コード例 #1
ファイル: status.py プロジェクト: pataquets/tahoe-lafs
class UploadStatusPage(UploadResultsRendererMixin, rend.Page):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("upload-status.xhtml")

    def __init__(self, data):
        rend.Page.__init__(self, data)
        self.upload_status = data

    def upload_results(self):
        return defer.maybeDeferred(self.upload_status.get_results)

    def render_results(self, ctx, data):
        d = self.upload_results()

        def _got_results(results):
            if results:
                return ctx.tag
            return ""

        return d

    def render_started(self, ctx, data):
        started_s = render_time(data.get_started())
        return started_s

    def render_si(self, ctx, data):
        si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
        if si_s is None:
            si_s = "(None)"
        return si_s

    def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
        return {True: "Yes", False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]

    def render_total_size(self, ctx, data):
        size = data.get_size()
        if size is None:
            return "(unknown)"
        return size

    def render_progress_hash(self, ctx, data):
        progress = data.get_progress()[0]
        # TODO: make an ascii-art bar
        return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)

    def render_progress_ciphertext(self, ctx, data):
        progress = data.get_progress()[1]
        # TODO: make an ascii-art bar
        return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)

    def render_progress_encode_push(self, ctx, data):
        progress = data.get_progress()[2]
        # TODO: make an ascii-art bar
        return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)

    def render_status(self, ctx, data):
        return data.get_status()
コード例 #2
class HelperStatus(rend.Page):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("helper.xhtml")

    def __init__(self, helper):
        rend.Page.__init__(self, helper)
        self.helper = helper

    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
        req = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
        t = get_arg(req, "t")
        if t == "json":
            return self.render_JSON(req)
        return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)

    def data_helper_stats(self, ctx, data):
        return self.helper.get_stats()

    def render_JSON(self, req):
        req.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
        if self.helper:
            stats = self.helper.get_stats()
            return simplejson.dumps(stats, indent=1) + "\n"
        return simplejson.dumps({}) + "\n"

    def render_active_uploads(self, ctx, data):
        return data["chk_upload_helper.active_uploads"]

    def render_incoming(self, ctx, data):
        return "%d bytes in %d files" % (

    def render_encoding(self, ctx, data):
        return "%d bytes in %d files" % (

    def render_upload_requests(self, ctx, data):
        return str(data["chk_upload_helper.upload_requests"])

    def render_upload_already_present(self, ctx, data):
        return str(data["chk_upload_helper.upload_already_present"])

    def render_upload_need_upload(self, ctx, data):
        return str(data["chk_upload_helper.upload_need_upload"])

    def render_upload_bytes_fetched(self, ctx, data):
        return str(data["chk_upload_helper.fetched_bytes"])

    def render_upload_bytes_encoded(self, ctx, data):
        return str(data["chk_upload_helper.encoded_bytes"])
コード例 #3
ファイル: check_results.py プロジェクト: sloanyang/tahoe-lafs
class CheckAndRepairResultsRenderer(CheckerBase, rend.Page, ResultsBase):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("check-and-repair-results.xhtml")

    def __init__(self, client, results):
        self.client = client
        self.r = None
        if results:
            self.r = ICheckAndRepairResults(results)
        rend.Page.__init__(self, results)

    def json(self, ctx):
        inevow.IRequest(ctx).setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
        data = json_check_and_repair_results(self.r)
        return simplejson.dumps(data, indent=1) + "\n"

    def render_summary(self, ctx, data):
        cr = data.get_post_repair_results()
        results = []
        if cr.is_healthy():
        elif cr.is_recoverable():
            results.append("Not Healthy!")
            results.append("Not Recoverable!")
        results.append(" : ")
        return ctx.tag[results]

    def render_repair_results(self, ctx, data):
        if data.get_repair_attempted():
            if data.get_repair_successful():
                return ctx.tag["Repair successful"]
                return ctx.tag["Repair unsuccessful"]
        return ctx.tag["No repair necessary"]

    def render_post_repair_results(self, ctx, data):
        cr = self._render_results(ctx, data.get_post_repair_results())
        return ctx.tag[T.div["Post-Repair Checker Results:"], cr]

    def render_maybe_pre_repair_results(self, ctx, data):
        if data.get_repair_attempted():
            cr = self._render_results(ctx, data.get_pre_repair_results())
            return ctx.tag[T.div["Pre-Repair Checker Results:"], cr]
        return ""
コード例 #4
class CheckResults(CheckerBase, rend.Page, ResultsBase):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("check-results.xhtml")

    def __init__(self, client, results):
        self.client = client
        self.r = ICheckResults(results)
        rend.Page.__init__(self, results)

    def json(self, ctx):
        inevow.IRequest(ctx).setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
        data = json_check_results(self.r)
        return simplejson.dumps(data, indent=1) + "\n"

    def render_summary(self, ctx, data):
        results = []
        if data.is_healthy():
        elif data.is_recoverable():
            results.append("Not Healthy!")
            results.append("Not Recoverable!")
        results.append(" : ")
        return ctx.tag[results]

    def render_repair(self, ctx, data):
        if data.is_healthy():
            return ""
        repair = T.form(action=".", method="post",
            T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="check"),
            T.input(type="hidden", name="repair", value="true"),
            T.input(type="submit", value="Repair"),
        return "" # repair button disabled until we make it work correctly,
                  # see #622 for details
        return ctx.tag[repair]

    def render_results(self, ctx, data):
        cr = self._render_results(ctx, data)
        return ctx.tag[cr]
コード例 #5
ファイル: check_results.py プロジェクト: sloanyang/tahoe-lafs
class LiteralCheckResultsRenderer(rend.Page, ResultsBase):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("literal-check-results.xhtml")

    def __init__(self, client):
        self.client = client
        rend.Page.__init__(self, client)

    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
        if self.want_json(ctx):
            return self.json(ctx)
        return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)

    def json(self, ctx):
        inevow.IRequest(ctx).setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
        data = json_check_results(None)
        return simplejson.dumps(data, indent=1) + "\n"

    def render_return(self, ctx, data):
        req = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
        return_to = get_arg(req, "return_to", None)
        if return_to:
            return T.div[T.a(href=return_to)["Return to file."]]
        return ""
コード例 #6
class ReliabilityTool(rend.Page):
    addSlash = True
    docFactory = getxmlfile("reliability.xhtml")

        ("drive_lifetime", "8Y", "time", "Average drive lifetime"),
        ("k", 3, "int", "Minimum number of shares needed to recover the file"),
        ("R", 7, "int",
         "Repair threshold: repair will not occur until fewer than R shares "
         "are left"),
        ("N", 10, "int", "Total number of shares of the file generated"),
        ("delta", "1M", "time", "Amount of time between each simulation step"),
        ("check_period", "1M", "time",
         "How often to run the checker and repair if fewer than R shares"),
        ("report_period", "3M", "time",
         "Amount of time between result rows in this report"),
        ("report_span", "5Y", "time",
         "Total amount of time covered by this report"),

    def parse_time(self, s):
        if s.endswith("M"):
            return int(s[:-1]) * MONTH
        if s.endswith("Y"):
            return int(s[:-1]) * YEAR
        return int(s)

    def format_time(self, s):
        if s % YEAR == 0:
            return "%dY" % (s / YEAR)
        if s % MONTH == 0:
            return "%dM" % (s / MONTH)
        return "%d" % s

    def get_parameters(self, ctx):
        parameters = {}
        for (name, default, argtype, description) in self.DEFAULT_PARAMETERS:
            v = get_arg(ctx, name, default)
            if argtype == "time":
                value = self.parse_time(v)
                value = int(v)
            parameters[name] = value
        return parameters

    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
        self.parameters = self.get_parameters(ctx)
        self.results = reliability.ReliabilityModel.run(**self.parameters)
        return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)

    def make_input(self, name, old_value):
        return T.input(name=name,

    def render_forms(self, ctx, data):
        f = T.form(action=".", method="get")
        table = []
        for (name, default_value, argtype,
             description) in self.DEFAULT_PARAMETERS:
            old_value = self.parameters[name]
            i = self.make_input(name, old_value)
            table.append(T.tr[T.td[name + ":"], T.td[i], T.td[description]])
        go = T.input(type="submit", value="Recompute")
        return [
            T.h2["Simulation Parameters:"],
            f[T.table[table], go],

    def data_simulation_table(self, ctx, data):
        for row in self.results.samples:
            yield row

    def render_simulation_row(self, ctx, row):
        (when, unmaintained_shareprobs, maintained_shareprobs,
         P_repaired_last_check_period, cumulative_number_of_repairs,
         cumulative_number_of_new_shares, P_dead_unmaintained,
         P_dead_maintained) = row
        ctx.fillSlots("t", yandm(when))
        ctx.fillSlots("P_repair", "%.6f" % P_repaired_last_check_period)
        ctx.fillSlots("P_dead_unmaintained", "%.6g" % P_dead_unmaintained)
        ctx.fillSlots("P_dead_maintained", "%.6g" % P_dead_maintained)
        return ctx.tag

    def render_report_span(self, ctx, row):
        (when, unmaintained_shareprobs, maintained_shareprobs,
         P_repaired_last_check_period, cumulative_number_of_repairs,
         cumulative_number_of_new_shares, P_dead_unmaintained,
         P_dead_maintained) = self.results.samples[-1]
        return ctx.tag[yandm(when)]

    def render_P_loss_unmaintained(self, ctx, row):
        (when, unmaintained_shareprobs, maintained_shareprobs,
         P_repaired_last_check_period, cumulative_number_of_repairs,
         cumulative_number_of_new_shares, P_dead_unmaintained,
         P_dead_maintained) = self.results.samples[-1]
        return ctx.tag["%.6g (%1.8f%%)" %
                       (P_dead_unmaintained, 100 * P_dead_unmaintained)]

    def render_P_loss_maintained(self, ctx, row):
        (when, unmaintained_shareprobs, maintained_shareprobs,
         P_repaired_last_check_period, cumulative_number_of_repairs,
         cumulative_number_of_new_shares, P_dead_unmaintained,
         P_dead_maintained) = self.results.samples[-1]
        return ctx.tag["%.6g (%1.8f%%)" %
                       (P_dead_maintained, 100 * P_dead_maintained)]

    def render_P_repair_rate(self, ctx, row):
        (when, unmaintained_shareprobs, maintained_shareprobs,
         P_repaired_last_check_period, cumulative_number_of_repairs,
         cumulative_number_of_new_shares, P_dead_unmaintained,
         P_dead_maintained) = self.results.samples[-1]
        freq = when / cumulative_number_of_repairs
        return ctx.tag["%.6g" % freq]

    def render_P_repair_shares(self, ctx, row):
        (when, unmaintained_shareprobs, maintained_shareprobs,
         P_repaired_last_check_period, cumulative_number_of_repairs,
         cumulative_number_of_new_shares, P_dead_unmaintained,
         P_dead_maintained) = self.results.samples[-1]
        generated_shares = cumulative_number_of_new_shares / cumulative_number_of_repairs
        return ctx.tag["%1.2f" % generated_shares]
コード例 #7
ファイル: status.py プロジェクト: shivamdawer/tahoe-lafs
class PublishStatusPage(rend.Page, RateAndTimeMixin):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("publish-status.xhtml")

    def __init__(self, data):
        rend.Page.__init__(self, data)
        self.publish_status = data

    def render_started(self, ctx, data):
        started_s = render_time(data.get_started())
        return started_s

    def render_si(self, ctx, data):
        si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
        if si_s is None:
            si_s = "(None)"
        return si_s

    def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
        return {True: "Yes", False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]

    def render_current_size(self, ctx, data):
        size = data.get_size()
        if size is None:
            size = "(unknown)"
        return size

    def render_progress(self, ctx, data):
        progress = data.get_progress()
        # TODO: make an ascii-art bar
        return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)

    def render_status(self, ctx, data):
        return data.get_status()

    def render_encoding(self, ctx, data):
        k, n = data.get_encoding()
        return ctx.tag["Encoding: %s of %s" % (k, n)]

    def render_sharemap(self, ctx, data):
        servermap = data.get_servermap()
        if servermap is None:
            return ctx.tag["None"]
        l = T.ul()
        sharemap = servermap.make_sharemap()
        for shnum in sorted(sharemap.keys()):
            l[T.li["%d -> Placed on " % shnum, ", ".join(
                ["[%s]" % server.get_name() for server in sharemap[shnum]])]]
        return ctx.tag["Sharemap:", l]

    def render_problems(self, ctx, data):
        problems = data.get_problems()
        if not problems:
            return ""
        l = T.ul()
        # XXX: is this exercised? I don't think PublishStatus.problems is
        # ever populated
        for peerid in sorted(problems.keys()):
            peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
            l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, problems[peerid])]]
        return ctx.tag["Server Problems:", l]

    def _get_rate(self, data, name):
        file_size = self.publish_status.get_size()
        duration = self.publish_status.timings.get(name)
        return compute_rate(file_size, duration)

    def data_time_total(self, ctx, data):
        return self.publish_status.timings.get("total")

    def data_rate_total(self, ctx, data):
        return self._get_rate(data, "total")

    def data_time_setup(self, ctx, data):
        return self.publish_status.timings.get("setup")

    def data_time_encrypt(self, ctx, data):
        return self.publish_status.timings.get("encrypt")

    def data_rate_encrypt(self, ctx, data):
        return self._get_rate(data, "encrypt")

    def data_time_encode(self, ctx, data):
        return self.publish_status.timings.get("encode")

    def data_rate_encode(self, ctx, data):
        return self._get_rate(data, "encode")

    def data_time_pack(self, ctx, data):
        return self.publish_status.timings.get("pack")

    def data_rate_pack(self, ctx, data):
        return self._get_rate(data, "pack")

    def data_time_sign(self, ctx, data):
        return self.publish_status.timings.get("sign")

    def data_time_push(self, ctx, data):
        return self.publish_status.timings.get("push")

    def data_rate_push(self, ctx, data):
        return self._get_rate(data, "push")

    def render_server_timings(self, ctx, data):
        per_server = self.publish_status.timings.get("send_per_server")
        if not per_server:
            return ""
        l = T.ul()
        for server in sorted(per_server.keys(), key=lambda s: s.get_name()):
            times_s = ", ".join(
                [self.render_time(None, t) for t in per_server[server]])
            l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (server.get_name(), times_s)]]
        return T.li["Per-Server Response Times: ", l]
コード例 #8
ファイル: status.py プロジェクト: shivamdawer/tahoe-lafs
class DownloadStatusPage(DownloadResultsRendererMixin, rend.Page):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("download-status.xhtml")

    def __init__(self, data):
        rend.Page.__init__(self, data)
        self.download_status = data

    def child_timeline(self, ctx):
        return DownloadStatusTimelinePage(self.download_status)

    def download_results(self):
        return defer.maybeDeferred(self.download_status.get_results)

    def relative_time(self, t):
        if t is None:
            return t
        if self.download_status.first_timestamp is not None:
            return t - self.download_status.first_timestamp
        return t

    def short_relative_time(self, t):
        t = self.relative_time(t)
        if t is None:
            return ""
        return "+%.6fs" % t

    def _find_overlap(self, events, start_key, end_key):
        # given a list of event dicts, return a new list in which each event
        # has an extra "row" key (an int, starting at 0), and if appropriate
        # a "serverid" key (ascii-encoded server id), replacing the "server"
        # key. This is a hint to our JS frontend about how to overlap the
        # parts of the graph it is drawing.

        # we must always make a copy, since we're going to be adding keys
        # and don't want to change the original objects. If we're
        # stringifying serverids, we'll also be changing the serverid keys.
        new_events = []
        rows = []
        for ev in events:
            ev = ev.copy()
            if ev.has_key('server'):
                ev["serverid"] = ev["server"].get_longname()
                del ev["server"]
            # find an empty slot in the rows
            free_slot = None
            for row, finished in enumerate(rows):
                if finished is not None:
                    if ev[start_key] > finished:
                        free_slot = row
            if free_slot is None:
                free_slot = len(rows)
                rows[free_slot] = ev[end_key]
            ev["row"] = free_slot
        return new_events

    def _find_overlap_requests(self, events):
        """We compute a three-element 'row tuple' for each event: (serverid,
        shnum, row). All elements are ints. The first is a mapping from
        serverid to group number, the second is a mapping from shnum to
        subgroup number. The third is a row within the subgroup.

        We also return a list of lists of rowcounts, so renderers can decide
        how much vertical space to give to each row.

        serverid_to_group = {}
        groupnum_to_rows = {}  # maps groupnum to a table of rows. Each table
        # is a list with an element for each row number
        # (int starting from 0) that contains a
        # finish_time, indicating that the row is empty
        # beyond that time. If finish_time is None, it
        # indicate a response that has not yet
        # completed, so the row cannot be reused.
        new_events = []
        for ev in events:
            # DownloadStatus promises to give us events in temporal order
            ev = ev.copy()
            ev["serverid"] = ev["server"].get_longname()
            del ev["server"]
            if ev["serverid"] not in serverid_to_group:
                groupnum = len(serverid_to_group)
                serverid_to_group[ev["serverid"]] = groupnum
            groupnum = serverid_to_group[ev["serverid"]]
            if groupnum not in groupnum_to_rows:
                groupnum_to_rows[groupnum] = []
            rows = groupnum_to_rows[groupnum]
            # find an empty slot in the rows
            free_slot = None
            for row, finished in enumerate(rows):
                if finished is not None:
                    if ev["start_time"] > finished:
                        free_slot = row
            if free_slot is None:
                free_slot = len(rows)
                rows[free_slot] = ev["finish_time"]
            ev["row"] = (groupnum, free_slot)
        del groupnum
        # maybe also return serverid_to_group, groupnum_to_rows, and some
        # indication of the highest finish_time
        # actually, return the highest rownum for each groupnum
        highest_rownums = [
            for groupnum in range(len(serverid_to_group))
        return new_events, highest_rownums

    def child_event_json(self, ctx):
        inevow.IRequest(ctx).setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
        data = {}  # this will be returned to the GET
        ds = self.download_status

        data["misc"] = self._find_overlap(ds.misc_events, "start_time",
        data["read"] = self._find_overlap(ds.read_events, "start_time",
        data["segment"] = self._find_overlap(ds.segment_events, "start_time",
        # TODO: overlap on DYHB isn't very useful, and usually gets in the
        # way. So don't do it.
        data["dyhb"] = self._find_overlap(ds.dyhb_requests, "start_time",
        data["block"], data["block_rownums"] = self._find_overlap_requests(

        server_info = {}  # maps longname to {num,color,short}
        server_shortnames = {}  # maps servernum to shortname
        for d_ev in ds.dyhb_requests:
            s = d_ev["server"]
            longname = s.get_longname()
            if longname not in server_info:
                num = len(server_info)
                server_info[longname] = {
                    "num": num,
                    "color": self.color(s),
                    "short": s.get_name()
                server_shortnames[str(num)] = s.get_name()

        data["server_info"] = server_info
        data["num_serverids"] = len(server_info)
        # we'd prefer the keys of serverids[] to be ints, but this is JSON,
        # so they get converted to strings. Stupid javascript.
        data["serverids"] = server_shortnames
        data["bounds"] = {"min": ds.first_timestamp, "max": ds.last_timestamp}
        return json.dumps(data, indent=1) + "\n"

    def render_timeline_link(self, ctx, data):
        from nevow import url
        return T.a(href=url.URL.fromContext(ctx).child("timeline"))["timeline"]

    def _rate_and_time(self, bytes, seconds):
        time_s = self.render_time(None, seconds)
        if seconds != 0:
            rate = self.render_rate(None, 1.0 * bytes / seconds)
            return T.span(title=rate)[time_s]
        return T.span[time_s]

    def render_events(self, ctx, data):
        if not self.download_status.storage_index:
        srt = self.short_relative_time
        l = T.div()

