def save(self, request, **kwargs): email = self.cleaned_data["email"] token_generator = kwargs.get("token_generator", default_token_generator) for user in self.users: temp_key = token_generator.make_token(user) # save it to the password reset model # password_reset = PasswordReset(user=user, temp_key=temp_key) # current_site = get_current_site(request) # send the password reset email path = reverse("account_reset_password_from_key", kwargs=dict(uidb36=user_pk_to_url_str(user), key=temp_key)) url = build_absolute_uri( request, path, protocol=app_settings.DEFAULT_HTTP_PROTOCOL) context = {"site": current_site, "user": user, "password_reset_url": url, "request": request} if app_settings.AUTHENTICATION_METHOD \ != AuthenticationMethod.EMAIL: context['username'] = user_username(user) get_adapter().send_mail('account/email/password_reset_key', email, context) return self.cleaned_data["email"]
def password_reset(request): ''' A modified version of password_reset view from account.views. Can be removed once we get emails in the user table unique. ''' form_class=PasswordResetForm if 'POST' == request.method: form = form_class(request.POST) else: form = form_class() if form.is_valid(): #user = UserModel.objects.get(email=form.cleaned_data['email']) username = form.cleaned_data['username'] email = form.cleaned_data['email'] hostname = Site.objects.get_current().domain user = User.objects.get(username__in=expanded_username_list(username.lower()), email=email) temp_key = default_token_generator.make_token(user) path = reverse("account_reset_password_from_key", kwargs=dict(uidb36=user_pk_to_url_str(user), key=temp_key)) url = build_absolute_uri(request, path, protocol=DEFAULT_HTTP_PROTOCOL) args = {'domain': hostname, 'url': url, 'user': user} if email_template(, 'account/mail/password_reset', **args): #return message(request, 'Check the mail please') return render_to_response(request, 'auth/password_reset_request_done.html') else: msg = ('Unfortunately we could not send you email ' 'in current time. Please, try later') return message_view(request, msg) return {'form': form}
def get_client(self, request, app): callback_url = reverse(self.adapter.provider_id + "_callback") callback_url = build_absolute_uri( request, callback_url, protocol=self.adapter.redirect_uri_protocol) provider = self.adapter.get_provider() client = OAuth2Client(self.request, app.client_id, app.secret, self.adapter.access_token_url, callback_url, provider.get_scope()) return client
def get_client(self, request, app): callback_url = reverse(self.adapter.provider_id + "_callback") protocol = (self.adapter.redirect_uri_protocol or app_settings.DEFAULT_HTTP_PROTOCOL) callback_url = build_absolute_uri( request, callback_url, protocol=protocol) provider = self.adapter.get_provider() client = OAuth2Client(self.request, app.client_id, app.secret, self.adapter.access_token_method, self.adapter.access_token_url, callback_url, provider.get_scope()) return client
def get_client(self, request, app): callback_url = reverse(self.adapter.provider_id + "_callback") callback_url = build_absolute_uri( request, callback_url, protocol=self.adapter.redirect_uri_protocol) provider = self.adapter.get_provider() scope = provider.get_scope(request) client = OAuth2Client(self.request, app.client_id, app.secret, self.adapter.access_token_method, self.adapter.access_token_url, callback_url, scope, scope_delimiter=self.adapter.scope_delimiter, headers=self.adapter.headers, basic_auth=self.adapter.basic_auth) return client
def get_client(self, request, app): callback_url = reverse(self.adapter.provider_id + "_callback") protocol = (self.adapter.redirect_uri_protocol or app_settings.DEFAULT_HTTP_PROTOCOL) callback_url = build_absolute_uri( request, callback_url, protocol=protocol) provider = self.adapter.get_provider() scope = provider.get_scope(request) client = OAuth2Client(self.request, app.client_id, app.secret, self.adapter.access_token_method, self.adapter.access_token_url, callback_url, scope) custom_header = headers = {"User-Agent": "django-allauth-header"} client.set_http_auth(True) client.set_custom_header(custom_header) return client
def send(self, request, signup=False, **kwargs): current_site = kwargs["site"] if "site" in kwargs \ else Site.objects.get_current() activate_url = reverse("account_confirm_email", kwargs={'key':self.key}) activate_url = build_absolute_uri(request, activate_url, protocol=app_settings.DEFAULT_HTTP_PROTOCOL) ctx = { "user": self.email_address.user, "activate_url": activate_url, "current_site": current_site, "key": self.key, } if signup: email_template = 'account/email/email_confirmation_signup' else: email_template = 'account/email/email_confirmation' get_adapter().send_mail(email_template,, ctx) self.sent = signals.email_confirmation_sent.send(sender=self.__class__, confirmation=self)
