class ELMO(nn.Module): def __init__(self, projection_dim=None, dropout=0.5): super(ELMO, self).__init__() self.dropout = dropout # funky... should be able to not force this device = 0 if torch.cuda.is_available() else -1 self.elmo = ElmoEmbedder(cuda_device=device) self.layer_weights = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(3)) if projection_dim: self.projection = nn.Linear(1024, projection_dim) else: self.projection = None def forward(self, batch_sentences): # Embed words embeddings = self.elmo.batch_to_embeddings(batch_sentences)[0] # Apply learned weights to combine 3 layers norm_weights = F.softmax(self.layer_weights, dim=-1).view(1, 3, 1, 1) norm_weights = norm_weights.expand_as(embeddings) embeddings = (norm_weights * embeddings).sum(1) if self.dropout: embeddings = F.dropout(embeddings, self.dropout, if self.projection is not None: flat = embeddings.view(-1, embeddings.size(-1)) projected = F.relu(self.projection(flat)) embeddings = projected.view( embeddings.size(0), embeddings.size(1), -1 ) return embeddings
class WordEmbeddings(): """ ELMo """ def __init__( self, options_file='', weight_file='/content/drive/My Drive/SIFRank_ja/auxiliary_data/weights.hdf5', cuda_device=0): self.cuda_device = cuda_device self.elmo = ElmoEmbedder(options_file, weight_file, cuda_device=self.cuda_device) def get_tokenized_words_embeddings(self, sents_tokened): """ @see EmbeddingDistributor :param tokenized_sents: list of tokenized words string (sentences/phrases) :return: ndarray with shape (len(sents), dimension of embeddings) """ elmo_embedding, elmo_mask = self.elmo.batch_to_embeddings( sents_tokened) if (self.cuda_device > -1): return elmo_embedding.cpu(), elmo_mask.cpu() else: return elmo_embedding, elmo_mask
class WordEmbeddings(): """ ELMo """ def __init__( self, options_file="../auxiliary_data/elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_options.json", weight_file="../auxiliary_data/elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_weights.hdf5", cuda_device=0): self.cuda_device = cuda_device self.elmo = ElmoEmbedder(options_file, weight_file, cuda_device=self.cuda_device) def get_tokenized_words_embeddings(self, sents_tokened): """ @see EmbeddingDistributor :param tokenized_sents: list of tokenized words string (sentences/phrases) :return: ndarray with shape (len(sents), dimension of embeddings) """ elmo_embedding, elmo_mask = self.elmo.batch_to_embeddings( [sents_tokened]) if (self.cuda_device > -1): return elmo_embedding.cpu(), elmo_mask.cpu() else: return elmo_embedding, elmo_mask
def get_elmo(sentences, batch_size, tokens): ''' Returns numpy array of reduced elmo representations. Old function ''' x = [] options_file = "/data/models/pytorch/elmo/options/elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_5.5B_options.json" weight_file = "/data/models/pytorch/elmo/weights/elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_5.5B_weights.hdf5" # Convert x data to embeddings embeddings = ElmoEmbedder(options_file, weight_file, cuda_device=0) sentences = [ sentences[j:j + batch_size] for j in range(0, len(sentences), batch_size) ] tokens = [ tokens[j:j + batch_size] for j in range(0, len(tokens), batch_size) ] for toks, words in zip(tokens, sentences): toks = torch.tensor(toks, dtype=torch.long, device=torch.device('cuda:0')).unsqueeze(1) raw_embeds, _ = embeddings.batch_to_embeddings(words) raw_embeds =[:, 0, :, :], raw_embeds[:, 1, :, :], raw_embeds[:, 2, :, :]), dim=2) root_embeds = choose_tokens(batch=raw_embeds, lengths=toks) x.append(root_embeds.detach().cpu().numpy()) return np.concatenate(x, axis=0)
def main(): # Init ELMO model elmo_emb = ElmoEmbedder(weight_file='res/elmo/elmo_2x1024_128_2048cnn_1xhighway_weights.hdf5', options_file='res/elmo/elmo_2x1024_128_2048cnn_1xhighway_options.json') # "Warm up" ELMo embedder ( warmup_data, _, _, _ = util.load_dataset(splits=['train'], base_path='../data/multiwoz/delex/') warmup_data = [dg.to_dict() for dg in warmup_data['train'].iter_dialogs()][:500] print('Warming up ELMo embedder on train dialogs') for d in tqdm(warmup_data): utts = [] for t in d['turns']: utts.append(t['transcript']) _ = elmo_emb.batch_to_embeddings(utts) base_path = '../data/multiwoz/delex/' splits = ['train', 'test', 'dev'] #splits = ['dev'] # Load dialogs print('Creating elmo embeddings for annotated data') utterance_featurizer = ElmoFeaturizer(elmo_emb, 'utterance') sys_act_featurizer = ElmoFeaturizer(elmo_emb, 'act') elmo = Elmo(utterance_featurizer, sys_act_featurizer) dia_data, ontology = util.generate_dataset_elmo(elmo, splits=splits, base_path=base_path) # Save dataset for split in splits: pickle.dump(dia_data[split], open('{}_elmo_full.pkl'.format(base_path + split), 'wb')) # Workaround for s2v featurization dia_data[split] = [dg.to_dict() for dg in dia_data[split].iter_dialogs()] ## Create s2v embedding s2v = ontology.values if DELEX: s2v = util.delexicalize(s2v) s2v = util.fix_s2v(s2v, dia_data, splits=splits) slot_featurizer = ElmoFeaturizer(elmo_emb, "slot") value_featurizer = ElmoFeaturizer(elmo_emb, "value") s2v = util.featurize_s2v(s2v, slot_featurizer, value_featurizer, elmo=True, elmo_pool=False) # Save s2v pickle.dump(s2v, open('{}_elmo_full.pkl'.format(base_path + 's2v'), 'wb'))
class ElmoData(DataGenerator): def __init__(self, device, cache_dir, state): # tokenize sents self.tokenizer = MosesTokenizer() self.preprocess = lambda sent: self.tokenizer.tokenize(sent.lower(), escape=False) self.elmo = ElmoEmbedder( options_file=os.path.join( cache_dir, 'elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_options.json'), weight_file=os.path.join( cache_dir, 'elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_weights.hdf5'), cuda_device=0 if device.type == 'cuda' else -1) self.device = device self.state = RandomState(state) = 'ELMo' self.is_unk = lambda tok_id: False def load_file(self, filename): data = pd.read_csv(filename) questions = [self.preprocess(sent) for sent in data.question_text] labels = return questions, labels def prepare_batch(self, batch): batch, labels = batch # assumes tokenized batch lengths = torch.tensor([len(sent) for sent in batch]) lengths, perm_index = lengths.sort(0, descending=True) # get the elmo embeddings full_embedding_list, _ = self.elmo.batch_to_embeddings(batch) # average over embedding layers for every token # sequence[-1,:,:] for the last layer only #last_layer_list = [torch.tensor(sequence.sum(axis = 0), device = self.device) padded_embeddings = torch.stack( [sequence.float().mean(0) for sequence in full_embedding_list]) #padded_embeddings = pad_sequence(last_layer_list, batch_first = True) # resort sentences and labels labels = torch.tensor(labels, device=self.device) labels = labels[perm_index] padded_embeddings = padded_embeddings[perm_index] return padded_embeddings, labels, lengths
class Model(BaseModel): def __init__(self, vocab, config): word2id = vocab.word2idx super(Model, self).__init__() vocab_num = len(word2id) self.word2id = word2id self.config = config self.char_dict = preprocess.get_char_dict( 'data/char_vocab.english.txt') self.genres = { g: i for i, g in enumerate(["bc", "bn", "mz", "nw", "pt", "tc", "wb"]) } self.device = torch.device("cuda:" + config.cuda) self.emb = nn.Embedding(vocab_num, 350) emb1 = EmbedLoader().load_with_vocab(config.glove, vocab, normalize=False) emb2 = EmbedLoader().load_with_vocab(config.turian, vocab, normalize=False) pre_emb = np.concatenate((emb1, emb2), axis=1) pre_emb /= (np.linalg.norm(pre_emb, axis=1, keepdims=True) + 1e-12) if pre_emb is not None: self.emb.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.from_numpy(pre_emb).float()) for param in self.emb.parameters(): param.requires_grad = False self.emb_dropout = nn.Dropout(inplace=True) if config.use_elmo: self.elmo = ElmoEmbedder( options_file= 'data/elmo/elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_options.json', weight_file= 'data/elmo/elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_weights.hdf5', cuda_device=int(config.cuda)) print("elmo load over.") self.elmo_args = torch.randn((3), requires_grad=True).to(self.device) self.char_emb = nn.Embedding(len(self.char_dict), config.char_emb_size) self.conv1 = nn.Conv1d(config.char_emb_size, 50, 3) self.conv2 = nn.Conv1d(config.char_emb_size, 50, 4) self.conv3 = nn.Conv1d(config.char_emb_size, 50, 5) self.feature_emb = nn.Embedding(config.span_width, config.feature_size) self.feature_emb_dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.2, inplace=True) self.mention_distance_emb = nn.Embedding(10, config.feature_size) self.distance_drop = nn.Dropout(p=0.2, inplace=True) self.genre_emb = nn.Embedding(7, config.feature_size) self.speaker_emb = nn.Embedding(2, config.feature_size) self.bilstm = VarLSTM(input_size=350 + 150 * config.use_CNN + config.use_elmo * 1024, hidden_size=200, bidirectional=True, batch_first=True, hidden_dropout=0.2) # self.bilstm = nn.LSTM(input_size=500, hidden_size=200, bidirectional=True, batch_first=True) self.h0 = nn.init.orthogonal_(torch.empty(2, 1, 200)).to(self.device) self.c0 = nn.init.orthogonal_(torch.empty(2, 1, 200)).to(self.device) self.bilstm_drop = nn.Dropout(p=0.2, inplace=True) self.atten = ffnn(input_size=400, hidden_size=config.atten_hidden_size, output_size=1) self.mention_score = ffnn(input_size=1320, hidden_size=config.mention_hidden_size, output_size=1) = ffnn(input_size=3980 + 40 * config.use_metadata, hidden_size=config.sa_hidden_size, output_size=1) self.mention_start_np = None self.mention_end_np = None def _reorder_lstm(self, word_emb, seq_lens): sort_ind = sorted(range(len(seq_lens)), key=lambda i: seq_lens[i], reverse=True) seq_lens_re = [seq_lens[i] for i in sort_ind] emb_seq = self.reorder_sequence(word_emb, sort_ind, batch_first=True) packed_seq = nn.utils.rnn.pack_padded_sequence(emb_seq, seq_lens_re, batch_first=True) h0 = self.h0.repeat(1, len(seq_lens), 1) c0 = self.c0.repeat(1, len(seq_lens), 1) packed_out, final_states = self.bilstm(packed_seq, (h0, c0)) lstm_out, _ = nn.utils.rnn.pad_packed_sequence(packed_out, batch_first=True) back_map = {ind: i for i, ind in enumerate(sort_ind)} reorder_ind = [back_map[i] for i in range(len(seq_lens_re))] lstm_out = self.reorder_sequence(lstm_out, reorder_ind, batch_first=True) return lstm_out def reorder_sequence(self, sequence_emb, order, batch_first=True): """ sequence_emb: [T, B, D] if not batch_first order: list of sequence length """ batch_dim = 0 if batch_first else 1 assert len(order) == sequence_emb.size()[batch_dim] order = torch.LongTensor(order) order = sorted_ = sequence_emb.index_select(index=order, dim=batch_dim) del order return sorted_ def flat_lstm(self, lstm_out, seq_lens): batch = lstm_out.shape[0] seq = lstm_out.shape[1] dim = lstm_out.shape[2] l = [ j + i * seq for i, seq_len in enumerate(seq_lens) for j in range(seq_len) ] flatted = torch.index_select(lstm_out.view(batch * seq, dim), 0, torch.LongTensor(l).to(self.device)) return flatted def potential_mention_index(self, word_index, max_sent_len): # get mention index [3,2]:the first sentence is 3 and secend 2 # [0,0,0,1,1] --> [[0, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1], [1, 2], [2, 2], [3, 3], [3, 4], [4, 4]] (max =2) potential_mention = [] for i in range(len(word_index)): for j in range(i, i + max_sent_len): if (j < len(word_index) and word_index[i] == word_index[j]): potential_mention.append([i, j]) return potential_mention def get_mention_start_end(self, seq_lens): # 序列长度转换成mention # [3,2] --> [0,0,0,1,1] word_index = [0] * sum(seq_lens) sent_index = 0 index = 0 for length in seq_lens: for l in range(length): word_index[index] = sent_index index += 1 sent_index += 1 # [0,0,0,1,1]-->[[0,0],[0,1],[0,2]....] mention_id = self.potential_mention_index(word_index, self.config.span_width) mention_start = np.array(mention_id, dtype=int)[:, 0] mention_end = np.array(mention_id, dtype=int)[:, 1] return mention_start, mention_end def get_mention_emb(self, flatten_lstm, mention_start, mention_end): mention_start_tensor = torch.from_numpy(mention_start).to(self.device) mention_end_tensor = torch.from_numpy(mention_end).to(self.device) emb_start = flatten_lstm.index_select( dim=0, index=mention_start_tensor) # [mention_num,embed] emb_end = flatten_lstm.index_select( dim=0, index=mention_end_tensor) # [mention_num,embed] return emb_start, emb_end def get_mask(self, mention_start, mention_end): # big mask for attention mention_num = mention_start.shape[0] mask = np.zeros( (mention_num, self.config.span_width)) # [mention_num,span_width] for i in range(mention_num): start = mention_start[i] end = mention_end[i] # 实际上是宽度 for j in range(end - start + 1): mask[i][j] = 1 mask = torch.from_numpy(mask) # [mention_num,max_mention] # 0-->-inf 1-->0 log_mask = torch.log(mask) return log_mask def get_mention_index(self, mention_start, max_mention): # TODO 后面可能要改 assert len(mention_start.shape) == 1 mention_start_tensor = torch.from_numpy(mention_start) num_mention = mention_start_tensor.shape[0] mention_index = mention_start_tensor.expand( max_mention, num_mention).transpose(0, 1) # [num_mention,max_mention] assert mention_index.shape[0] == num_mention assert mention_index.shape[1] == max_mention range_add = torch.arange(0, max_mention).expand( num_mention, max_mention).long() # [num_mention,max_mention] mention_index = mention_index + range_add mention_index = torch.min( mention_index, torch.LongTensor([mention_start[-1] ]).expand(num_mention, max_mention)) return def sort_mention(self, mention_start, mention_end, candidate_mention_emb, candidate_mention_score, seq_lens): # 排序记录,高分段在前面 mention_score, mention_ids = torch.sort(candidate_mention_score, descending=True) preserve_mention_num = int(self.config.mention_ratio * sum(seq_lens)) mention_ids = mention_ids[0:preserve_mention_num] mention_score = mention_score[0:preserve_mention_num] mention_start_tensor = torch.from_numpy(mention_start).to( self.device).index_select(dim=0, index=mention_ids) # [lamda*word_num] mention_end_tensor = torch.from_numpy(mention_end).to( self.device).index_select(dim=0, index=mention_ids) # [lamda*word_num] mention_emb = candidate_mention_emb.index_select( index=mention_ids, dim=0) # [lamda*word_num,emb] assert mention_score.shape[0] == preserve_mention_num assert mention_start_tensor.shape[0] == preserve_mention_num assert mention_end_tensor.shape[0] == preserve_mention_num assert mention_emb.shape[0] == preserve_mention_num # TODO 不交叉没做处理 # 对start进行再排序,实际位置在前面 # TODO 这里只考虑了start没有考虑end mention_start_tensor, temp_index = torch.sort(mention_start_tensor) mention_end_tensor = mention_end_tensor.index_select(dim=0, index=temp_index) mention_emb = mention_emb.index_select(dim=0, index=temp_index) mention_score = mention_score.index_select(dim=0, index=temp_index) return mention_start_tensor, mention_end_tensor, mention_score, mention_emb def get_antecedents(self, mention_starts, max_antecedents): num_mention = mention_starts.shape[0] max_antecedents = min(max_antecedents, num_mention) # mention和它是第几个mention之间的对应关系 antecedents = np.zeros((num_mention, max_antecedents), dtype=int) # [num_mention,max_an] # 记录长度 antecedents_len = [0] * num_mention for i in range(num_mention): ante_count = 0 for j in range(max(0, i - max_antecedents), i): antecedents[i, ante_count] = j ante_count += 1 # 补位操作 for j in range(ante_count, max_antecedents): antecedents[i, j] = 0 antecedents_len[i] = ante_count assert antecedents.shape[1] == max_antecedents return antecedents, antecedents_len def get_antecedents_score(self, span_represent, mention_score, antecedents, antecedents_len, mention_speakers_ids, genre): num_mention = mention_score.shape[0] max_antecedent = antecedents.shape[1] pair_emb = self.get_pair_emb(span_represent, antecedents, mention_speakers_ids, genre) # [span_num,max_ant,emb] antecedent_scores = mask01 = self.sequence_mask(antecedents_len, max_antecedent) maskinf = torch.log(mask01).to(self.device) assert maskinf.shape[1] <= max_antecedent assert antecedent_scores.shape[0] == num_mention antecedent_scores = antecedent_scores + maskinf antecedents = torch.from_numpy(antecedents).to(self.device) mention_scoreij = mention_score.unsqueeze(1) + torch.gather( mention_score.unsqueeze(0).expand(num_mention, num_mention), dim=1, index=antecedents) antecedent_scores += mention_scoreij antecedent_scores =[ torch.zeros([mention_score.shape[0], 1]).to(self.device), antecedent_scores ], 1) # [num_mentions, max_ant + 1] return antecedent_scores ############################## def distance_bin(self, mention_distance): bins = torch.zeros(mention_distance.size()).byte().to(self.device) rg = [[1, 1], [2, 2], [3, 3], [4, 4], [5, 7], [8, 15], [16, 31], [32, 63], [64, 300]] for t, k in enumerate(rg): i, j = k[0], k[1] b = torch.LongTensor([i]).unsqueeze(-1).expand( mention_distance.size()).to(self.device) m1 =, b) e = torch.LongTensor([j]).unsqueeze(-1).expand( mention_distance.size()).to(self.device) m2 = torch.le(mention_distance, e) bins = bins + (t + 1) * (m1 & m2) return bins.long() def get_distance_emb(self, antecedents_tensor): num_mention = antecedents_tensor.shape[0] max_ant = antecedents_tensor.shape[1] assert max_ant <= self.config.max_antecedents source = torch.arange(0, num_mention).expand( max_ant, num_mention).transpose(0, 1).to(self.device) # [num_mention,max_ant] mention_distance = source - antecedents_tensor mention_distance_bin = self.distance_bin(mention_distance) distance_emb = self.mention_distance_emb(mention_distance_bin) distance_emb = self.distance_drop(distance_emb) return distance_emb def get_pair_emb(self, span_emb, antecedents, mention_speakers_ids, genre): emb_dim = span_emb.shape[1] num_span = span_emb.shape[0] max_ant = antecedents.shape[1] assert span_emb.shape[0] == antecedents.shape[0] antecedents = torch.from_numpy(antecedents).to(self.device) # [num_span,max_ant,emb] antecedent_emb = torch.gather( span_emb.unsqueeze(0).expand(num_span, num_span, emb_dim), dim=1, index=antecedents.unsqueeze(2).expand(num_span, max_ant, emb_dim)) # [num_span,max_ant,emb] target_emb_tiled = span_emb.expand((max_ant, num_span, emb_dim)) target_emb_tiled = target_emb_tiled.transpose(0, 1) similarity_emb = antecedent_emb * target_emb_tiled pair_emb_list = [target_emb_tiled, antecedent_emb, similarity_emb] # get speakers and genre if self.config.use_metadata: antecedent_speaker_ids = mention_speakers_ids.unsqueeze(0).expand( num_span, num_span).gather(dim=1, index=antecedents) same_speaker = torch.eq( mention_speakers_ids.unsqueeze(1).expand(num_span, max_ant), antecedent_speaker_ids) # [num_mention,max_ant] speaker_embedding = self.speaker_emb(same_speaker.long().to( self.device)) # [mention_num.max_ant,emb] genre_embedding = self.genre_emb( torch.LongTensor([genre]).expand(num_span, max_ant).to( self.device)) # [mention_num,max_ant,emb] pair_emb_list.append(speaker_embedding) pair_emb_list.append(genre_embedding) # get distance emb if self.config.use_distance: distance_emb = self.get_distance_emb(antecedents) pair_emb_list.append(distance_emb) pair_emb =, 2) return pair_emb def sequence_mask(self, len_list, max_len): x = np.zeros((len(len_list), max_len)) for i in range(len(len_list)): l = len_list[i] for j in range(l): x[i][j] = 1 return torch.from_numpy(x).float() def logsumexp(self, value, dim=None, keepdim=False): """Numerically stable implementation of the operation value.exp().sum(dim, keepdim).log() """ # TODO: torch.max(value, dim=None) threw an error at time of writing if dim is not None: m, _ = torch.max(value, dim=dim, keepdim=True) value0 = value - m if keepdim is False: m = m.squeeze(dim) return m + torch.log( torch.sum(torch.exp(value0), dim=dim, keepdim=keepdim)) else: m = torch.max(value) sum_exp = torch.sum(torch.exp(value - m)) return m + torch.log(sum_exp) def softmax_loss(self, antecedent_scores, antecedent_labels): antecedent_labels = torch.from_numpy(antecedent_labels * 1).to( self.device) gold_scores = antecedent_scores + torch.log( antecedent_labels.float()) # [num_mentions, max_ant + 1] marginalized_gold_scores = self.logsumexp(gold_scores, 1) # [num_mentions] log_norm = self.logsumexp(antecedent_scores, 1) # [num_mentions] return torch.sum( log_norm - marginalized_gold_scores) # [num_mentions]reduce_logsumexp def get_predicted_antecedents(self, antecedents, antecedent_scores): predicted_antecedents = [] for i, index in enumerate( np.argmax(antecedent_scores.detach(), axis=1) - 1): if index < 0: predicted_antecedents.append(-1) else: predicted_antecedents.append(antecedents[i, index]) return predicted_antecedents def get_predicted_clusters(self, mention_starts, mention_ends, predicted_antecedents): mention_to_predicted = {} predicted_clusters = [] for i, predicted_index in enumerate(predicted_antecedents): if predicted_index < 0: continue assert i > predicted_index predicted_antecedent = (int(mention_starts[predicted_index]), int(mention_ends[predicted_index])) if predicted_antecedent in mention_to_predicted: predicted_cluster = mention_to_predicted[predicted_antecedent] else: predicted_cluster = len(predicted_clusters) predicted_clusters.append([predicted_antecedent]) mention_to_predicted[predicted_antecedent] = predicted_cluster mention = (int(mention_starts[i]), int(mention_ends[i])) predicted_clusters[predicted_cluster].append(mention) mention_to_predicted[mention] = predicted_cluster predicted_clusters = [tuple(pc) for pc in predicted_clusters] mention_to_predicted = { m: predicted_clusters[i] for m, i in mention_to_predicted.items() } return predicted_clusters, mention_to_predicted def evaluate_coref(self, mention_starts, mention_ends, predicted_antecedents, gold_clusters, evaluator): gold_clusters = [tuple(tuple(m) for m in gc) for gc in gold_clusters] mention_to_gold = {} for gc in gold_clusters: for mention in gc: mention_to_gold[mention] = gc predicted_clusters, mention_to_predicted = self.get_predicted_clusters( mention_starts, mention_ends, predicted_antecedents) evaluator.update(predicted_clusters, gold_clusters, mention_to_predicted, mention_to_gold) return predicted_clusters def forward(self, words1, words2, words3, words4, chars, seq_len): """ 实际输入都是tensor :param sentences: 句子,被fastNLP转化成了numpy, :param doc_np: 被fastNLP转化成了Tensor :param speaker_ids_np: 被fastNLP转化成了Tensor :param genre: 被fastNLP转化成了Tensor :param char_index: 被fastNLP转化成了Tensor :param seq_len: 被fastNLP转化成了Tensor :return: """ sentences = words3 doc_np = words4 speaker_ids_np = words2 genre = words1 char_index = chars # change for fastNLP sentences = sentences[0].tolist() doc_tensor = doc_np[0] speakers_tensor = speaker_ids_np[0] genre = genre[0].item() char_index = char_index[0] seq_len = seq_len[0].cpu().numpy() # 类型 # doc_tensor = torch.from_numpy(doc_np).to(self.device) # speakers_tensor = torch.from_numpy(speaker_ids_np).to(self.device) mention_emb_list = [] word_emb = self.emb(doc_tensor) word_emb_list = [word_emb] if self.config.use_CNN: # [batch, length, char_length, char_dim] char = self.char_emb(char_index) char_size = char.size() # first transform to [batch *length, char_length, char_dim] # then transpose to [batch * length, char_dim, char_length] char = char.view(char_size[0] * char_size[1], char_size[2], char_size[3]).transpose(1, 2) # put into cnn [batch*length, char_filters, char_length] # then put into maxpooling [batch * length, char_filters] char_over_cnn, _ = self.conv1(char).max(dim=2) # reshape to [batch, length, char_filters] char_over_cnn = torch.tanh(char_over_cnn).view( char_size[0], char_size[1], -1) word_emb_list.append(char_over_cnn) char_over_cnn, _ = self.conv2(char).max(dim=2) char_over_cnn = torch.tanh(char_over_cnn).view( char_size[0], char_size[1], -1) word_emb_list.append(char_over_cnn) char_over_cnn, _ = self.conv3(char).max(dim=2) char_over_cnn = torch.tanh(char_over_cnn).view( char_size[0], char_size[1], -1) word_emb_list.append(char_over_cnn) # word_emb =, dim=2) # use elmo or not if self.config.use_elmo: # 如果确实被截断了 if doc_tensor.shape[0] == 50 and len(sentences) > 50: sentences = sentences[0:50] elmo_embedding, elmo_mask = self.elmo.batch_to_embeddings( sentences) elmo_embedding = self.device ) # [sentence_num,max_sent_len,3,1024]--[sentence_num,max_sent,1024] elmo_embedding = elmo_embedding[:, 0, :, :] * self.elmo_args[0] + elmo_embedding[:, 1, :, :] * \ self.elmo_args[1] + elmo_embedding[:, 2, :, :] * self.elmo_args[2] word_emb_list.append(elmo_embedding) # print(word_emb_list[0].shape) # print(word_emb_list[1].shape) # print(word_emb_list[2].shape) # print(word_emb_list[3].shape) # print(word_emb_list[4].shape) word_emb =, dim=2) word_emb = self.emb_dropout(word_emb) # word_emb_elmo = self.emb_dropout(word_emb_elmo) lstm_out = self._reorder_lstm(word_emb, seq_len) flatten_lstm = self.flat_lstm(lstm_out, seq_len) # [word_num,emb] flatten_lstm = self.bilstm_drop(flatten_lstm) # TODO 没有按照论文写 flatten_word_emb = self.flat_lstm(word_emb, seq_len) # [word_num,emb] mention_start, mention_end = self.get_mention_start_end( seq_len) # [mention_num] self.mention_start_np = mention_start # [mention_num] np self.mention_end_np = mention_end mention_num = mention_start.shape[0] emb_start, emb_end = self.get_mention_emb( flatten_lstm, mention_start, mention_end) # [mention_num,emb] # list mention_emb_list.append(emb_start) mention_emb_list.append(emb_end) if self.config.use_width: mention_width_index = mention_end - mention_start mention_width_tensor = torch.from_numpy(mention_width_index).to( self.device) # [mention_num] mention_width_emb = self.feature_emb(mention_width_tensor) mention_width_emb = self.feature_emb_dropout(mention_width_emb) mention_emb_list.append(mention_width_emb) if self.config.model_heads: mention_index = self.get_mention_index( mention_start, self.config.span_width) # [mention_num,max_mention] log_mask_tensor = self.get_mask( mention_start, mention_end).float().to( self.device) # [mention_num,max_mention] alpha = self.atten(flatten_lstm).to(self.device) # [word_num] # 得到attention mention_head_score = torch.gather( alpha.expand(mention_num, -1), 1, mention_index).float().to( self.device) # [mention_num,max_mention] mention_attention = F.softmax(mention_head_score + log_mask_tensor, dim=1) # [mention_num,max_mention] # TODO flatte lstm word_num = flatten_lstm.shape[0] lstm_emb = flatten_lstm.shape[1] emb_num = flatten_word_emb.shape[1] # [num_mentions, max_mention_width, emb] mention_text_emb = torch.gather( flatten_word_emb.unsqueeze(1).expand(word_num, self.config.span_width, emb_num), 0, mention_index.unsqueeze(2).expand(mention_num, self.config.span_width, emb_num)) # [mention_num,emb] mention_head_emb = torch.sum(mention_attention.unsqueeze(2).expand( mention_num, self.config.span_width, emb_num) * mention_text_emb, dim=1) mention_emb_list.append(mention_head_emb) candidate_mention_emb =, 1) # [candidate_mention_num,emb] candidate_mention_score = self.mention_score( candidate_mention_emb) # [candidate_mention_num] antecedent_scores, antecedents, mention_start_tensor, mention_end_tensor = ( None, None, None, None) mention_start_tensor, mention_end_tensor, mention_score, mention_emb = \ self.sort_mention(mention_start, mention_end, candidate_mention_emb, candidate_mention_score, seq_len) mention_speakers_ids = speakers_tensor.index_select( dim=0, index=mention_start_tensor) # num_mention antecedents, antecedents_len = self.get_antecedents( mention_start_tensor, self.config.max_antecedents) antecedent_scores = self.get_antecedents_score( mention_emb, mention_score, antecedents, antecedents_len, mention_speakers_ids, genre) ans = { "candidate_mention_score": candidate_mention_score, "antecedent_scores": antecedent_scores, "antecedents": antecedents, "mention_start_tensor": mention_start_tensor, "mention_end_tensor": mention_end_tensor } return ans def predict(self, words1, words2, words3, words4, chars, seq_len): """ 实际输入都是tensor :param sentences: 句子,被fastNLP转化成了numpy, :param doc_np: 被fastNLP转化成了Tensor :param speaker_ids_np: 被fastNLP转化成了Tensor :param genre: 被fastNLP转化成了Tensor :param char_index: 被fastNLP转化成了Tensor :param seq_len: 被fastNLP转化成了Tensor :return: """ sentences = words1 doc_np = words2 speaker_ids_np = words3 genre = words4 char_index = chars # def predict(self, sentences, doc_np, speaker_ids_np, genre, char_index, seq_len): ans = self(sentences, doc_np, speaker_ids_np, genre, char_index, seq_len) predicted_antecedents = self.get_predicted_antecedents( ans["antecedents"], ans["antecedent_scores"].cpu()) predicted_clusters, mention_to_predicted = self.get_predicted_clusters( ans["mention_start_tensor"].cpu(), ans["mention_end_tensor"].cpu(), predicted_antecedents) return { 'predicted': predicted_clusters, "mention_to_predicted": mention_to_predicted }