        t = T.table(align="left", class_="status-download-events")
        t[T.tr[T.th["serverid"], T.th["sent"], T.th["received"],
               T.th["shnums"], T.th["RTT"]]]
        for d_ev in self.download_status.dyhb_requests:
            server = d_ev["server"]
            sent = d_ev["start_time"]
            shnums = d_ev["response_shnums"]
            received = d_ev["finish_time"]
            rtt = None
            if received is not None:
                rtt = received - sent
            if not shnums:
                shnums = ["-"]
            t[T.tr(style="background: %s" % self.color(server))[[
                T.td[",".join([str(shnum) for shnum in shnums])],
                T.td[self.render_time(None, rtt)],

        l[T.h2["DYHB Requests:"], t]

        t = T.table(align="left", class_="status-download-events")
        t[T.tr[T.th["range"], T.th["start"], T.th["finish"], T.th["got"],
               T.th["time"], T.th["decrypttime"], T.th["pausedtime"],
        for r_ev in self.download_status.read_events:
            start = r_ev["start"]
            length = r_ev["length"]
            bytes = r_ev["bytes_returned"]
            decrypt_time = ""
            if bytes:
                decrypt_time = self._rate_and_time(bytes, r_ev["decrypt_time"])
            speed, rtt = "", ""
            if r_ev["finish_time"] is not None:
                rtt = r_ev["finish_time"] - r_ev["start_time"] - r_ev[
                speed = self.render_rate(None, compute_rate(bytes, rtt))
                rtt = self.render_time(None, rtt)
            paused = self.render_time(None, r_ev["paused_time"])

            t[T.tr[T.td["[%d:+%d]" % (start, length)],
                   T.td[srt(r_ev["finish_time"])], T.td[bytes], T.td[rtt],
                   T.td[decrypt_time], T.td[paused], T.td[speed], ]]

        l[T.h2["Read Events:"], t]

        t = T.table(align="left", class_="status-download-events")
        t[T.tr[T.th["segnum"], T.th["start"], T.th["active"], T.th["finish"],
               T.th["range"], T.th["decodetime"], T.th["segtime"],
        for s_ev in self.download_status.segment_events:
            range_s = "-"
            segtime_s = "-"
            speed = "-"
            decode_time = "-"
            if s_ev["finish_time"] is not None:
                if s_ev["success"]:
                    segtime = s_ev["finish_time"] - s_ev["active_time"]
                    segtime_s = self.render_time(None, segtime)
                    seglen = s_ev["segment_length"]
                    range_s = "[%d:+%d]" % (s_ev["segment_start"], seglen)
                    speed = self.render_rate(None,
                                             compute_rate(seglen, segtime))
                    decode_time = self._rate_and_time(seglen,
                    # error
                    range_s = "error"
                # not finished yet

            t[T.tr[T.td["seg%d" % s_ev["segment_number"]],
                   T.td[srt(s_ev["finish_time"])], T.td[range_s],
                   T.td[decode_time], T.td[segtime_s], T.td[speed]]]

        l[T.h2["Segment Events:"], t]
        t = T.table(align="left", class_="status-download-events")
        t[T.tr[T.th["serverid"], T.th["shnum"], T.th["range"], T.th["txtime"],
               T.th["rxtime"], T.th["received"], T.th["RTT"]]]
        for r_ev in self.download_status.block_requests:
            server = r_ev["server"]
            rtt = None
            if r_ev["finish_time"] is not None:
                rtt = r_ev["finish_time"] - r_ev["start_time"]
            color = self.color(server)
            t[T.tr(style="background: %s" %
                   color)[T.td[server.get_name()], T.td[r_ev["shnum"]],
                          T.td["[%d:+%d]" % (r_ev["start"], r_ev["length"])],
                               or ""], T.td[self.render_time(None, rtt)], ]]

        l[T.h2["Requests:"], t]

        return l

    def color(self, server):
        h = hashlib.sha256(server.get_serverid()).digest()

        def m(c):
            return min(ord(c) / 2 + 0x80, 0xff)

        return "#%02x%02x%02x" % (m(h[0]), m(h[1]), m(h[2]))

    def render_results(self, ctx, data):
        d = self.download_results()

        def _got_results(results):
            if results:
                return ctx.tag
            return ""

        return d

    def render_started(self, ctx, data):
        started_s = render_time(data.get_started())
        return started_s + " (%s)" % data.get_started()

    def render_si(self, ctx, data):
        si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
        if si_s is None:
            si_s = "(None)"
        return si_s

    def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
        return {True: "Yes", False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]

    def render_total_size(self, ctx, data):
        size = data.get_size()
        if size is None:
            return "(unknown)"
        return size

    def render_progress(self, ctx, data):
        progress = data.get_progress()
        # TODO: make an ascii-art bar
        return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)

    def render_status(self, ctx, data):
        return data.get_status()
コード例 #9
ファイル: status.py プロジェクト: shivamdawer/tahoe-lafs
class Status(MultiFormatPage):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("status.xhtml")
    addSlash = True

    def __init__(self, history):
        rend.Page.__init__(self, history)
        self.history = history

    def render_JSON(self, req):
        # modern browsers now render this instead of forcing downloads
        req.setHeader("content-type", "application/json")
        data = {}
        data["active"] = active = []
        data["recent"] = recent = []

        def _marshal_json(s):
            # common item data
            item = {
                "total-size": s.get_size(),
                "status": s.get_status(),

            # type-specific item date
            if IUploadStatus.providedBy(s):
                h, c, e = s.get_progress()
                item["type"] = "upload"
                item["progress-hash"] = h
                item["progress-ciphertext"] = c
                item["progress-encode-push"] = e

            elif IDownloadStatus.providedBy(s):
                item["type"] = "download"
                item["progress"] = s.get_progress()

            elif IPublishStatus.providedBy(s):
                item["type"] = "publish"

            elif IRetrieveStatus.providedBy(s):
                item["type"] = "retrieve"

            elif IServermapUpdaterStatus.providedBy(s):
                item["type"] = "mapupdate"
                item["mode"] = s.get_mode()

                item["type"] = "unknown"
                item["class"] = s.__class__.__name__

            return item

        for s in self._get_active_operations():

        for s in self._get_recent_operations():

        return json.dumps(data, indent=1) + "\n"

    def _get_all_statuses(self):
        h = self.history
        return itertools.chain(

    def data_active_operations(self, ctx, data):
        return self._get_active_operations()

    def _get_active_operations(self):
        active = [s for s in self._get_all_statuses() if s.get_active()]
        active.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.get_started(), b.get_started()))
        return active

    def data_recent_operations(self, ctx, data):
        return self._get_recent_operations()

    def _get_recent_operations(self):
        recent = [s for s in self._get_all_statuses() if not s.get_active()]
        recent.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.get_started(), b.get_started()))
        return recent

    def render_row(self, ctx, data):
        s = data

        started_s = render_time(s.get_started())
        ctx.fillSlots("started", started_s)

        si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(s.get_storage_index())
        if si_s is None:
            si_s = "(None)"
        ctx.fillSlots("si", si_s)
        ctx.fillSlots("helper", {True: "Yes", False: "No"}[s.using_helper()])

        size = s.get_size()
        if size is None:
            size = "(unknown)"
        elif isinstance(size, (int, long, float)):
            size = abbreviate_size(size)
        ctx.fillSlots("total_size", size)

        progress = data.get_progress()
        if IUploadStatus.providedBy(data):
            link = "up-%d" % data.get_counter()
            ctx.fillSlots("type", "upload")
            # TODO: make an ascii-art bar
            (chk, ciphertext, encandpush) = progress
            progress_s = ("hash: %.1f%%, ciphertext: %.1f%%, encode: %.1f%%" %
                          ((100.0 * chk), (100.0 * ciphertext),
                           (100.0 * encandpush)))
            ctx.fillSlots("progress", progress_s)
        elif IDownloadStatus.providedBy(data):
            link = "down-%d" % data.get_counter()
            ctx.fillSlots("type", "download")
            ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
        elif IPublishStatus.providedBy(data):
            link = "publish-%d" % data.get_counter()
            ctx.fillSlots("type", "publish")
            ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
        elif IRetrieveStatus.providedBy(data):
            ctx.fillSlots("type", "retrieve")
            link = "retrieve-%d" % data.get_counter()
            ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
            assert IServermapUpdaterStatus.providedBy(data)
            ctx.fillSlots("type", "mapupdate %s" % data.get_mode())
            link = "mapupdate-%d" % data.get_counter()
            ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
        ctx.fillSlots("status", T.a(href=link)[s.get_status()])
        return ctx.tag

    def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
        h = self.history
        stype, count_s = name.split("-")
        count = int(count_s)
        if stype == "up":
            for s in itertools.chain(h.list_all_upload_statuses(),
                # immutable-upload helpers use the same status object as a
                # regular immutable-upload
                if s.get_counter() == count:
                    return UploadStatusPage(s)
        if stype == "down":
            for s in h.list_all_download_statuses():
                if s.get_counter() == count:
                    return DownloadStatusPage(s)
        if stype == "mapupdate":
            for s in h.list_all_mapupdate_statuses():
                if s.get_counter() == count:
                    return MapupdateStatusPage(s)
        if stype == "publish":
            for s in h.list_all_publish_statuses():
                if s.get_counter() == count:
                    return PublishStatusPage(s)
        if stype == "retrieve":
            for s in h.list_all_retrieve_statuses():
                if s.get_counter() == count:
                    return RetrieveStatusPage(s)
コード例 #10
class ManifestResults(rend.Page, ReloadMixin):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("manifest.xhtml")

    def __init__(self, client, monitor):
        self.client = client
        self.monitor = monitor

    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
        req = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
        output = get_arg(req, "output", "html").lower()
        if output == "text":
            return self.text(req)
        if output == "json":
            return self.json(req)
        return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)

    def slashify_path(self, path):
        if not path:
            return ""
        return "/".join([p.encode("utf-8") for p in path])

    def text(self, req):
        req.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
        lines = []
        is_finished = self.monitor.is_finished()
        lines.append("finished: " + {True: "yes", False: "no"}[is_finished])
        for (path, cap) in self.monitor.get_status()["manifest"]:
            lines.append(self.slashify_path(path) + " " + cap)
        return "\n".join(lines) + "\n"

    def json(self, req):
        req.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
        m = self.monitor
        s = m.get_status()

        if m.origin_si:
            origin_base32 = base32.b2a(m.origin_si)
            origin_base32 = ""
        status = { "stats": s["stats"],
                   "finished": m.is_finished(),
                   "origin": origin_base32,
        if m.is_finished():
            # don't return manifest/verifycaps/SIs unless the operation is
            # done, to save on CPU/memory (both here and in the HTTP client
            # who has to unpack the JSON). Tests show that the ManifestWalker
            # needs about 1092 bytes per item, the JSON we generate here
            # requires about 503 bytes per item, and some internal overhead
            # (perhaps transport-layer buffers in twisted.web?) requires an
            # additional 1047 bytes per item.
            status.update({ "manifest": s["manifest"],
                            "verifycaps": [i for i in s["verifycaps"]],
                            "storage-index": [i for i in s["storage-index"]],
            # simplejson doesn't know how to serialize a set. We use a
            # generator that walks the set rather than list(setofthing) to
            # save a small amount of memory (4B*len) and a moderate amount of
            # CPU.
        return simplejson.dumps(status, indent=1)

    def _si_abbrev(self):
        si = self.monitor.origin_si
        if not si:
            return "<LIT>"
        return base32.b2a(si)[:6]

    def render_title(self, ctx):
        return T.title["Manifest of SI=%s" % self._si_abbrev()]

    def render_header(self, ctx):
        return T.p["Manifest of SI=%s" % self._si_abbrev()]

    def data_items(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status()["manifest"]

    def render_row(self, ctx, (path, cap)):
        ctx.fillSlots("path", self.slashify_path(path))
        root = get_root(ctx)
        # TODO: we need a clean consistent way to get the type of a cap string
        if cap:
            if cap.startswith("URI:CHK") or cap.startswith("URI:SSK"):
                nameurl = urllib.quote(path[-1].encode("utf-8"))
                uri_link = "%s/file/%s/@@named=/%s" % (root, urllib.quote(cap),
                uri_link = "%s/uri/%s" % (root, urllib.quote(cap, safe=""))
            ctx.fillSlots("cap", T.a(href=uri_link)[cap])
            ctx.fillSlots("cap", "")
        return ctx.tag
コード例 #11
ファイル: root.py プロジェクト: bhyvex/tahoe-lafs
class Root(rend.Page):

    addSlash = True
    docFactory = getxmlfile("welcome.xhtml")

    _connectedalts = {
        "not-configured": "Not Configured",
        "yes": "Connected",
        "no": "Disconnected",

    def __init__(self, client, clock=None, now_fn=None):
        rend.Page.__init__(self, client)
        self.client = client
        # If set, clock is a twisted.internet.task.Clock that the tests
        # use to test ophandle expiration.
        self.child_operations = operations.OphandleTable(clock)
        self.now_fn = now_fn
            s = client.getServiceNamed("storage")
        except KeyError:
            s = None
        self.child_storage = storage.StorageStatus(s, self.client.nickname)

        self.child_uri = URIHandler(client)
        self.child_cap = URIHandler(client)

        # handler for "/magic_folder" URIs
        self.child_magic_folder = magic_folder.MagicFolderWebApi(client)

        self.child_file = FileHandler(client)
        self.child_named = FileHandler(client)
        self.child_status = status.Status(client.get_history())
        self.child_statistics = status.Statistics(client.stats_provider)
        static_dir = resource_filename("allmydata.web", "static")
        for filen in os.listdir(static_dir):
            self.putChild(filen, nevow_File(os.path.join(static_dir, filen)))

    def child_helper_status(self, ctx):
        # the Helper isn't attached until after the Tub starts, so this child
        # needs to created on each request
        return status.HelperStatus(self.client.helper)

    child_report_incident = IncidentReporter()

    #child_server # let's reserve this for storage-server-over-HTTP

    # FIXME: This code is duplicated in root.py and introweb.py.
    def data_rendered_at(self, ctx, data):
        return render_time(time.time())

    def data_version(self, ctx, data):
        return get_package_versions_string()

    def data_import_path(self, ctx, data):
        return str(allmydata)

    def render_my_nodeid(self, ctx, data):
        tubid_s = "TubID: " + self.client.get_long_tubid()
        return T.td(title=tubid_s)[self.client.get_long_nodeid()]

    def data_my_nickname(self, ctx, data):
        return self.client.nickname

    def render_magic_folder(self, ctx, data):
        if self.client._magic_folder is None:
            return T.p()

        (ok, messages) = self.client._magic_folder.get_public_status()

        if ok:
            ctx.fillSlots("magic_folder_status", "yes")
            ctx.fillSlots("magic_folder_status_alt", "working")
            ctx.fillSlots("magic_folder_status", "no")
            ctx.fillSlots("magic_folder_status_alt", "not working")

        status = T.ul()
        for msg in messages:

        return ctx.tag[status]

    def render_services(self, ctx, data):
        ul = T.ul()
            ss = self.client.getServiceNamed("storage")
            stats = ss.get_stats()
            if stats["storage_server.accepting_immutable_shares"]:
                msg = "accepting new shares"
                msg = "not accepting new shares (read-only)"
            available = stats.get("storage_server.disk_avail")
            if available is not None:
                msg += ", %s available" % abbreviate_size(available)
            ul[T.li[T.a(href="storage")["Storage Server"], ": ", msg]]
        except KeyError:
            ul[T.li["Not running storage server"]]

        if self.client.helper:
            stats = self.client.helper.get_stats()
            active_uploads = stats["chk_upload_helper.active_uploads"]
            ul[T.li["Helper: %d active uploads" % (active_uploads, )]]
            ul[T.li["Not running helper"]]

        return ctx.tag[ul]

    def data_introducer_furl_prefix(self, ctx, data):
        ifurl = self.client.introducer_furl
        # trim off the secret swissnum
        (prefix, _, swissnum) = ifurl.rpartition("/")
        if not ifurl:
            return None
        if swissnum == "introducer":
            return ifurl
            return "%s/[censored]" % (prefix, )

    def data_introducer_description(self, ctx, data):
        if self.data_connected_to_introducer(ctx, data) == "no":
            return "Introducer not connected"
        return "Introducer"

    def data_connected_to_introducer(self, ctx, data):
        if self.client.connected_to_introducer():
            return "yes"
        return "no"

    def data_connected_to_introducer_alt(self, ctx, data):
        return self._connectedalts[self.data_connected_to_introducer(
            ctx, data)]

    def data_helper_furl_prefix(self, ctx, data):
            uploader = self.client.getServiceNamed("uploader")
        except KeyError:
            return None
        furl, connected = uploader.get_helper_info()
        if not furl:
            return None
        # trim off the secret swissnum
        (prefix, _, swissnum) = furl.rpartition("/")
        return "%s/[censored]" % (prefix, )

    def data_helper_description(self, ctx, data):
        if self.data_connected_to_helper(ctx, data) == "no":
            return "Helper not connected"
        return "Helper"

    def data_connected_to_helper(self, ctx, data):
            uploader = self.client.getServiceNamed("uploader")
        except KeyError:
            return "no"  # we don't even have an Uploader
        furl, connected = uploader.get_helper_info()

        if furl is None:
            return "not-configured"
        if connected:
            return "yes"
        return "no"

    def data_connected_to_helper_alt(self, ctx, data):
        return self._connectedalts[self.data_connected_to_helper(ctx, data)]

    def data_known_storage_servers(self, ctx, data):
        sb = self.client.get_storage_broker()
        return len(sb.get_all_serverids())

    def data_connected_storage_servers(self, ctx, data):
        sb = self.client.get_storage_broker()
        return len(sb.get_connected_servers())

    def data_services(self, ctx, data):
        sb = self.client.get_storage_broker()
        return sorted(sb.get_known_servers(), key=lambda s: s.get_serverid())

    def render_service_row(self, ctx, server):
        nodeid = server.get_serverid()

        ctx.fillSlots("peerid", server.get_longname())
        ctx.fillSlots("nickname", server.get_nickname())
        rhost = server.get_remote_host()
        if server.is_connected():
            if nodeid == self.client.nodeid:
                rhost_s = "(loopback)"
            elif isinstance(rhost, address.IPv4Address):
                rhost_s = "%s:%d" % (rhost.host, rhost.port)
                rhost_s = str(rhost)
            addr = rhost_s
            service_connection_status = "yes"
            last_connect_time = server.get_last_connect_time()
            service_connection_status_rel_time = render_time_delta(
                last_connect_time, self.now_fn())
            service_connection_status_abs_time = render_time_attr(
            addr = "N/A"
            service_connection_status = "no"
            last_loss_time = server.get_last_loss_time()
            service_connection_status_rel_time = render_time_delta(
                last_loss_time, self.now_fn())
            service_connection_status_abs_time = render_time_attr(

        last_received_data_time = server.get_last_received_data_time()
        last_received_data_rel_time = render_time_delta(
            last_received_data_time, self.now_fn())
        last_received_data_abs_time = render_time_attr(last_received_data_time)

        announcement = server.get_announcement()
        version = announcement["my-version"]
        available_space = server.get_available_space()
        if available_space is None:
            available_space = "N/A"
            available_space = abbreviate_size(available_space)
        ctx.fillSlots("address", addr)
        ctx.fillSlots("service_connection_status", service_connection_status)
        ctx.fillSlots("connected-bool", bool(rhost))
        ctx.fillSlots("version", version)
        ctx.fillSlots("available_space", available_space)

        return ctx.tag

    def render_download_form(self, ctx, data):
        # this is a form where users can download files by URI
        form = T.form(
            action="uri", method="get",
                T.legend(class_="freeform-form-label")["Download a file"],
                T.div["Tahoe-URI to download:" + SPACE,
                      T.input(type="text", name="uri")],
                T.div["Filename to download as:" + SPACE,
                      T.input(type="text", name="filename")],
                T.input(type="submit", value="Download!"), ]]
        return T.div[form]

    def render_view_form(self, ctx, data):
        # this is a form where users can download files by URI, or jump to a
        # named directory
        form = T.form(
            action="uri", method="get", enctype="multipart/form-data")[
                    class_="freeform-form-label")["View a file or directory"],
                           "Tahoe-URI to view:" + SPACE,
                           T.input(type="text", name="uri"), SPACE * 2,
                           T.input(type="submit", value="View!"), ]]
        return T.div[form]

    def render_upload_form(self, ctx, data):
        # This is a form where users can upload unlinked files.
        # Users can choose immutable, SDMF, or MDMF from a radio button.