def get_callback_url(provider: OAuth2Adapter, request, app): callback_url = reverse(provider.provider_id + "_callback") protocol = getattr( settings, 'OAUTH_CALLBACK_PROTOCOL') or provider.redirect_uri_protocol return build_absolute_uri(request, callback_url, protocol)
def clean(self): """ Override to verify Stellar account using Data Entry added client-side. Decoded data entry must match """ # TODO: HANDLE THE RAISED ERRORS TO OUTPUT A VALIDATION ERROR (WORRY ABOUT TAMPERED WITH SIGNATURE ERROR) # Call the super super(AccountCreateForm, self).clean() # Obtain form input parameters creating_stellar = self.cleaned_data.get("creating_stellar") public_key = self.cleaned_data.get("public_key") if creating_stellar: # Creating a new Stellar account # NOTE: request_user = self.request_user # Check current request user is an admin allowed to approve funding if not request_user.is_superuser: raise ValidationError( _('Invalid request. You must be an admin to approve funding of new accounts.' )) # Check that account for this public key does not already exist elif Account.objects.filter(public_key=public_key).exists(): raise ValidationError( _('Invalid public key. This account has already been funded.' )) # Check that a funding request exists for this public key and fetch it try: funding_request = AccountFundRequest.objects.get( public_key=public_key) except ObjectDoesNotExist: funding_request = None raise ValidationError( _('Funding request for this public key does not exist.')) # Make a call to Horizon to fund new account with Nucleo base account horizon = settings.STELLAR_HORIZON_INITIALIZATION_METHOD() # Assemble the CreateAccount operation amount = settings.STELLAR_CREATE_ACCOUNT_MINIMUM_BALANCE memo = TextMemo('Nucleo Created Account') op_create = CreateAccount({ 'destination': public_key, 'starting_balance': amount, }) # Get the current sequence of the source account by contacting Horizon. # TODO: You should also check the response for errors! sequence = horizon.account( settings.STELLAR_BASE_KEY_PAIR.address()).get('sequence') # Create a transaction with our single create account operation, with the # default fee of 100 stroops as of this writing (0.00001 XLM) tx = Transaction( source=settings.STELLAR_BASE_KEY_PAIR.address().decode(), opts={ 'sequence': sequence, 'memo': memo, 'operations': [op_create], }, ) # Build a transaction envelope, ready to be signed. envelope = Te(tx=tx, opts={"network_id": settings.STELLAR_NETWORK}) # Sign the transaction envelope with the source keypair envelope.sign(settings.STELLAR_BASE_KEY_PAIR) # Submit the transaction to Horizon # TODO: Make sure to look at the response body carefully, as it can be an error or a successful response. te_xdr = envelope.xdr() response = horizon.submit(te_xdr) # Check whether account actually created on ledger if 'hash' not in response: raise ValidationError( _('Nucleo was not able to create a Stellar account at this time' )) # If successful, increment the user's account quota val by one user_funding = funding_request.requester self.account_user = user_funding profile_funding = user_funding.profile profile_funding.accounts_created += 1 # Delete the funding request funding_request.delete() # Email the requester to notify them of approved funding for new account profile_path = reverse('nc:user-detail', kwargs={'slug': user_funding.username}) profile_url = build_absolute_uri(self.request, profile_path) current_site = get_current_site(self.request) email_settings_path = reverse('nc:user-settings-redirect') email_settings_url = build_absolute_uri(self.request, email_settings_path) ctx_email = { 'current_site': current_site, 'username': user_funding.username, 'account_public_key': public_key, 'profile_url': profile_url, 'email_settings_url': email_settings_url, } get_adapter(self.request).send_mail('nc/email/account_create',, ctx_email) else: # Verify Stellar public key with the added Data Entry # Get the Stellar account for given public key # NOTE: Need to decouple Address initialization from get() method to work! address = Address(address=public_key, network=settings.STELLAR_NETWORK) try: address.get() except AccountNotExistError: raise ValidationError(_( 'Invalid account. Stellar Account associated with given public key does not exist.' ), code='invalid_account') # Obtain the signed_user data entry