class NCETModel(nn.Module): def __init__(self, config): super(NCETModel, self).__init__() self.use_elmo = config.use_elmo self.embedding_dim = config.embedding_dim self.hidden_dim = config.hidden_dim self.vocab_size = config.vocab_size self.label_size = config.label_size self.embed_fropout_rate = config.embed_dropout_rate self.dropout_rate = config.dropout_rate self.batch_size = config.batch_size self.max_word_length = config.max_word_length self.max_sent_length = config.max_sent_length self.use_state_graph = config.use_state_graph self.elmo = ElmoEmbedder(options_file=config.path_elmo_options, weight_file=config.path_elmo_weights, cuda_device=-1 if not config.gpu_id else 0) self.alpha = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(3, 1)) if config.path_word_vector: self.embedding = nn.Embedding.from_pretrained( torch.FloatTensor(config.embeddings)) else: self.embedding = nn.Embedding(self.vocab_size, self.embedding_dim, padding_idx=0) self.embed_drop = nn.Dropout(self.dropout_rate) self.word_lstm = LSTMEncoder(self.embedding_dim + 1, self.hidden_dim, self.batch_size, self.max_word_length) # entity state self.state_lstm = LSTMEncoder(self.hidden_dim * 4, self.hidden_dim, self.batch_size, self.max_sent_length) self.state_rnn = CustomRNN(cell_class=StateGraphGRUCell, input_dim=self.hidden_dim * 4, hidden_dim=self.hidden_dim, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True) self.state_mlp = nn.Sequential( nn.Dropout(self.dropout_rate), nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim * 2, self.hidden_dim), nn.LayerNorm(self.hidden_dim), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, self.label_size), ) self.crf = CRF(self.label_size) # entity location self.location_lstm = LSTMEncoder(self.hidden_dim * 4, self.hidden_dim, self.batch_size, self.max_sent_length) self.location_mlp = nn.Sequential( nn.Dropout(self.dropout_rate), nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim * 2, self.hidden_dim), nn.LayerNorm(self.hidden_dim), nn.ReLU(), nn.Linear(self.hidden_dim, 1), ) def forward(self, words, words_idxs, verbs, words_length, sents_length, verbs_idxs_sents, entity_idxs_sents, entity_to_idx, idx_to_entity, location_candidate_idxs_sents, location_candidate_to_idx, idx_to_location_candidate): ''' ''' device = self.embedding.weight.device words_idxs = torch.LongTensor(words_idxs).to( device) # [max_word_length, 1] verbs = torch.FloatTensor(verbs).to(device) # [max_word_length] # embedding if self.use_elmo: with torch.no_grad(): words = [[word[0] for word in words]] word_embeddings_elmo, word_mask = self.elmo.batch_to_embeddings( words) word_embeddings_elmo = word_embeddings_elmo.permute( 0, 2, 3, 1) @ self.alpha word_embeddings_elmo = word_embeddings_elmo.view(-1, 1024) # word_embeddings_elmo = word_embeddings[:, -1, :, :].view(-1, 256) # elmo only word_embeddings = word_embeddings_elmo # fasttext + elmo # word_embeddings_fasttext = self.embedding(words_idxs) # word_embeddings =[word_embeddings_elmo, word_embeddings_fasttext], dim=-1) else: word_embeddings = self.embedding(words_idxs) word_embeddings = self.embed_drop(word_embeddings) word_verb_embeddings = [word_embeddings, verbs.unsqueeze(dim=-1)], dim=-1).unsqueeze(dim=0) # lstm word encoding word_lstm_encoding = self.word_lstm( word_verb_embeddings, [words_length]).squeeze(dim=0) # [max_length, 2*hidden_dim] #-------------------------------------# # entity state tracking # #-------------------------------------# # lstm entity encoding verbs_sents = [] for idxs in verbs_idxs_sents: if not idxs: verbs = torch.zeros(self.hidden_dim * 2).to(device) else: idxs = torch.stack(idxs).view(1, -1).to(device) verbs = torch.mean(F.embedding(idxs, word_lstm_encoding), dim=1).view(-1) verbs_sents.append(verbs) start_encoding = torch.zeros(verbs.size()).to(device) end_encoding = torch.zeros(verbs.size()).to(device) verbs_sents = [start_encoding] + verbs_sents + [end_encoding] verbs_sents = torch.stack(verbs_sents) # [sents_length, hidden_dim*2] # rnn entity encoding if self.use_state_graph: entity_states_input = [None for i in range(len(entity_to_idx)) ] # placeholder for entity, entity_idxs in entity_idxs_sents.items(): entity_sents = [] for i, idxs in enumerate(entity_idxs): if not idxs: entity_encoding = torch.zeros(self.hidden_dim * 4).to(device) else: entity_encoding = word_lstm_encoding[idxs[0].item( ):idxs[1].item() + 1] entity_encoding = torch.mean(entity_encoding, dim=0).view(-1) entity_encoding = [entity_encoding, verbs_sents[i]], dim=-1) # add verb entity_sents.append(entity_encoding) start_encoding = torch.zeros(entity_encoding.size()).to(device) end_encoding = torch.zeros(entity_encoding.size()).to(device) entity_sents = [start_encoding] + entity_sents + [end_encoding] entity_sents = torch.stack(entity_sents).unsqueeze( dim=0) # [batch_size, seq_len, hidden_dim*4] entity_states_input[ entity_to_idx[entity]] = entity_sents.unsqueeze(dim=-2) # concat all entities entity_states_input = entity_states_input, dim=-2) # [batch_size, seq_len, entity_size, hidden_dim*4] entity_states_rnn_encoding, _ = self.state_rnn( entity_states_input ) # [batch_size, seq_len, entity_size, hidden_dim*2] states_logit = self.state_mlp(entity_states_rnn_encoding) entity_states_logit = {} for entity in entity_to_idx: entity_states_logit[ entity] = states_logit[:, :, entity_to_idx[entity], :].squeeze( dim=-2) else: entity_states_logit = {} for entity, entity_idxs in entity_idxs_sents.items(): entity_sents = [] for i, idxs in enumerate(entity_idxs): if not idxs: entity_encoding = torch.zeros(self.hidden_dim * 4).to(device) else: entity_encoding = word_lstm_encoding[idxs[0].item( ):idxs[1].item() + 1] entity_encoding = torch.mean(entity_encoding, dim=0).view(-1) entity_encoding = [entity_encoding, verbs_sents[i]], dim=-1) entity_sents.append(entity_encoding) start_encoding = torch.zeros(entity_encoding.size()).to(device) end_encoding = torch.zeros(entity_encoding.size()).to(device) entity_sents = [start_encoding] + entity_sents + [end_encoding] entity_sents = torch.stack(entity_sents).unsqueeze(dim=0) states_lstm_encoding = self.state_lstm( entity_sents, [sents_length])[:, :sents_length, :] states_logit = self.state_mlp(states_lstm_encoding) entity_states_logit[entity] = states_logit #----------------------------------------# # entity location tracking # #----------------------------------------# # lstm location encoding entity_locations_logit = {} for entity, entity_idxs in entity_idxs_sents.items(): entity_sents = [] for i, idxs in enumerate(entity_idxs): if not idxs: entity_encoding = torch.zeros(self.hidden_dim * 2).to(device) else: entity_encoding = word_lstm_encoding[idxs[0].item( ):idxs[1].item() + 1] entity_encoding = torch.mean(entity_encoding, dim=0).view(-1) entity_sents.append(entity_encoding) start_encoding = torch.zeros(entity_encoding.size()).to(device) end_encoding = torch.zeros(entity_encoding.size()).to(device) entity_sents = [start_encoding] + entity_sents + [end_encoding] entity_sents = torch.stack(entity_sents).unsqueeze( dim=0) # [batch_size, sents_len, hidden_dim * 2] location_logits = [None] * len(location_candidate_to_idx) for location_candidate, location_candidate_idxs in location_candidate_idxs_sents.items( ): location_sents = [] for i, idxs in enumerate(location_candidate_idxs): if not idxs: location_encoding = torch.zeros(self.hidden_dim * 2).to(device) else: location_encoding = word_lstm_encoding[idxs[0].item( ):idxs[1].item() + 1] location_encoding = torch.mean(location_encoding, dim=0).view(-1) location_sents.append(location_encoding) start_encoding = torch.zeros( location_encoding.size()).to(device) end_encoding = torch.zeros(location_encoding.size()).to(device) location_sents = [start_encoding ] + location_sents + [end_encoding] location_sents = torch.stack(location_sents).unsqueeze( dim=0) # [batch_size, sents_len, hidde_dim * 2] # concate entity & locaation entity_location_sents = [entity_sents, location_sents], dim=-1) # [batch_size, sents_len, hidden_dim * 4] location_lstm_encoding = self.location_lstm( entity_location_sents, [sents_length])[:, :sents_length, :] location_logit = self.location_mlp(location_lstm_encoding) location_logits[location_candidate_to_idx[ location_candidate]] = location_logit location_logits =, dim=-1) entity_locations_logit[entity] = location_logits return entity_states_logit, entity_locations_logit