        upload_chk = T.input(type='radio',
        upload_sdmf = T.input(type='radio',
        upload_mdmf = T.input(type='radio',

        form = T.form(
            action="uri", method="post", enctype="multipart/form-data"
            class_="freeform-form-label")["Upload a file"], T.div[
                "Choose a file:" + SPACE,
                T.input(type="file", name="file", class_="freeform-input-file"
                     T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="upload"),
                           T.label(for_="upload-chk")[" Immutable"], SPACE,
                           T.label(for_="upload-sdmf")[" SDMF"], SPACE,
                           T.label(for_="upload-mdmf")[" MDMF (experimental)"],
                           SPACE * 2,
                           T.input(type="submit", value="Upload!")], ]]
        return T.div[form]

    def render_mkdir_form(self, ctx, data):
        # This is a form where users can create new directories.
        # Users can choose SDMF or MDMF from a radio button.

        mkdir_sdmf = T.input(type='radio',
        mkdir_mdmf = T.input(type='radio',

        form = T.form(
            action="uri", method="post", enctype="multipart/form-data"
            T.legend(class_="freeform-form-label")["Create a directory"],
            T.label(for_='mkdir-sdmf')[" SDMF"], SPACE, mkdir_mdmf,
            T.label(for_='mkdir-mdmf')[" MDMF (experimental)"], SPACE * 2,
            T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="mkdir"),
            T.input(type="hidden", name="redirect_to_result", value="true"),
            T.input(type="submit", value="Create a directory"), ]]
        return T.div[form]

    def render_incident_button(self, ctx, data):
        # this button triggers a foolscap-logging "incident"
        form = T.form(
                T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="report-incident"),
                "What went wrong?" + SPACE,
                T.input(type="text", name="details"), SPACE,
                T.input(type="submit", value=u"Save \u00BB"), ]]
        return T.div[form]
コード例 #12
class MapupdateStatusPage(rend.Page, RateAndTimeMixin):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("map-update-status.xhtml")

    def __init__(self, data):
        rend.Page.__init__(self, data)
        self.update_status = data

    def render_started(self, ctx, data):
        TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
        started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
        return started_s

    def render_finished(self, ctx, data):
        when = data.get_finished()
        if not when:
            return "not yet"
        TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
        started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
        return started_s

    def render_si(self, ctx, data):
        si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
        if si_s is None:
            si_s = "(None)"
        return si_s

    def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
        return {True: "Yes", False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]

    def render_progress(self, ctx, data):
        progress = data.get_progress()
        # TODO: make an ascii-art bar
        return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)

    def render_status(self, ctx, data):
        return data.get_status()

    def render_problems(self, ctx, data):
        problems = data.problems
        if not problems:
            return ""
        l = T.ul()
        for peerid in sorted(problems.keys()):
            peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
            l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, problems[peerid])]]
        return ctx.tag["Server Problems:", l]

    def render_privkey_from(self, ctx, data):
        peerid = data.get_privkey_from()
        if peerid:
            return ctx.tag["Got privkey from: [%s]" %
            return ""

    def data_time_total(self, ctx, data):
        return self.update_status.timings.get("total")

    def data_time_initial_queries(self, ctx, data):
        return self.update_status.timings.get("initial_queries")

    def data_time_cumulative_verify(self, ctx, data):
        return self.update_status.timings.get("cumulative_verify")

    def render_server_timings(self, ctx, data):
        per_server = self.update_status.timings.get("per_server")
        if not per_server:
            return ""
        l = T.ul()
        for peerid in sorted(per_server.keys()):
            peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
            times = []
            for op, started, t in per_server[peerid]:
                #times.append("%s/%.4fs/%s/%s" % (op,
                #                              started,
                #                              self.render_time(None, started - self.update_status.get_started()),
                #                              self.render_time(None,t)))
                if op == "query":
                    times.append(self.render_time(None, t))
                elif op == "late":
                    times.append("late(" + self.render_time(None, t) + ")")
                    times.append("privkey(" + self.render_time(None, t) + ")")
            times_s = ", ".join(times)
            l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, times_s)]]
        return T.li["Per-Server Response Times: ", l]

    def render_timing_chart(self, ctx, data):
        imageurl = self._timing_chart()
        return ctx.tag[imageurl]

    def _timing_chart(self):
        started = self.update_status.get_started()
        total = self.update_status.timings.get("total")
        per_server = self.update_status.timings.get("per_server")
        base = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?"
        pieces = ["cht=bhs"]
        pieces.append("chco=ffffff,4d89f9,c6d9fd")  # colors
        data0 = []
        data1 = []
        data2 = []
        nb_nodes = 0
        graph_botom_margin = 21
        graph_top_margin = 5
        peerids_s = []
        top_abs = started
        # we sort the queries by the time at which we sent the first request
        sorttable = [(times[0][1], peerid)
                     for peerid, times in per_server.items()]
        peerids = [t[1] for t in sorttable]

        for peerid in peerids:
            nb_nodes += 1
            times = per_server[peerid]
            peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
            # for servermap updates, there are either one or two queries per
            # peer. The second (if present) is to get the privkey.
            op, q_started, q_elapsed = times[0]
            data0.append("%.3f" % (q_started - started))
            data1.append("%.3f" % q_elapsed)
            top_abs = max(top_abs, q_started + q_elapsed)
            if len(times) > 1:
                op, p_started, p_elapsed = times[0]
                data2.append("%.3f" % p_elapsed)
                top_abs = max(top_abs, p_started + p_elapsed)
        finished = self.update_status.get_finished()
        if finished:
            top_abs = max(top_abs, finished)
        top_rel = top_abs - started
        chs = "chs=400x%d" % (
            (nb_nodes * 28) + graph_top_margin + graph_botom_margin)
        chd = "chd=t:" + "|".join(
            [",".join(data0), ",".join(data1), ",".join(data2)])
        chds = "chds=0,%0.3f" % top_rel
        pieces.append("chxr=0,0.0,%0.3f" % top_rel)
        pieces.append("chxl=1:|" + "|".join(reversed(peerids_s)))
        # use up to 10 grid lines, at decimal multiples.
        # mathutil.next_power_of_k doesn't handle numbers smaller than one,
        # unfortunately.

        if total is not None:
            finished_f = 1.0 * total / top_rel
            pieces.append("chm=r,FF0000,0,%0.3f,%0.3f" %
                          (finished_f, finished_f + 0.01))
        url = base + "&".join(pieces)
        return T.img(src=url, border="1", align="right", float="right")
コード例 #13
class Root(MultiFormatPage):

    addSlash = True
    docFactory = getxmlfile("welcome.xhtml")

    _connectedalts = {
        "not-configured": "Not Configured",
        "yes": "Connected",
        "no": "Disconnected",

    def __init__(self, client, clock=None, now_fn=None):
        rend.Page.__init__(self, client)
        self.client = client
        self.now_fn = now_fn

        self.putChild("uri", URIHandler(client))
        self.putChild("cap", URIHandler(client))

        # handler for "/magic_folder" URIs
        self.putChild("magic_folder", magic_folder.MagicFolderWebApi(client))

        # Handler for everything beneath "/private", an area of the resource
        # hierarchy which is only accessible with the private per-node API
        # auth token.
        self.putChild("private", create_private_tree(client.get_auth_token))

        self.putChild("file", FileHandler(client))
        self.putChild("named", FileHandler(client))
        self.putChild("status", status.Status(client.get_history()))
        self.putChild("statistics", status.Statistics(client.stats_provider))
        static_dir = resource_filename("allmydata.web", "static")
        for filen in os.listdir(static_dir):
            self.putChild(filen, nevow_File(os.path.join(static_dir, filen)))

        self.putChild("report_incident", IncidentReporter())

    # until we get rid of nevow.Page in favour of twisted.web.resource
    # we can't use getChild() -- but we CAN use childFactory or
    # override locatechild
    def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
        request = IRequest(ctx)
        return self.getChild(name, request)

    def getChild(self, path, request):
        if path == "helper_status":
            # the Helper isn't attached until after the Tub starts, so this child
            # needs to created on each request
            return status.HelperStatus(self.client.helper)
        if path == "storage":
            # Storage isn't initialized until after the web hierarchy is
            # constructed so this child needs to be created later than
            # `__init__`.
                storage_server = self.client.getServiceNamed("storage")
            except KeyError:
                storage_server = None
            return storage.StorageStatus(storage_server, self.client.nickname)

    # FIXME: This code is duplicated in root.py and introweb.py.
    def data_rendered_at(self, ctx, data):
        return render_time(time.time())

    def data_version(self, ctx, data):
        return get_package_versions_string()

    def data_import_path(self, ctx, data):
        return str(allmydata)

    def render_my_nodeid(self, ctx, data):
        tubid_s = "TubID: " + self.client.get_long_tubid()
        return T.td(title=tubid_s)[self.client.get_long_nodeid()]

    def data_my_nickname(self, ctx, data):
        return self.client.nickname

    def render_JSON(self, req):
        req.setHeader("content-type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
        intro_summaries = [
            s.summary for s in self.client.introducer_connection_statuses()
        sb = self.client.get_storage_broker()
        servers = self._describe_known_servers(sb)
        result = {
            "introducers": {
                "statuses": intro_summaries,
            "servers": servers
        return json.dumps(result, indent=1) + "\n"

    def _describe_known_servers(self, broker):
        return sorted(
                for server in broker.get_known_servers()))

    def _describe_server(self, server):
        status = server.get_connection_status()
        description = {
            u"nodeid": server.get_serverid(),
            u"connection_status": status.summary,
            u"available_space": server.get_available_space(),
            u"nickname": server.get_nickname(),
            u"version": None,
            u"last_received_data": status.last_received_time,
        version = server.get_version()
        if version is not None:
            description[u"version"] = version["application-version"]

        return description

    def data_magic_folders(self, ctx, data):
        return self.client._magic_folders.keys()

    def render_magic_folder_row(self, ctx, data):
        magic_folder = self.client._magic_folders[data]
        (ok, messages) = magic_folder.get_public_status()
        ctx.fillSlots("magic_folder_name", data)
        if ok:
            ctx.fillSlots("magic_folder_status", "yes")
            ctx.fillSlots("magic_folder_status_alt", "working")
            ctx.fillSlots("magic_folder_status", "no")
            ctx.fillSlots("magic_folder_status_alt", "not working")

        status = T.ul(class_="magic-folder-status")
        for msg in messages:
        return ctx.tag[status]

    def render_magic_folder(self, ctx, data):
        if not self.client._magic_folders:
            return T.p()
        return ctx.tag

    def render_services(self, ctx, data):
        ul = T.ul()
            ss = self.client.getServiceNamed("storage")
            stats = ss.get_stats()
            if stats["storage_server.accepting_immutable_shares"]:
                msg = "accepting new shares"
                msg = "not accepting new shares (read-only)"
            available = stats.get("storage_server.disk_avail")
            if available is not None:
                msg += ", %s available" % abbreviate_size(available)
            ul[T.li[T.a(href="storage")["Storage Server"], ": ", msg]]
        except KeyError:
            ul[T.li["Not running storage server"]]

        if self.client.helper:
            stats = self.client.helper.get_stats()
            active_uploads = stats["chk_upload_helper.active_uploads"]
            ul[T.li["Helper: %d active uploads" % (active_uploads, )]]
            ul[T.li["Not running helper"]]

        return ctx.tag[ul]

    def data_introducer_description(self, ctx, data):
        connected_count = self.data_connected_introducers(ctx, data)
        if connected_count == 0:
            return "No introducers connected"
        elif connected_count == 1:
            return "1 introducer connected"
            return "%s introducers connected" % (connected_count, )

    def data_total_introducers(self, ctx, data):
        return len(self.client.introducer_connection_statuses())

    def data_connected_introducers(self, ctx, data):
        return len([
            1 for cs in self.client.introducer_connection_statuses()
            if cs.connected

    def data_connected_to_at_least_one_introducer(self, ctx, data):
        if self.data_connected_introducers(ctx, data):
            return "yes"
        return "no"

    def data_connected_to_at_least_one_introducer_alt(self, ctx, data):
        return self._connectedalts[
            self.data_connected_to_at_least_one_introducer(ctx, data)]

    # In case we configure multiple introducers
    def data_introducers(self, ctx, data):
        return self.client.introducer_connection_statuses()

    def _render_connection_status(self, ctx, cs):
        connected = "yes" if cs.connected else "no"
        ctx.fillSlots("service_connection_status", connected)

        since = cs.last_connection_time
            render_time_delta(since, self.now_fn())
            if since is not None else "N/A")
                      render_time_attr(since) if since is not None else "N/A")

        last_received_data_time = cs.last_received_time
            if last_received_data_time is not None else "N/A")
            render_time_delta(last_received_data_time, self.now_fn())
            if last_received_data_time is not None else "N/A")

        others = cs.non_connected_statuses
        if cs.connected:
            ctx.fillSlots("summary", cs.summary)
            if others:
                details = "\n".join([
                    "* %s: %s\n" % (which, others[which])
                    for which in sorted(others)
                ctx.fillSlots("details", "Other hints:\n" + details)
                ctx.fillSlots("details", "(no other hints)")
            details = T.ul()
            for which in sorted(others):
                details[T.li["%s: %s" % (which, others[which])]]
            ctx.fillSlots("summary", [cs.summary, details])
            ctx.fillSlots("details", "")

    def render_introducers_row(self, ctx, cs):
        self._render_connection_status(ctx, cs)
        return ctx.tag

    def data_helper_furl_prefix(self, ctx, data):
            uploader = self.client.getServiceNamed("uploader")
        except KeyError:
            return None
        furl, connected = uploader.get_helper_info()
        if not furl:
            return None
        # trim off the secret swissnum
        (prefix, _, swissnum) = furl.rpartition("/")
        return "%s/[censored]" % (prefix, )

    def data_helper_description(self, ctx, data):
        if self.data_connected_to_helper(ctx, data) == "no":
            return "Helper not connected"
        return "Helper"

    def data_connected_to_helper(self, ctx, data):
            uploader = self.client.getServiceNamed("uploader")
        except KeyError:
            return "no"  # we don't even have an Uploader
        furl, connected = uploader.get_helper_info()

        if furl is None:
            return "not-configured"
        if connected:
            return "yes"
        return "no"

    def data_connected_to_helper_alt(self, ctx, data):
        return self._connectedalts[self.data_connected_to_helper(ctx, data)]

    def data_known_storage_servers(self, ctx, data):
        sb = self.client.get_storage_broker()
        return len(sb.get_all_serverids())

    def data_connected_storage_servers(self, ctx, data):
        sb = self.client.get_storage_broker()
        return len(sb.get_connected_servers())

    def data_services(self, ctx, data):
        sb = self.client.get_storage_broker()
        return sorted(sb.get_known_servers(), key=lambda s: s.get_serverid())

    def render_service_row(self, ctx, server):
        cs = server.get_connection_status()
        self._render_connection_status(ctx, cs)

        ctx.fillSlots("peerid", server.get_longname())
        ctx.fillSlots("nickname", server.get_nickname())

        announcement = server.get_announcement()
        version = announcement.get("my-version", "")
        available_space = server.get_available_space()
        if available_space is None:
            available_space = "N/A"
            available_space = abbreviate_size(available_space)
        ctx.fillSlots("version", version)
        ctx.fillSlots("available_space", available_space)

        return ctx.tag

    def render_download_form(self, ctx, data):
        # this is a form where users can download files by URI
        form = T.form(
            action="uri", method="get",
                T.legend(class_="freeform-form-label")["Download a file"],
                T.div["Tahoe-URI to download:" + SPACE,
                      T.input(type="text", name="uri")],
                T.div["Filename to download as:" + SPACE,
                      T.input(type="text", name="filename")],
                T.input(type="submit", value="Download!"), ]]
        return T.div[form]

    def render_view_form(self, ctx, data):
        # this is a form where users can download files by URI, or jump to a
        # named directory
        form = T.form(
            action="uri", method="get", enctype="multipart/form-data")[
                    class_="freeform-form-label")["View a file or directory"],
                           "Tahoe-URI to view:" + SPACE,
                           T.input(type="text", name="uri"), SPACE * 2,
                           T.input(type="submit", value="View!"), ]]
        return T.div[form]

    def render_upload_form(self, ctx, data):
        # This is a form where users can upload unlinked files.
        # Users can choose immutable, SDMF, or MDMF from a radio button.

        upload_chk = T.input(type='radio',
        upload_sdmf = T.input(type='radio',
        upload_mdmf = T.input(type='radio',

        form = T.form(
            action="uri", method="post", enctype="multipart/form-data"
            class_="freeform-form-label")["Upload a file"], T.div[
                "Choose a file:" + SPACE,
                T.input(type="file", name="file", class_="freeform-input-file"
                     T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="upload"),
                           T.label(for_="upload-chk")[" Immutable"], SPACE,
                           T.label(for_="upload-sdmf")[" SDMF"], SPACE,
                           T.label(for_="upload-mdmf")[" MDMF (experimental)"],
                           SPACE * 2,
                           T.input(type="submit", value="Upload!")], ]]
        return T.div[form]

    def render_mkdir_form(self, ctx, data):
        # This is a form where users can create new directories.
        # Users can choose SDMF or MDMF from a radio button.

        mkdir_sdmf = T.input(type='radio',
        mkdir_mdmf = T.input(type='radio',

        form = T.form(
            action="uri", method="post", enctype="multipart/form-data"
            T.legend(class_="freeform-form-label")["Create a directory"],
            T.label(for_='mkdir-sdmf')[" SDMF"], SPACE, mkdir_mdmf,
            T.label(for_='mkdir-mdmf')[" MDMF (experimental)"], SPACE * 2,
            T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="mkdir"),
            T.input(type="hidden", name="redirect_to_result", value="true"),
            T.input(type="submit", value="Create a directory"), ]]
        return T.div[form]

    def render_incident_button(self, ctx, data):
        # this button triggers a foolscap-logging "incident"
        form = T.form(
                T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="report-incident"),
                "What went wrong?" + SPACE,
                T.input(type="text", name="details"), SPACE,
                T.input(type="submit", value=u"Save \u00BB"), ]]
        return T.div[form]
コード例 #14
ファイル: check_results.py プロジェクト: sloanyang/tahoe-lafs
class DeepCheckAndRepairResultsRenderer(rend.Page, ResultsBase, ReloadMixin):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("deep-check-and-repair-results.xhtml")

    def __init__(self, client, monitor):
        self.client = client
        self.monitor = monitor

    def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
        if not name:
            return self
        # /operation/$OPHANDLE/$STORAGEINDEX provides detailed information
        # about a specific file or directory that was checked
        si = base32.a2b(name)
        s = self.monitor.get_status()
            results = s.get_results_for_storage_index(si)
            return CheckAndRepairResultsRenderer(self.client, results)
        except KeyError:
            raise WebError("No detailed results for SI %s" % html.escape(name),

