. win region bdd node count = " +
            game = ConcGame(BDDAIG(aig).short_error(~strat),
            w = backward_safety_synth(game)
        elif argv.comp_algo == 2:
            games_mapped = subgame_mapper(game_it, aig)
            # local aggregation yields None if short-circ'd
            if games_mapped is None:
                return False
            w = subgame_reducer(games_mapped, aig, argv)
        elif argv.comp_algo == 3:
            # solve games by up-down algo
            gen_game = ConcGame(aig, use_trans=argv.use_trans)
            w = comp_synth3(game_it, gen_game)
        elif argv.comp_algo == 4:
            # solve games by up-down algo
            gen_game = ConcGame(aig, use_trans=argv.use_trans)
            w = comp_synth4(game_it, gen_game)
            raise NotImplementedError()
    # Symbolic approach (avoiding compositional opts)
        game = ConcGame(aig, use_trans=argv.use_trans)
        w = backward_safety_synth(game)
    # final check
    if w is None:
        return False
    log.DBG_MSG("Win region bdd node count = " + str(w.dag_size()))
    # synthesis from the realizability analysis
    if w is not None:
        if argv.out_file is not None:
            log.DBG_MSG("Win region bdd node count = " + str(w.dag_size()))
            c_input_info = []
            n_strategy = aig.cpre_bdd(w, get_strat=True)
            func_per_output = aig.extract_output_funs(n_strategy, care_set=w)
            if argv.only_transducer:
                for c in aig.iterate_controllable_inputs():
                    c_input_info.append((c.lit, c.name))
            for (c, func_bdd) in func_per_output.items():
                aig.input2and(c, aig.bdd2aig(func_bdd))
            if argv.only_transducer:
                for (l, n) in c_input_info:
                    aig.add_output(l, n)
        return True
        return False
コード例 #9
ファイル: comp_algos.py プロジェクト: gaperez64/AbsSynthe
def comp_synth4(games, gen_game):
    s = None
    cum_s = None
    cum_w = None
    cnt = 0
    triple_list = []
    for game in games:
        assert isinstance(game, BackwardGame)
        w = backward_safety_synth(game)
        cnt += 1
        # short-circuit a negative response
        if w is None:
            log.DBG_MSG("Short-circuit exit 1 after sub-game #" + str(cnt))
            return None
        s = game.cpre(w, get_strat=True)
        if cum_s is None:
            cum_s = s
            cum_w = w
            cum_s &= s
            cum_w &= w
        # another short-circuit exit
        if (not cum_s or not game.init() & cum_s):
            log.DBG_MSG("Short-circuit exit 2 after sub-game #" + str(cnt))
            return None
        triple_list.append((game, s, w))
    log.DBG_MSG("Solved " + str(cnt) + " sub games.")
    # lets simplify transition functions
    # what comes next is a fixpoint computation using a UPRE
    # step at a time in the global game and using it to get more
    # information from the local sub-games
    lose = BDD.true()
    lose_next = ~cum_w | gen_game.error()
    while lose_next != lose:
        lose = lose_next
        log.DBG_MSG("Doing global UPRE")
        lose_next = lose | gen_game.upre(lose)
        for i in range(len(triple_list)):
            wt = triple_list[i][2]
            gamet = triple_list[i][0]
            local_deps = set([x.lit for x in gamet.aig.iterate_latches()])
            rem_lats = gen_game.aig.get_bdd_latch_deps(lose_next) - local_deps
            pt = lose_next
            if rem_lats:
                pt = lose_next.univ_abstract(BDD.make_cube(map(BDD, rem_lats)))
            # log.BDD_DMP(lose_next, "global losing area iterate")
            # log.BDD_DMP(pt, "new losing area")
            assert BDD.make_impl(~wt, pt) == BDD.true()
            if BDD.make_impl(pt, ~wt) != BDD.true():
                gamet.short_error = pt
                wt = backward_safety_synth(gamet)
                if (wt is None or not gamet.init() & wt):
                    log.DBG_MSG("Short-circuit exit 3")
                    return None
                st = gamet.cpre(wt, get_strat=True)
                triple_list[i] = (gamet, st, wt)
        for t in triple_list:
            lose_next |= ~t[2]
    # after the fixpoint has been reached we can compute the error
    win = ~lose
    if (not win or not gen_game.init() & win):
        return None
        return win
コード例 #10
ファイル: abssynthe.py プロジェクト: gaperez64/AbsSynthe
def synth_from_spec(aig, argv):
    # Explicit approach
    if argv.use_symb:
        assert argv.out_file is None
        symgame = SymblicitGame(aig)
        w = forward_safety_synth(symgame)
    # Symbolic approach with compositional opts
    elif argv.decomp is not None:
        game_it = decompose(aig, argv)
        # if there was no decomposition possible then call simple
        # solver
        if game_it is None:
            argv.decomp = None
            return synth_from_spec(aig, argv)
        if argv.comp_algo == 1:
            # solve and aggregate sub-games
            (w, strat) = comp_synth(game_it)
            # back to the general game
            if w is None:
                return False
            log.DBG_MSG("Interm. win region bdd node count = " +
            game = ConcGame(BDDAIG(aig).short_error(~strat),
            w = backward_safety_synth(game)
        elif argv.comp_algo == 2:
            games_mapped = subgame_mapper(game_it, aig)
            # local aggregation yields None if short-circ'd
            if games_mapped is None:
                return False
            w = subgame_reducer(games_mapped, aig, argv)
        elif argv.comp_algo == 3:
            # solve games by up-down algo
            gen_game = ConcGame(aig, use_trans=argv.use_trans)
            w = comp_synth3(game_it, gen_game)
        elif argv.comp_algo == 4:
            # solve games by up-down algo
            gen_game = ConcGame(aig, use_trans=argv.use_trans)
            w = comp_synth4(game_it, gen_game)
            raise NotImplementedError()
    # Symbolic approach (avoiding compositional opts)
        game = ConcGame(aig,
        w = backward_safety_synth(game)
    # final check
    if w is None:
        return False
    log.DBG_MSG("Win region bdd node count = " +
    # synthesis from the realizability analysis
    if w is not None:
        if argv.out_file is not None:
            log.DBG_MSG("Win region bdd node count = " +
            c_input_info = []
            n_strategy = aig.cpre_bdd(w, get_strat=True)
            func_per_output = aig.extract_output_funs(n_strategy, care_set=w)
            if argv.only_transducer:
                for c in aig.iterate_controllable_inputs():
                    c_input_info.append((c.lit, c.name))
            for (c, func_bdd) in func_per_output.items():
                aig.input2and(c, aig.bdd2aig(func_bdd))
            if argv.only_transducer:
                for (l, n) in c_input_info:
                    aig.add_output(l, n)
        return True
        return False