def test_StepDict_can_exclude_methods_when_load_steps(): """ aloe.STEP_REGISTRY.load_steps(obj) don't load exluded attr in STEP_REGISTRY """ steps = StepDict() class LotsOfSteps(object): """A class defining some steps.""" exclude = ["step_1"] def step_1(self): # pylint:disable=missing-docstring pass def step_2(self): """Doing something""" pass step_list = LotsOfSteps() steps.load_steps(step_list) expected_sentence1 = re.compile("Step 1", re.I | re.U) expected_sentence2 = re.compile("Doing something", re.I | re.U) assert_not_in(expected_sentence1, steps) assert_in(expected_sentence2, steps)
def test_StepDict_can_load_steps_from_an_object(): """ aloe.STEP_REGISTRY.load_steps(obj) append all obj methods to STEP_REGISTRY """ steps = StepDict() class LotsOfSteps(object): """A class defining some steps.""" def step_1(self): # pylint:disable=missing-docstring pass def step_2(self): """Doing something""" pass step_list = LotsOfSteps() steps.load_steps(step_list) expected_sentence1 = re.compile("Step 1", re.I | re.U) expected_sentence2 = re.compile("Doing something", re.I | re.U) assert_in(expected_sentence1, steps) assert_in(expected_sentence2, steps) assert_equal(steps[expected_sentence1], step_list.step_1) assert_equal(steps[expected_sentence2], step_list.step_2)
def test_replacing_step(): """ Test registering a different step with the same sentence. """ def func1(): """First function to register as a step.""" pass def func2(): """Second function to register as a step.""" pass steps = StepDict() # This has to be more than re._MAXCACHE; currently 100 on Python 2.7 and # 512 on Python 3.5 step_count = 1024 sentence = "sentence {0}".format # Register some steps for num in range(step_count): steps.load(sentence(num), func1) # Register the same steps again for num in range(step_count): steps.load(sentence(num), func2) # func2 should have replaced func1 everywhere for num in range(step_count): assert_matches(steps, sentence(num), (func2, (), {}))
def test_unload_reload(): """ Test unloading and then reloading the step. """ def step(): # pylint:disable=missing-docstring pass steps = StepDict() # Load steps.step(r'My step (\d)')(step) assert_matches(steps, "My step 1", (step, ('1',), {})) # Members added to step by registering it # pylint:disable=no-member # Unload step.unregister() assert_no_match(steps, "My step 1") # Should be a no-op step.unregister() assert_no_match(steps, "My step 1") # Reload steps.step(step.sentence)(step) assert_matches(steps, "My step 1", (step, ('1',), {}))
def test_StepDict_raise_StepLoadingError_if_first_argument_is_not_a_regex(): """ aloe.STEP_REGISTRY.load(step, func) should raise an error if step is not a regex """ steps = StepDict() with assert_raises(StepLoadingError): steps.load("an invalid regex;)", lambda: "")
def test_StepDict_load_a_step_return_the_given_function(): """ aloe.STEP_REGISTRY.load(step, func) returns func """ steps = StepDict() def func(): # pylint:disable=missing-docstring return "" assert_equal(steps.load("another step", func), func)
def test_StepDict_can_extract_a_step_sentence_from_function_name(): """ aloe.STEP_REGISTRY.extract_sentence(func) parse func name and return a sentence """ steps = StepDict() def a_step_sentence(): # pylint:disable=missing-docstring pass assert_equal("A step sentence", steps.extract_sentence(a_step_sentence))
def test_StepDict_can_extract_a_step_sentence_from_function_doc(): """ aloe.STEP_REGISTRY.extract_sentence(func) parse func doc and return a sentence """ steps = StepDict() def a_step_func(): """A step sentence""" pass assert_equal("A step sentence", steps.extract_sentence(a_step_func))
def test_StepDict_can_load_a_step_from_a_function(): """ aloe.STEP_REGISTRY.load_func(func) append item(step, func) to STEP_REGISTRY """ steps = StepDict() def a_step_to_test(): # pylint:disable=missing-docstring pass steps.load_func(a_step_to_test) assert_matches(steps, "A step to test", (a_step_to_test, (), {}))
def test_StepDict_can_load_a_step_composed_of_a_regex_and_a_function(): """ aloe.STEP_REGISTRY.load(step, func) append item(step, func) to STEP_REGISTRY """ steps = StepDict() def func(): # pylint:disable=missing-docstring return "" step = "a step to test" steps.load(step, func) assert_matches(steps, step, (func, (), {}))