    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
        if self.want_json(ctx):
            return self.json(ctx)
        return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)

    def json(self, ctx):
        inevow.IRequest(ctx).setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
        res = self.monitor.get_status()
        data = {}
        data["finished"] = self.monitor.is_finished()
        data["root-storage-index"] = res.get_root_storage_index_string()
        c = res.get_counters()
        data["count-objects-checked"] = c["count-objects-checked"]

        data["count-objects-healthy-pre-repair"] = c[
        data["count-objects-unhealthy-pre-repair"] = c[
        data["count-objects-healthy-post-repair"] = c[
        data["count-objects-unhealthy-post-repair"] = c[

        data["count-repairs-attempted"] = c["count-repairs-attempted"]
        data["count-repairs-successful"] = c["count-repairs-successful"]
        data["count-repairs-unsuccessful"] = c["count-repairs-unsuccessful"]

        data["count-corrupt-shares-pre-repair"] = c[
        data["count-corrupt-shares-post-repair"] = c[

        data["list-corrupt-shares"] = [
            (s.get_longname(), base32.b2a(storage_index), shnum)
            for (s, storage_index, shnum) in res.get_corrupt_shares()

        remaining_corrupt = [(s.get_longname(), base32.b2a(storage_index),
                             for (s, storage_index,
                                  shnum) in res.get_remaining_corrupt_shares()]
        data["list-remaining-corrupt-shares"] = remaining_corrupt

        unhealthy = [(path_t, json_check_results(crr.get_pre_repair_results()))
                     for (path_t, crr) in res.get_all_results().items()
                     if not crr.get_pre_repair_results().is_healthy()]
        data["list-unhealthy-files"] = unhealthy
        data["stats"] = res.get_stats()
        return simplejson.dumps(data, indent=1) + "\n"

    def render_root_storage_index(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status().get_root_storage_index_string()

    def data_objects_checked(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status().get_counters(

    def data_objects_healthy(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status().get_counters(

    def data_objects_unhealthy(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status().get_counters(

    def data_corrupt_shares(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status().get_counters(

    def data_repairs_attempted(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status().get_counters(

    def data_repairs_successful(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status().get_counters(

    def data_repairs_unsuccessful(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status().get_counters(

    def data_objects_healthy_post(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status().get_counters(

    def data_objects_unhealthy_post(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status().get_counters(

    def data_corrupt_shares_post(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status().get_counters(

    def render_pre_repair_problems_p(self, ctx, data):
        c = self.monitor.get_status().get_counters()
        if c["count-objects-unhealthy-pre-repair"]:
            return ctx.tag
        return ""

    def data_pre_repair_problems(self, ctx, data):
        all_objects = self.monitor.get_status().get_all_results()
        for path in sorted(all_objects.keys()):
            r = all_objects[path]
            assert ICheckAndRepairResults.providedBy(r)
            cr = r.get_pre_repair_results()
            if not cr.is_healthy():
                yield path, cr

    def render_problem(self, ctx, data):
        path, cr = data
        return ctx.tag[self._join_pathstring(path), ": ",

    def render_post_repair_problems_p(self, ctx, data):
        c = self.monitor.get_status().get_counters()
        if (c["count-objects-unhealthy-post-repair"]
                or c["count-corrupt-shares-post-repair"]):
            return ctx.tag
        return ""

    def data_post_repair_problems(self, ctx, data):
        all_objects = self.monitor.get_status().get_all_results()
        for path in sorted(all_objects.keys()):
            r = all_objects[path]
            assert ICheckAndRepairResults.providedBy(r)
            cr = r.get_post_repair_results()
            if not cr.is_healthy():
                yield path, cr

    def render_servers_with_corrupt_shares_p(self, ctx, data):
        if self.monitor.get_status().get_counters(
            return ctx.tag
        return ""

    def data_servers_with_corrupt_shares(self, ctx, data):
        return []  # TODO

    def render_server_problem(self, ctx, data):

    def render_remaining_corrupt_shares_p(self, ctx, data):
        if self.monitor.get_status().get_counters(
            return ctx.tag
        return ""

    def data_post_repair_corrupt_shares(self, ctx, data):
        return []  # TODO

    def render_share_problem(self, ctx, data):

    def render_return(self, ctx, data):
        req = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
        return_to = get_arg(req, "return_to", None)
        if return_to:
            return T.div[T.a(href=return_to)["Return to file/directory."]]
        return ""

    def data_all_objects(self, ctx, data):
        r = self.monitor.get_status().get_all_results()
        for path in sorted(r.keys()):
            yield (path, r[path])

    def render_object(self, ctx, data):
        path, r = data
        ctx.fillSlots("path", self._join_pathstring(path))
        storage_index = r.get_storage_index()
                      self._render_si_link(ctx, storage_index))
        return ctx.tag

    def render_runtime(self, ctx, data):
        req = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
        runtime = time.time() - req.processing_started_timestamp
        return ctx.tag["runtime: %s seconds" % runtime]
コード例 #15
ファイル: check_results.py プロジェクト: sloanyang/tahoe-lafs
class DeepCheckResultsRenderer(rend.Page, ResultsBase, ReloadMixin):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("deep-check-results.xhtml")

    def __init__(self, client, monitor):
        self.client = client
        self.monitor = monitor

    def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
        if not name:
            return self
        # /operation/$OPHANDLE/$STORAGEINDEX provides detailed information
        # about a specific file or directory that was checked
        si = base32.a2b(name)
        r = self.monitor.get_status()
            return CheckResultsRenderer(self.client,
        except KeyError:
            raise WebError("No detailed results for SI %s" % html.escape(name),

    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
        if self.want_json(ctx):
            return self.json(ctx)
        return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)

    def json(self, ctx):
        inevow.IRequest(ctx).setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
        data = {}
        data["finished"] = self.monitor.is_finished()
        res = self.monitor.get_status()
        data["root-storage-index"] = res.get_root_storage_index_string()
        c = res.get_counters()
        data["count-objects-checked"] = c["count-objects-checked"]
        data["count-objects-healthy"] = c["count-objects-healthy"]
        data["count-objects-unhealthy"] = c["count-objects-unhealthy"]
        data["count-corrupt-shares"] = c["count-corrupt-shares"]
        data["list-corrupt-shares"] = [
            (s.get_longname(), base32.b2a(storage_index), shnum)
            for (s, storage_index, shnum) in res.get_corrupt_shares()
        data["list-unhealthy-files"] = [
            (path_t, json_check_results(r))
            for (path_t, r) in res.get_all_results().items()
            if not r.is_healthy()
        data["stats"] = res.get_stats()
        return simplejson.dumps(data, indent=1) + "\n"

    def render_root_storage_index(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status().get_root_storage_index_string()

    def data_objects_checked(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status().get_counters(

    def data_objects_healthy(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status().get_counters(

    def data_objects_unhealthy(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status().get_counters(

    def data_objects_unrecoverable(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status().get_counters(

    def data_count_corrupt_shares(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status().get_counters()["count-corrupt-shares"]

    def render_problems_p(self, ctx, data):
        c = self.monitor.get_status().get_counters()
        if c["count-objects-unhealthy"]:
            return ctx.tag
        return ""

    def data_problems(self, ctx, data):
        all_objects = self.monitor.get_status().get_all_results()
        for path in sorted(all_objects.keys()):
            cr = all_objects[path]
            assert ICheckResults.providedBy(cr)
            if not cr.is_healthy():
                yield path, cr

    def render_problem(self, ctx, data):
        path, cr = data
        summary_text = ""
        summary = cr.get_summary()
        if summary:
            summary_text = ": " + summary
        summary_text += " [SI: %s]" % cr.get_storage_index_string()
        return ctx.tag[self._join_pathstring(path), self._html(summary_text)]

    def render_servers_with_corrupt_shares_p(self, ctx, data):
        if self.monitor.get_status().get_counters()["count-corrupt-shares"]:
            return ctx.tag
        return ""

    def data_servers_with_corrupt_shares(self, ctx, data):
        servers = [
            s for (s, storage_index,
                   sharenum) in self.monitor.get_status().get_corrupt_shares()
        servers.sort(key=lambda s: s.get_longname())
        return servers

    def render_server_problem(self, ctx, server):
        data = [server.get_name()]
        nickname = server.get_nickname()
        if nickname:
            data.append(" (%s)" % self._html(nickname))
        return ctx.tag[data]

    def render_corrupt_shares_p(self, ctx, data):
        if self.monitor.get_status().get_counters()["count-corrupt-shares"]:
            return ctx.tag
        return ""

    def data_corrupt_shares(self, ctx, data):
        return self.monitor.get_status().get_corrupt_shares()

    def render_share_problem(self, ctx, data):
        server, storage_index, sharenum = data
        nickname = server.get_nickname()
        ctx.fillSlots("serverid", server.get_name())
        if nickname:
            ctx.fillSlots("nickname", self._html(nickname))
        ctx.fillSlots("si", self._render_si_link(ctx, storage_index))
        ctx.fillSlots("shnum", str(sharenum))
        return ctx.tag

    def render_return(self, ctx, data):
        req = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
        return_to = get_arg(req, "return_to", None)
        if return_to:
            return T.div[T.a(href=return_to)["Return to file/directory."]]
        return ""

    def data_all_objects(self, ctx, data):
        r = self.monitor.get_status().get_all_results()
        for path in sorted(r.keys()):
            yield (path, r[path])

    def render_object(self, ctx, data):
        path, r = data
        ctx.fillSlots("path", self._join_pathstring(path))
        ctx.fillSlots("healthy", str(r.is_healthy()))
        ctx.fillSlots("recoverable", str(r.is_recoverable()))
        storage_index = r.get_storage_index()
                      self._render_si_link(ctx, storage_index))
        ctx.fillSlots("summary", self._html(r.get_summary()))
        return ctx.tag

    def render_runtime(self, ctx, data):
        req = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
        runtime = time.time() - req.processing_started_timestamp
        return ctx.tag["runtime: %s seconds" % runtime]
コード例 #16
ファイル: storage.py プロジェクト: cpelsser/tamias
class StorageStatus(rend.Page):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("storage_status.xhtml")

    # the default 'data' argument is the StorageServer instance

    def __init__(self, storage):
        rend.Page.__init__(self, storage)
        self.storage = storage

    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
        req = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
        t = get_arg(req, "t")
        if t == "json":
            return self.render_JSON(req)
        return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)

    def render_JSON(self, req):
        req.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
        d = {
            "stats": self.storage.get_stats(),
            "bucket-counter": self.storage.bucket_counter.get_state(),
            "lease-checker": self.storage.lease_checker.get_state(),
        return simplejson.dumps(d, indent=1) + "\n"

    def render_storage_running(self, ctx, storage):
        if storage:
            return ctx.tag
            return T.h1["No Storage Server Running"]

    def render_bool(self, ctx, data):
        return {True: "Yes", False: "No"}[bool(data)]

    def render_abbrev_space(self, ctx, size):
        if size is None:
            return "?"
        return abbreviate_space(size)

    def render_space(self, ctx, size):
        if size is None:
            return "?"
        return "%d" % size

    def data_stats(self, ctx, data):
        # FYI: 'data' appears to be self, rather than the StorageServer
        # object in self.original that gets passed to render_* methods. I
        # still don't understand Nevow.

        # Nevow has nevow.accessors.DictionaryContainer: Any data= directive
        # that appears in a context in which the current data is a dictionary
        # will be looked up as keys in that dictionary. So if data_stats()
        # returns a dictionary, then we can use something like this:
        #  <ul n:data="stats">
        #   <li>disk_total: <span n:render="abbrev" n:data="disk_total" /></li>
        #  </ul>

        # to use get_stats()["storage_server.disk_total"] . However,
        # DictionaryContainer does a raw d[] instead of d.get(), so any
        # missing keys will cause an error, even if the renderer can tolerate
        # None values. To overcome this, we either need a dict-like object
        # that always returns None for unknown keys, or we must pre-populate
        # our dict with those missing keys, or we should get rid of data_
        # methods that return dicts (or find some way to override Nevow's
        # handling of dictionaries).

        d = dict([(remove_prefix(k, "storage_server."), v)
                  for k, v in self.storage.get_stats().items()])
        d.setdefault("disk_total", None)
        d.setdefault("disk_used", None)
        d.setdefault("disk_free_for_root", None)
        d.setdefault("disk_free_for_nonroot", None)
        d.setdefault("reserved_space", None)
        d.setdefault("disk_avail", None)
        return d

    def data_last_complete_bucket_count(self, ctx, data):
        s = self.storage.bucket_counter.get_state()
        count = s.get("last-complete-bucket-count")
        if count is None:
            return "Not computed yet"
        return count

    def render_count_crawler_status(self, ctx, storage):
        p = self.storage.bucket_counter.get_progress()
        return ctx.tag[self.format_crawler_progress(p)]

    def format_crawler_progress(self, p):
        cycletime = p["estimated-time-per-cycle"]
        cycletime_s = ""
        if cycletime is not None:
            cycletime_s = " (estimated cycle time %s)" % abbreviate_time(

        if p["cycle-in-progress"]:
            pct = p["cycle-complete-percentage"]
            soon = p["remaining-sleep-time"]

            eta = p["estimated-cycle-complete-time-left"]
            eta_s = ""
            if eta is not None:
                eta_s = " (ETA %ds)" % eta

            return [
                "Current crawl %.1f%% complete" % pct,
                " (next work in %s)" % abbreviate_time(soon),
            soon = p["remaining-wait-time"]
            return ["Next crawl in %s" % abbreviate_time(soon), cycletime_s]

    def render_lease_expiration_enabled(self, ctx, data):
        lc = self.storage.lease_checker
        if lc.expiration_enabled:
            return ctx.tag["Enabled: expired leases will be removed"]
            return ctx.tag[
                "Disabled: scan-only mode, no leases will be removed"]

    def render_lease_expiration_mode(self, ctx, data):
        lc = self.storage.lease_checker
        if lc.mode == "age":
            if lc.override_lease_duration is None:
                ctx.tag["Leases will expire naturally, probably 31 days after "
                        "creation or renewal."]
                ctx.tag["Leases created or last renewed more than %s ago "
                        "will be considered expired." %
            assert lc.mode == "cutoff-date"
            localizedutcdate = time.strftime("%d-%b-%Y",
            isoutcdate = time_format.iso_utc_date(lc.cutoff_date)
            ctx.tag["Leases created or last renewed before %s (%s) UTC "
                    "will be considered expired." % (
        if len(lc.mode) > 2:
            ctx.tag[" The following sharetypes will be expired: ",
                    " ".join(sorted(lc.sharetypes_to_expire)), "."]
        return ctx.tag

    def format_recovered(self, sr, a):
        def maybe(d):
            if d is None:
                return "?"
            return "%d" % d
        return "%s shares, %s buckets (%s mutable / %s immutable), %s (%s / %s)" % \
               (maybe(sr["%s-shares" % a]),
                maybe(sr["%s-buckets" % a]),
                maybe(sr["%s-buckets-mutable" % a]),
                maybe(sr["%s-buckets-immutable" % a]),
                abbreviate_space(sr["%s-diskbytes" % a]),
                abbreviate_space(sr["%s-diskbytes-mutable" % a]),
                abbreviate_space(sr["%s-diskbytes-immutable" % a]),

    def render_lease_current_cycle_progress(self, ctx, data):
        lc = self.storage.lease_checker
        p = lc.get_progress()
        return ctx.tag[self.format_crawler_progress(p)]

    def render_lease_current_cycle_results(self, ctx, data):
        lc = self.storage.lease_checker
        p = lc.get_progress()
        if not p["cycle-in-progress"]:
            return ""
        s = lc.get_state()
        so_far = s["cycle-to-date"]
        sr = so_far["space-recovered"]
        er = s["estimated-remaining-cycle"]
        esr = er["space-recovered"]
        ec = s["estimated-current-cycle"]
        ecr = ec["space-recovered"]

        p = T.ul()

        def add(*pieces):

        def maybe(d):
            if d is None:
                return "?"
            return "%d" % d

            "So far, this cycle has examined %d shares in %d buckets" %
            (sr["examined-shares"], sr["examined-buckets"]),
            " (%d mutable / %d immutable)" %
            (sr["examined-buckets-mutable"], sr["examined-buckets-immutable"]),
            " (%s / %s)" %
        add("and has recovered: ", self.format_recovered(sr, "actual"))
        if so_far["expiration-enabled"]:
            add("The remainder of this cycle is expected to recover: ",
                self.format_recovered(esr, "actual"))
            add("The whole cycle is expected to examine %s shares in %s buckets"
                % (maybe(ecr["examined-shares"]), maybe(
            add("and to recover: ", self.format_recovered(ecr, "actual"))

            add("If expiration were enabled, we would have recovered: ",
                self.format_recovered(sr, "configured"), " by now")
            add("and the remainder of this cycle would probably recover: ",
                self.format_recovered(esr, "configured"))
            add("and the whole cycle would probably recover: ",
                self.format_recovered(ecr, "configured"))

            "if we were strictly using each lease's default 31-day lease lifetime "
            "(instead of our configured behavior), "
            "this cycle would be expected to recover: ",
            self.format_recovered(ecr, "original"))

        if so_far["corrupt-shares"]:
                "Corrupt shares:", T.ul[[
                        "SI %s shnum %d" % corrupt_share
                        for corrupt_share in so_far["corrupt-shares"]

        return ctx.tag["Current cycle:", p]

    def render_lease_last_cycle_results(self, ctx, data):
        lc = self.storage.lease_checker
        h = lc.get_state()["history"]
        if not h:
            return ""
        last = h[max(h.keys())]

        start, end = last["cycle-start-finish-times"]
        ctx.tag["Last complete cycle (which took %s and finished %s ago)"
                " recovered: " % (abbreviate_time(end - start),
                                  abbreviate_time(time.time() - end)),
                self.format_recovered(last["space-recovered"], "actual")]

        p = T.ul()

        def add(*pieces):

        saw = self.format_recovered(last["space-recovered"], "examined")
        add("and saw a total of ", saw)

        if not last["expiration-enabled"]:
            rec = self.format_recovered(last["space-recovered"], "configured")
                "but expiration was not enabled. If it had been, "
                "it would have recovered: ", rec)

        if last["corrupt-shares"]:
                "Corrupt shares:", T.ul[[
                        "SI %s shnum %d" % corrupt_share
                        for corrupt_share in last["corrupt-shares"]

        return ctx.tag[p]
コード例 #17
class Statistics(rend.Page):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("statistics.xhtml")

    def __init__(self, provider):
        rend.Page.__init__(self, provider)
        self.provider = provider

    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
        req = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
        t = get_arg(req, "t")
        if t == "json":
            stats = self.provider.get_stats()
            req.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
            return simplejson.dumps(stats, indent=1) + "\n"
        return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)

    def data_get_stats(self, ctx, data):
        return self.provider.get_stats()

    def render_load_average(self, ctx, data):
        return str(data["stats"].get("load_monitor.avg_load"))

    def render_peak_load(self, ctx, data):
        return str(data["stats"].get("load_monitor.max_load"))

    def render_uploads(self, ctx, data):
        files = data["counters"].get("uploader.files_uploaded", 0)
        bytes = data["counters"].get("uploader.bytes_uploaded", 0)
        return ("%s files / %s bytes (%s)" %
                (files, bytes, abbreviate_size(bytes)))

    def render_downloads(self, ctx, data):
        files = data["counters"].get("downloader.files_downloaded", 0)
        bytes = data["counters"].get("downloader.bytes_downloaded", 0)
        return ("%s files / %s bytes (%s)" %
                (files, bytes, abbreviate_size(bytes)))

    def render_publishes(self, ctx, data):
        files = data["counters"].get("mutable.files_published", 0)
        bytes = data["counters"].get("mutable.bytes_published", 0)
        return "%s files / %s bytes (%s)" % (files, bytes,

    def render_retrieves(self, ctx, data):
        files = data["counters"].get("mutable.files_retrieved", 0)
        bytes = data["counters"].get("mutable.bytes_retrieved", 0)
        return "%s files / %s bytes (%s)" % (files, bytes,

    def render_drop_monitored(self, ctx, data):
        dirs = data["counters"].get("drop_upload.dirs_monitored", 0)
        return "%s directories" % (dirs, )

    def render_drop_uploads(self, ctx, data):
        # TODO: bytes uploaded
        files = data["counters"].get("drop_upload.files_uploaded", 0)
        return "%s files" % (files, )

    def render_drop_queued(self, ctx, data):
        files = data["counters"].get("drop_upload.files_queued", 0)
        return "%s files" % (files, )

    def render_drop_failed(self, ctx, data):
        files = data["counters"].get("drop_upload.files_failed", 0)
        return "%s files" % (files, )

    def render_raw(self, ctx, data):
        raw = pprint.pformat(data)
        return ctx.tag[raw]
コード例 #18
ファイル: introweb.py プロジェクト: antagonismorg/tahoe-lafs
class IntroducerRoot(rend.Page):

    addSlash = True
    docFactory = getxmlfile("introducer.xhtml")

    child_operations = None

    def __init__(self, introducer_node):
        self.introducer_node = introducer_node
        self.introducer_service = introducer_node.getServiceNamed("introducer")
        rend.Page.__init__(self, introducer_node)
        static_dir = resource_filename("allmydata.web", "static")
        for filen in os.listdir(static_dir):
            self.putChild(filen, nevow_File(os.path.join(static_dir, filen)))

