コード例 #1
        def _got_ueb(vup):
            share_hash_tree = IncompleteHashTree(vcap.total_shares)
            share_hash_tree.set_hashes({0: vup.share_root_hash})

            vrbp = ValidatedReadBucketProxy(sharenum, b, share_hash_tree,
                                            vup.num_segments, vup.block_size,

            # note: normal download doesn't use get_all_sharehashes(),
            # because it gets more data than necessary. We've discussed the
            # security properties of having verification and download look
            # identical (so the server couldn't, say, provide good responses
            # for one and not the other), but I think that full verification
            # is more important than defending against inconsistent server
            # behavior. Besides, they can't pass the verifier without storing
            # all the data, so there's not so much to be gained by behaving
            # inconsistently.
            d = vrbp.get_all_sharehashes()
            # we fill share_hash_tree before fetching any blocks, so the
            # block fetches won't send redundant share-hash-tree requests, to
            # speed things up. Then we fetch+validate all the blockhashes.
            d.addCallback(lambda ign: vrbp.get_all_blockhashes())

            cht = IncompleteHashTree(vup.num_segments)
            cht.set_hashes({0: vup.crypttext_root_hash})
            d.addCallback(lambda ign: vrbp.get_all_crypttext_hashes(cht))

            d.addCallback(lambda ign: vrbp)
            return d
コード例 #2
    def _parse_and_store_UEB(self, UEB_s):
        # Note: the UEB contains needed_shares and total_shares. These are
        # redundant and inferior (the filecap contains the authoritative
        # values). However, because it is possible to encode the same file in
        # multiple ways, and the encoders might choose (poorly) to use the
        # same key for both (therefore getting the same SI), we might
        # encounter shares for both types. The UEB hashes will be different,
        # however, and we'll disregard the "other" encoding's shares as
        # corrupted.

        # therefore, we ignore d['total_shares'] and d['needed_shares'].

        d = uri.unpack_extension(UEB_s)

        log.msg(format="UEB=%(ueb)s, vcap=%(vcap)s",
                level=log.NOISY, parent=self._lp, umid="cVqZnA")

        k, N = self._verifycap.needed_shares, self._verifycap.total_shares

        self.segment_size = d['segment_size']

        r = self._calculate_sizes(self.segment_size)
        self.tail_segment_size = r["tail_segment_size"]
        self.tail_segment_padded = r["tail_segment_padded"]
        self.num_segments = r["num_segments"]
        self.block_size = r["block_size"]
        self.tail_block_size = r["tail_block_size"]
        log.msg("actual sizes: %s" % (r,),
                level=log.NOISY, parent=self._lp, umid="PY6P5Q")
        if (self.segment_size == self.guessed_segment_size
            and self.num_segments == self.guessed_num_segments):
            log.msg("my guess was right!",
                    level=log.NOISY, parent=self._lp, umid="x340Ow")
            log.msg("my guess was wrong! Extra round trips for me.",
                    level=log.NOISY, parent=self._lp, umid="tb7RJw")

        # zfec.Decode() instantiation is fast, but still, let's use the same
        # codec instance for all but the last segment. 3-of-10 takes 15us on
        # my laptop, 25-of-100 is 900us, 3-of-255 is 97us, 25-of-255 is
        # 2.5ms, worst-case 254-of-255 is 9.3ms
        self._codec = CRSDecoder()
        self._codec.set_params(self.segment_size, k, N)

        # Ciphertext hash tree root is mandatory, so that there is at most
        # one ciphertext that matches this read-cap or verify-cap. The
        # integrity check on the shares is not sufficient to prevent the
        # original encoder from creating some shares of file A and other
        # shares of file B. self.ciphertext_hash_tree was a guess before:
        # this is where we create it for real.
        self.ciphertext_hash_tree = IncompleteHashTree(self.num_segments)
        self.ciphertext_hash_tree_leaves = self.num_segments
        self.ciphertext_hash_tree.set_hashes({0: d['crypttext_root_hash']})

        self.share_hash_tree.set_hashes({0: d['share_root_hash']})
コード例 #3
 def _build_guessed_tables(self, max_segment_size):
     size = min(self._verifycap.size, max_segment_size)
     s = mathutil.next_multiple(size, self._verifycap.needed_shares)
     self.guessed_segment_size = s
     r = self._calculate_sizes(self.guessed_segment_size)
     self.guessed_num_segments = r["num_segments"]
     # as with CommonShare, our ciphertext_hash_tree is a stub until we
     # get the real num_segments
     self.ciphertext_hash_tree = IncompleteHashTree(self.guessed_num_segments)
     self.ciphertext_hash_tree_leaves = self.guessed_num_segments
コード例 #4
ファイル: share.py プロジェクト: tahoe-lafs/tahoe-lafs
    def __init__(self, best_numsegs, si_prefix, shnum, logparent):
        self.si_prefix = si_prefix
        self.shnum = shnum