class ELMOCRFSegModel(LSTMCRFSegModel): def __init__(self, args, word_vocab): super().__init__(args, word_vocab) # import ElmoEmbedder here so that the cuda_visible_divices can work from allennlp.commands.elmo import ElmoEmbedder self.elmo = ElmoEmbedder(cuda_device=0 if args.gpu is not None else -1) def _setup_placeholders(self): self.placeholders = { 'input_words': tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None, None]), 'input_length': tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None]), 'elmo_vectors': tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 3, None, 1024]), 'seg_labels': tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None]), 'dropout_keep_prob': tf.placeholder(tf.float32) } def _embed(self): with tf.device('/cpu:0'): if self.word_vocab.embeddings is None: word_emb_init = tf.random_normal_initializer() else: word_emb_init = tf.constant_initializer( self.word_vocab.embeddings) self.word_embeddings = tf.get_variable( 'word_embeddings', shape=(self.word_vocab.size(), self.word_vocab.embed_dim), initializer=word_emb_init, trainable=False) self.embedded_words = tf.nn.embedding_lookup( self.word_embeddings, self.placeholders['input_words']) self.elmo_weights = tf.nn.softmax( tf.get_variable('elmo_weights', [3], dtype=tf.float32, trainable=True)) self.scale_para = tf.get_variable('scale_para', [1], dtype=tf.float32, trainable=True) self.elmo_vectors = self.scale_para * ( self.elmo_weights[0] * self.placeholders['elmo_vectors'][:, 0, :, :] + self.elmo_weights[1] * self.placeholders['elmo_vectors'][:, 1, :, :] + self.elmo_weights[2] * self.placeholders['elmo_vectors'][:, 2, :, :]) self.embedded_inputs = tf.concat( [self.embedded_words, self.elmo_vectors], -1) self.embedded_inputs = tf.nn.dropout( self.embedded_inputs, self.placeholders['dropout_keep_prob']) def _compute_loss(self): self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(-self.log_likelyhood, 0) if self.weight_decay > 0: with tf.variable_scope('l2_loss'): l2_loss = tf.add_n([ tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in tf.trainable_variables() if 'bias' not in ]) self.loss += self.weight_decay * l2_loss def _train_epoch(self, train_batches, print_every_n_batch): total_loss, total_batch_num = 0, 0 for bitx, batch in enumerate(train_batches): feed_dict = { self.placeholders['input_words']: batch['word_ids'], self.placeholders['input_length']: batch['length'], self.placeholders['seg_labels']: batch['seg_labels'] } elmo_vectors, mask = self.elmo.batch_to_embeddings( [sample['words'] for sample in batch['raw_data']]) feed_dict[self.placeholders['elmo_vectors']] = np.asarray( dkp = self.placeholders['dropout_keep_prob'] feed_dict[dkp] = self.dropout_keep_prob _, loss, grad_norm = [self.train_op, self.loss, self.grad_norm], feed_dict) if (bitx != 0 and print_every_n_batch > 0 and bitx % print_every_n_batch == 0):'bitx: {}, loss: {}, grad: {}'.format( bitx, loss, grad_norm)) total_loss += loss total_batch_num += 1 return total_loss / total_batch_num def segment(self, batch): feed_dict = { self.placeholders['input_words']: batch['word_ids'], self.placeholders['input_length']: batch['length'] } elmo_vectors, mask = self.elmo.batch_to_embeddings( [sample['words'] for sample in batch['raw_data']]) feed_dict[self.placeholders['elmo_vectors']] = np.asarray( feed_dict[self.placeholders['dropout_keep_prob']] = 1.0 scores, trans_params =[self.scores, self.trans_params], feed_dict) batch_pred_segs = [] for sample_idx in range(len(batch['raw_data'])): length = batch['length'][sample_idx] viterbi_seq, viterbi_score = tc.crf.viterbi_decode( scores[sample_idx][:length], trans_params) pred_segs = [] for word_idx, label in enumerate(viterbi_seq): if label == 1: pred_segs.append(word_idx) batch_pred_segs.append(pred_segs) return batch_pred_segs
# coding: utf-8 or # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ NAACL2018 一种新的embedding方法--原理与实验 Deep contextualized word representations (ELMo) """ from allennlp.commands.elmo import ElmoEmbedder elmo = ElmoEmbedder( options_file= '/Users/tony/myfiles/spark/share/python-projects/deep_trading/dataset/elmo_embedder/elmo_options.json', weight_file= '/Users/tony/myfiles/spark/share/python-projects/deep_trading/dataset/elmo_embedder/elmo_2x4096_512_2048cnn_2xhighway_weights.hdf5', cuda_device=-1) context_tokens = [['I', 'love', 'you', '.'], ['Sorry', ',', 'I', 'don', "'t", 'love', 'you', '.']] elmo_embedding, elmo_mask = elmo.batch_to_embeddings(context_tokens) print(elmo_embedding) print(elmo_mask)
class MLPRegression(Module): def __init__(self, embed_params, attention_type, all_attributes, output_size, layers, hand_feat_dim, device="cpu", embedding_dim=1024, turn_on_hand_feats=False, turn_on_embeddings=False): ''' Super class for training ''' super(MLPRegression, self).__init__() # Set model constants and embeddings self.device = device self.layers = layers self.embedding_dim = embedding_dim self.output_size = output_size self.attention_type = attention_type self.all_attributes = all_attributes self.is_hand_feats_on = turn_on_hand_feats self.is_embeds_on = turn_on_embeddings # Initialise embeddings if self.is_embeds_on: self._init_embeddings(embed_params) else: self.reduced_embedding_dim = 0 if self.is_hand_feats_on: self.hand_feat_dim = hand_feat_dim else: self.hand_feat_dim = 0 # Initialise regression layers and parameters self._init_regression() # Initialise attention parameters self._init_attention() def _init_embeddings(self, embedding_params): ''' Initialise embeddings ''' if type(embedding_params[0]) is str: self.vocab = None options_file = embedding_params[0] weight_file = embedding_params[1] self.embeddings = ElmoEmbedder(options_file, weight_file, cuda_device=0) # self.embeddings = Elmo(options_file, weight_file, 3, dropout=0) self.reduced_embedding_dim = 256 # ELMO tuning parameters self.embed_linmap_argpred_lower = Linear( self.embedding_dim, self.reduced_embedding_dim) self.embed_linmap_argpred_mid = Linear(self.embedding_dim, self.reduced_embedding_dim, bias=False) self.embed_linmap_argpred_top = Linear(self.embedding_dim, self.reduced_embedding_dim, bias=False) else: # GloVe embeddings glove_embeds = embedding_params[0] self.vocab = embedding_params[1] self.num_embeddings = len(self.vocab) self.embeddings = torch.nn.Embedding(self.num_embeddings, self.embedding_dim, max_norm=None, norm_type=2, scale_grad_by_freq=False, sparse=False) self.reduced_embedding_dim = 300 torch.from_numpy(glove_embeds.values)) self.embeddings.weight.requires_grad = False self.vocab_hash = {w: i for i, w in enumerate(self.vocab)} # self.embed_linmap = Linear(self.embedding_dim, self.reduced_embedding_dim) def _init_regression(self): ''' Define the linear maps ''' # Output regression parameters self.linmaps = ModuleDict( {prot: ModuleList([]) for prot in self.all_attributes.keys()}) for prot in self.all_attributes.keys(): last_size = self.reduced_embedding_dim # Handle varying size of dimension depending on representation if self.attention_type[prot]['repr'] == "root": if self.attention_type[prot]['context'] != "none": last_size *= 2 else: if self.attention_type[prot]['context'] == "none": last_size *= 2 else: last_size *= 3 # self.layer_norm[prot] = torch.nn.LayerNorm(last_size) last_size += self.hand_feat_dim for out_size in self.layers: linmap = Linear(last_size, out_size) self.linmaps[prot].append(linmap) last_size = out_size final_linmap = Linear(last_size, self.output_size) self.linmaps[prot].append(final_linmap) # Dropout layer self.dropout = Dropout() def _regression_nonlinearity(self, x): return F.relu(x) def _init_attention(self): ''' Initialises the attention map vector/matrix Takes attention_type-Span, Sentence, Span-param, Sentence-param as a parameter to decide the size of the attention matrix ''' self.att_map_repr = ModuleDict({}) self.att_map_W = ModuleDict({}) self.att_map_V = ModuleDict({}) self.att_map_context = ModuleDict({}) for prot in self.attention_type.keys(): # Token representation if self.attention_type[prot]['repr'] == "span": repr_dim = 2 * self.reduced_embedding_dim self.att_map_repr[prot] = Linear(self.reduced_embedding_dim, 1, bias=False) self.att_map_W[prot] = Linear(self.reduced_embedding_dim, self.reduced_embedding_dim) self.att_map_V[prot] = Linear(self.reduced_embedding_dim, 1, bias=False) elif self.attention_type[prot]['repr'] == "param": repr_dim = 2 * self.reduced_embedding_dim self.att_map_repr[prot] = Linear(self.reduced_embedding_dim, self.reduced_embedding_dim, bias=False) self.att_map_W[prot] = Linear(2 * self.reduced_embedding_dim, self.reduced_embedding_dim) self.att_map_V[prot] = Linear(self.reduced_embedding_dim, 1, bias=False) else: repr_dim = self.reduced_embedding_dim # Context representation # There is no attention for argument davidsonian if self.attention_type[prot]['context'] == 'param': self.att_map_context[prot] = Linear(repr_dim, self.reduced_embedding_dim, bias=False) elif self.attention_type[prot][ 'context'] == 'david' and prot == 'arg': self.att_map_context[prot] = Linear(repr_dim, self.reduced_embedding_dim, bias=False) def _choose_tokens(self, batch, lengths): ''' Extracts tokens from a batch at specified position(lengths) batch - batch_size x max_sent_length x embed_dim lengths - batch_size x max_span_length x embed_dim ''' idx = (lengths).unsqueeze(2).expand(-1, -1, batch.shape[2]) return batch.gather(1, idx).squeeze() def _get_inputs(self, words): ''' Return ELMO embeddings as root, span or param span ''' if not self.vocab: raw_embeds, masks = self.embeddings.batch_to_embeddings(words) # raw_ = self.embeddings(batch_to_ids(words).to(self.device)) # raw_embeds, masks =[x.unsqueeze(1) for x in raw_['elmo_representations']], dim=1), raw_['mask'] masks = masks.unsqueeze(2).repeat( 1, 1, self.reduced_embedding_dim).byte() embedded_inputs = (self.embed_linmap_argpred_lower( raw_embeds[:, 0, :, :].squeeze()) + self.embed_linmap_argpred_mid( raw_embeds[:, 1, :, :].squeeze()) + self.embed_linmap_argpred_top( raw_embeds[:, 2, :, :].squeeze())) masked_embedded_inputs = embedded_inputs * masks.float() return masked_embedded_inputs, masks else: # Glove embeddings indices = [[self.vocab_hash[word] for word in sent] for sent in words] indices = torch.tensor(indices, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device) embeddings = self.embeddings(indices) masks = (embeddings != 0)[:, :, :self.reduced_embedding_dim].byte() # reduced_embeddings = self.embed_linmap(embeddings) * masks.float() return embeddings, masks def _get_representation(self, prot, embeddings, roots, spans, context=False): ''' returns the representation required from arguments passed by running attention based on arguments passed ''' # Get token(pred/arg) representation rep_type = self.attention_type[prot]['repr'] roots_rep_raw = self._choose_tokens(embeddings, roots) if len(roots_rep_raw.shape) == 1: roots_rep_raw = roots_rep_raw.unsqueeze(0) if rep_type == "root": token_rep = roots_rep_raw else: masks_spans = (spans == -1) spans[spans == -1] = 0 spans_rep_raw = self._choose_tokens(embeddings, spans) if len(spans_rep_raw.shape) == 1: spans_rep_raw = spans_rep_raw.