    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
        t = get_arg(inevow.IRequest(ctx), "t")
        if t == "json":
            return self.render_JSON(ctx)
        return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)

    def render_JSON(self, ctx):
        res = {}

        counts = {}
        for s in self.introducer_service.get_subscribers():
            if s.service_name not in counts:
                counts[s.service_name] = 0
            counts[s.service_name] += 1
        res["subscription_summary"] = counts

        announcement_summary = {}
        service_hosts = {}
        for ad in self.introducer_service.get_announcements():
            service_name = ad.service_name
            if service_name not in announcement_summary:
                announcement_summary[service_name] = 0
            announcement_summary[service_name] += 1
            if service_name not in service_hosts:
                service_hosts[service_name] = set()
            # it's nice to know how many distinct hosts are available for
            # each service. We define a "host" by a set of addresses
            # (hostnames or ipv4 addresses), which we extract from the
            # connection hints. In practice, this is usually close
            # enough: when multiple services are run on a single host,
            # they're usually either configured with the same addresses,
            # or setLocationAutomatically picks up the same interfaces.
            host = frozenset(ad.advertised_addresses)
        res["announcement_summary"] = announcement_summary
        distinct_hosts = dict([(name, len(hosts))
                               for (name, hosts) in service_hosts.iteritems()])
        res["announcement_distinct_hosts"] = distinct_hosts

        return simplejson.dumps(res, indent=1) + "\n"

    # FIXME: This code is duplicated in root.py and introweb.py.
    def data_version(self, ctx, data):
        return get_package_versions_string()

    def data_import_path(self, ctx, data):
        return str(allmydata).replace("/", "/ ")  # XXX kludge for wrapping

    def data_my_nodeid(self, ctx, data):
        return idlib.nodeid_b2a(self.introducer_node.nodeid)

    def render_announcement_summary(self, ctx, data):
        services = {}
        for ad in self.introducer_service.get_announcements():
            if ad.service_name not in services:
                services[ad.service_name] = 0
            services[ad.service_name] += 1
        service_names = services.keys()
        return ", ".join([
            "%s: %d" % (service_name, services[service_name])
            for service_name in service_names

    def render_client_summary(self, ctx, data):
        counts = {}
        for s in self.introducer_service.get_subscribers():
            if s.service_name not in counts:
                counts[s.service_name] = 0
            counts[s.service_name] += 1
        return ", ".join([
            "%s: %d" % (name, counts[name]) for name in sorted(counts.keys())

    def data_services(self, ctx, data):
        services = self.introducer_service.get_announcements(False)
        services.sort(key=lambda ad: (ad.service_name, ad.nickname))
        return services

    def render_service_row(self, ctx, ad):
        ctx.fillSlots("serverid", ad.serverid)
        ctx.fillSlots("nickname", ad.nickname)
        ctx.fillSlots("advertised", " ".join(ad.advertised_addresses))
        ctx.fillSlots("connected", "?")
        when_s = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y", time.localtime(ad.when))
        ctx.fillSlots("announced", when_s)
        ctx.fillSlots("version", ad.version)
        ctx.fillSlots("service_name", ad.service_name)
        return ctx.tag

    def data_subscribers(self, ctx, data):
        return self.introducer_service.get_subscribers()

    def render_subscriber_row(self, ctx, s):
        ctx.fillSlots("nickname", s.nickname)
        ctx.fillSlots("peerid", s.tubid)
        ctx.fillSlots("advertised", " ".join(s.advertised_addresses))
        ctx.fillSlots("connected", s.remote_address)
        since_s = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y", time.localtime(s.when))
        ctx.fillSlots("since", since_s)
        ctx.fillSlots("version", s.version)
        ctx.fillSlots("service_name", s.service_name)
        return ctx.tag
コード例 #19
class ProvisioningTool(rend.Page):
    addSlash = True
    docFactory = getxmlfile("provisioning.xhtml")

    def render_forms(self, ctx, data):
        req = inevow.IRequest(ctx)

        def getarg(name, astype=int):
            if req.method != "POST":
                return None
            if name in req.fields:
                return astype(req.fields[name].value)
            return None

        return self.do_forms(getarg)

    def do_forms(self, getarg):
        filled = getarg("filled", bool)

        def get_and_set(name, options, default=None, astype=int):
            current_value = getarg(name, astype)
            i_select = T.select(name=name)
            for (count, description) in options:
                count = astype(count)
                if ((current_value is not None and count == current_value)
                        or (current_value is None and count == default)):
                    o = T.option(value=str(count),
                    o = T.option(value=str(count))[description]
                i_select = i_select[o]
            if current_value is None:
                current_value = default
            return current_value, i_select

        sections = {}

        def add_input(section, text, entry):
            if section not in sections:
                sections[section] = []
            sections[section].extend([T.div[text, ": ", entry], "\n"])

        def add_output(section, entry):
            if section not in sections:
                sections[section] = []
            sections[section].extend([entry, "\n"])

        def build_section(section):
            return T.fieldset[T.legend[section], sections[section]]

        def number(value, suffix=""):
            scaling = 1
            if value < 1:
                fmt = "%1.2g%s"
            elif value < 100:
                fmt = "%.1f%s"
            elif value < 1000:
                fmt = "%d%s"
            elif value < 1e6:
                fmt = "%.2fk%s"
                scaling = 1e3
            elif value < 1e9:
                fmt = "%.2fM%s"
                scaling = 1e6
            elif value < 1e12:
                fmt = "%.2fG%s"
                scaling = 1e9
            elif value < 1e15:
                fmt = "%.2fT%s"
                scaling = 1e12
            elif value < 1e18:
                fmt = "%.2fP%s"
                scaling = 1e15
                fmt = "huge! %g%s"
            return fmt % (value / scaling, suffix)

        user_counts = [
            (5, "5 users"),
            (50, "50 users"),
            (200, "200 users"),
            (1000, "1k users"),
            (10000, "10k users"),
            (50000, "50k users"),
            (100000, "100k users"),
            (500000, "500k users"),
            (1000000, "1M users"),
        num_users, i_num_users = get_and_set("num_users", user_counts, 50000)
        add_input("Users", "How many users are on this network?", i_num_users)

        files_per_user_counts = [
            (100, "100 files"),
            (1000, "1k files"),
            (10000, "10k files"),
            (100000, "100k files"),
            (1e6, "1M files"),
        files_per_user, i_files_per_user = get_and_set("files_per_user",
        add_input("Users", "How many files for each user? (avg)",

        space_per_user_sizes = [
            (1e6, "1MB"),
            (10e6, "10MB"),
            (100e6, "100MB"),
            (200e6, "200MB"),
            (1e9, "1GB"),
            (2e9, "2GB"),
            (5e9, "5GB"),
            (10e9, "10GB"),
            (100e9, "100GB"),
            (1e12, "1TB"),
        # current allmydata average utilization 127MB per user
        space_per_user, i_space_per_user = get_and_set("space_per_user",
        add_input("Users", "How much data for each user? (avg)",

        sharing_ratios = [
            (1.0, "1.0x"),
            (1.1, "1.1x"),
            (2.0, "2.0x"),
        sharing_ratio, i_sharing_ratio = get_and_set("sharing_ratio",
                                                     sharing_ratios, 1.0,
            "Users", "What is the sharing ratio? (1.0x is no-sharing and"
            " no convergence)", i_sharing_ratio)

        # Encoding parameters
        encoding_choices = [
            ("3-of-10-5", "3.3x (3-of-10, repair below 5)"),
            ("3-of-10-8", "3.3x (3-of-10, repair below 8)"),
            ("5-of-10-7", "2x (5-of-10, repair below 7)"),
            ("8-of-10-9", "1.25x (8-of-10, repair below 9)"),
            ("27-of-30-28", "1.1x (27-of-30, repair below 28"),
            ("25-of-100-50", "4x (25-of-100, repair below 50)"),
        encoding_parameters, i_encoding_parameters = \
                                         encoding_choices, "3-of-10-5", str)
        encoding_pieces = encoding_parameters.split("-")
        k = int(encoding_pieces[0])
        assert encoding_pieces[1] == "of"
        n = int(encoding_pieces[2])
        # we repair the file when the number of available shares drops below
        # this value
        repair_threshold = int(encoding_pieces[3])

        add_input("Servers", "What are the default encoding parameters?",

        # Server info
        num_server_choices = [
            (5, "5 servers"),
            (10, "10 servers"),
            (15, "15 servers"),
            (30, "30 servers"),
            (50, "50 servers"),
            (100, "100 servers"),
            (200, "200 servers"),
            (300, "300 servers"),
            (500, "500 servers"),
            (1000, "1k servers"),
            (2000, "2k servers"),
            (5000, "5k servers"),
            (10e3, "10k servers"),
            (100e3, "100k servers"),
            (1e6, "1M servers"),
        num_servers, i_num_servers = \
                     get_and_set("num_servers", num_server_choices, 30, int)
        add_input("Servers", "How many servers are there?", i_num_servers)

        # availability is measured in dBA = -dBF, where 0dBF is 100% failure,
        # 10dBF is 10% failure, 20dBF is 1% failure, etc
        server_dBA_choices = [
            (10, "90% [10dBA] (2.4hr/day)"),
            (13, "95% [13dBA] (1.2hr/day)"),
            (20, "99% [20dBA] (14min/day or 3.5days/year)"),
            (23, "99.5% [23dBA] (7min/day or 1.75days/year)"),
            (30, "99.9% [30dBA] (87sec/day or 9hours/year)"),
            (40, "99.99% [40dBA] (60sec/week or 53min/year)"),
            (50, "99.999% [50dBA] (5min per year)"),
        server_dBA, i_server_availability = \
                                20, int)
        add_input("Servers", "What is the server availability?",

        drive_MTBF_choices = [
            (40, "40,000 Hours"),
        drive_MTBF, i_drive_MTBF = \
                    get_and_set("drive_MTBF", drive_MTBF_choices, 40, int)
        add_input("Drives", "What is the hard drive MTBF?", i_drive_MTBF)
        # http://www.tgdaily.com/content/view/30990/113/
        # http://labs.google.com/papers/disk_failures.pdf
        # google sees:
        #  1.7% of the drives they replaced were 0-1 years old
        #  8% of the drives they repalced were 1-2 years old
        #  8.6% were 2-3 years old
        #  6% were 3-4 years old, about 8% were 4-5 years old

        drive_size_choices = [
            (100, "100 GB"),
            (250, "250 GB"),
            (500, "500 GB"),
            (750, "750 GB"),
        drive_size, i_drive_size = \
                    get_and_set("drive_size", drive_size_choices, 750, int)
        drive_size = drive_size * 1e9
        add_input("Drives", "What is the capacity of each hard drive?",
        drive_failure_model_choices = [
            ("E", "Exponential"),
            ("U", "Uniform"),
        drive_failure_model, i_drive_failure_model = \
                                         "E", str)
        add_input("Drives", "How should we model drive failures?",

        # drive_failure_rate is in failures per second
        if drive_failure_model == "E":
            drive_failure_rate = 1.0 / (drive_MTBF * 1000 * 3600)
            drive_failure_rate = 0.5 / (drive_MTBF * 1000 * 3600)

        # deletion/gc/ownership mode
        ownership_choices = [
            ("A", "no deletion, no gc, no owners"),
            ("B", "deletion, no gc, no owners"),
            ("C", "deletion, share timers, no owners"),
            ("D", "deletion, no gc, yes owners"),
            ("E", "deletion, owner timers"),
        ownership_mode, i_ownership_mode = \
                        get_and_set("ownership_mode", ownership_choices,
                                    "A", str)
        add_input("Servers", "What is the ownership mode?", i_ownership_mode)

        # client access behavior
        access_rates = [
            (1, "one file per day"),
            (10, "10 files per day"),
            (100, "100 files per day"),
            (1000, "1k files per day"),
            (10e3, "10k files per day"),
            (100e3, "100k files per day"),
        download_files_per_day, i_download_rate = \
                                get_and_set("download_rate", access_rates,
                                            100, int)
        add_input("Users", "How many files are downloaded per day?",
        download_rate = 1.0 * download_files_per_day / (24 * 60 * 60)

        upload_files_per_day, i_upload_rate = \
                              get_and_set("upload_rate", access_rates,
                                          10, int)
        add_input("Users", "How many files are uploaded per day?",
        upload_rate = 1.0 * upload_files_per_day / (24 * 60 * 60)

        delete_files_per_day, i_delete_rate = \
                              get_and_set("delete_rate", access_rates,
                                          10, int)
        add_input("Users", "How many files are deleted per day?",
        delete_rate = 1.0 * delete_files_per_day / (24 * 60 * 60)

        # the value is in days
        lease_timers = [
            (1, "one refresh per day"),
            (7, "one refresh per week"),
        lease_timer, i_lease = \
                     get_and_set("lease_timer", lease_timers,
                                 7, int)
            "Users", "How frequently do clients refresh files or accounts? "
            "(if necessary)", i_lease)
        seconds_per_lease = 24 * 60 * 60 * lease_timer

        check_timer_choices = [
            (1, "every week"),
            (4, "every month"),
            (8, "every two months"),
            (16, "every four months"),
        check_timer, i_check_timer = \
                     get_and_set("check_timer", check_timer_choices, 4, int)
        add_input("Users", "How frequently should we check on each file?",
        file_check_interval = check_timer * 7 * 24 * 3600

        if filled:
            add_output("Users", T.div["Total users: %s" % number(num_users)])
                       T.div["Files per user: %s" % number(files_per_user)])
            file_size = 1.0 * space_per_user / files_per_user
            add_output("Users", T.div["Average file size: ",
            total_files = num_users * files_per_user / sharing_ratio

                "Grid", T.div["Total number of files in grid: ",
            total_space = num_users * space_per_user / sharing_ratio
                "Grid", T.div["Total volume of plaintext in grid: ",
                              number(total_space, "B")])

            total_shares = n * total_files
            add_output("Grid", T.div["Total shares in grid: ",
            expansion = float(n) / float(k)

            total_usage = expansion * total_space
            add_output("Grid", T.div["Share data in grid: ",
                                     number(total_usage, "B")])

            if n > num_servers:
                # silly configuration, causes Tahoe2 to wrap and put multiple
                # shares on some servers.
                    "Servers", T.div["non-ideal: more shares than servers"
                                     " (n=%d, servers=%d)" % (n, num_servers)])
                # every file has at least one share on every server
                buckets_per_server = total_files
                shares_per_server = total_files * ((1.0 * n) / num_servers)
                # if nobody is full, then no lease requests will be turned
                # down for lack of space, and no two shares for the same file
                # will share a server. Therefore the chance that any given
                # file has a share on any given server is n/num_servers.
                buckets_per_server = total_files * ((1.0 * n) / num_servers)
                # since each such represented file only puts one share on a
                # server, the total number of shares per server is the same.
                shares_per_server = buckets_per_server
                "Servers", T.div["Buckets per server: ",
            add_output("Servers", T.div["Shares per server: ",

            # how much space is used on the storage servers for the shares?
            #  the share data itself
            share_data_per_server = total_usage / num_servers
                "Servers", T.div["Share data per server: ",
                                 number(share_data_per_server, "B")])
            # this is determined empirically. H=hashsize=32, for a one-segment
            # file and 3-of-10 encoding
            share_validation_per_server = 266 * shares_per_server
            # this could be 423*buckets_per_server, if we moved the URI
            # extension into a separate file, but that would actually consume
            # *more* space (minimum filesize is 4KiB), unless we moved all
            # shares for a given bucket into a single file.
            share_uri_extension_per_server = 423 * shares_per_server

            # ownership mode adds per-bucket data
            H = 32  # depends upon the desired security of delete/refresh caps
            # bucket_lease_size is the amount of data needed to keep track of
            # the delete/refresh caps for each bucket.
            bucket_lease_size = 0
            client_bucket_refresh_rate = 0
            owner_table_size = 0
            if ownership_mode in ("B", "C", "D", "E"):
                bucket_lease_size = sharing_ratio * 1.0 * H
            if ownership_mode in ("B", "C"):
                # refreshes per second per client
                client_bucket_refresh_rate = (1.0 * n * files_per_user /
                    "Users", T.div["Client share refresh rate (outbound): ",
                                   number(client_bucket_refresh_rate, "Hz")])
                server_bucket_refresh_rate = (client_bucket_refresh_rate *
                                              num_users / num_servers)
                    "Servers", T.div["Server share refresh rate (inbound): ",
                                     number(server_bucket_refresh_rate, "Hz")])
            if ownership_mode in ("D", "E"):
                # each server must maintain a bidirectional mapping from
                # buckets to owners. One way to implement this would be to
                # put a list of four-byte owner numbers into each bucket, and
                # a list of four-byte share numbers into each owner (although
                # of course we'd really just throw it into a database and let
                # the experts take care of the details).
                owner_table_size = 2 * (buckets_per_server * sharing_ratio * 4)

            if ownership_mode in ("E", ):
                # in this mode, clients must refresh one timer per server
                client_account_refresh_rate = (1.0 * num_servers /
                    "Users", T.div["Client account refresh rate (outbound): ",
                                   number(client_account_refresh_rate, "Hz")])
                server_account_refresh_rate = (client_account_refresh_rate *
                                               num_users / num_servers)
                    T.div["Server account refresh rate (inbound): ",
                          number(server_account_refresh_rate, "Hz")])

            # TODO: buckets vs shares here is a bit wonky, but in
            # non-wrapping grids it shouldn't matter
            share_lease_per_server = bucket_lease_size * buckets_per_server
            share_ownertable_per_server = owner_table_size

            share_space_per_server = (share_data_per_server +
                                      share_validation_per_server +
                                      share_uri_extension_per_server +
                                      share_lease_per_server +
                T.div["Share space per server: ",
                      number(share_space_per_server, "B"), " (data ",
                      number(share_data_per_server, "B"), ", validation ",
                      number(share_validation_per_server, "B"), ", UEB ",
                      number(share_uri_extension_per_server, "B"), ", lease ",
                      number(share_lease_per_server, "B"), ", ownertable ",
                      number(share_ownertable_per_server, "B"), ")", ])