signed_user = settings.STELLAR_DATA_VERIFICATION_KEY, None) if not signed_user: raise ValidationError(_( 'Invalid data entry. Decoded Stellar Data Entry does not exist.' ), code='invalid_data_entry') # Now decode and verify data self.loaded_user_id = signing.loads(base64.b64decode(signed_user)) if != self.loaded_user_id: raise ValidationError(_( 'Invalid user id. Decoded Stellar Data Entry does not match your user id.' ), code='invalid_user') # Associate request user with this account self.account_user = self.request_user # Delete any existing funding request associated with that key AccountFundRequest.objects.filter(public_key=public_key).delete() # TODO: SEND EMAIL IF KEY HAS BEEN COMPROMISED, SOMEHOW ALLOW UNFUNDED ACCOUNTS TO BE SEEN? return self.cleaned_data
def save(self): """ Add new activity associated with given tx ops to request_user stream feed. Activity types we send to stream: 1. Payments (verb: send) 2. Token issuance (verb: issue) 3. Trusting of asset (verb: trust) 4. Buy/sell of asset (verb: offer) 5. Follow user (verb: follow; not handled by this form but instead in UserFollowUpdateView) For verb = 'follow', 'send' should trigger email(s)/notif(s) to only recipient of the action. For verb = 'issue', 'offer' send email(s)/notif(s) to all followers of the activity actor. """ if not self.ops: # TODO: This is a band-aid for times when tx_ops call gives a 404, # which seems to happen most often on offers (settlement time?). # Get rid of this once implement a transaction_operations nodejs listener? return {'activity': None, 'success_url': self.success_url} # Determine activity type and update kwargs for stream call request_user_profile = self.request_user.profile current_site = get_current_site(self.request) tx_hash = self.cleaned_data.get("tx_hash") kwargs = { 'actor':, 'actor_username': self.request_user.username, 'actor_pic_url': request_user_profile.pic_url(), 'actor_href': request_user_profile.href(), 'tx_hash': self.cleaned_data.get("tx_hash"), 'tx_href': self.tx_href, 'foreign_id': tx_hash, 'memo': self.memo, 'time': self.time, } # Payment if len(self.ops) == 1 and self.ops[0]['type_i'] == Xdr.const.PAYMENT: record = self.ops[0] # Get the user associated with to account if registered in our db try: object = get_user_model().objects.get( accounts__public_key=record['to']) except ObjectDoesNotExist: object = None object_id = if object else record[ 'to'] # NOTE: if no Nucleo user has that account, use public_key for object_id in r object_username = object.username if object else None object_email = if object else None object_profile = object.profile if object else None object_pic_url = object_profile.pic_url( ) if object_profile else None object_href = object_profile.href() if object_profile else None # Get the details of asset sent if registered in our db try: asset_id = '{0}-{1}'.format(record['asset_code'], record['asset_issuer'])\ if record['asset_type'] != 'native' else 'XLM-native' asset = Asset.objects.get(asset_id=asset_id) except ObjectDoesNotExist: asset = None asset_pic_url = asset.pic_url() if asset else None asset_href = asset.href() if asset else None kwargs.update({ 'verb': 'send', 'asset_type': record['asset_type'], 'asset_code': record.get('asset_code', None), 'asset_issuer': record.get('asset_issuer', None), 'asset_pic_url': asset_pic_url, 'asset_href': asset_href, 'amount': record['amount'], 'object': object_id, 'object_username': object_username, 'object_pic_url': object_pic_url, 'object_href': object_href }) # Send an email to user receiving funds if object_email and object_profile and object_profile.allow_payment_email: object_account = object.accounts.get(public_key=record['to']) asset_display = record['asset_code'] if record[ 'asset_type'] != 'native' else 'XLM' profile_path = reverse('nc:user-detail', kwargs={'slug': object_username}) profile_url = build_absolute_uri(self.request, profile_path) email_settings_path = reverse('nc:user-settings-redirect') email_settings_url = build_absolute_uri( self.request, email_settings_path) ctx_email = { 'current_site': current_site, 'username': self.request_user.username, 'amount': record['amount'], 'asset': asset_display, 'memo': self.memo, 'account_name':, 'account_public_key': object_account.public_key, 'profile_url': profile_url, 'email_settings_url': email_settings_url, } get_adapter(self.request).send_mail( 'nc/email/feed_activity_send', object_email, ctx_email) # Token issuance elif len(self.ops) == 3 and self.ops[0]['type_i'] == Xdr.const.CHANGE_TRUST\ and self.ops[1]['type_i'] == Xdr.const.PAYMENT\ and