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(1) elif len(spans_rep_raw.shape) == 2: if spans.shape[0] == 1: spans_rep_raw = spans_rep_raw.unsqueeze(0) elif spans.shape[1] == 1: spans_rep_raw = spans_rep_raw.unsqueeze(1) if rep_type == "span": att_raw = self.att_map_repr[prot](spans_rep_raw).squeeze() # additive attention # att_raw_w = torch.relu(self.att_map_W[prot](for_att)) # att_raw = self.att_map_V[prot](att_raw_w).squeeze() elif rep_type == "param": # att_param = torch.relu(self.att_map_repr[prot](roots_rep_raw)).unsqueeze(2) # att_raw = torch.matmul(spans_rep_raw, att_param).squeeze() # additive attention for_att = (spans_rep_raw, roots_rep_raw.unsqueeze(1).repeat( 1, spans_rep_raw.shape[1], 1)), dim=2) att_raw_w = torch.relu(self.att_map_W[prot](for_att)) att_raw = self.att_map_V[prot](att_raw_w).squeeze() att_raw = att_raw.masked_fill(masks_spans, -1e9) att = F.softmax(att_raw, dim=1) att = self.dropout(att) pure_token_rep = torch.matmul( att.unsqueeze(2).permute(0, 2, 1), spans_rep_raw).squeeze() if not context: token_rep =, pure_token_rep), dim=1) else: token_rep = pure_token_rep return token_rep def _run_attention(self, prot, embeddings, roots, spans, context_roots, context_spans, masks): ''' Various attention mechanisms implemented ''' # Get the required representation for pred/arg token_rep = self._get_representation(prot=prot, embeddings=embeddings, roots=roots, spans=spans) # Get the required representation for context of pred/arg context_type = self.attention_type[prot]['context'] if context_type == "none": context_rep = None elif context_type == "param": # Sentence level attention att_param = torch.relu( self.att_map_context[prot](token_rep)).unsqueeze(1) att_raw = torch.matmul(embeddings, att_param.permute(0, 2, 1)) att_raw = att_raw.masked_fill(masks[:, :, 0:1] == 0, -1e9) att = F.softmax(att_raw, dim=1) att = self.dropout(att) context_rep = torch.matmul(att.permute(0, 2, 1), embeddings).squeeze() elif context_type == "david": if prot == "arg": prot_context = 'pred' context_roots = torch.tensor(context_roots, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device).unsqueeze(1) max_span = max([len(a) for a in context_spans]) context_spans = torch.tensor([ a + [-1 for i in range(max_span - len(a))] for a in context_spans ], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device) context_rep = self._get_representation(context=True, prot=prot_context, embeddings=embeddings, roots=context_roots, spans=context_spans) else: prot_context = 'arg' context_rep = None for i, ctx_root in enumerate(context_roots): ctx_root = torch.tensor(ctx_root, dtype=torch.long, device=self.device).unsqueeze(1) max_span = max([len(a) for a in context_spans[i]]) ctx_span = torch.tensor([ a + [-1 for i in range(max_span - len(a))] for a in context_spans[i] ], dtype=torch.long, device=self.device) sentence = embeddings[i, :, :].unsqueeze(0).repeat( len(ctx_span), 1, 1) ctx_reps = self._get_representation(context=True, prot=prot_context, embeddings=sentence, roots=ctx_root, spans=ctx_span) if len(ctx_reps.shape) == 1: ctx_reps = ctx_reps.unsqueeze(0) # Attention over arguments att_nd_param = torch.relu(self.att_map_context[prot]( token_rep[i, :].unsqueeze(0))) att_raw = torch.matmul(att_nd_param, ctx_reps.permute(1, 0)) att = F.softmax(att_raw, dim=1) ctx_rep_final = torch.matmul(att, ctx_reps) if i: context_rep =, ctx_rep_final), dim=0).squeeze() else: context_rep = ctx_rep_final if context_rep is not None: inputs_for_regression =, context_rep), dim=1) else: inputs_for_regression = token_rep return inputs_for_regression def _run_regression(self, prot, x): ''' Run regression to get 3 attribute vector ''' for i, lin_map in enumerate(self.linmaps[prot]): if i: x = self._regression_nonlinearity(x) x = self.dropout(x) x = lin_map(x) return torch.sigmoid(x) def forward(self, prot, words, roots, spans, context_roots, context_spans, hand_feats): """ Forward propagation of activations """ if self.is_embeds_on: inputs_for_attention, masks = self._get_inputs(words) inputs_for_regression = self._run_attention( prot=prot, embeddings=inputs_for_attention, roots=roots, spans=spans, context_roots=context_roots, context_spans=context_spans, masks=masks) if self.is_hand_feats_on: inputs_for_regression = (inputs_for_regression, hand_feats), dim=1) elif self.is_hand_feats_on: inputs_for_regression = hand_feats else: sys.exit('You need some word representation!!') outputs = self._run_regression(prot=prot, x=inputs_for_regression) return outputs
class ELMOCRFSegModel(LSTMCRFSegModel): def __init__(self, args, word_vocab): super().__init__(args, word_vocab) # import ElmoEmbedder here so that the cuda_visible_divices can work from allennlp.commands.elmo import ElmoEmbedder if os.path.exists( os.path.join(args.base_data_dir, args.elmo_dir, args.weights_file)): weights_file = os.path.join(args.base_data_dir, args.elmo_dir, args.weights_file) options_file = os.path.join(args.base_data_dir, args.elmo_dir, args.options_file) self.elmo = ElmoEmbedder(options_file=options_file, weight_file=weights_file, cuda_device=int(args.gpu)) else: print( "Elmo vectors NOT found at designated path. Downloading from online..." ) self.elmo = ElmoEmbedder(cuda_device=int(args.gpu)) def _setup_placeholders(self): self.placeholders = { 'input_words': tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None, None]), 'input_length': tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None]), 'elmo_vectors': tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 3, None, 1024]), 'seg_labels': tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None]), 'dropout_keep_prob': tf.placeholder(tf.float32) } def _embed(self): with tf.device('/cpu:0'): word_emb_init = tf.constant_initializer(self.word_vocab.embeddings) if self.word_vocab.embeddings is not None \ else tf.random_normal_initializer() self.word_embeddings = tf.get_variable( 'word_embeddings', shape=(self.word_vocab.size(), self.word_vocab.embed_dim), initializer=word_emb_init, trainable=False) self.embedded_words = tf.nn.embedding_lookup( self.word_embeddings, self.placeholders['input_words']) self.elmo_weights = tf.nn.softmax( tf.get_variable('elmo_weights', [3], dtype=tf.float32, trainable=True)) self.scale_para = tf.get_variable('scale_para', [1], dtype=tf.float32, trainable=True) self.elmo_vectors = self.scale_para * ( self.elmo_weights[0] * self.placeholders['elmo_vectors'][:, 0, :, :] + self.elmo_weights[1] * self.placeholders['elmo_vectors'][:, 1, :, :] + self.elmo_weights[2] * self.placeholders['elmo_vectors'][:, 2, :, :]) self.embedded_inputs = tf.concat( [self.embedded_words, self.elmo_vectors], -1) self.embedded_inputs = tf.nn.dropout( self.embedded_inputs, self.placeholders['dropout_keep_prob']) def _compute_loss(self): self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(-self.log_likelyhood, 0) if self.weight_decay > 0: with tf.variable_scope('l2_loss'): l2_loss = tf.add_n([ tf.nn.l2_loss(v) for v in tf.trainable_variables() if 'bias' not in ]) self.loss += self.weight_decay * l2_loss def _train_epoch(self, train_batches, print_every_n_batch): total_loss, total_batch_num = 0, 0 for bitx, batch in enumerate(train_batches): feed_dict = { self.placeholders['input_words']: batch['word_ids'], self.placeholders['input_length']: batch['length'], self.placeholders['seg_labels']: batch['seg_labels'] } elmo_vectors, mask = self.elmo.batch_to_embeddings( [sample['words'] for sample in batch['raw_data']]) feed_dict[self.placeholders['elmo_vectors']] = np.asarray( elmo_vectors.cpu().data) feed_dict[self.placeholders[ 'dropout_keep_prob']] = self.dropout_keep_prob _, loss, grad_norm = [self.train_op, self.loss, self.grad_norm], feed_dict) if bitx != 0 and print_every_n_batch > 0 and bitx % print_every_n_batch == 0:'bitx: {}, loss: {}, grad: {}'.format( bitx, loss, grad_norm)) total_loss += loss total_batch_num += 1 return total_loss / total_batch_num def segment(self, batch): feed_dict = { self.placeholders['input_words']: batch['word_ids'], self.placeholders['input_length']: batch['length'] } elmo_vectors, mask = self.elmo.batch_to_embeddings( [sample['words'] for sample in batch['raw_data']]) feed_dict[self.placeholders['elmo_vectors']] = np.asarray( feed_dict[self.placeholders['dropout_keep_prob']] = 1.0 scores, trans_params =[self.scores, self.trans_params], feed_dict) batch_pred_segs = [] # log_likes = [] for sample_idx in range(len(batch['raw_data'])): length = batch['length'][sample_idx] viterbi_seq, viterbi_score = tc.crf.viterbi_decode( scores[sample_idx][:length], trans_params) # with tf.Graph().as_default(), tf.Session() as session: # length_tensor = tf.expand_dims(c2t(length), axis=0) # viterbi_seq_tensor = tf.expand_dims(c2t(viterbi_seq), axis=0) # scores_tensor = c2t(scores) # trans_params_tensor = c2t(trans_params) # log_likelihood, tparams = tc.crf.crf_log_likelihood(scores_tensor, viterbi_seq_tensor, length_tensor, trans_params_tensor) # log_like_numpy = # log_likes.append(log_like_numpy) # tf.get_default_graph().finalize() pred_segs = [] for word_idx, label in enumerate(viterbi_seq): if label == 1: pred_segs.append(word_idx) batch_pred_segs.append(pred_segs) return batch_pred_segs # , log_likes