            # rates
            client_download_share_rate = download_rate * k
            client_download_byte_rate = download_rate * file_size
                "Users", T.div["download rate: shares = ",
                               number(client_download_share_rate, "Hz"),
                               " , bytes = ",
                               number(client_download_byte_rate, "Bps"), ])
            total_file_check_rate = 1.0 * total_files / file_check_interval
            client_check_share_rate = total_file_check_rate / num_users
                "Users", T.div["file check rate: shares = ",
                               number(client_check_share_rate, "Hz"),
                               " (interval = %s)" %
                               number(1 / client_check_share_rate, "s"), ])

            client_upload_share_rate = upload_rate * n
            # TODO: doesn't include overhead
            client_upload_byte_rate = upload_rate * file_size * expansion
                "Users", T.div["upload rate: shares = ",
                               number(client_upload_share_rate, "Hz"),
                               " , bytes = ",
                               number(client_upload_byte_rate, "Bps"), ])
            client_delete_share_rate = delete_rate * n

            server_inbound_share_rate = (client_upload_share_rate * num_users /
            server_inbound_byte_rate = (client_upload_byte_rate * num_users /
                "Servers", T.div["upload rate (inbound): shares = ",
                                 number(server_inbound_share_rate, "Hz"),
                                 " , bytes = ",
                                 number(server_inbound_byte_rate, "Bps"), ])
                T.div["share check rate (inbound): ",
                      number(total_file_check_rate * n / num_servers, "Hz"), ])

            server_share_modify_rate = (
                (client_upload_share_rate + client_delete_share_rate) *
                num_users / num_servers)
                "Servers", T.div["share modify rate: shares = ",
                                 number(server_share_modify_rate, "Hz"), ])

            server_outbound_share_rate = (client_download_share_rate *
                                          num_users / num_servers)
            server_outbound_byte_rate = (client_download_byte_rate *
                                         num_users / num_servers)
                "Servers", T.div["download rate (outbound): shares = ",
                                 number(server_outbound_share_rate, "Hz"),
                                 " , bytes = ",
                                 number(server_outbound_byte_rate, "Bps"), ])

            total_share_space = num_servers * share_space_per_server
                "Grid", T.div["Share space consumed: ",
                              number(total_share_space, "B")])
                "Grid", T.div[" %% validation: %.2f%%" %
                              (100.0 * share_validation_per_server /
                "Grid", T.div[" %% uri-extension: %.2f%%" %
                              (100.0 * share_uri_extension_per_server /
                "Grid", T.div[" %% lease data: %.2f%%" %
                              (100.0 * share_lease_per_server /
                "Grid", T.div[" %% owner data: %.2f%%" %
                              (100.0 * share_ownertable_per_server /
                "Grid", T.div[" %% share data: %.2f%%" %
                              (100.0 * share_data_per_server /
                "Grid", T.div["file check rate: ",
                              number(total_file_check_rate, "Hz")])

            total_drives = max(
                mathutil.div_ceil(int(total_share_space), int(drive_size)),
                "Drives", T.div["Total drives: ",
                                number(total_drives), " drives"])
            drives_per_server = mathutil.div_ceil(total_drives, num_servers)
            add_output("Servers", T.div["Drives per server: ",

            # costs
            if drive_size == 750 * 1e9:
                add_output("Servers", T.div["750GB drive: $250 each"])
                drive_cost = 250
                           T.div[T.b["unknown cost per drive, assuming $100"]])
                drive_cost = 100

            if drives_per_server <= 4:
                add_output("Servers", T.div["1U box with <= 4 drives: $1500"])
                server_cost = 1500  # typical 1U box
            elif drives_per_server <= 12:
                add_output("Servers", T.div["2U box with <= 12 drives: $2500"])
                server_cost = 2500  # 2U box
                    "Servers", T.div[T.b["Note: too many drives per server, "
                                         "assuming $3000"]])
                server_cost = 3000

            server_capital_cost = (server_cost +
                                   drives_per_server * drive_cost)
            total_server_cost = float(num_servers * server_capital_cost)
                "Servers", T.div["Capital cost per server: $",
                "Grid", T.div["Capital cost for all servers: $",
            # $70/Mbps/mo
            # $44/server/mo power+space
            server_bandwidth = max(server_inbound_byte_rate,
            server_bandwidth_mbps = mathutil.div_ceil(
                int(server_bandwidth * 8), int(1e6))
            server_monthly_cost = 70 * server_bandwidth_mbps + 44
                "Servers", T.div["Monthly cost per server: $",
                "Users", T.div["Capital cost per user: $",
                               number(total_server_cost / num_users)])

            # reliability
            any_drive_failure_rate = total_drives * drive_failure_rate
            any_drive_MTBF = 1 // any_drive_failure_rate  # in seconds
            any_drive_MTBF_days = any_drive_MTBF / 86400
                "Drives", T.div["MTBF (any drive): ",
                                number(any_drive_MTBF_days), " days"])
            drive_replacement_monthly_cost = (float(drive_cost) *
                                              any_drive_failure_rate * 30 *
                "Grid", T.div["Monthly cost of replacing drives: $",

            total_server_monthly_cost = float(num_servers *
                                              server_monthly_cost +

                "Grid", T.div["Monthly cost for all servers: $",
                "Users", T.div["Monthly cost per user: $",
                               number(total_server_monthly_cost / num_users)])

            # availability
            file_dBA = self.file_availability(k, n, server_dBA)
            user_files_dBA = self.many_files_availability(
                file_dBA, files_per_user)
            all_files_dBA = self.many_files_availability(file_dBA, total_files)
                T.div["availability of: ",
                      "arbitrary file = %d dBA, " % file_dBA,
                      "all files of user1 = %d dBA, " % user_files_dBA,
                      "all files in grid = %d dBA" % all_files_dBA, ],

            time_until_files_lost = (n - k + 1) / any_drive_failure_rate
                T.div["avg time until files are lost: ",
                      number(time_until_files_lost, "s"), ", ",
                      number(time_until_files_lost / 86400, " days"), ])

            share_data_loss_rate = any_drive_failure_rate * drive_size
                "Grid", T.div["share data loss rate: ",
                              number(share_data_loss_rate, "Bps")])

            # the worst-case survival numbers occur when we do a file check
            # and the file is just above the threshold for repair (so we
            # decide to not repair it). The question is then: what is the
            # chance that the file will decay so badly before the next check
            # that we can't recover it? The resulting probability is per
            # check interval.
            # Note that the chances of us getting into this situation are low.
            P_disk_failure_during_interval = (drive_failure_rate *
            disk_failure_dBF = 10 * math.log10(P_disk_failure_during_interval)
            disk_failure_dBA = -disk_failure_dBF
            file_survives_dBA = self.file_availability(k, repair_threshold,
            user_files_survives_dBA = self.many_files_availability( \
                file_survives_dBA, files_per_user)
            all_files_survives_dBA = self.many_files_availability( \
                file_survives_dBA, total_files)
                T.div["survival of: ",
                      "arbitrary file = %d dBA, " % file_survives_dBA,
                      "all files of user1 = %d dBA, " %
                      "all files in grid = %d dBA" % all_files_survives_dBA,
                      " (per worst-case check interval)", ])

        all_sections = []
        if "Grid" in sections:

        f = T.form(action=".", method="post", enctype="multipart/form-data")

        if filled:
            action = "Recompute"
            action = "Compute"

        f = f[T.input(type="hidden", name="filled", value="true"),
              T.input(type="submit", value=action), all_sections, ]

            from allmydata import reliability
            # we import this just to test to see if the page is available
            _hush_pyflakes = reliability
            del _hush_pyflakes
            f = [T.div[T.a(href="../reliability")["Reliability Math"]], f]
        except ImportError:

        return f

    def file_availability(self, k, n, server_dBA):
        The full formula for the availability of a specific file is::

         1 - sum([choose(N,i) * p**i * (1-p)**(N-i)] for i in range(k)])

        Where choose(N,i) = N! / ( i! * (N-i)! ) . Note that each term of
        this summation is the probability that there are exactly 'i' servers
        available, and what we're doing is adding up the cases where i is too

        This is a nuisance to calculate at all accurately, especially once N
        gets large, and when p is close to unity. So we make an engineering
        approximation: if (1-p) is very small, then each [i] term is much
        larger than the [i-1] term, and the sum is dominated by the i=k-1
        term. This only works for (1-p) < 10%, and when the choose() function
        doesn't rise fast enough to compensate. For high-expansion encodings
        (3-of-10, 25-of-100), the choose() function is rising at the same
        time as the (1-p)**(N-i) term, so that's not an issue. For
        low-expansion encodings (7-of-10, 75-of-100) the two values are
        moving in opposite directions, so more care must be taken.

        Note that the p**i term has only a minor effect as long as (1-p)*N is
        small, and even then the effect is attenuated by the 1-p term.

        assert server_dBA > 9  # >=90% availability to use the approximation
        factor = binomial(n, k - 1)
        factor_dBA = 10 * math.log10(factor)
        exponent = n - k + 1
        file_dBA = server_dBA * exponent - factor_dBA
        return file_dBA

    def many_files_availability(self, file_dBA, num_files):
        """The probability that 'num_files' independent bernoulli trials will
        succeed (i.e. we can recover all files in the grid at any given
        moment) is p**num_files . Since p is close to unity, we express in p
        in dBA instead, so we can get useful precision on q (=1-p), and then
        the formula becomes::

         P_some_files_unavailable = 1 - (1 - q)**num_files

        That (1-q)**n expands with the usual binomial sequence, 1 - nq +
        Xq**2 ... + Xq**n . We use the same approximation as before, since we
        know q is close to zero, and we get to ignore all the terms past -nq.

        many_files_dBA = file_dBA - 10 * math.log10(num_files)
        return many_files_dBA
コード例 #20
ファイル: info.py プロジェクト: cpelsser/tamias
class MoreInfo(rend.Page):
    addSlash = False
    docFactory = getxmlfile("info.xhtml")

    def abbrev(self, storage_index_or_none):
        if storage_index_or_none:
            return base32.b2a(storage_index_or_none)[:6]
        return "LIT file"

    def get_type(self):
        node = self.original
        if IDirectoryNode.providedBy(node):
            if not node.is_mutable():
                return "immutable directory"
            return "directory"
        if IFileNode.providedBy(node):
            si = node.get_storage_index()
            if si:
                if node.is_mutable():
                    return "mutable file"
                return "immutable file"
            return "immutable LIT file"
        return "unknown"

    def render_title(self, ctx, data):
        node = self.original
        si = node.get_storage_index()
        t = "More Info for %s" % self.get_type()
        if si:
            t += " (SI=%s)" % self.abbrev(si)
        return ctx.tag[t]

    def render_header(self, ctx, data):
        return self.render_title(ctx, data)

    def render_type(self, ctx, data):
        return ctx.tag[self.get_type()]

    def render_si(self, ctx, data):
        si = self.original.get_storage_index()
        if not si:
            return "None"
        return ctx.tag[base32.b2a(si)]

    def render_size(self, ctx, data):
        node = self.original
        d = node.get_current_size()

        def _no_size(size):
            if size is None:
                return "?"
            return size


        def _handle_unrecoverable(f):
            return "?"

        d.addCallback(lambda size: ctx.tag[size])
        return d

    def render_directory_writecap(self, ctx, data):
        node = self.original
        if not IDirectoryNode.providedBy(node):
            return ""
        if node.is_readonly():
            return ""
        return ctx.tag[node.get_uri()]

    def render_directory_readcap(self, ctx, data):
        node = self.original
        if not IDirectoryNode.providedBy(node):
            return ""
        return ctx.tag[node.get_readonly_uri()]

    def render_directory_verifycap(self, ctx, data):
        node = self.original
        if not IDirectoryNode.providedBy(node):
            return ""
        verifier = node.get_verify_cap()
        if verifier:
            return ctx.tag[node.get_verify_cap().to_string()]
        return ""

    def render_file_writecap(self, ctx, data):
        node = self.original
        if IDirectoryNode.providedBy(node):
            node = node._node
        write_uri = node.get_write_uri()
        if not write_uri:
            return ""
        return ctx.tag[write_uri]

    def render_file_readcap(self, ctx, data):
        node = self.original
        if IDirectoryNode.providedBy(node):
            node = node._node
        read_uri = node.get_readonly_uri()
        if not read_uri:
            return ""
        return ctx.tag[read_uri]

    def render_file_verifycap(self, ctx, data):
        node = self.original
        if IDirectoryNode.providedBy(node):
            node = node._node
        verifier = node.get_verify_cap()
        if verifier:
            return ctx.tag[node.get_verify_cap().to_string()]
        return ""

    def get_root(self, ctx):
        req = IRequest(ctx)
        # the addSlash=True gives us one extra (empty) segment
        depth = len(req.prepath) + len(req.postpath) - 1
        link = "/".join([".."] * depth)
        return link

    def render_raw_link(self, ctx, data):
        node = self.original
        if IDirectoryNode.providedBy(node):
            node = node._node
        elif IFileNode.providedBy(node):
            return ""
        root = self.get_root(ctx)
        quoted_uri = urllib.quote(node.get_uri())
        text_plain_url = "%s/file/%s/@@named=/raw.txt" % (root, quoted_uri)
        return T.li["Raw data as ", T.a(href=text_plain_url)["text/plain"]]

    def render_is_checkable(self, ctx, data):
        node = self.original
        si = node.get_storage_index()
        if si:
            return ctx.tag
        # don't show checker button for LIT files
        return ""

    def render_check_form(self, ctx, data):
        node = self.original
        quoted_uri = urllib.quote(node.get_uri())
        target = self.get_root(ctx) + "/uri/" + quoted_uri
        if IDirectoryNode.providedBy(node):
            target += "/"
        check = T.form(
            action=target, method="post",
                T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="check"),
                T.input(type="hidden", name="return_to", value="."),
                T.legend(class_="freeform-form-label")["Check on this object"],
                T.div["Verify every bit? (EXPENSIVE):",
                      T.input(type="checkbox", name="verify"), ],
                T.div["Repair any problems?: ",
                      T.input(type="checkbox", name="repair")],
                T.div["Add/renew lease on all shares?: ",
                      T.input(type="checkbox", name="add-lease")],
                T.div["Emit results in JSON format?: ",
                      T.input(type="checkbox", name="output", value="JSON")],
                T.input(type="submit", value="Check"), ]]
        return ctx.tag[check]

    def render_is_mutable_file(self, ctx, data):
        node = self.original
        if IDirectoryNode.providedBy(node):
            return ""
        if (IFileNode.providedBy(node) and node.is_mutable()
                and not node.is_readonly()):
            return ctx.tag
        return ""

    def render_overwrite_form(self, ctx, data):
        node = self.original
        root = self.get_root(ctx)
        action = "%s/uri/%s" % (root, urllib.quote(node.get_uri()))
        done_url = "%s/uri/%s?t=info" % (root, urllib.quote(node.get_uri()))
        overwrite = T.form(
            action=action, method="post",
                T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="upload"),
                T.input(type='hidden', name='when_done', value=done_url),
                "Upload new contents: ",
                T.input(type="file", name="file"), " ",
                T.input(type="submit", value="Replace Contents")]]
        return ctx.tag[overwrite]

    def render_is_directory(self, ctx, data):
        node = self.original
        if IDirectoryNode.providedBy(node):
            return ctx.tag
        return ""

    def render_deep_check_form(self, ctx, data):
        ophandle = base32.b2a(os.urandom(16))
        deep_check = T.form(
            action=".", method="post",
                T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="start-deep-check"),
                T.input(type="hidden", name="return_to", value="."),
                         )["Run a deep-check operation (EXPENSIVE)"],
                T.div["Verify every bit? (EVEN MORE EXPENSIVE):",
                      T.input(type="checkbox", name="verify"), ],
                T.div["Repair any problems?: ",
                      T.input(type="checkbox", name="repair")],
                T.div["Add/renew lease on all shares?: ",
                      T.input(type="checkbox", name="add-lease")],
                T.div["Emit results in JSON format?: ",
                      T.input(type="checkbox", name="output", value="JSON")],
                T.input(type="hidden", name="ophandle", value=ophandle),
                T.input(type="submit", value="Deep-Check"), ]]
        return ctx.tag[deep_check]

    def render_deep_size_form(self, ctx, data):
        ophandle = base32.b2a(os.urandom(16))
        deep_size = T.form(
            action=".", method="post",
                T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="start-deep-size"),
                         )["Run a deep-size operation (EXPENSIVE)"],
                T.input(type="hidden", name="ophandle", value=ophandle),
                T.input(type="submit", value="Deep-Size"), ]]
        return ctx.tag[deep_size]

    def render_deep_stats_form(self, ctx, data):
        ophandle = base32.b2a(os.urandom(16))
        deep_stats = T.form(
            action=".", method="post",
                T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="start-deep-stats"),
                         )["Run a deep-stats operation (EXPENSIVE)"],
                T.input(type="hidden", name="ophandle", value=ophandle),
                T.input(type="submit", value="Deep-Stats"), ]]
        return ctx.tag[deep_stats]

    def render_manifest_form(self, ctx, data):
        ophandle = base32.b2a(os.urandom(16))
        manifest = T.form(
            action=".", method="post",
                T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="start-manifest"),
                         )["Run a manifest operation (EXPENSIVE)"],
                T.div["Output Format: ",
                          T.option(value="html", selected="true")["HTML"],
                          T.option(value="json")["JSON"], ], ],
                T.input(type="hidden", name="ophandle", value=ophandle),
                T.input(type="submit", value="Manifest"), ]]
        return ctx.tag[manifest]
コード例 #21
class DirectoryAsHTML(rend.Page):
    # The remainder of this class is to render the directory into
    # human+browser -oriented HTML.
    docFactory = getxmlfile("directory.xhtml")
    addSlash = True

    def __init__(self, node, default_mutable_format):
        self.node = node

        assert default_mutable_format in (MDMF_VERSION, SDMF_VERSION)
        self.default_mutable_format = default_mutable_format

    def beforeRender(self, ctx):
        # attempt to get the dirnode's children, stashing them (or the
        # failure that results) for later use
        d = self.node.list()
        def _good(children):
            # Deferreds don't optimize out tail recursion, and the way
            # Nevow's flattener handles Deferreds doesn't take this into
            # account. As a result, large lists of Deferreds that fire in the
            # same turn (i.e. the output of defer.succeed) will cause a stack
            # overflow. To work around this, we insert a turn break after
            # every 100 items, using foolscap's fireEventually(). This gives
            # the stack a chance to be popped. It would also work to put
            # every item in its own turn, but that'd be a lot more
            # inefficient. This addresses ticket #237, for which I was never
            # able to create a failing unit test.
            output = []
            for i,item in enumerate(sorted(children.items())):
                if i % 100 == 0:
            self.dirnode_children = output
            return ctx
        def _bad(f):
            text, code = humanize_failure(f)
            self.dirnode_children = None
            self.dirnode_children_error = text
            return ctx
        d.addCallbacks(_good, _bad)
        return d

    def render_title(self, ctx, data):
        si_s = abbreviated_dirnode(self.node)
        header = ["Tahoe-LAFS - Directory SI=%s" % si_s]
        if self.node.is_unknown():
            header.append(" (unknown)")
        elif not self.node.is_mutable():
            header.append(" (immutable)")
        elif self.node.is_readonly():
            header.append(" (read-only)")
            header.append(" (modifiable)")
        return ctx.tag[header]

    def render_header(self, ctx, data):
        si_s = abbreviated_dirnode(self.node)
        header = ["Tahoe-LAFS Directory SI=", T.span(class_="data-chars")[si_s]]
        if self.node.is_unknown():
            header.append(" (unknown)")
        elif not self.node.is_mutable():
            header.append(" (immutable)")
        elif self.node.is_readonly():
            header.append(" (read-only)")
        return ctx.tag[header]

    def render_welcome(self, ctx, data):
        link = get_root(ctx)
        return ctx.tag[T.a(href=link)["Return to Welcome page"]]

    def render_show_readonly(self, ctx, data):
        if self.node.is_unknown() or self.node.is_readonly():
            return ""
        rocap = self.node.get_readonly_uri()
        root = get_root(ctx)
        uri_link = "%s/uri/%s/" % (root, urllib.quote(rocap))
        return ctx.tag[T.a(href=uri_link)["Read-Only Version"]]

    def render_try_children(self, ctx, data):
        # if the dirnode can be retrived, render a table of children.
        # Otherwise, render an apologetic error message.
        if self.dirnode_children is not None:
            return ctx.tag
            return T.div[T.p["Error reading directory:"],

    def data_children(self, ctx, data):
        return self.dirnode_children

    def render_row(self, ctx, data):
        name, (target, metadata) = data
        name = name.encode("utf-8")
        assert not isinstance(name, unicode)
        nameurl = urllib.quote(name, safe="") # encode any slashes too

        root = get_root(ctx)
        here = "%s/uri/%s/" % (root, urllib.quote(self.node.get_uri()))
        if self.node.is_unknown() or self.node.is_readonly():
            unlink = "-"
            rename = "-"
            # this creates a button which will cause our _POST_unlink method
            # to be invoked, which unlinks the file and then redirects the
            # browser back to this directory
            unlink = T.form(action=here, method="post")[
                T.input(type='hidden', name='t', value='unlink'),
                T.input(type='hidden', name='name', value=name),
                T.input(type='hidden', name='when_done', value="."),
                T.input(type='submit', value='unlink', name="unlink"),

            rename = T.form(action=here, method="get")[
                T.input(type='hidden', name='t', value='rename-form'),
                T.input(type='hidden', name='name', value=name),
                T.input(type='hidden', name='when_done', value="."),
                T.input(type='submit', value='rename/relink', name="rename"),

        ctx.fillSlots("unlink", unlink)
        ctx.fillSlots("rename", rename)

        times = []
        linkcrtime = metadata.get('tahoe', {}).get("linkcrtime")
        if linkcrtime is not None:
            times.append("lcr: " + time_format.iso_local(linkcrtime))
            # For backwards-compatibility with links last modified by Tahoe < 1.4.0:
            if "ctime" in metadata:
                ctime = time_format.iso_local(metadata["ctime"])
                times.append("c: " + ctime)
        linkmotime = metadata.get('tahoe', {}).get("linkmotime")
        if linkmotime is not None:
            if times:
            times.append("lmo: " + time_format.iso_local(linkmotime))
            # For backwards-compatibility with links last modified by Tahoe < 1.4.0:
            if "mtime" in metadata:
                mtime = time_format.iso_local(metadata["mtime"])
                if times:
                times.append("m: " + mtime)
        ctx.fillSlots("times", times)

        assert IFilesystemNode.providedBy(target), target
        target_uri = target.get_uri() or ""
        quoted_uri = urllib.quote(target_uri, safe="") # escape slashes too

        if IMutableFileNode.providedBy(target):
            # to prevent javascript in displayed .html files from stealing a
            # secret directory URI from the URL, send the browser to a URI-based
            # page that doesn't know about the directory at all
            dlurl = "%s/file/%s/@@named=/%s" % (root, quoted_uri, nameurl)

            ctx.fillSlots("filename", T.a(href=dlurl)[name])
            ctx.fillSlots("type", "SSK")

            ctx.fillSlots("size", "?")