self.ops[0]['asset_code'] == self.ops[1]['asset_code']\ and self.ops[0]['asset_issuer'] == self.ops[1]['asset_issuer']: payment_record = self.ops[1] # Get account for issuer and either retrieve or create new asset in our db issuer = self.request_user.accounts.get( public_key=payment_record['source_account']) asset, created = Asset.objects.get_or_create( code=payment_record['asset_code'], issuer_address=payment_record['asset_issuer'], issuer=issuer) # Set the kwargs for feed activity kwargs.update({ 'verb': 'issue', 'amount': payment_record['amount'], 'object':, 'object_type': asset.type(), 'object_code': asset.code, 'object_issuer': asset.issuer_address, 'object_pic_url': asset.pic_url(), 'object_href': asset.href() }) # Send a bulk email to all followers that a new token has been issued recipient_list = [ for u in request_user_profile.followers\ .filter(profile__allow_token_issuance_email=True) ] asset_path = reverse('nc:asset-detail', kwargs={'slug': asset.asset_id}) asset_url = build_absolute_uri(self.request, asset_path) email_settings_path = reverse('nc:user-settings-redirect') email_settings_url = build_absolute_uri(self.request, email_settings_path) ctx_email = { 'current_site': current_site, 'username': self.request_user.username, 'amount': payment_record['amount'], 'asset': asset.code, 'asset_url': asset_url, 'account_name':, 'account_public_key': issuer.public_key, 'email_settings_url': email_settings_url, } get_adapter(self.request).send_mail_to_many( 'nc/email/feed_activity_issue', recipient_list, ctx_email) # Trusting of asset elif len(self.ops ) == 1 and self.ops[0]['type_i'] == Xdr.const.CHANGE_TRUST: record = self.ops[0] # Get account for issuer and either retrieve or create new asset in our db asset, created = Asset.objects.get_or_create( code=record['asset_code'], issuer_address=record['asset_issuer']) # Set the redirect URL to the asset detail page if not self.success_url: trust_path = reverse('nc:asset-trust-list', kwargs={'slug': asset.asset_id}) trust_url = build_absolute_uri(self.request, trust_path) self.success_url = trust_url # Test for whether adding/removing trust if float(self.ops[0]['limit']) == 0.0: # Removing trust, so don't add an activity, but remove from # user's asset trusting list. self.account.assets_trusting.remove(asset) if not self.request_user.accounts.filter( assets_trusting=asset).exists(): self.request_user.assets_trusting.remove(asset) return {'activity': None, 'success_url': self.success_url} else: # Adding trust, so add activity and add to user's asset trusting list. self.account.assets_trusting.add(asset) self.request_user.assets_trusting.add(asset) # Set the kwargs for feed activity kwargs.update({ 'verb': 'trust', 'object':, 'object_type': asset.type(), 'object_code': asset.code, 'object_issuer': asset.issuer_address, 'object_pic_url': asset.pic_url(), 'object_href': asset.href() }) # Send an email to issuer of asset asset_issuer_account = asset.issuer asset_issuer_user = asset.issuer.user if asset_issuer_account else None asset_issuer_profile = asset_issuer_user.profile if asset_issuer_user else None if asset_issuer_account and asset_issuer_user and asset_issuer_profile and asset_issuer_profile.allow_trust_email: asset_display = record['asset_code'] profile_path = reverse( 'nc:user-detail', kwargs={'slug': self.request_user.username}) profile_url = build_absolute_uri(self.request, profile_path) email_settings_path = reverse('nc:user-settings-redirect') email_settings_url = build_absolute_uri( self.request, email_settings_path) ctx_email = { 'current_site': current_site, 'username': self.request_user.username, 'asset': asset_display, 'account_name':, 'account_public_key': asset_issuer_account.public_key, 'profile_url': profile_url, 'email_settings_url': email_settings_url, } get_adapter(self.request).send_mail( 'nc/email/feed_activity_trust',, ctx_email) # Buy/sell of asset elif len(self.ops ) == 1 and self.ops[0]['type_i'] == Xdr.const.MANAGE_OFFER: record = self.ops[0] # Given we only allow buying/selling of token with respect to XLM, # the offer_type is the non-XLM side. # TODO: Generalize for non XLM related offers offer_type = 'buying' if record[ 'buying_asset_type'] != 'native' else 'selling' # Get account for issuer and either retrieve or create new asset in our db asset, created = Asset.objects.get_or_create( code=record[offer_type + '_asset_code'], issuer_address=record[offer_type + '_asset_issuer']) # Set the kwargs for feed activity kwargs.update({ 'verb': 'offer', 'offer_type': offer_type, 'amount': record['amount'], 'price': record['price'], 'object':, 