        # in the beginning, before we have the real UEB, we can only guess at
        # the number of segments. But we want to ask for block hashes early.
        # So if we're asked for which block hashes are needed before we know
        # numsegs for sure, we return a guess.
        self._block_hash_tree = IncompleteHashTree(best_numsegs)
        self._block_hash_tree_is_authoritative = False
        self._block_hash_tree_leaves = best_numsegs
        self._logparent = logparent
コード例 #5
ファイル: share.py プロジェクト: tahoe-lafs/tahoe-lafs
    def _guess_offsets(self, verifycap, guessed_segment_size):
        self.guessed_segment_size = guessed_segment_size
        size = verifycap.size
        k = verifycap.needed_shares
        N = verifycap.total_shares
        r = self._node._calculate_sizes(guessed_segment_size)
        # num_segments, block_size/tail_block_size
        # guessed_segment_size/tail_segment_size/tail_segment_padded
        share_size = mathutil.div_ceil(size, k)
        # share_size is the amount of block data that will be put into each
        # share, summed over all segments. It does not include hashes, the
        # UEB, or other overhead.

        # use the upload-side code to get this as accurate as possible
        ht = IncompleteHashTree(N)
        num_share_hashes = len(ht.needed_hashes(0, include_leaf=True))
        wbp = make_write_bucket_proxy(None, None, share_size, r["block_size"],
                                      r["num_segments"], num_share_hashes, 0)
        self._fieldsize = wbp.fieldsize
        self._fieldstruct = wbp.fieldstruct
        self.guessed_offsets = wbp._offsets
コード例 #6
ファイル: share.py プロジェクト: tahoe-lafs/tahoe-lafs
 def set_authoritative_num_segments(self, numsegs):
     if self._block_hash_tree_leaves != numsegs:
         self._block_hash_tree = IncompleteHashTree(numsegs)
         self._block_hash_tree_leaves = numsegs
     self._block_hash_tree_is_authoritative = True
コード例 #7
    def __init__(self, verifycap, storage_broker, secret_holder,
                 terminator, history, download_status):
        assert isinstance(verifycap, uri.CHKFileVerifierURI)
        self._verifycap = verifycap
        self._storage_broker = storage_broker
        self._si_prefix = base32.b2a(verifycap.storage_index[:8])[:12]
        self.running = True
        if terminator:
            terminator.register(self) # calls self.stop() at stopService()
        # the rules are:
        # 1: Only send network requests if you're active (self.running is True)
        # 2: Use TimerService, not reactor.callLater
        # 3: You can do eventual-sends any time.
        # These rules should mean that once
        # stopService()+flushEventualQueue() fires, everything will be done.
        self._secret_holder = secret_holder
        self._history = history
        self._download_status = download_status

        self.share_hash_tree = IncompleteHashTree(self._verifycap.total_shares)

        # we guess the segment size, so Segmentation can pull non-initial
        # segments in a single roundtrip. This populates
        # .guessed_segment_size, .guessed_num_segments, and
        # .ciphertext_hash_tree (with a dummy, to let us guess which hashes
        # we'll need)

        # filled in when we parse a valid UEB
        self.have_UEB = False
        self.segment_size = None
        self.tail_segment_size = None
        self.tail_segment_padded = None
        self.num_segments = None
        self.block_size = None
        self.tail_block_size = None

        # things to track callers that want data

        # _segment_requests can have duplicates
        self._segment_requests = [] # (segnum, d, cancel_handle, seg_ev, lp)
        self._active_segment = None # a SegmentFetcher, with .segnum

        self._segsize_observers = observer.OneShotObserverList()

        # we create one top-level logparent for this _Node, and another one
        # for each read() call. Segmentation and get_segment() messages are
        # associated with the read() call, everything else is tied to the
        # _Node's log entry.
        lp = log.msg(format="Immutable.DownloadNode(%(si)s) created:"
                     " size=%(size)d,"
                     " guessed_segsize=%(guessed_segsize)d,"
                     " guessed_numsegs=%(guessed_numsegs)d",
                     si=self._si_prefix, size=verifycap.size,
                     level=log.OPERATIONAL, umid="uJ0zAQ")
        self._lp = lp

        self._sharefinder = ShareFinder(storage_broker, verifycap, self,
                                        self._download_status, lp)
        self._shares = set()