            info_link = "%s/uri/%s?t=info" % (root, quoted_uri)

        elif IImmutableFileNode.providedBy(target):
            dlurl = "%s/file/%s/@@named=/%s" % (root, quoted_uri, nameurl)

            ctx.fillSlots("filename", T.a(href=dlurl)[name])
            ctx.fillSlots("type", "FILE")

            ctx.fillSlots("size", target.get_size())

            info_link = "%s/uri/%s?t=info" % (root, quoted_uri)

        elif IDirectoryNode.providedBy(target):
            # directory
            uri_link = "%s/uri/%s/" % (root, urllib.quote(target_uri))
            ctx.fillSlots("filename", T.a(href=uri_link)[name])
            if not target.is_mutable():
                dirtype = "DIR-IMM"
            elif target.is_readonly():
                dirtype = "DIR-RO"
                dirtype = "DIR"
            ctx.fillSlots("type", dirtype)
            ctx.fillSlots("size", "-")
            info_link = "%s/uri/%s/?t=info" % (root, quoted_uri)

        elif isinstance(target, ProhibitedNode):
            ctx.fillSlots("filename", T.strike[name])
            if IDirectoryNode.providedBy(target.wrapped_node):
                blacklisted_type = "DIR-BLACKLISTED"
                blacklisted_type = "BLACKLISTED"
            ctx.fillSlots("type", blacklisted_type)
            ctx.fillSlots("size", "-")
            info_link = None
            ctx.fillSlots("info", ["Access Prohibited:", T.br, target.reason])

            # unknown
            ctx.fillSlots("filename", name)
            if target.get_write_uri() is not None:
                unknowntype = "?"
            elif not self.node.is_mutable() or target.is_alleged_immutable():
                unknowntype = "?-IMM"
                unknowntype = "?-RO"
            ctx.fillSlots("type", unknowntype)
            ctx.fillSlots("size", "-")
            # use a directory-relative info link, so we can extract both the
            # writecap and the readcap
            info_link = "%s?t=info" % urllib.quote(name)

        if info_link:
            ctx.fillSlots("info", T.a(href=info_link)["More Info"])

        return ctx.tag

    # XXX: similar to render_upload_form and render_mkdir_form in root.py.
    def render_forms(self, ctx, data):
        forms = []

        if self.node.is_readonly():
            return T.div["No upload forms: directory is read-only"]
        if self.dirnode_children is None:
            return T.div["No upload forms: directory is unreadable"]

        mkdir_sdmf = T.input(type='radio', name='format',
                             value='sdmf', id='mkdir-sdmf',
        mkdir_mdmf = T.input(type='radio', name='format',
                             value='mdmf', id='mkdir-mdmf')

        mkdir_form = T.form(action=".", method="post",
            T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="mkdir"),
            T.input(type="hidden", name="when_done", value="."),
            T.legend(class_="freeform-form-label")["Create a new directory in this directory"],
            "New directory name:"+SPACE,
            T.input(type="text", name="name"), SPACE,
            T.input(type="submit", value="Create"), SPACE*2,
            mkdir_sdmf, T.label(for_='mutable-directory-sdmf')[" SDMF"], SPACE,
            mkdir_mdmf, T.label(for_='mutable-directory-mdmf')[" MDMF (experimental)"],

        upload_chk  = T.input(type='radio', name='format',
                              value='chk', id='upload-chk',
        upload_sdmf = T.input(type='radio', name='format',
                              value='sdmf', id='upload-sdmf')
        upload_mdmf = T.input(type='radio', name='format',
                              value='mdmf', id='upload-mdmf')

        upload_form = T.form(action=".", method="post",
            T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="upload"),
            T.input(type="hidden", name="when_done", value="."),
            T.legend(class_="freeform-form-label")["Upload a file to this directory"],
            "Choose a file to upload:"+SPACE,
            T.input(type="file", name="file", class_="freeform-input-file"), SPACE,
            T.input(type="submit", value="Upload"),                          SPACE*2,
            upload_chk,  T.label(for_="upload-chk") [" Immutable"],          SPACE,
            upload_sdmf, T.label(for_="upload-sdmf")[" SDMF"],               SPACE,
            upload_mdmf, T.label(for_="upload-mdmf")[" MDMF (experimental)"],

        attach_form = T.form(action=".", method="post",
            T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="uri"),
            T.input(type="hidden", name="when_done", value="."),
            T.legend(class_="freeform-form-label")["Add a link to a file or directory which is already in Tahoe-LAFS."],
            "New child name:"+SPACE,
            T.input(type="text", name="name"), SPACE*2,
            "URI of new child:"+SPACE,
            T.input(type="text", name="uri"), SPACE,
            T.input(type="submit", value="Attach"),
        return forms

    def render_results(self, ctx, data):
        req = IRequest(ctx)
        return get_arg(req, "results", "")
コード例 #22
class Root(rend.Page):

    addSlash = True
    docFactory = getxmlfile("welcome.xhtml")

    def __init__(self, client, clock=None):
        rend.Page.__init__(self, client)
        self.client = client
        # If set, clock is a twisted.internet.task.Clock that the tests
        # use to test ophandle expiration.
        self.child_operations = operations.OphandleTable(clock)
            s = client.getServiceNamed("storage")
        except KeyError:
            s = None
        self.child_storage = storage.StorageStatus(s, self.client.nickname)

        self.child_uri = URIHandler(client)
        self.child_cap = URIHandler(client)

        self.child_file = FileHandler(client)
        self.child_named = FileHandler(client)
        self.child_status = status.Status(client.get_history())
        self.child_statistics = status.Statistics(client.stats_provider)
        static_dir = resource_filename("allmydata.web", "static")
        for filen in os.listdir(static_dir):
            self.putChild(filen, nevow_File(os.path.join(static_dir, filen)))

    def child_helper_status(self, ctx):
        # the Helper isn't attached until after the Tub starts, so this child
        # needs to created on each request
        return status.HelperStatus(self.client.helper)

    child_report_incident = IncidentReporter()

    #child_server # let's reserve this for storage-server-over-HTTP

    # FIXME: This code is duplicated in root.py and introweb.py.
    def data_version(self, ctx, data):
        return get_package_versions_string()

    def data_import_path(self, ctx, data):
        return str(allmydata)

    def data_my_nodeid(self, ctx, data):
        return idlib.nodeid_b2a(self.client.nodeid)

    def data_my_nickname(self, ctx, data):
        return self.client.nickname

    def render_services(self, ctx, data):
        ul = T.ul()
            ss = self.client.getServiceNamed("storage")
            stats = ss.get_stats()
            if stats["storage_server.accepting_immutable_shares"]:
                msg = "accepting new shares"
                msg = "not accepting new shares (read-only)"
            available = stats.get("storage_server.disk_avail")
            if available is not None:
                msg += ", %s available" % abbreviate_size(available)
            ul[T.li[T.a(href="storage")["Storage Server"], ": ", msg]]
        except KeyError:
            ul[T.li["Not running storage server"]]

        if self.client.helper:
            stats = self.client.helper.get_stats()
            active_uploads = stats["chk_upload_helper.active_uploads"]
            ul[T.li["Helper: %d active uploads" % (active_uploads, )]]
            ul[T.li["Not running helper"]]

        return ctx.tag[ul]

    def data_introducer_furl(self, ctx, data):
        return self.client.introducer_furl

    def data_connected_to_introducer(self, ctx, data):
        if self.client.connected_to_introducer():
            return "yes"
        return "no"

    def data_helper_furl(self, ctx, data):
            uploader = self.client.getServiceNamed("uploader")
        except KeyError:
            return None
        furl, connected = uploader.get_helper_info()
        return furl

    def data_connected_to_helper_description(self, ctx, data):
        return self.data_connected_to_helper(ctx, data).replace('-', ' ')

    def data_connected_to_helper(self, ctx, data):
            uploader = self.client.getServiceNamed("uploader")
        except KeyError:
            return "no"  # we don't even have an Uploader
        furl, connected = uploader.get_helper_info()

        if furl is None:
            return "not-configured"
        if connected:
            return "yes"
        return "no"

    def data_known_storage_servers(self, ctx, data):
        sb = self.client.get_storage_broker()
        return len(sb.get_all_serverids())

    def data_connected_storage_servers(self, ctx, data):
        sb = self.client.get_storage_broker()
        return len(sb.get_connected_servers())

    def data_services(self, ctx, data):
        sb = self.client.get_storage_broker()
        return sorted(sb.get_known_servers(), key=lambda s: s.get_serverid())

    def render_service_row(self, ctx, server):
        nodeid = server.get_serverid()

        ctx.fillSlots("peerid", server.get_longname())
        ctx.fillSlots("nickname", server.get_nickname())
        rhost = server.get_remote_host()
        if rhost:
            if nodeid == self.client.nodeid:
                rhost_s = "(loopback)"
            elif isinstance(rhost, address.IPv4Address):
                rhost_s = "%s:%d" % (rhost.host, rhost.port)
                rhost_s = str(rhost)
            connected = "Yes: to " + rhost_s
            since = server.get_last_connect_time()
            connected = "No"
            since = server.get_last_loss_time()
        announced = server.get_announcement_time()
        announcement = server.get_announcement()
        version = announcement["my-version"]
        service_name = announcement["service-name"]

        TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
        ctx.fillSlots("connected", connected)
        ctx.fillSlots("connected-bool", bool(rhost))
        ctx.fillSlots("since", time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
                      time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT, time.localtime(announced)))
        ctx.fillSlots("version", version)
        ctx.fillSlots("service_name", service_name)

        return ctx.tag

    def render_download_form(self, ctx, data):
        # this is a form where users can download files by URI
        form = T.form(
            action="uri", method="get",
                T.legend(class_="freeform-form-label")["Download a file"],
                T.div["Tahoe-URI to download:" + SPACE,
                      T.input(type="text", name="uri")],
                T.div["Filename to download as:" + SPACE,
                      T.input(type="text", name="filename")],
                T.input(type="submit", value="Download!"), ]]
        return T.div[form]

    def render_view_form(self, ctx, data):
        # this is a form where users can download files by URI, or jump to a
        # named directory
        form = T.form(
            action="uri", method="get", enctype="multipart/form-data")[
                    class_="freeform-form-label")["View a file or directory"],
                           "Tahoe-URI to view:" + SPACE,
                           T.input(type="text", name="uri"), SPACE * 2,
                           T.input(type="submit", value="View!"), ]]
        return T.div[form]

    def render_upload_form(self, ctx, data):
        # This is a form where users can upload unlinked files.
        # Users can choose immutable, SDMF, or MDMF from a radio button.

        upload_chk = T.input(type='radio',
        upload_sdmf = T.input(type='radio',
        upload_mdmf = T.input(type='radio',

        form = T.form(
            action="uri", method="post", enctype="multipart/form-data"
            class_="freeform-form-label")["Upload a file"], T.div[
                "Choose a file:" + SPACE,
                T.input(type="file", name="file", class_="freeform-input-file"
                     T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="upload"),
                           T.label(for_="upload-chk")[" Immutable"], SPACE,
                           T.label(for_="upload-sdmf")[" SDMF"], SPACE,
                           T.label(for_="upload-mdmf")[" MDMF (experimental)"],
                           SPACE * 2,
                           T.input(type="submit", value="Upload!")], ]]
        return T.div[form]

    def render_mkdir_form(self, ctx, data):
        # This is a form where users can create new directories.
        # Users can choose SDMF or MDMF from a radio button.

        mkdir_sdmf = T.input(type='radio',
        mkdir_mdmf = T.input(type='radio',

        form = T.form(
            action="uri", method="post", enctype="multipart/form-data"
            T.legend(class_="freeform-form-label")["Create a directory"],
            T.label(for_='mkdir-sdmf')[" SDMF"], SPACE, mkdir_mdmf,
            T.label(for_='mkdir-mdmf')[" MDMF (experimental)"], SPACE * 2,
            T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="mkdir"),
            T.input(type="hidden", name="redirect_to_result", value="true"),
            T.input(type="submit", value="Create a directory"), ]]
        return T.div[form]

    def render_incident_button(self, ctx, data):
        # this button triggers a foolscap-logging "incident"
        form = T.form(
                T.legend(class_="freeform-form-label")["Report an Incident"],
                T.input(type="hidden", name="t", value="report-incident"),
                "What went wrong?:" + SPACE,
                T.input(type="text", name="details"), SPACE,
                T.input(type="submit", value="Report!"), ]]
        return T.div[form]
コード例 #23
ファイル: introweb.py プロジェクト: pinocast/tahoe-lafs
class IntroducerRoot(rend.Page):

    addSlash = True
    docFactory = getxmlfile("introducer.xhtml")

    child_operations = None

    def __init__(self, introducer_node):
        self.introducer_node = introducer_node
        self.introducer_service = introducer_node.getServiceNamed("introducer")
        rend.Page.__init__(self, introducer_node)
        static_dir = resource_filename("allmydata.web", "static")
        for filen in os.listdir(static_dir):
            self.putChild(filen, nevow_File(os.path.join(static_dir, filen)))

    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
        t = get_arg(inevow.IRequest(ctx), "t")
        if t == "json":
            return self.render_JSON(ctx)
        return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)

    def render_JSON(self, ctx):
        res = {}

        counts = {}
        for s in self.introducer_service.get_subscribers():
            if s.service_name not in counts:
                counts[s.service_name] = 0
            counts[s.service_name] += 1
        res["subscription_summary"] = counts

        announcement_summary = {}
        for ad in self.introducer_service.get_announcements():
            service_name = ad.service_name
            if service_name not in announcement_summary:
                announcement_summary[service_name] = 0
            announcement_summary[service_name] += 1
        res["announcement_summary"] = announcement_summary

        return simplejson.dumps(res, indent=1) + "\n"

    # FIXME: This code is duplicated in root.py and introweb.py.
    def data_rendered_at(self, ctx, data):
        return time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT, time.localtime())

    def data_version(self, ctx, data):
        return get_package_versions_string()

    def data_import_path(self, ctx, data):
        return str(allmydata).replace("/", "/ ")  # XXX kludge for wrapping

    def data_my_nodeid(self, ctx, data):
        return idlib.nodeid_b2a(self.introducer_node.nodeid)

    def render_announcement_summary(self, ctx, data):
        services = {}
        for ad in self.introducer_service.get_announcements():
            if ad.service_name not in services:
                services[ad.service_name] = 0
            services[ad.service_name] += 1
        service_names = services.keys()
        return ", ".join([
            "%s: %d" % (service_name, services[service_name])
            for service_name in service_names

    def render_client_summary(self, ctx, data):
        counts = {}
        for s in self.introducer_service.get_subscribers():
            if s.service_name not in counts:
                counts[s.service_name] = 0
            counts[s.service_name] += 1
        return ", ".join([
            "%s: %d" % (name, counts[name]) for name in sorted(counts.keys())

    def data_services(self, ctx, data):
        services = self.introducer_service.get_announcements(False)
        services.sort(key=lambda ad: (ad.service_name, ad.nickname))
        return services

    def render_service_row(self, ctx, ad):
        ctx.fillSlots("serverid", ad.serverid)
        ctx.fillSlots("nickname", ad.nickname)
                      "connection hints: " + " ".join(ad.connection_hints))
        ctx.fillSlots("connected", "?")
        when_s = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y", time.localtime(ad.when))
        ctx.fillSlots("announced", when_s)
        ctx.fillSlots("version", ad.version)
        ctx.fillSlots("service_name", ad.service_name)
        return ctx.tag

    def data_subscribers(self, ctx, data):
        return self.introducer_service.get_subscribers()

    def render_subscriber_row(self, ctx, s):
        ctx.fillSlots("nickname", s.nickname)
        ctx.fillSlots("tubid", s.tubid)
        ctx.fillSlots("connected", s.remote_address)
        since_s = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y", time.localtime(s.when))
        ctx.fillSlots("since", since_s)
        ctx.fillSlots("version", s.version)
        ctx.fillSlots("service_name", s.service_name)
        return ctx.tag
コード例 #24
 def test_load_file(self):
     # This will raise an exception unless a well-formed XML file is found under that name.
コード例 #25
ファイル: status.py プロジェクト: shivamdawer/tahoe-lafs
class Statistics(MultiFormatPage):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("statistics.xhtml")

    def __init__(self, provider):
        rend.Page.__init__(self, provider)
        self.provider = provider

    def render_JSON(self, req):
        stats = self.provider.get_stats()
        req.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
        return json.dumps(stats, indent=1) + "\n"

    def data_get_stats(self, ctx, data):
        return self.provider.get_stats()

    def render_load_average(self, ctx, data):
        return str(data["stats"].get("load_monitor.avg_load"))

    def render_peak_load(self, ctx, data):
        return str(data["stats"].get("load_monitor.max_load"))

    def render_uploads(self, ctx, data):
        files = data["counters"].get("uploader.files_uploaded", 0)
        bytes = data["counters"].get("uploader.bytes_uploaded", 0)
        return ("%s files / %s bytes (%s)" %
                (files, bytes, abbreviate_size(bytes)))

    def render_downloads(self, ctx, data):
        files = data["counters"].get("downloader.files_downloaded", 0)
        bytes = data["counters"].get("downloader.bytes_downloaded", 0)
        return ("%s files / %s bytes (%s)" %
                (files, bytes, abbreviate_size(bytes)))

    def render_publishes(self, ctx, data):
        files = data["counters"].get("mutable.files_published", 0)
        bytes = data["counters"].get("mutable.bytes_published", 0)
        return "%s files / %s bytes (%s)" % (files, bytes,

    def render_retrieves(self, ctx, data):
        files = data["counters"].get("mutable.files_retrieved", 0)
        bytes = data["counters"].get("mutable.bytes_retrieved", 0)
        return "%s files / %s bytes (%s)" % (files, bytes,

    def render_magic_uploader_monitored(self, ctx, data):
        dirs = data["counters"].get("magic_folder.uploader.dirs_monitored", 0)
        return "%s directories" % (dirs, )

    def render_magic_uploader_succeeded(self, ctx, data):
        # TODO: bytes uploaded
        files = data["counters"].get("magic_folder.uploader.objects_succeeded",
        return "%s files" % (files, )

    def render_magic_uploader_queued(self, ctx, data):
        files = data["counters"].get("magic_folder.uploader.objects_queued", 0)
        return "%s files" % (files, )

    def render_magic_uploader_failed(self, ctx, data):
        files = data["counters"].get("magic_folder.uploader.objects_failed", 0)
        return "%s files" % (files, )

    def render_magic_downloader_succeeded(self, ctx, data):
        # TODO: bytes uploaded
        files = data["counters"].get(
            "magic_folder.downloader.objects_succeeded", 0)
        return "%s files" % (files, )

    def render_magic_downloader_queued(self, ctx, data):
        files = data["counters"].get("magic_folder.downloader.objects_queued",
        return "%s files" % (files, )

    def render_magic_downloader_failed(self, ctx, data):
        files = data["counters"].get("magic_folder.downloader.objects_failed",
        return "%s files" % (files, )

    def render_raw(self, ctx, data):
        raw = pprint.pformat(data)
        return ctx.tag[raw]
コード例 #26
class IntroducerRoot(rend.Page):

    addSlash = True
    docFactory = getxmlfile("introducer.xhtml")

    child_operations = None

    def __init__(self, introducer_node):
        self.introducer_node = introducer_node
        self.introducer_service = introducer_node.getServiceNamed("introducer")
        rend.Page.__init__(self, introducer_node)