'object_type': asset.type(), 'object_code': asset.code, 'object_issuer': asset.issuer_address, 'object_pic_url': asset.pic_url(), 'object_href': asset.href() }) # Send a bulk email to all followers that user has made a trade recipient_list = [ for u in request_user_profile.followers\ .filter(profile__allow_trade_email=True) ] offer_type_display = 'buy' if record[ 'buying_asset_type'] != 'native' else 'sell' amount_display = str( float(record['price']) * float(record['amount']) ) if offer_type == 'buying' else record['amount'] price_display = str( round(1 / float(record['price']), 7)) if offer_type == 'buying' else record['price'] asset_path = reverse('nc:asset-detail', kwargs={'slug': asset.asset_id}) asset_url = build_absolute_uri(self.request, asset_path) email_settings_path = reverse('nc:user-settings-redirect') email_settings_url = build_absolute_uri(self.request, email_settings_path) ctx_email = { 'current_site': current_site, 'username': self.request_user.username, 'offer_type': offer_type_display, 'amount': amount_display, 'memo': self.memo, 'price': price_display, 'asset': asset.code, 'asset_url': asset_url, 'email_settings_url': email_settings_url, } get_adapter(self.request).send_mail_to_many( 'nc/email/feed_activity_offer', recipient_list, ctx_email) # Set the redirect URL to the asset detail page if not self.success_url: self.success_url = asset_url else: # Not a supported activity type return {'activity': None, 'success_url': self.success_url} return { 'activity': self.feed.add_activity(kwargs), 'success_url': self.success_url, }
def get_callback_url(self, request, app): client_identifier = self.get_oauth2_client_identifier() callback_url = reverse(self.provider_id + "_callback", kwargs={'client_identifier': client_identifier}) protocol = self.redirect_uri_protocol return build_absolute_uri(request, callback_url, protocol)
def get_email_confirmation_url(self, request, emailconfirmation): url = reverse("allauth_account_confirm_email", args=[emailconfirmation.key]) ret = build_absolute_uri(None, url) return ret
def invitation_url(self, invitation): action_url = reverse('contests:join_team', args=(self.contest.code, base_url = build_absolute_uri(self.request, action_url) url = base_url + '?code=' + invitation.secret_code return url
def get_callback_url(self, request, app): callback_url = reverse(self.provider_id + "_callback") protocol = self.redirect_uri_protocol return build_absolute_uri(request, callback_url, protocol)
def get_callback_url(self, login_request, app): """ Get the local URL for the OpenID callback """ callback_url = reverse(self.slug + "_callback") return build_absolute_uri(login_request, callback_url, 'https')
def get_email_confirmation_url(self, request, emailconfirmation): url = settings.CUSTOM_ACCOUNT_CONFIRM_EMAIL_URL.format(emailconfirmation.key) ret = build_absolute_uri( request, url) return ret
def get_email_confirmation_url(self, request, emailconfirmation): uri = '/email-confirmation/' + emailconfirmation.key return build_absolute_uri(request, uri)
def get_callback_url(self, login_request, app): """ Get the local URL for the OAuth2 callback """ callback_url = reverse(self.slug + "_callback") protocol = self.redirect_uri_protocol return build_absolute_uri(login_request, callback_url, protocol)
def avatar_url(self): url = self.avatar.url if self.avatar else static( '/images/user_default_avatar.png') return build_absolute_uri(None, url)
def image_url(self): return build_absolute_uri(None, self.image.url) if self.image else None
def get_email_confirmation_url(self, request, emailconfirmation): url = reverse("account_confirm_email", args=[emailconfirmation.key]) ret = build_absolute_uri(request, url) return ret.replace('api/rest-auth/registration/', '')
def get_connect_redirect_url(self, request, socialaccount): return build_absolute_uri(request, settings.LOGIN_REDIRECT_URL)
def get_email_confirmation_url_override(self, request, emailconfirmation): url = reverse("users:account_confirm_email", args=[emailconfirmation.key]) ret = build_absolute_uri(request, url) return ret
def get_email_confirmation_url(self, request, emailconfirmation): url = reverse("rest_verify_email", kwargs={'key': emailconfirmation.key}) ret = build_absolute_uri(request, url) return ret
def get_callback_url(self, request, app): assert 'process' in request.query_params callback_url = reverse(SOCIAL_LOGIN_CALLBACK_NAME) protocol = self.redirect_uri_protocol url = build_absolute_uri(request, callback_url, protocol) return url + f'?provider={self.provider_id}&process={request.query_params["process"]}'