コード例 #1
    def setUpClass(cls):
        # Set test mode for alignak backend
        # Uncomment to log the bakend REST API
        # os.environ['TEST_ALIGNAK_BACKEND'] = '1'
            'ALIGNAK_BACKEND_MONGO_DBNAME'] = 'alignak-module-backend-test'

        # Delete used mongo DBs
        print("Deleting Alignak backend DB...")
        exit_code = subprocess.call(
            shlex.split('mongo %s --eval "db.dropDatabase()"' %
        assert exit_code == 0

        cls.p = subprocess.Popen([
            'uwsgi', '--plugin', 'python', '-w', 'alignakbackend:app',
            '--socket', '', '--protocol=http', '--enable-threads',
            '--pidfile', '/tmp/uwsgi.pid'

        cls.backend = Backend('')
        cls.backend.login("admin", "admin", "force")
        realms = cls.backend.get_all('realm')
        for cont in realms['_items']:
            cls.realm_all = cont['_id']

        # Get admin user
        users = cls.backend.get_all('user')
        for user in users['_items']:
            if user['name'] == 'admin':
                cls.user_admin = user

        # add commands
        data = json.loads(open('cfg/command_ping.json').read())
        data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all
        data_cmd_ping = cls.backend.post("command", data)
        data = json.loads(open('cfg/command_http.json').read())
        data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all
        data_cmd_http = cls.backend.post("command", data)
        cls.ping_cmd = data_cmd_http['_id']

        # add 1 host
        data = json.loads(open('cfg/host_srv001.json').read())
        data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id']
        del data['realm']
        data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all
        cls.data_host = cls.backend.post("host", data)

        # add 2 services
        data = json.loads(open('cfg/service_srv001_ping.json').read())
        data['host'] = cls.data_host['_id']
        data['check_command'] = data_cmd_ping['_id']
        data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all
        cls.data_srv_ping = cls.backend.post("service", data)

        data = json.loads(open('cfg/service_srv001_http.json').read())
        data['host'] = cls.data_host['_id']
        data['check_command'] = data_cmd_http['_id']
        data['_realm'] = cls.realm_all
        cls.data_srv_http = cls.backend.post("service", data)

        # Start arbiter module
        modconf = Module()
        modconf.module_alias = "backend_arbiter"
        modconf.username = "******"
        modconf.password = "******"
        modconf.api_url = ''

        # Update default check timers
        # check every x min if config in backend changed, if yes it will reload it
        # Default, every 5 minutes
        modconf.verify_modification = 1
        # verify_modification     5

        cls.arbmodule = AlignakBackendArbiter(modconf)
        cls.objects = cls.arbmodule.get_objects()
コード例 #2
    def test_delete_host_service_detection(self):
        """Test if the hook detect we have deleted an host / service in the backend
        class Arbiter(object):
            conf = Config()
            pidfile = '/tmp/arbiter.pid'

        arb = Arbiter()

        if os.path.exists('/tmp/arbiter.pid'):

        now = timegm(datetime.utcnow().utctimetuple())

        # add 1 host
        data = json.loads(open('cfg/host_srv001.json').read())
        data['check_command'] = self.ping_cmd
        data['name'] = 'srv002'
        del data['realm']
        data['_realm'] = self.realm_all
        srv002 = self.data_host = self.backend.post("host", data)

        # Get our existing host
        hosts = self.backend.get_all('host')
        self.assertEqual(len(hosts['_items']), 3)

        # Start arbiter module
        modconf = Module()
        modconf.module_alias = "backend_arbiter"
        modconf.username = "******"
        modconf.password = "******"
        modconf.api_url = ''

        # Update default check timers
        # check every x min if config in backend changed, if yes it will reload it
        # Default, every 5 minutes
        modconf.verify_modification = 1
        # verify_modification     5

        self.arbmodule = AlignakBackendArbiter(modconf)
        self.objects = self.arbmodule.get_objects()

        # No configuration check is done ... because it is not yet the moment to check.
        print("No configuration check")
        next_check = self.arbmodule.next_check
        print("Next check: %s" % (next_check))
        assert self.arbmodule.configuration_reload_required is False
        assert self.arbmodule.configuration_reload_changelog == []
        print("Next check: %s / %s" % (next_check, self.arbmodule.next_check))
        assert self.arbmodule.next_check == next_check
        assert self.arbmodule.configuration_reload_required is False
        assert self.arbmodule.configuration_reload_changelog == []

        # delete the last host
        headers = {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            'If-Match': srv002['_etag']
        self.backend.delete('host/%s' % srv002['_id'], headers)
        hosts = self.backend.get_all('host')
        self.assertEqual(len(hosts['_items']), 2)

        # Set next check in the past to force a configuration check
        # Set check date in the future
        # And configuration has changed...
        print("Configuration check - a host has been deleted changed")
        self.arbmodule.next_check = now - 1
        self.arbmodule.time_loaded_conf = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(
            now + 1).strftime(self.arbmodule.backend_date_format)
        print("Next check: %s" % (next_check))
        assert self.arbmodule.configuration_reload_required is False
        assert self.arbmodule.configuration_reload_changelog == []
        print("Next check: %s / %s" % (next_check, self.arbmodule.next_check))
        assert self.arbmodule.next_check > now
        assert self.arbmodule.configuration_reload_required is True
        assert len(self.arbmodule.configuration_reload_changelog) > 0