    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
        t = get_arg(inevow.IRequest(ctx), "t")
        if t == "json":
            return self.render_JSON(ctx)
        return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)

    def render_JSON(self, ctx):
        res = {}
        clients = self.introducer_service.get_subscribers()
        subscription_summary = dict([ (name, len(clients[name]))
                                      for name in clients ])
        res["subscription_summary"] = subscription_summary

        announcement_summary = {}
        service_hosts = {}
        for (ann,when) in self.introducer_service.get_announcements().values():
            (furl, service_name, ri_name, nickname, ver, oldest) = ann
            if service_name not in announcement_summary:
                announcement_summary[service_name] = 0
            announcement_summary[service_name] += 1
            if service_name not in service_hosts:
                service_hosts[service_name] = set()
            # it's nice to know how many distinct hosts are available for
            # each service. We define a "host" by a set of addresses
            # (hostnames or ipv4 addresses), which we extract from the
            # connection hints. In practice, this is usually close
            # enough: when multiple services are run on a single host,
            # they're usually either configured with the same addresses,
            # or setLocationAutomatically picks up the same interfaces.
            locations = SturdyRef(furl).getTubRef().getLocations()
            # list of tuples, ("ipv4", host, port)
            host = frozenset([hint[1]
                              for hint in locations
                              if hint[0] == "ipv4"])
        res["announcement_summary"] = announcement_summary
        distinct_hosts = dict([(name, len(hosts))
                               for (name, hosts)
                               in service_hosts.iteritems()])
        res["announcement_distinct_hosts"] = distinct_hosts

        return simplejson.dumps(res, indent=1) + "\n"

    # FIXME: This code is duplicated in root.py and introweb.py.
    def data_version(self, ctx, data):
        return get_package_versions_string()
    def data_import_path(self, ctx, data):
        return str(allmydata).replace("/", "/ ") # XXX kludge for wrapping
    def data_my_nodeid(self, ctx, data):
        return idlib.nodeid_b2a(self.introducer_node.nodeid)

    def render_announcement_summary(self, ctx, data):
        services = {}
        for (ann,when) in self.introducer_service.get_announcements().values():
            (furl, service_name, ri_name, nickname, ver, oldest) = ann
            if service_name not in services:
                services[service_name] = 0
            services[service_name] += 1
        service_names = services.keys()
        return ", ".join(["%s: %d" % (service_name, services[service_name])
                          for service_name in service_names])

    def render_client_summary(self, ctx, data):
        clients = self.introducer_service.get_subscribers()
        service_names = clients.keys()
        return ", ".join(["%s: %d" % (service_name, len(clients[service_name]))
                          for service_name in service_names])

    def data_services(self, ctx, data):
        introsvc = self.introducer_service
        ann = [(since,a)
               for (a,since) in introsvc.get_announcements().values()
               if a[1] != "stub_client"]
        ann.sort(lambda a,b: cmp( (a[1][1], a), (b[1][1], b) ) )
        return ann

    def render_service_row(self, ctx, (since,announcement)):
        (furl, service_name, ri_name, nickname, ver, oldest) = announcement
        sr = SturdyRef(furl)
        nodeid = sr.tubID
        advertised = self.show_location_hints(sr)
        ctx.fillSlots("peerid", "%s %s" % (nodeid, nickname))
        ctx.fillSlots("advertised", " ".join(advertised))
        ctx.fillSlots("connected", "?")
        TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
                      time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT, time.localtime(since)))
        ctx.fillSlots("version", ver)
        ctx.fillSlots("service_name", service_name)
        return ctx.tag
コード例 #27
ファイル: status.py プロジェクト: shivamdawer/tahoe-lafs
class RetrieveStatusPage(rend.Page, RateAndTimeMixin):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("retrieve-status.xhtml")

    def __init__(self, data):
        rend.Page.__init__(self, data)
        self.retrieve_status = data

    def render_started(self, ctx, data):
        started_s = render_time(data.get_started())
        return started_s

    def render_si(self, ctx, data):
        si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
        if si_s is None:
            si_s = "(None)"
        return si_s

    def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
        return {True: "Yes", False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]

    def render_current_size(self, ctx, data):
        size = data.get_size()
        if size is None:
            size = "(unknown)"
        return size

    def render_progress(self, ctx, data):
        progress = data.get_progress()
        # TODO: make an ascii-art bar
        return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)

    def render_status(self, ctx, data):
        return data.get_status()

    def render_encoding(self, ctx, data):
        k, n = data.get_encoding()
        return ctx.tag["Encoding: %s of %s" % (k, n)]

    def render_problems(self, ctx, data):
        problems = data.get_problems()
        if not problems:
            return ""
        l = T.ul()
        for peerid in sorted(problems.keys()):
            peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
            l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, problems[peerid])]]
        return ctx.tag["Server Problems:", l]

    def _get_rate(self, data, name):
        file_size = self.retrieve_status.get_size()
        duration = self.retrieve_status.timings.get(name)
        return compute_rate(file_size, duration)

    def data_time_total(self, ctx, data):
        return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("total")

    def data_rate_total(self, ctx, data):
        return self._get_rate(data, "total")

    def data_time_fetch(self, ctx, data):
        return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("fetch")

    def data_rate_fetch(self, ctx, data):
        return self._get_rate(data, "fetch")

    def data_time_decode(self, ctx, data):
        return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("decode")

    def data_rate_decode(self, ctx, data):
        return self._get_rate(data, "decode")

    def data_time_decrypt(self, ctx, data):
        return self.retrieve_status.timings.get("decrypt")

    def data_rate_decrypt(self, ctx, data):
        return self._get_rate(data, "decrypt")

    def render_server_timings(self, ctx, data):
        per_server = self.retrieve_status.timings.get("fetch_per_server")
        if not per_server:
            return ""
        l = T.ul()
        for server in sorted(per_server.keys(), key=lambda s: s.get_name()):
            times_s = ", ".join(
                [self.render_time(None, t) for t in per_server[server]])
            l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (server.get_name(), times_s)]]
        return T.li["Per-Server Fetch Response Times: ", l]
コード例 #28
class Status(rend.Page):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("status.xhtml")
    addSlash = True

    def __init__(self, history):
        rend.Page.__init__(self, history)
        self.history = history

    def renderHTTP(self, ctx):
        req = inevow.IRequest(ctx)
        t = get_arg(req, "t")
        if t == "json":
            return self.json(req)
        return rend.Page.renderHTTP(self, ctx)

    def json(self, req):
        req.setHeader("content-type", "text/plain")
        data = {}
        data["active"] = active = []
        for s in self._get_active_operations():
            si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(s.get_storage_index())
            size = s.get_size()
            status = s.get_status()
            if IUploadStatus.providedBy(s):
                h, c, e = s.get_progress()
                    "type": "upload",
                    "storage-index-string": si_s,
                    "total-size": size,
                    "status": status,
                    "progress-hash": h,
                    "progress-ciphertext": c,
                    "progress-encode-push": e,
            elif IDownloadStatus.providedBy(s):
                    "type": "download",
                    "storage-index-string": si_s,
                    "total-size": size,
                    "status": status,
                    "progress": s.get_progress(),

        return simplejson.dumps(data, indent=1) + "\n"

    def _get_all_statuses(self):
        h = self.history
        return itertools.chain(

    def data_active_operations(self, ctx, data):
        return self._get_active_operations()

    def _get_active_operations(self):
        active = [s for s in self._get_all_statuses() if s.get_active()]
        return active

    def data_recent_operations(self, ctx, data):
        return self._get_recent_operations()

    def _get_recent_operations(self):
        recent = [s for s in self._get_all_statuses() if not s.get_active()]
        recent.sort(lambda a, b: cmp(a.get_started(), b.get_started()))
        return recent

    def render_row(self, ctx, data):
        s = data

        TIME_FORMAT = "%H:%M:%S %d-%b-%Y"
        started_s = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT, time.localtime(s.get_started()))
        ctx.fillSlots("started", started_s)

        si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(s.get_storage_index())
        if si_s is None:
            si_s = "(None)"
        ctx.fillSlots("si", si_s)
        ctx.fillSlots("helper", {True: "Yes", False: "No"}[s.using_helper()])

        size = s.get_size()
        if size is None:
            size = "(unknown)"
        elif isinstance(size, (int, long, float)):
            size = abbreviate_size(size)
        ctx.fillSlots("total_size", size)

        progress = data.get_progress()
        if IUploadStatus.providedBy(data):
            link = "up-%d" % data.get_counter()
            ctx.fillSlots("type", "upload")
            # TODO: make an ascii-art bar
            (chk, ciphertext, encandpush) = progress
            progress_s = ("hash: %.1f%%, ciphertext: %.1f%%, encode: %.1f%%" %
                          ((100.0 * chk), (100.0 * ciphertext),
                           (100.0 * encandpush)))
            ctx.fillSlots("progress", progress_s)
        elif IDownloadStatus.providedBy(data):
            link = "down-%d" % data.get_counter()
            ctx.fillSlots("type", "download")
            ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
        elif IPublishStatus.providedBy(data):
            link = "publish-%d" % data.get_counter()
            ctx.fillSlots("type", "publish")
            ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
        elif IRetrieveStatus.providedBy(data):
            ctx.fillSlots("type", "retrieve")
            link = "retrieve-%d" % data.get_counter()
            ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
            assert IServermapUpdaterStatus.providedBy(data)
            ctx.fillSlots("type", "mapupdate %s" % data.get_mode())
            link = "mapupdate-%d" % data.get_counter()
            ctx.fillSlots("progress", "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress))
        ctx.fillSlots("status", T.a(href=link)[s.get_status()])
        return ctx.tag

    def childFactory(self, ctx, name):
        h = self.history
        stype, count_s = name.split("-")
        count = int(count_s)
        if stype == "up":
            for s in itertools.chain(h.list_all_upload_statuses(),
                # immutable-upload helpers use the same status object as a
                # regular immutable-upload
                if s.get_counter() == count:
                    return UploadStatusPage(s)
        if stype == "down":
            for s in h.list_all_download_statuses():
                if s.get_counter() == count:
                    return DownloadStatusPage(s)
        if stype == "mapupdate":
            for s in h.list_all_mapupdate_statuses():
                if s.get_counter() == count:
                    return MapupdateStatusPage(s)
        if stype == "publish":
            for s in h.list_all_publish_statuses():
                if s.get_counter() == count:
                    return PublishStatusPage(s)
        if stype == "retrieve":
            for s in h.list_all_retrieve_statuses():
                if s.get_counter() == count:
                    return RetrieveStatusPage(s)
コード例 #29
ファイル: status.py プロジェクト: shivamdawer/tahoe-lafs
class MapupdateStatusPage(rend.Page, RateAndTimeMixin):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("map-update-status.xhtml")

    def __init__(self, data):
        rend.Page.__init__(self, data)
        self.update_status = data

    def render_started(self, ctx, data):
        started_s = render_time(data.get_started())
        return started_s

    def render_finished(self, ctx, data):
        when = data.get_finished()
        if not when:
            return "not yet"
        started_s = render_time(data.get_finished())
        return started_s

    def render_si(self, ctx, data):
        si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
        if si_s is None:
            si_s = "(None)"
        return si_s

    def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
        return {True: "Yes", False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]

    def render_progress(self, ctx, data):
        progress = data.get_progress()
        # TODO: make an ascii-art bar
        return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)

    def render_status(self, ctx, data):
        return data.get_status()

    def render_problems(self, ctx, data):
        problems = data.problems
        if not problems:
            return ""
        l = T.ul()
        for peerid in sorted(problems.keys()):
            peerid_s = idlib.shortnodeid_b2a(peerid)
            l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (peerid_s, problems[peerid])]]
        return ctx.tag["Server Problems:", l]

    def render_privkey_from(self, ctx, data):
        server = data.get_privkey_from()
        if server:
            return ctx.tag["Got privkey from: [%s]" % server.get_name()]
            return ""

    def data_time_total(self, ctx, data):
        return self.update_status.timings.get("total")

    def data_time_initial_queries(self, ctx, data):
        return self.update_status.timings.get("initial_queries")

    def data_time_cumulative_verify(self, ctx, data):
        return self.update_status.timings.get("cumulative_verify")

    def render_server_timings(self, ctx, data):
        per_server = self.update_status.timings.get("per_server")
        if not per_server:
            return ""
        l = T.ul()
        for server in sorted(per_server.keys(), key=lambda s: s.get_name()):
            times = []
            for op, started, t in per_server[server]:
                #times.append("%s/%.4fs/%s/%s" % (op,
                #                              started,
                #                              self.render_time(None, started - self.update_status.get_started()),
                #                              self.render_time(None,t)))
                if op == "query":
                    times.append(self.render_time(None, t))
                elif op == "late":
                    times.append("late(" + self.render_time(None, t) + ")")
                    times.append("privkey(" + self.render_time(None, t) + ")")
            times_s = ", ".join(times)
            l[T.li["[%s]: %s" % (server.get_name(), times_s)]]
        return T.li["Per-Server Response Times: ", l]
コード例 #30
ファイル: status.py プロジェクト: SeppPenner/tahoe-lafs
class DownloadStatusPage(DownloadResultsRendererMixin, rend.Page):
    docFactory = getxmlfile("download-status.xhtml")

    def __init__(self, data):
        rend.Page.__init__(self, data)
        self.download_status = data
        self.putChild("event_json", _EventJson(self.download_status))

    def download_results(self):
        return defer.maybeDeferred(self.download_status.get_results)

    def relative_time(self, t):
        if t is None:
            return t
        if self.download_status.first_timestamp is not None:
            return t - self.download_status.first_timestamp
        return t

    def short_relative_time(self, t):
        t = self.relative_time(t)
        if t is None:
            return ""
        return "+%.6fs" % t

    def render_timeline_link(self, ctx, data):
        from nevow import url
        return T.a(href=url.URL.fromContext(ctx).child("timeline"))["timeline"]

    def _rate_and_time(self, bytes, seconds):
        time_s = self.render_time(None, seconds)
        if seconds != 0:
            rate = self.render_rate(None, 1.0 * bytes / seconds)
            return T.span(title=rate)[time_s]
        return T.span[time_s]

    def render_events(self, ctx, data):
        if not self.download_status.storage_index:
        srt = self.short_relative_time
        l = T.div()

        t = T.table(align="left", class_="status-download-events")
        t[T.tr[T.th["serverid"], T.th["sent"], T.th["received"],
               T.th["shnums"], T.th["RTT"]]]
        for d_ev in self.download_status.dyhb_requests:
            server = d_ev["server"]
            sent = d_ev["start_time"]
            shnums = d_ev["response_shnums"]
            received = d_ev["finish_time"]
            rtt = None
            if received is not None:
                rtt = received - sent
            if not shnums:
                shnums = ["-"]
            t[T.tr(style="background: %s" % _color(server))[[
                T.td[",".join([str(shnum) for shnum in shnums])],
                T.td[self.render_time(None, rtt)],

        l[T.h2["DYHB Requests:"], t]

        t = T.table(align="left", class_="status-download-events")
        t[T.tr[T.th["range"], T.th["start"], T.th["finish"], T.th["got"],
               T.th["time"], T.th["decrypttime"], T.th["pausedtime"],
        for r_ev in self.download_status.read_events:
            start = r_ev["start"]
            length = r_ev["length"]
            bytes = r_ev["bytes_returned"]
            decrypt_time = ""
            if bytes:
                decrypt_time = self._rate_and_time(bytes, r_ev["decrypt_time"])
            speed, rtt = "", ""
            if r_ev["finish_time"] is not None:
                rtt = r_ev["finish_time"] - r_ev["start_time"] - r_ev[
                speed = self.render_rate(None, compute_rate(bytes, rtt))
                rtt = self.render_time(None, rtt)
            paused = self.render_time(None, r_ev["paused_time"])

            t[T.tr[T.td["[%d:+%d]" % (start, length)],
                   T.td[srt(r_ev["finish_time"])], T.td[bytes], T.td[rtt],
                   T.td[decrypt_time], T.td[paused], T.td[speed], ]]

        l[T.h2["Read Events:"], t]

        t = T.table(align="left", class_="status-download-events")
        t[T.tr[T.th["segnum"], T.th["start"], T.th["active"], T.th["finish"],
               T.th["range"], T.th["decodetime"], T.th["segtime"],
        for s_ev in self.download_status.segment_events:
            range_s = "-"
            segtime_s = "-"
            speed = "-"
            decode_time = "-"
            if s_ev["finish_time"] is not None:
                if s_ev["success"]:
                    segtime = s_ev["finish_time"] - s_ev["active_time"]
                    segtime_s = self.render_time(None, segtime)
                    seglen = s_ev["segment_length"]
                    range_s = "[%d:+%d]" % (s_ev["segment_start"], seglen)
                    speed = self.render_rate(None,
                                             compute_rate(seglen, segtime))
                    decode_time = self._rate_and_time(seglen,
                    # error
                    range_s = "error"
                # not finished yet

            t[T.tr[T.td["seg%d" % s_ev["segment_number"]],
                   T.td[srt(s_ev["finish_time"])], T.td[range_s],
                   T.td[decode_time], T.td[segtime_s], T.td[speed]]]

        l[T.h2["Segment Events:"], t]
        t = T.table(align="left", class_="status-download-events")
        t[T.tr[T.th["serverid"], T.th["shnum"], T.th["range"], T.th["txtime"],
               T.th["rxtime"], T.th["received"], T.th["RTT"]]]
        for r_ev in self.download_status.block_requests:
            server = r_ev["server"]
            rtt = None
            if r_ev["finish_time"] is not None:
                rtt = r_ev["finish_time"] - r_ev["start_time"]
            color = _color(server)
            t[T.tr(style="background: %s" %
                   color)[T.td[server.get_name()], T.td[r_ev["shnum"]],
                          T.td["[%d:+%d]" % (r_ev["start"], r_ev["length"])],
                               or ""], T.td[self.render_time(None, rtt)], ]]

        l[T.h2["Requests:"], t]

        return l

    def render_results(self, ctx, data):
        d = self.download_results()

        def _got_results(results):
            if results:
                return ctx.tag
            return ""

        return d

    def render_started(self, ctx, data):
        started_s = render_time(data.get_started())
        return started_s + " (%s)" % data.get_started()

    def render_si(self, ctx, data):
        si_s = base32.b2a_or_none(data.get_storage_index())
        if si_s is None:
            si_s = "(None)"
        return si_s

    def render_helper(self, ctx, data):
        return {True: "Yes", False: "No"}[data.using_helper()]

    def render_total_size(self, ctx, data):
        size = data.get_size()
        if size is None:
            return "(unknown)"
        return size

    def render_progress(self, ctx, data):
        progress = data.get_progress()
        # TODO: make an ascii-art bar
        return "%.1f%%" % (100.0 * progress)

    def render_status(self, ctx, data):
        return data.get_status()