class TextEmbedding: def __init__(self): # self.w2v_embdding_size = 100 # self.w2v = Word2Vec.load("./w2v/w2v_model") # self.vocabulary = set(open("./w2v/text8_vocabulary.txt").read().split("\n")) # self.default_word = "a" self.bert_tokenizer = None self.bert = None # self.gpt2_tokenizer = None # self.gpt2 = None # # self.transformer_tokenizer = None # self.transformer = None # # self.elmo = None # # self.bert_map = {} def Get_Word2Vec_Representation(self, examples): for example in examples: representation = [] for word in example.fgt_channels[0].split(" "): if (word in self.vocabulary): representation.append(self.w2v[word]) else: representation.append(self.w2v[self.default_word]) while (len(representation) < pb.fgt_maxlength): representation.append(np.zeros(self.w2v_embdding_size)) example.word2vec_mat = representation[0:pb.fgt_maxlength] def Get_RNN_Representation(self, examples): for example in examples: representation = [] for word in example.fgt_channels[0].split(" "): if (word in self.vocabulary): representation.append(self.w2v[word]) else: representation.append(self.w2v[self.default_word]) while (len(representation) < pb.fgt_maxlength): representation.append(np.zeros(self.w2v_embdding_size)) example.rnn_mat = representation[0:pb.fgt_maxlength] def Get_Char_Representation(self, examples): for example in examples: representation = [] for char in example.fgt_channels[0]: if (char in self.vocabulary): representation.append(self.w2v[char]) else: _rep = [ 0.0 for _ in range(len(self.w2v[self.default_word])) ] if (char in pb.label_histogram_x): _rep[pb.label_histogram_x.index(char)] = 1 representation.append(_rep) while (len(representation) < pb.fgt_maxlength * pb.word_maxlength): representation.append(np.zeros(self.w2v_embdding_size)) example.char_mat = representation[0:pb.fgt_maxlength * pb.word_maxlength] def Get_Bert_Representation(self, examples_train, examples_test): train_rep_file = "./data/" + pb.dataset + "_train_" + "bert" test_rep_file = "./data/" + pb.dataset + "_test_" + "bert" if (os.path.exists(train_rep_file) == True and os.path.exists(test_rep_file) == True): with open(train_rep_file, 'rb') as file: examples_train_rep = pickle.load(file) for i, example in enumerate(examples_train): example.bert_mat = examples_train_rep[i] with open(test_rep_file, 'rb') as file: examples_test_rep = pickle.load(file) for i, example in enumerate(examples_test): example.bert_mat = examples_test_rep[i] else: examples = [] for example in examples_train: examples.append(example) for example in examples_test: examples.append(example) for i, example in enumerate(examples): if (self.bert_tokenizer == None): self.bert_tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained( 'bert-base-uncased') text = "[CLS] " + example.fgt_channels[0] + " [SEP]" text = text.replace(" ", " ") tokenized_text = self.bert_tokenizer.tokenize(text) indexed_tokens = self.bert_tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids( tokenized_text) segments_ids = [0 for _ in tokenized_text] tokens_tensor = torch.tensor([indexed_tokens]) segments_tensors = torch.tensor([segments_ids]) if (self.bert == None): self.bert = BertModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased') self.bert.eval() with torch.no_grad(): representation, sum = [], 0 encoded_layers, _ = self.bert(tokens_tensor, segments_tensors) a, b = encoded_layers[0].numpy( ).shape[1], encoded_layers[0].numpy().shape[2] representation = np.zeros((a, b)) for layer in encoded_layers: for words in layer.numpy(): representation += words sum += 1 if (sum > 0): representation = representation * 1.0 / sum representation = list(representation) while (len(representation) < pb.fgt_maxlength): representation.append(np.zeros(b)) example.bert_mat = representation[0:pb.fgt_maxlength] print("{:.2%}".format(i * 1.0 / len(examples))) def _Get_Bert_Representation(self): count = 0 bert_map = {} for root, dirs, files in os.walk("./data/test"): for file in files: file_path = os.path.join(root, file) print(file_path) file = open(file_path, "r") while True: line = file.readline() if not line: break line = line[:len(line) - 1] line = line.split(" ") line = line[:len(line) - 1] line = " ".join(line) if (line in bert_map.keys()): continue if (self.bert_tokenizer == None): self.bert_tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained( 'bert-base-uncased') text = "[CLS] " + line + " [SEP]" text = text.replace(" ", " ") tokenized_text = self.bert_tokenizer.tokenize(text) indexed_tokens = self.bert_tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids( tokenized_text) segments_ids = [0 for _ in tokenized_text] tokens_tensor = torch.tensor([indexed_tokens]) segments_tensors = torch.tensor([segments_ids]) if (self.bert == None): self.bert = BertModel.from_pretrained( 'bert-base-uncased') self.bert.eval() with torch.no_grad(): representation, sum = [], 0 encoded_layers, _ = self.bert(tokens_tensor, segments_tensors) Len = len(encoded_layers[-1].numpy()[0]) representation = np.zeros(768) for i in range(1, Len - 1): representation += encoded_layers[-1].numpy()[0][i] sum += 1 representation = representation * 1.0 / sum bert_map[line] = representation count += 1 if (count % 100 == 0): print(count) with open("./bert_map", 'wb') as file: pickle.dump(bert_map, file) def _Get_Word_Bert_Representation(self, word): if (word not in self.bert_map.keys()): if (self.bert_tokenizer == None): self.bert_tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained( 'bert-base-uncased') text = "[CLS] " + word + " [SEP]" text = text.replace(" ", " ") tokenized_text = self.bert_tokenizer.tokenize(text) indexed_tokens = self.bert_tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids( tokenized_text) segments_ids = [0 for _ in tokenized_text] tokens_tensor = torch.tensor([indexed_tokens]) segments_tensors = torch.tensor([segments_ids]) if (self.bert == None): self.bert = BertModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased') self.bert.eval() with torch.no_grad(): representation, sum = [], 0 encoded_layers, _ = self.bert(tokens_tensor, segments_tensors) Len = len(encoded_layers[-1].numpy()[0]) representation = np.zeros(768) for i in range(1, Len - 1): representation += encoded_layers[-1].numpy()[0][i] sum += 1 representation = representation * 1.0 / sum self.bert_map[word] = representation return self.bert_map[word] def Get_BOW_Representation(self, examples): volist = list(pb.vocabulary) for example in examples: x = [0.0 for _ in volist] for word in example.fgt_channels[0].split(" "): if (word in volist): index = volist.index(word) x[index] += 1 example.bow_vec = x def Get_GPT2_Representation(self, examples): for i, example in enumerate(examples): # example.gpt2_mat = np.zeros((pb.fgt_maxlength,768)) # continue if (self.gpt2_tokenizer == None): self.gpt2_tokenizer = GPT2Tokenizer.from_pretrained('gpt2') text = example.fgt_channels[0] indexed_tokens = self.gpt2_tokenizer.encode(text) tokens_tensor = torch.tensor([indexed_tokens]) if (self.gpt2 == None): self.gpt2 = GPT2Model.from_pretrained('gpt2') self.gpt2.eval() with torch.no_grad(): hidden_states, past = self.gpt2(tokens_tensor) # (1, 5, 768) shape = np.array(hidden_states).shape representation, sum = [], 0 a, b = shape[1], shape[2] representation = np.zeros((a, b)) for layer in hidden_states: for words in layer.numpy(): representation += words sum += 1 if (sum > 0): representation = representation * 1.0 / sum representation = list(representation) while (len(representation) < pb.fgt_maxlength): representation.append(np.zeros(b)) example.gpt2_mat = representation[0:pb.fgt_maxlength] print("{:.2%}".format(i * 1.0 / len(examples))) def Get_Transformer_Representation(self, examples_train, examples_test): train_rep_file = "./data/" + pb.dataset + "_train_" + "transformerXL" test_rep_file = "./data/" + pb.dataset + "_test_" + "transformerXL" if (os.path.exists(train_rep_file) == True and os.path.exists(test_rep_file) == True): with open(train_rep_file, 'rb') as file: examples_train_rep = pickle.load(file) for i, example in enumerate(examples_train): example.transformerXL_mat = examples_train_rep[i] with open(test_rep_file, 