def test_unload_reload(): """ Test unloading and then reloading the step. """ def step(): # pylint:disable=missing-docstring pass steps = StepDict() # Load steps.step(r"My step (\d)")(step) steps.step(r"Another step (\d)")(step) assert_matches(steps, "My step 1", (step, ("1", ), {})) assert_matches(steps, "Another step 1", (step, ("1", ), {})) # Members added to step by registering it # pylint:disable=no-member # Unload step.unregister() assert_no_match(steps, "My step 1") assert_no_match(steps, "Another step 1") # Should be a no-op step.unregister() assert_no_match(steps, "My step 1") assert_no_match(steps, "Another step 1") # Reload steps.step(r"My step (\d)")(step) assert_matches(steps, "My step 1", (step, ("1", ), {}))
def test_StepDict_can_load_a_step_from_a_function(): """ aloe.STEP_REGISTRY.load_func(func) append item(step, func) to STEP_REGISTRY """ steps = StepDict() def a_step_to_test(): # pylint:disable=missing-docstring pass steps.load_func(a_step_to_test) expected_sentence = re.compile("A step to test", re.I | re.U) assert_in(expected_sentence, steps) assert_equal(steps[expected_sentence], a_step_to_test)
def test_StepDict_can_load_a_step_composed_of_a_regex_and_a_function(): """ aloe.STEP_REGISTRY.load(step, func) append item(step, func) to STEP_REGISTRY """ steps = StepDict() def func(): # pylint:disable=missing-docstring return "" step = "a step to test" steps.load(step, func) step = re.compile(step, re.I | re.U) assert_in(step, steps) assert_equal(steps[step], func)
def test_StepDict_can_exclude_callable_object_when_load_steps(): """ aloe.STEP_REGISTRY.load_steps(obj) don't load callable objets in STEP_REGISTRY """ steps = StepDict() class NoStep(object): """A class defining something that's not a step.""" class NotAStep(object): """A callable which isn't a step.""" def __call__(self): pass no_step = NoStep() steps.load_steps(no_step) assert not steps
def test_StepDict_can_exclude_callable_object_when_load_steps(): """ aloe.STEP_REGISTRY.load_steps(obj) don't load callable objets in STEP_REGISTRY """ steps = StepDict() class NoStep(object): """A class defining something that's not a step.""" class NotAStep(object): """A callable which isn't a step.""" def __call__(self): pass no_step = NoStep() steps.load_steps(no_step) assert len(steps) == 0
def test_StepDict_can_load_steps_from_an_object(): """ aloe.STEP_REGISTRY.load_steps(obj) append all obj methods to STEP_REGISTRY """ steps = StepDict() class LotsOfSteps(object): """A class defining some steps.""" def step_1(self): # pylint:disable=missing-docstring pass def step_2(self): """Doing something""" pass step_list = LotsOfSteps() steps.load_steps(step_list) assert_matches(steps, "Step 1", (step_list.step_1, (), {})) assert_matches(steps, "Doing something", (step_list.step_2, (), {}))
def test_StepDict_can_exclude_methods_when_load_steps(): """ aloe.STEP_REGISTRY.load_steps(obj) don't load exluded attr in STEP_REGISTRY """ steps = StepDict() class LotsOfSteps(object): """A class defining some steps.""" exclude = ["step_1"] def step_1(self): # pylint:disable=missing-docstring pass def step_2(self): """Doing something""" pass step_list = LotsOfSteps() steps.load_steps(step_list) assert_no_match(steps, "Step 1") assert_matches(steps, "Doing something", (step_list.step_2, (), {}))
def test_unload_reload(): """ Test unloading and then reloading the step. """ def step(): # pylint:disable=missing-docstring pass class StepDefinition(object): """A step definition object to match.""" sentence = 'My step 1' steps = StepDict() # Load steps.step(r'My step (\d)')(step) assert len(steps) == 1 assert steps.match_step(StepDefinition) == (step, ('1', ), {}) # Members added to step by registering it # pylint:disable=no-member # Unload step.unregister() assert len(steps) == 0 # Should be a no-op step.unregister() assert len(steps) == 0 # Reload steps.step(step.sentence)(step) assert len(steps) == 1 assert steps.match_step(StepDefinition) == (step, ('1', ), {})
def test_unload_reload(): """ Test unloading and then reloading the step. """ def step(): # pylint:disable=missing-docstring pass class StepDefinition(object): """A step definition object to match.""" sentence = 'My step 1' steps = StepDict() # Load steps.step(r'My step (\d)')(step) assert len(steps) == 1 assert steps.match_step(StepDefinition) == (step, ('1',), {}) # Members added to step by registering it # pylint:disable=no-member # Unload step.unregister() assert len(steps) == 0 # Should be a no-op step.unregister() assert len(steps) == 0 # Reload steps.step(step.sentence)(step) assert len(steps) == 1 assert steps.match_step(StepDefinition) == (step, ('1',), {})