'rb') as file: examples_test_rep = pickle.load(file) for i, example in enumerate(examples_test): example.transformerXL_mat = examples_test_rep[i] else: examples = [] for example in examples_train: examples.append(example) for example in examples_test: examples.append(example) for i, example in enumerate(examples): # example.transformerXL_mat = np.zeros((pb.fgt_maxlength,20)) # continue if (self.transformer_tokenizer == None): self.transformer_tokenizer = TransfoXLTokenizer.from_pretrained( 'transfo-xl-wt103') text = example.fgt_channels[0] tokenized_text = self.transformer_tokenizer.tokenize(text) indexed_tokens = self.transformer_tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids( tokenized_text) tokens_tensor = torch.tensor([indexed_tokens]) if (self.transformer == None): self.transformer = TransfoXLModel.from_pretrained( 'transfo-xl-wt103') self.transformer.eval() with torch.no_grad(): hidden_states, _ = self.transformer( tokens_tensor) # (1, 3, 1024) shape = np.array(hidden_states).shape # print(shape) representation, sum = [], 0 a, b = shape[1], shape[2] representation = np.zeros((a, b)) for layer in hidden_states: for words in layer.numpy(): representation += words sum += 1 if (sum > 0): representation = representation * 1.0 / sum representation = list(representation) while (len(representation) < pb.fgt_maxlength): representation.append(np.zeros(b)) example.transformerXL_mat = representation[0:pb. fgt_maxlength] print("{:.2%}".format(i * 1.0 / len(examples))) def Get_ELMo_Representation(self, examples): for i, example in enumerate(examples): # example.elmo_mat = np.zeros((pb.fgt_maxlength,*)) # continue if (self.elmo == None): options_file = "./sources/elmo_2x1024_128_2048cnn_1xhighway_options.json" weight_file = "./sources/elmo_2x1024_128_2048cnn_1xhighway_weights.hdf5" self.elmo = ElmoEmbedder(options_file, weight_file) text = example.fgt_channels[0] context_tokens = [text.split(" ")] elmo_embedding, _ = self.elmo.batch_to_embeddings(context_tokens) shape = np.array(elmo_embedding[0]).shape # print(shape) representation, sum = [], 0 a, b = shape[1], shape[2] representation = np.zeros((a, b)) for layer in elmo_embedding: for words in layer.numpy(): representation += words sum += 1 if (sum > 0): representation = representation * 1.0 / sum representation = list(representation) while (len(representation) < pb.fgt_maxlength): representation.append(np.zeros(b)) example.elmo_mat = representation[0:pb.fgt_maxlength] print("{:.2%}".format(i * 1.0 / len(examples))) def Get_Glove_Representation(self, examples): glove_vocabulary = {} Len = 300 for line in open("./sources/glove_" + str(Len) + "d.dat").read().split("\n"): eles = line.split(" ") if (len(eles) == Len + 1): word = eles[0] vector = [float(ele) for ele in eles[1:]] glove_vocabulary[word] = vector for example in examples: representation = [] for word in example.fgt_channels[0].split(" "): if (word in glove_vocabulary.keys()): representation.append(glove_vocabulary[word]) else: representation.append(glove_vocabulary[self.default_word]) while (len(representation) < pb.fgt_maxlength): representation.append(np.zeros(Len)) example.glove_mat = representation[0:pb.fgt_maxlength] # print(np.array(example.glove_mat).shape) def _Get_Glove_Representation(self, examples): glove_vocabulary = {} Len = 300 for line in open("./sources/glove_" + str(Len) + "d.dat").read().split("\n"): eles = line.split(" ") if (len(eles) == Len + 1): word = eles[0] vector = [float(ele) for ele in eles[1:]] glove_vocabulary[word] = vector for example in examples: representation = [] for word in example.fgt_channels[0].split(" "): if (word in glove_vocabulary.keys()): representation.append(glove_vocabulary[word]) else: representation.append(glove_vocabulary[self.default_word]) while (len(representation) < pb.fgt_maxlength): representation.append(np.zeros(Len)) example.glove_mat = representation[0:pb.fgt_maxlength] # print(np.array(example.glove_mat).shape) def Get_Tag_Representation(self, examples_train, examples_test): examples = [] for example in examples_train: examples.append(example) for example in examples_test: examples.append(example) tag_vocabulary = set() for i, example in enumerate(examples): tags = pb.Get_POS(example.fgt_channels[0]) example.tags = tags for tag in tags: tag_vocabulary.add(tag) tag_vocabulary = sorted(list(tag_vocabulary)) for example in examples: representation = [] for tag in example.tags: x = np.zeros(len(tag_vocabulary)) index = tag_vocabulary.index(tag) x[index] = 1.0 representation.append(x) while (len(representation) < pb.fgt_maxlength): representation.append(np.zeros(len(tag_vocabulary))) example.tag_mat = representation[0:pb.fgt_maxlength] def Get_Bert_Representation_Tmp(self, sentences): sentences_bert = [] for i in range(len(sentences)): print(sentences[i]) if (self.bert_tokenizer == None): self.bert_tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained( 'bert-base-uncased') text = "[CLS] " + sentences[i] + " [SEP]" text = text.replace(" ", " ") tokenized_text = self.bert_tokenizer.tokenize(text) indexed_tokens = self.bert_tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids( tokenized_text) segments_ids = [0 for _ in tokenized_text] tokens_tensor = torch.tensor([indexed_tokens]) segments_tensors = torch.tensor([segments_ids]) if (self.bert == None): self.bert = BertModel.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased') self.bert.eval() with torch.no_grad(): representation, sum = [], 0 encoded_layers, _ = self.bert(tokens_tensor, segments_tensors) a, b = encoded_layers[0].numpy( ).shape[1], encoded_layers[0].numpy().shape[2] representation = np.zeros((a, b)) for layer in encoded_layers: for words in layer.numpy(): representation += words sum += 1 if (sum > 0): representation = representation * 1.0 / sum representation = list(representation) while (len(representation) < pb.fgt_maxlength): representation.append(np.zeros(b)) example.bert_mat = representation[0:pb.fgt_maxlength] print("{:.2%}".format(i * 1.0 / len(examples))) def Get_Glove_Representation_Tmp(self, examples): glove_vocabulary = {} Len = 300 word_glove_map = {} for line in open("./sources/glove_" + str(Len) + "d.dat").read().split("\n"): eles = line.split(" ") if (len(eles) == Len + 1): word = eles[0] vector = [float(ele) for ele in eles[1:]] glove_vocabulary[word] = vector for sentence in examples: for word in sentence: if (word in glove_vocabulary.keys()): word_glove_map[word] = glove_vocabulary[word] else: word_glove_map[word] = glove_vocabulary[self.default_word] return word_glove_map
class ElmoEmbeddings(nn.Module): def __init__(self, device_id, dropout, batch_size=128): super(ElmoEmbeddings, self).__init__() self.batch_size = batch_size self.elmo = ElmoEmbedder(cuda_device=device_id) self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) def forward(self, indices, raw_text, starts_sentence): assert len(raw_text) == len(starts_sentence) all_sentences = [] for edus, edu_starts_sentence in zip(raw_text, starts_sentence): ends_sentence = edu_starts_sentence[1:] + [True] sentences, sentence = [], [] for edu_words, end_of_sentence in zip(edus, ends_sentence): sentence.extend(edu_words) if end_of_sentence: sentences.append(sentence) sentence = [] all_sentences.extend(sentences) # Run ELMo Embedder sentence_embeddings = [] for min_batch in self.batch_iter(all_sentences, self.batch_size): sentence_embeddings.extend(self._forward(min_batch)) # Sentence embeddings -> EDU embeddings sentence_idx = 0 batch_edu_embeddings = [] for edus, edu_starts_sentence in zip(raw_text, starts_sentence): ends_sentence = edu_starts_sentence[1:] + [True] edu_offset = 0 edu_embeddings = [] for edu_words, end_of_sentence in zip(edus, ends_sentence): edu_length = len(edu_words) edu_embedding = sentence_embeddings[sentence_idx][ edu_offset:edu_offset + edu_length] edu_embeddings.append(edu_embedding) edu_offset += edu_length if end_of_sentence: sentence_idx += 1 edu_offset = 0 # edu_embeddings: Num_edus, Num_words, embedding_size edu_embeddings = pad_sequence(edu_embeddings, batch_first=True, padding_value=0) max_num_words = indices.size(2) diff = max_num_words - edu_embeddings.size(1) edu_embeddings = torch.nn.functional.pad(edu_embeddings, (0, 0, 0, diff)) batch_edu_embeddings.append(edu_embeddings) embeddings = pad_sequence(batch_edu_embeddings, batch_first=True, padding_value=0) B, E, W, _ = embeddings.size() _B, _E, _W = indices.size() assert B == _B assert E == _E assert W == _W return self.dropout(embeddings) def forward_for_sentences(self, sentences): vectors = [] max_length = max([len(sentence) for sentence in sentences]) for min_batch in self.batch_iter(sentences, self.batch_size): embeddings = self._forward(min_batch) diff = max_length - embeddings.size(1) embeddings = torch.nn.functional.pad(embeddings, (0, 0, 0, diff)) vectors.append(embeddings) vectors =, dim=0) return vectors def batch_iter(self, iterable, batch_size=1): l = len(iterable) for offset in range(0, l, batch_size): yield iterable[offset:min(offset + batch_size, l)] def _forward(self, raw_text): elmo_vectors, _ = self.elmo.batch_to_embeddings(raw_text) B, _, L, E = elmo_vectors.size() elmo_vectors = elmo_vectors.transpose(1, 2) # Bx3xLxE -> BxLx3xE elmo_vectors = elmo_vectors.contiguous().view(B, L, -1) # BxLx3xE -> BxLx3*E return elmo_vectors def get_embed_size(self): return 1024 * 3